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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1897, p. 2

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4 MorTq i 44 j 'eW Taklng à course of Àyer'a Pilla the system la set ln good working os-dem and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has becone thse graduai poey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which ha labers, until the burden is lifted frein hlm. Trhen his' usountains slnk into mole - hilis, his morosenesa gives place te jellity, he is a happy man again. If life dees net seoin worth living te yen, yen may take a very different view of it after taking Aye&'sOibîCPI. COBBBÈPONDENOE .OZUMaA IL is-stated that Lthe teuriat traffic te Lie Muaicoka lakes la hoavier hiii ses- son tissu last, su average cf on. mun- dred passeongera a day geing un theii Muakoka express, besides a nurmber ou tiie regular trains. Tii. fishing je reported te be e4,celent, aud steani- boat service ainost perfect, and Lie catering departiment la beiug kopt up te its usual higli standard. Ail the hotela are doing a good business, and tise beat conducted are crowded wit1h guesta. It may net ho geneally known tha t ene of Oriilie.'s mnt important indus- tries in the manufacture of Stave8 for flour and apple 'barrels, but it la neverthelesse a faot. Robbin's stave faotory on Front street,' giving arn- picynient to twenty-two mon, the cuL f rom March 15th te the. present date amounting te two illion sLaves and aiglit thousand sets cf head§. The miii wiIi continue te run another two a.nd a half menthe before cloaing for the seasesa. Tihe sLaves are cf elm, a.nd the heada basswood. After they are cut in the. miii, and piied . outaide Le dry, they are shaped by foot-pcwer machines, snd packed ln three barral lots ready for ahipnîeuL Sbipment le, m uade lu car lots te ail parts cf On- tario, and the demand î. sucb that the produotis. aIl sold before it in eut. Improved methoda cf haudllng and modem maobiuery have doue much for the. slave business lu receut yea.rs, aud the shaping, sortiug snd gradiug ia doue st the. mWi here iustead of afler shipmet.-Times. PXONWNG If john Ra^nulo, ho passed himsîf off as a bible loctorer, sud gave a si permanent address Oampboitbu, N.B., dees not vaut to ho piaoed on ôur black uL, tlho iad better ccii as-d set- tue for thone dodgers v. have hsd waiting for hka -for thse pust fortnight, baà enough wvisn a insugoes through thse Country beatunag hiW vcyinua barefiaoed "muiet, but visonuca<*ev uses thse "oi f religion, cf vlaatto. ever character, teho l* eses to, coin. insud the loal cons desallen.Tit gent w»s travelinIg «M4et sud '" a shlene ,laled to Wb ok cgolt le. was ypo man of sbout 24 .cmpiaslon and vos-e gl ssea Corneliu. saeasq bu een pl#y.d oâ the I.T.R. section boss t" b Meurs 1Bobert Burns aU d iclhard Lawmtea914Toroiitos versguet at 'the Hmmnlteoît ue over udsy, Mx.RsJ I a*ood sud 6m."- aglly, of Osnningtofl, s ,pendlug U4,wek îlu towri. Mr Ju gMrrlont jr4 cf0Vauoouvert RB.O., is vislting hi. parents ln town after an absence of nîne yeu.rs Mr Angus E Oameron goes arouud these day. inging 4"On, of iy leg s i sorer than it really ought to b.," a. r. suit of the recent Orillîa-Cheoker la- crosse match. .Mossrs Walter and Lisi. Scott., of Georginna, were viaitîng- friende in town on Sunday lust. Yo*er started hlm.H. laepd is bna the biseyesy undr te mcrscoe. t a tinsi. It oen' aoutt avtiu ent hiukn ofsud tinOnt ofehleus 'eyà. t stop ta run. doenlupet ie haydy cf ambis andutiy bybedeati.w aneglece I nbigeol.a tfme au'se cful atmaofnur o awasug dvise su ailrth oma eop disorda. Dr it Pie'a Glden fn Mateican Dscovrin cres a ti disorder of the digesion It Ioent gorat y ive Ipat en badttyaeit e causYes nt lifegivi swrti ted tagpur ifistiâload are unlda heainthtiaseyd a fa ti gr yoblo datfei-h. e, u ev tNec.iktdcure. conamtheon, cusen ofseats uaU dsoride s eresn ai ormathee f the useod e. fDr. Gie'Goden KeM ediyaw l iSnt eT curT$hil eoes ofonthue d«tio exiavis. mtms ealir mpants aomuicu eerty apretly snd cusessth e iedi eleas ofaIthe troon ournu' lfeas- buds weaumtises. Anedt ionthe geav bloo-makr, ieuIbîldrt n., ne.ov tae. Ittcecosumt cf nsto u disemand al is bdsofth p stap. cEI~eIt la 0OU Soud. JOBundy sud *Ira cf BtbeuÉvlle ve -ber*,vr8udy~ Wm. Muer, Plker *6g5asboe.oyez Master Gose incade, of Toronto# la Visitlug at WSn Soott's. James ordon sud vifse r. vibbD. W Kennedy 'en unday. , ÂIl the avallabie youths of tb. village are no* huy heng turuipa. Mm Hiovits, cf Chicagoi la vlaitlug with her sisters, the MisssBell, Mr and bits Whittleton, of Goodwoed, were at W Dowawell*s lait week. wm wasoo, cf Woodstook, vas boe lait week caliîg on oid friendu. 1Thse Preabyteri&n pulpit wus ably filled by Mr Bradfýrd, lite of Ashburn. John Bsrîly has improved lu healtb considerably during thse psut wek. Jobn B Hemn, cf Pickering, vas bore ou Tussday, sud teck train for Peter bore. Prof. Tracy sud vifs, Toronto, are bere wiii bis father and mothe- for a fortnigbt. Rer. sud Mra. Middleton, cf London, ara the guostu ei R P sud Mne Hoopor. Miss Mary Murray sud Mn. Copen. bavon ,of Illinois, as-e visitlug ab Daucan Mra Peter MeNab sud ehildren are visitiug vith Robes-t Millor sud wife, of Pickering. Mie Els Vansaut, cf StouffVllle, is viti Tohias Caste- sudwvi, cf North Claremont. Ms-. (Dr) Brodie, cf Wyoming, is bore with ber parents, Daniel Forsytho sud wife, tes- a few eka.. Miss Emma Brodis sud Mise Emuma P>ugh bave returned <rom a weeki holi daày., sud cf course '1bad a lov.ly time." John Geo-cvbas prchased a Now Bas-nos bicycle sud now omploya bis espare time testlng tii. Rleares cf tise cycUing art. Bebecca Linton sud Jennis Pikey st. tended tiie Otiristian Endesvor conven. tion at Tor-onto lat w..k. Tii. lattey vas' adelogate <mmthei. oclety bhe. Tii. puipit lu Erakine ohurch viii 1u supplied usît 8abbsti by Rev MI' Flood B.A. graduate cf Knox Colloge aud a li ecentateocf the Presbytery cf Teoronte, The <armera hoeabouta t.11 us t'hs nover before have tiey had >botter aropi cf grain (rom the prebent ',appearuce o thlugs, sud the bar crop vas âWs ver. hoavy. 9 Jas Lswson cf Newtonhrcoke, aud mi - Hailard of Edgely, Vaughan, are vit] 'Fred Wright sud vife for a shorb., 4*x 't Ms-s Lavean vas aise dowu but reue Shome agailutsiweek. R-- obes-tWright tenant on tb. Usidesbil ~ pace1»tii. sergutis cenoousloi, pw hads-Po seed frein an old .stablwws " sed mesahint cf Toïonto. E.# sevibw the. sééd sud umebto bis , -astonlal mut o-a ne mt utardsud rmny o the '~ ~ ~~O ka.feea othe que.tsouil"oW tc ieIil ave te psy .thse 4&mageo ra' tà T omrnoss*&Y cf iooklng cI *ktiUge, 84 Tmer.bt'listshUldbe at i ides.ï V O... Bso4ieb.d Ira. royer befoi Soufires tncihan sd a4weth tI$her du tsel anit sd Nothlng -but Truth tie1 -HONEST TESTIMIONIALS 11 Fre. Cantadiau Peopie, are Positive ?roof cof tise Suoceas otHîis, BROAD SWhat HOMCEOPATHY1 People whe have been Oured by the Munyou Remtdies have to aiav About thAni. Mr C D Nottioton. No 41 Stuart et., Toieonto, Canada, saya :-d"my sou bad a very hrd sttaok cf the croup sud vO used Mjunyc'. Croup Cure vit h tise hast1 cf resuits. Ho vas troublod with s had1 cougi and feeling vos-y bsdly indead se 0 bad1l that ho could .carely ispeak viien e gan usinit Munyon's Remedies. On. vial cf tho Croup Cure inspsoved him at once sud the disease was cern- pletly rokn p lu two or thres days. The mdiciesoortainly have wondorfui ouratiue povora.',4 fMuuyeu'h Rieumatiam Ours seldeni fails te relier. lu eue tote b.heurs, and cures lu a fov days. Prioe 25o. Mnnyon's Dyarpela cure poaitlvely cures iii fermaecf Indigestion sud stom. acii trouble. Prie, 25e. Munyou'a Cold Cure prevents pneu. woulsansd breaks up a cold iu a fow heurs. Pria., 25c. Munycu'. Ocngh Cnrs stopse ougbs, uigbt aveate, almys uijisuose, aud speed iiy heale tii. lungs. Pries, 25a. Munycus6 Kirdney Cure spesdily cures pains lu tie hsck, loins or groins and ail forma of kidued disoase. Pr-be, 25o. Monyon'a ReadaoeoCure stoeabead- ache sun tire. minutes. Prie, 29 e. Muycu' 8PPue Qintnut 1positivoly cures ail formes cf pilies. Prices, 5e. .Munyon's Bocd Cure es-fadIates ail impurittea ct th. blond. ]Priée, 25c. unyon'a F.m.i. Bemodisa are a boou ta ail vomen. Ifunycua Aathma Besuedies s-se.lu6i 8 minutes sud cure ps-mansutly. Ps-le., Munon' Caas-h Bom.des nover <ail. *Tii. Catas-rh Onre..-prioe 25o.--era4iciles theii disea. from tihe systeus, sud thse Os- r tas-r Tablets-prîce 25.-cleause sud heal tiie pas-te.1 le munyon'a Nore Cure is a vendes-fnl nerve o tul. Ps-las, 25c. Mnunyon'a Vitalizer restes-e lest viger. Prias, 61. Poreonsi lettes-s te Prof. Munyon, Il ansd 18 A.lbert et., 'Toronto, anaverec wit viiree medical advce. <os- any 'liseàse. COLUU5V Ms-sMouctJoy, vifs of James Monut- 0-o, vfri sae'boeeuin fo<as-along 'time, _ti. on Tbursday snd vas ýbus-ed' on Ilraa.Qit. a& large numbor sceu panied taseromains e LbtheUnion Coe. Ms- .Boket fcf utoba, le ,laittng, bis brother Luthes-, or, onterps-ielug baek. Ms- Pr.d Elehasdson ahpped incISer qss-ioad of bôrmes l.Mt veel.ý Quit. sannà,bu of lte Ep*oftl Leapf hÃŽon attessded tbepico i e ke bs-dy odestisecusisa'cftiseci o s t 'J I .1 E I 4"iteLiofK o' *0 Jobn Dafoa&*d'Frank QeOw weré o - Tes-auto o o 801..bla Btably ionu,ü home n IrnOlrmont 3 fos- a few da".. loha Penche-, cf Toroento, vu here on éah Sunday vuth laismohes-. tlb Ms- Bd WU=so sud EWiab Wilson ari vitis .slk <s-itends. M w modpe"b $b " srevstreooe-dM from bis »Mâot WnesssMd laà ov cie le s-mme.evos-k SmlosAIrpssd bis nt a.ean lnations dév"s ea Msula »Vn ovnr. iala 1 ha grmndu oiaoscort lime. W. Oskv. wuvaMcItise Eplio>**jt sMd wseu. " pies..1 ivi is wat b. O. ,ofWI.sa ISI oopIte oou*"ê fpansg~p Oý Mr Harry Onapman of Uxbrlage,1 brother of our esteomed townhman, Mr1 P W Obapmnan, was drowned at Che- inung Park, Peterboro, Wednesday after- nÃ"on. A. oravel walk lias been ptaoed on the1 soutli aide of Camaeron Street weat .<rom, Albert street to Hogw's sud this week a nw gravai walk la being placed on the east aide nf St. John atreet from Camer. ou to Munro. altreet. 1Mr W 0 Pery, wo bas ben ln the ewploy «< Meurs Sa.muel Benjamin & o wholeaalë bardward merohauts of Toron- ta,* was ln towu this week aaylng good. bye to bis many friends. Mr Perry leaves on Mon'day for New Westminster, B. O., wheU hé go.. to s.cept a lucrative posi. tien wlth the Cunningham Hardware Co. of that City. Mr P.rry 1. a 'ong n an ci abîlilty gwd integrity, wbo i. bigbly re- peotedi y &Hilwho bave had theplaure of forming hi. acquaintance 1 etrin business or sooialIy. lis carnies wltb bim to bis weptern borenefot only tbe g ood w ahi' of bis em ployer , but th t Of eVery itizen of this tcwn as well as lnany ini Toronto and Kîrkûeld.-Gleau* er,_.- WEAK BC~ WA13A O@ANS IIDNET;PML"e WILL CURKE YoIJ Do VOUR omm 4D5 OtR P8T Wim41p éARY sTROUfa$ OP »Y IDP IF 50 VoOAt4'5 PLLS çW) LL %Imm "No- mDNM WGtfl KNOWIuS 1 h-,A losriO41ý ie WSy o of on8à sa1 *ipl,*boe it was cnssrtied o- )prdiùg tl - 'ade 1 a% n d ordefr4, 8sa. . 1 ý id- sôxribl* cof the Brit1*h .t.10i ho~ ~~ lfyeael f Tôtn- Bowling.- Tb@ prevoyant aid tar i.s tili hale anid beaty, brit as, etsallor neyer knowa wheD pà ~uin~i1r DO.vy éià'b ' or may r.aoh hlm h. thiuks it rlght 10 se tbat everything under batobes le in . rorer trim for thât important Occauion. DTuaead cf tbe ordinary landemai'o ob- lot b1U, ck *énôualt ibe 'oamlu,Pmot moorlng place in l the forni of à gally painted trim but wberry. It i. c f stronig build: and is in ail respects cou. structed on the lines of an Ordlnâfy double.ended life.bost, without, perbape quite as mnch ahear sa s ausualiy found in snob oraft. This boit coffin ie carvel built and seven feot long, and wiil be panted 1k. an od nan ofwar, wth Wb1hite- and black porthoies. Life lines will b. tliod round ber,, - ud wheu oom- pl'eted ah. wilI present a very tidy, ses- wortby sppearande. Twoecars are ta ho supplied, and rudder and tiller will be duly fitted. The wood used le pin., West Afrioan mnabogany, Oak and elm. The. inter.pai 'getýu'p" is te be left for the undertaking furnisher, and wili no doubt b. of a- fitting oharacter. This is slip- posed to ho the firot olipper bulit coffin ovr cootruoted. The d1e u te griot a le ?aimpuyr eeints ae the Peo4ple are powi 11ed tework aud disinÙse l-bylis Tii. fufrarare buoy wlth. îhek hbay, whloh la.s fair ecrop. Çàtlebuyero are very eager -to pur. ~liae suo~* ôôUb". Pïp@to look 90oà for the catte market. Thebeys are behiagCSIlOed t harts rI l lugo qulte often thie seascn, sud rep t bsvlng big races. Thel'. ver. two I1 t w~ek Mat bastbe botys for a raisizï The townoblP road mtcbinle 'A rua1li ing atons e ar Sohepelar station. F W Lamnb 15 buiding a woodsee at Pez" a shool, suDd viii finish thse same -duriug the aesti0f. Hjugh- Wilson le at presot2t at War. miniter. W. hope te o Ocson 0hirn agalu in'our midat. Austin O'Boyle has quit the mnerchan. tii. business. Another store vacant in ent towu. Rupert Burns,( Seagravi Britain, Fostar, Maripos 428 ; Cha H une, Ye 20, S bauk, 4 posa,O 490 ; V R-undis, gtar, Pu v 3rton, Thomp 'rus, Pinoda Prnce 618;1 619;1 Cuiber Hsrba hem., UyM.dkin'of the Âge. DIan*a~ C.s#p ad'" Pain,« h ote#> oInlan,,SursisSoalda, SpÉatna, Toothaohe, P tnIntke<( 'nt-th.Ia POUt lana ulanable isle Oue cf tise heaviest haillsud rain storuis ever oiyperienced ber. ooenmred ou Saturdsy afternoon, deing an im- miense awount of dainage to he crops. During the .progrese cf tbe aerna, while driviug into tcwn, Mr Samn Me- Millau's teatu rau away, and freeing themselves f roru the buggy at the iscrosse grounds, tbey rau a short. dis- tance, whien oeeof Lie herses collided with a lelegrapi polo, kiiling the herse instantly and amnAsling the polo -whichi by tii. way was a solid codar over a foot Lhick -square off about ive feet frein the ground. k 1 i-- If Mr. Alfmod Boultpu# fcs-merlY cf Ibis place, s-etorned on a efiyig riait on tbe 111h bat.- Mr. Boulton vas s vos-y claver yong man viien he -eéided bero, sud siuco ioainq ns ho bas; steadily goesfor- ward. Ho tle nov 15 years away, and tfeth past pAît 10 yess-s bas been in Bookln-nov greater New Yor-k. Mr. Boulton le. a leadiug storeotyper and boucs commanda'- a lage saiary. H. is ow ou the 'Citizen. lu bis viole 10 yeart . hla.buouly vorked -ou tres pap ors', sud thon vont fro m eue papes-t tbe ther for largos- psy. -'Mr. Boltone father, Mr. Wùà@ I3onlon, formosly lived ber, viore. Mr. H. N. Anderson,, mm- bras-n, nov farm. Mi. Wm. Boulton ie nov, sud bas been for mauy yeams, tiie fas-mos - aIthe MimicQo sylum. l. Eves-y p rcihoro vas dellghted te se. A.lfred ri:ton, <o-for 6 yas-s nagi é ho a grot, favorite vith'evesyoensd evon thon cionsdoWSd- h. bsigbtoteofcor youu mo. Bebastvo neloibin Brook- 1yn'a su one lu Maa , .G re. -B ouiton, who is nellkuovu a sstock saises.'Wei joy hie, for ho la sivays fonilals kiud sud friemdly. mosgi se- ô v ptertrove he r to Page Sarah 1 Barchina :1 Myrtie P.rry, 57 teach,4 Mand Je Laing, E 466 ;Be Etbei Mi marbal och, Prir Wick, &1 480 ; Le~ Mary IN KPerkins, eoas, I Wick, 41 430, P4 Bertha 1 Nvoidon, son, Pril

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