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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1897, p. 3

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tbeoféIr ed onc, if possible tb Ià *w.ê. bufom, sWeing timeb ,M h plowion folIo*ed by the rolter "dbarows wîhtn & dêy or two--4hc ffltor the beter sr the work of fining 1h oild > écsud 4yig It will be much '-=or'e effectt4al thautIf delaed beyond !ae.Y or twro mter plowiiùg6 Then alter 'every s)bower of rm let the harrowing K' repcaîed to break o p the crust and coy~Ynserve the dtolstre n the soll. In a oûig experîeriuie, we ýýhave <oued that such titmely tillage greatly increases the vheat crop, and many times repays the Cot of the' work. If the plowing bas cndelayed tili near seeding the same siao hould be followed as far as racticable. fo oerCfi ln qood heart we have seen very good crops of wheat in this rotation, but to inae i a uccssthe tillage mnust be thorugh.Theground should bc plowed as soon as theoats arc removed the roller and the harrow following the the plow immediately. or not later than the folk.wing day. lifaving it al] plow- ed, cultivation should lollow evcry few days. and especially after every showcr of rain or rainy speli as soon as the land is dry enough to work right. No crust should be perniittcd to remain on the surface and this cultivation will ef- fectually kil! ail weed grouwth and also the growth of oats tromn seed shelled out in harvesting, and which, if allowcd to grow. will rob the wheat of lust so much moisture and plant food as they take up. The disk harrow or the sprîngtooth cultivator rnav be used to good advantage in such tillage, or, If thistles are showing, a cuitivator with J broad f eet mnay bc used to aivantage. but should bc followed hy the harrow to level the ridges made by the former iniplemnent. 0f course, muh Wi de- pend upon -the wcather, oir the of rainfal,\vhcther such land got into fit condition for w ea~. plowing bas been delayed tii! late inr jl August there will be little tiîme for the preparation outlined, and unless rain cornes to moisten the soi[ to the depth of the plowing before the wheat ls sow- cd the outlook for a successful crop will flot be very encouraging, but even if the plowing cannot be accomplished till near seeding turne, if rairis corne and the land is thoroughlyworked and a good seed-bed prepared, therc may be reasonable grounds to look for a tair crop. Wheat may well follow barle5, if the land la rith enough to reasormably expect a payîng crop, and the prepar ation will bce ntirely sirnilar to that outtined for oat stubble, but the p!ow- ing and cultivation should bc corn- mnenced as early as possible after the rtrmoval of the crop. If manure is available it ia better to be applied as a top dressing and worked ino the soi! b,.use of cultivator and harrows.- Farmers Advocate. Dsrlington Concil Regular meeting; members ail pre- sent, minutes of last meeting read and conflrmed. Communications were presented from F C Austin, road machine manu- facturer,, business circular; li-on Jno Dryden, Minister of agriculture. ac- knowiedging receupt of letter from council re San-Jose scale, giving sever- ai intercsting particulars respecri ng character of said pett andi saving that aIl possible efforts were being made bo extîrpate it from the Province. Re- ceiveci and fyled. In referrnace to application of parties to be alowed to shoot on the road be- tweenl ote 13 and 14, B. F., on motion of Mr, Brown, seconded by Mr Clemens -the ltrlvlege vas granteci provided resident.s do not object. Carried. The clerk wue Izatructcd ta, place on the tax bill -a notice that 3 per cent. will bc acided ' to &Il taxes remalning unpald on the r4th Dec,, but this not ta retriet the collector to enforce psy- ment ln any CMase tèr fourteen days notice qas the law directs, aud ta pie. pare a,,by-isw authorizlngr the sarne. The clerk aubuaittoci the following summary o! contents of collectai-s roll: Fifty-tliree hundredths of a cent the sumn ai ail the general rates on $2.497.- 8-25 ; the'ae iregate assesament pro- duces $13,238,479; agg. local school rateg var-., $3.791.11; dag t=i. 486;. commutation of statute labor, *25.39-. total amount on roli, $s8,540.98g ; ta be applied as folowa: couoty iatt, $W34; ea. achoOl rate, $3,390.50- aggr. ;local achool rates, *479s.1a2 -.bal. gen. townehip pui-posee. $62a$. 36)( total as aboie, t$,84oâg8g. The clbrk vas lastruted ta agatin natif yMess= Geo AieWm Trait ad k Mattitol move their fences off the road allowance between lots 0 *ud 3: ite4tb ëcpu. forthwitb. snd If u=o doue steps viilbo-takea b o force the rem ovaL. Mesars Law sud Nortbcote rcoin.* monde4 she coQncIl to procure a more coùâ'cn1ent gwevl pit for tUir locality. Referred to Mr Cbunimc The re v e st uaucted ta grant orders on the treaurer for the foiov. iuig 0OOM $ JOt>Hall, 9veb, *U40; »ocij W T v l $;. lieu cSe. jaDavld Hooe.84~ ene 1 Wi t > 87ç 1 . 10;Î THE B URDENý. 0f ickness and the B3hadow of Graver Things BEING LIFTED Trom Thousanda of Kgomes luÎ Canada. Mr W S Nelson, engineer Eveninig Nous Toronto, Canada, amy.:.-"I w.. troubled wit.h the most severe forun of oat.arrh.for eigbt yeara. lad tried every. t hing to Izet well, but without stieose. The pains acrosmy forehead weretso severu at night that I wua unable to ob- -tain my needed rest.1 w&as o sbjet to sneezing to suih an extent iat. 1 would i.ueuze ais often as 40 or 50 imes a, day. At the- genersi hospital, where 1 werit for treatmnent, 1 wms tld that an operation wais noessary and burulng it out the only hope. 1 have uaed Mun- yonis Cold and Catarrh Cure for one rnonth and became rapidly botter. 1 be. liove Munyon han dono more for me than a]] the others and 1 have sent hum. dreds of people to Munyon."à Munyona Rieumatism Cure dseldona fails ta relieve in one to three houris, and cure@ in a few days. Priee 25c. Muuyon's DytQpepoia Cure poultively cures ail forme of Indigestion and stoin Roll trouble. Price, 250. Munyon s Cold Cure provente pneut. mania and breaks up a ooid ini a few hours. Price, 25c. Munyon's OonRh Cure stops coouglhs, nighit sweats, alimys ncrenesm, and speed îly hea.ls Lhe luug8. Price, 26c. Munfyon'e Kidney cure Speedily cureg Pains ini the back, loins or groin and ail forme of kidney disease. Prie,, 25o. Munyoa*e Headaobe Cure stops head. acbe in three tninutet,---trice, 25a. Muoyon's Pile Ointuient posktvely cure al bruis of piles. Prioe, 2,5e. Mdnyon's Blood Cure erîdicates &Bl impuritieo of the blood. Price, 25o M unyon's FeLnale Remedies are a bom Loall1 womeri Muoan's Ast.bmameuediee relie,. in 83 LDiDutA3Sand cure permanent.ly. Price, si. Mun von '@ Catarr BRetnedies nover fai. The Ca arrb Cure-price 25e. -er.dioates the diséase from Lbhe system, sud the Ca. tarrh Tablet-price 25.-eleanse and beal the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure in a wonderful nerve tollie. Price, 25C. Munoa' Vitalizer restores lest vigor Personal lettere ta Prof. Munyon, Il sud 18 Albert et., Toronto, înswered witb fre uedical advice for any diaeîe.. How Nutmegs Grow Nutmegs grow on little trees, wbicb look like simaîl pear trees, and whicb are generally flot over twenty feet high. The flowers are very mucla like- ties of the valley. They are'paie i color and ver>' fragrant. The nutmcg ie the seed of the fruit, and the imace is the thin covering over the seed. The fruijt is about Lhe aize of thel peach. When ripe it breaks open and shows the little nut inside. The trees grow on the islands of Asia, and tropi- cal America. They bear fr4it seventy or eigbty ycar, haviug fruit' tapOn them al the season. A'fine, tr-cin Jamaica la said ta have over 4000 Saut-ý mega on it cvery year. The Dutcla used. ta have il this nutmeg trade, as they owaetd the Banda bel#ýansd conqucreci al *.ho. other traders and destroéd the tréce., To tceep the price up, Uîey once buru- cd thi-ce pleés of inege, eacb -cf vhlch vas eai4 to: b. a W- chrh"Nature 414 ot sypatbis with euch meUsuMes.Tht titutneg pigeon, foumociinm all the Indjau Ilnds, did for the vorici vhat the Dutch liad deternalned ebould '_otlie done .1 carried the soede, whjçtuAré îhlr foi loto the sui-ounding coumtrjeos FA ai rotà-' -favorable imhpressioh on lhis miy hwrers. MieStve~so~ u retrnd.home Alter spending alcouple of weeks withI -ber daughter Mrs Miller' of Torontoq Harvest operations -are, once more d'rawaa to a clIose for the season of 1897, witla but. few exceptions the wet season ha$ been very discouraging causing great delay ha closing Up the harveat. Apple buyers art nearlv as abundant as fiyà in thia locality. -Some have al- ready diapoaed of their crop at good pricea. This market seema to be governed by the demand as most markets are. Appies being scarce bet- ter prices are in vogue. Tho',comnmitee appointe toorganize a ibof," m t-Ih ueýay evening. The* resâtof the mneeéfiig;,we cannot give but trust somne definate and satisfactory resuits wcre arrived at although some littie ditierences have seerned to exist for a time among the choirsters ; et one ,and ail bury the hatchet, shoulder thîs duty and let us once more find a body of songsters willing to do the best service they can for the church and the gospel. Mrs McLuster formerly Miss Rogers of this place has after a prolonged visit returned home. Miss Morris, of Port Perry. who has lately been the guest of Mr Tripp re- turr.ed home the first of this week. Mr and Mis jas Pirie, of Brooklin, Sundayed at R W McAvoys. Tommy Richardson now sports a new Speight wagon drawn by a teamn of respectable horses. Many of the farmers have tlareshed tlieir grain and report the yieId as flot being satisfactory, the grain being ligiat in weight. owing to the damp season. N4ew savon Visitors :-Sarah Holt, Pickering, at Mr John Hoits; Mr and Mrs Dickinson Oshawa. at T Veals; Mrs Rundie and the Misses Rundle, town, at Mrs S Woods-, Miss C Bamfortb, Oshawa, at H Powers; Miss J Bartlett, Coesarea, Mrs W W Ailin and Mrs F Heal, town at W Woods. Miss Nancy VanCanp bas been visit- ing f rienda in Oshawa. Mrs R Hayball and children andi Mrs J Ibbotson and daughter who have been vîsiting t.he Misses Gzoode. have returned to their homes in Toronto ac- companied by Misa Goode. Rev R D Frazer preached here Sun- day having returned from bis vacation and wilI make pastoral calîs this week. A foui breat in l one of the greatest affficiticas that aa inu r woman eau bave. An afflictioc Dot oui? te themeeîves, but te tiiose wltb wbom tbh" ooreeIn eonta6h- A-tee) breath is a. reah d"siuumgr of .îffeUçon.. Lt Woadpo wbat bo ac s th isne0.d0at4 eeet the symspiîomsol oý'opglpio.. '8~,U e.cf ste ymptum es enrtoasbt lue t ap. beartbrà aan i duIltrs at.* "eai. I'Phase thiaige jai sIo Thor laied tu- dys. pepsia and woreeshiîge. Thty aIl stet p êk"'Pqis. Lbey love oçaw'njïu est it" hlp thatse nme. Tlmees mo M«s-,,et bora,"'l' a"y 0et ttsthe l. uat-wM" Bond 41 omis in 006.sm.t atsmim" eu MiDamel Wiiliams lit quyte -indiepos. ei. Mr 0 Taylor Sud-sitihi se1$einds lu Clarke, Sunday. ,xi 'aH Eiliott lot a frlund hive h1s hors. and buggy b g9o t6 tôaun lutt weok., Tii. herse was left :ied on th0 Street$ wherehýe took Irigiat auàd broke borne, un ug'se' dispi 'tansd £nsly er ing in collision with &so "eshad- 9" s, twiet.ing the buggy upbaffly. The Oheese Coehab*p ee hondred ebeese this weeh, seeond week Angust, prie 10 cents. Mvr Erank B Brown, '#akâouvl1lII.DL viaited et the aidShoua, Cedar 'Valley farn>, laut.week. Mr Theodore Salter, Greenbank, vap renew ing oid acquaîntanees i hlu paF ,Mr J Short and wife, ei Whitby, vis- ited friénde noir boe.Sonday. MisAÀ L Bruint' vic'ited at Mir BO Shaorts, Ocurtice, luat week. M.i UEverett Brawn, graduste of tbe Normal Colloge, will attend BoWmanville E 8 during the falu tertu. Darlington township le ealled upon ta pay 0 950 more oouuty rite this year thona last year. Hoew je that for the new eounty counoil, wbioh w.. to reduee ex pensesP Mr WilCoolidge, Oshawa, viaited his oeotber sud other friende bore Bunday. Murray& .Lanman's FLORIDA WATI3R THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHINO AND) ENDURIN OPFAU.. PERFUMES FOR THE~ HANDKERCHIEFO TOILET OR BATH.. GEEAL9ALR FFk k k k Scugog councilmet ,Aug 2811!, Members al- present except Mr insu. Minutes -'cf-last -meeting and confirrned.. c6iiàuniëation N F Patersoo, Q.C., i-e 34111 bat <read.. but niet ion wus t*en. J M Plâtten camie belom -t4 oc claiming pay for a sheép: 'kild 'doee. On -.mion of Mr, Don 'Ob, 6?W0lâD DRAINS, MAL.10?MNOD rUIW OP : VARIO 59 STRICT- gËIt4uDc LMPOTN- IJUNNAT* fow MtodTratnintIs the reatest Dlsov ory of ths'Ags 1 OURINO THESE DISEASES 'i t!ss edmn* m ru.lpeo h face te e unes. bo YOU HAVE GEMWINAL WErAKNI OU~ R W -nemU7Oo T1IAumiatone eau oe that *aU ptimples, blotobeut u'1oers dhapparj the nerves bedme strong àMeOee, go tbps nervous D0,bashfulues ud despondencydsper tbe effl become brtlb the fa<e lui admpear, energy reteins te tbe body, and the moral, pbysboa2 la.d setMu! sst "e, >m tvigorated; m&H drains Dsu-o more VIta mte <rog i e sytem. The varices oreg ansbOoenatmra i d»nnly. Ton 1eel youreSéla"aind tknow marriage cannot be s fallure. W. Invite aIl $hom&=%O - ta consuit us qoDftdentl*Uy anmd froe 0f charge. Don't les quseki en akr t!"rb.yeo? or.your bard .e&rned dollars elste. Are 70Ucor. h dark etrofes under uht" ii.druami md ow coka, areworn rengtb, tlred moru- organe and pre,».. lA OUR 1BLOOJJ BEEN DI8eÂSED "5 àlP1ILIS fis thé mou Prevalentandmosîserou$ 81.00 tsese.Il s»Pue .vOry7 lueblOOood theb vlottm and uniles eutlrely eradicat.d from the s. tem w"tul afet the offtpring. D.w r fMeor. Il R V IID ptBoI MNs-ýou lv ld gy f ,or <nuige<i ln lth oUtes o? puth.. golf-al>u or later exoosses ha"e broken down pour a7stam. Yon feel the eyPtomS otéaltng-over ou. Mentally, phTslcaIlyand gsexUay you a&» fot thé man ublt eor shoul L. Luattul practücesre*p rtoh harveets. WiI1jou heed the MIU ~.IAnre viottm? Bave yon bloshope? Are you contemplating marriaqeY flLflhLfliHayour blood been dlseaeed? Bave y0u 0fl7 weakiissOur qewMeth@d Tre~lra e tël oie o WhaI il bas doeefor others il uit do fryo.Comaatio* Pro..01 matter wbo bas twested 70u, write for an boneut opinion Pree of Charge. ~h.gosreao~abe.Book# Ftso.--#Tbe Golden Monitor" <tlusurati«) on Dtseam uof men. railos 2 S cets.'BOtied.. Book on ",lisuaeM oi Women" lree. WNO ASSU51DW1THOUt WIITTEN CONSENT. PIIVATI. No mediine sent 0.0.0. Nomis oe bioxesotlevelopestt vthn ofietm.Questin lst mand cneot . reats, Ment FREL Ne.148SHELBY ST,, ilS. KNNEDY~. KEOAN ERfOITMCl **Ismm s4ud t, Zies TPhe MissesPaxton are visitiag aS theur deors, Mus T 0 MoAvoy. Mr William Pile vuas îeeinlt old ac* quitsuces la "ibis eghbonhood, lut week. TPhe hinstees cf Balsan> scbool have engaged Mr Mmdiii as ceseher for thc Jalterm. Mr Madili cornes weli recoin mendeci, sud wiib give good s'iisfaotion to tbe rahepayers. Mt William Birkett le bsck north boy- inq cattie for feedlng purposes. Mr Bverett in on the. slek lost. Mis Doualas" of Uxbridge je visiting friuds lu huis violiiy. Miss 'el' fflett la shtending Port PeUiinpode! pohool.W, hopé Oh. vii be *no"ssu0,u4ie uzt aa ai MeseW-,Bfrktt suad WB»" uveto, lust. WI. s.thfiliRtbaMs %hiaià t stnde mtn. teh navriîl Leas c ais & ANTI-BOOZEI1e goM THE ORIENTAL E :n Th lew, Safe tud Bute Caro for Drnkennesu. t* eaâaoà ml d Mit.* toeod, vithouti tii petient knôw. I 1.4., witli hie food suVdin . i- I dis are c #,eqt wbot he kîow- il ANTi. Baol i le .P' p ij" COU.- BA that tifs ~ i - mu 1* oea Iroumed ' i yhl-W tb .

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