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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1897, p. 2

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ýMis ,. Phi'hps l..ràurned hboxa bar' Avisut up West. - W.H. oItau a$ ite-art, w1thbbit people ah I4@wmaàrket. James Leniion, et Tenuassea, Wl. bore S for a fov dayis vitbfriede.i Ftfty VOltS Ag. Rcar e îuldlbpôsed tus vaaêk. W#ho cculd lm Agin0th at ltisashould b. 'The otrtheatab hstefyr Thse place whire, tu ellgbtesutnhity.thiree Charls uan Thoniq ltRowland. of Tet- That wilto e ridwooder 91 arch ad ento, ana *ldh . g or ra short domo ue Shoqld shadow tbe ations, polychrome... Mn.. Wagoner le viti fnlends lu Bal." ieneaît the. Pair was tihe prise conferred lattes for a viait. Sh* lu uio*iylItprov-. On Aye's Pilla, by thse ved preferrtd. iug in heati. Chlcago-4hkstiey à record show. Henry Wilison and littie son, of Kan- aiace tise>' Carted-go yemaa1 go. sas, are with tho fonmen's mother, Mr&. __________Du-nhiam. Mr. Wilson adituthie Water. ford Telegraph. Mrs. Allin, cf H. Ions, Arkansas, las Ayer'si Cathartc PIUIs with frienda. around hor*.. 8h.àlaa dmughter of James Churchill, formoriy ef have fro 1h lim cftlier bis vicinlty. have &= thetim ofthor eW. J. Bodelli suoct ver>' voil plaasod PrePâmêtiafl, bei & 0OOftiflUOUB at the tact that R. Beattie apprepriaîed oucoosewith the publia. And about hali hia bugo cherry cnop, vile that moano tht Avir' Plle the owner vas away on 8unday. The. nitoffonce viii causea. chath ahwoan a.ooomplish whs.t la promlsed Robert and tbe Squive. for theml; they cure whare Mrs. Richard Medd snd Mro. Paneen othora fan.it. It fifÂjnue Hoizle met wlth a mishap on Mouday evening whiie n.turning home. Inuthie therefore, thattheb.worid-wlde 'lartiusas they drove over the. end cf a poyularity of thoeoplUs should CUlvent sud the bug';Y upset threving be rwgzfed'Y th Word'a bath vomen out. Thé. harnesa broke snd be roogn.e&y th Word's allowed the horpA ita liberty and the nlg Faix' mod fl cfl9-S tact wss flot mucb xnjnred. The womeu as whiah znphm he h record: caped any serious iury. Baisam & Ut. Ziou .50 Vears of Cures. Aftev this the markiet wiii open s 9 a'cyock instead cf 7 ocelocti on accaunt cf ____tlxe disttne Lb. buyeru have te cm.. Mvr A E Ellisfip11 off a 10141 on 8atur. COOERESPONDENCE day last. He vas badiy shîken up, but we hope b. wiii seau recover. Mr and Mi-. William Ward tram Un- PICKRINGbridge, were visiting tniendu in tuis vicin- Shipers ay hat ppl proiseity lait week. Shipers i>' hat ppieprom s ore cf the farmens have started te out but very littie this yesr. There are thear AMeike, and an.>' report a poor cnop. now se many forma cf plague, that The hum etftth. threshing machine wili unlesa env fruit growers are very vigi- b. hoard aborti>'. lant the. producting cf good apples In The. hay that was eut is se badiy des tuis section will b. a tbing of the aroyed by the recent rRinstorm tut man>' past. are stîcking it in th. barnyard. Before they ripen aufficiently to, Jas Jouet; wae renewing old acqusint. omet the seeda the. pati master ebouid 8suces an Sunday. 'see ho it that the proper parties have Nlr W F R Joncs is a hastiler in the the weds cut on the Post tari. lu wa>' of sollirag machinery, iaving aiready case ho cannot ind îhe proper owner, sold 28 binders, 18 rnowers and 7 boe.. se things are 8o compiicated, he should yak... Cmii on hum for your machines. have the work don. and retu r thie sanie aginat the. taim on hie list. " - W D Gordon intende ruoving into r 2sadnsi ht hie cetumodious snd bandsoine new ta htofthe bouge this week, and next week Jas'.orpDhan-child SomnervaiIle wil take possession o et iblvngre f th residence tins vactcd. In that case l mnthr. f vo Geo A&Gordon wiii returu te hie resi-- menveouid but denc. on Church et,. sou tb. lt wilI b. - 1eatri -the vital, a genera mcv. al round, yet there i, tan rofe wiii b. ne dwelling vcated. ,. aegai their week mg Edard ..*...heslth, and al- Acouple o e cg dwr aslo f ~~~ tiitheiealth alid vigSofe Haight dvertised a etra.y boifer that the orgezis distinctiy féminine, the pitiful had coule ho hie promises, aftr mmlx- Sstbbath, day procession of mothïeleas ing enquiries frein al bis neigibora children that goe.toe i.cemete ' ta teput vithout finding an ewner. A night devwers on ma-male grave"Ilvoxa1)e b. terially redued In nutnbems.Too insu>' or two sfter *the advertisemnent aP- wonien brlng a child into theword t t1 peared, soe persen, presumabiy the sacrifice et their ovu ie. This ssd tmg. ovuor, came an~d took the animal edyr ra>'bc avoided b>' an>' omen vho fused ho grant the. requash, -an>' oti>îe eie lOevsy' - utuatin!> land that hmd beau abandoead by the mIY tht ma renlt inemtIlitenuyhjm conxpany aubsequent ho iUs original remuW lk ý1ofof survey waasecaout ide becausae meàIldidIe oeadoOB ite useiesem - News. A beadeehe sA ymp tom ofomwstlIu. Tha R., R Thynna ladaadieu ho- the congregatiens oft he preubterlan sud methodiet churchos oun uuday ou~w taut, and ha südIismater teok the esn.oBoGi.,e osrly train Monday morn4 n , r àt. uNoe Mis lPonuof 14 p.. for their rew home at,,Souris, 1MaLm ls. «t»a*,ru Henry Tan. died lu Tarante an Ilisa ShavofMTare, s.p9Ii Sa tà rdsy, Jul>'.24, ahthe ripeage of1ei*voka vwisiaths se . L. oe 77? Yesne snd thie rMOMais rrv»d M bum s Mlarkbim ain the oarly tre.nzou Mmi..-li l!bmonusm, of8esrbwot lms. mes day iuoranug andwere folioved _b> .a p % héput f«totta VU, wlb«la large on um sympathh1ulnfr" ansoo Job ' -n b.*d belauuoffic1aj forab toast r« sso f baIwo buam M*,,. ItI. 4*ei decdos sd insU'y ladaim'esut lu aàaatsIhs~fh7i~ the tamu> plot lu lie ohd aiEra. SIme ~ I &sdoummv ».oesmd i <bbu. bs ssoa, rosideut of>frha fr oîer lth> ..wbmbhsr ter a n sd for ussuy >01s miai wrmm Aokuowledgeu i ; . PROM BDRIbA ÉEOxoeOPÂTA Gaet Muuyeu'moGuidete liealth sud'Curae Positive and Permanuant', Curas fon Catarni, Ramtlm, Dyspapuia, Liver and Kidney, Troublas and Ail Special Biood and Narvous Disoess. 1MisseB. J. Bennett, No. 8"4 Ye»e St, Toroente, Canada, says :-"l b sdi ver>' saisi-a sttack etftthe grippeansd ceuid ecarcai>' spaak. I had terrible pins An My> bead and vau omplatel>-' -brokeia dovu, I securad Muuyeu'a Grippa Cero and t vas net noceusar>' se use au emtira vial befora I geL botter. Lt eutfrelÏ brdka up the. dies..sund I hâva e t b.dan at. taok aince.. Thonsla ne doubt, vbatayar, that Mun>'on's Remedios are effective in oi cases as w>' ovu." 1 Munyen'a Rieumatisin dure' aeldom fails te reliai. in one ho thnee hoàns, aud ourelu a fev days. Pnice 25e., Munyc' Dy@eppia Cura peosihivel>' cures ailferme o fIndigestion anl tem mcli trouble. Pria., 25c.. i Munyoa s Cold Cure prevont pneu. moulsansd breaks up s cold i s fov hours, Pnioe, 25ç.i MUn>'en'a Cough Cure stops oghe, night eveate, Bila>'.s eranoe, sn4peed- il>' beals Lis lunge. Price, 25c.. Muuyen'e Ridua>' Cure speedil>'cures pains iu the. back, loin% or grainasud ail forme ef kidue>' disease. Prie, o. Munyon's Headacha Cure ste head- ache in three minutes. Priee,2 Mnyne' Pile Oiutment itivai>' cures ail forma of piles. Prica, Mnnyon's Blood Cure eradi- sàs&U Munycu'à Female Remedios.an boon te ail vomen. Munnyc'. Astima Remedies r ove ini Sminutes and cure penmanenti>'. Prie, Munycu'o Catînnh Remedlies ne er fai.j The Caavh Cure-prie. 25.-erdioatesi the disess. frein the systoni, su ho Ca-i tai-rh Tableta-pnice,25c.--clea se andi heal tbe parts.1 Mun>'on's Nerve Cure la a v, ndertuli nerve tonie. Price, 25c. Munyon's Vitalizer restoe..lé vigor« Pnica, #1.1 Pensenal letters te Prof. Mnt on, il and 18 Albert et., Toroente, a swenedi wîtià frae medicai advîoe for an>' suesi UXBRIDGEC Mn Nutting, principal et tiil publie acheol, bas bad gnatifying snu viti 'bis pupils Anthie antranc.e exaoinahiemz tis year. Rigliteen ver, aviied teo write, snd al «et tireugi oncajting oua or tve, vie are reeommanded. Wm Umphrey'a bai-n near 8aýudenlaud vas -struck b>' lihtnlug suddshottered a iittle, but net burued te an>'entent. James G-buay's barn lu Gvihlinbury vas etruch b>' lightning and déetoyed. The latter was fonhunate in haviug, piiod ap1 insurance ou h s awaok or hwo preiesi>'. TicoceetfSamuel Lome, vie vas sent te gaoi ton six menthe on 1% ebarga et vagnane>' bv Magitrats. Fiurnnmerftltt ThMsol Grand Lodugetei nt Brautird en Wdnasdsymssd Tha"~dy etiwi, Whou onk ilt ui mms?, ib p*O pui., mames'<o I ost uwio. àMi ¶ ~A~w~v~8u. aMe M5Kiti* I l4imIj wam bunia ic ot iari>' au bout utU lfi. Yoar *14 son a01 Mr Oae Podeer, wus ýIlnp attheeambeat whasf vIwih hie- m a i l o o t h e w a t e r s hoIp e 4 thà e u s i- t à dock at the tliiebat ô ne .mmda à --tiibitse~ wmm. !Mi'Tiros C~Sa eoft he Stuamer Davu, whc1k wgus yiug. ah tthe dookt hoard theeoptas sud .cah.chlug sigit of thitikIgloy srang te ll resoue sud .soon0' ad hlm safe on the bWhf. TAIs the thilrd tAule Mr. Ciecar, buas su thi.me ns eféavlsig.lite. ,Abou) ayeaagoha1rsoud aYoung ée etDr. Wilson'sftram drewning at -Pension pansa and thé day folldwlng rèsuuod a bey noaied Wilklnseon frein a vîar> grave. Ira là dedervlag the. Royal fluaniane ge. Il,*, la modal-...Parents ahould varn thir cihidren, of tie daoger cf pisyinq at tuie wharf. Bince.'he dredgîng teck pe lice i.atar la daep, and there la lithie hopô fer tie unfortunate youngster that fails ln unis a Sîrong avimmer happons te be elou. sh hand. a"1 ber buagibrs. On Waduesday lut about dayiigit the. stoeef Man J G Edwardo & Ce. vwu eut.red b>' hso young lads usrned Martin aud ,Irvin, b>' meaus et aviudow iu the. second- stor.>', aunIsme -hait doen -re- voelvers, pookot hala.., rasera, etc., te- gothen v:tb aome $4 on 85 An Zoos. change stolon tierefnom. Shont>' aftèr tie store vas opncd the. burglar>' vas dlscovanad, and t e police vore uohifled. Tha matter vas kapt quiet iu ordar liai the polie. mîgit tan dov tiioli- gaine, but ali te ne purpose. The. Young menu mode tbeir vmy te Cambra>' sud thence te Loi-nasille, viiera tiey fêlIlunvltb an unturtufiat'. shantyman named Albert Way, vie Vas aligit>' undar thein- fluence oet1"O, be ýcytul.'I Tii.lads. sîruck up an acquaintance and fill sold thair nov (bond friend a revolver and razer for van>' limte mono>'. Tii.> unboaomsd toubislves ho tbeir ns-w pur- cbgser sud tbld Iunàthat tie>' er. gon- ûine tramps and bil agaeeno the road for over two mentis, sud reated von- derful axpanionoos'the>'ildas "knigita ofthe roalI." Tii.>' ld meuey te burt and started te imbibe freel>'. Ever>'. tbiug weut mary util tbeir rovîng spirite vene f nil>' aroused, and they>'cein- meuced ho i-un the botel lu a tue voeu>' West styla, flounisbiug their revolvers lu a careleas maunen, and causing landlord MoLeau an unes>- hait heur. Mn Mo- Lean decided that, ubat mort of iiing euld nel go, sud secnred the assistance cf a constableoand captuned tie trio, atter vielithe>' vero forwarded te Lind ay> gaoi, viere hie>' srriv.d ou Satur- day lest. On Menda>' Mousn Edwarda & co, lemmning et the capture, înstnnctod oe et the Young, imen te niait the gmol. and inspeott he sooîing irons. the, seareh proved more 'fruilfal tisa theyý muticipited.,,for thora vare cousiderail>' more stoean tian tii.>' ers aware et. Obief Bell vas notifled sud called outhe, pnisoners sud£-erved %hem -viti ibe uec. esiydocumente. Way began ho rai. posbis? tion, sud lu- erder toeocreen himeltý7â llthat he knew. The boya Adttd hiecorn and agreed te, accein- pauy he chiefte oCambra>' station, near Which placaeiii.>'bad'oacreted tii-sa r. Volvera ini a stump. Tii. nazI day Chief Beil presaed Martin intô bis service and madete rip teo ambrsy suad gseu:redý the suolen propent>'. Martin rgîlod tha, ~5 ay ,M-A uimilar xu.nbér, nam.ly, r2 Ricy Clel Rnd 27 WakMhsi wiiI b. giveil awaY every month up te becember 1897. Asti your grocer for ýartIiuars or drop, a post-card to LEVER EZO08., Limfted, 23 Scott Street, Toronto. EEAVIcaTON. Mrs W A Thompuion, of Toronto,. ws the. guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs F 8 Ring, on Sanday. Messnr BJ Oonland and Jno RH Bow- maxi, of the T B, 0, Toronto, wbeeled pat ber. on Monday, en route for Feue, tang. Mr Harry Paterson, of Midland. is visiting his oncle, Major Paterson, at present. Mise Eva Paterbon of Port Perry, iii the. guest of Misa Maud Tiadale. The. Misse Btrnaide, of Buffalo, are the gueste of Mrs G R Prootor, Sr. MsGeo Wheeler and Mis@ B Wheeler, ofToronto, are visiting Mr and Mn. Ale% Hamilton. Mesera Lee and Hipbnrn, of Uzbnidgee wheeied boe on Saturday, returnlng home on Monday mornlng. Mre M 0 MoBae, of Brantford, wae the guest of Mes Joo MoRte "hi week.- Mise Alice Hamilton, of ,Uxbrldge, is the gueet o1 the. Misses. Hamilton. Mi Jas Lindsay, of Oauningten, vas a Bunday visiter te our towu. MrnWM Morrison of <Chicago, is visit- ing hi. parensis. Messrs Frank Harrison and Jno Bineh- ard are hoiidaying hore. ALTOXNA Mise Gertie Lehman is visiting with Miss Bertha Field, of Goodwood. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Barkey left for their home in West Supenier on Tbunsday. Mr. C. W. Mdaodonald, ef Whitlty, se. companied by Miss Forme, of Scarbono, spent Sunday at E. Beesor. B. Nighuwander, of Goodwood, waa in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Foreythe, of Toronto, ane visiting at B. Bootbby's., Misa8 Bertha Field visited with bar grandiather, Mr. E. Leiman, laet veek. PYNI m PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGI-18 and COLDB lu a surpnislogly short tîrno. It'as a ui. etf certainty,,tr1ed and irue, eetilng DAVIS à LAWRUXCE CO., Lvi,.1 The Gov a i u~r îhç ,varsut t ure, the sua'ei at A practice' te stabl;etIlt lay lu, an Airy ,but an sd 'tutti k ou-,u c pasture has not abt vitas'. tai s 'snre am at Sîglit. PýaAIoNweKILLau w'pflm'tu - and mat On Mnna~ ~f*ruo l . Cr Oook's iron.,~t o B0 euy o!0sud à traiù - flO5 ai f$uatenl 1: oe,5 ïtê.W bila w bar liv ks' 4O0, the bit broké âmd the. rie. eBineOÃ"& allov Ing the- animial iUsUbert7e 1t~%e l e buad ouMin streat i 1Ot W ePaoe and on arrlviùg a p@f.d'i* omer -it endeavoed te .tia ncnth o0YMli etreet, but )d wa !LrO*tthatthe auni aide ci Sp)offed'a block, upeettlngAtii buggy againsi th- s*.-,>bowe 'ao of piste glass, rùf~teiiirg mente, -the aâlmalth'en fvoeod Uauitfrom, 0 910, - Adoîànkthe sldowalkandtlluon ito side on the. road.,> It thon janipod up snd rau . ortb te iwboe r iwsy a ngfines mn"0'ne hssuiug siïtred., Il vifl oot iti ho nghborhood of s160 te "rop1aoé- e, iL Mi ok's .buiagy had a bent aile and a- badly broken seat... À Meut unfortunate accident ocoured -mtSover'I Mill bond. Glasgow, on Satan- day e'iïeung laet. Fr'ank sud 1 eWton Davis, sOmof es os Davis. who reuîdes baif a mile serth of GIs.gow, snd Fred Steoven vent t thie pond to bave a bath. Frg4 St.even wrnred th~e ether. two- that the. pond at tiat point 'wàs dangarously deep te those who voe. unable tO swim as-vere both the. Davis beys., Newton Davis vstb. firet uudreesed and sh once plunved intethe vaser. Fred Stover- noitioed that ho vasstrugliii« beyond bis depti and drew F-?--_kàDavis' attention te il. Franki ah once plunged ini and both brothers vere atruggllng be. yond their depth'. Fred Stô"er -immeodi. ately got a board aud sboved iltotearde them, but neither of them seemed able te recover sufficieutly te take -hold ot it. Newton finallytouched bettem and un. dor the directions of Fred Stover mari- agod te keep in siallover- vater tili h. got safely te land ; but Frank untertun- ately sank to.uise ne more. Doceased wa a. prawing. Young iman about 18 years oftsoie. The Youg mnoethe neîghborhood araeii he habit of taking an occasion&], bath mn Stover'o pond, whiob ls ne more dangeroua than any othar miii pend. No blame eau be at. tacbed te any other penson sMn Stovor's @op varned Frank Davis 'et the danger before he entered'the W'ateï.-Tribuue. EV F à AM-ILY est- Y> SCT *Mr Michael O'D general store in Beru corner. Mr Simpson is aiga 7 the griot miii. Mis MoCaun is aga't and is taying witb ber Mis Ktie McCflafg, p lace, but nuw of Toi ber many friende in this Miss Kennedy, of UnI ber brothers, Thom"' place. Mr Hugh Wilson, 4Warvaister for a w hile~ QIad te welcorue youn ha Mr John Stewart, Michigan for soe iti borne iooking weil after Mr Parlia.ment, nortb the misfortune to have on the llth. Fortunat was nearly ail saved.1 40 corda of wood burne A great qtiantitY ol shîpped from Brechine three months, tbree gaing per week. Lightning etruck th, Hlerrinuton duriog ûi Thoraday, partiy desti ling three head cf catti Mr T Boach i& nov making preparations f() Death 0o! Nov FaUlasi'I Âfter an ilinesa cf s< Father MoPhilhips dWe Tuesday nxorningt and Columbkill's cemetery. arly young man Of 1 mente, and beloved by ho had ministered on having succeeded th~e 14 Hogan, au paish prit and ini hi& demnise -thi church loses an ahi people a faithful P.0 took place to UPterg artended by the clerg] Times. y arrow EsOapo. B. A Sinclair misc ing bit by a large Pie the darnp weather eau ceiling cf hie office, oný agr J T V Mal'. J T V Mayr, Cannix merchant, builden an Wednesday award0d1 erection et a fine thre with atone basement1 village cf BrechiPl.' 47x63 and will ceet 6 Wyatt, a0coempafl d ' "nn- aléug Cament at the junotion eoC' stireet*, Miss Wyatt' 'teescape a bicycle fi rig and turn theb the buggyagoaMte tu *wheels anside cut over it ish9dto s"y cident migbt havei be wali ýfor *0»- XAui littila Cauticei, ,Pal eveuing vinth.e tu Gleaner. ]Umm The Rubbar Fié long basat IL 45Y

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