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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1897, p. 6

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0~~WIT 4ff4l n.This BdWa-aOtt t~2 44 wIth te swhillêwoaiïng tia, eb ~ima~ estn. redtrovôr, tait, -dark# seita4 w , th powers -pý hII~c it»befors Ut. maignificent vo- stan ho had justnested. : lyen k*now, XIa Alden,» a lea*ed- tovard br "bt muy kn*w. tege of the Social tenets la net pro- «"You have ouly to fôl1low your 1»t. gtincta, Mr., Trevor." "And you are the gentie mentor ivho waçi l 'e against the sin otf L>~ tory r, "If 1 htýve' paid an underserved coin. ,pliment,,. it l ta Soiety in assuming that it has attained ta your Standard.» "«You're incorrigible, but VLl accept 'the verdict and carry out the thougbt I had in bringing you herm" She macle no answer, save ta with- draw ber eyes from hie and gaLber in the folds cf ber dress ta make rooni for him to sit down. I want ta tell you uometh.ing cf my Mie and then ask your advice. 1 amn not asutolug that the. story bas ariy special interest for yon, lbut I have a eelfiah deaire for your opinion after 1 have tld it." "But don't yau know, as a general tru Lb, that, with the average wompn, the mani who is ricb, famoue and hon- ored glorifies bis aïîteceden4sno mat- ter what, tiiy may b. ?" "If 'youl were the average woman,I woutd nover bave sought this oppor- tuaity. -Wben. I firat faced tb. world alone, I wua a little, iii fed, sallow, ragge4 and >ialf, dressed boy in the (lumberland 'mountains.- I did not know thst there wus such a ehingl as a railroSd, a steamboat, a book, a here- efter, îuale,' culture or anytbîng dif- forent from the detestable surround- ingu f rom which 1 longed ta escape. My fatiier had boon kiiled in defend- ing, an illicit stili, aiùd mother just teemed togo with t'he mountain fio*- ors wbicb I had gatbered for ber tilt tbey ceased ta bloom that tati. Dur- i the winter I wau kept alive de. spute kicks and bruises by a famnily that had me as their Sole reliance in '1toting> water a.nd gatbering wood. "In~ the, apring I vent sway ; made up a littls bundie and atole off in the nigbt. Titi tb. evening of tb. next day I hurried over the red olay roada aind paLlie, terror of being caugbht and taken ba.ok crowding out every other thougbt and feeing. Bht hunger and exhaution are flot ta ho denlod, andi at laut I wsnt stealthily Wo a little cabin where a grl of my own age wau 'keopin' house 1»i a hollowstump, just outaicle. 8h. put ber f rouzled head over the watt of ber primitive abode ta conduot an exàmina.tioù. <Who- is ;o une, boyl' Whar's yen' par f' Whar>, yen' mar?'I 'Wbar moat you ho a-gin?'I vere questions that I answered as veit as I coutd. Thon ale. said wisoty, II 'towsj thet you le runneti éway. mountain daisy r1 'II wieb I could tUyen. The. inci- dent wuas' e of tbe ovent of my lite. Fort, ti.firat LimeI knovwthes aeet. nie"s efsympatliy. I have growu ta almooit defAtthL.ppe P _ frot ho ip m prabbcuea a tiIgrance sud Iaoet ,m bition, ,but iJa littie girlOe 'the holow tm a avyhd watt pWé a eiimy momory. Yé* knaw mosb o! my xporle00in dm fat vug,, olt. 1 ledbeent tero six montisI Iounï the. *1 mau kîi*wn Ifrutk Bon lyiug uticonsloisand i>p parentty dyi- Xlumi '000tofbthéouAtain gorgeu.. I brougbt ý the. aid thatocar. Ïied him.to bljsAs.;ty, proc*ed a4eo ter sud W," bIs unr. ttih. rmovor ed. Honé lit tovard ma-I d1814t*e. yard tho ignorant: tittiee sib.nk h Tmntqae. hoàd been oo4toM-hm witout any ",Seai.Qtve, d jsctw comme »aaut thii m urabie Power shou=ld g ebock ta the old place lu- tii inou*tanu and7 ue if 1 ceutd ~bay ýtbia% for tIieri wbobad ýe4 n.iik i~mo, NO at ofnmine ..evo' é se lm more, andi when Iloft hlm t vas with uullmited crodit authorizod by one ot the greatest baiklng> - st1tffW tons et the veat. I did net ibid the. g I, but learned that ah. had irét ben employecl andi thon adoptod by N, videv'vhes iduban ad falteninth4, ver. ILef tot on.y vith a 1swýyer), ber educateti. A year later the rooeyý was returnd to nme witb notice thati h. cauld do notbing for me. I wrote for furtiier information, but cauid get ne reply. "Before rny benetactar died heh. ld me of the riait gold find lho bat work- ed without sbaring biesâscret witb any one. You know how iL proved a veritabie mine et wealth, built up a tbriving city and wan me the tiLle et a bonariza kcing. Ho aise LaId me how a heartlese vomian had wrecked bis lite and asked me te nover aban- don thte soarch for the tittie mountain girl until 1 know wb&L had become of bcr and wbetbor iL was within my power te, help ber. You have ne idea. how mari and boy, thrown tagether as we were, could-builti a romance upen a foundation so siender." 11I tbink I understaad. And yen bave tonnd no trace ?"' "'Non. that I could follow. .After' that «ght wYhen teéstrikers red La dsstroy the xnachinery eth b.mine, my woundg threw me inta a foyer. andt hrougb al Lb.hedelirium I talked in the dialeet of rny boyhoad wiLb Lbe litr1le maid I bhad nover seen but once. That shows you Lb. bold ah. had upon me, andi even yet I have an ideal that must eitber ho shattered or oonfirmed before I cari ho content. Now for y ur étivice. Sbouid i1xarry before Ihave sSerftiis girl V, .à "Not witli my approval, Mr Tre. vor. Go te tth. endioet pur fooiisb dream, or itlu .ght haunt yen and smt votna» migl tsufer'" 'I bati hopod fer a different animer tram yen." And bis eyes Ld the. oftd, oid &tory. "Bu t I'm you r f rienti anticam gi ve ne other. This is aur walt.L" Witbin a mentit Trevor receiveti a letter in a Z'elew, blotted enivelope. The sorawi oniy saiti: III reekon yen uns bey furgtted me. in back bore, rgain, andi I bey iiarn yen uns vas ricb." Trevor sbuddered. Hie romance bad died a cruel deatit. But grati- tude va shi strong point. Relue- tantly ho vont. Wko t e egth. rode ta Lthe front of Lb. olti cabin thero wus a woman ln a linsey drees, ber back te bit», wile dm e tbrev foodti t the. noisy chiokens, Just as ho reacii- e&Abe ha»gidea aae iti"" i .it iWeli, tu» a.i4mà rmattet'wlth impure s, Mùm aro bonat. C-amboîe in iron the. yetfaw sap o! a, tree i4B a »iý*- dik, itk 2 iide frein burnod Cain- MastiCcorn es' frei the gut of te Lmastic treo, which grows in Greece. Or, Hobbs Sparagus Kldnêy Plut- cure Rheumatlsm, Gant, neema, ansmmia, Pimples, Badi Blooti, BrIghiýs Disae Malaria, Backache Kidiit 4ans, ropsy, Pain in the boe, Frequent UrinationInflammation of KldneyaPeinai.Wekness, et&. For Sale by A Il ALLIN, Drugglst. A Medicat Warnlng. Ail medical -men of large experienée have frequently met with cases in which patients have placed a bottie of rnedicine to their lips andi taken a draft of its contents in a.dark roern under the impression that there vas only one bottle upan that sheif," wben in reality somne other member of the farnily had piaceti other,. boutles there, In this way serlous cases af poisoning have occurd. * In other instances a wife rising in the riight te give some inedicine ta ber husbanci or chilti las picked up the wrang boutle in the dim iight andi administered a fatal dose, with terrible resu t. When medicine is ordered lu draps, yen shoulti always obtain a medicine dropper fronu a dru g store andi avoid attempting te drap the medicine tram the boutle, as it requires a very steady hand anti accurate ccunting te avoid m istake. Finaliy let me warn yeu against one comnmon habit which is closety cen- nected with the use et boties contain- ing aid medicines and le strenglv con- demneti by ocu!ists, who tour fre- quentiy rneet with it-the habit ot pre- serving aid medicine droppers which have been used for dropping fiuids into the eye. Qpite frequcntly pawertui medicines dry in these droppers, and vben they are used some months attervards for the, introduction of eye washes they 1produce sympto'mswbich very scriousty atari thc patient 'and whlch may ta soie extent mystity the practitioner. 9 i 0l pe go tr le e That it isnover ecoomica t tebuy D, acl.ap seap. a That cofIms àon.etofthe. boat duain- ThsL heaitli nd beppineesdependw greatly upon Lb. conditi ofet tn. kP That malt or ubee use fufr ne. 01 mewing discoloi'tosto» ob uo Thet$Uain tueLb. cldn's aprous May ho remowetiby the une of aicohol. Tii thLe Cheut moly b.eay strengtboed by the daily ue cotd, t Thet if sains ma e orenov.d front merble by tb. ou otiemrnule Th"t japaed trays ubould oe put ite bot W*".&0sIL il!casx»e e vimOOeackand pse Thtoma=y be hel iycasT' fouI muba Witt I Vete 0 it~pt Ihm ê vt",uput$ et %wa Tbýýa ,uoftolotb, fdl d1».lîU-hn- Lquartete. et Roswaedbas arse ffeet laa Weodrtu1 Cures., Dr. Chas.'. four preat nemediles r )r. Ohase'e Kidaey-Lirer PFille, Dr. Ohase'i Muturnt, Dr. COha e atarri OCrs, a94 Dr. Chma S&ynupof Liamed andi Tun. :entis, hlm lates: aul grestent dlsoerY lo' ell thnoat and Inng affection&. I vas altefr threo ý-Y'n"a amea Simpson,, e vecomb MileO " tried varions ailegeti patent cures and ieverel boxe. of & certain pil w-bleubas en greatly cracked, g». 1 got ne ne- Jet. Tbea 1trIe4 Dr. Cham'*s KIdney- Uver in Bin 1bave, bain *hlete work evsry day, and tI bliks a nev: Man. Tour pilla aloue cured 1» utC mettof2510" '1 1 bave <tees subleci 10 sfoirogcldu every Badat eîig~ enys Mi s Ralie ,yfl nay ouh eiose, Ltrieti Dr. Otage Sjmp ci LiBMet!#9, "My lstani vutroubiati With the voret kîti of pR*»s," w-rit«s MJane Pot%, of Meyezwm. ,1 R wu.,,MOlten, quable tg vorb. Bl1=# e"lï 7 5iP' innntho la Com&piitéIyt 74~1t l "abougat 'a boi of >ur Cat*slb< ire tor 20 ceau&U s . M *ae'ir'a l bw o ý au or «*iala maa in 'I. fou INftoAMMAIION £XTERNAILVY ftr al auins, Ache, Oam Joints, B=rln, IRU INTERNALLY For QoldaBore ?brBt croup, Ans, 00310, Dlsrroas, Pleurlay, "tC *Yf A&L DAutire *000 R an.8ftLU mienm S. aOm o 0 u.* Ueflu TRI DODDS MEDICINE U0 PRaw Sinna lu the natural earth trôm the neigbborhood of Sienna, ILaly, andi umber lu an earth founti near Umbria. Bine black cornes tram Lb. charcoal eofLthe vine âtock. Tii. camçl turniaiies Indian- yeilov, anti te otte-fiai gives sepia, which iui an inky fluid tb. fiait wieu attackedý disoharges te make the. vater opaque. Bistro lu the soot of wood ashea. Scariet lu jodide et mercnry, vermilien lu f rein tiieare cinnabar, and the Chinoe.white is zinc. The. gorgeons carmine, crimsen, scarlet-carniino and purpie takes are fnrnished by thi e citineai insecte. Boee ooklng Hints. Son, bits of wisdemn gloaneti frein a oooking achool examinatien are: That croquettes wiii break open if th. fat ip net hot enongh, if tee, many are in at ont, time, if they are net tborongbly coated witb egg and if they are tee large; that the proper proportions et bce andi saitt e frceze creat or ice are : On. part sait te 3 parts ice ; tee much sait makes ice cream cearme grained and soft; that the correct way te boil eggm lin La place then in celd ffat and bring iL slewiy Le the bail ; thaLt totlwen custard la ooaked and baketi one muet insert a apeon ; the cooketi oustard viii ceat the spoon, a bak- eti onstardwiii net cl ng Laaspo ps- ed threngb it. A test for tryjng la to put a piece et breati i niard, and if lu browns wr be 40 eaui b. ceuntoti, 20 fer eaoh aide the lard is hot enougb for oooked foods, like croquettes andi the like. It will tae the ceunting et 60, 30 t euhao aide, for uncooked foots. Saved Ser Driuaken Huba.nd. She Finally Administered a Remedy, Withont bis Knawiedge, and Cured Hlm. à. correspondent wrltee: 1 hat isncb a iappy home and &anoble, big.hearted hnsband tilt b. took to drlnkint, first through soclabiity, thon because tbe fiondisb desire veuiti ceme over him, cnsling hum for drink. "I vas beait-broken. My hapjy home vas tfut becomlng oeeof muaery tilt a fnien to tttime te try'a Jiquor Oureoellued Ansi Booe.. I vas villing to try any Lhlng, se I sent $1.00, as âs sugqeisted, te theoriental Obemical C9-9 20 St Al.i la St., MontreaJiandi by retqrD maUI i e. eived in àplainru rpperI ltle boxof every n li t ndmenit vithoit hlmâ knowvfng It, (ass tbey diesete Immedlate- l> anloea tumanawo4eo orde. Igb t., ho slopped dtinkingouât lley* "AnÀtl-Boe bau ohaâgMtimy dranken huabanti juto a neber, indu.nlous,-happy Man,- and I I .!leMy dut t a lb about it. Théy viii sen-tdi-fùuU InfrÏa.- ion vithont sharp tu any ovM iwrite t"en. Brooklin. Omfie hours 9. a. m». Whitby. foe eursn"l arnm to 1 i. $0toBPa. ,o Pr*at'f telepmm Comatunicatief. 9.F.OG T,..LUU Ph MsiSurpo ma 4Accouher etc. 009ézaB.aeo.o et te AU daini'. 0humb Duudas Streeot Wbtby. i3. B.- Dostu hugeryt UIt miltbrachspromitly at.enio4 te. W, A DAMS, 3SDENTIST. 24alese-o. îtbeTnaes Byron it Drtl>. JWnWtghtoean0 .,*r Ops. evér sturdq uihL 5~p~1; ~Io$~ B; l~uv.8; >UcdOllêU, Wh.ltby, Oterk; Mareh4 àprii8;jI87~ - V ;jAW1~ - ii 9*-; May 15 Sep.4W; SeP. aoch24;May9; ay5 14; Jee hh2; MyI 14;-Ge Oce4; e. Smnttb, annIngtôfl, IaX.3I1M' 2b; &Y 20; JUIY 15; Oct. 1; c 7 15; De cwG7- P.Bruce, Beaverton, Olork-M ach226; May 21; 3nly 1;Ot 6 Dec.lpT0-P HatUptergrove gljerk 6higxch 27; May 22; luly 17; Oui. 17 Da By oero, Olerk olte Peace. October 7th 1895- W ,ANT -ED UL AITHFUL Men MonretWoen Letravel for r.- shible establabed lbouse ln Ontario. galary $780, payable $ý'5 W«;ey ane. penses. position permanent.Reeec. Enls 0f.addressed staniped envelope. Enle atona, Star Building. Cbicago.-17-18- a. Il. RIGOS. DENTIST. Cor.-Klflg & yonge Mi. Toronto. vor the soit three months I am, glvlng speclal attention te pattents fret a dis- tance. Ama till maki plates in rubber, 08, eeltlld * 10. Gol sud silver fillinqo vork orow131116 by firo-laaUe pertétoni big the meut reaienable rates lu the city. When in the city cali in and let me etain- teOur teeth. X malte ne extra charge. a. d. RIGSDenti, scntbi eetorner Ring and Yong2e te., Tarante. *Nov. 8.18. Wu He WARNR * LUMEERY CmNGLEI, AGENT For COAL CO-# the. PEOPLE'IS TORONTO- Office and Yard juat East of Uptown Sta 'tion. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A8K YOUR- 8,TATIONER' -OR- SPÂRTIOU&, TRI NZW WRZTZI~G PAPIZ, TÂKE NO OT~LER. Augusi ~st z8ps. Second éditico «Ohéa~~flete~4aP'~ amtwtuai.. Do You It's the best hair Under al Juet as no t tlought« can ad bis.stature, so 'can make hair. gtat can be d< iiiote conditiang .growth. This A.yer's Hair V moves dandruiff scalp, nourishei 'which the hait j ust as a desert under rain, so ba hair, when the ri ished. But the thore. If you -w ta retain iLs nez if you wish te!r tint of gray or f Ayer's Ha 'Elghty Mes up (By N. R. McG The Gatineau lu a ,river in the Ptovinco tht.. hnndred miles 'quarter La on. hait mil source frein somewher thie Ottawariver, windi miles away tram iL an4i parall.el with th. OM winding course ci soi-e Lt empLies iteelf into, i et the mighty Ottawa, liameDt Hil1; ti. ju rivets le knewn a i ,As yen enter the Gi while travelling flis *uo.nory is-simply granq -ott banku are mouti with foliage and mai4 begn'gattod witb the' and-Ali ibat remains il .charred pin. and bari base 0 etb.mauntains ladé r - iug eut9 t ,*hor, no1w and thon vo andi otten a stray deer0 piass the biwko et û ateep, fotmiag iL tt iraitot(sôlid ro«a. T. wherawit6 tuse io -o4r rather a vision, Lh. b 'tude of wbiah tbe hua~ Ou a bright moninigý .'died feet 1 ascond the, take.a euarvayý of a la he-bea.ms et asm'nmmoË 'catches aglipe.of Iya pnthe audface- :the deep green oft h. pâ oârk -brof het ti 4 tii. taweing tree oi - tii. silmergleam oet4h1 througb tiemnt e b. JOlIN E. FAREWELL, Q. Ce, Barrister County Crown Attorney, and County Alicitor. Office- South 'Wlng of Court House, Whltby. JADS KUTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Office formeClyoooupied by Farewell & Batiedge, net Ryal Hotel, Brook St., Whftby. DAVID ORIBTON, B. A., Âttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in OhancerY, Convoyancer, etc. Office -In the Office isouth 01 the Pott Office., in MomilImn's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG 8191TH. LL. Bo, BarrIster, et.,-Monhy'to Loaz>.. iser of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, Btock St., Wbitby. DOW & Mc(ILLIVRAY, Barristers, solicitors in Ob.noery, etc. Office in Mathison & Haw>en's new block Brook St., Whitby, south of Ontario ba»k. W. E9. Y ARMOLDq DoL. B., Oouuty. Survyer rad Draluage Engier, Port Perry, Ont. Drs, Warren cf Moore. J. J. Meore,-M. D., F. Wuirii M. D.

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