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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1897, p. 8

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* ,*,- ofi{~veloc~4, -(t I I OSHAW, AU. 6,1897, OSIAWAPAGE Mise M Luke ia spendlu-g ber bolidmys at Monîreal. Mm D Cînnamon -and vif, are et Muskoka fgr an ontiu' g. Dr G M Gienney, PatteStOvli, paslaborne for a fev day.. Miss Demnlil, St Catharlies, la the guet of Mme Wm Glenney- Mr W A Glenaey and vIle, Hanneston, are hene vlsltlng bIs parents. Mme W J Copp, Toronto, vas th. guel aif Mme j D Stan. tonr a ev days. Mise Gertrude M Stewart ai Mapie, le vis- Ittlng witb Miss Edna L Cnnant. Mme J T Gouid la speuding some lime aI Gien Island, Prince Edwamd. Chas Vanaistine sud jas Skellaii, Weeton, wenè lu tawn for tbe clvic holiday, Dunîn g the bal summer weather the book stores 0ai Oshava viii clame aI 7.30. Miss Mabel Dolling. wha ban spenitvaw weeku visltiug lu Part Perny, le horri again. Mrs L Chausse snd Msster Eddie, ai To- ronto, are vlisting ber mother, Mmm W Kes- ter. Mr Geo Gartb artaronta wheeled ta Osb- awa 0on Monday looking up aid acquaint- ances. Dr B C Brimicornb and w île, af Marion, Ind, have been visiting their cousin, Mrs E L Vickery. Mis Dr Mason, and Mster Willard, ai Chicago, are the guests ai Mrs Wrn Stephen- son, Nassau St. Mise Edtth Scott, Brooklin, wha bas been visltlng Misa Fannie Storie, returned borne last Tbhursday. Mr Brethour, Mms Thos McLcan and YMrs C Biarker af Toronto, speut civic holiday witb Mme Thas Canant. Mr John Ragan, of Arizons, la borne visit- lng bis mother and brathere, aud incidentai- Iy aoking up aid (rlends. Mise Morrion af Guelpb, wbo vas the guet ai Miss Day, Slmcoe St North, re- turned home on Friday last. Mises Annle I.ocklugton, ai Port Hope whc, bas beeri vioiting at Mr Peter Kyie'sifor sore ime returned home on Tuesday. F E Ellis and vite and Dr Henry and vife started ou Monday an a twd veeks trip ta New York and allier seaport <-ites. Mr@ Dr Favier, Miss Fovier, ai London, and Mme (Rev) F A Caesidv, ai St Cathar- iues, are visiting *Mm W E O'Brien. Mme McAdie, wbo bas been vlsitlng ber niother, Mme Hyslop, returned ta ber home lu Cadiilac on Friday aset. Miss Hyslop, accompsmied lier. Mn and Mrs T W Kennedy, Mr Harry andI Bort Kennedy, ail af Taranto, speul Suuday sud Monday llavaiw and vere the guesta of Mr sud Mme G F Ïtbomson. Messrs jaek Quart sud J Dixon ai tht Wanderers Bicycle Club, wheeied down $uuday (rom: Taronte, andi spent vlvic hall dey et M E Comseels, returmng home Moaiday afteruoou. Lomne Cliflord, of Boston, la spending a fewdays vitb bis foke. H.elias been aya from ome for over 3 yeame, Hie mani finonds ber. are glad <o see h!m looklng au weol. 1 n A large nunaber from lieue took Iln the .ex- cursion ta Gisiiy on Tueday. Cbidren ver. veli pleaeed vkth the tnipt but aIl de. cided uliat the park ln OshRwa le ahead of Grimsby as Ile.cream ls cheaper ber. <ban there Liq T w tu ai ci ai TI ai tx 111gb Sehoal promotions= The foiiowing promotions trant form I1 to fori 11 of the igh scliooi have been confirm- cd liy the department of educatfon :-F Arm- b strong, H Baker, M L Davidson, E A Elli. N W Elîlott, F Gro., A C Hezzlewood, E Leek, W Lauchiand, ) V 0' Brîen, M MItch- c ell, B F Nott, G E Peacock, P Philipe, W Jic Saiter.1 We are lndeçd glad to hear tint Mr Bomts bury bas purchaa.dthe.musiall aUnsd pur- posed to renovate It and brinsg It up bto te standard of modern public buildings, W. are lui hopes nov tita mone beiiy Up the4 post office blociand modernss,. tBut9 sucb a îliing muet not b. expected viere1 the public are satlUfed to have thélu owe p ublic buildings bear the. appiearance of lie. Dog a thing of te :tb cetury iuat.ad of the xpti.. very day ve itear roustis from vitors about our post office. Tic Vlndicemr Ilulaecstaclca, t bas long been lookng for cuse to pituelto lot <the Akebrigade aud ticememeat, of liat departmeut, sud nov they bave iaupb iplied» ample usaterla for condemnatioi. Ieh Inspector of lbe fire uadervritcra aoe soclation struci-tevu on Thuusday lut, aud hal the Ire sau souuded. The. limes ofi base ver. slretciied ln a minute or bye, but nu pressure could b. lad front the fiIrenc- siceÎWfoQ Ucrytvety stlsmtês, -Md even tut 9011ui40 latbe almine v.fpslsgto Carrymore te;;wsibtvhule dneg i.de. fap IetbInq Ïtlb p :&'tOm n'* sow'at to the tturc1 ont tbat Il hail ont been .lui wrk ord r làoMtb. jWloro e ha bla4, iJ her kovute h ïti nierever aine the «enlue rat ifront bekmg reputred'at Dra*Utli>rdut t arlI4opouiPdî@f stnm vasu %b utld Il itf Itacapacl4 routie.Au inveestaaou wvu?144- lie aMme eveulut pairs teté i ter of cpuv vienever ti veigit 0f tt voe.lu An mM ~ <Vh arehh*d Dr iHens elot wcoer of Îgiît sundMary, sîreets. 114, de- brit' 4ou thae bârned bilding, viii ho e- toeSsaanew- 4ol1eg.rt.td -,On the site of the. oid prie. Tiie lr« *,Qaarterly m«tgtlng, of the yetr vini b.e Ï4iniiitieSitnïcb6 St Metiiodiel chutCh oit tet Suaida>'. teai"t at 1 a u, 'the Sacrement ô( lbe Lords Supper wili'b. adiainutred aller théenorinitig serý mont Rev. S. H. Esetmuan bas a ,znanlmollC eau (ro e i.Presbytemiali ongregftloai*of Mes- tord, sud viii verynllely leave Oshawa for -hat beamtiful notthemmi tovit befote ongg., M. Bastman le a vetr able mana, a thinkel, seboier, an4 a niait earnest sud impres- sIve preaciier. '1 Cousstabif Goodman, Cedar Dalet bas pat- ed notiCes that cows must keep off the Igt- vays or'tti oviere viii be piosecuted as ah. 1ev directe, They havp an Intelligent lot ai bovines there and they evideully kmew that the notice If nat complled wiîh wauld gel their ovaieru in trouble. They bave got off the street anid ntaone bas been seen at large ince the notice wa8 put up. The standng grain dâa1ed by spfont- iug af the e d, seema so fan es van be iearned ta b. confiaed to aitau beat. ,Sev- eral cases bave been reported, by p:eople of unduubled autbarlty, where grain bad sprouted lu the bcad as h sîtood Iu the field. Grain tbat vas cul and shacked lieeted anid rotcd, sud hay that vas out anouided In a great mnanv Instances. Ail grain that vas standing le disceiored and depreciatcd in value. W. hean considerabie complainte among mnerchanLi aifai ber men nua l ciing ai the timne sgreed upon. Wben ail merchante in s certain Une ai business sgtee ta cosia..a certain turne andd mre do not hhey lame the confidence ai the people. The onca that close at the trne advertlmcd are the aon" that wiii b. res.pected by the public. If a mer- chant's word canunt be relled on be vannaI have the confidence ai tbe people. Surely lu a town like this vbcre there ouly 5 or 6 in each Une ai business the niercliants sbould respect eacb other cnougb ta ual do anytblug ta, dieplease aibere. Mr J W Batsbuy bought the Music Hall raperty ahttce auction sale on Saturday for 1 3,75%Itis said thc lanid ttc block tands aipon vomI 85,000 and thc building with a frontage afi 20 loch and 70 (cet deep, t broc 1stareye high coet *aoao= Mr Borsbury realîzed that thc praperty at the prive be paid for it i.s asnap and ho will spend a fcv .thousands fitting up thc four stores under :the hall sud viii have thc music Hiail thor ougbiy refittcd. The stage viii be eniarg- c d, dressing rooms fitted np, the floor raisod . et the rear opera chairs put in, the large . piliure viii be removed and thec halil made as gaod as in any tovu of this sizo lu the !province. 9IM. BOLPH, harneus maker, Simoos street. r. B. NOTURESIL, butoher, King St., West. DEa. PATTEICM store. Le. J. ST.'LTaU Sino. istre WILLAM J. Land durv" Ef for the Ilondlike Ma On Monday evening, M. D. Campbell and Oonmoel" amte Finney started trarn here for the Arc- eupZ>4. c goid regions. They are sent oui by s D). M. To).- qndicate cornposed i o A. Hinds, P. H. ding, Bnp unsiion, Dr. Kaiser and Fred L.ambert. flowsrs. bhey wiii go to, Winnipeg .and there consuli los. BouL!> 11th Hudson Bay Trading Cau- officiais as Leaves 01 ,the advlsabllity of takang the old Hudson Whitby ai âay route t0 th. north country. If that routt îoux nm u ,not practicable tliey vili go to the coasti n jva»" nd take steamer for Deyea, and pack their oitvaru1 amp outfit through the White Horse Pau =$pl and tty that route reach the goldcountry wan, *e$ 'hey wiii ¶get their provisions at Winnipeg band. tol and wiii taire a borsewith ahem b ocarry northà. tbeir outfit over lsnd They viii bak. a ri. IL, M 'ear's provisions with thern and are itlkey iotary P to remain three years. 0f courut tuat de- leud. O1 ied iloeher upon the luck they bave. Srs.O iryon2ewh 0knowa of ibeir venture visl-h.fLn EBo e thein luck. The. Toronto World of *O- Damdi: Iay saye :-Tbree hardy Canadians wê. Zv«; last nlght regi stered at tihe Walker Boue r m. aïc Whoe are Ileavlng tbis morning for the. Kion s>jj, lîke gold fields. The. yarmM. D. Campbiell ____ and James Finole, Osiiawa, »ud E. A. Tuck*- er, Guelph. Tii.. plucky Cinadiane take th. HudsonBa route believing tbat tbey, Rev Mi will get ubrougli somer titis way ihau by any otiier toute for the tesson that large ms friends lin bers are golig by tii.otber routes. Tiiey Mies Li take a Yeats supplie$ viihem, miwboi0( etrnd whicit tbey bave purchassd lu -. tus cuy ; thi etun balance queh as ftts# etc., th,"y villzprocure Mr Fre lu Winnipeg. KesersCitmipbell an mule spenit Su, go as repreeâèt&tives of au Oebava syndi cate white 'Mr. Toeker represents Guelpht Mr and capitalis. Tii.y viii proeed direct to Ing with Dawson -Cityi and upon arrivaI ther. vili We no theu decide as to tbeir future movements. Scot n SosmseDay Miouday vas civie holiday lu Toronto and MiJ <»bava. The. 5otchrnuof ithe Ivo places was vitîti cotublued aud boldd caedonia gareata Mr anî Piaee sk Tb* sèmes ver. Uu4«the .visittng a Sctadadet by. L. Torcoto The qi lad Osh» av mpsu. veather vas ml i dstchut tbtcouid b. a.ked, for ansd ubmrly afer 91a. m.tespecWattrainta btitbe Seb MIOt$LA caus. Là tii. the cit Wovere qcant o, vth h«, 0*i fa*t. At syu=the. Girdm aCty pai, brernightdovu y» mom zwaoltand veut hidi alleranotiter load whkii arMISC' lu the fweroout. la tii. kweoooîhCr&w. Iit% W fords# eft 1roto, end Yong Matines, of Hugc dbon tm busi n d u a V11sitea nufsd vill e hbeg pti li. op aseorew -MAtii.he, endf heStiil gthe ucot wvas 8 bis iî fayorttîî lie C rdfo, whist they q* Mins 1*1 1h. GeM.!"*el SIYmOive the specIstors ."John Pa vWe . biete st u mth"f.awsd d rt, eveta vt oddsa t favor. At 1-31 P-211114ii.ecaiedoolac aSe soa n ct Q tii lthi tgrosmdu t i. Msdu. lied -me ttimuedtheagoe lt alens.bcm. 11 à »-Dominion planot and orga, DEAve, Dominion and Ontarle îyor, Clvii Engins.?, Box 57, Oeh- HoTL-J. C. Woon, p swltor. hostolry, Bat an sd oéoabi> Catéer for Balle, AssmbU*., Wed- )pers. etc., etc. Aio &U kindu cf mu - Wbitby.Oshava stage Une. thava st 8 ar and a p«M, and tban andtpm. = r an~~ud deoontor Desles bine, begr in#hesdo4 ham', Un. La ge 5 t kepi oonalantY on iToue 0.6A - Es-siter éIor, 5- Watobmmak Md . 4 losr i vtoha, lodJewàëlfty, inver- r -Phalen and vite arc visiting iBath. al/ Bartley, et Peterbere, bas home. ed Shortridge, Bowmanville, nday at home. 1 Mre Wîlbert Hooey are visit-, Mrs Sam Waod. )ticed*tbe genia face of Dr town last week. Watkins, Ediaburgit, Dakota, ing with Mrs Moore. d Mrs Axworthy, Toronto, are it MrDvavid uooc>s asterly servIce cf tbê metho- umi* ws voi ted«. î îli rparens, Mssand Mis jaDC ,t -and iwlfo, TorSo.' ~arc- vis.ý Mrs T1s4.1é and ber daughtes, Irenie are visliiig st Mn P1re' M)iît Qere aud 'MassesRoy Coulter, tre vlakling.-at the. CoiaIte house. Mies Han-nat-ee# cf. Diekens, Iowa, la epending lier vacation at home. Mis Ednà Cooper, of Kendal, les vieiting ie cousin, Mis Eva Stanton. Misses Lilium and M#Lbel Kennedy. of Peterboro, are spendlng the summer holidays aI home. Dr W A Fish, of Blacketock, and T W Evans. of Yelveston, paid a fiying visit ta aur îawn on Sunday. MpeadMgoaley dayls wihsfmieornto, G Bpndn Santonwo le h ohis rinduaG holiday. Mesers J B Jackson, M P Fallis, G B Stanton, M H Swain ami R T Stan- ton, af the K 0 S, returned on Thurs- day, after a jolly two. weeks outing at Lake Scugog. Our worthy physician, Dr Lapp, has pumchased the Kennedy property and wiii transfer his business office early in August. ils increasing practice ren- ders these more commodious quarters necessary. AbtI '<clock yieaerday nsonhIeglte ir wt vet on,and theae ttsi111e soeTiIe eigln ê as budte thtb Ihe nctotihouevaslowredIt Was founïd ther. asu ûüat. Thotankla làfed frons a reservoir af lb.t tovn bal by a 6Inch pipe, .vhkb va*-lirMie«o..The engin. ubowZd 8olb c eàmiwith titre. sîrease ying upo lie lreVhch , hovever, -did net stop ilisiilMrra's s tore and Btatoai'e gevery id Ue . ircesoy building over thesu bad been consuMe. 'l'h. Viaidicaor basa greal lime itlain lng its inconsisteucy la r.egasud ta Constable Hoover, but squares itse.if by explaining ta thie pubic thit lie CIIRONICLEi. ioou00y again. lu vould appear that the ons only tackle us occiaionally. The Via. wanted ta stand la wîhh the-constable badly, but it wauted hirder'tle s'weeten the sita praminent men wbo vere pulled by Hoover and fined. Themefore the CiutONacLE 1l oony iknd le trying 10 s> the hand af Justice. We do not ( eny being ioony-thiâ ls the siily ses- son-b'.: wbeai ve-are chiagedvwith îrylng to stille justice ve need on ly appeai ta our readers, and to the meniay aof bose vboe offences have neyer been even hinted atla the Vin., but wbo have la every case met tbc public gaze tlrougb the CHRONicLEt. The Viudivator aud Reformer are eugaged la a powerful eounoversy as ta Ilie proment state af Dominion politics. For veeks eacb one bas been pournag hot shot litafo, Îb ather, escb about s question afitis ovai, tbough îhey aim te deal li tii.h sasse sub- icct. What intereet lbe.,'loal public bas lin baving eacb ai thein prove that the other dae not kuow vhat bhéla talking about we do nat sec. As a malter of favî esci ai lie lavu papens lias long ago dlspiayed beyand doubl its uttor ignorance oi Dominloit or any ather politics. They are ai the clame ai people wbo arc Ignorant but don't knaw it. Sarnie thers are ignorant sud do knov k,. be nil WC hil Luw sss Maras Binder. efourcecuda et money prsaBn caealang St ud egst and ookeer amepartsof it aay grtb abd ot sevedlarts of t aai as been found up ta time of writing. Sarvesting bias commenced. The recent downpour of wind and rain bas done cansiderabie camage ta the grain Quarterly àervices were held at Mt. Ver. non on Sunday last. There was na preach- ing at this church. Mr J X Dyet treated the band boys toaa rare dish of black raspberries, which was much appreciated by the boys. Visitors of the week : Miss Lena Hurîbut at Pantypool- Mrs Wm Hezzlewo od of 0mb . awa, Mise Piioehe Hezzlewood and Mrs. Kitpad son Rex of Renivick, Iowa, atI 1h jWDyers ; Win B Mackey and Graham of Kiusale at'Mr R Pascoe's.« A number from bore attended the maau- light excursion on Lake Ontsario per steani- er Garden City which vas held under tlhc auspices of the Hampton lodge of the Sonr, of nngland. They spent a plesasant time. although the beams of Luna. were scarce. Miss Emily and Arthur Mason, of Toronto, are visiting Grandma Martin, of this place.1 Tohe ind, asohe ilaseem quite pientiful at preseut. Mr. Stevens has painted hie store and dwelling, which adds ta the ap- pearance of the village, Several of aur yaung mon frein tus place intend shortly ta start for Mani- taba ta take part in harvesting thiiee. Rev. McDonald, ef Blackstock, held the Sabbath sehaci service in titis plac on Sabbath, taking up the Sabbath1 schoal lesean. There was a large cou- gregation present who na doubt wereo profited. The steamer ",Comet' carried about 30 passengers from Ball's wharf ta Lindsay, last Saturday. The business an thfs line is constantly increaslng as the boat vas IfiUled bètween paseengers and frelgbt, Captan Balt of the. steamer eCaretý," bas entered hbi Ssteamer ta take part l the yacht race ,Irm jack- son s IsIànd Ï0 Sturgeon - Point, on Sat- urdayAuu' th.- Sevendl yachts bave Ps Jhu Cole clae r scd 'm oeu lsbsthsh am. It week. VIS i addrus at i -nd vn-te,. rmoi Iog lu,. île, mer, lot b conis! bave thani been ing s wa. Ina vhei one Ji iv lier F tac] eri r ron ah 1 Mi JO) an( Mi Mr. Mr. rEber Millson's. at Mr. Geo. Millson's. Miss Ethel Trebilcock, town, guefit of Miss Katherine Argue. Mr. D. Heddon, wife and son Roy are visiting in Dakota, U. S. Visitors: Mr. Bert Sou ch home for holidays; Mrs. Wm. Bradley and Miss Winnifrid, Listowei, at Mapie Corners; Mrs. Geo. Argue has returned from Toronto. Severaly ung en aecmiga Vashburn. re sloii the prmotofextie aetinof EthejnceWpromotionbet, Sh- wood ot:Etre Esmond Hal;brta Sr 3rdPoear Ranton Hall;Vir t;SPt 3rd-tar n-Rand , aVir, Edmun Shortridge, Albert Oke, Russel Bycrs. Mr R A Lee. Port Hope, guests af Mr F Rogers; Mr C. Moaue, Mr. and Mrs. G J Mitchell. Newtonville, Rev Jno E. and Mrs Davis, Cocanada India, gueste of Dr. Mitchell; Miss Mabel 4n-4 Mr. Albert Elmes, Miss -Rusbfook,"- Mr. J. McCunnel, Toronto; Mr W Gsafw, To- ronto, at Mr W H MartAns. a nd 'mdO5îthé JosebHall MfCeMasOn GCo., and Diuigle EstOlel, baving-.b6iught tIl their' pattornat fotmot etc. rcograttnlite *$It deiiOtpes igier itnos mteen w re.A a tit ltC0betlër It *as lea yi Ur vomîby milIeu, Cha1 i.e rnce, hbie t? busy tble y.ar. :But he 1ee9jy a li e rsi niw.Early li the sprtitg fier running niglit sud dai. ' la Boyer, Claremont, iied hie 1herse 10 à ini thi b le ce whlle lie muade a icall, aud n ha camne hackt the hurevas gone. No vas burt but the. nlg vas a vreck. VIiorts Corners 1 s Reynolds ie imploving. drs Wilson, Zephyr, visited ber sis- ,Mme R Rynard. qrs McCuliv, of Çdmonofl, vlsited .parents, Nit and Mms Jas Ruddy. Pobt Park bas had a vemy suddeli at- Icof illness, but is at presemit recov- ng. 'bhe fammers in this vicinity have tained considerable loas in con- uence of the recent heavy raine. KroP hitook à JKniveO and sections for most any make, mower or roaper, Iron Pipe, Steanu Fittings, (bras or iran.) Rubber Belting, Paoking, (mubber, garlack or rope) Thresher Teolli, nost 9ail kinds. Repair Bicycles, and supply parts for lame. Engines aud Boilers repaired, (any mako.) Repair Machmneiy, any desonip- tiun. Madhinery Steel, alea Cast ýteeI of various sizes for tools. pea Harvesters, R. Woon & Ca. Apiary Supplies, Beehiv-es, Sec- tions, GomnbFoundation, etc. Ra WO & - coa at w &NTD-SEVERL FAITEFUL YYMen or Women to Iravel for re- sponsible established bouse ln Ontario. Saary $780i pyable p,5 weeklv and ex- penses. Positin permanent. Refercnce. Enclose sclf-addreseed stamnped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chlcago,-17-8. FOR ALL Boat, Rail or Ocean, GALL ON CHEMIE WHITBY, WIN WI]RE Sella the Intendin' i miii before pa an agent pt as can gelteG. gaivanuzed, arn More ol tiiese than any otm dlaim they snU Mill outfits soli Ail styles of sale. Any informa- will be fteeiy 1 Feb 7, 1897--60 Be.3 JOHNSONÀ W. P. STERICKER, I LIADING tINDUTAKU, BROOK STREET, WHITB Y& OSHAWA. R.C. Carter, A~t We are Ready John Coweas Hamaiu Esq., -i son. Fi To supply tb. vauts of1Iblinh&abit aolOhavsansd, eouulry i w ui a tok of nov sud seonab1o. - gpod&. Hu4waoi Tia ad COrantcwaiM Pabnt,, ni complûesin ai linos vitita ltractve goodî at attra4tive 'Remember'we -w'fotb AndltaI ve brogtithe 'Pr, s.dows,' ~efo tliTarw# Oaiito Ois î thontem ilis yo n the, honàA is Î! iar a n' d d .1 tri lff cha n suppor t v i o Kep t he Pîe W. e ue soe oo: às t *lOw z>oa4'bebol.h b"U ax a", e" fglu b cWaftlt i J ~ k;' 1$ nutiold ex4au" Wi1son's F Smith's P( Tanglefoot sheg Fruit J, 1 r e S.S. lat session.1 Migs Florence Fraser is vising friends 3Oakwood, Mariposa. The outlook for barvest is a littie me promising this week than last. 1 1 1 Rev Dr Marvin has returned from Picton, where he bas been attending the funeral ai bis father. Mre jas Courtice has returned from Moar- fiel1d, where she has been with her sister and other friends. Visitors:. Mies; K Hadicock, Toronto at Mr las Court1ce 1s ; Miss Wallace, at the parson . see; Miss Welcb, Bowmanville, at Geo. Pierce's; Mr Salter, Penelan Falls, at Mr I Salter'.; Mr T P Wright of Toronto called on friende here this week. -:000:- M L. VIOBERT, barber. Stmoos street. BROOKS' LIVERYS Simoas siroot, north. 1 1 m 1 b 1 1 1 1 VisiDora Per.cyndMs Evahnd ins Dorla Pr, r., Bowande id Mrs. Ryan, Toronto. Mount Vernon Courtioe

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