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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1897, p. 4

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I. - 'O~ O O Q O O o A NOTHER NE W -v. ASSORMENTOF Alil Loaf Eating InseMt. Church's In8ect -Powder 10c. per Tin and in Bulk. FRESH OROUNO HELLEBORE. Fioest Eoglish Paris Green. J. E. WIL LI/S, CEEMIST & DRUGOIST, MEDIOAL ::HALL, IRROOE BT., - WHITBY.1 WHITBY, AUG. 6t 1897. This wekl and nort vo vill @end out all uupafd subacription accounta. We have no use for subacribers who do not pay up, and coste vill be added in every case wbore the account ls not settled by Aug zýth. We publlsb en honest paper, and psy Our vsy, sud vo are sick of dunning those wbo ap- pear to think thoy do us à fayor by taking the CHRONICLEC. Al vIii be sorry who do flot act on this fair varnlng. »On tNotes. Prof. Andree may not ind the north pole on hlt balloon trip, but thon there le the chance of dropping tnto a go!d mine. It la remarkable that whenever the nat- Ives of a coloay rebel against European mway, Great Britain la the only nation that1 \can hold ber own. Colonies are a weskuess to every other nation. The mayor and aldermen of Toronto are mast nov giving an exhibition of bow acan- dalouaiy public position may be prostlîuted tote private ends of those ln office. R. J. Fleming la a much more cunang and dex-1 torous politician than mny other of the muni-e cipal racks of Toronto. and of course 1h. peoplé atwayo fock arouad tho mnuwho2 thoy kitow «man bubug theru moat. As à Y esult Fleming cati-ait -lu bt so' hf end onjoy the $3,oo0 salary as long as ho pleases, and the other aspirants In counucl covet the pince. Just now au assesmoent commissioner ia needed, worth a sa][ary »of porbapa $20,osuad, ulthouglà Fleming. rosi esiate recod Ils a history lu Itself, lie la being pressed by the aldermen to accept the f lace at $4,300, and leave thein to scramble or the mayor's chair. Fleming holda oui," for as ooo a year, aud the matter stands,' Tho Ïdes that mombers of public bodies shall ngt appoint themnaeîvos to ofilco et out- rageoués asladtes has been so often sud so shïmmfully violated in this Province that people are beginning to look for tttat sort ofi thing, aud oxperlence no hock when such a1 flagrant case as ibis la boldly canicd îbrough.- -1 It et ait I how a pieco of rank nonscuse1 will catch If atarîed from the iglit quartier.9 The Canadien Magazine made an sttack ou our Provincial oducatlonal system, showlugi that educ&tlng boys bas overstocked the professions, and la sendlng thouasud of IYoung men from Canada to other countries. What ouabled Scotchmen ts scatter ail oier the clvillaied world unilitheUiclghest lied lu evety crowd of statesmeti, divine*, proge. sals!men or commercial mon u aSiUdyT? It vas the famous parlsh school thst gave the Scot conmrol of tbo Anglo-Sazos vôgld. And vau Scolsnd vor» e offloquse uinton of ber euîerprisinug on evnt isir tu dIs tînguisb thèeelves? Wby no i She la- teoming vith population jye a buadrsd limes botter offt tian cir. âpeed litsday when Canadas sous wili be as fanions broad as ae*the Scotch 1 Npntlgca asure Ibis but ourunuparalled, sCboola Whst.vs educsgon a nation be a lethe M»Mofijts *ievatiotiabove eavagry. TIU*"ôrof tbe Canadien NIMagsn, may (#il ilat lis voad ratber M a sboy fastsud to a dugll by his Ignorance titanmayor of à Uafl sSbatss city or preeldeat of a yankee cote; but the (athir of liiboy woutdu.I làs009Y a fow days tldu bay ato "erdu li la a prend(aiewhliadtugku sosin s"Mryc1oe sducs*oo adl. "hcm emn ieraee muta ratawsj îupruwl ment t théi. Jubc"il-onta aliy eected sud at a cmt orbuî a&etoi bodred dUa m~uors apparet thanrt&L A-simple taiîon1ttof. the. pavers of 'D'p"orlïticb or. tan ;Pm ur' poses, estsd lau unld>1 case4Týi ho moot pressing noed la'etttyr ae h test ta u sa ssing. For capital no (car noed b. hadJ On* vealthy man 1I 1mw le preptred wput np 6,o.No abt tume for action. AUbIlicmeetig ofcltiseus la tht pfroper wSY t ousIder vya ad mean a taîhwould.hounvt1 opubliait 10 outsiders snd ival& ln the rce Witby possesses splendid advantages luth smalter snd tbe prescu:timîe la a pressing one for prompt action. I voutd suggest that theo mayon cail at the esnllest possible date a public meeting for the purpose of couaïier- ieg ibis important question. Faithfully yours, Whitby, Aug 5. '97.F.HwR> rNs Wblîby Te"u &4«1& Big pumpkina tilayear. Mr Bert Smith of Toronto, was bore for the holiday. Mr Geo Woodbouae sud family are boe viaiting Misa Woodhouae. Mr mno Hamilton of the Clyde bote!, To- ronto, vas in town on Monday. Mr J, W Thompuon, of Tot onto, vas in tova over Sunday and Monday. Mis J Richardson and daugbteirs bave been le Montrea! thîs veek on a trip. Mu-a Rogers ard Misa Aleca Rogers of To. ronto, are visitiuig at Mrs R R Bird's. Misa A Hamilton of Torouto, vas visitieg at 4 0 McCrooan's over the holiday. Messrs Geo Rice sud Frank Elleker bave been taking le. the Hamilton races this week. Mr John McCullocit, Port Perry, vas here yesterday, and called at the URRoiîICLs office. Mr John Ciemnena bas decided ta (lad vork as a moulder, sud set out from here to go to Buflalo. Ain. W. Prie gle, of Grass and Grangers, la apending bis holidays vith bis brother ln Owen Sound. Our ice cross parior viii be open durng the season vlîbthte best of ice cteam. D. Mathion.-tf. Mosans Dent and G E Groas beave on Sat- urday (Or a three veeks trip througb the northorn lakos. It viii be ao tboroughly nained out by that tinme that probabiy there viii be adr a (Or tbis yeans Whitby fait.da The sîr. Gardon City tan three return trips fromn Totonto ta Oshawa on Monday and vas wvol!patrouized. The Highlaud club viii ho veli repreacut- cd at bbc great Sons of Scutiaed picuic at Uptengrove nezt Wednmesday. The Rey. j. W. D. Cooper, Incumbent of Pickering, viii <D.V.> Pteacb at Ail Saluts, chat-ch on Sunday morning nexb. The tovu presbyrterlana docare they viii flot agaLin Join the. baptiste lu a picnic. Thon t1iere wSiiiho m angeraa. Aîn *ud liMrs as --ajsa Batvia,-N. are boe vlis g relatves. ln a-o ea sistor of Mn H hawkeu adsudra Farewell. Mosas J J Mt4nty and Ricb Squires, of T Eaton & Cos, Toronto, whecled bore on Ssînrday, -aud returued to tbe city Mouday. Mn O'Brieu viileInh l te Whuîby photo ~allery overy Tuesday, Friday sud Sait-r à.O'Brien & Steditas, piiotograpitens. lfn. DaIr-eil.,an eutertaining viator from SOtlsnd vho bas heen the guest of UMr Jams Nimpson, Dudas St. vest, loftIfor honti Ottawa ycstenday. The. counîy autiionitis have decdddnot 10 brIng "e. fArnold hure ta stand bis triai for asanltlng TUrneBruce until ho libas served hbis tern at Lndn, OpI., for ateallng a bicycle) vhicb nay b. titre. on four The Wlitthy orchestra vont to Pickering on Tuosda lgt 10 Ihrnimb tmusic -for a gade «or&yhld b ite Roman CgthoUlc %anro îti W iieo.Afood dîne vas &cent. W. bave tuken upon otiselveï titis Iek, lIr "psipea la 1Saposible(O'û mails éEori~ s Miep ,I, hein(aee ïgý*wtt Cmta tbe ap it erwvâa roi up~. sdle cotaleal troub>e ta p n typ<soiofteti. ý Wosare freeotd- moit, hoivever, thal ou1r-eft to aboilli iii.b apostrophe laruroiYau expenimont. à Uttie expentouce vIl, settie titi malter anè va'y or te allier. W. vould suggest tsta I edff.reutpsatb- mastersaiong te leading roudu lu the. vt. ciulty ai Wbitby po an bo te diflottec- lions of mri tbey« bave charge of .lth a raie, a pick sud a stone hammer, rake op ail te base glanes, dIg uaIllbheigiti ones lu sigbî sud break te viole stat t willi bo fi ta put on a public- thotofare. If tht. ho donc 'vo*lii guaraute scontintiona sînip of broken atone six luches thlck and six (oct vide sud viii binrthor guurnuee, If tbis vork bo doue properly, a macadam noad tlitIvîi lnoed Wany moro repaira for (lv. years. It vould b. vel for ovorieers ta îry Ibis aches. Insbead or summenfaiiov. log te roade so ofton. The otd sebool fathen la apt la dlarogard hie sous piea for a vbei. One of titose flinty bearted Parents la quoted by the Dans- ville Encore as ma=lug thc follovlng aven to bis boys exprse desire for a vhoei, l'Weili, ny son, y oui! Sund anc lnte front end of tbat vboelbanz'ov and there lu a big plile afcoal ashes hock cf'te bou-se ltat viii have ta b. removed. The haudie-bans are of vbite asb, and are adjustable an that you can gel any style of hump on that suite yonr faecy. It la reguiatod largoiy by the load you put on. The bigger the ioad the more you bave ta hutup yourseif. Be careful sud don't marthie emanel ountte famc, sud keep ail the beanings wlvol oed ta tbe y vont have ta lake a pump sud nopait kIvit it you. By the tise you bave nemovod that pilie of ashea 1 tblnk you wiii bave made a century rua ; also tbc perspiration. You had hetter corne la ta dînuer nov." That Ctulev Bylav We hope the love councl ivii soon aitala take up the cunfev bylaw sud pasai it. Osh- awa bas a bol! rung eacb ulgbt at aine o'clock, and aI once ail chiidreu vanisb (roui public viev. No person lu titat lova regards It as being a hrdsiiip ta bave a cbildrea's bodtime bell. Ie tact lb la a great coavenience. The tiugilg of a bell at wonk- Ing bou"- a. mD., 12 ainonad m - a great convenience, snd so qqould lu prove If a 9 o'ciack bell were ring. Of course thene are alvays a fev aid pluggers in every tovu vbo oppose every tove of advaecemeat, because their marals do not permit them ta support moral or education- ai teforei, snd Wbitby -bas a fe o f the breed; but we belleve foun-Iiftita aI ihe pea- ple ai Whitby viii ho gtad ta have Wbell at 9 p s, vitether it be cailed a cun(eér bell or othervise. We trust tbab the compêct busi- neus la dead je the love councili, ând that tbc members viii see their vay, .clear ta unite la passing this byiaw ta ringihe bed- time bell. McGosrys Men Pined Heaviiy. The charges agaleal Ws Sturgesesud iiarry SIDry, Iva of MeGearys ene for brea leg tige holougieg taowpôzîs bus'lhue, came up belote Police Malglriate Harpon ou Weduesday nigitb. lu Stungoss cas eb complaînt vas that one af- McGearys iga gat le Nevports place aI the junction station piaffons and refused 10 mave aver. This compelied Nevports man ta crov4 aven pnolby close ta the pince vbere, Mc- Goarys bus bocks in, and SturgesJammed back three orfour limas imb Newports cab until he broke a viteel oft, Sturgees vas fluod $2 sud coats Or 2 moutits in Jlu, aud ta psy forUicviheel. Sprys Casewua somevhat ,Osimîlar, Ihougitho v as tnot 80 sncb ta blamo. Ho hîtcbed. Uteitlnd vwheel ai MecGearys bus m tu e saine cab aI bbhe barbon,1-hum as (t vas luthe dark h'of ot ff viit So contsansd casteoria d4ays1 mani 11u ta psy $4 for the vbe. Stunges* ~Il -b about $îo.So ouI by ltetransaction, -sud Sur, about e~ Reports, bave beon entrent taI ite* ecelit storinofvlwnd snd zain iisd simoat whol destroyed the. crope ln te section of te cOUntry where Il vas prevaleut. Wile, whuaî ta damagcd cueiderably zîgroat,4deal ni (t btîeinggowu -làthe beaoadill f'wiUî1 an* bo A gait l naii prt amfth*-on Lq~nDIE S' 't. N ewUrgadcI1es in coiorse de . ciblacke Spot Mustins in wbite. in colored, "Madras Sateens, dark &.iight shades. Gallatea Stripes. Assortment Men' s and Boys' Straw Hats and Lustre Coats. Also a new range of Tweeds and Trower- ings, in the latest patterns, suitable for present use and also for faV' wear. qqN DREï.W Fancy me China. *A Large Stock o Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Fuit Line of Fresh Alwayf8 Groceries, *: eliable. AT GIBSON'S. GIGÂTIC N0W oe SALE HAI!g aRIY-SOLsSTND it is maUY lem une $e peple o!Whitb bhvehàa suhli goden ýoppotumty for; yÊgMinèh 4ubpres atéeAre ahowiug. Reéuïmner we ou's dog6O.on he whese ring..ýr5"nO WidêQa singjê e . IWb.-.Wubhing 8od*,tor -1I4 ts nàântiw-btut liàeùtealu& ib.. of926a. T« -for ?75iani. RQ S se. Here is a Good Thing. Varie/y the Largest Quatty the Choicesi Prices the Lowesi. are the three pointe which lead the FUIRNITURE trade. Re-uphol8tering done on shortest notice. E .J.JOHNSON, B rock- St., - Whitby. Str. Gardon.City TIXE TABLE lPOR IIBY Friday trips, 10 Toronto Leavea 8&45 a.01. Returnin#g leavs Toronto at 5 P. m., anti- ving at Whiîby'fiî 7.15P.m. JWRound îbip only so cets. On :Saturdays 1- leavaiTo-routo Bt 2 p.nl. 'ViesdNvste PÂE...hîby toToronto and netura Tos. Nxx AN, Tnamfc Manager. Stick Pirn Brooc] Mi Special designs pnizes for Athig games and scho -AI Jl sa.Bal f I Omahca C@uaty Og' tton ef any 1a FRIDÂY, AUGI LOCAL, Li Mise Keliar, Toronto, Mn W P Sýteticket, 01 Saturday. Mn Frank McCane,' lsttwyod for a holiday. Mrs Dr Cryderman ai ,are visiting Mrm ThoS Mms Cain Misn Minni, been visiting Mms N W Mr Robt Btatbvaite,i a fev dav. ai thc Mea After Ivo *veeks c Misa Darteil retureon lust. Meus John and Cha west, the former ta Brt latter ta Manitoba. Mn sud Mes Geo R Ied., anc visibiug Mr R aud Mrs Wm Robsan' Mn G E Gibbard wvis -day moreing, and :N aftervard s arrived om t Mresud Miss McKl Rev Mn McKlîai S bay, have been v0iit Mn and Mrs Murni Miss Farqubarsan, lPï for te holiday ai Mem Mrs W G Stewat a bora nction, spent la Walsh, and after a tniç lande, returned ta the by Miss Edith Wlson, printîng business luiD Wanted, Tvq on tht-oc Boarcl Haute comforts. Lebnrnum Càoae, 'w May 27, 1897-tf. Song Routai A.,sang -recital vI!r.- Macle on Mouday uigt fard, tenon, sud ML P banc. h la- wmeceff M - i4is t0vn aI their moit are, nar le lbi the"coutitryi Thas Word for k ut t t:tbey * tcsîoftbç y slathé -ut PluI T. Twsbsu 8«t»Ia (pWýg ce , n " o mI..etu' " iàdw Jfl!LIZ il 'AIMMOM 91000%WMM- t t (fi,

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