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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1897, p. 3

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M*Mlo sblook os the ~*t~IS 1gap~as ngineer ih ongm.msdi h@iyÉ iêê ~ -41blu iu oUr midet jBguge otiier al ree;tê' W h~ ir 'brother,_ Harry, piles.,scrofulae,., et "b.*Ç ouiM et b"hed, cbiating, bl*,o h* 16 z CüNieý fàtndrl3' Of th1m rheUm and ekîn d eaesgoié~b iy but ôW f.'toionto, il vieiting proied useî'eos. dou't condemfl D r. Okje Mau èý Ofatinént. it lias noyer been kn ito c1 tb1s èection.vitiglu ' litalêNee iD15 x"Kbii, 15 MeyefsbwrgQl"t.i writes. r bM ift, is~e ma d Eofthis Unêd Dr. Cbase'siiît âî.E t ttc.hing P ie.a m eu recommelid it otg94 r* ilcgh Wilion, Who bas bges in highlY. slcucs iaig It I1 a~ teiter for si while je hlome again. '4Lcfedif rmtedles. ku ptrVanallen, L'AM&b1, Qq.t1i0* goà Weloome Yon baok, Hngh. the ectema for thtee yet1à. s*I4m tr J0o1n18Sewart, who bas been ini three doctors, but reeel'rêid nô bégifit.- eblti an for smre time, bas retuned one box of Dr. Chase's 0S.tmâea fci bittneoOkidg well aftier hie long absence. tbree boira OC Dr. Ch>asel Plle iied PIffl thlm coxnpleteiy. LÀarge emales cvered le.. 'Mr Parlamerit, corth of Balisover, lhad bis leg@ ..îd body- balt the Otntment seau li 4bo IniSfortUnO ta have bis boie burued rPinoTred tliemn He Will $SWr to tbsme tha OU.0 the llth. Fortunately the furniturf lactP.qi "WSNt al i ae.Hoas a bu C.hrîsf' ointiit maly . iOhait, fromn 40 à eore of&wod bred. H lo a bot ydeniler or f ro'flthe tmnufwfturers taeti .40codsof oodbuned.FI innî,aot, Bates & Co., 45 Lomubard ateo Agreat quantlty of stock liai; been trIl T 0oit. Prlc.e 60 centsc. V ~sipd(tomu Brechin during the last dati ,throee mnnhsm three or four car loadrIl otier" greisteot remedy for eaughn, nd Roing per wpek. ýods, bronClicuaai ad luig affections la _ ~~Dr (base-@ Sytip of Linieed a.nd Tur-'b -Liizbtning @truck the barn of MIr 1)P P-itnp. The medicinal teste ln wholly Herrinatou duriog the severe storLfl 01 P.~d znetdng hIt eSa&nt ttate.. Thureday1 part.ly destroying il, and kil LALrce bc0ttle 25 cent&. mad Iing tbre head of cattie. __________owi talle Mr T Eoach je now busily engaged iii COUaTICE ow making préparations for his new botel. H-olidav vîsitors: Rev. W. and Mrs. skin »satb of 50v Fatul'mePbaiiipe lickard. Sinnesota, ut Mr A. J. Cour- 'hooi After an illneas of sorne months, Rev tices; iss K. Hancock, Toronto, at glo' Father MoPhiilips died at Uptergrove on Mr. . Hancock's; Misses Gértie and caau Tuesday nîorning, and was buried in St l4ilda Rundie, town, at Mr A E Aun. and Ooluuubkill'a cometery. lie wPas asch le Nr. 13 Clemens, Tyrone. with réa' arly young man of rernarkable tttain- frienhis; Miss Harris Bioomnfield at Mr. imil ments, and beloved by his flook, ti> whoin R (Gourtices; Mr T F Wright, Taronto slip ho had ministered only a few monthe, at MNr 1, NI Courtices; Dr. E.,W. Ton. skii having aucceeded the late Rev Father kin.Frlwardsburg, Mich., at Mrs. Os- anc Hogan, as parish priet at Upteigrove, e. .MNr. S. C. Mason, Davenport, and iniibs demise the Roman Catholic borneS à .hurdh loe. an able servant and the Iowa, called on old friends'here récent- Da people a faithfui pastor, The funeral lv; .N rg las Courticé has returfiéd f<rm took place to lUptergrove, and was largely \îiSt;ngz fricnds in Moorfield; Mr. H4er.- atended by tihe clergy of the diocese. bcd. l>c'-rk i, Moorfield, was guéai of I Times. \irs Littleiohns recently.ve Cazningten Rev. Pr. and Mrs. Marvin were ýat dés Narrow E5OWPO. Prince Edward County last week at bis kni R A Sinclair miraoelously escaped be fat her's funeral. st9 ing bit by a large piece of plasgter, whîcb Rev Dr Marvin gave a reproduction tht the damn weather oaused to fmal fi oin the of Iishop Fowler's lecture at the oio beln is office, on Tuenday af ternoon. ront) convention, "Great deeds o te Mr J T V May. great men," ait Ebenezer Sunday nîght. firs J T V May, Cannington's enterprising SLN n mérchant, builder and contractor, waa 8 sîoonr MIfn Clubu, Wednesda>' awarded the contract for the \Nî trs Mr.RCole, atn;Misambs.;e i eréction of a finei three story brick hotelNr .Y oe aitn isIael du1 with etou. basement ta b. erected in the Cowle, Toronto; Master Geo. W. S. village of Brechin. The building WIli be James. towfl. r4 4708 and will cost $5,000. The berr and bun ieed at Division ed Lioa à oeee.was a jubilee succéss. Splendid On S.turdmy evening about 8.30 Miss speeches from prominent mnembers,-es- ~ Wyatmt, accowpanied by a friend, were says, recitationS and excellent singïng gi driving aleongameron street an d when Glee Club. About 8o énjoyed thé je at thé junction of Cameron and Laidlaw f eed. streets, Miss Wyatt who wa driving tried MisMr91od svstn e ta escape a bicycle îrrn coliuiflg with t frins a s ayVioria Co. vs hr r rig and turned the 'horse short, cramnpîng redatslyVioi.COVI the buggy no as ta tur one of the front Bad weather last week diti great P] wheels inside out. Hmd thé rig turned damage; aIl cut graina have sprouted, e over i. bn ard ta say how serious an ac. peas have bu rat open thé poda and flu if cident might have hmppened. lit would wheat bas sprouted whére it stood. ho well for those riding bicycles to b. a Root crops were bénefiîéd. littie cautions, partioularly on Saturday Many rejoice over thé prospects of a evening when the streeta are crowded.- daily mail. Gleaner. HBaiu ilW B@Wui~vtflbRecent Visitors: E VanCamp. Brant- 'he Rubber Fact.ory whistle hblew a ford, at J VanCamnp*s' Mrs Edwin long biait Monday morninig to appDri'se H1aybal andi Misaq Bertha Hayball. ýTcr- of'nn.Bearded and white varitieti homeiarts- aw.irktet at rti.tw, s oo are dammged mosti. Bariey and peai are cupation the ibcm pet tsd- badly damaged; hmving started to grow in fmeionebie. pe,pjîin z eaay circomn- hèad mnd pod reepisctively. Oats and stances who give: théir attrention ta rtil» ipring wheeti suffered thé lemit, but omts work of homue dy. ing alto Bil iLt a uoti are badl7 iodged and twisted. Roots and profitable recreation. corn will h. greatiy benefited by tbe This increameetirerest in <dyeing work1 ibowers. Late bey that waî Ceu 1 re- and the gréata uceas thetatten,éde k,4 duced ta strew valué. Sortiel'armer. es- cnes irorn the ti140 of the osibr»d timetie thé ]ous to ho hall the 'value of Diamond Dyes thaes, gorem s ft as what thé orop praniieéd to b. before the truc to cler, so pure &l Viliiaois46, etiormn. This is possibly an over ýeti l ast and unfading. &te, but thé depreciation is certaînly very A costly wool or sUkdite tb.tt bas W,. '~ erou.-tatSIleI.coine putted or Wf addcninalu B 'hét' HAMPONPace o! tinie b. m3ati qut OI goW Visitore: Mr and Mrs Dickson, Ak. garments or materAléa ed b. tiro*n rau, Ohio, et Mr N Gifford' s; M ra N away or osoid tw the amod 4 band dems Diebson and dengbter Mincie, Aron, because o alolst or dna~ oolom Aucit.fr Ohio, et Mr JaR Cryderman's ; Mr Tay: lay Olfrbom ton t ety # fr 1cr, Tarla. at Mm E B Cryder ans@ ;,Mr Diiinond Dysa wii rreseaw vq mud Mme JOs Ruee Buffalo, N Y. at Mr mnd gave rnany dollars. W Béer'.; Mr 0. Rusé, Toronto, ai Mr J If you bavé net t bqgum . Ruoes;- Mr B Ferguqon and bMiss Awork of boiné dyig,it U# -,m» CryaerUianr l 'aktoek. at Mr> M B thât you mis ei.ssfl ryderme'i ; Mise Cardie 0ke, Toruto, aswéIl. Lookh up 1 d -St borné ; MISS Mabel Wilcoz. 1Bowinau cnlOred garmentset ville, m etie n; Mr W Rouers. binevale. DaodDysa; yon 'wlUbe. srro Mir P JOuée1, ilmo~Iuinille, et Mr C with yaur sisoomse Mr 1fr JOtworthy broke bis Isit leg aboyé tbe ankie Wedneesday week A gcfoggid gavé way throwing bîm 14 lest Myes T Bprrows bus béen quttil but à1les W rsioPnaingtou fell (rom e ohsrrytiées Konday week breking berStr t St* M e theWrt. Ghi tondîlb in thebooek Je eprout ~b~alIshoelo5ors: upt 18. Ite é«Yst o PFT Alla -7 * ~~n AIrd rguets lbasq il tes an'a vaittebum, MbvIPair <of are solal as onle buokk t,u but the demand for obeep gioltél! lnittén nakmes ft paisible far tunnU. nrôre to palm off thée heépekie %19 for miometihing botter thau it really ýet in order ecres the déeand (rom bookbindérs Wbo consumé large utitisof aheepekins ie thé Menu ,re af books. Thé manufacture cf )bei&. baud baga and pooket books usé y'large- amounts cf skies, ie faot, we amay Liait-thé bulk cf thèse goode are le train sboep peits. Even tihe botter ig Of,4bese goode,, wbich are flot made ley. thm aélée tf thèsle goode lé frrnheepakine than formèrly, ing ta the libéral use of canvasa, which es thé placé af thèse skies. Thé fol- eing articles are made ep wbolly cf the ni from tbé animal with the 1 ol'iev A " : Baddié pads, barnesboxins rois, basebail cavérs, blndins cf gusc is, lnige for bats, whicb takes thons le of skies, beliowe, plasters, ébild 's tays of almost endiese variet itatian chamois skies. drumbéais pèrs, chair méats and pursès. Hoavi lie are ueed for blackemith's aprons I command a good prias for large oes ugerous Stoues Wo Mowers And inté thne basket 'that la Intenided fqýùr wbkh the>i ýhôulà be a ' àyortwoo otves in thé fruit bouse, and thonrc patedà : By thia treatulent the Stern$ *111 -Wilts aind thé -buncbé- iwlU thea keep wietËout'tnidinlg and pack mnore closéiy thau when green. The Âge oftNgra. thi a@ R, It is neither the very large nor the y small loose stones that are most structive to, mower andi reaper ives. The guards shove the smail anes to one side. Bu they may épiselvèS be bro1fen Il they corne in mitact vith the fu'li, force of an active am of horses against a small atone ,mly embedded in the soil, and stick- g out ai it two or three inches high. such atones are parts of larger rocks îngý below the suirface ..I may$,Py to ig down and blast out enough of the xk to. make a smooth surface, and dep énough so that it can be plough- I without danger. Rolling the sur- ce whiile the soil is moist in the spring il buty all amati atones so, thatýthe ýiound inay bé cut over safely. This s epcially important with spring rlfi, which may be beatén down by aine so that the reapér must De set ,ry low ta make Bure of cutting it ail. Jnder lbdged' granin k is véry hard ta é stones that might be plainly visible f i were standing upright. Murray&,.1 I'ORDAWATER -M4E SWEMUW$ MOST FRkR»TtM(o'eRPISH AMI> ENDURfl4G 0F ALL p2.RFUMES. FOR lTUE mÂ?1DKERodItE5,TIL 1 ~ ÂI Dr. Spencer, le a récent publication on losgara, saoYs 'that, le hie opinion, the ringer River was forméd 82,000 Yeats ge, ud tibaf 1000 years liter the Lalis ere lW otisLac&-for aome 17,200 yers boit beight was about 200 foot. eo sya he dlrainage cof the labos fimît ,flowèd îroungb thé Niagara gorgé 7800 years ýot and thet Lb. vate nLake Ontario trot roise te its proient level 8000 yeare ao. Pr>f, Lysil èstlmaied thé Niagara livsr's egoe t 85,000 yéarm. DauiI ooked Oucumbers. Largo, fuli-grovu eceumbera ýéookod ai.ntuly ma7 bc digostd ' -itb oeseby, le Most delicate tni o nOt thexe ato halveas then fiato. quarter., thon inLo Bights; tpctut hem 1 A bakivg pan, caver witli bouling water; acld a: téaopoonful of ait and simuier -gently twenty minutes. ~Lft thetu odreftUly with a étrainer, ai range uoitiy on elieoi cf toasted bre1al, aed pour aver them a sauce made as for asparagus, umlng for Lias sauce thé weter in whioh thé ocoumbemi were boiied. ?Y yTiga. Shé's not sa aswéet ati breakfast as she wu lhat nigbti at dinner. No,; that thé way with so many handsomie vomen, alghed thé other cannibal, pughiug bis plate away and rising from the table. s URÂL DBWLIY, LNNAT-r t~rItst Isov~,yolthe Ago btOAfl TUIR?1 HS~DSA on ey baen thé une rcewag12yppu Ms c IS lus umore a. a. w .vth . - 7 ou.na5'akdscledaia4m aoyppe beote teeeeviil4rkcfirclea ii hein bea3 1 .1kî é b rri lpâlpetp ti rthé heint, sWldé ed riIlièY~I00 UOnthé f505, 'éessane.hol* ekg artV<d'K y% e Gy W i struettul, laok energy and sr4te tifred mot"- egereeiée idhse,<Ihngébléulod4, weîk UzAnhood, îtUntdomii Wprm. ur ecy an elihait lasesore thrat etc. "ogn n rM VOVHAV #MVIAL WEAKN I à atone cmn mEêé- thé brail bsothés aotfithe blood puuiflaned thé lierres bésmt etron/ as steeL se thet nerraus- bog e s, flei àedeipandeney diieppear-* Oe6é eos blhtéface tulI sud loîr, snergy mturne te the-bedysand ShémtalU, hysioi sud sexuel syteme are lnrigorated; s&l¾Lrain* eesé.-o iivia esetram thé ditéra. Thé rIo"sor ans bécome naturelsud mach). ou a fflré' !eInvite a&U théem*totèd c nsult ins obiUdéttal?"id trée of chârge. i)ent lot quseke . -kZrob Fou cf Touzr liard uleesdollars. ba-8 VMU Bor l>Bfl DBRÂE SY'PlifflSla thé moset pevant andmtostsemonus 0LO dileasé., It sapa the vory lMe btcod of thé - eêtizB Id ni Obetit , r é radicated frein the As7s.»I5Al tom vi wmffèmethé s pna. Beoe t Mercury. .lt onlytàUppess e mtit -ourNew MHTIIOI> pcitiveil curesi t for or. YOW4GQRMIDIAI.AED MAYoun'eled a gay ite, or indulgod In the oeés et~ ~ ~ ~~~'dO bclL51sU fltreesé avé brékén dove Tour systexa. Yen teel tthe symptolei 9 o#véJ yon, Xontelly, physlcaiy and; iezually Tya me net the -an y~>sls1ltê>orehauli lie. Luttai preoticés reep rloh hrvèste il ViiTOU heed the ~aeyeur t dèe"éd? Rare e n eay weaknes OuNew vMithod edoue for othêrsIt viii dôo t o«1. "ôhasltatloa on., write for an henest opinIon Pre et1harge. 01h6 Glin Monitr" (ilutratd)s on Diseeso c nez Book aon Disees et Womn" yreé vis CONSEit. PEIVATER. Nilrnidleilassont 0.. ment, Flai-na-titn 48 andna@#LBY r»T.* RIIIE & KeR0ogOlaN, DETRUOI, MI couH.mIk Are.you one ai thé striking minera ? ektdi hé woznan at thé door. The IFailure to Fruit. sM Yés,ý mume, IFm whati they call a- ioneét'. I struck thirty yéars aga and Thé fruiting af an orchard is the éend ~- 've riýver give ia yet. a n t uta',ad everything ahiild E,~ tend to this, end* A failure to fruit at Î. 'às s The~ Ne* Pastor--Good niornlng r.praeadi héngt esnlaa ______________ cidlayour mmaO sure indication thatwosething la wroag . m et hmebutandthat aomnething oaght ta bé donc. 'M Wilé-Ysair eh~sThere are a number ofcauses for a f ail. THE- ORIE#TAL l'm at#aid thé consolations aI religio n treè Clti frutig, and kIt s a a -will hé throwr*away on ber, to-day, air. t avsigt,.acetai hé REMEDY De,, iUé, and why s? qÉei possilble, and app.y the rem- hé haviig truble witih ber jeUl, cu 'air . he 8a1. sf4 Bul' ýRte Car ol L isaie cases tres may bavé 'tb 1fo ruWsn eus. 1 Afteý ail, Mn Gasweil, sald Miss mucia heati andi wil é -xhg(ust-tibeMMIel4 otbl.'bantering1y..woamn regarde -s,.unourlehingetheîi toiae t héCX XEETMNTby' thé nov riwedy 1 mon aspi jokïé pense of theëir freàt'buds 'but- ti i1the . T deés not néo"state rotirenent Quitog~ikely, Miss Nortibside, replied excéPtiôn. G4nra yà, trctkspetea nteeruaIc onb. aýti1aý"u Mr Gàa*elland that islathe sort a of, r erta a rauýppy,, ged C ih!% thbptIntb no- joke~~~ withsékashw'atk the. application cfwei-rotted manlurC 1 . ' i od ai rn.Vo iviii remu ei.-Sometimea -then a ar ue tcttih eiriflo Have, .you liveti next ta thé Snobber. -cflimue or potagh ln the soit, 090g' rdlin heceoe th« Ws~hre yérs an dont kno mtihtu &ne <lustior wood ashes. malke ago <ea0ci tibir ova will. ýWellý,,tia have spoken very krbrdlý i, stèr ay a Ics yetm":s wr w h n ontWer i él m entCarc - La 7 1a th the i andhéangeeso TBQZRi ong éd au >4cle pump. tC e# o mremdy.1, Èu I h nd, Th " b<> s, 250. ~vi e béiy ----p -- a e e M B B -s

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