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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1897, p. 4

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f -~ , 1 - o o ~o ~eved' JUMLI AUl Leal Eatlng Insecte. Churoh'8 Inseot Powder 10e. per Tin a.nd ini Bulke FRESB BROUNO BELLESURE. Fina Fn~i~hPals Green. J. E. WIL LIS, CEEMIST & DRUGGIBT, MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK EST., WHITBY. ït t (Î4r01ucIc. WHITBY, JULY 23, 1897. Short Notes. Tise trial o! tise poîlilon lu the North On tarie election case vil! toise place et Cal ulngteu on Sept..i 3th, before justices Stnci and Falconbridge. Tise trial of tise Eau Simcoe pettîon will taise place at Barrie os Monday, Aug. 23rd. Tise nov United States tarifi la now abou settled. Everythlug comlng frein Canadai 1usd nup te tise it, juat os vas te b.e e poctcd. Tise Amenîcaus soid Canada $6o 000,o00 lu goods last year, while Great Br tain only scld tise Dominion $3e,mo,ec Net content wvus about haif ofeour foreig trade tise Yankees-are bouud te squeeze u hall to deathi lto tue bargain. On anotiser page ve clip frein the Liudst Wstchmau a suggestion te tise Miniater Agriculture la regard te herse trottingi faire. Our cotein goos ou te show tisaI t preseut regulatieus do not admit of hori races tisai are conducted accordlag te ai code e! rulea for tisai lineofo!sport, eai i rias of !orfetiug goverument grnul. 01 Lindsay cotent. casîs soin. doubte on il wiedoau of abolishing tise agiculturai hor trot, as tisere cau b. ne rulea for bogue ru lug, and tise crovd le nôt aisnred o! fi value fer lis money; but as tisere en uething cIme peu mtted but bogue raclmuj speedint lu tise ring, tc.--tiscWatchu watshbe 1mw scisanged as 10 reed ti witiethere muâtt oune rsciag, if tiscre auy il inust b. doue accordlug te H04 aud It appesîs te tise nlaistor 10 eau lot Another Britishs Columbia miulng ci bias becu started- Tistfait sxmenthe at Rossiand vauaItihe extreme seuls o! province oS B.C. Tise proeut excitemeni at tise extreme non lln tise Kiondyke Sion. Tise gold la tiser. la unlltulted qi titles. Tise dally pepers are Cuit ofteil ec oS senietional ricvss-bout It. aud ln a me or tve vIl! b. fuil et advertiscmcuts oS fi mlning compactes. Les iterlundi oS robber mlnig conupales voe(ormec skia tise public Secousesof the Rosai crase, aud uew it turne eut tisaI not oui ton of hein ever beid anytin about Rt land. or sny otiserland. lu thibmchasi Tisey vere simply fonmed for mlingç poses, but ocly oue lu lveuktv o! tiem doue sny -ntnng, and nt asinleers faers se ekuoir bas recelved »y dîvide ont oS euy uuling Investuseut. We h people viii bave me. ibtis turne, and k clear of miuiug mitres.; Au Important order respecting &V Ili of officene of tise active iiîtia vus issuel Ottawa on Juiy zotis. [t. <l aasifol LieutenentiColoneis visattain tiseagi 60 years, majors the. ageof 58 yeMrs teins the.mgo ofSto years, sud lieutenan tise cge of yer il!, naissle nder1 excetiomi lrcnstacombhopscedos s-red liet. Tise reît>lai Il yp to rglitnentsi stal officers,=a1Îo11l ther hnorryrauk. No officer or pe h aving8 attal ed the lhaut of! g o â» bolding a certain isui lae ob eo .4 forgpouto or appou*t to, rank. District ooeicers comtuenlng subtuit-Asperote rr on oacI 0 visose caesséconneitishl * rg-lstl emedliti0aht e se aUxIi traulta,: year. ý neof se«Mo , agosm' csIWeltsd frtÏmth*e »st D*OMmubetula ' In- lu prsuance of liste eider dl *ouests are. requlred f(or*.lts . liât of offcers ritirubleunidert if Gréîat Ointain- and IbeUnited Saè *Sain reédacisis ~uhin tisaitgàbs 4 ho àu iusultl, L1.tt5!,UMMIgob*0Iddm Žrnsaie . the*u ame;mte i iu r& s&u &&%,V --% *b1qurnni ôry0f tor*0r#oÂm te otj. 1 heln aWhty i t eou sh emit *Ili bbù u, ne . o l.4o e oti ta ntce ad& edandy toý' a- ô owg l ort ,sowcOou.tderaUinfor-the Averaoe wbeli BKot - aud Coboin gdtspb 1 I usuiU11,hîa0 Do 4fiisct. ou the f h Uedpeued t0 learàu of th~e attr*aOv itues b tug theé ut oft4e wheel, hutodlsrepute. 140 osdent* f ýont ôfO t~W PPl sV5iï XIP 1120WhoIfill -bc DO ucouvenltenced liy not OOW1.1i fr iseue otift 10#8itu tU bel1bl* 10 uue thei beeli'duriug wet summner. Th* wate? frbult"in" W)110y le weat eshoisld tise >wtvltir of ulog thse ,ntoralUy bette aapted fieoad etdeYlopùt3"1walks lie wltbiàvwu, w I >ill i îltse Who as lo~ldeU~tCfreacrti bt rival jeopardise theïr leterestt. 111e7 wtll reraedy communtks thiau Are loueg valitu te etistake t ti»- m4i e're. The abuse lead~~~~~~ ii b.drcinbttsIle 1no f8011ou ofthse bicycle privilexogot #o flatrant bere wlzy WC sisold Dot wake up sud maâke a tisot tisose wiso respected th ise 4tIs of be. start. -Witby lbas a srmendouls advilitage destrieus on the walks, were agreed tisat it in thse race from ber situation as thse near- was time 10 liniIt the use fthe wheelt est towu-to Toronto poséess4dO ob turaltise sîreets. attraction ansd thse couveniences of an Old A Superdor Yiold establishen %c mnni 1117P>vi<'n social For ycara thse CHRONICLS bas boasted or aud otherwise desired attribute. o5 a au tste burelockS as grown In Wiitby. We are mer retort. Wisen asked if'there wèreprprdtwaedutsittseCRN taise aide cottages, or a botel Or even bouses ICLepamontot akirugcagt e nUzRidge lu thse town avallable for tise accommuoda- ci a httkn ceg nUbig tion of eamner visitors, 1 isad regretfiilly Streets, their asfeepy homiet ie not lu l4 witth to deplore theirabsence. la there uotbing this town for burdocks, Canadien thistles, tisat can be doue to liprove out coudition mullen stocks, netties or armartwee.- Iu tisa retard ? Wisy sot as business men Times. (W. are now breeding Can ada interested in tise we ifare of the town mneut thistles. Burdocks have ceasel to b. the together sud cousider waygansd meaus for fshlon.-ED. CHl.) its bettermefit? Iu o way thse Citizen'$ A Pareweil aud IAuris. Bond wlth o weekly concert ou tise wharf On Friday eveniug leut, July i6th, a very ond the provision of llight refrestlleiits a leasant social eveniiig was apent In the abowiug how 10 do It. Le1tishe commiend-basement of St. Andrew's church by tbe able enterprise of thse baud b. tise exoilPle inembers of the cougregotien. Thse occasion tisat sisall lead by emulation to these ucces of theïr gatisering waa a farewell social te fui solution of thse question, "Hlow to Moke hrpatRe.noAbhmw aso o Summer Resort ai Wiity ?" MayorthrpotrRe.Jn.Aahiwowat Rutledge sisould cal a pblic meeting of leave, and w ho did leave, on the Tuesday of ciîeu s on sposbl e osieati this week on a trip te thse old country to be cimti@as nt a pssde t nere ti absent two or three montha. A varid pro- important y yeura, gramme of readin gs aud music was present- i F. HOWARD) ANNItS. ed, eue marised festfre of whicb was thse Whitby, JUly 21, ' 97. Scotch hymn and songa of Rev. Mr. McAI. pîne, bis "Nae lucis about tise bouse" betug particulanly appropriate aud happy. The Whitby Town Loaia main eveut of the evening waa tise presenta- Mr Wlte Madll pentSunay hre. tion of an address and purse of gold te 1fr. Mn Wlte Madli pentSuuay bre. Abraham. Di. Gunu read thse acjdress sud Mr David Campbell ef Chicago la lu tewtl. resented the purse, after which Mr. Abra- Mr Tisas Yoles was lu town Wednesday. ao md feigrpy.A iecoo Inspector McBien apeut Saturday lu the eveuing many a worm handabake and ton.final fareweii were excisari ed betweeu pas- Mis Sandrs f uel~is Ivistig Msstor and people. Thse addres read as foi- Mis Sandes o Gul*, ivistin Mis owa: Tise Ricv. JOHN ABRAHAM, minlater B Dortueli. o f St. Audnew's cisurcis, Witby. Dear Mr. Mr Robert Hoiden, Toront la holiday- Abraham :-The congregation of St. An- lng ai home. drew's churcis bave ver y great pleosure In n- Misa Laura Yoles of Toronte ts vislîing avalling tisemmelves of thse opportu nity af. nfrieuds lu tewuî. forded by your proposed visit to tise Father. MissHoppr, By MlleMich is omeland of exptessing their -affectionate regard efor te nlsoeByMilMcsl oeand cordial good wisbeu îowards you as tie oU Be their miuîster. During thse period of your n Go to the. union picuic ncxl Wcduesday, bastorate (uow uearly elgisteen years) you juytet Rosebanis. have won and retalued, lu a marked degree, Misa Agae Hamilton, Toronto, vlalîed lu thse estecul sud affection of yotir own con- ut town for a few days tast week. Igregation os wdfl as tise good opinion of tis la Master Franks Shaw la gettlng round People of tise îowu and counatry generally. z- &gain ater hie second aitacis of lever. Your cougregoion taises tisis opportuuity D>' Master Eugeue Blatter, New Yenk, la also of placing on record their uuauimous ri- isiingMaser m Kig o ths twn. conviction tisaI sînce yen were chosen te pre. vlsllug aste WmKlugo! tis twn. aide over tisei, you have faitbtully carnied 30 Mfr. Wllford Milne, of Scarbore. la vliting ouitishe gospel command te "1preacis Chrlui gn hia uncle, Mr. John Tweedie, at Broadfields. sud Hlm Crucified," sud tisat your pulpil us Tise prebyterian sud baptiat S. S'a pic. utterances bave bren marised by carefi uic at Rosebanis next Weduesday, July 28. study, power sud ItupressIveness. lu yQui My Meurs Wrighst sud Murton, crimineal jus- Intercourse vutis-te congregation, prudence o! tice suditors, finisbed tisein qus.rterly audit kiudness sud tact ou your part have verj &t Saturday. greatlecontributed to tise iarmouy of th4 ice rea palerwll beope duingpeoplet, thse progreas and advance.ueut of thI he Our Iecempro ilb pndrn temporal affaire sud Weil beiug of tise on nse thse season wt thtie beet o! ice cream. D. rgto.Weakyu acceptancëèofS li MahsnOf owredfaig orepn ,as 'Y Thse Misses Warren gave o bicycle party nbiddlug you an afiectionate goodbye w te to a number of thicr frieude on Saturday heortiiy sud earnestly tisaI-th t ou ma, rse Mr sud Un Wm J Irwla, Toronto, June- goouesa may spire you toretura te us an -s don, were here over Sunday lent, vîsitinga t yu faully refred sud ivlgrated1 full Mr jatmes Nicisolson's. bod dplrt. Sigued on beisajf of ti be UT asud Mis Wm TIi! have located at tise congi'tgatioul, R . u , L.RÇS d g- Roypi isotlwiserc they vil! niake e ier Whlby, July i6t 87 man isome for tise preseut. Gordoi's Trial for Selling Soir baut Tise 34th batWaiou band sud orchestra.Tise case agailt uatIi Gordon, 'PIckeril rbe wil - give anotiser moouligist excursion b- vwu h.srd Wednesday afternoon before1 le, nisg4t ou Qlarden Cty. iFmsea3 cents. M. Harper. Mfr- Farewell. Q.C., appomi ~ esrsJ no. 8peuce, Toroto. ud.-X . fotiepoetilsd1r*vrsuI ra euederson. together witia their famnilles, routo, for tie defom .Tise evideuce weu veut loto camp ait Plue Point ou Wednes. 10 ishow tiaI Inspector Ferguem n d Hil *g0 day. Constable. Cavenleyvise IGordous hot tise Mn Cols, Pjckerliu cmp1eted the0on juiy Sh, sud scarcbed dIliggatly1 Mtlà l- punicas. o! Mr William TU reidence on btte fbavra&b t jfinit ise'foa n e- monday. sud wlu move mloto it i a fe'w o ee1ie.furege , 230- daa neltisen Gordon nor his bartsuder could iq ots wuehe ie av n- ier. lthaîtedcone froni. After about1 cSt Ecoraedb he'al 'rn -tOr-effehouri sarh wlthout fiudiog, euy m0, ntisa tihe rser rneday eveniug the band ~ dde etiel.ba ~is yu gie amor exensve rogamm net. np-s« duu.d>1to e *a e boidtisa MScdsn» Tueda. iads.«_ 1s.acf&,itw lal o .-thef sia tlm Haer vers doiegemoi$* Tho' t¶., uddflo"bavMam , ,,P. A NOTHER L.AD IE S New Als< NEW A SsORTMENT 0F BLOSj Organdies in colors. id blacko Spot Muslins in whitee in colorede Madras Sateens, dark & light shades. Gallatea Stripes. Assortrnent Men's and Boys' Straw Hats and.Lustre Coats. o anew inp*s, 1! range of Tweeds and Trower- n~ the latest patterns, suitable for present use and also for fail wear. me .0ýANDE Fancy A. Large Stock orn"n Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Groceries. * eliable. Âlways RO s se Hyere l Good Thing. Varïety the Largesi I Quality Mhe Choicesi Prices Mhe Lowest. are the three points which lead the FURNITURE trade. Re-upholstering done.' o s hortest notice. JE. Je JOUNSON, strOadnit Sp ecial Notice. avingf0prcuha.sed the Stock of ~ .B. Hayward- at ~1/4c. the $,w. are >too busy marking dw gooda8o witebig advts. -W. are, hwer, open for busi- be1 w l , o s otor be~ stick Pi, Brooi Special, desigr prnzes for At garnes and Sc J ..Bi Officiai Couuty Or tien ef &Dy 1001 LOCALY Mr Guy Dartucll ai home. Mn Hardell Add tbis veeis. Mn. Ririsard SteT la borne ou a visit. Mr aud Mn GH their hoiidaysa aI K Moonligisitrip 25 cents. Bandai Mr. Robt. Mce home over Sunda~ It bas been aria1 fenîhe A 0 U W arines Mn W L Sis, Leavans bouse, re T G Whitfietd, lai Quité o uumbeî te Toronto n campmnt of tiset Tise tovu Son$ l te Oshawa ounA.i, cf tise grad coui C lark and Mala rie on Tuesday fa len years ta'in -Maloney seven. Mesurs F HU 'Nev York, cause brieS holiday. T positions lu tise John Hoitt hu place or chicS vin sotrate aI- Fniday, foi Fnlday tnipa 10 Toroîto LeaVee8.45 ILàIe Retnaw rulnq Iv woot3î P. i., ml- rinlg ai mwîuy B 5P.M. jW ,Rotand t114 enly Socent&. on Saiurdeymies fdýtornuetaI2aPi. EAft&.-i tl '30 conta. Ma" ~,r. China. Full Line of Fresh AT GIBSON S. 1 m Whitby- Brock St.',

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