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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1897, p. 1

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a L. XLI NO.-35, WHITBY,' ONTÀIFIDAY, JULY 80,,187 'M Wileion's Fly Poison Pads 100 iSmith'e Poison Pade 5 cents. ý.Tang1efoot Sticky Fly, two double 8heets, for 5c. Fruit Jar Rings, sealing Wax, Corks, Etc. (aBjj4 attiu> CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBYI ONTARIO. W INDMILLSý -AND WIRE FENCE SeUBs the Genuine ÂEFR MOTOR.ý of Ohioa.go, anc the Ketaleman Wire Fenci s d lntending purchasors shouid examine ibis miii before placlng their order. Do flot let an agent put an imitation on you when you cati gel tbm Genuino Ae:'notor, :horoughly § alvaiàized, andi warranted, for lois moncy. ore ut these mille oiti tniCanada to-day than any other make. The Amîmoier Ce. clirn they seli one haIt the numnben et wlad. miii outfits oiti in the world, ai the prescrit trne. Ail styles of Wood and Iron Pumps for sale. Any information regarding these outfits wili be freely given by writing to Feb 7, :897-6mio. GEO. ALLIN, W Hi TI WiSTERN BANK 0F CANADA.! Whitby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Esq., President; Retiher'S. Hamin;- Esq., Vice-Pros. W F Cowan, Esq., W. F. Allen, Esq.,J. A. Gth, %on, Esq., Robt Mciftosh, bM. D., Thoi laierson, E*q. T H Mcb4illan .......... ........Cashiei General Banklng Baneestraasacted Drafts lesued, payable in ail parts of Can ada, United States, and on London, Eng land, payable I aIl parts OfEurope. 3> per cent. allowed on Savngs Bank Depoait and credited hall yeariy. Specal attenti'on to collection Fartntra' sale unotes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whiîhy Bn s r a. n- ; of onch. WANTED-BEVERAL FAITHFUL WMea on Womeu to travol for' ro- sponsthle ertalsheti bouse la Ontarioe Saiary $78o, payable $15 weekly anti ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose ielf-adtiressmd stampeti onrelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago.-17-8. Established 1849. Whitby Steaw Maîble and Granite Work;, Dundas St., t LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. The at Nin Miel iag bc Mr Brook MrI' theiri Mrs to, aig mis bet gi day a Ouaow:cLu Oonassewaaxca, 1 OWN< UN* eMisstes Holden, Oshawa, art visiting se RaIll'. se Olive 1318lD, Bowmanville, la visit- tr uncles, R G an Wm Oke. rTbomas Wray la visiting friendinl &lin anti Columbus. rsad Mn 8 Well. Troato, are vislting rneeMnC M*key. se Putlmnd andi danglIter Kate, Toron- e vlslting at Mm S Mackey' s. [seElsit Kemp entertaineti a number of elrl frieudsata ber berne lust Wedaem- afternoon. per yard puiti fer drawing gravel frem the lake ; now mea offer te do lb for soc. We cengratulate Georgie Golti, Nettie Carruthera, Mahel Rowe, Mitan Story anti Arthur Rowe on uccessnfuly passing tbc entrance examiaatioa, anti Mr West for paasing five out ef eight. in a leadingi tiaily papei we notice a staement eftbte gUifs of amifllenaire te- bacco manufacturer, te a nniversity, fer tbc better educatien of ils atudeats. Ia an- other paper w. reati an item frem a protes- &or of a leatilng cellege, statlng bbe very la.- j urlous effect the tise of tobacco bas on tbc atudenta. Some fide o! oats anti barle y are tnaa bad condition sInce bhc heavy rana Monda y nigbt anti Tucaday. Oats wil ho the warst as tbey are green ymb, bbc sinaw Peemm to be broken ant iwlil net rime again andt iis wiIl effeet thm iipeangî. Barîey will be bard toecut as it la down la every direction. Corn which i vei'y high le tiewn very bati- ly also. A Ir Tii b fi Tii iii POUT imi8 dre M. Scott of Toronto, ls vlsltlng Mr& J ison. Messrs Hentierson anti Spence are camp- ng ai Pine Point. Mrs Jeel Bîgelew of Chicago ls a guest or Urs Charles Paxton. F E Meltew of Napanes le visiting bIsi rother bere, Dr Meiiow. Rev Mr Ceone of Janetville, occupieti the riethodimi palit laut Sabhatb. Mr A M Ram anti family laft on Tbunstiay For Woodvlie tespend their bolidays. Frank Jewett, cf Rochester, anti Mrs. Jtîo. Niils of Marrie, are visltlng thaîr parents, Mri ant id rnsJ Jewett. W Parr le humy movlag bis stock lnia tht store ln the Biencgbhock, ant i ll h. readj for business la a tew daye. Mn. (Dr.) Ciemona, Master Lou Clemens ati Miss Lotie McLean of Baria, are visît ing iheir mny truands la Port lfrt>'. The Sens cf Tanpue division ln Pou Perry wilt bave their nual plcnc: excun tien te Fenelea Falts lbm thîrd weok Il Augiisi. Full particutans nexi week. The raîisterai ef Tueaday piovontet t union excursion et the presbyterlan, haptio anti episcopai Sundsy ichooli. At thN w: ltlng lb is net known whea tue excuraio witl tako place. Dietin laBuffalo, on Thureday, july s:rsc Mary A., relict ofthbe lite Richard Lundti bet8oh year. The boxd%, was hroughit h.î hy Thoinai. Lund for Intermmnt In tise Pin Encouraginig newe vas 1î-cetvoo 09,nv% nesday by the relaivres 01 t ;eorge Grenw' who wuase0h.sdiy hijuiird I-itwsekç,,tai1 wilt lskely rectrer. Tki: d .ctora lna ttc» ance on hlini mtheRocl,..riiten bosîpiaithli lie wll ho able tb reiun n hin. lit &Wb tbree weeks. M ri W perley, Miss Rita PenIey anti TM j Anderson# cf Dre bMuiae*,i cWa, Titra B Streci, anti Mi*% litia W i of Mldinîl C Thorn, ItCir bd, Ms W QGarc, W'c ville, Mms j Eaunicn, PMioborugii,,ati 3N j White, et Tort.'tln#weare leît gueutp Mr anti Mrs A MI ae. Mi' anti Mm C Smftb of Detit, Mud N D Crawford of, Elmirs, I<O wok, 1 I uuuts01 W il ?cCw aud fantly. 'à Smith anti Mis CrawfrdareStI teur$ 01 McCaw. Their coatis*i4ýi#O fomlli.t maay o! oui' town$p<PlOs,* q ayw9mec zens oft <is Placesoins y«'*i. Word teachoti town lau Fr14.'>1, tiret G Crcenweit. io f lits ltpUiY ÇOoXq wcgo,N..RsSI5 Roc-hestelthat opu (ellow oct dest bti togi'am re wuhe " cetaltl. Mp IN cnlfy word »> bfd iiatlng ho ws« ahisobw Wh? bu w Aw SOM dffl op egbrU chatung *bot k, op evator.sd 4wtrth coSe.«aW bb.wt t Of'k or Uti aJ tge»Imd ai --MAWL - i0ý ery decided iprovemalla th* mâlter <if aras. 411oflicer Of 11tireB.coipcysae B feW weeks ago that' li a slobg biais tU tho lire engins bas bfel. calied' to a greis i lhii town; i t ta wel r tthe town that imeb se the case for kIt la anderstoo fact amous the beit Insurance componies' that If tlet *own ia cursed, *wltb any more susplclotii ires tbat mach fAres wli be Investlgi antiu riStd stops taken teland eut the cause anti punisb the gullty. Tlb laspectort f the Royal tasurance compauly as Wel ds other Insp acter. bave bold me that ttir companles ha- made more mener out ef Port Port y lu tbe st eigbbeen montbis than b ay baio ton yeurs prarlousiy, blanly shewlng lt 1 att oui' fines weue net pumely accidental ares by any moans. A busines pi'oblsm Solred For thie lasIt ew yoai's mercbaats anti iradesmen ln alliUnos of business wlthilaa radium eft wo buadreti miles cf Toronto. bave puzsied thoîr brain te Sund cut tbe reabon wby thoso Chap Johni gr so-cilled dopartmentil aoies, la that c ty couldi »Il articles anti iake a ilring profit, aI, tu maay Instances, lteu pies than lbe country mer- chant could bhay the samo articles tor wbole' maie. The prabiem bas been partly solveCI. In the last twelve di' elghtea en the some tires and smre fatiares bave eccurred Ti"or onte. The last on. te bappea bas beea a departmeatal store, anti ai the credîtoise meeting is weak a great deticît ot aoariy = 0,000 waa presunted, anti appeared to atriko îbem wiib consternationi. Hors lis a flagrant Insiancç af one of îhoes deparbmat ai stores sdrertlsing Ltalamait glve goodi away, ai iLny raie ai prices that merchans and tradesmen woadened how lt coulti be tie. To gîve a few Instances, on. ecceru bas a tire aad eakos an asulgnment ant i the meeting of ci'ditors a statement le pro. seateti of a loBs or deficit'cf over $ioe,oeo anotber concert' bat a tiresant by the papere it wa s ateti there was a shrlakagre of some e ocoo;- mtill another concera whfo hatis abrinkage la capital fnom aeai'ly a quarter ci a million cf doliaretet about $ oeanï rtber thon sacrifice thelr aIl retired witb ai honorable name; a tourtb concera failseant la cauatng a sensation, me hle l reperted among the credîtors, as tbere-a 1dateficlt-4 $20,000 to $40 000 I coulti mentii -iearlyi dozen Instances et bail failures, nal tbrough the curie of thîs day andi ga, fwii: the departmental store. And smit there are bundirade of people In this provine sao Ontario wbo scem to10 ink tugi the reui Ian merchante anti tradesmen are tryiug t, Dbeat tbem iIn pricas, jusi becauso those mei chants anti tradesmen are endeavortng te a legitimabo business anti pay one handre Ycents on thie aolîr te their creditors. Thiai have corne te that stage that our legislâtut ). il have te stop la and regulate those di si oroy4çrs ef regulai' inide. lItIo a well know tact ibat the departmentl stores lu Tooni be ave dons more te demoralîze trade la th province than neari yall other Influeact ycombineti. The legitma te business mon Toronto are doing theîr luvel beat te tab 1,stops te place the evills of the. dopartmle.nt ab toe.betome the public, andi thermile ne ti r-starv; lu ôther words lé?ore tii. datna la mnay be repaireti many an honest merchai anti tradesman may ho forceti te, the wi e andi he compled, te go cul cf buainess. sihave beard ievel-heatied business mon al li there le semnetblng wirong In Toroate. Th )n ask tih. question, wby la 1< <bar.areso mai big anti orange Oras, ameng thair iuala b, ouses, andtiheu a fallareîSd assigeme in 'oon follcw ln the, wke of a fIre? '11; I nr fact patent te muflyandsti la15rio0 md neamongit eading lasunance am sthat msny he beg însuane scompanles ang huia MMla Cabtaate-day aeftîudntitinsure parimnnal stores -.-XlaIbis last deparbai ai stoâre tire a large partotf the lasurane i haiti by what I ldl o lo iyd- Wby lais t? Decause wbo a iredOou t place In tuaI cla*sof a i'k Itle naily ahw V%a total los.Lte our aisych ,ýan d hu ,ei, neumemnatake hurt, anti If Ibey cas ci hi holtiritm ufor * Ibis Ibis curis ofl ti.- uteunb enturty UlI iti s levsl. ,Th ehk Ws1ot a village or towa îwe' hundretdýid out frein Toronto, titdoms"ettend -thous. cidollars e Mthosetrads-desrmtg pl1t jt Mt lut tg' tnt al bey eny les$ ci de. skt rayi tbe e lut 1" . dl pou recevenlng someinbal luinhealtb, even if it is but slowlly. wees iithBara<rie nseid, -re. misse& l>ick sud strbtteïs, (ta i et-cu -tertaine tt îb ucate of Mr and' Mis' joha Seldo5 the aary pat cf the week.< Mr Arthur Joboston bas beau Anu Winni- Fpegsslttlngin the jutigeof tb*cetoak at the fat stock show whticws 14»ee b ýRev mi COe'o-, pigeen!titeholdin g engisb iburc sarvIes *inthallauSUnDu aftruo 5 3.0.May #a continue tà 202t t hem aidto ge ave mucceisfiil meettng s l f thse wm>ib f eV r. eue, m Rev )4t, Claie bock charge cf tbe league >- tendance a04d eve c sa5ted wellplbd kagr woeinilthe league aud w#.ex 0 -t> « her ofGreawood haviug Ibe ylog acacliut hstauatiedjno rr ntn le the Otbo7, were l5tb ïg -the mill m I'se- Watitt pshow how -weillbc, wa Mr' Çlorgo Wilson wus home froinOshawa orr Sndai. its eilis e Piiâ, of Toronto. le spenftius isa. ci Wilsounand i Mea sOwaIdWlo st ilgfriends a t xhthio. Mn James ÂAderson sîd'famtyof Boll. ëré ae vsitln at pMu S E Brmndice-à. uWm White returaeti (rom bis trip ïaro tise MAdoilo lait Prida>', He speut leeks « Mires .IÜt anti Master Lom Sehert bit tIt wsek ter a niaI1t te, Brighton &ud a <rip tbroug tu e s land s;e Tii r sbc tonegia les at promeut soeda jiîtii.schol irooit ü ai ar !t oliurob% èog t liae hands of be deeoitn The prayer cin ut hebaptiat eC, inch i la future be bsitiou 'Weimdiyva mot tub, for somr nls Tii. woar asaevcra* uceThurâda> Mr porter loft' (or bis bomne la New Bruns- Mi.JHGlndlnolng ià ou lbheroad ttea covery. Mi' Swnmerfetg1 vbdtinatM*,r.. 8 V Mr uith ofTootO18 isittalifrieuds la, Mrs Thomp.no, à astili varI owr .antd »t Missph6bêe ritilourt itdo ,lltins t(Mndslet port ferry. M.4, . i ansa"l f ýlft 04. Bm StWday ta TY.eI~ W'H Mayte lttti wouid bave beasu hait a land roluer passedl over Thuy arrlved home et 2 30 a m on Tuesday Oouz oflie ailwest ln this sectio t îem. Much hay la .1111 oui ln ibis localily, end hearîliy tbankfui te b. mie1y home agalneand a"e f th fal Wb tio lacrnsldersble grainD standing la ihe ohnc IÂ ew tbat wbon <bey had te bc out laisuch a storm au v1ti ba ls tCd days of sunshîne will be mach appreclaied. they came through tbey had the decks cf ChU as tile bau the best field of Canadien Mr$ Siepheasono meiber of Peter t b te est the staunch steamer "6Garden City" beneath corn that w. baveseen this seaso. of out' village, dluel on Mondai' eveniqg alter a them. Wilb the exception ci or four Ove ail were MrOS enj Sweet sud daMtgbtocf Midland protracied lllness et orne weekQ..lier ebse. more or lesu sick especially on the homo trip. The City, weTO cellng on frlondsB ert On rri. qules were conducied by Rev I ne Hlanîs, cf mcii of <hem fuel j use now 1h11 for the rosi of day Of'laut 'week. Breoktit on Wednesday aiiernoon, ber remiains the seaSntbey wilstick fai o terra furma, Aiter. apending some two weeks at Lesk. bolng 11uail a Ido test ta the Oroveside pemne- What bas becomeocf the theorliss 1wbo lait a&M with Mis Jas Moflhtt, MiessLuIa Seurrah tory. %he was an old lad y Of 116a17Y 75 surn- summer filled so mach newspafer space langiV. 'retutBed botie on Monday of this week. men, living wbero ibm dtud for neanti' 40 Yeats- ing the raisons for the dry weatben we tieua bd Tii. religions service fer the guarterly Shu was univrirally respected and baves a mr se mucb et ? We were tbld that ewlog <c the meeting o! th s Circuit wlll ho held In the rowing fammly to moure the mach lamenieti losi mulilitclty cf olecurie wlres ta certain sections Myirtie church next Bunday mornîag co. f a good moiher. We uxiendtheib sympatby et the ratas from Missitssippi and uiber southero mencing et 10o.30 a mn. ber rmeay frlends te ihe serrowtng fanilli'. peints thai used te cerne up ibis way wei'a new -At the recent eximlnationa the followlng OIYbelng dlrerted lote otber d iticu, and ibat ho. Unpis pssid fom hisschol Ha Frend unlp, f Geenood ha ben sow-cause of the cîttine away f the formts f Our' àiison ansd frein ls b a oort Krry, nïuPr te ou oc r u awodl asiben.s ow couatry ur nuîurai raid reservoirs w ru be- n Olve ileby t Prt Pnry ln usbQwte hu crn t lie.ditdUp and <bat tbe drouib wotild grow Robbte Bosi' at Oshawa and Perey Seutrah Miss O'Lery, et Pickering, bas bema spead. wong dit uceii er tl nai Cl at Wliltby. îng a îuw days hueewitb frlenda. bwose wib ueedlag poar thedit On tarlo ful Ofienlght laut week W G Amour', sitore Rev. Father McBrady and Vincent McBrady, Nbrausa oaetc. lîîsimer phtus ocf wus broken Ina smre tweive or flfteen of Tenento, spent a Iew clays witb parents bure. ed the iheerizing laie the proverbiat cocked bai. dollars worth of clotbine, etc taken. iheGtrebsbe bwn i osnW ,H I*Mrnps are tipposed te have 6een th t hie uiyb oys bfePiskering, btscousinsm. .H tilevesmas some were seen la the eveningibMcuroyoPlklnhe îefm aroiisd the village,.ao' eousbe epn.Tk leev Twe weeks more bfr colr-pn.Tk Borne of the friend ti freinhre wont te a good dîmu youilg foks and gui as mach out of BZILL,S.-Ise0f anig Loees Prospect on Sunday lut to attend the lu. natureu4eu , Be#Medaaop piste Town Eaul, ireoki. te rastln g ev an g e listie se rv ice b eld a t th a t dIe. E l o t o o r w s , l e y l w a W A M N C S Y , - r d s è O h u ple bu Capt âSavâage and i wfe, late cf in. OdMs01lî,t a uî,hvr e iWAMJUL, .Giiaho h n goroil Te cptin spoke well andthebbcpresuat. She la a long way peut the allottud tane Vtertnai' College Toroato; Honorai'? waamcbei of the OnÎZade Mais)bociy. Mrsîavae mah apreciateiltimfe and up tilt now bas boeen Tt ersn. 'reatesuail isases cf tue domesticafed ï Y& pr2!ent. Frank and wife, of Toronto, weru bor ecently. animais by the motis aproved metbed. AI»e _________________________ Afi' man y weeks cf waltlng anud detay tbm pantitinlai attenifl . suranl o ti IL N.yrtlàsBuutaes » 'ieotowy tutesof!8.S. No. 5.metonFrlday uveatna nad dentity. Day or aplot Caustsroeptl tgusoei et Ol ~ . attendedto . Olffce andi reaideace Broohlin L Oý 03Uè.x-Hstrving purosei the Liv. last and dectied te engage a Mr. MoDonald, 0' Ontario. I u sain e i re ceutly oarried bu by th e taie B ew m an vil m. for o ne ear aat aa rY Of $375. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ li 9 DanoiSt, Ian1 paei oa&omoaeMr. McDonsild bas jusi secured bis professonal trarelesai ters and.l J eaoal certifloato wtsb honora and frim bis appearance ~ssssr rates. CmerL l o ea'f ihbisi .wushouiti Judgu much tw bis credi. Thmre worm e 1 H u IIP Sbabling for honse, andi gooti Car.sa mv&rn teveote upvns ortteicOu.FO HE HO W & uE t t lihom 1y rellable men. Vhs Oshawa, wit smeiur bbnapcai o'ih ool etd Myrtie stagte noS otmnuion autils Sundar last wusa fine day snd tim sUendance -A.T T HE- Dàvo ÂsnTeI, 1Yi'tle station. oi ibu Sunîlsy sebool annivoriary was good. re ~~~~~Re. Dr. Lamby rached a fine discurse te aaey 0nef e GU.UENWOOD ithe acheol frem the taxi, *111 wiil take tbu sîeny q~1fe~n a bar oui f the flsh." The free.willoflurig Ccrbett brothers have Investeti in a new was welî nspodlo"t. W. noeed ihat the Cooked Corned Beef, Chippati Dried bli4en. greatuat gitvrs are the greatest weukers. Sce mBeed, Smoked Hamn and Bacon, Boncd Mises Sarah Stewart ia bere visiting ber worda ofthie Wise cMmnete oui' mmd, itit lIoÇhîcken, Boned Turkay, Lunch in pa0tgb us. t<b ot hctn ers Tdo nge lia rnyBsut, id, MrD rafodcale etotefiadsona yîhnm engusfth bada r olde Fr e - Pits, Lime Juc, Rooct Bcd Sueh Fuit, Lme uic. Rot'Iee a els Winnie Meen spent lut week with Tb@edoitter cf the. CaoT4;cLa wheeled tie xtraet, and many other delicacies. Il &$d adua Toronto. eur quiet burg on Sunday lait, on bis RéCI Bird. Ho bad declifd tosc.ce utlnvltatlon ,of luit-I TH - UrhiPUaitand faily, Oshawa, calleti week and sego r:iIed lathe- luiurisu o out H - o t Mi* blss Claie ltepntiiag a short timo witb anti futlity ef Ibis place,and bJ a no e ny an u' bîr brother, tbc Rov Mi' Clare. experinced wheutman, he -well 4s thens W icLws hî ptMais Le gls Lena Hpper, of Toronto, le visiting mghi bave beua crcîmlocatng the hllilds or do< wtth ber aunal. iMm Abramn Boyer. raciistng menlai navigaion l inetootelsat. Organdie Mualins, Crinkie Clotho, ed , dlin Lennie Gibson and Mis Cochenour graph wlro, .whitese eyes worm enjeg ngdnt Fancy Prints-ali1 new goods at speclal- are isiting witb l. atter's parents. îrylng ta usîlmate thoesrundiags, New hatIVîylow prices. ho knows <ho way wo hope ho will comseout I ir Mise Sophia Maditen,. cf Rochester, le agaîn 10 see us. We shall ai te show hlm Store closes at 6.30 p. m., sharp, e- ipending ber holidays under the parental around the rlaty and maku hlm acciuaiaiudTcsas&Tusy. riar roof. with bis many subsonibens. nTelas& hudy. i The Visses Ward, Collino, are the n .L.Sa lilga Mai bd. bisueste cf their brother, Mr W G Ward, thisla Lit41 .e ek '. .L tr à J'iga -al h&1 1 1 0

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