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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 2

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Taking a course of Ayer's Pi11e the system ie set in good working order and a man begins to feel that lMe is worth living. fle who lias become the graduai prey of constipation, does flot realize the friction under which lie labors, until the burden ia lifted froui him. Trhen his mountains sink into mole - his, his moroseness gives' place to Jollity, hli lea happy man again. If life does flot seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taklng Ajer' OthaflîcPuis. QORRESPONDENCE Mr John Dunn got bis riglit hand caugkt in the cogs of a reaper on Fn-. day eveing, and as a resuit he is nurâing a very sore wound. Ro will net be able Lo go to work for at lsast a week. Chas Palmer had the niiefortune to ]ose t.vo of bis farni hormes in a verv nysterious way within the puet fort- night, the. symptonis being. similar to those of poison, but examination* qhowed ne traces of the poison in any forni. Soffie of the other hormes were uiightly mffected, but recovered. Geo. Kerr, nianager ef the local branch of the Toronto Financial Cor- poration here, left Tuesday for New York wbere he will spend a fortnight visiting with bis sons, who are prom- mnent business men on Coney Island. C. Billings wilI look after the busi- ness of the office bere in Mr Kerrs absence. Robt. Miller, B3rougham, returned trot» the old country lust woek after a very pleesant trip over there. He iniported some fifty-threo thoro-bred Bheep, and ho expects thor» to dean quarintine very shortly, when they, or nost ot thenu, will ho delivered to hie numerous custemers. Hia reputation as a sheep importer is fust becoming known the continent ever. Two of our citizens called the othon day to ask our opinion nas te what were the woather indications trot» the appearance of the new moon that bas just been allotted to us. _One party àl*im&ditLto - -a1dry -ud-war rmstuogo, jau beaus ué poU es î Mn John iEop.r, cf Toronto, ins-vii IloEpper advile ton a f,î dAae. - Miss Uts Lespgrt of Toronto,las bhoe vitit ber put. fer tôta ouüplé et veeke. ILey D Anderson et Guelpbt M ex oct ed teo ocupy Ensime puipit -non -Bb- bath. W. LBray, of Audley, vwu hors on Sanucay wlLh bis people, S. Bray sud J Leslie sud vif. of Pickerng, vere bore ou Suudsy vitii thein dani<btr, Mrs Di W Kennedy. Mis. D,. W, Kennedy ha. gene te _Wy- bridge viiere the vil! spend a week with ber busband's auuily On Tnesday, August 27tb, noar Clane. mont, the vife et Abijaii Fonsytheo f a son. MIl deiug uiceiy. The Misses Thomnpson, ef Pickerng, sud Miss Sidney. cf Teonto, were with Peter MoNab sud vif.eon Sunday. John Gregg bas gene north for a few veeks visit. Ho viii yisit Waikerton aud other prominent places before his ne- turne Miss Mary Dunu, Matýùon*of the deaf and duwb institute ah Brýintford, i. bore witb ber brother. Thomas Duan, for a few weeks vacation. Miss Murray aud Mrs. Cepeubagenl bave returned frein Oweu Sound vbe re they ver. vith frionde le eompauy -vitb MiesMar"Maenab. Bev Whbite aud tâter aceempanied the Joshua Bundy Party te Muakroka lust week. In Mn. White'@ absence Mn. O'Couuor, cf Broughami, viileceupy the Baptiat pulpit. Thenmas Mine, V. S., cf Toronto, vas hoeo with bis inothers sud listera ovor Monday. Fev bolidays pas. Thomas lu the oity liai h. doses nt corne dovu te se bis mothon. The Methodiat League deided ou Mou day eveuiug te bold s lavn social vALuai thie néit t-bre. eka somehlrue, Tii. date vas e tseted upon, boweven. Par ticulans ister. A. M. Mekay bas punebaaed Staciy Gerovs barberng business sud basfera»- ed s combine in the tonsorial lin, Au Claremont. Gec Burk vil! as&ethlm hve day. per week. Misat Madaline Micbeli loft for Cîncin nati on Meuday, viiere eh. vili tako lu structlons in the. art ef nursing. Her fatiier. Tobias Miceel, accoonpanied bel. as far as Cleveland. W. vish bMaddie every sucoest a ber choson callig.- Nevs.1 1 msrrled hat te vn ss 1e Rornatci" the. othenbaffmy: le &My~ t But ynu céal't tel! elwae s untul th 4 " m ou" Aovmr.When thAs yongcople gset fd àdovu totb.é ey ibave god heartsan-sudetit health. -AUl deencuttt l'vswmoit w mvrucl h Ieath bas to dovlthmarmldhappinest :$itkness(. fects tite teit:iper. Yo - u. cault he bàppy uer rme4 * Wh;tsa1 Iii the Most Marveloug'--iiiner b Mirnyof's 1omSeopithie:, M1r M J Miner, bicycle maker, ivith E C stearýna & Cu'a Bicycle Works, sud ne- idlng at N. 166 Bondon Bt., Tononto, Ontï, aya;-'*l ulfenod intense pain for nosnly three yeara trot» dyapopsiansd constipation,. acompanied by a long train of diauressxng symptoma. 1 had 'ne ap- petite, a sont stomacb, vusmeianehely and nervous. I, could not leep and then. vas aise codàiderable ernacuation. One month ago I decIded te try Mun- yen'. Remedies sund aft.r usiug 2 bou les 0f the. Dyspepsia Cure I was corupletely cured sud am w-day idi the enjoy ment ef excellent--healîh snd spirite. I ain able toeaet anythiug. I couider my cure most vouclertiasd caunot endorme Muuyon tee highly' Mucyo'. tbeurnatim nCure seldoni fails te relieve lu ene te Ibre. heurs, aud cures lu a fow days! Pricec. 'e Munyon's Dyspepoia Cr oâvl cures ail fort». o Indigestion aud atout aeh trouble. Price, 2*. Munyons Celd Cure preveuts pneu- moula and breaks up a eold lu -a few heurs. Pnice, 26e. Munyon'm Oougb -Cure stops ecugbm, night aveats, alisys' aoreneme, asud pèed ily healsath. luns Price, 25e. Munyo' Kiduey cure apeodily curest pains lu the bsek, loins or groins iud ali formaet kidney diaettse. Price.,26e. Munyo' Hoadacho Curd'stops head- ache lu three minutes. Price, 25c.., Munycu'. Pile Olulment poîi#ively cures alitenma.oetpilies. Price, 25c. Munyen'm Blocd Cure eradicates a&H inipurities et the. blood.- Prief, 25e. Munyon'a Feins!. Remedies are a boon te al vomen. Mnanyou's AthaîhnsRoredies rolieve ln 8 minutes sud cure poroeanently. Prie., si. Munycu'. Catsrb emedies nover fail. The Catarb Cure-price.25c.-eradioates the. diseasofron theb. ytot, sud thb.Cea tsrnb Tableta-prce. 26e-cleanae sud, boa! thé partq. Munyen's Nérve Cure is a wouderful nerve tocic. Prie, 25c. Mnnyon's Vitalizer reatones lest vigor Price.,el. Personal Jettoes Le Prof. Munyon, Il aud 18 Albert et., Toronto, answered witb free medical advicefer any diasase. The. Oheese <Joshipped the bd1coo their Juty citeesetht., week. B Stevens assistant obeqe maker a beeu cff work ion a tew days. Dr J JE Brown a.fter s titre. 1-weeks visA s the '*Id borestead resurned to Jscksonvile, Ill., on Baturday. A' cnank fret»Port Perry baïl 1Me Beer fiued recently -for bariwg the #hut.aers, on bis bar reeoose Hiarvasi is wUavuuo nttis locl- <Misse Ewnnis and <*reenood are vlslang -their misdme.MnaMa Tho& »urrew 1 ', 1 h - -1,e.ks Y- * A mPf.'ýù. a M Ou nsif San itdouWOate WOk 4frftuat oaruyln the. wator eauth iai th 1 sIwyused *ben workliqjn ti ~iBo tti Urn I&ter one of the1Young mnl omiplaitd-ot feeling unw.11 ýstbouàh hi.s ttnach 'f )0, antd son liasbrother toit a similar tttaok. T atartod for the. bouse but -vomited befo r.acl»gAt, ud nu as 'à fdiintlY ro-i covored te go, for a doctor fer'thé other, .who alseto tarouud All nlght. Thi. dec- tti ozxauuod thoe au in *huch their drnkîig vaterhad been and fôand that it'hud contained arsenic. TheOsupal-1 tioit Id that sQwo poroon plitoed fit bore wlth tih ttenn,of polton.lng they. Whou asked the quesion " Who do you think did' it 1 the. people of that section shako their headea*a mueh sa to ay fiW. bave an opinfun but don't liko'te ezptées5 it until we uesot». prOOf."W. maIght sdd that the. Moore boys are respeeted lu Scott, and mont, If ne flot of, thté people aide with thet» agaluat their suppood onemy. W. caIled at tih oUiéof bMn Wm moere a few day. ago snd .19*rned1 that tho étatement ilu'regard ttatii. poi- soning as. gîvon aber. i. subtitsntially correct. Il là a terrible tbing te thiuk thst in the. quiet aud thritty ceuumuniy of Sandford ther. liv.. a penacu vit i murder in bis hoant. If satman -values his neek or bis froodot» trot» peiten- tiary h. had betten beave the polaonind business alone. 09f fer Eeadike. P J Burford, civil ongineer, whe spent biesacheol days iu Uxbridge aud viii b. renuembered by many of the boys lu Lown, han started wath a. party of tive companiens fret» 8t Catharnes for the Yukon gôlid country. Another of tbe party ie George Dawson, owuer etftthe St Catharines electnie raillay. Tbey are each takiug'a yetr's supply cf provisions, 1500 lb. Two awfni fait". A younq tian with 'a more arm wuasose liciting aid lut Thursday anound tewu. He said ho had poured a ladle etftnoiten lead on it a t Roaches plutnbing ahop, Huntsvilie. Like cther people w. gave hi,» a dit». "te help hlm ou bis way te Hamilton,"' but very much doubt hie story just the . me. Another man ou a crutch vas soliciting aid tii week., Hie trouble wais a log eston with onysipelas and appeared genuiue.-Jourual. D YSPE PSIA c(IRED Isy DR. CHUE. --FOR BIOIITE2.N YEARS W.WIiODQBS SUFFERBED -DR. CtI4S6S KIDNBY- LX VER PILLS- EFFIECTZD AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS CURE*.,**..e.e..... Meurs. Eniý4Nzo, BAvaS &Ce.. DIA&It»lSr.4 te fiberty of writg t. ,dffppslof aS y«sm. sffi4effecWedby theut 5u4*ea 4sst~ neecu rachS blood-uaki by or.. Pie ery' It in 4muaua Z.IMPU4T G'OLDI 2 7 WATCH ~ GIVEN ÂWÂNTH TO T14069 WHO SEND THE1 NUMBER OF LARGEST1 Asic yeurgrocer for partieulars ci drop a post-card tn LEVIE ROS., Limlted, 23 Scott Street, Toronto. MAKEHAU Suinday moruing boîveen tbree and feur o'clock a rig vith -tlaree occupants dreve sentit thnougii the tevn, and ai dowu Main uîroot the Ibree. nsod ianguage tiaI would disgrscd tiie toughest te ug. Nightwatehwen Lunau sav the mon but did net know vie the' vere, informnat- ionu howeverpoints ta ibein being tiree Stoniffille mon whbo d positions lu that tovu, sncb that their cenduet hers la cor- tainly meat diegraceful. Probabiy they ver. drunk, but ibat is a poor excuse in thein case. If any ovldenco can b. found te provo vhom nthose gentry are they vii b. preeeut.ed for aIl tiey are vontb. The Sun bas it ou rellable autbority vbo ho thre. are sud aucîbor effance viiine- suit lu the tuAi publication of thet». Tii. body cf a mnan vas fouud manglod on the G T B, one sud a hait miles esmI et tb. tovuline betvoon York snd Sean- bore Townships en Tueeday uight, sud it bas net Y"' beon Adenified. Corner Billion held an inquest on Fniday ai 2 ocloek ai ithe nesidence cf Mr A ]Hunter, % here the, body bad bieen placed by Con- stable Tidsbrry. Tii.e oiy tactosasefan amconiained are that ho vas ô f eet 8 luches bigb, dark cotuplexioued, bad a beard ci tire. veeks gnawti, va» baid, sud weigh- -ed about 160 poands. Ho voie a dark suit efat oes. On tie body vas found tino. mme.!! papons. Onuoee as vnitten "Rob Daiy"l and on anether "Gordon E Monnison & Co." Tii. third paper As a elippina containing a fow verses cf peetry wit th le titI., "A bopelesa caee." Thon. von, oight o8her mn w vii hlm ; al ef tbem are aupposed to bave baen îrying ta @ota a ride. Conductor PIegg aud Brakesmen Maine aud Shaughnessy state that ahe dead mnauseîght ehuma ne. fused te give suy information ceeruîng hlm. No cne kme .how theimngel under tho cars.-Sun. Oira aUKM & .. Miss Peteh As rneving aId acquain- tances lu Onu-rnidst. Auci. Batnea avisAI Sundaî]i John Fou-ter aud Misa ait, ôf Toronl- te,0 are visitiig. Mr âne ï?,; OPPender, Mises aveuasd s. lady friendd pt>asd, throngb ithe villa eteéped' day viii, Mrs <D#R)opiis Wi ROI.O bAsnt lnuprovlng ase - Ily as bis fnienda weudiike ýte uëe u, m le As fard a 1ev type e--t fever 1As éotlng )Mes Saturd and a- Il Gé*êiO oîtà1lak1, YMe Ofithe out. comin igtrifn An jr&bing but' a laver. ablè lgt. bI i6hsr.l nIsvor O8asdaU Gover-iùst on savilào ad pul,p wood Mr MUô0ormïok lse of opinion tuat the. aoletnment- sbould Dot briug tii. ut lmie force, for - a year boite, for tbe,roeae that thor& are îbousands cf sotfi' tn b.o #rgiàn Day 1ub*t -dis. trict tha t bave no othe moans of earning a livoluboed dpnlng iii. cernipg *Inter ol- oopi by lurnbenug. If the imposition « - the. esport du±y As delayedi Mr Mocormn i'ck is of opinion that.the Amreicans own . ing limite-sud the$ are in the wmajoriti -will at once pot ini the,. nala!number cf camps, ând thus koep' the soîtiers em. ployed, wbulo in a yoar houce tby would b. prepared for a dol! season, provided the Goveruneant annonuoed sbeh a course as suggosted. Mr McCorrnxck further said that the rocont boavy hipments of inuber trom, Caniada have filled the AWeriasn lum»ber yards, and the dealers there eau got aloug witbont catting any titnber ibis winter, but that if the Ameni. cana knew tliat the export duty would go inte effeet a year fret» now t-bey would take out a large nudabor cf legs and fieat thoru to the other aide before the act would comae Acto force. if the. expert duty aces loto effect this yesr, Mr Me. Coruiick saya the latnber industry will be completely paralyzed duning the cern. ing wiuter, and the rnany settlers and their familiep -will suifer greatly, as tbey are entirply nnprepared for sncb a contin- gency.-News Letton. 5TOUFTVILLIE A few days ago as Mnr@Iartley Brown was driving borne in a uggy, when on the lOth lino Whitch u2c, Dean J Stouten. burghs a football was kioked out on tho' road, striking ber bers. witb the resuls that there wss a runaway aud upset ln in whiohà MrsBnowu vas soverely injured. Playing bal of aDy kind on our stroots, Ispeocially wbeu hors" sud ripg are pass. ing thereon ie a dangerous pasitime. What Stouifville wants isla aconveujonmt public park whoeo the yeutb can engage in sports without eudaugerng the lives cf others. The lease of the Fair Grounds wp uuderstand, will soon bo expired aud o4ir our opinion i. that gagne steps onght tô bo taken by otin cooncil to seorethat pýOPertY for public purposes -Tribune. PAIN- KILE Pan$Iy.Medicine Of te Âge. Taken i, là"nisile, 14 Cus Dlarhoa, ru,,ad Pcan ln thte Stomah, Boe UzraBddun Cough, etc.dea Used ExmaM ly'i It Cue* San Thè Gre Sto-mach ar A Rbcurna Th ey All Drug The1 The Navy est 97 arnutedj te ef over 815,000 generally &PPro, large. - By tb. clos8e Bnitian wil ha" battle shipm Of t the Prince Geoi Cal. 8h. la ont largoat. se v.!] She carnies 14,1 for aIl ber guna. ors sud 8-pou metai tbrowu b oue broadmide ci te port or star- love: Frein C Four 12.inch ruas Six 6 inch guns.. - Eight i2apeunders' Eigbî 3-pounders. Total .... The veight ci a lino vith Lb. 1 la ais foliove- To-Frein ô To12 inch gu»,~ Two 6-loch guu,», Two 12 peunders Four 3-pounders. -Total........ The Prince G veyvized nickel, sud founteen li bigiiesi speed As draugbî; viii. is 16.5. 1 The twove eu sud Terrble, cf sud - 00teea '! larizest cmisera i 25,000 herse poi of 21.8 kuote ani fou-ced -,draugit, ' 8ovïnty torp order.d-before J moe bave been total of uicety. s speed cf 27 km 80 knotrsand t bavesa speed 0e1 The Proucitni about 155,000,0 of possesings rU aio, but aho do.d te make iio'a s Trniple Alliance, grameme 15 frana m sebserved, ual r tva buaj r dangerous b thus.tether caAtI& Iwo must ogaî1the oi. vii... theii 0ow On thO fOredhoght diaplayed inui confining the Uaimalte a liWwlbo&e fpso., but t. epm shoild b. me shor. ud the peg moved oftmèu. Rad sasgirt.dhors. ha&pp.ed long abooemtse1d IptheroM .~.m ou. dam f von d hav e. àSi <to

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