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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1897, p. 1

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O.XLI. WHI1TBY, ONTÂBRIO, FRIDAX J'ULY 28, 1897.1 FRESH GROUNO PURE PA RIS GREENe Pure ln8eot Powder. Churohe's Inseot Powder In BuIk and 10c. Tins. A. H. ALUIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST. WHITBY, ONTARIO.1 WINDMILLS -A ND- WIRE FENCE.1 1 --010- SeUs the Genuine ÂER- MOTOR of Chicago, a.nd the Keteleman Wirm Fonce 1 ntending punchasers aboulti examine Ibis rnilli before placlng their aider. Do not let an agent put au imitation ou yau vhen you con get the Genulue Aet'nutai, thoroughly galvaiilzed, anti varrsanced, for leau maney. More oi these mille soIt in Canada ta-day thati any othen maite. The Aenmator Ca. claim tboy seil one halt the number ai vint- miii outftcusult inluthe vorîi, aI the preseut tinte. Ail styles of Wood anti Iran Pumpe for sale. Any information regardIng these autfiis willi be freely given by writiug ta Feb 7, t8q7--6mo. GRO. ALLIN, W H IT5Y. WiSTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Whitby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Eoq., President; Reuben S. Htamln Esq ,Vice- Pros.; W F Cowan, Esq., *. F. Allen, Esq., J. A. Gib- sion, Esq., RobtMclntosh, M.D., Thos lalterson, Eaq. T H McMllun .................Cashier GeneraI Bauklng Business îrniscted. Drafts ismuoti, payable lu alparts of Can &da, Unitedi States, snd au Landau, Euig- land, payable lunal prtIs of Europe. 3%6 per cent. allowed ou Savingi Banke Depasîts snd croditoti hall yearly. Special attention to collection o Farinerao' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Biauch. WT ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL VMenoura Wotnen to travel for e sponsibte ostablisheti boue lu Ontario. SalarY $780, p.yable $95 veetely sud ex- penses. Positiun permanent. Reference. Enclose self-itdressed tam peti envelope. Tht National, Star Building , Chcago.- 17 &8i Establiahed 1849. Mabeand Granite Woîks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. LOCAL NEWS LOCALNEWSLETTERS.e COuansoLuCoaazvsPoD5zI PUIRT Flany Mr. J no. Grogg ls home foana short holiday. Miss Thomai, teacher, là home foc ber vacation. Mn, joseph Blgelov la home fan a rest sud holiday. Miss Gilpiri af Ubrige, la a guemt rnt Miss Brooks. Mrs. E. Contlîn lu conftuedt t ber roota by serinus illness. Mn. W. H-. Letcher, cf Welland, la renev. lng old acquaintances ln town. Harry Paterson, of Milatit, la visltlug Mr. N. F. Patersont and famiiy in towu. Miss Annie Roborts, vho bas been very il] for over îwo veeks, lu nov convalescent. Mn. and Mrs. Utlin, cf Buflala, sud Miss Lîizie Goode are vlsitlng Mns. Jas. Goode. Mn. and Mrs. Eastman Wallace. cf Linti- tay. wtt-e visitons at Mn. E. Conkilus Sun- day and Monday. Mrs. Armstrong,. of Bath, la vlalllug ber daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Mellaw. Rev R Whtemnan occupied the pulpit cf the preabytenlan chutch ln Broatelîn lait sabbat h. Mn. Chas. Thorn, VS., vllb friontis voe guests of Mrs. A. M, Rat on Tuestisy andi W ednosday of this veete. Dled, ln the 2nti connaf Reach. ou the î3th mast., Ellon jane Brown, daugbten cf the late Robt Brown, in hen 49th year. Tht iretmtn have cbangod the date anti place of their excursions. It takes place ou civic holiday, Augusti îxth, to Peterboro. Several American vîsîtois are vlsitlng finonda ln town, aftor haviug atienddt ie great epworih league convention lun'Toronto. Alfred Ftetcher, vho has been assistant poalmaster for somne time, base tateen anothen poitioin in Toronto. Poslmaaler Bumubam s daughter is uow assistant. Rev D N McCamnus, Mi anti Mrs Biabin, Miss A Brown, Misa L Poarse andi Miss M Parrlsh were in sîtendauce se the Epvorth Lague convention ln Tornot ant veete. ht la reportet that ane Umbnige butai ou the :aîh of july toute in s1500 in caah, anti and&another hotel ln Bowmanville 812oo the saine day. Who aays the limes are bard Mesura. H. Bratbvslte, W. AndersonL. Hall, andi J. Goudy wheebed ta Oshawa last Sunday, ail reîurning in the evenlng except W. Anderson, vho vent ta Cobourg anti iother lovus s oaalfor bis holiays. M ra Joseph Baacom vith a lady frienti af Port Huron ane vliting frienda in town anti vicinity. Alter au absence cf oven 18 years Mrs Bascamsasys thore are many changes ant iImprovemreusin l Port Penny. Dieti, at Brocteville, ou the 8th imut., N V Mallori', age<I 58 yeara. Deceasoti ived in ibis tovO nmre yesrs aiga ant ilie a rosi- dont vas leader af the band. As a neigh- bon anti citizen the laie N V Mallary vaa re- apecteti andti Ileoiby ail wvba matie hies n quaintanco. It vas vllh regret that the many finonda <'f Mi Jas Wanfnlk, Wbtby-wbo vas a resi dent cf Ibis tavu on mauy years-heard of the denîh af Mrs Worfolte lait veete, and sin- cire sympathy les uIt fer Mn Worlolk and the throo mothenleas utile chîltinen iu their ati ben«evment. The metooIlt Sabbaih School hadti heir aunouai oeursion ta Washburn Islandi an Wetinestiay. The union excursion cf the pneabyterian, baptlat anti cburcb of ascen. sion Sabbath achools vîlI have thohr annual excursion ta tbe above meuilneti, resorl ont Tuesday 27tb mast.. The resuits anti standing ai tise midsun- mon promotion examinstion cf divisions 2. 3, 4 , s.anti 6, of eur public achool vere iu 1 the local papers iltvoiS. The boys antid girla voee agen ta aee ubat tiseir standingI vwu andi voie hlghby ploaset i vtithtie aum- bon cf marks recelveti by cacb one.. Que man lu towu bas lte You1kou oIM foyer baci sud eau hsrtly coutain imeolf vbau ho roada lu the dally pressaof te fahu- loua (?) sinount of ney matie lu a ev mauths by îiioa wbo bavebeen Iu ibat froten countv7, l reatis very ulceli'on paper; are tibase repotisail tino? A meeting of thse bannets mateer of tis tevu vas helti ute 14th imat fOr th. Pur' pose of orgaatmîug s basohal lub. Thea naineofaIthe club Io, iMaàle 'LeaeL" lbe afBicers are :-Hon Pies.,rTCoouico;Prie,ý W Beatty - Vice Pros., R MGî;Mng~ J Braver; Sec. w tsnt;T ss, Raines; Comruîttee., j Brafmnot, Htaas B Joues, L F ,oci. Tho MeMbOIa offut "Maplo Les! ase1liClub" uimded au, invitat" o attey «gM o f titi b o Jolu theo club.1 *1011 Georg e tbatter iUado bis tavu on bMan"ai'and MA ti day mulng, fur Llsdsy. %Bi Poisnvus bore b bau (aIle suc a! aney ad pet It At per doy, Ituspent tleu $3 0~ sud tboa hati ta *lrt a41» culiulg bats for a lveloit Gboienla atrurao0(tb on wehumotibas a.# saj bfod lthe ItAff isu'Ib tlài Ihasmo ssvi57 ebum a"t viiimonbaie 4imb th sud *du b Ive tod. l Raloew Immo'la* os s TO $25. The ?robieui solved. People- am findist ont titte furui a nera snd save titans13 to $os ai tec arir, rtagng(mm a cboap coMÀ ta, a flac lcnlatt bt. Wlsy te it ? We aretsffled Witt a livînt profit Tie deati ca bhoburled la aa pjproltt baibecu sud h nov cbargsd Ostel art ýof uaertukem .OurIt e CASKETWAGO;N in otadloouty Mi. Hugit Petty, tea@her, luIornoe for the hall. M n.rui? Beel, vb aIov rwtsbing at Mou téret. là spendimg a 1ev tiys ýIth bis M téêLisai Spencer, of Brocoensd Mimn Malel)vldso, of Ambburn, vers vlaitng At jaet»UwIbo' ibeBrt oftht e ee. iru etu tg tti:vshave board oalleà field ai kbralh faim of Mr. James MOMOIlan A 1 ' 11attend is requeet thebm aVoftb eaueon'fild Maiveîg noxitas thei do7m 1. viobv oinedu g îb. <uth gconvention at Toroato-are epeotadt tareport Tht êsV.. Rubsu Stilvellpeaeed lulte meth 'Odbî uroh ou Suuday Uhanlu at.It la »vei$t l ue os bu bas dthis, his native vdasge# and bis aid friandis ad sebolm t« vers *la of the privilege aifseelg and b=u9 hlmx atlas mare. S" ôyosatagaoui village vas amous or tite numW l*i s oburchos, Choie belug ta lois chan fout, *hkdh foraî place afiIts mimavas smmelg beyoud tits ardiniry, The churohes as titsUme ves0 t ii ative metiit, Canada metita dist, cburofo Engiauti, andi preibyteian., The metboàdist union Cloud oesoaithe tmethodist chute. 8i, and the Cburcb of E*glandi, wvii vas ILvevery trong founti It impossible throuqh the nemavil ae everal cf its boitop' porti ta sustala a pascor anti as a consqec ttis Me oChurcit basbien Cloudtifor soin. years, îo foi soae ime ibers bas been but tie tva churcbes holding service. But nov It appears as If weaie ta have the olti number establiabed once mare. Mn. Rosa, the pastor Ci theabaptlst chuncit at Umbnldgi, basfoi the lait Ccv veetes becu holding meetings lu the Temperance Hall on Frïday evéolugs wbsc bhave been welI attend- ad, aud nov it la annoucceti by posters the Rev. Mr. Reid,. aima of Uxbritigo, la ta roopen the Enghiit hcbnh nem Suda y aferan, theoser- vice 90 commence et 4a'0010M . The tnual meeting ai the methodus: Sunday achool vas bid on Tuuods' oeaomlg of lait ve the bh.asement of the churçit. Foi the luit tweive voau the scitoal bas beau Maaged on a soit of 11fieceantieasy plan," every icholar aund supporter bavibxgan equal say tu tiinlg the ofleeS su an y otber busiess la oonnuctbu viti # cb ahuo, Md te diffret pestais vbo have adoChargioft iîrcuit la tItis tinté, thnd- lag0 , ab tse p"-a vorked wvel"danti tlfatory 1(illtbqigh t s'otiaoty sccoidlig ta the strict disclpbne a!thse ctUrah) viseyo maay thitte. deed*5o ltê ttie sttg conduiltions severeiy aianei Et it it» sieeroci-lo fns naroit a genenal reorgacisadt, bu l1a ohiav d wnt ut a decid bytb& qtlrter board tbst theSaday school>boutdbehi manage d rilns :odusdl lg4 iraik t*,uis ah. ostrol lu té ,nbu i s few, imdft *s as, thi t lismoulusinde the, Decoraion services wvo ie ltilait 1lrlday eyenins. A gaodiy nmber of lte nembeis of the differenit lodges lu tcvii preceeded hi' the Enfieid brama boud, wended tbeir wy tie tihe Plue Grave crnnetery, vhere ail tb. graves of -the deorteti membpris vere de- corated vîit fiowuring plaute. 'Appropriti services vers .couductied over eitgiav vbilo sultable hymns vere alto. &uns# ho' sides music (rom thei baud. Tbe BurgisisKaov Detecîlve Cocltburu, af the G.T.R., told a Toronto Woîld reporter that the notorlocis Albtrt W MeLeau, vba escapeti (rom police headquarteîs Taranto, lait week, sud Ma-, laney and Clark lu aLrie jait, oie the bunglars dolng an much rsldlugc, and are no doubt htbbrgiars vbo robbed Cuits' ae, etc.' He further said ho "bati abundance of evideuce igainit McLean sud the athen tva of crimes commîtteti lu the last four weeks, boy tbey hati cotmîtteti burgiarietsaIncea mouîh ago ln Port Perry anti aloug the Mid- band ancd Northern tilvays."1 Plcicansd Prsoiena Ou Wodnesdsy ifiernoon af lait week aven one hundroti membora cf the Baud cf Hopo viîh a numben cf thelr parents sud frinli, asmembleti lu Mn C Tayiar'a grave for their annual outlug ant i pcnie. The lit- tde tolite enioyed themacîves ta their beorts' content in different games. Before the time came for baskets Mis McCamus calleti the company ta order and made an apfpropnialo stidreis, speaklng very hlghly o tho good wore doue by the presidout lu the Baud of Ho e , alten which Mesdames Allen andi Hall presented Mms C j Peanco wlth a beau- tiful sîlven dlote andi silver fruit spoon, andi was alan crowned wlîh s proîty wreatb cf roses Mrs Pearce madle a fitting reply andi thankoti the donors very gratefully for the hancliote premeuli. Alten tis ceremoc vas aven eue hundrd neud ten lively lads anti lassies &et dowu toa a eautîfuli proati ou ibm grass ; ibus onded oue cf th. beat p cicm athat wai evor helti by thei Pont Penry Baud af Hope. Baturday ugtclou4ng. The towu clergymen are endoavotiug ta gbet Ihe merchautsanmd tradom.men ta close t elr-atones aheaai 9.0t mouSaturdsy uights. Soin. of bm claim îbey caunot do it as people vtll buy until toand i i ou Sat' ut-day eveuiugs. If the morchants really vantet t close, aIl that ls neceisari' vould be ta close ibelr respectlon places aitsaY. or 9.30 andi people vpuld seau ni out aun do thoîr trading ln gbodtime. B ut what Is the neeti of aolicltlng ai gnatures etc. Thon. are anme people lu tblî vonîid vho Imag- lue tbey viii have ou a ebraut i wth a pacteet lu It and take 4beir wealtb wlth îhem wben ibey die. Soeoîmes sucb people foot themielves badly. How allen mon lu business wonk so bard and so lite on Saturday nlghts that wheu Sunday men- ingcomnes they aro mc tîreti that thoyceu- nat gel up lu cime ta go te chuîch ant in u ad are tireti ail day Sontiav for the extra voîte c hey diti the day previous. 8AO@KLINMr. Claie. Th"y e b tau excellent tinte, grmat Mis Payhie of Toronto la vlsiting beralistercovubon 7poe~ Mns A Robert». Report$ (rom -ou fdet ln l Wabagaon ara. Fly Poins, istick piper and Insect powder quiet encoursglng. M 1y belngio gatbered et Holiday Bras,: nul quit. ao fast leIsojc up l'it ih C- lutubia, but acco ung ta t reports fast onougb Elle ad Lillain Holliday are vlîltlng witbh to satlsty the average monoy welker. We cou- MIss Lick of Oshawa. gratulate our (riends an the lilellbood cf choir Miss Lent Bier of Brougham. vlsited ber becoflog weaitby. slstei. Mrs J Allun this week. .1 . Te vory sati Inteligence rescheti Kinsale on Mr Peter Me balrinid of Plckeîing, whosei Tuesday of this week of the death of Mr. Me- toast rau say wltbh hm and kiltled hlmaon , Dorit, bis teain runulug ew&Y wlth the mowei Tuesday, lived on the farta now occupled white cuitlng grass. cauuiug aimait lnstautaneaus by Mr T Mannitig, about *5 years ago. death. 14a usoti ta livt lu this viclitiy and wus Tho .T.R secionmon rom iro enta mani who doservuidly roceived the respedl of bis The a ,tte atonng f rway mo n t mauy ftiands. We extend the sympatfi' of hie teatn aP e g0 alwymnmtefrieuds a.ronud -iina ta the uuw bereaveti bld fakreveilteg their laie roud- master Mr. fmiy Ferguson, who haro butu romoved ta Lon- don. 1A OS8 ln reporting the Ilit of succeosul candi- Miss Lillau Mari là vlsltzng relatives lu sa- dates e the recent entrante examination field. hold it Whltby the tcrne af Miss MKaud De-. o ZwBans, North Bay, la sponding hls half- long frons Brooktin tchad waa omllîed. tisys her&. 9h. tonir a standing of 48s. Alter a long aud todicus Illus Master Walter The. bay trop lu turnlng out well and the smîîb le improving, prospects cor a batiatiful grain crop weri Mr and Mm Juo Spence sud family are vlsit- nover botter. The dernand for harV'est lug at Mr W-Spencé'i. banda la unusually brisk bore and there are no 1dle men ta be found nt premeut. Mi aud Mis Chas Eweia, of OlioéuebMg are At the meeting of the Presbytery of Whll. viitlug et Mr Oaa Eweri. by heid at Bowrnanville on Tuesday lait, îî Master Goa Murray, Oshawa, là vtufitiug her won devlded ta hold the October meeting in wlîh his cousin, Master Noimao Stone.. Brookli. At tb. sanie time the annual caon. 'The. ey Mr MaCluug, vife aud son, Québec, vetîtinn of the yotzng peaple'.s scieties w!ll are Vlsltlng ber. tbis weok et rMi loistaid's. b. held here. Mrs McCluag le a mliter of Misrdý s. Meurns Bennett of Markhsm, and Richard. Congiatulaions ta MWii Uns Wordeu for ion of Kiniale, have docided go estabîîsh a hsving caken snch a prominent> position at the cash mai ket bore (ai the purchase of farm yrecent entrante emmmi. hetît at Port Pupy. produce. Tbey wil h o hro next Thuraday Mesrs W F Dobson sud D P Ragerman *gh inst, and ragularly on thàt day of the have treated thei reàidmmcasta' à out àcf paet. week for the future. They hope ta do a big Mr W Tremteer, Port Peiiy, 41d thé yack business. Mrs John Wilis.oavtobbo emliving bar- Mn A Huesan wus badly hurt on Friday 10g the fast year wlth ber sont Mr D'Cbriatie, at yfclng (rom a laad of hay. iei. soulder Raglan, rotume t oti ab hnom ser.lait*ves wax badly burt sud bis bead cut. It la Very D McLean Io nov owusfoetaby u îtldlahis fnrtunate his necte vas not brokcen an this nov home, 1JUh leafti Iymprovlug the. samn it os'sily have bappenod wlth the (aitliho byltng tcDaMLt, ih rao b.Ilt will b. meveral vooka before bo la fi c dog thé vark, Sgein ablç tao go b ie WOik. Oe acout of lte iult attendddS e t th aS. The selendid showlug made hi' the pupils O.T. Iodge eaeb veste tivisico'0neti u guin af the Brouklin echool et theoeneutotranc, Must untîl the.lit rdsy ulght la Sept The exainîlo l pîtiulalygrâtfy*gto al n-'embois viii kladiy beai titis lu mind. vhoý tre laitereeted ln ou: scademy. Ouly' John Wordeu, ai Ana Arbor, Mich.. 18la-vis». oneothor sçbooJ outoide of(the Sownapaum o g hoe vhb his parents. Ho came the met of as mauy, and of the tour echolarahîps given dti way au bis wbeol.ýWe c'ngrtïUate lb tvQ, came ta Brooklu. No -botter rosult upen sucemsfail y àwsmn bsroeatxm na. cotd aebeeà .xpectedt snd w. heartly lIéons se the utesya ibgn coagrtqlt. ie ddxy uiid liiipupils. i'emtty Mis Cb» hasTbtn.so vnt adi te Cotsnty judge Dartnoll hubld court lu tho e OvAIlloubtfonua.,vii». -shinkinet t lm-' coùneiloom bre -o - Tuesd&y lest tear provo aht«be ae tIce Wer sr OP #Als gr=m lb.Court af Revislon. Thi e em, Ita ib a *Vorie. 'er IMY ànf.yl'PP« eai etr*d vasone b y IRevJH Mone hm bi e ion hm tofler evr. ifaris e , ebclltn.ed <ttthéet.T ornai Mrs stoionlsng Ud duugIiunMis(udIQ-ý churcit Parsug staola BraokiIns -la et .01-Rayonna, evetblg ûr dno ste lest iexemput rota isesiuent.lthe court Of ýROIta.viit vthvaa;;;ssu i'g. f aot soi»Wi&tbu eiollnUd,' .Wu4td- A WcW*» V&-rdul * it n lana Vo~~ermna~ry oaer oao o 'u n'mb a it ~ida dme=s3 s F0 a Mr porter id vwdsltt u t w8 Erothure. Mi. jis no fble la ou isWay ta >1ng ýT16 landi. ifise LUa "sberareguruodt; tis City utMd mrA c *Ylor am, cmapluftAt seaertan. unm Oea Tbouapao laàmsovulng, vo are sw t. r. 7 J. 1I OtetM. aryp xMi& Mglbyzpo-a$Il~ ls iCooked -Cotr-ed' Beef,,Chipe WI, ýSmoIcedH*ns aand ,= (TnuyWolfotia Worksm4 imp- aid enea tuMARILE &ama qRANIT MONUMENT& ERtc.,of "h.luteas n'- MW Mi d desgas, ARl ki"i leaW i verk Oui vSk te neee& RE8IDENOE FOR 8ALFO pg.su01soiUO( fùla.aeasid k f. NO. 31 s, ( MI M b, vcoeg. Tise obaîrm noat itue cpour- îugr ailtnoits toubledti vtuiandte-.Meeting pnocioeded ta appoinîtbeaudn omte t havlng beendtooeita auaso o' laites voie by the dsiln ioni oe But thons vas mot ontrg cUesM A gront anti ater crowding asci, otiter Co tfm ttitn sometblng ovor à dmsà aitou piett vers left out lu the colti vîit steebcute iuittgta one aide vsi hW t business vis elog doue, or stoltg boume.Reportsasd noutlto busIness ce- -upied the. attention of tbe meeting fo« tome timo, then came the t ail iportaot tbteg; the olectklafnai oemi, Ilse lit on tho Ilit vas ouaruten .ut, tstaso congta* e i ciplicu el«tisgte oly one silovoit otnt medats for ltho ice"andihaprcodtit came lre that ho thougl t uti bu iabo at aCter sevonaballots wv 9maleUMitig o vas decbsnod lected tiB. ibdae 0 .bad of tise clatIe polutet Iotad~-gt udiiva decidedt taadjSurata u gliolii h oleotion ao Wedaoady eseIlg 9 h44- eu

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