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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1897, p. 6

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out vwMlbe laW ooiitug %I.& Àvi upostjOn, that I1_ es, ý .llho.ratiier Ia6te* WbatdO yos _'Nmýb o Wx> for 1f .44ner i'table st bis Young wlf, .ue ,,WbbtoudoolsvaMd ah., mmting- hie pi, hrgged ber, sbaulderSw'ln 10 * answering bis question. m, e "You needn't ait up for m, e husband reinarkod oareiessly. a "-Thank you. I supposeIca ~ploe s ayseif V- "iYou generaliy do that, a.nd you kuow well enough that I neyer lay clown any special laws for yen." She iooked at hini, with a lîttle ,amite curving ber lips. '-And were yen t.e do se, do you think that I should obey them 1 she asked. "My dear girl, I have nover given the subjeot a tbought." "iBut do you 7" she persisted. ",Don't bother Il' "lHaw very like a man ta avoid anewering a question by saying 'don't bother ' " she.returned, laugbing. "And how exceedingiy like a woman ta piague one with seneeleas que8. tions !" "'You called me a child jusl now," hie wife remarked, rising f rom ber chair and reaching across the table for a box cf cigarettes. "May 1 ask what you are going to do now f' Greville asked. "'You may ask, certainly, but I can pieuse mysoîf about answering," she said, and proceeded ta light a cigarette with ber back turned taward him. "Excuse my smoking before yeu've linished your dessert," -she said as she blew a whiff cf amoke f rom between ber red lips and turned and faced humn. %. Hee iooked at ber with a puzzied ex. pression in bise yes. l"Since wben have yen iearned that. very charming aocomplialhed 1" h. in- quired, sarcastically. Sho drew ber pretty brows together perplexediy. "'I'm reaiiy sorry I can't toi] you, but I've forgotten haw long ago il is.' H. gave a short laugb snd watched ber as she daintiy flicked the ash off her cigarette, and ho wanderod why it did net arfiger uita se ber smake, sinco usuai)y b. abhorred ta, seea woînan do so. It truck bu ie athat had se dons tbe sanie thing a few montbs before il would have calied down upou ber head bis wrathful indignation, but nov h. felt totally indifferent as t wbat ah. miglit chaose te de. It mat tered to hbm leu than nctbing, sinc( Le vwu utterly and indesnibai.'y tireý of ber. "«Yen den't abject ta nxy amokin Phil ?" bhie vifes inquired, watcbini bis face'keenly. i"It can't really mat ter mucb what I de-at bleta oyen. 'IWhat a sensible renark 1"ý "The trutb a il fe Ibat." Si threw lb. cigarette' inte fit'. au isbod. 'II vonder if aie meant -itl"»hb uoliiequWs. l"Sho sMd lb as biongi ah. did And how joli>' pretty ,%hoooe smolcug biat cigarette 1 1 voude why ah. dd i itiIf asit hougit ï vouls! annoy me ahé vasualabake Ail tee MI 1haltseaum vyoma smoke-il's vulgar and, loy, tàhoug l'Si itmangedf 04 l"ut tbing ïloî ok devî«bi val. 1bel Jiy Taunon ou14 tt" i c Pon fool R.'. dospenabeyiynlulove vith - ho .What a thousaus-Pillîes lie didmi marnyhberni 1behiovelwlsh hohms 811,if, $h. vaanlt s.0congundedfl soît IerWteshe woqldn't b. bu a,.sud lhe'. uabommoriy pretty st blm Jiu110 li4t tls nS e otougb* .1 léoked i but tb1 Wsso0fatdg9 11* t hownonemuning fwt viat 1 dms.ort s. Poosa' dvil 1 *-tme 1.. but ;not once « lthéw.tonui ïn~ hum of 1is cruel neleat wlioh vas killing hobe by inchea. Puobby iWa it Struck . him he*éuid have put tIiiI tbought away as bsing toc, rlviai-,for bis amant, up.bo-du.te uind. H. did net notice that aasah. onD- countered his «gahi lHb.hegiadriesa died out of ber face, and he knew neti tiat the careleas indifference ah. saw in il entered intôber soul with'intel- erable anguiab.' "ia unnt geing tobore you with niy c.mnpauy for long," b. said, lean- ing against the ruantelpiece. "6Yen know yen dontb love me, Phil. Why don't yoel thelb trutb and say you don't intend being bored by me 1" ahc anavered quiokly. -One doesn't always like ta SaY what one thinke," ho replied, shrng- ging bis abouiders. 1,1 do bore you, then 1" she asked. ",Yon bore me wheri yen ask sncb a stupid lot oif questions." His wife's lids trernb)ed and quivor. ed. "Do you kncw what people are say- ing 1" sho went on Blowly. «I hear it wberover I go, though, of course, P'M not supposed ta. Shall I tell you what it is V' "Pieue yourself." "Ail right, l'Il tell you thon. It'E; only that you ÈLre tired ta death of me and repent your marriage f rom the bottom cf your heart. For once peo- ple tell the t ru th. Don't they 7" She pushed ber hair back f rom ber forehead with a weary little gesture, and her husband burst into a boister ans laugh. "Yes, for once people have hit the mark nearly in the right place," ne said, with an angry flash. "Have yon any more interesting news te, tell nme before I go 1"8 "1.8 that interes1ting 1 I sbould have thought it dreadfû liy stale to ycu who have known it so long, and besides àt is such an everyday thing. I hourd1 sanie one* whisper today that it we.si "1quite a comnion occurrence-flot at %Il unLisuaI.' She laughed softly and raised a pair of shining eyes ta, his. "LIet me have a good look at you, Phil," she ss.id, tilting her-jhead slight- ly to one Od~e and regardi2ng bis fair, handsome face with a smie lurking round her moutb. "'What a goad looking boy yen are!>, she whispered, "levexi wben you aie' angt'y. Greville made ber a mocking bow, but she only smied that strange emie again and staod on tiptoe and placed ber amali bonds on bisgreat, broad ahquldem ' "Good n1SW "abs said. «II kniwypu a"r1ngnog. and 1 wouldn't k.ep you against your will tffor vends. ,-Good nlght. Ând, 914' ePhil, I'm a wfufly " ~I sMOke. 8h. raiseti ber p,ýalelitIe faS o'h is, ybut with a muttered grovi bo pusd yro aiter your remarks,"ho onied aScofflu ly, andt afode b tt* f tiheroom vit. e quick,an»Mystrîdeos-hengi*sg the. door 1ein *im *Ît * odë* geo it )n t e o he id ne 101 er t L le] mi »ai t uthbie sofby pÏared. lipisdid not anaer, thoigh a sinýile seemed to hoéver round them u scb au rie 'sa on a obild's' face '*hen aslesep, .and thé dnkcl' fingedyelids did not'quiver atbs pa.ite, -Caro""e. Thvough ti casernent a f aint glearu of Iigbb shone pale and yellow, -show- ing that a nov dày bad dawned for the. living and fer the dead. White Bpecks In Butter. Moties in botter sud white speaka art soanetimes oonfounded, aud b>' some arc- ooneidered the saine, but hhere ls a differ- ene. Motied or stresky butter lia beeL expliîad as being causea-by an unequal distribution of the. sait. but white speckb bave a différent cause or causes. Sorte dines, wben lie ruilk in set in ehailow pans, tho>' reanit freux the oream dryinb. on top, so tiere are ernall partions ths; are se bard tii.>'de net abura into but ter. Theste particles do net tare 'tb. color likee i.rost of the. butter, and! the speeke are tins caused. Thisia>' h remedies! b>'caroful>' slraining th( oroam *heu it is pui*thla e lau. Anothe r câaa of>whbitespckWil ibis: 'Whnoue mur i. s klznaid .off tbe crea, asisunail' n. theii.cageof deepeold s e t hlmilk setles le the bottormts verpeaa ,ra ur. vbich viii be'ao bard as net te break np buw l.ibut lvii rémimw#h Ib ai ter asWhite speoke or , as i .'are b>' nal letting the orearn stais ei et. lare obnrning or by -trequent ant hoogg aats «thei oeaoe duringt theproces âi ip.ung. Ti.bar, ble buic eau~ ~ ~ U eiab aerot'> trainin the 7 »Utt«- ?hauSorg. awl~ wa~ dro n.d. Tii .yo ng 'boy mousg e o lloig le a rootý sud Wb». pnib"IliArchiLe Oubhb ei alqed '18, of =Kidtel ù v otàt bth. sàuay mt ing ln irgaIl's mlk pond,, gob beyond i depth and vas drowned., INew York, Jul>' 2.-At a ornai! bote) lu Wesitobester village, Patrïck Sisilivan, 25 years of &ge, aud bis pretty- firet cousin, Annle Sullivan, ver. found dsad this rnorning. They bad been s.pby xiated by illumiuating gas. Nev York, Jniy 25.-Tiotohy Kilmar tin, a brioklayer from Newark, quarrelled with a tramp nswed James Nea)y ou tbê Bowery lait uigtht. Neuiy bit ilîmartin ou tbe head* wilb his fiel, lcmoking hlm insensible. He dted *ta day without hav- Ine spoken. Neai>' said b. struck ln self. defence. Utica, N.Y., July 26.-John Pheipa, 28 yoare old, a cierk, aud bis wife, 17 y'e4rs old, were instantl>' killed by a train on tii. West Shore Bailroad &bout six o'clock laut tight. Tii.>' ere seen îtruggline hefore tii. train struck them, andl il ie tLbcnghl lbe mau intended te cause the deatb cf hie wife sud hiniseif. H. b.dl beeu' heard te Ibreaten ber, Warkwortb. Juiy 28,-Richard Green arrivait hoe frcmn au aeyium Saturday afternoon, suppoisedi>' perfecîly ored, but tbe faot Ihat hie vif. vas iil unbahanced bis mina and be out bis Ibroat. He leaves a widaw and ivo cbildren. Montreal, July 26h.-Mra. Gabriel G;irandine, of àiiambl y, sligiitly de. ranged, drowned herseif. But that s pmrser tripped and fell a few feet froni the river one would bave been caplured before oe.junped li. New York, Jul>' 26 -Bocanse h. failil in au exasa., Benjamin Simnon, aged 14, guicided in the Hudson. An Odd Pray or. Tii. Boanoke Nova prictahbe follow. *tg fervent pae which a Coored min- inter recenly =uaeil bebaif cf a. feiiew rninister: 1,O Lord# gib hlm de -eye Ob de eugle dot h. spy ont gin afar off. Fil bis hsuds on de gospel plow. Tie bis tangue to de lins ob îruth. Nail bis ear te do gospel paie. Bow bis hoad way dowa between bis kneos and bisi knees' wray dovn la some loDesotae, cisk and narrer valley viiere pnîy'er linmmcii want ed te b.s made.- 'Nemin him wid de kero- ,qene il.eof salvashun and sot hlm on Saved Her- Drunken Humband. She Finaliy Administered a Rèrnedy, Without bis Knowledge, and Cured Hlm. à eorreapondent wi»à Ibas! »uc a haýppV ;homo and ! a noble# big-beirted hxsbia tfil ho teck to drinkinO, firet 'rhrougi *ociaïbility, -thon becanu th. 4"I vas hean1abôken, 'My iappy ibcim rind! tais!me te ir> a liquoir cure oallod Au4n Booze , 1 vas villi t- I. tr>' any tiiug Se sen $1.G, u ah.su4etd 0. uî muT0TgEN VEma SSUrFFRINB ?wo 3302C CuzwS UImTON, 2m Tu 3vr, 1895 Gentlemen -por the Lut ton yem 1s I ba been trouibleâ wlth kidnqy disease, belng es bad at it«erv Sthat Icould not lin I b.d at nibt nor stoop 10 the around. 1 b.d trled aU the reuledjesIcoUld flnd wfthout efeoct, but bond of Dodd's Ii ney Pis and jproured abox. Iam Most happy ta s"y Il o Iya sake m wefl as for'othems tbat I am PeU% t.tly oured afIn uâ ng four boxes. jomH uBX JO PE.FREWZLL, Q.Ce, Barristor County Orown Attorney, and Oounty kolicftor. Offie-Boutb Wing 01 Qaurt 0ause, Whltby. JAMZS EUTLEDGE, Barrister, ec.010 Oce former!y occupied by Farewell & BRitledge, neit Royal Hlotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID OJUIISTON,9 B. A., &ttorney-at.Law, Solicitor li Chancoêry, Oonveyafloer, etc. office - Ilu th. office 6outb of tbe Post office, inlxiuaMlo' Blook, Brook Street, Wbltby. 0. YOUNG SMITH. LL* B., of Marriage Licenues. Office ;- Smltb'i Block, South cf Market, Bi ock St., Wbitby. DOW & McoiLLIVRAY, Barristers, Soicitors lxi Ohancer>', etc. Office li Mathison & Dawkexi's new block Brook St., 'Whitby, south of Ontarlo bank. W. . Y AILSOL D, D. L.B.. County Survayer axid. Drainage Engineer, Port P r?>, Ont. Dr8, Warren à Moore. . .Moore, M. D., BrookiUn. O&fCe houris 9. a. M. O boceh»rsIl am tala-i.toS.i ~'PoivafEeleAn om'iUiD D. Po BOGAIT, 9 .L>S sud Accoucher ec Om ad .xlmo zt t Audia' Ocb, h. -DumdaiStee,13b by»% B-~ Dental Surgei u î 1 a tsbranches pronitl7 W.A DA MS, M-6'w» ¶#b4iOeri o;~ ~~V Ms4uI, h$y lerk; !&tMrol hri 4 Ma4 4; ep.; Q*.SIlov.dt - . eleegon, Grewod - i w ~nrni.m, Port - M i . - ~~ Uzbrfdge, 14O(ct 34; Dec. 1.. 5h u> 0ai 1; marci' 26; &Y 2 0; jul' lb;boct. 15; Dec. 17".evetn ]BzâVaLTa-Gec. F. Bru1e, ep rcu &xek oMrc 26; May 21;'Jul>' 16; Oct. 16; Deo, 18- p. Hart, tTptergrove lerk,-.,Marcb 27; May 22; lui>' 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. BIyorder, J. . ARB WELL Olerkcofthe ÏOaCe. 'UTANTD~SVERL AITHFUL w< Mon or Women te travel for re , spabsiliSeuletablished bouse' lu Ontarlo. Salary S78e, payable $1,5 *weiy sud ex- pensm .Positionl permnanent. Reference. Enclose self4addressed staimped cuvelope. The National, star Buildig. Chicag.-1-7-8. DENTIST. cor. Klig & Tonge St. Toronte. spectisiattetitlo a pitlclti f reom -a dis- tance. Arn stil, mekig plates lu, rubber, 88, celluloid #10. Gold sud oliver illng wokcrolvuuu i r >'tIl-clasi Opeatcrs ai t ose m a l ea on iblO rate s i u lb. cil>'. Wben in the cil>' eaitlin and 1.t me exam- ine Oeur1 tet I make ne extra charge. GDonliot, senti'861at corner Kigand YOxie Bts.,p Toronla. - W. He ANR DBÂALER IN LAT]%, LUMER, AGENT For COAL C0.$ 1'hat thoug For the me wlth pah Ayer's stride the coloèSfus. t of Us pti mwnbor o i of the=m1 1owed it 1 modal glm inthe ' they caW The Stevi VTapceuver, ]lowîng ta inmefly of th -Out. on the. ariig b *er1 ëRaunce b the rescue wked her' bore b six TOILONTrOO Office and-Yard just," Uptown Station. Wiitby, Oct. 251h, 1894. tee mali Il find ne of ils ipersn East of lrIt ý.1t00wl 48K YOUR 8TATOE 10Il>- vas a very minute one, Rav little rtstthst venlng ant lý,brute $ho. mut mot" he mttiudus1 et h ititoth. bonse, a" ntiItied, t. < justiée, ho *hqught bl.ixOn. a «ta aPity Isli - $-0 ttù4r âlu e oootmuedbfý of her,tbou uQPP bati ntt"ion .5arsaparIl la laSU<Lflt P I 6L 13 Thé Greatest of ail Liver, Stomach and Blood Mediciries. A speOIFIO FOR >RIi.umatlos, Gout andi Chronlc Conplalota. They Cleanse -ane, Purif'y the Blood. ÂI1 Drugglots and General ýDealer.l ÏCIC. 1 1 - 1 £Utbïcate

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