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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1897, p. 3

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jui,,1897. am otf ixiaro quîtgd- roineitw r 1tOT O 8ool, 'M2;Whgbèlrakia Bell, PUrtmfiàm b1Y, ta I had conQ <tio>t*o 3 ý 8, 71 Âggie îBlaIok. Wle ,4N -1wlîh - hatdq ainuig y ie rtainly ne ÎZ. l.iea iÇe oýý18 Bi@dIç 430; 1tv? !0y0 a" had'aliIttie QOrIMrJob bA%h DfIoei Utica, 687; Getrude t fln oncla 0? A 1o Whoean,, Epaom, 81 ledIorbs ot Iai-meeting cf tbree or four Q .0:Mr )ai ~78 Etel mmomon PO' c h~i, ut ousaw one now and If ekther ofths W n2Lui 'ruoi,~ Md nt ai? A.. Oh yes. '1sup. tibn :hcy would1 Edos Greenwa , Laittle Britain, Q Te~ gsx fie h p o e hx -XsHabFormPor Prry, ps427;i~i ntalte:ie eget;. o' 1;6u JEa m blyo , 'ree Perr,207; OIi intMentf a pereon to 11 wich. à Q As to the, sud~'nonGrubnk,620 L n the n 1 gîf t4 Onfato G<venont? zation for electic Jenkins, Laittle Britain, 430 ailA V1s1 .noey1for ti labig Port Perry, 5a8; Velin. Luke, ups tw eeal hr g ee 40-1 Bella Manderson, Pineclale, 570; Q.I UPO5 tW gerlyThrwsnve EFi MrFié i riin,49 eaunderstood tmat the office practically binreference toa a Mar L t te ry, 510; 59;thel naCui-lay within your cont ci? A.,'Oh no, wa or shape. eobl, Prt Ferr, 510; Eh Oull01111 ot undorstood, that way st ail. Q There wei 'Wick, 512 j Nellile MoMillan, Greeonbatik, Q. We ail underatand that le the you in regard ta 480 ; Leila Morgan, Little Britain, 550 ; whoie Minlstry, that it le the Govern- cept just as yc >hry Newton, Saintfleld, 259 ; Mary ment th;tt makes the appolntment, flot Yes. porkins, Greenbank, 424; Stella Port- yourmelf; that le, yau wouldn't' mfake Q Simply a( eous, prospect, 482 ; Annie Rennie. the appointment ta the office, but cei pt of sorne le, Wîck, 458; Bertha Rundie, Pinediile, stiii as poiitician.s understand it, QA nd thosi 430, Emuma Thorne, Royal Oak, 821 ; it was underatood kt was Iargely ceived are, you Bertha Till. Greenbank. 462 ; Florence within your say, if I mîght 50 put GeneraI's depart NVedon,. Little Britain, 518 ; Birdie Wi* it ? A. What sort of politicians ever papers thez son, Prince Albert, 454 ; Edna Worden. understand that ? That is nat the be there. Manchester, 018 ; J H Adams. Sougog. case in reference ta any appointment Q Did yau e 0,28; Alfred Archer, No il Mariposa, made by our Government I have my A No. I did il 433; Bertie Bently, No 8 Reawh. 474 share ofIinfluence and wouid have kt in Q Are they Rupert Bruce, Port Perry, 427; Robert any appointulont made- in our county all, as a membt Burns, Greenbank, 492 ; Alred Crooka, but beyond ththa sl 1cnay No.Iwud.n' Soagrave, 529; Mahlon Culbert, Little I ht 8that i i cnsy. N. wouldn't ob unn Britain, 432 ; WîM Cumrng, Wiok, 489 ; Q fImgts u .wud' ab un Wm Ourrie, Port Perry, 548;- Thomas your share af influence be rather larger papers in my de Foster, Wick, 4î8, N. aon Ora.ham, No 7 and be much more regarded in the suggest going t Mariposia, 4909; Harr linarrison, Whitby case of an office af that klnd within I wauld have tc 428 ; Gordon Horn, Port Perry. 627 ; the riding than it would, say, for an eral. Chas Hîscox, port Perry, 482; Russel out-layiflg county ? A. That might Q Did you Lukre, Greenbank, 438 ; Manseli Mag- be true. I wauid be willing ta say eral ? A No- uire, Yelverton, 544 ; Johin McLean, No that I had, perhaps, agreater influence derstand that 1 20, Mariposa, 472; Trevor Parker, than any ather single member af the dning so. Little Britaîn, 477 -, Chas Phoenix, Green- Government excepting the Attorney Q You kna' batik, 428 ; Eraxik Purres, No il Mari' General, In whose department the ap- ask hini anythii posa, 5o2; Roy Rogers, Litte Britain, pointrnent lies. ask him. Tihei 490; Win Ros, Raglan, 494; Frank Q. A little while aga you answered your liberty in, Rundle, Port Perry, 081 ; Solw 'n Sang* a question ai mine by asking what suppose nat, b ster, Port Perry, 4650; Albert 8cotý,' el kind oi politicia would -understand papers iii my1 y 3rton, 451 ; Perey Scurrah, Myrtle, U20; that that officewas within youi git. go anywhlere el Wesley Stacey, Yelverton, &'o0; Roy Wouid the kind Of politicians who run Q Did yau Thompion, No 3 Rtea.,h, 479 ; PeterL Truns, Seagrave, 621 ; Ambert Maddill, the electionaIn bthe Liberal interests about the elci Pindal, 49;Wm ebter No18down in South Ontario, underîtand about steps, ta Reach, 428. Recommended-Jas Long, that. A. 1 dan't think sa. or diyôu'son-l Prince Albert. Q. Would nat they be -inciined go. It is ratht PU'BLICO801100L LZÀVII«i. rather ta magnify your influence than question like Minm u nuberofmars rq uredtodiminish it in a case ot that kind ? midst ai an e] Minimu. m nbr oftmarks5rMrir-tosnt that your experierace of thern ? gram tn;ght be pos,760;.FWà Bencroitr, No 1 Bri-k A. I don't know. Of course some af letter; 1 havei pos an60kF Brwste, No i Bosk. these men. I suppose, imagine that Q. Dad you 619; W à Clark, Wick, 621 ; Mahion rny influence is sametirnes mare than- Made in that ri Ouibert, No 18 aie, 625 ; Etta it is in any appaintment, whether in offic0e belng OPe Mariposior I bter.1 ave no recol Harboru, No 13 Beach, 639; Edith Har- ta o nyoanyohr born, No 13 Beach, 742 ; Ida J Moore. Q. Xhen it was for that caunty D.Q O Saintfield, 658; Jennie bLnty, No 6 E they wauid imagine- A. They !~' n to i Whftby, 775 ; Bessie Smith, No 63 E would naturally, I suppose, imagine gmetont Whitby, 630; Gertie Stovin, No 10 that. electo and at BeachÈ, 628; Frank Waddell, Wick, 667. Q. I su ppose you were commrun>i- u say th? ENeÂcESTNDNOONPUBLIC SCHOOL cated with personaîly by a number of te ht tofay h LZÂV!NQ. parties who thought they had claims, tainly couid Minimum number of marks reuired,' or at least who desired the appoint- made. you se 308. W S Biack, Wiek, 557; Ami Cox, ment? A. Oh yes, I was spoken ta scattered the No 16. Beach, 489;ýl Etta Croesen, No 2o, by a great many. bave said somi Mariposa, Kate.burraY, No 20 Mariposa. . And f rom yeur conversations body sposkinst 578 ; ýGeorge O'LearyNo 15 iteach, 335 ; with them wauld yoti not understand ment, but othq Ethel Prk. No 8 W hitby, 520; Annie that they had that idea. that. it was ion even cf tlb Pinkham, No 20 Mariposa, 59; Maugie largely as you said wkth regard tg> thecfonesii Robertson. No 4 Beach, W68; Olive disposition ai that office ? A. 1 don't Q Did yci Waddeli, Wick, 5U think sa. with Mr Rend Their marks have been reported by You are confident t -%z "'b-at tbev the reglstrai post card to ail the candidates who fale.sald would not lead yo ta th'*nk tir. > eonvertitonis A. 1 always taok rnatr<'cuIar care ta gntlmen On. e r.gentlm" Ysii *-Yi a"I nverthifciMAY sa u ,pU e n~ :pieeetm-1; Me.6Wru eraîering MY puéift Withouýt Ch=s iSypcfuircir aims? A Net oeany. i. V-s la th vOrWd Lânusod snd rirPttiha*t =y ede1" Siich'n- maving in andi o.. th'o ;qh tUt t<îdl &WE i# dorsatimft= frein 11 inahtly 5hOUktgir.0"'althe tume and i cnilnttConSmantuv iW Q P14 fideS ncoI>-'.ChassaMOdiChno.contact with thes -Pepoo ;u, ti t seto 0*17 1 If YO3" &metrcubW dwt*i iht Ilng Sm aithem. preforroti t utali, o eue rater r iil7 a thrmts 1 se cîaiAM@Uig poeia ad than write. 1 Q. Who fgens, iou whI1fiad DMOUMSISsybé OF o it'rciv oe tte Wo AIDTuuUuNI uoslie s d ;um applications ? A 1 sttlppg$e thert A, 1_,M" nianefit cUMe.TSiSPma o mfOl P" i'ight have been morne ud ifthev «a a t Edmanion, Dats& CO,se - CftSwere of any Imtportùnet at *11 they for Canada4 4351 gaîtad sestTçoto. wauld be In cmo i)a-ltiih~*p ~st _________Il the Attorney Geurm1S IIanIL îte -A I.haven't auithIP94 g 1- Iy TI~ P4UTtrS XAININ y notice t.o produce papemsan- T149 DRÉeFBCi. ver ail uiy p«per*s-4*I40y $ y 'alw IA - Ilook tu ougltan tbud',w.bwe The Hon Jno Dryden vwIs exainined haven't beenibe *' ,,Gré *eoA. Boomer special exm The papers would bc imer, a: Toronto, on tht iý4th of 3,47, 1o6" tb.y wer.-4beü *tm pi: in the 1104 suit of Dryden vs WM. tuons and s<o m -bel p, MP~?r1 R>clay repre- Q Ddo*$4* tet1r Smuith sand1Mr C jItoleuan PrtesitheRdaonsb v.ýl.l.ww aie the nue. b msWililà,?, A No. emon tide an appîli*t set a loutter tue way I me tne ,osiy they titi reglstry office, organi ýn purpaste -Or ralsin etion prpses ? A ra ietterwrttn by me any maney st ail In any ýe ne ietters written by the registry office ex- Dû have descrlbed A Lcknowledging the re- mters ? A Yes. se letters that you re- say, ail in the Attorney- ment ? A Yes, what- re are In existancé will enquire for them there not. ,wîthin your contrai at )er o! Government ? A ot allow another member prowling thraugh my epartment nor I wouldn't through anybady else's. o ask the Attorney-Gen- ask the Attorney-Gen- I did not. I did'nt un- had any autharîty fo w. yau have autharity tc ng you miglit deafrt,# re 55 na rëstrlction-upor that regard. A Ohi. but yau asked me fi poissession andi I diin' [se ta find themu.- irece-ivo - any telegran ;îin îû Sautb Ontario c bc taken iniregard ta i- idany? A-Itian't thin] rr awkwarti answering that. 0f course in th ,lection can>paign a' tele e sent, or sanie sort ai na .recallectio> ai any. Li u any speeob tubai y' riding refer ta the regit en ? A. 1Idon't thikeI ffleotion cf 1:. ln conversation vith lÏM Liberal Party for that ii bat, lu Connectien vith tt tthe time cf the eleotic A I don't think s,« at wbile everybedy wvas eleetiou contest v. of no t get au a'pcintmoi ie niy colleagues verei bsaine as I w*i. I MI ttbing of tbat dud toan z-about -an "elyappuix ia. I dare sy tisss si &0 would take Place. :> haveay couversti brion about thée natter rý ofieAI ae-b witb htm sud s.v.x,90o s PU, cueualu I~esJ&w s»yorba.4, ythiz*s1OtU 4 ft; u41J0d7 sko4 umea phhcu; bid 0Qnhlujdo witbh t,in god bdz u Ail you ltuow 6f what M.Swt *siwhat th. e Wb éoi ,W4 bav eWd, NESjthonS L Weton by s oicitors, evldently. Il10 tegt a t ltb tlm*v es ttuo CRS U ATEDO atyeuiter sud .1 nsd luy hm b uLen fgr <olumnbék in e. paper, seS ?IPEcJL * bv e amon;te docen eIérs.MatP f ,0whb *bl ginnlngand tecsopdssamckwf a d vr4 wrreg. mat toeved woiordsrom i Smlyth u howqin ditd t makethesttmttab wcld 1.ETIEE 8 aveype ndierd $. osned, , 'illu4e% andr'oPju, Have cmnc e enti frmot*. PS # 'Irgn U i orhteWsUrce vat vaed o tlinthat e- À îls i îbn metig adnd éepe bave he 1 ailgi e itibna l not retoeie oe r bom Mr. sokn to atie spmh okth e diduatth ml)eeti whc say t at .world- rad e bvee uterd s stated. v Q Hsat>nned l yor utatfomut cfa -te evenrse thato ma e sateet that rrtue Igiza rie QtItheumelaitgandver1oubave borfd onceto : Smth' eznijutlo? A 7 V Si hn DeTRO t, Y> Qth Meeating, roBmlththe éssd vs 5 1 i MS Ui jsuiUb 't :Uor uttubs e tat on.casthtrogî ;' QA s n t ydat si yune s a fte r iiofi.oterii 1 elaimeyPsàdde d e f r Ri, oh VAYomcl Eïtdo everyne delored dMearidgbocm. JIIc Imehnkedm aihe ranko ot he ieall ouarfhmy i» aout bereal struffcetion.tiveheindow- iru lede f fr Dryden." [fha" re er i lt, iD&E. en' osrbve yetauys omlint on? that INeEROt9 keo scoeA.Myocrpaii .'Raiex.5 e- het i rSmttatlP s apial itfas > Ou rygo tue velinmo tthat curse I haveugb ac conult. Thadet lefen aste tc uaiiitesr em avr gr decie MoIndeatc he o r as swhoymni u0lnsaa twd w eyvers é,pl edý u )>.p ers at thetipe atrbsadolst >t a .md meteole ne rsoodIthe i ereoptiy wer on t vestthe meigadthuh te Ii praincfrcealgsu eu wo vrds Dy, s on atthe turne. 0 t lffî siupê h ci atlfig lu Q scoe htyoreudcacinl 4 ueareebendte p- ar tbte 1word tatbd I. Bmiat si eeono to0v$h rcs-4it vtl ho bfieea or ig astt ot bme A. r1hbü , a c, featihes sud s score ou- no1curi ~ onau: Tate, as ee ,afd tsersfrtdjueiig cbsuy et. the Irs < at ht fo fs ave I~e osd ru ie i in> O;t QOPa. -ave yen-le fr. Sautyo) t luM04 -Yhome ïcwr se Inatian? A. *y Y...égèreftoued fOauuid1 b fsui s ion Q. Iflab. word. iaei.ti vxeue r lawouû idve -e*t1a ,Un bemade ,hoth pepl nd ihem le charge en ttbtie ou ttyli c>us*t tselh hu re etthe ofi?4.i nd ththoyThe dti0li#SiIO p)aiig end. IU@ voud e~tu. ontr~Un u~vtheA .* nsoluit rign_ n t he espsthat iofsation i~ o Aue4 f so14 u rd. foatmees ' *îeupmlangses o bo.Waie cqMtç * But wer gig . wth . ow.*jA .là ,., ak. ê0mof 6vee tu i.~ ~ NEVOS EILTY ~EEI¶MNAL BALK veok or dobMttd5Usd Dm-or t eill maee4ltaw NIO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL o oo m l t a m ç t b e e3e muad i<id have tva b1 i.~~~e >RT i b MNtbd roi tne M a dmv. &rm 1 bave sent t mmusî a Ue m ireatam"tsplievsi blood disees W» v as M r grtom er »g Mm tkya sQgbua .. rI 10,00 URCMNO RiSit ZE ANTBUL EEo, Ef au ueo e fori ils. question lowa ery's iired. rders T si. s'al

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