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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 4

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o o o o~ o Al Lest Eatiuig-Insecis. Churoh's Inuot Powder lOo. per Tin and in Bulk. FRESH OROONO HELLEBOREf finoest [nglish Paris Green, J. E, WIL LIS, CEEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK ST., WHITBY, -WHITBY. AUG. 139 1897.1 A b.' ota 471.O5. Consolidated debenturet 78,21 tterea otdebeetureseJP».69 "ltiiting fun'd îc watet S67à; îawn,!hal propetty $230; relief 54;priatlntgosd ,tatioeery $M.; 5al~Tes $15;eiettiic'ligbt,$to.4o; inenrance$âts: interest on tempiporryloàbs 5-~50 ,elections, $51;t board ai1 bWth $40 ; lots 0 Ooli $23011 igbt watcb (tawns ubare) M 6; street wateriiig (tawnu s hAre) 75; * t »CllAfl0us $65 ; fariera exempti iei$510o ; sinktbg fund $1700; rebate ta ait. Co. because their boan did nat rmn ten years, $â82. Total 59809. Amiotnt requlred ta ralue for publie schoals $4,o00; coliegiate Itiititiite $2100;- separate school $215; night watcb $24o; street wateritig $275., Total amountstita be ratsed: debenture acc $p32.69:-,coufty rate $881; general ex- penditure $7338 ; educatian $6325; nlght watcb and atreet watering ss..1,5. Total $19,876. Total assesamet t$933,1>22; exemptions $65,4,5o. Total liable ta ta' $867,772. General tax rate 23 ililea Coun Smith gave notice ofa bylaw ta pro. hibit bicycles from running on the sidewalkî south oi thc railway bridge. Coun Hayward said wby not makre it caver the wbolc town. Coun Smith said be bad no abjection. There was some talk about bicycle Injuries, which was droppt d wben the reeve remind. ed the council that any persan injured by a bicycliat had as good a case against hlm without a bylaw as witb one. The council then adjoumned. Whttby Town Local.. Miss Edith Downey la visiting relatives ln Oswego. 1e' ii a Mfiqs Laura Barnes bas b vsatiting a Pickering. ___________________________ Mr. WVm. Smith. ex-M.P., was ln town Wednesday.1 LAIT WAKRNING. This week and next we wlll send out al unpald sulbscription accounts. We have no une for subscribérs w-ho do not psy up, and coes wili be addcd la every case wbere the acçpunt la not settied by Aug î5th. We publiai an bancal paper, aud psy our way, and we are aick ai dunning those who Sp. pear ta tbink thcy do us a favar by taking the CHRONICLz. Ait wilI be sorry wbo do sot acl arù thie fair wanning. Short Notes.- To the montioai hem Kiondike wiil prove in rcalty the bourse ftoin which Ca traveler relumns. Senor Canovas premier ai Spain, was au- aasainated by ara anarchimt on Suuday. Cançvas waa anc ai tic graradest staîeman ai Europe Prof Andree anad his ballon trip ta the pole la tbe subject af many jokes ln the papers, but i wilil b. no fuin for Andree be- fore be reaches longitude o and latitude go. Na blddems cauld be foud for tue On- itia gaveuments sale ai tiniber limita at Toronto Tucsday. People want sathing ta do wlth pine at hlgh prices whes they can get a goad mine (tee. A sbipload ai reiurninig miners wlth their gold fram Klondike bas been wecked and the g aid alliaist. it seema that the great trouble la nat la gettin gta the Klandike, or ln digging and patinfn it, but in getlng back ta the. woril The Tororato city couracîl i-s s peculiar mixture. Aftcr figuing ian tbree months ta pravide big salaries fer mayor Fleming snd Ald. Shaw, ta establisb a precedent for ald- ermen ta provide fat offices for themacilvea thty were ara Manday ai tuai week seiaed witb a spauni ai vîtue, and tfied ta stop1 a barmicas veicape exhibition ai thse Cr- bett-Fitzsiifmans fith. Duning the session of 1894 thc Ontario Legîiaature passed an act knoas us U "City manbood sufirage act,'1 povlding for the. registration ai manhood sutiemage vouera lnetclies after the 4nnounccnsent of thse gen- emal election. Durins a subsequesi se0slcn ain autvas lpas e xendlrag thse provIions ofitbeact Of 1894 t aial countY tOvna10the, province. Mashood regîstration ilusmeduate. ly previcus ote e CxiProvincial goutta election avli therciome e h at lenil tise cles anti empuy towns lus Ontario. Tise work of ~viloii thevote"ls la u . oulser munclplilesQsbndegtownslta-e so coucty -ovs) la nov su propos. uMd tbe lista' uboiuiti be imadeaet coinpltemse-*, cible* Thet work la tovea, thai are not' cone tovua, vfllagea andti tmbaiip suiibe attended té ai omc, for aly ]k chties anti couety tavela avili relutl take place after Use aunoueceuneuf f tue elecflon. CrM The rural achooa will rearly aIl reopen Monday acît. Dr J F Fatheingham ai Toronto was ln tnwn this week. Mr. and Mns. Alfred Grass, Chicago, are here this wcek. -Mr F H Revel ai Hamilton is the guest ai Mn W C Smith. Miss Kate Widden ai Port Perry. la visit- ing friends Ie towe. Mrs Somerville and family ai Toronto, are visiting friends ln tswn. Miss Dartnell went ta Morttuers Point, Muskoka, on Monday. Misa Lucy Wilson is wsiting ber sister, Mns Yarnold ileLindsay. ?4iss Lils Witson of the O L C, l9 viitisg ber sister. Mrm Barnard. Mns D Kenneky af Columbus, Obio, lu thie guest ai ber sister, Mrs Chas. King. Mrs Loweus ad Miss Annie Lowe* of To- ronta have been the gieuta aI Mrs Salkeed Mru A S Jabraîton and 'daugbter Edens, Wiilowdale, have beera visiting Mms Frank Lintan. Mr and Mru Naxon, Iragerol, are bere visiting Mrs. Noxons father, Mr. Sherman Brown. Mr and Mrs Tbas Ormiston and t*o daughtetm, New York, are guesta of Mm. tD. Ormiston. If you are intercstcd le the sumumer resort agitation for Whitby barber, -attend the. meeting to.rlght. Miss May H Grccnwood, supeintendent ai Jewisb hospital, Cincinuatti, ,Ohio, la home fom hem halidays. Mn R H Bell, a member ai the celebrated Bell famlly, lu lln ow solicitlng nid for ibm B M E church, Chesisut at Torento. SMisses A Rve and 13 Nicholonm etumti tis week, tihe former ta Ridgeton and the latter to Loverisg to restiue teacbing.ý Mr. James Emaney, late'of thie Royal baudl, vas in tove #donday, andi reclveda hearuy gmctng tramn his, many hiensi.~ Xm M'Makham, a shoetuercluat cf Lhad- gay, dled suddeniy tursda èvenlsg viile retusln on he aW.*euW' yfrom usexo cursion Fa Toronto. An editer vrote a strong article on pet- v rote, ibauking hlm fer thse senumentou letterbeati prialnt uTmn. ar~me&t os bâve iJsaa trelvd anobthe calo f Keatrembs lusat S5 sî i the sanie dîtha ey are ualosdngacrloa et that calbrated Windsor maL. Mr Jawe Wbite. 0 & .Portlandi, Orosu srved beonTuesda aterpezdlagMx leanshube West. neRoiscoueaedwt=-, bgmoeyiolg Institution la ve et: Master Laumucs ese* took trelu for tueý eprthou Týuesday userulag, tespenlithbe te maladeral tbte vacation with, relatives ln Thoralu. We bop* e waill i osmbok Io- visoraute tocmm.a c C*lqlaiwork. v Mx-LOor utI.,- cop. brothe r 990 1, a . le b.t= o vi*h. e iua lb. tôwn ýboard eld a short rmeeting ln the, comil <bmber on Wednesday UnIghî, Mr Barclay read, a repot froni the #Dnance, conieiittet récoiending -payment of a (ow msalt OCttou lts, aiotintins ta $6.0s, sud jpas. $loi the. achool estituatles for the yte#r, The amou.at rerjuited..b.ythe cèllegate, 1 tiiti te *,r g n4 for the, public echoole $4cocç. Mr Rosat resd a rePot front tbe proporty commlttetehaowing that the follawing to, der* bad beaue recolvel: For ksatmln ing model aciiocl A C Wilson $38# fP18 WAram $31t; eavetrouhinfc ai Henry atreot ectioal and colt.i. et Mclnt yre $t?, Wm Brygn & Sou $1440; repaire ta south «wrd achool Wm Vitestlaite O$t T Devriroîl $7 ; seatsa 51< desku for collegiate I-notituie.-It would be hard ta pubRahthem le an ineloligent (orut, P B Waram waae awarcied the. first contract, Wm Brysti & Son the second. Thos Deverl the thîrd,1 and R S Cormîack the. diflerent kînda ai seats and dqisýce at 89M71asd $1,95 respectlvely. The boardtonaijauru.d. Unlaimd lBalances tu Bansu. In the. Daminion af Canada there la ln unclaimed balances le banku unclaimed for five years or mars the sum of $427,108-79, Frain the annual return roeuntly prlnted wu bave bunted up as many naines as possible of people around bere who bave such bal. ances standling ta teir credit. b the.retutn ai the Ontario Bank we flnd John Barry, A* Aibrigbt, and L S Ackerman ail ai Plcker- ing township have ormait balances. Ina the Standard Rank J Davin ba& $58, 35 at *tthe Newcastle agenc y. At Bawmanvl iY, JStrutt has $34.05 and W. H. Pearce 8S î/ . Stan* ford, deceased, let $24 6o ai Markham. In the Western bank we find amaîl suma un- claimed b y Thos White, Ellen Bartley and Thomias Waod, Blackstock, L H Heard, W N Bryan, E Sinclair, jas Lund, C J Pearce, H Parsons, Mrs R Crandeli and J H, Baown, Part Perry, D Swcetman, IP Williiams, Scu- gag, jas Liddy, Myrtle, R Walker, R Ak- hurst, Greenbank, C Breni, Sonya, R Rab- ertsan, Prince Albert, F McRae & Son, Denver, Cal., C J AgRr, Toronato, John Vi- pond, Brookln, D. Mckay, Wbithy, ýS. fi. Waggoner, John Smith, J. B. Wilson, S. F. Brooks, J Andrews, Oshawa, W W Tamblyn Whitby, (at Oshawa Brânch), S F johnston, Auhburn, (at Osbawà brancbi. Tt le no un- comimon thing ta flnd an unclsimed balance of from $îoo tu Spo, and oine ai thern go aven $2ooo. Ie anc case Colin,. Hugh anad Alex Stewart bave unclainîcd balances ln the. Bank ai Britisb North America sînce tR8 amounttng respectively ta $4,894, $3,o6o.85 and $2,712. Chaslngt te Bicycle. Catiti Smith bas gîven notice af s bylaw ta, prohbibt bicyclers (rom mdlng on the walku. Of course Caun S -mitb shauld nul have donc en, seing that h. spotled, the sîreets for bicycle riding lait spring, but that maires no differen.ce ai presént. ýCon- siderlng uhat theme are 150 wbeels lus towen, and aIma considerlng thé. klnd ireattuent tbey bave rcelived, there hbave be re- marksbly- few accidents ibis year, sotIe oi thein entalling mare Ibam s few scratches. But a wat chful eye bas beca kepi on' ithe bike to sec If. h céald hé ami ont, tn4 eery litle ofence bas been-. magn1dÏd.. Paople cas boear with other uhînga, 'bnt fot wlob ibe bicycle. Besîdela, several bave bubYbi- cycles becaue.ofithe fuad, sud chldt>"4ave becs suppliedwltb ibeinand ttftù*d ýWàea upoq the. -taws. 0Uàfoi'r$o cyèdt tere are obly a doten -or sa *hto ,_ fç4rs. and It seema stoua they Could be >iroiugiit ta tinse wluhou t mcddling wlth tes tlîpas maup. wbo bave sot transgrcssed. Thie ln- vestinent ln bicycles Ila tus town la froni ticooo te 512,000, and te ëuic s of otit weId b4 ##agood as waated At bicycl*s ae ihuoff the walks, for ,sany parts of testr.ete bave becu not -for wliee4ng alilsumminS 'One or two cf Ïbec recent *aidoetsbave occurred to mes wbb weme determoI0die put tb4 bicycle off tu' waitk,, la* v o neliv.Suicb men eonld expicet nothleg 1butukinned sluns iii a uste witb the bik. t4dom tiot-hurtiy- body to stop toese ad e u ow a bike to pau, ithe sanie as, a pedestian. It la as Îasy to assesa e s tbe uber, and unly a few crans sbave any comuplainuata m 9akeà -Ai ated above ubere bave been no viecel s- baib ,to spea cf tus yesr. 'snd the danger of «nCh ings ls growlg Ici, at thecyclisteq observe-bmw murlctly tbey, are watched- The testa cotudcl 'bai a d tyf 'PotectIsg Ibo ciisets ; but thse bike la -no enemw ta the public. W'n loe get used te wheellug ; avilI h, ardYioratibte cow pu tli 'wkeasdshbtthe biyce 9t.. S4!bOOI Mmen s .u,?çdal ext -with tics. papila:k tbe îoii4 iowgesaa. pMooe*ave baed on the stork dàoe flu tin beterse :_.I oRad W111M . fW Iwl 1-4 m ks W ee..- o IVUk:M4 s IV ai'>*' Alima~ a~#. n A NOTHER NE W LAJDIE2S' ~i$I Sie ~AN DRE Fancy A SSORTMENT ~LOtISB~S~ TINW TASLIE VOS. WilT5Y. FrÎlmy .ttipete TOrente lÀIeaes84 Returnln gleves Toronto at' 5P.ua ,Mo#Reound tbip only So eots. OftSat#rdsabv Touonto et fer excursion te Wbitby, Osbksaia, e 0F Stick F Brd New Organdies in colors. de eéblacke 49Spot Muslins in white@ di in colored. idMadras Sateens, dark & light shades. diGallatea Stripes. dAssortment Men's and Boys' Hats and Lustre Coats. Special des prnzes for games and Jlasa Straw Also a new range of Tweeds and Trower- ifl2s, in the latest patterns, Suitable for present use and also- for fail wear. me China. A Large Stock of~ Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Pull Line of Fresh Always G roceries. *:* Reliab le. AT GIGÂNIC ~wow oJlt*w Il AYWARD'S s OLD. STAND. Imt - 1~ RO s se. Her 18a Good Thingg Varie/y the Largesi I Quai/y ite Choices/ Prces the Lowest. are thel three points which Iead the FURNITURE trade. Be-upho!stering done on shortest 'notice. IEL j.e.JOIHNSONy Brock St., Officai Ceunty FRIDAY, LOC.A The Misses M tauqua. Misses Eyles ng Miss Powell Miss Bella D< iu visiting laiera Mms Dr Crydi aiste , 'M 's T h Miss.Forsyti ululer, Mrs Wu. Mn Enny Bart ýon the Toronto Rev and Mri visiting Rev a:, Miss Steph e Peterbora, arc Mr LBogart vey màking a ada. A boynaue< John Blow, bt bay lait week. Mrs John Rcl -the Garden Cit spcn:ic-siteï Mr Ed-Dam bringa tidings 4there, but wilk is over. Thome whe bcdaub eb ct bicycles whick whoae.çnvy la Thomas Jewu renewing aid- sîilbas a bigi make bis boM If tbere le l destroy tbë pli dance ïiTlnsàI ibis lixallty ha and their bffl the lhtvy 1oad A new Hght lty belasg4lie1 known os tbl equatle 0twent cout will be Ilght ofa, aroon the eap*ttl Notice boa - Whitby. ,45 a.m- M., ar- i2 PAVP. -andi retori gaugkibt, l t' et* * o I Juil GI BSON'Ss SAL Str Garde, C.*ty Met Monde %»Wi reported ati m"o Coun

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