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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 5

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Port, ,Mr Athi JIJILITI W.. Tý Hon -Labi Sali TI of tt on,ý 28,. -geti arei ot t past aPr for mot0 solu LOCAL LÂCONIOS . The Misses Woodcock are visiting Chau- tauqua. Misses Eyles sud Irons, Toronto, are visil. iîîg Miss Powell. Miss Bella Dow, Pilot Mound, Manitoba, la visiting friends here. Mrs Dr Cryderman, Detroit, ia viiting ber sisier, Mrs Thomas Rice. Miss Forsythe, Toronto, la visiting ber sister, Mrs VVm Newport. Mr Erny Boreharu bas secured a situation ,on the Toronto street railway. Rev and Mns Kenny, Grifton, have been visiting Rev sud Mrs J S Clarke. Miss Stephenson sud Miss Clemeuts, Peterboro, are vistlng Mrs Dartneil. MIr L Bogart bas gone on a military aur- vey making a war înap et this part o( Can- ada.1 A boy named Hopkins, grandson of Mr. John Bow, broke his arai by a [ail aitbte bay asat week. Mrs John Robinson, Toronto, took in the tlie Garden City excursion on Saturday aud spent the aiternoon in town. Mr Ed Davey, Pittsbury, Is home. He brings tidings of over ioo in the ahade dowîî there, but wiil stay a month tilt the bot speli is over. Those who voted for cows to destroy sud bedaub the sidewaiks should net kick ai bicycles which do no harm except te people whose envy la strong. Thomas Jewell, laie of Whitby le lu îown renewing oid acquainlances Mr Jeweil etitl has a high regard lt Cubourg. He wiii make his home in future with bis sou ut Napanee.-Caourg Post. If there la n blght. and the Insects do net destroy the plurus, there wili ble an abun- dance tht. faIt. Th trees lu the orchards et this iocaltty have put forth their besi effort, and their boughs will bend sud break under thse ieavy load bet ore the fruit ripens. A new light ha. been discovert-d, eiectric- ity being the fundanme,îal princîple. It la known as tihe etheric light. Otte lght ta equal te îweuiy ights of former use, and the cost will be reduced flfty per cent. The liglit et a rooni may be aitered by ctsaugiug thse capacity efthtie circitit. tIed. Ou Augu4t 7th at '25 Major St Toronto, Wilfrid, infant son ef Abert aud Helen Singer. Another Sharp Order - Notice boa beeti issued by the G T R manageaient te, the effeci tisat employees wbo tvish te absent theruseives (rom duty evexi fer a tew heurs, must make formaI Sp. plication. Where bocks are Irept sud tbe agent wishes a day. holiday the books are firai to ho audited. Fined $s snd Coïts. j T Mcdeary-appeared before P. M. Hat- per ou Monday nlgbt toe naver the charge cf assaüllI upon John Paîterson, the squabble being an outcome efthie bus rlvalry. Me- Genry sud Pattermos figbt vas descrlbed lu these columona vo veeks ago. Mr. Dow op pelared for -McGeary, sud stated on bo- hait of bMcGeary that the latter vonid 'pîead 'gullty ef commoeamsut sud pay a fiue, sud vould audertake te say that tbere vould be oemor trouble se far as lie vas concertied. Mr Farevel for the proescution agreed tote bs. htmagistrats sald ho would aceepi 'the %uudertsianig, inscs vioased ail partieS. These Tow5, lie ssid, bad contutasewtt» tlýe publie vas coin- plaitting .îroa)gly, sud ho opéd Ibis vould tetbend of the tobl.One mn bas a gond a rgbtto ma abtU a nther. He fmnoeed a fut on, cGmary -ofSa9ad Sma, $8 mil. The Tw mossiase >TlIbo ornibudget favoratbte showing. $50.000te raie. and tax rate Wl-imabeu mabis lm tb7 IheleeS thas3 2laio1*te N" a otugt Lnted, rwo or three Boarders for the summer. oue comforts. M ISS HAYWARD, >urnum Cottage, Whitby. [ay 27, 1897-tt. ration Army H arveat Hoie. lie annual harveet tbanksgiving festival the Salvation Army is te be celebrated Saturday, Sunday sud Monday, August 29 and 30. Capt Neverigiven, the euer- Lic officer iu charge sud the local corps evidently beut upou sud seeru sanguine tiaking this týte most succestul of al st efforts of thia kiuýd sud are arranglug rogramme of special meetings suitable rthe occasion. Any cause that vi ralize, retorm, sud maIre temperate dis- ute muen aud momen shouid cdaim the npathetic support et ail. A Yard of Pretty Girl. Drawn therelo as if by a magnet, the ai- tistic reporter ot the CHRONICLE, whose love of the beautiful passes cemprehension, discovered, eue day tbis week, a yard of preîîy girl lu Jobuseus viudow. [t te a pic- ture composed et photographe ef a number of young ladies lu white (rocks. They-the young ladies-leook as thougb they might be coîlege girls, theugb noune wore ldentlfied as students et the Ontario Ladies Coilege. The plan et arranglng a number ef photos fashion- ed after the manuer ruade famillar by the well knowu colored lithognapha oft'la yard of roses" la a novel oue. Iu ibis case hlt l so weil doue as te attraci ibm attention and aroue the admiration et ail who pas the wludow. Au Excellent Programme. Lesa than one huudred people went te the tabernacle scheol room on iMenday ntght te hear the Stafford Bros sing. but thôse wbo did go weî e favored with a treat. Thel Staffords have fiue voices, weli trained, and they have ne equals ltt. part of the coun- try as singera ef sacred music. They sIng an abundance of songe, sud tender theinal ini such swest, melodieus, charniing style that the audience la tltled witli dOliglit. Whether Iu solo or duet theeffeet la perfEct. Their voces are equally voll cultlvated, and blend with fine eflect. The audience cheer- ed the more than willtng vocatiots. along with loud applause. Mitss 14Silth -aud Miss A Martin recited, sud did their parts, sn well that they were sccorded as mucli applause as were the singers, Couldut Ftel Sandy. At Whitby station, july 29, at daylgbt, there was a large gatherriug -cf about forty Scotchmeu, some ln kilts, aI laJ the train which was te taIre thern te Uptergroee for the Sons ef Scottand pite there.'The Scotchaien were aIl lu good burr ad qu aint stories et eated mutli tuch uirlâhsud, merri ment as they waited. Jusasatho trafin steamied ln the Chief of the Coan elda telegiam atating that the pkunic ttad-j>eef postpouedi Mauy turned away diuppoitt ed, for thçy liad corne miles tirougis the drizziing tain toe ttend thegremia' vent. Th~e piper eapeciulv looked glutu. -Sandy 1(C- Eachran. frein Plekedftig. lit bis tarlbnh, boarded the train# and bis leat words. as the the train drew out wer*: j. , 0, » use believe you ens etetle*iin. lve Sot Johnnie Gordon@ tler." Ssdy wili bave hie pieuic a&l by NmeC.Oli ews Letter. Golden Wedding Bele One of thre Most pie have occunred in sont onTuesdal, "len -mi Brady oldresidenti Pickenngdu rrOucdit grand childrenu eWi wedding. Pcv, If m. South Outuulo an.b hlghly -este.m.ed thi Brady. 1Mr McErsdy Point, Co. DouegIIi came to Canada in t settled uer Wbisttb sixty years bo bs» 1t Mau of strling qui Word was bis bondt bligbest esteernofWý "w eto le& oudned* girl of sbx beautïful ol lamts on AL VALI excursionte Bute 'F'liU Mrt idb'towil,? ToroatàjW te f hi$ sîtà rMs RObt. * fI~~ past weei. mi"s Katbleen nut etegsî* miss BortalHenderson aG in tie edi, plut Point, ).Ake sciigog. if tlie mayor had- caled* hls mestins to nlght at the lake aud liad charterlet I lte. baud te attend, a crowd would have bten assured. About ton. childreu bave bi-lcé boesb accidents lu towu ibis year, bt meso £crftc ha. been put ou a boy by Cfireless bic le riding. Net a single case ofet srons h8rý (rom bicycles le repotted. The prospect ef a ainal crep of winter apples fa eucouraging liolders of svsPortéfi and dried apples te lok for s a niet nert wicter ai a profitable figure. Semè dealers have been holding evaporated fruit for three years. The thunder sterru ou Tuesdsy vasoiy a wing et a mnuch grestor one thai passed down the taire, but it managed te burina barn, shRtter s houas, sud play bob wlththe, electric iight wirea hete. There will have te be s lightuiug rod put on the towu. Mr A Soper, Port Perry, passedl throug h hemé on Monday, bouud for t ho Klondike gold district. He had probably heard that the lîquor business was goiug ou there wlîh- out license and contrary te statute muade sud provided, and wIi run a store up there te pay expenses while he bas theni ail procecut- ed. Iu thc meautime itii. bard te tell what wili become of the Province of Ontario. A Fatal Mistake. The infant sou ef Mr sud Mrs Albert Singer, Teo-ente, died ou Saturday unight frein a dose of cai-bolle acid given by a trained nurse lu mistake for enater ohl. Much sympathy îa toit for thre heartbreken parents. Last Meeallght Excursion. The 34~th battaion baud sud orchestra yull run tbe last mouight excursion er the season to-uight. The Garden City viii taire axcuralonisis froru Whitby, Oshawa sud Bowmanviîle. The baud vili give a concert t vocal sud Instrumentailrmusic for the firsi hait ef the trip, sud the orchestra wili furnish muusic fer dancing ou the way back. There wiii be a full meon sud it vili be a deligbt- fui saU. Fare 25 cents. BanaBuraed. Mondsy mornlug about 3 0'ciock the fine alarm vas eatrted sud Irept dlngIng until veli on lun the forenoon. A fire vas seeu west of the tovu, and h tiarbsd eut te bejos Hear4s bars on te Adams estate. The bain-'at sitable atid a bit stock-et hay were al 'buru- ed. The fit. brigade vas on baud as soon os possible, but the fire vas beono control- betore It vas firêt dIscovered. The lurningý cf tbis barn looka like the work et tramps, Ail, et Reards har-nessansd stable vates< verse consunied. Thon. vaà sufficieuntIu-' sursuce te have fflered everytblug, but lit i. a question as te vhetber the b'ay cas be roùaidsreëdtal t vas stacked. Fer four yeas the edItot ef the' CRUaN rcLE iha net been absent frein duty a veek, bing determined Ibaït every Wsue of the eapes lieu14 rotain evéry Item cf local ew.Our r«adora-kso* that sothiug bas Ice lft eut. Nov vo vusi a boIida insd ,tg-ondes te tuake îbinp -fl«s %et or..o~ ese eseuding oh woek, more se- mc touasIin would Mekoa b cyenrsa"b- For Baturday, Stick Pins, Brooches, Medals, 1 Badges. 1 tt mfrumr doué latveatîng bus tiotf te Gà d it t tkes tiùtùo eget lu the Our lte Crearn peoIer will b o opon during the " tIt1I11beit efike crean. tD. * tm sIo0Ad t h it s aiill jjjnôt feel the cold ( Ini the- Klondike «fter lie bas been there for .à ittle white le, H.vi edeadý VYouig nmat, tf you eut ne lie lere go te o the Kiondike. ,Vous chances will be goed tef, iext mlnter.-Orillia Packet. Rev Oe Staflerd sud fasnily lèft for their hein, tu Uarnaton, Que., yeaterday mornlng after sipendîug àa ttagreeable bolday The armistice between the rival bus lines Continue$, sud the prospects et a treaty 0i peace are good. The powera Ibat be bave agreed upon an ult-imatumu declarîng tIraI ne tetritoty shall be ceded toe uber. The Uxbridge limes cites a case where à Child was klied lu Torouto by a baby car- rnage sud demuanda protection for littie child- feu. [filt were a bicycle that hurt the child it wouid net be lett for the newapaper te de- matnd satiufaction. The services iu the baptiat churcb neit Sunday wili be as toilows : Iu the m-oru- Iug Rev John Craig, a returued misaleuary fromu India, wiii preach. ln the evening Rev G M Lehigh, lite of Brandon, Man, iwill preach. Both ef these gentlemen are ,fermer pasters in Wbitby sud Wil1 be wel- comed by many old friendu. Oh for faim 'laborers excursion" te Man- itoba and Canadian north west pointa, Atig î8tti. Ouly $14 te go, aud $14 additional (coudlîionaliy> te returu tili end Nov 30th. Fer full partlculars sud through coupon tickets apply te E Stephenson (opposite FIatch Bros) Whitby. He tickets for W.hit by, Pickering, Brookhin, Myrtle, or Toronto. Route G T te Toronto sud North Bay sud theuce C P R. Baggage checked througli te destination. But ses Stephenson. Mr E Stephenson,' Whitby, bas ticketed the fellewing this wek: T A McGillivrayo J B Dow sud sou, John Burns, Chatrles King, Hugit Rosa, and Jue Mathison te Uptergreve; J E Farewell snd Mis Fare- well sud Dr C F McGilhivray te Belleville; Miss Disney te Huntsville; Nir W Remmer (teacher) Dunbarton te Ottawa ; Mr and Mis Murphy, Mis Morris, sud Mr Fred Burns te Peterboro; Mins Woodcock end. Miss Lily Woodcock te Chautauqua, N Y; Miss Dartueli te Mortimer's Point, Muskoka; Iss Storey te Cebeurg; Mr J H Fuller te Bracebrldge; rs a e te Peterbore; Mr Skîtctî (taler) te Port Hope; M Long of Manitoba, te New Yotrk. Farm to Rent 13 «c«eslots i8 sud :g, 6th concession et Whitby township,* one mile (romi Broekh st tiou. Gocd 'but dîin's orchardliving stream "'d well. «edf 4cs l bkh state cf cul- lvtetand -fis frein bad weeda. Apply te GEa LDDLEB=rookliluOnt. Atag 7. 8737.i. 2 Ayrehire Blle for 8aIez 8 menthe eld. ,Geod size sud clorebred - Apl tej CAERON, Port Oshava; PAu.g t 0 :897-7-a.2 Ferria Whoeel For 8818 Consu=nted cf ire sd lus goéorder. Weiglit tome »». Dri&a good patronge ai {titirs, picý niu.,-sud othes' public plame. WVIIl be a1l oapPrioo .Apply tge CRUI5 ', Fai'mm.ri tta "ndnt.àt ne seat LiES Âugust 7th, .18970 1Suite that are real values at $5.00, to $10.00 ; but we have bought ve bave in stock now we will offer at i'day, Aguat llth, 1897.8 Vindow Friday Night. * e * e Rhounaflsm & byspep sla Cuîod 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896., To thke Pkrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd., Ottawa. Ont. Gentleman, - On the advice of a friend I îried ene boulé~ of your famous rheumaîlc remedy, Pbrenoliue, and 10 my surprise il cured me of riteuma- tism, from which I have suifered for matiy yeais. [t aIse cured me of 'dyspepsia. frein whicb I was suifering at the time.jo that 1 feel now like a new main. I have. trie.d ,uiveral' remetdies for rheumatistr certain am tbat I have for me as y much ,p1efs [other suifei Forema Il: WhitbY4i Farm -:Laborers *b.EXCURSION WILL BE RUN Aug. 1 Oth for * 14 To aUl stations ln Manitoba and the Canadian Northwes West, Southwest and Northweeto lnn0e ~to and including Moose Jaw otevan u eà'Salteoas. Prom aiU statilow n u taulo, Windsor, Mattawa and east ,. some. of sihich did nie a Diamond lubilee ExhibitIon, MlontreaL. nount of geod,- but noîlling Roturn tickets te Mentreal, good geoing Dtaken has done se much Aug g3fd sud s5th.............. se 2S Four Phrenoline, and. I have Returu tickets te Montreai, goed going sur inrectnneningit geingAug s4th and 26th .......... $95o muretu econmening~t1 Ail ticketsgood fer roturu until Aug. rets. 301h, :8gVI Yours very truly, For tickets sud al Information apply te ned) JAS. CARROLL. tii et Works, Rideau Canah~E R u v Ma*ufacured 00130m ansd sold 0o1 met, sold ita Whitby ouiy b, . H. ALUN, DRUGGIBST. -e.' QI AetC. P. Ry. Tickets#, OenTce TU -1 ga~hSd,, iio z o WM.T ILL- aiOO csuwsaas. Ap- g-' Men's and Youths' Ready-made Tweed eovu Mr È4 .UnU%, d i eo- ' É.b , % ^^. Special designs for prizes for Athietie games and schools. odb OLOTHI NG -T- J. S.e anads --WHITBYs Offtotai Oounty Orgau.-Largent troula. iton of any local paper in Canada FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1897. 1 1 1 syu heavy for our Feul Trade and wbat wl For One Day Oly.Satui See Display in South N W. G. ALTEI Notice to Oreditora In the malter of LAING d& ME- HA R RY, o] thte Village o Port Perry, in thte County of Ontario, Hardware Merchanis, isolvent. The loselvents bave ruade an assIgnaent te me for the bexiefit of Oreditrs. under R.S.O., 1887, Chapter 124. A meeting of Creditoru wili b>e held at the office of HENRY BARBER, Nô. 18 Welltùgton St But. Toronto, au FR1. DAY, te oth day cf AUGUST, 1897, at the bour t et s cleck I the afternoon, for the ap- pointaient of Inapecters. the fixing of the 4aieunt of their remuneratlon sud givins t o directions witb reference to the disposai cf the estate. Alil wuens, claiming te raàk upen the estate of the insolvents, muet file ther claixa witb the underslguedl on ur belote the 9th day cf SEPT., 897, afrerwhich date 1 will prooeed te distribute the eutate,' bavlng regrd to ibese dlaims ou y of which 1 shaih then bave had no- tice. IIEN RY BARBER, Trustes. Toronto,-Aug 9, 1897-372iu. 71 1 -l/ 1 7 Etsý il

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