l ti N% p A THL ETE lirib r and ale"t. ne fainons B~il pénuock abtuod ît4 bJu= nihandha* ii p u ta tta be hoped he *111 atây ont, bâi fJJe liko hlm ge*era4tu mm Upý ApeouIIar thi a b.. oticed ln froût of Ward'fu-itc cierepafet, *iop. Taki ~are workiig steadlly and systemattcally ~ ~ E bote, each with a piece of- Wood- as cus ciA.yer'sPilth large as itself, drop tbemn out and re- ytt s et ln good working turn for more, There is quite a littie rderanda mn beinsto eel pile on the ground at the foot of the trüe an a mn bginsto eel pole like sawdtieî. bat life is worth livingý. He An uged resident of the town died 7A ~ho ias ecoe th grauai on Saturday last in the person of Wm. who as ecom th graual Townserîd. at the west end. Deceased irey of constipation, does not wat in his 9oth year. He was a native of Cumberland, Englancl, and came to ealize the friction under which this country at an early egy, settling i ie labors, until the burden Is Toronto. t-e alterwards moved the87 Scott and resided there about forty Durlng teYear 197 ifted from him. Trhen lus years. beng weil known in aIl parts of!o ulpriuuaseavrsmns pltt :nountaiii5 sink into mole- t he township. He was a staunch Re- Pralmtclr e dsllftrPît former and neyer missed a vote. H e LEVER BRUS, LTD.. 23 8MOTT81., TORUTO is, bis moroseness gives survived his wife flfteen years. His paeto jolity, lue is a happy only daughtcr was'the ate Mrs Martin ryn fo Ra. 1'dace ~Pirt. and lis only living descrndantsPryn fo Ri. juan again. If life does not are his grandsons, Dr Wm Pirt o! Bar- rie, Mir E A Pirt o!ft'xbridge, and one Day by day the villagers in MorocCO seem worth living to you, you great grandchild. He was a member -men, wornen and children-left their may take à very diflerent view o! the church of England. thatch huts aud visited the tombs of fi ~the local saints. crying, -God have of it after taking KARKEAU mercy uyon us; God have mercy upon Mr Harliness, horse dealer, of Toronto, nis !- And there on the his, where Pb made extensive purchases o! thorough- some ctumps of palmetto and a few brhd mares and geldinge' [roui isoine of wtitened stones mark the last resting th tbrodrng tepuit wek, Thaney a place of a saint, the y stood and prayed, for export te the English and Scotch SBu etow came, rseingl A LAME BAOK. markets. Peter Boynt.on of Dollar, soîd ate tnd eopl te adreed i gstaa two well bred ishire mares, Moere Johu attindtdb the squsard fls that Bell, o! Amber, WilliamIP»4get, Button- hutng in .ptheqelondtmawn O)NE 0F TRE MOST PAINFUL 0F ville Aloi Muirhead s.nd M lfred Mlanout opa.U helnnr MALAIES.MAmoreaux, one each of the Clydeadalu Street of Tangier they passed, a ifle of MALAIES.breed, ail of which Mere a credit to the white robed figures. singing as tbey several breeders, and considering the went. Over their heads waved the Mr PterMilar Bfleed or Yars an re ech of them realized a good round scarlet and green and gold embroider- E ertetdwith Many Medicînes «rgure. ed banners. Baeot hywet he ExperinetedBef ore Magstrates Wilson, Wales and great men of the citv, and the merh Before Findlng aCue T H Speight in the Town Hall, blonday ants. and tne hait and the btifid. out From the Brockvllle Recorder. if ternoon and evel:ng Wm Piseborough across the wlde sok betweefl the aloe Perhaps no prettiAr place je te be seein wîs charged with assault and battery on hedges o! the cerneteries, until the nOnao han st Newmants noper ook Everette Wisrner, said ssault and bat- town was left deserted and solitary, in Oti idat Oaal At this Station tery takinsg place on the sideroadi between Then .they went up the rough paved for ah quReroa etr rsideau Mr.l.lots 15 and 10, con 8 on the evoning o! track that liads to the tomb o! Tan- Poeer ktillar, who duritg that period aot- Ju'ty mlat. The fight wu ocaion2 bY ier's patron saint-Sidi Moha'mmed el ed Mn ti.epot fIe an d wap th, îpplcation by Wisnier cf a fouI Haj-untit the procession was hid from perhaps the boat known man on the epîthet to Riseborough and the verdict sight among the lentiscus and wild canal. Mr Mi!lar in now a reaidpnt cf of $5 and cnse.made a total of 121 olives and naught could be seen of it M rrovlt, ain rtre roiactive and wau Optiona,.l with two menths n j3îl but every now and again a peep of Merf.. ile To av o re den f tero The fine was paid, but we underst.and an sm waing ban ner, And the wn Rit ha related the floigeprec appeat wilt be made te quash the con- went rudt h east and btew hotter "-For many yeare I was trouhled with a v %c'ion and that other cases will b. enter than vranth drought increased. lm akwhich gave me great Pain at ed by Rieeborough.-Sul. Tevfae fth e and theer i Itiaad d:fe e 'lot1cf 46 Oficine butthe country grew more and more ead, founedd itIerne rie f Tuee sbguotTforbuger already gnawed at their foun litle r n reief.Theéprng o ot hearts, and the f u;ure-tttey dared not 1855 à i aîeisling Kgieting out ice K e I 01.11f't he1prc awba't n one day wbeu I feli. sometbing s nap or K eepup lenkoi tTeaicEery aitertno Rive wmy in my back, and it waes &rea Ç Fj.rn edby4hepasa te oww.te1-eo time betore i could etraigbten myself n u -. pIL ~ iiISUL le by te pahaou t ybeowteand I now becaina s0 bad tht when I laid ppsin ed ut e hot epr wy, baret m down 1 wu@ unîble te rise without asmt-t çp~. ~ V ign.bu i o at idbc h tuas, and I fully mada Up my mind tht Sm1J.iLLLui flags to and fr0 as if in laughter andi 1 bad becoma a chronio invalid. and scora. The totirists saici the proces- never expetted tio eae a wall day ag ain DW01;7ht are you r U "Cr sion was very pretty and orienti, aÃd A cupe f eee fter MY bîok lh-d ai- for the, summer? H e they hoped it would pass the windows A otulelf gven eut,?IHsavehy anof the hotel as long as they staid. But article in e piper tRiat Dr. williams, artn abufidanCe of helth stowed one day a stili, hot silence reigneci Iink Pille had cureti a perROn îroubled y for the l L.ê, Sehot, . over thie land, and the flage o! thie pro- gimiltrly, and I inmediately sent and away og Aa cession cluing, as if in fear, t te poles rcrda bx te test theni. Before I ing days, or doest=Summe &An and Dot a breath of wind stirred. Far adwi'bat strebo s e rn ek ce : naway from the town one coulci hearthe w'bt trngr e irotlÃà fiebitsyou 10W inVitalitYP r c own, singing o! the people as they prayed. more and by the tine theY were nie de1 oIngfeh n kSot fondmsâft nplalely oureti. Suie oI ng fl»e.0,aari .ea? Sotte Cigarettes, EVERYWHER_...g4. - OLD GOLD Mail ................ ........ 4:2OPm Mlxsda To Lindsay ....... :.......686 P m 00V!, O sOUT10 Mlxed Prom Lindsay ........... 887 arm DOMINION BANK. capital Pald up, $ 1,5000000 i e Whitby à Ageuoye General Banking Businoa Tre.nsated. type, vith high, siff, moderately CUAMSIVIO8DEAEMET fatl, box toc. A man-of-fasbion shoc. 'lnteres elowed at ihlgbet enrimt raies.i LAced-Buttoned-~CoflgtU-OKford. Black, Tran, onttiof wthdmraltoe<lif* Seal Brown, Carmine or Winc Color. Hial i stuE 3. THOINTON, sto 1. Widths A. to E. Goodyar Welt. Mml 3 0 , 4 0 0 , 5 -0 0 -S. p d o * F A I R B A N K S Face 66T ë ZSi>ater Shoe.e" Real, E8tate Column.ï Small Prime House &d Lot, 'corner et M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGEN'T FOR WITBT. Obld eTlreets , htb.WI1h RO ATST HOUSZ-Ot> Av4m g5, tl HENIt? ISiM dkS., u'ebso wnls "On. 4 my hIido n aide hor ad hç vas~ ~ ~~~~d biatnlnnat piot;tipi c.adre ana, 1 w.tn ws~n tenet a, nt n ii outhdy a.va toscol sILiaL Ibaa lo rveiIbdti f = _at1 oiid north wird, wRlt ho sold cheaP. Cheîp. À fine two aOri brick housm *Itl,brIck stables. Bltuited On rlpe. Whltbye the fnO roî7is tet l b towfl, wlîbln îue nn*e eheîeo eStes,. There c ir .lt fit lbs entrance on two streets, Rouie lua serfs< repair. For pirtlcuiires p#ly to L. FAIRBAP<ICS Red BRetate, Agent, "ilby . VIN# VIOBORt and VITALITr R~E Al- tige rom the wondrfti inao As the ma"»* Ofruit .sud Pm saUa shieveti by Dr. Willam&' Pink PIls. ai o svuivrq.siostU Aek yonr dealer for tiri AOe ma. tua rwemwib ulo n cotrou;., Thête Pilleate mannfatUiti 'dby tbe Honor roll o! Raglan public s blesome remed...és r e mo é* Dr"'s' eili enay Brook- <tM IV, Sen, *m Rose, Atri r u *ge ta' u ville, Ontario, anud Sohsunee.Ndy-, R ~ose, CharRie Smith. inn. Augu. 'la a"P" otyo aflo and are omo Iin uboxes 'b"1409 theAngle, Flossie Smith. AIex Ormi.lso. fmn'atrae & 9 &dveApper, ite 40 Cixs II1. Luchla Strelp ayhm osaté a box, or six, boxes for 62-50. dem, EditÈ Cou ch. CtasaIL. Edua ejutw#p6b4U*i~ Tbey oeay b.ban WMMl eMY Dwsen. oi . a RoM e, Kat m~&,M a> will be sent by Imail on re.elpt ot pries.Dw v« ~ Uie<plin Dr. WOU&='s Pi3k BU?0s Ay e a He1en Harden, AWei Mogfr*.Pat wbà « a»sbà d4I of &U drugglos or dîreot by niait rom 1e. Cl ama Rcosejobua Martn. & tpw t b Dr. William.' PLdio eCoMputiv rom Mr' Lke un., Luther amnt0 g» et <-S~ eibr~drs.The prW e t l*lhtue Mer M pille are sohtinime anure n ma.. ubetu rIf&m utent eompsratlv*Wiu.ipêfa.dive asë eo00pind ith other r"mdiet or tmediesla *treatiflelil, to I Whfte Ooo o ats. l[ste naeo t the adPant«lgW of roiubt - s» 4,, à d rpeky tamd tse as caant often b. èr ct over vr, tblbly oghitifted, théel ü )t:se molis p*u ra tt.b. 1,1.a0ie *Wh1itle e -r ie* It 1.5MM61o b.a U IE$ ulta o1[i~* hiob UDUlOStS li a ti t. ovo*Wwee.r i a aalrbs Iits Mots, y= CA PoRA Pole Packtge e1Gjê*RETTES, 5 ots. Per Package ",Arlstocrat" The shape for siender fet and styish dre. Sraight sided American Âflwo~V to~4t lsoilwL 0 ca4e mu*~ ou, SUAn 1" W. ÂVLY 8iebtioût osiwuot 101odop, alliiwà y frime Table ioo£Flb TRUNq Â1<D M1DLA14D TEÂu1s Gozzo wE5TIWÂnD. No 1 Express Daily Mlail .... 5-0 am- No. à 1,Local, except BundaY .... 8:50 aà r No 18 Pasienger si - .... 2.88 p n No: 1, kBipreds, Mail daUly ......8-60 p z ToRAINS 001ff0 ASTWBD 3 o.6Epresse dally, excepi Sun .. 8:04 am IlNo. 4 Express, fi do s 9:57 aà n Ne. 14, Pase r " 8:08 p m No. 81,= fLoo fi" 4# 6:17 p m No, 2, Express, Mail. dall.... 10:08 Pr MIDLAIND DIVISION ý surplut $10500000 1