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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1897, p. 7

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Flfty Y.ars Ag. Trht. la te cradia la wbtoh tiare gftw That thought Of a philanfthropie brain; A remedy that woitld rnIka lite new For the multitUdes that were ràcked with pain. 'Trwas sarapatiltaeaU mde, you kuow By ayCr, bsea30 Yi'M «0. Ayer's Sarsparilla vau in t8 In&noy hall a cen- tury ago. To-day' ft doth «1b.. stride the narrow world like a colossus.1" Whatz lathe seoret Of its power ? Its cures 1 The ziumber of them 1 The Wonder cf them I Imitators have fol. Iowed it frozil the beglnnlng of its suooess. They are stIli b.- hind it. Wewari the only modal granted to se.raparlla in the 'World's Pair of 1893, it points proudly to its record. Othors lxitstO the rolmedy; they oan't imitate the record: 5o ears of Cures. LINDSAY Tlie Stev'eston, correspondent of the Vancouver, B.C., World bu est. fol- low:ng to say of Mr Geo A Kotupt, son of the late Dr. Reoept, and for- neriv of this town, but who je now out on the coast :"«Mrs A Klootch- man foll off the wharf on Monday right about il130, but fortunately Uleo A Kempt was just closing the I)ooks in Mr Nadleman'u store, and hearing her cries, without calling for assistauce hoe imrnediately proceeded to the rescue and, single handed, with a good deal of riakt to bis own life, rlescued the drownitig wQjDRf and packed lier to Bisliop's drug store "hIeroe&ho received ail possible care. Anyone who knows the place wliere thle poor woman fell in will understand the chances lie was taking. A medal fror-n the Huma.ne society would not 1)e too mucli of a reward ; in passing on.through life bow cheering it is t stili find that nanhood is shorn of none of its glory-." (Thius is net the~ i ret person Geo. lias pulled out of tli water. May succesa attend hini.* Mi~~ lit"m1 C ware mi "WJ 1"{cGrat.h, » Ottawa, Mr E H ElvIdge, Coray Mr Arthur Reinliards, 1 Mr John Williams, 4o4. peterboro, Mr Chas Baxter, 229 i Ot4awa. Mrs Modeste Guillett,i ottawa. The above comRetitiot tinued each menti LEVUER ERS., LI Midsummoi Paine's Celery Surely and Cures N, Oue cf the. commones' gerous disaaaea of midet stiienia, or nervousr disea.., whieh respecta is usualiy brought on b, worry in the. &hop, oc school. It lu maiutained by ph experience that cnveu ereaaiug se tfut that to eau boast of perfect tre vous ailuionts. Tii. symptema cf nei are se woll known that, necossary te nainet dkieeplessns, palpateti( ahootîng pains iu the. sym ptona. contipatloti0 the commonest feedersa Oue cf the fiaet indici diseaso ià irritability, pondency, o! ton followe aanity. How eau nervous cxl se that iusenity sud dei ed 1 a] el el n ci td t The uîeonlight excursion te Plea- sant Point on Monday niglit for thete purpose cf visiting the 'Y. M. C. A. camupera, wus largely attended. Just after the Oraridela liati started on her returu trip a drowning fatality %vas narrowly averted. Two yeung feliowa, GSo Oasley atîd Hunten, 'vit live in the. vicinity, 'rere returning1 home by canoe.and in tryiug te tow behind te steamer upset Csmhey -could swim but Hunter could flot. The former lraveIy clutchod bis coin- panien and ms.naged to geL a -hold on the. hoat'a punt, froul which perilous postio thy wrerescued by the. Pýlosat nnPoint camperaý. Oaaley for a timo wasmu graat danger, ais Hunten in hie f right grs.hbed hl by te -titroat and almost choked aud draggod hini under wster. During tii. episode there wae 'great exciternent on board ;the Craiîdella, many tiiking that ole of thein fionda were drewned. Ail things considered Casley'a bravo -deed is wertby of ail praise and recog- nition. Athough no one wouhd de- sire te se. a fatà.ity, very littie sym- pathy -wé.a expressed for thie partici- Spante in the n puet. The Crandeli people, lu fact ail steaniboat men, say there in too much reckleasness dlplmy- ed hy canoeits in trying to get towa behind steamuers. Even f or au expert canoeelt tuis ta a very dangerous un- dertaking, as 'with tiie vaves sud the. suction afLer the. boat.there inthei> greetest possible danger cf-auut. Foohhardy canosistea lways taeet 'ritit their desents sud tuoh, a pre a&M this is genorally attended withi dire resulta. The. tbing should b. dis- ceuntenanced-on theSe wster.-W&r- der, Peut oxperience and1 bnwaler the question fu ery Campeuud ijecteoe tan aurely overconio th, nenveus. This marvell uine bracos Up every nei to the muscles sud tie ricii blood, gir.. perni sweot, Sound sleep. lu this a g e et over fa.t lvi nPiue's Gel4 ahiId nd proteotor ag of ahi nerrousa aln and drugata heving a the. vimtus of Painla'@ are reoommending it c' Lt. cures atteut ita SI aehflsabeus;-,its worki ions ha. given il a pop! acaed by any other net-vous eue ; it vil) tat condition cf iho looking for. whoth re t eet okThpIfd , Thej Dùtuici -<ï ,i- u - i@ ~Lon s. ic.da4*Co dfutMontréal, anud the. nature cf >91 th:bualunm arelations .ristbig betweew t ia nd IMeurt Idoce.& Usr ~5 Dubla St., sd the latter tW talcs the. $Op thiê «&. tpe.uentthqey osunot eMy wheth Queen- street, 'ér oa 0omprie will ho iNaotsd or-Dot. Wa~ohes.Thore wat a&*àlàttous flood of town wattwater among the. roue n . r John ~all L'Johuston'. rosidenoe. on Lichie stroot, 3ox 2 5<), et . utwok. Ailt the metubers of the. Sherbrooke-st., fainily wore away for somne days. '-; By some unaccountable mêan& ithe water tap Wellington St., in the bat4i retm wau lot t open, and for sevoral daya the. water poured contipoualy 311i Nelson St., frointthe.opn tap. The .ittention of the. neighbora wus firat attracted by the. aperance of wator au it oozed through ~ wll e ~~~-thebrick veueor on the outside, Know- ing the fanîlly to b. absent, a door wus ,h Of 1897. foreo Seen and the. watof wusaot off. td., Torolito. A 9o0d deai of damage was done te, the furnituroeand carpets and the. damago - te the walsa and coilinga will oost conaid- 1' erable teO repair. r Who Owned TMe. Swordt Master Bort Moffatt bas a keen oye fer IDanger. relies. W hen a young lad aeAni fudan old eword et the bottom cf Lake Couchiching at Bay Park anme time mgo, Bort offered to dioker with hum for a Compound canne., And they diokered. Tho sword s probahly two fbot and e hait in longth. Quickly The handie stilI holda the, wooden cocer- eurasthenia. ing, but the nouter cver cf loather or of whatever it wes maeoha. been rotted off with ago. The wood i. acored and ha. t and most dan- whmt appearu te bo worm eaten holos in iummer is INour- ono or two placea. There are ne othor prostration. The marks on handie or blado te throw light noaer goor oiu on ita history. it i. well preservod. by overwork and TU e«,e letter would like te, hear fiee, hiomeoand opinions a. to how it became lodged In the. bottotu cf tho lakoeand te whorn it hyaicians cf large beleuged. sdiseas sare iri FinsSID chlteonSA. )-day few poople Only a tew pooplo a. far a. the. News eedomn from nor- Lotter knows were observant enough on Saturday evening te notice thet the brous oxhaustion leetrical stortu which pusaed over Orillîa it in &lmoat un- between 5.30 and 7 gathored in the eu.t, tiier. Dizzinoss, or that it wa. the Brut stermi anliug in on of tho heart, that quarter for oightoen yoars. Many lirobia, paralytie will romembor the. terrifie storm in the. and headacho are summer of 1879, with its accompanirnont of the diseate. of hall sufficiont to destroy neerly every iations cf norvous pane of glass in town exposod te the thon ensuei dos- uoîtii and eu.t. It la îelated that on that 'ed by terrible inu- occeien J J Hatley for a week uled l e. in hi@ refrigerator that had corne dowu liaustion b. cured in hailetonea. Perbaps ter. lu noe oser *th may b. avoid- amateur atudent of weatber andi meteoro- legical phonomena tItan Juo Gll of Front modical teutimny streot. go amy. that following the. storm ully. Pain'. Col- cf '79, came an eclipse ef the. son and ýnly medicino tha( froaty nights. OCouit your almaume sud oe troubles of the yen wil se. an echpae cf the. son ia for- loua curing medi- oeut for J uly 28. Mr Gîllini assured that rvo, givea atreugtit we are going te have frosty uights beoeo Msues, make pure, the clese of the. month, but perhaps flot 'oct digestion end se'verO eougb te damage growth. Bis calcuhationa aire basoti selely on the ýrwork, worry and phenomenft Of the. atorm frointhte eust on, lry Oornpound lu a Seturday which, cf course cannot bear giâtho ravages compîrison with that of eighteen yeara ît.Modîcal men ago lu sevonity. a feot. that fatera the. à fulil knowledge of hope thet the front, whioI Mr GUi ex- iCelery Oontpound Po!t tecone, wili alon b. light ln Coint everv dav. parison witii that in '97 .-News Letter. uperiority an'dunu. in public institut- pulaity nover pos- medicine. Try it., quiky ,iva yen emtit tht ycu ae Haorse marks and Term8.. A white spot in the fonChead lu a star. A white tripe in the face lu a bisse. A stripe between the nostrils la a snip. A witeo ye lu a glass eye. A herse has pasterns. aot ankles, aud theno le- no such joint as a hiud kco or fore 8houilder. Wh ite below the pasteru joint lsa a white pasten. Above. the pasterua white leg. White around te top of the hoot la a white coroner. A star, blaze or bald -face caot bc anywrhere ezcpt on'thelfac.-A sIMpI canse bc anywim re cz Ot O i Os..' Amble,' aget like psclug, but uSI~e ln whmciithe two legs outhe "MCne 814 arc moved together. Appel. the. geutie-tug on«te teeu given by th. home et cach < Xp. ing& Yeu mayfeelbct Ceam Mdt of doors mu the. trouble lasUb hr. -~~~~ ~Into ft oe evn Rub tusfrition coat a, Wite, and Io - a brillant, listing, lustre dawns t Neither varnish, turpentinet nor wax, to parchlieatheror eal uplts poret, in- M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT. FOR WHITBY. The Blcyclists' Lament He' a isewheelmmn whose tool I ba otisýsomething besides medioine for a damaged machine. He in just as liable-to puncture bis own skin asuto puncture hia tire- more Hable to bruise himseli, than' O t~mimâani..,o to break hiswheel. is the emergency cmr for unexpected injuies, tint for applying conswith evcry pot of Quickcure. Make your own plaster-ay it on the wou.md, Quickcure will do the rest--qickly, surey, paixalessly- At all druggists 25Ci., 500. and $z.oo. TH"S QUICOttAEC@WPY.lbàav&. ouges*# "a. Funny Thinge. A~O?(Ak~Weary Waggles-Dls female auffrage racket is boue. I picked uan old Sun- CassCaw s at Campu d day paper terday, au I se, de winirin ia mmaifactured by lThe drivin de mon out mv de job. Cook Ce., Windsor, Ont., Wanderlng Wilie-Da'a tuif, ain't ih? end Detrolt,Mbichi., la thçq 'Veayy Wagles-Net by a long shot. only k.uowneafe, reflablo Ef de wimmin ever git toer doin ail de mor-nt1hlymedidÏne on wiah ladies work iu dis world, I wudn't be surprlsed cau depeud in "the hour aud lim ef I, got married. ofni."Eery ladwh reade titis le requested to in e two post- Miss Bindley-Mr. Ducksworth iasnobc ago $temps, wltliheratdreas, for a modeet, retirlng mnn1 Mr. PF6rweard-Indy et he travelo on bis, face a good demi cf îte tiine. Misoi Bindley-I don't nnderetand yen. sd 1 wll Mn Forwaad-Ho is learnlng te ride sond by rotr mai, lu plai. s.aled the. bih,. envelope.1,baebo3vd sithowt An old physiclan, 3 esscOn- "I aeohrvd ai L.eee tlnued practie treatlig dieuesof yugtu: lIt h uti a h w oen* huah of the office. s=d ha.-nver marrled who knows all about cm br# on» A4d er Isin roi oen' ¶1400K OMPAN&Y., 1.r. * "It, u iii, man Who kuova ail- Roon8'-'o.,58 Wodwra A.,, about wornen wlio nover marries." - hotl ieopreut u~~York, Maction. Oolur a'ieIty. cati smisl - My &hop amd.stock. W. OLVILY second door west 0 C h sOP, Dundais Stre0t, Wbii"b NO 8 No.' No. 140. No. No. No. No, Ma, Mai Ml Ma theéy ast la the.gloamiag. é4W44, dear?" came a male voieo. Il s gas wbicii mis i..a on popsud&le asene f u whohmaltes a Josh, ýatfuok.byamy-,,of, thi eml- b t e fender work' ..Wbsid ynuba N Railway.Time Table 'b MLED TMUR AND MIDLAND TEAfIB 00110 WISTWAR». 3Express Dally Mail. Lool, xcet Bnday Pé oeugler go go 1, hKzPress, Mail da0ily. 5:60 a j» 8:50 à m 2:88 pr 5:.60 p 1 6 Expreses, dally, except Sun . 8:04 a Mt 4 Express, Il 9-.7 amn 14,PassStIfly?8:08 Pmn 8, Local, " 6:17 p » 2, Express, Mail. dally.... 10:08 p av MIDLAND DIVISION 001190 NOBTH3-MDLAND *'IATIOIU .......................... 8*08a m 1........................ 4-20 Pm id Tc Lindsay ............. 6:85 pr 001110 BOUTE Ixed Prom Lindsay............8:87ar 04 .. ....................... 12:45prn DOMINION BANK* lpftal Pald up, $1,5009000 àrplus, a a 019500000 .Whitby A geiioye Generi.l rranse"oed. Banking Business SÂVOIGS DBPABTIMNT. int..rst allowed at higit et aurent raftu. o otot of wftMrm.a r.qufted E.J. THORNTOE, FAI RBAN K'S Real E8tate Colum. $MauI ?ramne ouse *rd Lot, con,.iof jobIf and Byroa strects, Wbitby, WîiI b. sold very c leap. LO TS-To b.e sold, lots p4 and 258, cortit ward. ROUGýH CAST HousE.Lon Asb street. north ward, will b. sold- cheap. Cheap * A fine two »tory- brick bous. witb brick stables. -Sltuated, cm 0,704u-st-.* Whitby, the meut: s4nIa te the b tow11, wihifttitre. rn'lnut.u.walk OèÇ4b.posm-t office.- Titefe aret tre. loti of land viti -à-& enrneo twe SUftS. mouse là P-9ect repair. Pfopjarticular appYte Real Estate Ag«t , Wlsitbri Ont bsc~unthew to b. wuoe. woek tbr~et, -a 90* B"eakop *s' s' WIg, an -e )undeu WiI. o f laust - i,tof y slh ed. Il'. k the tssers yriq ,,w eet lber- \ Ilite i1 'il ý la r ge hat he , and f busi. Long a ned. oiT 12 1% Ah. 1 :11ý :11ý 1 . 1

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