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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1897, p. 7

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.I~II 4f ,WhIiby~ ~ i., £ai1w~y 'tIme T.b 2eaullfui e ',.gm duit ami dim Daîf4 wIllowy lerms se siu Eut ah. stiljs quesu mmd ýhaih éru l Who vears yoUth'sï otau beautitut Preserve Yourflair and youL preaerve your yoiath. 48A woman le as aid amsah. look»," ay 'the WDtlcl. No woman look» as old as she la if her hais ham preserved its normal beauty. You cmn keep hafr tram f allng ouite restorfng its normal color, or reastor. thie normal color ta gray or faded hair. by e oh ~sf Ayces fair Vigor. A PIONEIWB B TORY. Felloving an Attacli of LaGrippe HE Suffered Day and Nigbl for Foui YeAus-A Weil, Knovn Ciergymar Endors.Hie Statemecta. Prom Ibo Record. Windsor, Ont. liçnpi5 c ucMM o ý Sf * il . iimiipjluI- woSII t, eonlietheai, dIti ItIut ta0'Prce, vent i>c1h scets, frhiln x%.dti very îcommnty tbëe, 'art ai keu a at~w1 Young scatterbrAins wlio, aW 800n' * the y4lscavel, even with the *id et - microsco6pe, a littie down-an their upper Iip, Imagine they can, do as they please. But, alas I thero -arc tab. found men vltl i smilar Ideas, Whaý, long since have cut their vlsdom teet , anid cither got no wisdom wkh, îhem, or if tliey did, lost iithtrough dissipa- tion and drink. Yet aur voîl dispased c1tizens- should not bace courage and give up île figlit ; they shouid once petition the county council for the necessary means to enfnrce the liw,-' and if refused again, thon they shoûld, unite together and teadli these hood- lunis a tesson. Otherwise what wiii become of their children. who cannot help witnessing such scenes, and bear- ing language well calculated te do irreparable injury tb body and soul ? ing the wit a Oagt r 1 be SI Âmong the raidenta of Kingoville, Oui., nobe I. beld ln biglier eateem Ibma Mr. e., Lovelace, wbo in known ceot1 only in town, but -to many throngbont Eseoounty. When a correspondent of1 tbe Record oallod'upon hlm and asked him to vorify certain eatsents as to bis ,ture itm a painful uialady a(1er several ;ye Cof anffering, h o eerfully did ao. MrLovelace said ,,Four vears ago 1 had a lied attaok of libgrippe, whieb ioft. me 'witb àasevere pain i the pit of my atom- aoh. Âfter lrying bousehold remedies and geriintzn relief, 1 counsulted*a doc- tor, b«$ after a long treaf ment whicb did aiot help mue. I beoatue discouraged and eoncluded Itbore was no relief for me, Nigbt and day for four yeara Ibat pain nover loft ame. At imes *1 vas eb.d tebî1, iai.dt toive up *ork - I bad fre- ..quently read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille and perbapeaàasmuolionout inriostysas wîh any hops that tbey would bel p me, i: bought -a box. I followed tbe direc- lions carefnlly, and by the time the box was finisbed I waas Ot >lee .d afind that .1 waa geing relief. I oould Dot untler stand bow, after ail tbe medieine I had previouç1y trieéd .diledt. Ibis oue box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla should help me. I nov obee.rfuly oocîinned their ni8e acd by the lime I1bad takeu f6ve boi- te overy trace of pai n bad loft tue and I ,Eait as weil as #ver I1lied don. icioMy hf.. To-day I amn as sound as a dollar aud b.. lieve there teino mon et My age in Essex oounty who can stand a harder day'a work,1 Rer. R. D. Herrington, baptiet -r mis ter at Kingerile.sasys :-"Having kuown Mr. James Lovelace for the pait thirty yrears, I believe the above statements mnade by lm te ho atrictly lice. 1I igbt also say that I bave beugreatly becefit. ted muyself by the use ofD -. Williams' Pink Pilla. Dr. William.s' Pick Pilla are sold only iu boxes beariný the ftrm's trade mark anid wrapper,(ýprînted in red i). Bear iimid that Dr. Wilihams' Pink Pillearai sever sold in buik or by the dozen or bucdred, and any dealer who offers oub- etitutea in this form is-.trylcg to defraud you and should b. avoided. The publie are aise oautioned against ail other sc ealled blood builders aud cerve tonies, put up In sinniar tortu iuteuded to de. ceive. They are ail imitations whose makersi hope to reai' a pecuciary advau- ýtaîre roui the wonderul reputatior 1pohieved by Dr. Williams' Pink 1>-dl. Ask your dealer for theun. These Pille are manctaotuîed b y tis Dr Wi'at's Medicine Conmpany Brock. ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold oul 1l boirAr, beariag the ilrm'ti trade uftr sud wrapper, at K eentfi a box, or six boites for $2.50. Tbey oeay b. bail troni any dealer, ci will b. sout by mail on îeceipt of price.. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may bli a of ail drnggisteu or d.ireot by mail fret: Dr. Williams' Medicine Companuy ficuf oitbor address. The pricesat whicb tbi pille are aold make a courseo et -e ment comparatively inempens*v* iw oornpared vith other remedies or medisi tresament s e o I. r d n n 'a b. i. Il Salt for the Oabbs;ge Worm. I arn oppoaed to thenusee t Parl A gro in auy Ion for cabliage vormat as ilit. dauagerous. I bave gro cabbagê tfor inany years, and bave navet used tht. ý=on-fe tise vonm, but Itý&o ea, rredy Sure d esti. Dilate b su ls 4_ - - 1fro -1 Mir and Mma R N Gauglian are visit- gfriends in Sunderland. % The (armers are nov very busy witli eir root crops and haylng. PbOKtime Wm Linton, of California, is lere !th friends -for a short time. Vears ro Mr Linton purchased grain at the ition here, and vas weli knovn ta iosc living here tventy-five years ro. Mrs W E Vanstone lias so far re- )vered from her recent iilness as ta table ta return home fiom the city. he arrived here Saturday even(ng, iuch ta the pleasure of lier frienda., One day last week L. Boone bad' a lively experience. Wbule drawing a load of fonce posts down the hilIl i the orchard the load slipped forward and touched the hbrses, scaring- them. The animale ran away, but escapcd ini- jury. The wagon was damaged toaa considerable extent. The driver ls tb be congratulated upon escaping with- out ifljury. Margaret. relict cf the late Charles McGinty, died at her residence.. sautb ward, on Wednesday-evening, after an ilîness of saine weeks duration, ln lber 77th year. Deceased, wikh ber late busband, resided at Dunbarton, and saine îwenty-fivc yearr aga hbe vas kil- ed on the railway track while gaing home frorn work. Chas. Isaac King lias purchased W: E Vanstonc's butcbering business andý took possession on Tuescay. Pib Van- stone wiil devote lis attention ta cat- dc shipping estirely. ,We wish )4r. King every success witbh bis neer un- dertaking. H i-l l likely mone ta the Village thiis fan.--1-, 1 Now that school lias closed for soneý wreeks and the children naturaliy r a>- lessly seek for pîcasures and mischiet new, they are sure to- wknder mbît every nook and corner in the village, That bcing thc case, are thiere nlota nuniber of wells and cisterns that, should bc looked aftcr. The ather day a littie boy showed us an oidun- used stoned well almost devoid of covering. yet there were as much as 7 ecet of water in ît-a splendid place for an accident tco a child who had curios- ity sufficiently devciopcdas ta vant ta examine the aid pump that modcstly stood gazing afar off. Now, sncb places should be filled Up or properly covered. and perbaps the irst plan would be preferable.-News. s M te attend a pals . tortured that ae= l avoid 1h.se q aty ai m *be endures taklug poe Mo e tro many-s.11No woman cau lon ewsaba grenral ealtb whbo negleels the eIbo the organt thai Cosmitute berwt*WoM She mvSugerouybat aRenwtlay the nervis a*»rutae hj .ot rwe ~a id tesr ot pain.- to loupait tbe necesur W ,vo =t the varlous orgazuf%:a odyt andi sm-ouabreak.4ovm ollows' A wooderm laredcna-- * wet'.n'vn woeinen,-vbe tbromgb lica miéa thicateuueti viti, a sueral bre44#own dlrectly On the deifrt t bmlu and bemithL It alisys tlai suta tmUê soothes pau. It rives tht I«ue*d mturai flinetio. of tlvlty eofaiU theowx lt rp a mmm fer. 4-d1%ve t ,IellW lsn't blôwing Lft air hne bloDIOIg -1 ha#'e an up-t-date 'One -for y>u mhs moning"' snlggeeed thi.ePtý Averin as lhe strollcd. luto îbe ChestI. M nut Closet of th.e Jake Disiocator. "Why is the hot wave like ane of y6gr quip ?" " 1GIve It up," salt the Disilocatar. wha used ta be li the minstrel businessW when he was really rich. "Recause." said the Pet Aversion as lie batked ta the doar, "-it's no Joke, ta most people.*'4 Castieton-How few girIs go ln -bath-, Ing bore this season 1 illiback-Yes. The gadtn back of the bathing ' bei .ach lias been washed away. -What la apathy ? -lt is a strange and dangerous con- dition that a man sometimes falls into --a condition 'In which lie bas even been known to lend bis bicycle," He-What 18 a crank ? Wliy, a persan with one idea. -Would you caîl me acran k ? " "Wy, no;I1never gave you credit for having one idea. " Dismal Dawsan-Funny, ain't it, that a tniliionalre ain't hiappy ? Everett Wres-I sec nr t -un' stran .ge about it. It la the Urne they have vasîcd that makes 'cmn soie vben they think ofi k. " Tume wasted ? "Sure. t>ont you knov that most nf 'em lias spent their lives in bard workP" Miss Bloomer-We. are thinking of starting a woman's century club. Won't you join ? Miss Kurtz-I don't approve of sucli things. îOh, but this is ta be distinctly femin- mne. AIl century us are ta be mark- cd dawn tô 98.- MURRAY L ANMANS FPLORI DA WTIR Mr cii PlO e E~ooth che las receèiv ed =motehonest, nioi itd« testimonial-from reptitable: mle , t aU.ýýy other. remeidy f; th age » - *4-'~~4 .4 BaRr.alat Wood M Dbw uw w lunS.çUM 1 199»9- DbO tflG. m-7'ke Gr a num e bsA i9 ~1dr~iian* ~l~Iat wbe.4la O~e4Iwq.m e4 YAnd,~~B- &4àWlý A" 4t~1l~W Nu*W i4e»koo puis ta 4mmu ~~.tsI ~ té àigturl .kblts p ta2ue .d Niau m~.#*Zirar4e, i t rutored b macW vlg« imdhbu larwbo bas gya mupaf$à r", i>by wUuimyottçpaba»rtw W~s'a uêsodta.ts »M b jço5 ~ 5& Ees aiymail ...... 0 S 8:508là m Fée It XMI dsily o..o., oa5.80 No.8 Epres. ail, acep Su ..8:04 a m o.14, Passaufar &os:0 pm o , Loos ' 06:17pr No, 9, Expreoss, Mail. dsily.... 10:08 Pr ILIDLAND ItIVISPU Mail.................... , ;0am mail....................... * io pu Mind To Lintdsay.......... u fo6#85 P M cexuoe mouva I(izod Prom Lindsay ..........8:-87 aSm Mail..............124P1 mail................... 9sOr DOMINION. BANKO capital Paid up, i80,O supins$, * - 619600,00 Whftby Ago. Tr&Gmnisodo . Banklng B~sIauS E. I . t' NT SIt Prarnme Soua« "d ZOi Otule er o northiwrd, wol-b. soI4ch9sp>- Dr3 H BtilWit visit4ngUt tue oId farm' Oui obeeo eunip anc. et tbefr Jus Visitors-.J D lî rtlt Norwkçb1 R Pascoe's; Miss Màttyn, M = 41o at D McCuIlcug's; KMisa mcculIoui Oshawa, ai J bcCnllough's; 'J Hea Part 'Hoover. and, Mrs Storie children, Tarante, ai J Niddcry's; 1 (Dr) Archer, Port Perry. visittd trie bore. Our band played at Port pr4, Friday. Enfield boys played Osha*ru teani Saurday won vao goals toa . OWMMWWOWM i" 1 Mt m 'l 1 1 1

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