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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 3

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.sarsaparllila Tlhé Greatest of ail Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. Rhcuniatlsm, Gout snd Cbronk Compiaintt. They Cleanse anj Purify the Blood. Ail Drugglsts and General iDealers. The British Navy. The Navy estimateas for the year 1896 97 awonnted to 8109,000,000, an incoase of over 815,000,000. Tbis mocroes was f enfrally Lpproved of by the country at large. % By the close of the presont year Gr-est ' tiuwIll have completed twenty.nine ýb'tti. sbips of the first clas. 0f tiheae theq Prineu, George of 14,900 tons, is typi cal. 8h. i. ou@ cf the moat reent and largeat. as veli as the , ost powerful. She carnies 14,120 round of ammunitiomi for ail ber gune-12 inch. 6.în, 12 pound- ors and 8-pouuders, Tha weiRht of atai tbrowu by fine nuintes' ire frona ono broadeldeoïoItii. Prince George, sither te port or etarboard, would be as fol- lovs: Freai One Guru. Total No. Pounds Four in-inch Rus.,- -*4 î6 13.600 ix 6 inch guns.25.àS 1p 15090 Eight ra-pounders. .,;o 400 4,800 Elght 3-pounders- 75 600 i1.800 Total....................... ....35,200 The weight of meat hrowu amially, ini a lino witb the keel, iither forward or aft is as follow- Frein One Oua. Total No. Pooinds. Two 12 inch guna.- .. 4 8 6.8()o Two 6-loch Rula . .. 25 50 5.000 Two r 2 pounders . 50 100 1. 200 Foiir 3- POIjflhts . 7 5 300 9100 Total........................... 1,0 The Prince Gorge ntu niue-inch ilar. veyised nickel steel armur on herm- sie sud fourteen luchies on lier turroea; her bigiiei pead le 18.8 kuota with forced dranght; Witb natural drauglit ber spaed Tu tvô enormua criusers Powerful sud Terrible, Off 14.200 houa displacarnant sud 500 foot long, far and away th-- lararest craieel i world, made with 25,000 iorps power speeda off the former of 21.8 kuoteansd tbm latter of 122 41 knote fotced,,drangit, Belleville boliers. Soventy torpide boat destroyers wera ordored bafore April, 1898, and twenty more lane beau ordered since, making a total of nicety. Forty-two of theis have a speed of 27 kuots, forty.flne a s;peed of 80 kuots and the remaiinig three are to bàvq a aptied of 82 sud 88 knotR. OTHRR EUXIotlE*N NAVIRE. The French uavy estimates amoumnt to about $56,000,000. France bas no Mlea of possessing a uavy equal te Grent l3rit- aiq, but asedoot wish to ba lu a position te tuakohesd agninet tiie forces of thie Tri ple Alliance, sud han mbhiptuildiwg pro- -gramme le frsmnad on this policv. 1 lie ? ersnuel ecîrisea about 41,000 mn IL a obsmrved that lu many nov JFrench shl bps petroliun isi. ued, prinipaly 10 in- crise i.ombustion ut the1urnaces. Among the (satures ln the nov con- ettOction are elght armoredsmpih Io dq splh thue sreve The fonduses of the German2 Emperer for thé lnavy aud his dasire te moerass thls force are viii kuovu. Tii. smout roprlated tus yoar ile about 881.000- The ersonciconsiste cf about 21,500persons, Six off the new shipe la$ngs dowu are te bave triple smmrae. tely bau,ýppropriated 8*18,000,000 t his year, çonsoiderably loin than was antîci- pated whsn th. programme for incroasing the naval establishmnt vas Wl ovn a jfew Voars airo. Thé strength prop oned t~beu viii (ail short by ne foyer than ~l~hv. na. rsseIs. ltaiy iisa s large qulanhlh!of petrolinra iu atone for nuse in srblhps; iu using thiti kind cf fuel Ihsly fat Iu adrance off ethar Powers. 'll Iuiaestimates ainit te abont I,00,000. -The personnel inatudes 0sOa men aud 2,200 olBicers Rassie - tbe arinorat i u flîed vith triple ffW4 sud twe eireular meuitors vutb orevse.ach* but these are oid 'auses. scaish iusvy bas made great ef- t$o meet tho demnde made upon it a m#rebtillious lu Cuba sud lu the PpinQ4. Oving te ho appreheouon ïf4rr#ce ou ont part evsry aval- 'Spsmish sblp bas bes up lain- tnoIen hsued au mch as pon. -bnb $hey unnot be aoontsd tbe oent. sluee tii. lowneus of con on14f:pdtt beia..snslutw by the il", w"4dy for ceoeiselonng. 80o& ibip a"ebeau pSured JAPSM. lt eif toitlya #ncethe l" igland and ?rao e wo "1gàI shi j>. have -been .onsttnoid -u Pà Md Buts umt e ;, alloted le Dow obw struetion the etomtog - year ' ay. bi-t t alHgb4lyredlosd. i t ni' i nthe~is eMPIre in AMOS abas serkloty lilndpwqd navrI progroas. ,la Qsrwanyt on '_the other baud, thene a deoldedý in ohipbolldlng aolv.Wé jla tue U Di1ted 8Statès are a& work on somsfine vossels of the battiesahi p sd torp4do, types. Japan has started on ber ain- bi tiona career, and by -the sudn4,, e ea will bave two powerful battlsehibpa. W close this paper on the contente o êt s sey's Annual for 1897 by givinga table ci the effective flighting shipis of the prinoi. pal Davies: EFFECTIVE FIORTINO IPB, DUILT A.ND Class BUILDING. e.. Battle ships........6, Coast delense ship . ... 14 Aimnred cruisers...c Fire COS 1és U cros...21 2nd Rnd Y d ciass cruls's 75 L.ookout ships ....9 Torpedo g u nboants. --34 36 16 8 b, 20 15 Let Your Oharity b. Brighit and Attractive. The in mates of charitable institutions and our deserving tove aud city peor are with un at ail times. Many of us yearly send the peor oui ouat off and haîf voru garmeuts, sucb as dresset, jacketa, capes, akirta, coatis, noats and ptns By this work huudreds cf haf -cIad people are made varm sud coin. fortabie, and are enabled te appear ou the istreets. In thia work of oharity, niany douera are making their gifts brght and attrac. tive by theu, se of the Dismoud Dyes. The old garmenta are dyed nmre suitable color snd look quite as velI as uev eues. New and f raah coloris add te the joya and pleasures off the poor, ard the gar. mnet do not have the appearauce of cold charity. This work off brigbteniugz up old sud faded clothas is donc ut trifing coot vith the Diamoird Dyas. Think off this spec- ial work, dear ladies, viien your bondie of clothing i. being prepared for the poor. One packet of Diamnond Dys, cosîing 10c., wiil add wonderfully te the value of your donation. Rye Before Wheat. Buckwheat and rye sown upen the lanid for the purpose ef aonducting a green fallow if plowed under need net increo.se sniut, rust or blight or tend to winter killing if fail wheat be sowu upon inverted land. Theonely prereq- uisite to insure succesa, consista in plowing under the rye or buckwheat most thoroughly ah least eue month hefore the wheat ie ho lie sown. Rurali New Yorker sys :-During Juiy the land should lie rollcd and harrowed freque.ntly, and tho former iniplernent should pi-ecede the latter that the land mnay lie 1efý with a soft inulch on the surface lu the intervals betweeiî the différent tillage operations. Thlis fre.. querit tillaLge w.ill solidify the subsur- face soil, set f ree plant lood, tend to bring moist ure f romt the subsoil te near the surface u.ud in every way tend te lit the land fti ,smccerbfu' itinter whe:tt culture. Frequently vilît.er wheat il Sown upoi bland imiich ile ertirely to 10088 ini the c;,ui)burèice soil. Tlhis plant loves a soft, melloxv sîîrfacqd, d weil fimed, colinpacted, fairly moist.sub. surface soil. r I t. I k- OURS OILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK 890 A S alaa Uve iao andi if a atrong dcsired a cathariic egieîÀ by two pais. In obe where a prai 1 ao pis vii b fU dstffle pill eave no uaicaa One pi taken ca=i ahirty days viiicmreCOU Mi and Mrs Wm Fso>l' Eber took i the tri Fais andi vWsted fieuàd Mr Mark Kundsy w cmsto a a Vti$ 1P u Iers.su d Mn&uà «0.L oIi* a Misn Heen Hughes, et Torontin, daugier ~jusp ector J L Hughes and, Mr Wm &ott ,BeA.# sud ciii o Torouto 'Irêe, t tM.Jh et>KoLan a.genae t mai. lobl. an 1 éoking tsrly veU-bhor anid the -Ewmees a" Iopéful., *ltk~Ucole 877 'qu Cath e vto20 per cent1, no*r274 pet oe 20 IoPet cent; nov .1-80 pet. Roffue voe 20 oet cent; now 25 pet 0e0t, or 480 a heu*. ehoop ver. 90 var cent,, uow #1.56 par 'litnbb veto 20 eter cent. t now 75 cents Pur bsad. Barloy wa 80 pet cent., now 80 cents a boushel -B*okvheat Was 20 per cent., now 15 cents a buabel. Oste wore 20 par cent., now 15 cents a bushel. Ry. vas 20 Per cent., now 10 cents a bughel, Wheat vas 20 par cent., now 25 .per cen t. Flout was 20 par cent., nov 25 par cent. Butter vas 4 cents a pouud, now 6 cents per pont. Mi1k vas free, nov 2 cents a gallon. Beans were 20 pet cent, now- 4W cent. a bushbel. Egga *oeo cnts a douen, are nov 5c. ]gay vas *2 a hon, nov $4. Hloney was 10 cents a gallon, nov 20e. Hlonps veto 8 cents a pound, now 12. On Ios vote 20 cents a bushel nov 40c. Potatoas wvere 15 coeus a boehel, nov 25 eta. Straw wus 15 pet cent, now 81.50 a ton. Vegetables veto 10 par cent, nov 28 pet cent. AppiCa vers 20 par cent, now 25 centsi a bus bel.1 Peaches, plumes snd pea vote ftee, now 25 cents a bushel. Barries were free, and ara now 1 cent aJ quart.1 Grapei vers 20 par cent, nov 20 cts. 1 Bacon snd bains vare 20 peir cent, nov ô contsa Pound.1 Freah bief, vosi, inutton and po rk voei 20 par cent, now 2 eqnte a pound . 1 Lard vas 1 cent a pound, nov 2 cents.1 Liv. poultry was 2 cents s pound, now1 8 cenàts s Pound.9 Dead poultry was 8 cents a Pound, now1 ô ceuts a Pound.1 TalIow vas free, nov three quarters ofi a cent 1pet Pound. SWooI vws ftee, nov 11 te 12 cen ts a1 ib.1 Hides veofree, nov 20 pet cent. 9 FI ai vwab ftee, nov $2 a ton.1 Lumber vas free, now $2 par thousand.1 Paving posta, tMes and telegraph potes veto free, nov 20 par cent. YPence pots wera free, now 10 pet- cent. Whou aur part of tirS body Isult doIng the eork that nature lnhended h t t do, 1h pute the whoeesysteoe eut of lune-out of harmony, Siokoesainlue part of the body lalelksly Se ru tuto aIl parts of lb.blidy. Whem, chidren.- Stand a mw off bricks on ud.- ih knock the, vicie rev dova by upattlog anuebrick. Tha;l la exaetly virat hapsus Ithie bealtir isatire bovîla fail te, perforai thefr proper fonction.- Constipation mages treubls al l lng the Is pute the Ilver out off order, la bad fer the. bld- neye-bad for the stomacir. It holdo lu tire, body poîsenons mettel', and bOiste . 15 caunt go *uyplace &Ws,Itts to ate hIloed. Tiré bboed carnes t 1: ailome sse u. "Tirt mukes lupishnes., lasude, ie beaiid foàu@in te Én outh. filletUe ateMac thi quansd coupe vady bsMI;,a' ~ sosdieto le the somaci, cmuseseut satmac. heartboui and headache, r'ù eau â,void &Hi sch trou. bls. for Dr PIéses' Pleaset Pelleta OupS con- ,Itp*tp*touýMd téattendant eila. Bond31 uta ce nt aape te Dr B V Piere. Boffato for ig 'Medlcal 'Advisa '#It te bock 0f 1M08page.. IPrOf lOy hiustrated. W. omitued lait vaek te' sutide stb of MmtsR 8M oaewe eslyTuseym'orn mid alght avkÎeetber il fors a -doetor, conti b. suoer Tbefuu- eanl ooepleat I br lat rulatuokabeal- A.~ ~ ~~-h ffly v*ttt*~*~ DI V UV Il1 ,l 1LU edce- 'lentmd cld ataa lok bock et meA wth a0h fre'r b v osilvelo the b wIll VAIICOCELEy. EMISSIONS, ýNER VOUS--DEBILITY, SYPItLl~ S RtIO RE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK- NIESO, PýIMPLESt.OT MANHOOD, UNNATURAL DOHARQEKDNE-AND BLADDER DISEASEa. Y00 aa i1V0u8s ad deandecti weak or deblitated tfred morniaga D &Mbitlot-llWoeas; memory poor; eaily *atgus~exciabe Ir «M t d ;plzples on faée; ds;sud n ight bossa; test. ne 5W"l'a st r loi; *sotet5rSi f4 co CURýES GUARANTrEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL ÀA DO f~HEGAFA Wsruio rom the Uvis.64At te" ce_ scGre touauei mt;em auad drai, l - cpa s-, r- W ranho Lad beed bv ra. Kennedy i me to try I m 1dl nansd latwo monthe wu s. s7iers sok Iamn Dow imarrld sud bave two hnth sw "Vaiocel mde t@mieable. 1i Iawesk sud VA4o mima s unken a bê ma tyhaïr U,1n uIol ci vid Tffltmi t 7à 4. fp. arIstu bu p8Oerrois. 4 lived on 10# C IIiRED. I tRra. At shool 1I emea u eh &~,g~eI nt~ ans.Ilmrned theTRUTE sud theCA 1fb 1tock the 1New Method Tmotment anmd va uady evumt î~ ;"T.trible blood disses.vi n Mr altem for slht arsid taken mercnryfor vogmars theadae nissdblotches on thre skia, ulofr. th. 1-cUap~o togu, ounaua tliim otof ho ,vanua t.Mir brother, VwejMtabote cuoflsjs M trotre bi Dus. iaueW" d egu ooema tkài Thoen y nme in a M6v veea, a keIthn God ,J IÎstu, oSt M xa a Ia i s y s r . " - w . . P ; I L , J a c k s o n 17 YSAIM UV DETROIT, 200,000 CURBOD. NO RIBK RED A»' 0vmmPBave irS lest hope1 Aremueot Oui Mv MahcdTsatreat your b y ben dihat t as n on ~ss vo 0SILIA-TIONP o~e atrWobat ateu~w1.frahaa 'WIVi NAULDSD STHOuTRiITEN ONS13NT, pR. 0 U.5oein eh¾~ .>. 0ona,1es obxeàor env:l. DPSKENEDY KERGNo 1488HELBYST 91_ AN qIH w6 ricuO*n uinr ;.niPleo ail4 ere makil uoh pï-Ogreý ttfl the Poo, ~>eof Illinole Ar6se in ahger, bUrne th. toniple- murdored Joe sofh i d drove theé% êst of h.o th, nuah take final refugo lu a, h io ward a bolony oetRuiau colontetse camue along- sud bought the ýland.-, They had no use for the 350 -buildings sud sold thent to a Missonrian for a trife.- The--following winter this a n- terprising individual put relier8 unaer the bouses, suid thein dowu the banke of the frozen river, snd- thon slid, roi- led and puished them Bsixmiles further UP the atreamn, where, atone and single handed, ho founded the' towu of Fort Madisen, la. The Beductive Phonograpli. Fariner Moadowgrass C&Me btevuow lust xeek. sud saeinq tha sigbts on Touge street, wanderod into 'a pbonograph par, ]or. Just te satisfy thae ravings cf hie depravee nature, b. dropped a.nickel ,Iu- te the siot ho bea.r the music, aeoomapany ing the action witb the reniark : "4My sportinubiood vouild alva>'.got the bost of me.,, Tho magie began. The selection Va, "'Way Deva Uipon tho Suvane. Rivet," sud the . aisu teok it ln rather cslrnly. The. nI vas Svweet Little Rosy O*Grady" aud tie old genîlemans face waa ljke a Thon Ponut of Every Blessing," su ad the farmera face lsnghtensd into prayer meet- ing teilulation lengtb. But -lut ou the fiebadule wua lively old-fashîoned reel snd bis face lit upliIke magie. His, feet bagzan to =ove narvously. Hief limbe twitched. and involliàu0s4lvho begau te abuffla. Seon his feet vas keeping turne with thomusie, ana, It vas noîlong b. fora b.ovas desorlbing the rosi sort of rosi. At the end oi the hune his foot caine dowu "korplunk"' sud b. gave nt- teranca te -a satiaflad sort ef vocal ex. pîculve, ,nuch like, "vhoQpelit vhile hb- smilod broadly. "Parâner, give us that againe," ho said te the attendant, but vhen asured Shah ho Weald have te vait untIl- the Sura came, ho ubeulderod hie disappointosnt heroleally sud maroed forth frein the place. -1 ANTI BOOZE£ î Tha eoBfeadt Ca a- a ta saiaim i a eamnew ta araodwtotÏbi nv'- îS 01aarow il i To Nwlis potSp lnCare j aein *fortàDranknueaa t.ewithot e pay mtin -t henw n egwthu odaddin.Ve a waaced fté t h Cow£ Visitors Mrs Turner, Briébin, Bnrnt River Ont.,; Mrs Wm 8eith and Ethel, ôslhawa ; Mesurs Thomas Yellowlees and J Virtue, Toronto,. An old settier, *Mr, Chas Welch, passd quietly into rust on Sunday afternoon, Funeral took place to Betheada cemetery on Tuesdy. De- ceased had been ailng fore long time and- death to hiru was naught but a Roue, second son of Mus R Hodg% met wfth a bad accident on Saturday inorning by béing thriown frein a tiorse. Thoisgh ýlying sino. in -an un- d'onscions coon4ition his recovery i0\not despàimd et 1

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