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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1897, p. 4

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~, w - ~ w W - W ~ 8Sheets for 8 otse FL Y POISON PA PER in 5c. and ioc. pkgs. FINEST QUALITY INSECI POWDER, 50 cents per lb. Je E. WIL LIS, HEMI8T &DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, BROOK ST., WHITBY, WHITBY. SEPT. 31 1897. Short Notes. The newest mining boom fi% at Toronto Island, where iron has been discovered ln the sand. Experts believe It will be Iound alont Kew beach and in the Scarboro heighLa. For the first time on record better trne than 2 minutes was muade by a pacer on Sat- urday lest. Star Pointer did a mile in .593k Since 1839 the pacing record bas been worn down from 2.28. lu i88o it was 2.15, Iln 1890 2.o6. Two shipa have been reported as return- ing troru Alaska within a fortnight, each no doubt bringing as much Klondike goid as waé ready for shipruent. One ship had 70 minera and S65,ooo lni dust Rnd nuggets, the other hsd *40,o00. This laeflot ln accord wlth the corde of gold we read about as 1y Ing there awaiting shipruent. The gold fever seema to stimulate the Imagination. This la certalnly a year of plenty. Tbe crop la big, and prices are hlgh, and going hlgher daily. Grain, dalry produce, beef and pork, hqhme, fruit--everything is away up and ln hi gh dernand. This year bas de- veloped mining industries ln every part of Canada. Lumber bas boomed ail year until the new UeClIntey bill gave It a tempormrv setbsck. People wilU b. able ta pay their debte thîs year. Tt le a sngular feature about business and hurnan nature tbat people live up aili tey pro- duce durIng guod times and feel safe tu rnaking small debte for the future to look after. Then cornes the slternating bard ti mes, and they bave ta pav up the debt con. contracted ln good times. Nine-tentha of the fpepies email debte are always squeezed (roin theru when periodicaliy crops are bad and prîces low. Those who have economy ln their make-up lev awsy a littie in a year Hire this, and are able to stand tbe #train of bard times. An alliance bas been forrned betwten Brancc and Rusais vhich may bave a great eWeç.t on tht future of the great nations of Europe. Tht Czar of Russasla belng côd- dled by everybody, but takes ta the Frenchi moat because he sees they are more Impres sionable andi enîbusiasîlc. Great Britalus paver lu the casi, snd «eeeallY lu Egypt, 1ii, probably be serlously menaced by ibis cotbination. Hovever Great Britaîn la slways belng menaced by urtoward circuru. stances, sud yeî th. sivsys cames out right. Peaple long for the good aid tintes vheu barhey was exportedt t the United States ta tht valut ofunearly $xooooo. Tht cheese induaîry do..s ot tûte half as rnueh landt t susti i.noimr do.. lt require oo much titue, yei *e yl expart socoooo ib"syMa. Cheese serves a good Pura brley vws 0017 use t ta skpeo ludebancàery, Sluc depriviug our people of the menuo lnurmg fellow tmes by provldng tber 1îh-hé meaus or destrùuon, ridence bau repalti Canatilaus teufl StUli tbey h'ardij apeciat: 1t. If our Doualalo woulzabbmuufacnr atithe uttut d eo .totaucatlng iiuor ne a #'btvesge, a.« tbua enable peope toapply Mta prperpuroe about SM o1ooa a -Kr 0, pcS u o tIMatealit 0e t p4ooaopn evudomoS take by 8ir Jobs Thon nsarqleMabelo --Our peopleW*Oul4mm m ent h.eimou, wealthîy ou tht erobe Canuada bas peat exteuanti udvlim.11. salur tourow. liait other cotstris.a'M #tri ed of!b virpin wealtb, vhe la e4y now openus ugot Ia resousomu, ibi iewte bawlita thei hote&the metn uiho reffihe se Uketa, t r Canid open Itannet let the *cunnclt dis mieas a few *ut the t ettili g ocer* Who tbrougb ignornmcor paftianilp efuased to obey the lav, 111$Riot or IuduDart- tiens ibmrp ~rooft the tri nPiokering showed clearly that theze were peedà tu tainda ivet.tfr zul IL&U,;&KjLa .AN ELECTOVL { WeMaa Mr lu rplY ta the above va Iter that he and every Other elector of Picker- ing has thet tlht ta oppose the putting On of nattes of Mle al votera. Ithat latht ouly meihod there id of keeping off bai votes. Tht conty judge advertlses eaoh jear about this tie that h.e wîl hold a votera lisi court foi pnrgint the tovunshi> liste af bal votes, or ta add on those who have betu IcIt off. As we say, aüy elector mar appeti ta have one or mare nmres struck off, or ta have ont or mare put on. h la mnoi regard- ed as bcing tht business of citber tbe coun - cil or is clerk to do this. As the balance of "«An Electors"l vieva, we submi tbem ta the ~ublic ta fort au opinion upon.-ED. WhtbY Town 1eO.15 Scolm opened Wednesday. Labar Day Monday, Aug, 6tb i.sa batik holiday. T S Arnold and famliy have movtd ta Toronto. Geo Newberry, Laktdield, la sptnding a holiday ber.. Mr Jno Clernens will move bis famiiy %o Niagara Falla Monday neit. Miss Minnie M'îssen bas returned fram viiting ber grandruother at Port Bruce Misa A Waram and Misa A Armstrong were in town over Sunday visiting frienda. Misa Llzzie Hughes, of Troy, N. Y., la visiting ber parents Mr and Mra R Hughes. Misa Paul and Misa Crummer recent guesîs of Mrs R S Cormack bave return- ed ta Philadelphia. Mr B D Saundera reiurne<1 to Guelph on Monday, aller baving apent a week vlsiting at HI. Honar Judge Dartnelis. Today we publish a liai of tht town tax sale of non-resident properties. Those in- terestid shauld look suter them or they will be sold. Mr W j Tummands, laie af Port Perry, sends us a splendid map af the Klondike from Vancouver, B.C., whither be bas gone on a business trip. The streets of tht town are getting a fringe af weeds and grass in front of the business places. The wtt season - bas pro- noed this. Let h ail be cieared away ai, once for tht looks of tht thing. Messrs H M Rossanam Theo A McGillil- vray s pent ast week up north on a bicycle trip. Tbey went wherever anythlag inter- esting was going an. Tht roada were in capital condition, and they had a first chasa trip. Tht Rev j S Braugial who ha. been away In Toronto for tht past twa wteks will be back ta aoccupy bie own pulpit on Sunday next. Tht subject of tht evening sermon wili be ",Forams of prayer and Englands Prayer gook." Tht Ontario County union ai chrîstian endea vor and epworth league will mcci lu the methadiat c hurch, Uxbrldge, on Sep- tember 231-d and 24th. A goati programme wlil be provided and a very large attend- anar la expected. A nov regulation sent ta tht variaus cus- tom bouses rom Ottawa pravîdea that par- cela of the value of 5oc or under passing tbrougb tht post or express office viii be free ai duty. Heretafore tht duty on amal narceis ofien ezceeded the value ai tht par- cel sud ibis caused much dissailfaction. Conductor M4cMillans train was deralltd liv a cow lylng on tht track at Drydens, crossing north of ýBrookliluou Mionday night. Wonderful-to relate no persn vas Iujured aithougli iltaaok a vrecking train aU ilgbt ta clear tht track. Tht lm, regardiug cov, ruaniag s large star rsilways viii nov be enfarced ta the Icîter. People had better take warning. Labor Day. Neat Monday la Labor Day, a public bai- day under tht statute. 1: la a big hum.- bug ta farce so many holidays upon peo pie bot this ont cames la a very good dime. Look out for St Sanie people are complalnlng because we have made colts an their aubseription ac- couatn, but ve cannai help IL Ço.sntnc. ln~ et ont end of the book vo are baeund l w c very ceut ta the other. Tinta. vbé do ual vont cosis made knov boyw syciti ht. Frleud or sot, voae a ra.ght Iota-r peci every subseirier tai psy býtr bis paper., aud a pubhishr rq4fli bis ioytos day. Port Whb Mrjohn Watu hua bou s a11UbMi warehousos for thteco.lng vIis ud CapT-a.k-t4-aI." pulied up ce aWd. mmuyafte t"mmueuwgon b. bar- bar bar.- Ur. Js WilI. gmWfpotr ut se bay, SbotIg oaosopmed om Mud tb.s»poemues ,ts. w* das $quo caiOsly 011*W kby ehalsglis«" 1bemevem tbedocks etakwllg*. fofth --thébù.~tpt~ th'nh.Dr the heavy tainstortil Ut thé tt'eroo airegu. jar torreût tushed dowta tht gully ba'tkot lior hoiioe, sud waalbe4 a00 uch i'old itot thetP pity thiat the lietpig , naothered. A substrlptlon bâai beecu etartéd for fier beneit. Our esteetmd tôwquats Eud Gravel, flaced upmo ur desk yesterday à handsome- iy.siapednug et'. h weigbedtwenty-seven pounds-W- gave crediaed hlm with tbvee Manthe subucription to tht Lyre. We -are plenmed ta ose. that Mr Gravel, who la ont of aur best eisonsi àdolog welh. lRe la ta b. ont of a syndcats who expect ta buy a quart of whiskey on Saturday nlght. There was a buill novement In doir nat yesîerdav, the priCe. closlng Bt 68 cents above the optnlng figaire.- It ie mposd ta due entlrely ta prafessianai specutaton.- Klondike Lyre. Board of Hooelth -MUtog. Thetotwn board of bealth held a long meeting an Tutsday torenoon, to coasder the qetofai lauglhterlng. The details of W=a wareporWta othe board slîowed thaï some af the most outrageaus worlr ba-a been gaing on that couid b. thougit of. Some of tht butchers appeared ta have no idea of hygiene and na care as ta how tbey served tht pubf k. Tht slaughter baume oni the Reynalds proptrty was especially filthy. W. shall not give the details nov, but'inay state imply that ht la ta b. closed for gaod, and that every butcher ln town muet now have a permit (rom the board for is sîsugliter house belote he can kilI, andi that basplacermust be inapected before he cen secure the permit. Those wbo kili outaide the town are ta be aubjeet te the same con- ditions, and ail wutil have ta be made ta con- tribute to a fund for weekly Inspection. The followfng la a copy of a circular of tht board sent around to rach af the butchers yester- day: WHiiTRY, Sept. i., 1897. To - - I amn dirtcted by the board of bealth of the town of Whlîby ta notlfy yon as fol- lows :-You are required to report witbin 24 hours ta the secreiary of this board tht place wherein you are now alaughtering. 50 that the same may be inapected by tht boards offacer. In caae your place of slaughtering so reported la flot satisfectory you will be prohibited by tht board (rom slaughtering withln this municipality until a proper place has been prepared bvy ou and sanctdoned by this board. In case you are elaulzhtering outside tuis municipality you must report the plere where you are slauuchtering and If this Is found unfit tht regulations applying to the case will be enforced. You are re- quired ta comply strictly with the require- mnents of the public health act and amend- muents as ta the management of your laugh- ter house and any violation of such require- ments in tht management of your slatighter hanse will be prasecuted by order, joseph White, secretarv. (See sections 574, 56. 63, 65, 67. Subsectios 2. 3, sec. io6. Clausés 4 ta 9 ln Schedule A also sects. 4 ta 8 of en- closed phamplet.) WhitbY Marlcuts Fahl wheat new 6oc to 85c. oid 85C ta gôe; sprlng wbeat new 58c t0 83c old 86c to à8c ; goose wheat 70c; oets new 22c old 24c; barley 25C ta 30C ; pease, marrowfats .58c I0 6oc ; smali pease 42C tb 45C ; Rye 40C ; Hay $7 t<> $8 a tan. FARM TO fiENT. 1,50 acres. near Kinsale. Good bouse and barn, well watered and tences in good re, pair. Soit well cuitivat.d. Apply to WS GOLD, Wbltby, Sept 2, 1897-tf. PRIVA TE SOHOOL Experlenced teacher, 6 years In rural town and clty achools. Testimoniale rm lnspectors and Scbool Boards. Terms, per rnonth, under 6 years,,Soc. ; over 6 yrs., S:. Apply to L. P. VULE, Whitby. Sept. ut, 1897. #ERVANT WANTED Good Girl cati find steady employient and good wages by applying to MRS. GROSS, Whitby. FARM fTO fENT Lot 1 lnn oiddle o:1th conutfthet tomnsip oUbridge, coatain sg 6o acrs. il elear, Godbarsa and'bouse, a tone cellars iwder siFOtBýlUI#apply w J. D. me- Bab=,&ant. MI&.6 97-4o.311.- 8OA RDERSB-WAN TED pa oe , *k9uboard a es.* fn »Mda 000ta Tudav som. Awiy ih1 t.LO8T*l"ýn- h o o o~ o 'f. A SSQRTMENT T se déGallatea Stripes. tgAssortment. Men' s and Boys' Hats and Lustre Coats. Fancy A Large Stock o~ Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Alway8 Reliable AT GCIGÂN-T1C 3ŽWOW G roceries*. 1fl2s. lin the latest pattern2s, sultab1e- for present use and also for fail wear. me RO s SALE 0ŽW4T lIfAI WA.D' OL»' STANjD. I DRY GO'D r lniltrd Bot ISBhEs r Sagewd 1 i. maii, yeeeshoâe lb. people of Whitby bave ha4 ee opportuùmty for bIIyiPg et uuob prio% vie we aze ebowiug. I emembor w. ouht t fton AUewosel >Ie Pi~Ints, te. regeler ~~o4i10. 4. 4. les ~oa '4 ~ Us. £LhU*au~ ~ ~ Il . il ,A E. J. JOINS-ONy GIBSON'S. For E», ~rft., by Drugglst.. CF tôtis .u s Officai Caunty Orgi tion af &Dy local1 se. Here is a Good Thing, Variety (the Largesi Quality (the Choicesi Prices tlhe Lowest *are the three points whioh lead the FURNITUBE -trade. Re-upholstering done on shertest notice. FRIDAY, 81 LOCAL L Mrs J S Barnard isi Ottawa. Mr and Mrs R A Pa to Perth. Major Farewell atte the collegiate, Mrs Thos Wilkinsi ing friends in town. Miss Minnie Powell visit ta Bowmanville. Set ou r new dress1 ing elsewhere. W G Mr and Mrs Hogari spending their bouida, New stock mens, Teady-made tweed su Major W Hendersa was in towrt on Satur Mrs A G tiendersa Zone ta Newmarket 1 of a relative. Cept T H McGilliv returned on Tuesda bicycle tour af tht nc Mr Chas Newberry ta take charge af Ma ing apparatus' therei Mr Robit uiller, Br MeGillivrTay, Uxbrid4 bibitiors af sheep ai il Mr Haggis, superli Tatanto junction, Lynde an a wbtelia on Monday. Tht number of old carcerated in thte Ja growing large aga a veritable bouse of Don't (ail taste They are the besi procurêd lu thé pro sci ibbler 2 for 55C, Mr Wm Till ret-url fortnigl'i's holiday- Mr AW Till retuC dabavlng apent t, fatber's busines: -the oldtlme cricket, Mr W J a Rid ~study of 'the, Inti Dow & McGltliVWa became on bhoutaI iz ard il as lm » r lauglh en w. i -The Dydaa-Smth! Tht suit betweoi Wm Snttbex-M. Win cointeonl at t, veeli There, Win messes and the ha UmssYl. of 1 IjoveraI years, expe =eCher sud vbowht onis ots s jE1 0F BLO:,S.Sa 4 Stick P 9.U Brooc, m 8p ecial designs prizes for Athi games and schi -AI J. se.Bal Straw E». CREONIcLS Shi,.-4s utylettor Pebruary I predbcteti s.a*oanlt oftlsel option vOte ~n Piclisebugi, tisaI liii Lu v '~ 7~' *1 , ANOTHER NEW J~MLEE New Organdies in colors. black. Spot Muslins in white@ -in colorede Madras Sateens, dark & ligrht shades. Also a new range of Tweeds and Trower- NDRE China, 1 on A jilvurL Quel 01 î t (Ë rünttlt* YY JLI&16"y 0

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