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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1897, p. 5

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Juil' daUe Stick Pins, B rooches, Medals, Badges. Special designs for prîzes for Athletic garnes and sehools. 0 -T- J. S. Barnard's, «Of-*'WHITBYB omotai couaty or&.'a.-Iarg«t irua tion if1s.ny locU alpePOtaIDCanada. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1897. LOCAL LAGONIOS. Mi-;s Kellar, Toronto, i8 visiting here. MIr W P !ïtericker, Oshawa, was in town Mr Franik McCann, Detroit. was home last week lor a holiday. Mrs Dr Cryderman and chiidren, Detroit, are visiting Mrs Thos Rice. Mrs Coin Miss Minnie and Mabel Cain have been visiting Mrs N W Coiwili. Mr Robt Brathwaite, Toronto, is spending a few davq ai the Messrs Tweedies. After two 'weeiks camping in Musicoka Mîs.s Darttneil returned home on Saturday last . Messrs John and Chas Gîbson have gone west, the formier to British Columbia and the latter tb Manitoba. Mr and Mrs Geo Robson, Terra Haute, Ind. are vsting Mr Robsons parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Robson. Mr G E Gbbard wheeled into town Mon- day morning, and Mrs Gibbaid shortly afierwards arrived on the Garden City, M rs aud M iss NMcKîm, mother and sister of Rev Mr McKinm, or St Johns churchi at the bay, have been visiting Dr and Mrs Adams MIr and Mrs Murray Farquharson and Miss Farquhtarson., Port Hope, were here for the holiday ai Messrs Browns and Wiil- coxe Mrs W G Stewart and Miss Stuart, Scar- boro, jonction, %pent last week with Mis M WValsh, Anîd ater a trip 10 lie Thousand Is- lands, returnied to their home accompauied by Miss l.dîth Wilson. Mr and Mrs Joseph Mack, D-troit, the latter a daughîer oY Mr Thos McCatuî. of tii' town, livve been heie A (ew dava on a visît Mr Mack ia connected with a job printing business in Detroit. Wanted, Two or three Boarders for the somnmer. Home comiforts. MI1SS HAYWARD, Lnburtîrn Cottage, Whitby. MIY 27, t897-tf. Song Recital. A soiîg recîtal will be given in the taber- nacle on Mlondav nirlht bv Rev.(;et). Staf- fordl, tenor, and Mr. Frantk B Stafford, bari- lone. It is unnecessaîy 10 tell our readers in this town of their birth who these young ment are, nor is il hkirdly uecessary to sa> tbat as singers they have very lew equals lu lte country. Those who attend have our word for il that they will hear the greateat treat of the year in thte lino of vocal music. Deatb of James Watson. The laie Janmes Watikon, of Chaton, Man., who«je death is announced lu anothen col- umnn, was an old resident of Whitby. Ho was an uncle 10 Mr, John Watsou, sud s fatherin-law to Town Cierk los. White. Some ten years age he bu tWiuby for Ire- land, sud after remsinlng thene for three y ears ho joined hi& oui y surviving sou, Thomuas, et Chaton, wise r*ho ince llved Shontiy aften resching lneland, ho mars-ted again. but se died befone he left Irelaud. Colleglate Form 1 Promotion& The staff of the collegiate Insîltute recom- meudod 23 for promotions fîom form I. sud the whole numbor were couirrued by the departmetît.- Mauy of thouo honored by this advaucemeuî dosorve great credît, as thoy ouly tntered tise blgh' uchool s year ago. The foliowlng la tise list : B Adamion, L Coakwoll, E Corroil, D Eddy, G E Gsi- 'braith, J Hoiliday, S L Joues, A Ketchon, N C Lavier, J Lynde, F T Mahison, F H Maunfing, A S Meen, E tIcClelîsu, H Mc- Cuilough, S D Ormiaton, P Orvis, F C Rogers (honora), M A Richardson. R Stevenson, A Smith, G Vanvalkouburgh, W A Wilson. Mr$ HaiTet Holma.n Dead We have ebtalued the followlug panîlcu- lana of thc death cf Mns Harnlet Ilolmait who vas a fermer resident of WHltby, anc1 the motier of a familv once lfighly popuilar on tise stage : MUn 'Holman WUsDOM In Portsmouth, Eng., and Came te Nov York uhen a girl. Noarly ber ashole Dise vas apeut lu the ubeatrlcal profession. Sh. vas mamied ln the (Orties te tMr Gee Heluan, imseif au acter, whishas met witie play- lug ah Burton tisoatre, New Yenk. Doring the. Amuercan rebell Ion tb.y came te Can- ada, makiasg tiseir beadquarteru lu Hamilton# sud fouding the eftebrated Holmmn UOMMe, Co., cf vispu the dec*ssed vas tise musica conuctor. 'Slip org*uuatl.nll lttdeal be 'famous dausbtgi s ol&anud $alle, bar 0sous Alfred sud Ieujsnl, br pbaad e ï Helman, ansudsmmber wash ave sios ha. cooemînut tu: the r-fmIO@I.tildiçg \ W H Crane. DuenuuTh0p.I n4 «o Peruglul. Mr Alfred :, =01h, «tht and Benjamin a flw Company' 'badPbwy fC"M4 esâcties and seamo , sau'n,57a1iÉ,'s7rN" Llkr town 'id Mima Plormce.Dait cf &ok xuest of Mis. Addie MrIaitt.wk bft Guy Dantueil. Of the nioidôn -4 day. tIrs. Wsai n d ber dauchttfu Tr unie, are vlsitins with Iît. : p. ibis week., epe Miss Uuderwood and Misfteitud or Toroutot sa ut the holiday WkIs bar. J. Principal Waugh bas Slaued bis duties AS speciai examiner At the educ«100,~u de. partaient, Toroto. Misses Nellile and bMggle Ket, came front Toronto on Inday sud speut the hoa. 4ay asitis their parents. Tiie Capitals of Ottalw ansd the. Torouica played lacrosse ai Rosedaile oni Moudsay. The Toroutos won by s score of 5 te o. How can we have good roada as long as they are paved with cohuie atones? Auy. boy wbo bas eyea can see what spols tfii roa<i . The etroara have not gene dry yet tbis summer. It lu years aince thon asathe case befere. The ruuuîug waîer ail aummor wiîî toud to propagate fRab. Markham sud Stoufflle playod a fait Rame of lacrosse at Steuffyilile on Saturday lait. The home teant wou by R score Of 4 to 2, makiug these teama a tle for the. chant. pionship of the York district. Mouss Ken and Dive Campbell, Robtt. Stewart, Sam Kempthem, Fred Howdou, Wm Tanîblyn, W Richardsou, ChasEast- wood and some othera loti on Mtuuday mnorning for Ston y Lake, whiere they wlIl enjoy camping sud fsubi ng for ten days. The preabytonian aud baptiat Suuday echools from bere took a trip by rail te Rosebank ou Wednesday. The day proved lovely unt il about 4 p. m., asien rain sot lu and dampenied the remnainder cf tise pro. ceedinci. The attondauce at the. picuic was not very large. The Finmnciai District meeting cf tise Wbitby District wiil b. held lu tise tethod. it cisurcis, Myrtie, on Tuesday 318t day cf Auguat, Commenclug at 9.3o a.m. A Sun. day Sciool sud R L of C 13 convention will heT inl counection with the District Meet- ing, beglniug at 2 p. Mr Tho@ Rumdie cf Port Porry calied ou the CHItONICLE s few dayu ago. He as on hi@ way beome from a trip to North Daketa where his son la succeusfully conducting a large ranch. Mr Rundie la mucis pleased with the Western States, sud being a keen observer Rives some very Interestlng ac- couruts of the trip sud tise people of the. fan west. Rodenlck Dhu camp Sous ef Scolaud was organized years and yesrs ago sud an au- nual event or theirs ever sauce bas been to gobble up tise prises oitired, aitihe aunual gatheting, 10 the camp that la beat dnesed, besi drilied, beat lu physique and butitnluail respects. On ctvlc holiday tisey went to Oshîawa wlere the. aunual gýnies wore beld sud were agaiti vîctenlous lu csrrylng off the prize. 1 When givlng au account lest week ef the A.O.U.W. excursion to St Catharines wo lorgot to mention that the. Whitby orcisestts was on board unden the leadership cf Mn Wm Calveriey. Good music was furuisised as long as it was possible to0 do so1tishe roi- iing snd p itchiug of tise bost makiug hit m- possible for the penformens to play sud keep their seats. [t la one cf tise pleasunea of an excursion to have music on board sud tic Whitby orchestra i. always provided with good solectlons sud are net ainald of tînlng the passengera by playlng too mach. The tabernacle Sunday achool and tisat cf Metcalfe street, Osawa, isoid a union ex- cursion to Grimsby ounTttosday, andi about 5oo went along. The Metcalfe scisool had its boys brigade aloug, sud tbis asell dis- cipliued squad of boys icave any amount of exhibition manoeuvres mnder command of Capt W E Dyer. Grimsby parIk l about ioo acres lu exteut, la weil kepi, sud fun- Stishes ample shade for tees cf thousandi. It was intended aome years age te mikl* it a Canadian Chatauqua, asiere a lecture course could be iudulged ln asIlîsi summier- well.butthe chem je noau dc tbot h wig, bThe chden he sanetgsucceedig e on the boat sud aitishe park. Tiser. vas ne sea si<*cness on board, aud everytilig Wmut off uall.- Some people are ilatYS COMIplalua about boys baîlslng lu their uaked aUtna ae: the bay. Thié, to car uuind la aAbout as tank a pioce of pruder> as people coald b. £15111>' oif. Tiseno la notas yOiug tuaitor boV n towu vise weuld seciz to e ad againsi4e- cency, sud Ihero la pleut> of roon for aIl We doubi very mucb if ttbite laady lIts towu viso weuid g o bllnd If a -boy werei dWs covered minus bis Appa m>l,maad 'If ibere- b* auy such sensitive people ibs> b.d bettel' keep away front tieseaite. Tieré am huai. dreda cf boys asho.-,not AtIOrd t. bu y bathing dispisys, sud thes have 43 01500 rlght tebath, U 5ny>4>'y. For tii. .iz, f deceucy te. i tmOZ )es inquted places, sud visai mère omu auybody o.k of them ? This cry agalust n4kd boys beint allowed te bathe le- ver>, ucb 11ke ti boas.* about tise bicycle-Il O@ntu «frOM A few crsnks. Bathing doos a'WorI4 ofs'jood lu »waur, a.ndibse bo woutd dte If th" eby baibtter take tWImr muer. ciao on land. ise HoiltebsRavisas. Tise lHourn le RC1871W taiuly dosnot far Stbea4sthI VI, uumhers inthe tictinestw o* 'P fored for akiding the te W"«, tion for his puilpit wotL lUSPét ticle cfthe RvIew ville Tiseologloal Sent të *tii'M*4y rd i.;odt lnd s ltorto waa lu tw At 1ef Sotund on a vlbit. J Irê n ~ Ir tMathiomn sd daughter Eduaý Mud ouand tMrs ChristieOof' Cbic6ib are guette at Sherl« Pa4tâns. t kobt &ibrt u td ile of Seagt'ave SPmudt the holiday. with ftouds lut townu. tii.tectuta6geaof Toronto, defeated the Tastu City latro; asetunu Monday. Score Mia ottie Trutsad Mis Amolla' Welters left on Mtday for a bicycle trip tô IlsPector MeErlen pasuod tbrougb town on Monday mornlug on route to Atlantic' Citi, N.J. Misses Etthel Robinsoi and.Lillie Leslie, Of TorOUto were with Miss B Campbell on Civic houlâa. Mn Id Michael, New York, and Mm Clanson, Toronto, are viuitiug their aiter, tIrs J D Howden. MIr Fred j Gibson and Miss Gîbson, New York., the former a famous advertîning ex- Pert, spent s day ber. lait week. MIr WinSSmith, for 2d years foreman lu King Brou tanne# y, has accepted a position ln Messrs Bickei & Wickett's, Torouto. Miss Henderson, Mie Aggle Dow sud Mine Bertha Tamnblyn Joiued ir A G Hen- -deracu sud party at Pune Point ou Monday. Messra Frank Richardson and Harry Smith are employed iu the Airicuitural De- partmeut of the Parliameut buildings, To- ronto. Mr Dalzeit, Perth, Scotland, la bore vîsit- ing Mrs jas Thompacu i-He la a man of meani, and was a British soldior iu the Iudieu mutlny. Civie holiday wasas very quiet day in town. Some went to Toronto on the Garden City sud took lu the Gantes at the Island. Many avent to Osawa te put lu the day with the Setchmen there, aud othena went to the lake, whiie s great mnuy atayed at home aud regarded the holiday as a day of rest. Tho Grand Truuk rsilway authoritiea have declded upon a new negulation uni- furm for tihe passeugen train crows. The uniforme wil hoof thec aane colon ai at preaent, blue, but the coats wili ail be cut alîke, sack shape witb close ttting collar. Tho bras buttons asili be doue away with, being substltuted by white metel. On estcb lapel of the collar will be 'thc name of tihe road. Bach man wiil be ex pect ed to wean a stand-up coilar and white shirt, wlîb a neat die. The. Grand 'Trunk people are alwaya up to date, but we don't think this new regulation will be very applicable to the englueeri sud firemon. August z6tb, rural schools ne-epen. Aug- ust 17Lis, normal scisools open. Auguit 25th applications for admission to County Model ucisool to be made to Inspector not later tissu thia day. Septemben zuî-High sud public schooli lu towns aud incorpot at- cd villages re-open. September 2nd- Ceuuty model scisool opens. Smalipox Scat. Toronto bad àa imalîpox score on Sunday lait. The authoritios at Belleville bad telegraphed to Toronto ou Saturday nîglît that a- amailpox suspect bad boarded tise Ricbilieu steamer,' Paslîpont, ah Belleville. Dr Sheard, medîcal iseais officer of Tononto it once cisartered a tug ho mcci tbe Pausponi sud put her lu quarautîne, wbici was ne- complished ai 6 o'ciock on Sunday morniug The man whose name lsWhltne-y. was fouud te be spotted wltb pox sud buruiug witb foyer, sud was sent to the Isoiated isospital up the Don rivet. Tise Passporh as anchoned la tise bay to be disinfected, sud the passeugeri wlll ho quarantined unden close guard lu touts ou Toronto lsland for two woeks. Trhey ar-o 'mostiy Amerîcaus, and al foneigu& ru. su a the ats usines. -Micisael Falien, agod about îo years, bias hotu flusis cf mouey anouud iowu for some tInepa. As a matter et fiel b. bas been celebnatding the Queens JubIlee. -Hie vas net ready for a bloaseut onjane a2ud. oving to a sisotage cf cash, sud it dld appear for a tinle *asIl ithe celebratîcu would bave ho ho postpoued lndefinitely. Huwever, 1ht trans- pired tisat i lny Flynn bsal saved up $s. wblcls b. kept lu bis lualde oceeet fer a rauy day. Litsteiz vas net ouly-a na$ny .day baut s auiy ascei, sud whether or not Flynn ieoked lu bis pocket fer the mney ou ac- cuou f lte raluy wastien ase do net know,, but at sny raie ho looked'-snd fouud it flot. Rie loarued tisat young- Falien had lashingi of moue sund lvng fIlte booit, seba con- sulWe., >T os5t-bi~<lvMrlaT'00, Satu- ltitb ait.'ounie th 1upibl secureI aswarnant cor. Fko â*Sutpon ar- rest hepuft oibrav9* Zime ý u Inîyot taaig'ed Up'in hW 4ew î and bafl tonadmiht. He vas put k ý 'leckgp hm auto$ bis latiter, veut bis bail fer a weehc, asen Il rututiou i. tude to Flynu, b. sa>b. .e kas.d te gogosupeuded ents. 1 mie paoic oSaoouvprss [-w mêds- e uait Vi e h f-mrmf pç- ~REA VALUES ýIAI ----t For Saturday, Âugust 7th, Men'e $6.00e heavy 1897ý and Youthe' Re&'y-made Tweed Suits that are real values at $5.00, $7.009 $8.00, $î8,50, $9.00 to $10.0; but we have bought for our Fali Trade and what we have -in stock now we wili offer at $ 4_ For One Day Oaly, Saturday, Aguet Tthe 1897. See Display in South Window Friday Niglit. W. . ALTEIl'RS, Whitby Mrn19 D Sauders of Guelphs, speut Suuday 'sud Monday ai Judge Dartuell's. Mn sund Misa Maud Aunes leave te-day for a trip down the St. Lawreuce. This naiuy seuson la liard on the bicycle crop, whlcb lu neaniy killed outnigbt. Mn Juo Bîrchal asalu town on Saturday sud dnopped lu to sec the CHRNIurCLE. Beautitul sisower ou Wedneaday. Puty 10 waste Il. foi the demand waa net great. Mosans Wilmot Pike sud Dave Mathison took lu the Hamilton races ou Mouday aud Tuesday. This la tho slliy season, but the CHRoN- ICLE primes ts tbirîy columua of local news weekly luit the samne. We do not set up a couple cf colmu ansd buy bolier plate columus to 611 ouIt the balance. I I Aboumatiani& Oyspopsla Curod 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. To the Phrenoine Medicine Co., Ltd, Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman, - On the advice ef a frieud I tried eue boule of jour famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to my surprise it cured me of rbeuma- tism, fm'em which 1 have suffered for mauy years. It also cured me of dysDepsia. tromn Eeatng of tise vay wheai wua growing lu wbich I was suffening at the lime, se tise stoçk sud standing lu the field, we look i that I teel now like a new mari. look oviner buile grove sud are pieaued to report tisatishe fruit vas net far enougis ad- I have tried several remedies for vauced to lteke reot sud gnow standing atone. nbeumatism, seme et which did me a The quarterly services werc beld luthie certain amount ef good, but nothing tabernacle Suuday morning. lu the ove- tisat I have taken bas donc s0u much uiug Rev Mn McDalnmaid preached ou for me as your Phreuoliue, and I have heaven. The choir gave somne apecial îiug- lug. A speclal snd very excellent feature of mucis pleasure in reconqmendiusg-ul 10 tise sr*es v waute siugiug of tise Meurns. other sufferers. Stafford., Tise young men bave becomne Yours very truly, romarnabesigeaid, slthough a propiset (ind A.CROL lu wiîisoui houer ai homne, their selectious (ind A.CROL wene appa-eclated lunsaisîgi degneo. Foremnan of Works, Rideau Canal. The thresbiug season- la uew about ou, sud owneis ef steam thtresherasbould sec Manufacturmd on Hoor sud sold on merit, tisat tlseiremke stocks are properly protect- odinW tbouyy cd by screens, àe called for by la*. Any si uWib uyb tbresher' who neglecis hua preceution la A. J. ALLIN, -DRUGGI8T. liable te s- iscsvy fine sud iupspnoment. Parmers are aise warned net te shlow a traction englue to b. hltcised ou te a cleauer lu ibein barn, as tisis la a violation of the cou- ditionis lid down lu ail iuiurnce polcies. V i BO 00,p8lt of lots 3Pl 32 and 33s 9tb cou. Whit"y t"Ows*ribip Good (tam, bouse, large bart with atone stabling, plenîy of pater, good orohad. Laid ln 4ood sigie of cultîvatm. Ap. piy to GEO. BURGMESS mont. TO .. ENT A good 8 roomed boome. ln the village of Columibus, ln fiait-clamta eu, *zace of Iaud aud stables. Good farden> well stock- ed *Utharjesds«»l tiiits.,lReasonab1e terc»to ý"tsbe ant. App ly cou prean- isesto 1 t ,Rs 3?< sMiTfi Coluabus i 14s;-80, Fan» e'laites .g~uu &a&u&w 2000 ý.Rois of tihosié1 very b.aufiftil 'Amierlos» Papera, wlth. wiU b so 046hepet ÂIolot-of 80141 &t i '~1 Scranton o Goal -IS THE- Standard Fuel The undersigned is the ohfly importer **utScranton Coal by vessel to **Whitby. Nfow in the. time to Oontraot for Tour Bessonsa supply-of Goal. Ail sizes always in Stock. *' GRATE, EGG, ** NUT, (stove size,) ** PEA and SOF'T COAL Olean, Erlght and Dry. Garful sud Promt Deliver. Et Re',BLQW, 10 MEEIST0 10SEEVE la -*a*- Cali O WM. T4L s"d be cou'vleed that su 8lUgtlnoe Of URN ITUREÉ keep. lsbelug sul4 lu touait IAVE IT Ru-V ~bcton inet front tii Amont thue Coutry"1 "lo1y*0te mt This lasa que 4ud,0 re4 l ' il, lý' -1

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