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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 8

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line Fenton le Irnprovlng after a serlous Ilinese Mns Redmond. Detroit, leis n town vleltlng oid frienda. SE Whiting, jr., ie bomne for a hilday frein Cote St Peut. Elmen Annis le home lrom New Ynirk for hie holidays. David A McMicbal, New York. le vlslting Trelatives in towfl. Mieviola Jackson, of Orono, le visitlng ]Miss Etel-Hawkey, Miss Dien, of Brighton, le visitlng with Mre W P Sterlcker. Mns W A Green, Cleveland, le vlitlng ber father Tho@ Martin. Mrs Hewkey, of New York, le visiting ber parents and daughter. Mis John Wilson, Toronto, le visltlng ber sister Mn. John Simpson. Miss Maggle McHugh, of Bellcvllle, le the guest of Mms M W Finigan. Mises Lulu Olcott, Bowmanville, le the guesi or Miss Sertie Bennett. Mies Tethetlngtoti, of Toronto, le the guest of Mn. Rose, ef Simcoe et. MisesHallet spent l ew dave last week vislting finonde ln Toronto. R A J Little fille quart botties witb good ink Ior 40c. and sumali bottles Ioe 2c. Mr Defoe, of the Vîndîcator staff bas boon - ponding a few daysiat homo, at Almonte. Dr McMdichae*land Mrll McMichael, ofNew York, are in lova the guesi of Geo Hyland. Michael Colo, Motroal, bae bien spend. ing a holiday ln love ater 12 years absence. Mn and Mre Heazlewood leaves this more- 2ng fon a short trip 10 Muekoka and othen Pointe. Percy Rapp veeled fiom Toronto laut week and w 111 seldhie hollesys le town witb friene. Mise Noilie Jones, who bas been visiting Mrs Gîbson, returned 10 ber home in Toron. to, Saturday. Mises Porter wbo bas been visiting ber sîsten, Mrs Payne on Simcoe et, bau roturn. ed borne to Toronto. N Hetiewood wbo bas been vislting hie brother Oliver fur the past three weeke leu for Buffalo this tnoruing. Mn aud Wrm Borland, of Imlay City, Mich., Mn and Mm Abbe, cf Detnoit, vere the guest of Mr and Mn. Hesslevood luti week. Ernest htcGtegor, oîÀàIgju, Ili., wbo bas been suending a 1ev veeksata ho me roture- ed toElineou Weduesday mrnrclg. E E Cooper bas so fan reeovered (rom bis irecent sevene ilines. to b. able te corne 10 towu and superntend b's every day work. Rer Father Mekse, of Brechin, sud Rev Fatben McEnts, of Toonto. yeen l towu last week the guetts of Rev Father jeffecît. MIe" McMlllau mandMisé Beuse meMillan of St Catharnces wbo bave been lilng Miss L McLaugblin rturned home Monay rnorning. Mises Yonkloo cf Elgin, Tiln~ who bas be spending s couple of, veeke vlîh Mise Mt-. Gregonr rturced to lber home on Wednes day of this week. Rev Percy Fletcher retunned (nom bis trip te San Francisco lest week, and reports a veny profitable and pleasant trip for the dîne t bis dimposal. R Pye, W jeynes mcd R Sulis vili repres- ent Cortithian =ogeai th Grand Lodge 10 0 P, Belleville. H Kinby sud W Roipb will represet Phoenix Ledge. The- soeg recital gvenin the Meteaifatreet methodiet cbtarcb on Tuesday nigbî by the M4eusnsStael'td gave great pleasune te ibeir audience. Their siaglug le uneurpmssed by anythIng et isard le t ls church, John Lentos vie ba charge cf a poultry -farm at Wmst- Lynden, Vt., la home for a s o dlial, ie bother Geo who bas olina0 la home s vlctlm of palmocary trouble.,. and lla t ory we.k condition. Thoe Multaby# PI Orillia Who many yemns mgo carrled on a genenl business viers tis Western Bank no* stand,, as lu tovui on Tbursday les t viiiie Onlila excursion. lit gonda mony'cisutges le thé lovna mter bis long absents, burt saw-may aid cquaut- Artint'Jenktngmu vis for 'tb e Ist Ivo yearshbu bâo egnssaIotste cdrug taré now eccued by, UWr ichel, sd o, e by Mr y ýloe tfor> Tm>otoysti» DtaipaMr ieniostsay lu Osaahei bas made W or t WY Iledswio viel hlm lccets, Pine Loués- - The .stlmmted lass e it i, barbla xof the XcCaw blck heetut Tii gynmonuM chant talor j!IÃ"otbow et505 Ei;Wil- 1ý no ~~~u*utn k $0luTien.vs. oooitd v410u01ga to ave ".suInvestigaion o ndou vie s probable buicoudier>' vm. but the m vWoild sot foot u the expen4sedà"Jeal feat,d ual tie eulPrl it i ssàeoei ihut b is due revsjd. »*êýd si Uuwstioa s Tlhe,.beard of educationsa t&= ody sua" for about thi issutIàe to boulp ins ucestof art«.m~ day il Rêv IMr Fletcher Wi111glte a repor the san Erancieco convention ai Cbnaila cbttch at Sundéy evenàlng servie. -1i1 Mr Beaton ha. nOtt taklong b gi9tther bimecl togethler egéin àAler hbis 1i$rto and le now showintg hie nanal en1terprlse oh King et. The Railway Company havibg free Cgo-, certs at the lah e le causing tnany pleasure seekers te take the evenlng cars and spmnd a quiet bour or two on the be.chr Ail are commenting on the promptner-s with whlcb 5 Luke bad the glass replaced Ln mltie store after the fire. This le tho only. plate glass that bas Vet been replaced, Master Louis Guinette rettumned home sale and sound frein Toronto on F'ridiay laut none the worse of bis narrow escape with the bi- cycle as recorded ln Ilut Saturdays Globe. Mr Bovincton, wbo bas been ependlng bis holidays ln the Niagara district, wiil ocùpy hie pulpit next Lords day morning, and et the evening service Mr Fowke will report the Chattanooga convention. jas Hylande barn on 4tb con was burned dnring the torin on 1Tuesdity. 14is (al whent and bariey and ail bis tools were burtied, not so mueh as a hammer being leli to drive a nail. Theloss was $p,ooo or more. Insurance on building $900, on conrents $400. A meeting of the congregatton of the pros- byterian chur ch will be beld on the 17th imet. to consider the call given the pastor by the Meaford cburci. Then a meeting of presby. tery will be heid in Whltby on the i th to hear (rom the Oshawa congregation il they have any teseons wiîy the change shotzld eut be made. Lest M4oenight Excn,'uion. The 3th battalion band and orchestra wiii hol the iaet moonlight excursion of the seatoai to-night. The Garden City will take excursioniose rom Whitby, Osbawa and Bowmanville. The band wlll give a concert of vocal and Instrumental musilc for the firet h al of the trip, and the orchestra wil fur- There will b. a fulll moon and it w Ilb. a defhilsali. Fare 23 cents. Last veek we bad a ew good concerts by the Nix lamily and thie week hy tbe Heap Famiiy of town. One of tbe littIe girls hav ing a cold the concert vas beid Inside Hepryr Paviliion, hence noi neaniy ail the people could nol hear It. W. leare (roui the raillay Company that over îooo people were cried ne the evenlng tbe Heap (arn. IlIl gave tbe concert. This trip to thée lake shre fille lu the evening nicely. By leaving town ai seven o'clock takicg a trip te, the lake a walk along the beach,, beaning a Iew gooci songe and then take the tec oclock car borne, the evenlng passes away very nicely. No and of LPre Mn Jue S Murray can boast that ho bas beon tbm vlctim' of about as many fines as eny other mae of hie mgo and epporlueltles. Hie la a case cailieg outi unllmiîed sympa- Iby (rom those 'vho (col liat w&y. Ho Sp- penn. te b. punsued b>' the acinon fine vbenever hoeoas, and s tie ccnftagraîiug monitor coclinues tu flied upon Mn Murnays hat-d-earned propety, lb Somme to'b. aso clatlng bis neighbors viii hlm lu tue do. struction. Those iacent te hlm lu busi- cess an. beflng tuleel the necessit>' cf patnislug more extousively tint grest sud iceod Inventien of the mgo, fin lunsurauce. The>' soiethal fate lisevîdeuti>' desigued Mn idunna>'toi suifer e ewv re enfler, lu seeIug .veryîblua go te bisses penWl-l 1 adhe"ualu-ey fiel that more prote*. tioun-isneede. Tii. luUrance.agente baes su oye bo busines as veil. Tbmy knov tha aOre viti a jWrly gowstrio utusim0c ineurauce promgly pald le an drtiaso meut for, er bui#is. Som*e m«upsy lu. surmuce ptlemlums Itomvsuadover suifer tbm bsd mci t e re fne . lait ts eltsig borlng business uma UR>'bave a prictical demenstratlon of *vin dt htàg as irt le-orrather lustuco le. lm-are agents whose suiet>'le soiadrentise Ici thiiw. v and if they esrof J. cas e i.Mr Morra> vieesas on iaeeieýadmdlutlu tliire- spect tisy fso bÃœs Out end j«tos ail lie lnuraueishie it usei, 1 I e onô e the comuspm>* Ill get the, sWss;If lier. ie s fin e icompany>- vw 1 Us proepi sud have theis bof wadeeament vicibas beea n' b eW itstaî us fedD ne stict la do» bypetng alhttis pafrapi (frem) lauthsep Ivte 0015- mtisS bi e reb.d ocesua. if oesla~he a o hie dresdhul bct i iribebâsi ff litile eme> spetit lu Io a1> b mi. bu atusilu un' the Ùiii... wo wirn ug&wM- sar rCI InVUAy iti Wl #xi§u Ue It is nmoxewentt hiid neveï t be intero S ~VIOKIET. barber. Bhuoo e ets. wu. IIOLPi, hambous mske1,8imWoSteut. IK B OTEKIaOUIL, butcher. Klng 11.,,Wegg. On. ?Âàrruuso, Da1181; *facoe over Ã"wue Store. ý,. J. STILTE-DOmLinion piano. Sud organe, Slmcoe Street. WmtLaàM J. DuÂiçs, Dominion and Ontario Land furvyor, Civil Enginoor, Box 67,0mb.- Mdodem hostelry, nesaisud oeifortably equlpped. 0. M. Ton. -Cttsrer for Belle, Assembios, Wed. dingo, support, etc., etc*. Aise aU ktnde of Ion. Houz.nuw - Whitby.0shawa stage lino. Leavos Oshawa Mai M anmsd 9 p m. sud Whiby oi 10 a m aud i4p M. rou>. Buavun, psinter and docorator Dealer in wa=apers. coillng décorations, paints, oi, v &Muâ, brahs, wicow sbades, e. lAMas PULLow, doaler in sioyet, turnatee, tin van, otc, Largo stock kopi eontanily on band. 3o117Q a epociai i~.*mooo Street north. L. K. M7TV .A Barrièior, oiltor, Notary Publie, Oonteyanoer, &e. Money 10 lond. Offie c.ur Dominnion Bank, Bimeos Streot, Oshawa. VaLT Bues - Waiebmakers sud Jeoor. Deulers Iu vatohos, *lock%, Iewelevy,selivor. varo, spectacle@, etc. Zngrrng, old aud eliver platIn, and old godrig.oimade ovor. Fiue watch, elock, and Iowo1o7 eairnug a §Peoialiy. Car OMO Mre Thomas E King ie visiting with friende in Scarboro. Chude Burk and Jno Hallett left for Detroit on Tueeday. Mrs J Judge and Mrs T Cullen are visiting at Port Ferry. Mr E E Whiting arrived home from Montréal Sunday morning to remain a few days. MesessJanes and Ellis are this week attending the Grand Lodge 1. O. O. F. a: Belleville. Mii Parken, of Toronto, is visiuing with ber sister, Mrs- Fnank Maiiett, of Prospect house. Mrs Schafén, who bas been visiting Mrs Kinkpatnick of the. Brook bouse, .bas gone te Guelph. Mrs G Annand, of Trenton, return-, ed home on Monday after an extended visit witb ber daughters. Several of our citizens were up as wituesses ie a pocket-picking case,, on Monday of thWiweek. Thos King, night switchman at the. Grand Trunk statfon, lait a fine voung cow lau week through infiammation-, Mrs jas ODea. of Cadiflac, Mlch,, who bas been -visiting with friendo 'for some weeka, returned home on. Tues- day. 4r F A Ptter came ta grief vien he met a street car ant c veng lait week.. He vas riding a viee nd ranjinta 1:; resuit, adamaged uhC4. School lolidays viiisoon ecmidfoi, mideuminer aIthià year. Ti c cild-: rets ar-e uking every advantage of the lait days beforeo agalu rumlsg studies P j RicIy", ilor saine years forcinani In tic Farmineaelevator bhem ha#sesv.. cred bis canuecas ,wkth euhast ýCC9 PU Imatba - allways been a pafins tclt4 d faftlihutenspicye and i perai flfivoito among hi$ elIcik woe«kersand .mpIoyora. - aI ~nd Mii R McBradyï Infant son wàsbured tnn iday Iset. Mts Mc- Btady also m»et w.,itl. an accident in Picering,- but à- îecoveringi. They hâve the synipethy of ai TIhe jýyouà tvent of a golden. wed. dinig le being celebrated.by Mr and Mrs Dâiei Mcflrady. Most of thein fafnly are home for it. Particulars «ext Week. Mr and Mirs Paul Lawrence, Clare. mont, and Mise Allun, of Toronto, and Fred Lawrehce, of Whitby, have been a: Mnand Mrs Geo Lawrences. 0 L Byers and Miss L Putter spent Sunday in Prince Albert. Mr Noble is in Toronto again having decided to spend hie holidays at home. Misses Marie and Flora Virtue are spending a few days with friende ai. Zion. Miss Nellie Kennedy bas returned from a pleasan.t visit with friends down east. Mr Jas Staniton hae been on the sick liet fpr a couple of days but bas im- proved somewhat. Thresbing has begun for this season, Mn Morey's machine being the first in operation in these parte. In the absence of Rev Mn Phalen last Sabbath morning the Rev Mr Fitz- patrick occupied the preebytenian church pulpit. Visitons: Mies Nettie Reeves, at Mr G Preeton's; Mrs S Brown and child. dren, at Mrs W Brown's; Mise E Parr and Miss Ettie Colville, at Mn F Rogers-, Mise Edna Hoskin at Mn Nel- son Smith's; Mrs- Tamblyn at Mr H Wernys; Miss Edna Fallis and Mis May Fisher, Toronto, a: Mn N Byers. TYKROI4 School will stant on Monday next, with the same staff of teachere. Mn Matthews, wife and family, of Buffalo. N.Y., were visiting at Mn John Sandens, last week. Mn Coyle, of Coiborne, has been anound here buying apples this las: week. He bas already bought a num- ber of Onchards. A very ead accident which may prove fâtai, happened to one of Mn. Hoidge littie boys on Saturday lasi. While ridIng a horse from Mn. Staples, he fell off and was knocked uncon- csioue and bas been in that condition ever since. We hope he may 5000 be ail ight again. Anotber oId snd reepected gentle- mian, in-tueperson of, Mr Chas Welch. psed aven te thegrea: maority, on Sunday last, asthuce 0f 5 yearo. Mir Welch bas been ini r nhealth for anumber cf 3mars, ami, hie death was not uneirpected. The funteral took place to Bethesda cemetery on Tues- day last and was largely attended. The fiende have the sydipathy of the community ln tbeirtbereavment. The voters lile*th tic1owship have been' print d ani arc nov ln the bauds of tie clerk for distribution.;' Oit Saturday lm aitPce Magi8trate Hàines, of Bow mianviile, fined WIiiiam Pape1 $2tao nd$5 go caste 1for- selfing liquor durnng prohibited haurs. Tic Junior base, bail club cf ,Bau amilllc, Who visîted our town -Ties- day, are a nier, gentlemienly lot of youag iclliansd kinoW how ta c6ns. duic te ves when th%<>enter a etmamge tous. Corme agals y An tuompt an imade Monday about might, peual y-ot oa gret ucçs A Autiger. (of WIWUG Mastr TCo~1i~,of Toron'to, Vio1t-' ing at Miss Cc»vmings. F W Moore b, a&, eold ies bikPe 41à n0W look$ very lteoe Several of out yjung mien liiteid miaking a trip té, Manitoba thig hbafvest. Miss Katie Beith, Of COlumnbilS. le visiting at he,,' cousins, Edith Mcrunv~ joy. D Graham ie slowly recoveting from the accident he met wiîh Borne tirne ago. Mrs Woodley and Mrs marks attend- ed the picnic on Wasbburn Island last week. Mn and Mrs Ashton, of Myrtie, and Mrs O'Rorke, of London, are visiting ai R Ashtons. C Slemon is home again from Ton- onto and reporte the special course for teachere in the Central Business Col- lege excellent. The whistle of the engine ie again to be heard in oun midet. R Ashton and J Moore were the firet to thiesh in this ~neighborhood. Somne of our citizens have taken the Klondike fever and the story goes that one man is pressing the dirt of out neighboring creek, imagine the pebbles to be nuggets of gold. Threshing has commenced. Herbent Sanderson lep home on a Morley Pruet epent Sunday with his parents. Mr Wm Parr and family have moved to Port Perry. Three initiations in the Sons of Eng- land next week. Mr and Mrs Purvis, of Toronto, are the guests of Dr Fish. Mr and Mrs Shann, Tyrone, spent Sunday with Mr jais Holmes. Miss Jennie MeLean, of Toronto, ie visiting with her rnother, Mrs A Mc- Lean. Mr j Wood and S Hoar, Bowman- ville, spent Sundày with the formere rnothex. Misses Maud and Stella Holmes are visiting their aunt, Mrs D Bingham, of Woodville, W Creighton, of British Columbia, je spending hie vacation under the parental roof. Mr Frank Wright and friend w'heci- ed from Toronto lasi week and are at present etaying with Mr A Wright. Mr apd Mrs Jones, of Bowinanville, Mies Rushbrook, Toronto, and Mr N Bigga, of Ennie'killen, wcre the gueste of Mies Emma Beacock. OsEAW, WA : ONT; and Oupply parts" II repair àBU tua- chinteS ruade, at the JoepR ail MfCoMgeeofl Co., and Dingie vetatlo, havng bou 'ght il their ICnives and sections for incet any niake, rnow5l' or resper, Iron Pipe; Steain Ffttinge, (brase or iron.) Rubber Beltinge Packing, (nubbere garlock or rope) Thresher Teeth, nioet ail kinda. Repair Bicycles, an& eupply partaâ for saine. Engines and Boliers repaired, (any make.) aydsrp Repair Machinery, aydsrp tion. Maohinery Steel, algo Caet Steel of varlous gines for tos. Pea Harveetere, R. Woon & Co. Apiary Supplies, Beehives, Sec- tions, (Jomb Eoundation, etc. . WIOO, & COo wT &NTED-BEVÈIIL FÂTHYUL YVMon or Women -to travel for re- spontible entablisbed bouse lu Ontario* Saiary $780, payable $15 weeklv and ex- penses. Pcoaltrt" permanent. Reference, Enclose seefaddresoed stamped envelope. Tbe National, Sta Building, Chicago.-17-8. FOR ALL y Boat, ,,Rail. ài'rOceçan, CALLON E.J. JOHfNSON,I.W. P,. STERIJCKER ILEADINO INDlmUE BROOK -8TREET, WHITY Osiawra Rt, CO'lkOffce, OSHAWA# tVOL. X WisnsFly Pc Smith'a Poision Tanglefoot Sti sheets, Fruit Jar la sealini CHEMIST& WHITBY, WIND] WIRE Geor Ai PXOTOX milI belote plai an agent-Pun imit can get bteè Gcolut satvan ,,, andý* tbau ny 'odber im dlaim îheysàelkbni-,1 rnfilloutfttsold h-i turne. Ail style. of WC( sale. An>'infdrmatkon> viii :io (ri>' ygiron t Yeb 7, g7-= RBO c Weare5 'Ivir 1 1 ý--

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