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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 7

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Our I~BSjit0stig6 theywer fifty y"» ti go, v*heu W, haive Cî*te tû us.. them. biut w mhave leu. sud leu. cause to prul.orslussicothers do theL praislng, ma.d w eM more than wilPing for you to tee us through other eyes. This la how w. look to S. P. Boyce, wholeaale and retail druggist) Duluth, Minn, who after a quarter. of a century of obser- vation writes: «II have sold Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla for more than 25 yeari, both at wholesale and retail, and have neyer heard anything but words of praise from n'y customers; flot a single con'- plaint has ever reached nme. I believe Ayer's Sarsaparilla to b. the beat blood purifier, that has been introduceti to the gen- eral public." This, from a man who has sold thousands of dozens of Âyer's Sarsaparilla, is strong testiznony. But it otly echoes popular sentiment the world over, which has, "4Nothlug but words of pralse for Ayor'a .3arsparilla." AW doubt &bout I10 Sind for»uOôok It kills doubtu and cure* doubteri. Ud..J. C. AXER CO., LOWOL1. Mass. A HAPPY GIRL. Mise Amina Kelly tells of ber iliness and Subsequent Cure-A Statemeut thai Should be Road by Every Girl in Car, -&da. d àt 1-1 Miss Amina Kolly, a well krown and mrniobeteemed younig lady living st Msplewood, N B, writes :'-I1conider it niy duty tu lot you know what your wun- derful noiedcine bas, donc for me. In April, 1896, 1 began Lu lose floah and color;n mv appetite failed and on going up &taire would b. su tired 1 would have Lu reat. 1 coitinued in thia condi- tion for three montha when 1 wau taken euddenly 111 and not able to au) about. Our fanily doctor vwas called in and he pronuunced my ilines chlorosia (puverty of the blôod.) At inet bis treatuient ap- peaned Lu dounie goud, but only for a tîme, and I then began Lu grow worse. 1 continued taking bis medicine for thnee muntha, whem. I wazsoaudiscouraged at nuL regaining my hoalth that I decliri- ed taking it any longer. i thon tried a liquid medicîne advertiaed Lu cuie cases like mine, but did rnot obtain the slightest bt'nefit. 1 had become terribly eniaciat- ed and weak. There waa a constant ter- rible roaring noise in my head ; my feet aud ankles were swollen and I wau as pale a& a oonpae. On. day while in thia condition my father brought home a box of Dr Williams' Pink Pilla and aaked mie to try thom. Ilesia than a week 1 conld ait up, and in a couple of weeks 1 could walk quite a diitance without beiug tired. My appetite returned, the ruar- itig in my head ceased, 1 began to gain leah and colur, and befô-r* I had used a hall dozen boxes I waa as healtby as 1 had even been in my life. My frientis did inut ex peut nme Lu recover and are now ne- .joici ng ut the wonderful change Dr Wil. liama' Pink Puis have wrought in me. If my tatement will b. the ineans of belping sume other diacuuragtid suffer you are at perfect liberty to publlsh it. The s.bove statement was sworn before nie at Maplewood, York Oo., N B, tbi l4th day of May, 1897. TrMOTHY W. SaUTEi, J P. Tu ensuro getting the genuine aak al. waya for Dr Williams' Pink Pilla for Paîe People, and refuse aijl substitutes and nostruma allegedt Lub. just as gooti. Doos Subsoiling Psy ? According to the National Stock nian, theoretically the use cf the, mýsb suil should paY in most soila, Ti settlirig of the grounti, thé trampini of teamis in the hottorn of furrows ami the absaence of nmuch orenoule aîtt. tend to excînde the air frein the antI sui. A t1iorough stirring ef this sofl îooseniîig the whole mass te a depil of six or eight luches below the sut face soul, conmennda itself te eOne ~judgnient. Granting tus, it les 8umiewhat remarkable faot that ver feýw subsoil plowa are even *orti oui A progressive fariner will buy puchý plow, use it oeeseason, antithesi *Î" tumes eut cf five out At aaid.H experlence dees net inspire hIût w1i suficient faith teo nthràs ýit* There are exceptions te thia nil., b% comparatively few farnuers pràet1î subsoiling, uetwithstianding -the -1a tiquity of the ide , ý .1 The idlenesa of tii.,p1<ivs&H ov the counry as rio alight àê'"C* 1 lack ef fath in their use.,~~i l cUlty fflat te h4that a stiboîl" it mes Id Adat t I 1- s ci r 'I h A16TONA The Rev. L. Rainer who ocnp ied the polpit bore two wéeka ago wilf preaob agaîn on Sunday evenuu. MIr C MoDonald aud Miss Tohan vii. ed at E Reesors on Sunnay. Mr anid Mrs N Forsytbe, ef loronto, spent Bunday at E Bootbby., Mr and Mrs E Lehnian viited friena aI Goodwood oue day week. 1,. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Barkey, wbo have been visiting their parent& for a couplé of weeke intend Ieaving for theïr hoe.lu Weet Supenior on Tbursday. That moon iRht excursion took a para. lytic sîroke a week &go Saturday .vounng and bas been in a very precarixi cout- dition ever ince. Borne express alight hopes cf its recovery unléas il t*iet a sunstroke and cornes off io the dayfime. Othors wbo have mad a thorotigb,.sWdy of thé almanao îhink that byi the,Ùi the moon again rnakes ber appearAýno. ik niay recuperate sufficieutly te, stand "the trip. Fanmera bave been buey h&rv.sliug wheat, barley and rye. Soine report-ryoe bigher than tbey eau resobi, presome thoy will bave to ake a ladder te see when il is ripe. The Great Bernhardt] Stands at the H4e'ad o Profession. She fioâ mp' o un . Her Tih, irmrt@al 4Sarahf thusisi, admiration and 4 ever ahe appeari befoue tb hannvihda qtul in the:12.et . Immense Adva"taes ci atrength for oue inbe ne Gué knova better thi sential te Bt1it1 tie csée nervon syse Ilard and oou..liuibtiO tiatters, poitefuif qte a iat farioti4mes afti er) voue ;.- but sheti friends ai ber to use p'ainea 0aIsryi ,*d lnvie eO.lt praisé toor bhw7. fol glo ea os" j bile t sitin Sw uu*&Ya4 # a-141,bak very veuy uDdê lu boit for severaiâ da», bu-t é to report, he i. again abie te b. tm . having a fail fair? FPor rB 'Q* fail fair waa wellat.tendod and d~rew t* crowda Lo town. The. Lotwu ýseWe»1 vertited and people Ie'okod upon C&là.- nington Central Pair s tof-té eo north of Toronto. Let the nid directcra eail a meeting, take iun .w iti nandi -eu. doavor te get up a fair for tus jeul, t can be done with a emal amouût ofixe. tion. PartuwshIP. The partnership betweeu Dr e M Hart and Dr El S Bingliar, of this town " bu been dissolved by the offluxion of titi, Dr H S Bingham will continCa. lb. prào. Lice and will be found ab the istne ýoffice as the firm cf Dru Har.t and l3iugbsm cou- cupied. AIl acconnte of the late, ùrm inuit b. paid to Mr D McE4uobern. Und.rwrtters. The inspecter for the Pire Under. writers Association visited Uxbridge one day last week and oalled Out the brigade. The Journal bas the following ta say regarding il :-,"This frçquený oalllng ont of the brigade for the beuefit cf tbe pire Undorwriters bas becomne troublegome. 1It m ay b. o n a maarke t day (as it was on Tuesday> or any other buay Urne, it mnakea nu difforenoe tu the agent, but it makes quite a differenos to the. busy peo. pie. The firemen are a voiunteer brigade and do nlot reliali being oalied ot oftetn on a fool@ orrand . The nent time thé in. epector bas thia town startled and the briRade called out by an alarn cf firt. we will neot be surprised to a.. the boys drop the reel, hose and everything olse whevt? tby learn the nature of théecati, ani qnietly maroh back to their work.' FREE DISTRIBUTION 0F SAMPLES 0f Dr. Hobbas' Sparaguis Kidney Pilla, The Univorsal Medicine for ail Kidney Troublea. at A. H. Allin'.s Druq Store. FOR SEVE14 DAYS ONLY ERE FOR TUE ABRINO. a H Alic, the well-kOowu druggist of tht tovu, lua te reputation of offening to patrons tiose gonds only wbih uae kiïowïi to produce . satlaotory, reulta.,. Lemanug of th. 'Unavelous .wOrt4t tof Dr Hoblxb Sparagus L iduey Pila, et Bvid4ed l>y thée nd*rsemui e o re pattent4, &atdrugglta, M . Alihinitie0 aumngernule swith thé. lobl* t msd c, te give. IoItetVf n&ochmxge, 40 ev~i ersofi lu tits vlc*oity. Who tàuay li Inmteatan, epportuity te -,test the value of thèe, MAPull au agéet for thî lneedv ursot *il formti of of' kidwu*~ i JiWM I. weîtecl. - 3,g4, -04 tio sole, M.- W. GOLLTSS ne»OUV U, fosr SuXOseu suasor f7 ie.yaand wtll be tuosi dI.astaoui teol iàeiyiege. A sýuîgesiontiuf iedéby' CoUéfully tiè*toy eegiý 'Oýoiifl1ohthé tesgi lurIrof ie prô.pst>y, whie thé 5àtne preaiitkýu5are taken býy the City aUàthorities lu the- tréesatf parka ud pub- lie, plates. TheappIlicatiof cf heuioal bande to tres 19 tta suffilient precaution as it does net proeét thé depotit of cocoons, but ensly prevent. thia year'a moîli froni golng bigber la the tree. Tbe safeat and ,11aos effective cours. for the elimination of thé peat, fat the destruction of thé 00 coone andi if payment je madie for the collection of the moths, ft sboutit also be mode for the collection and destruction ococoons. Profesuor Smith says that it would seoin there is ne bird or ineet an eneiny Lo tbe moth, and uies active measurea against are taken at once, in ail probabiity it wl l e at very great ex- pensé that the trees can be saved froni destruction next year. Late Forage Orope. Oe.ts and peas rank next to corunas a forage crop. This mixture'is val-i uAhle either for pasture or for -cutting as a soiing crop, .anid if allowed to mature may be cureti for bay, making a most valuable article. If planted in succession of about two weeka, -green, fodder can b. hati duringý the greater" part of the growiûg season. At théf (Jrnie1l Station, osàta and Peu saown Aug 1 lust year, wereiii gëoo condi-. Mion for, feéding unt.il a sévere 'fr«e of*the night of Dec ~e ut> thein down. The pesa are firat, joveti on plowed. grounti st the rate :of one ' bushel per acre then the harrow ia useti and thé lanti thoroughly fitted for oats. This w*rking covers thé peau deepiy ant'i -well, fe*hc thé oas are sown en broad as t or drille i, usi g one to o eue snd w hall bnshe1q per ',acre, ti six or M'Xht weeks froin the timn of sow- inctf4g ni begin, althôugh the greaestf~eingvalué is not reached until thée gain is weii in the milk, ThIgs W. Ought to Kuowe That an attractive table -wll 1caàse a huabandti tacemrngulsanly -Au bas Viuitors:- Miss Nettie Reeves, of Lindsay, atMrs Geo Presteii's; Mr J and Misn Elosa Davey, Toronto, nt Mr J J Gibson's; Misses Edne; -Pallia anti May Poster, Toronto, st Mr N Byera ; Mr and. Mra Ashton at Mr. W É Wottens ; Mr 8 Leavena at Rev S G0 Rorke's; Mn 8G0Brown, Jean snd Frank,-,at Mrs -,W' Browns; Miss Ettie Oolville, Orono, Mr S Parr, Misses Claisa Rolph anti Emma Parr, Port Perry, MissesNellie Dugnbar snd E~ 0 Preston, and -Mr W Argue, To- ronto, st Mr P Rogers.* Miss N Kennedy.'ia ln our midst agaîn. q Misses Mary and Flore, Virtue are visitiug friends lin Taunten.- 1 IMisa Edith Virtue lias returne t t Toront. Igns Y Rogers la viiting frienda ln. Wester n tre MissàA M Rork4 aud MieLuella $re vititing f înida luToronto, DiflasYTe ok, EBrown, A Naund C U MitheU, P 1W.nâdKJHI Lé., B 8 imtpson andi Dr J Jt fltt are niCamping st Waa4àbu rn and report. jan excellent time, Plènty oft 11m ant MiiW Rbbis Ud týmfly have ThAt bou'1oeasdpcue are atsi acpal te thesio*k. Tfilt oiiànberies are hetlingt De at1ii. iose thtoat and i wt!fr, jntyprevent, f d* tduto o j That ail' eft-overe shoulti be jlaoe $~. Stat~pe4 ~ "Tii, $iter $h*e" SOLÈ AGU14T FOR WHITBY. Pte toegiýed therange- oTbttsins bud gadelbsnsylb. oneti o ua*- liaou O UIW[i11Mgïpeciaty. 0.11 and dé*e ýmy thop anud stock second door Westof od bp Dündas Street, Whutb ltailway Time Table G"» Ât BlUI4KAND MIDLA1ND No, 8t Epress Dally Mail ....:-60 a m No. 7, Local, exoept Bunday ...8:50 arm Y*: 18e Pauuengor *..2:88 P rm No. 1,*Bxpress, Mail daily .5 :60 P la TRAINS GOING uABTIWA19D No. 6 flxprqfuu. daily, except Sun .. 8:04 àrm No. 4 Express, Il 9:57 arin No. 14, Passenger fi " 8:08 p m. NO: 8, Local, 44" 6:17 prm No, 2, Express, Mail. daly.... 10:08 Pmn MIDLAND DIVISION 00110 NOnDT-EIDLAN» S TATIOW Mail................ ... tt.*.8:08 amn Mail ........................ 4:20OPm Mixea To Lindsay .... ......6:86 p m Mized From Lindsay ...........86:87 arn Mail................. 12:46prn Mail ......... .......... 9.10 p m DOMINION BANK@ Capital Pald up, $105000000 Surplus, $10500 000 Generdi Transs.oted. Banking Business BAY1498 DEOPÂBTMENqT. tistae«t llowed st higheat ouItent rate. No olie of wlth4rawàl raqurSG Z. 1 . THOatNTON, FAI RBANK'S. Real E8tate Column, Small Framne Houge sud Lot, Corner- of John anrd Bron streets, Whitby. Will be sold very cheap.-0 LOTS-To be sold, lots 324 anid 258, north watd. IROUGH CAST HtOUSFE-On A'Ih street, nortb ward, will be sold cheap. Cheap. A fin. t", story brick bonte, wlth brick stable& ,Sltuated on Byron at.. Whlitby, the ruuiot tldntlal Stret lu the terni, *wtiïthntréé M1nut.a"*lkofthe post office. There are îbtrèe lo e lahd wit au entrance on two atreesalous. In poeu repai. For particulars. apply teW L. FAIRBAN4KS, Real Estate Agent, Whltby. Ont. VIMu, VIOG OR# and VTLT ~ETO~ tM0 »UERfl0, 4T -01(0*. nhtCWi i-. -j 21 -1 la- the~ quickest remedy ever known "to cure Burns, Brulees, 8calds, Cuti, Sores, Bouls, Sprains, Strains, etc. The maoy weil known people, of hlgh standing-in Uhe communltyq Who have spoken andwritten of the merits remedy of great eifficacy.

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