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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1897, p. 6

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o n M iith e treet corle tt 'f s ,l k d h 0? -loftu th e" 5W A 'b, City utboed agirl pta$îng& iolln b1D ngouttielgili h1o 5 t~~~a~e iIl, ge bots feredhet-the* * sud died a ansd the girl held2her P&Ul Oldtild mt readngbfe e ohilot badseutte ecivethepeu tre i # isIiteback perlor.- he ides oferéd hrThon ahesalkd on, 1 eitOdsd 'hàdw te ~ls uni>' pausing te, look tbrough the bril. lined With Uuokli-.ld musty lookig Iia.ntly lighted sbop Windows at the bcOoka wbich had lain ,for yesrs, wait- richfura .jng te hoe claimed,' for Pal lâflild -Surl For soine moments she steod; thon 'wua spawubroké',. as hl ahrb li drawing ber old sbawl dloser, hurried been before hlm. on. Over the bridge ahe pased and The door opened, jingling the bell 11Y ripthe dark.street, entering oeeoe the on ils wire. The pswnbroker d'MW houses lu a long row ot tenements._ aide the curtain and ýentered the The great bure room, dimly lighted ahop. Before the. conuter sod a'P b>' a lump, and rusty stove, sud the Garrick. fum)es of ou setruck the gitl unplea- "-Yen ucan alm l ne"sheesid.. santi>' as she threw open the do4r. "I1 cant redeemn thein, andyou needut J3y the window sat a man - buaily save them any longer.4' AM se b poe fit mending an old violin, wbile near hlm skie looked ut a bracelet sud a bunch was a bench strewn with tools. of brown ourla in the case." IlHere, father," sbe sald, coruing 1 1I can keep tbemn a while longer, ~ over and throwing some pennies on Miss Garriok. Just to-day a woman the bench ; -I stnyed out until 1 was wanted the curla, but I told ber thi chilled through, and that is ail I could timue was flot up. If-if you -could ~ get." ppuy the interet-" "-You hussy 1 It's because you wont 11e watched the girls face as she q work that yeu cunt get. You're as gazed steadily ut her treasures. She lazy and proud as your notiier was- slowly raised her eyes; they' were Pl she'd rather f reeze te death thun usk a glistening with tours. penny." "its ne use, Mr. Oldield. I cant The girl stood Iby the steve, with do it. Mother will know 1 tried te one foot resting on thîe fender. It was kecp them, but couldnt." bier apparent indifference thut reused 'Anything 1 eau do for you, Miss the anger of the man. He spread the Garrick 1" coppers in his paltn and coutited thein. "Well-yei;. 1 dont suppose you "A shilling, you lazy, good-for-noth- ever loan money on people, do you 1" ing. How s.re we going top-tbe The broker was surprised and rent with that 1" puzzled. The girl neithoer unswered nor shew- -It is this,l" she went ou. 111 must is ed that she had hon-rd. When ahe had have moue>' te keop father from being th partI>' dried ber feot she vent to the turned into thoe treet. I cant make P8 cuphoard, and hringing somo brown enough b>' playing to puy up the back i) bread and cheese set tbem on the rent, und I thougbt I could pawn my. th table. She then wheeled her fatber*m self 1" CR chair to the board, and sat down to '<Wby, yes. I could boan meney onE the cheerlosa supper. She breke off yen, though I bave neyer done it be-U bitaet bresd, and ate as though un- fore. How much do yen need 1, t couscieus ef what she was doiuxg. "Two pounds. Oh, Mr. Oldfield, 1Ib "«Yeu'd bo glati euough te soe your wiIl play' on the streets nigbt and day h, father turneti out, would't you? te puy the interest anti redeemn my. R Rouît comning due, anti nothing to psy self." s il wlth." Hie wuited for a repl>', but "-Take your timo about payiug ut, the girl hati nothing to say. Miss Garrick; I am net in auy "Three duys more, thon uothing te hurry," ho saiti, msking out the ticket do but freeze anti tarve te, death," he Eand bariding ilte b er. tl continued, watcbing closely te see the It was midnight wben he locked theh effect. The face opposite remained un- sbop anti put eut the lugh ta, after firet changed. taking a bracelet anti a bunch ef curirS "Say, Sal," here the surly tone f rom the case, anti laying them care changeti into a ceaxing Wihine. "Bil ully lu a box. Bratiden was around te dajy again, and Bal Garrick gaaped tbe monov ii hosasys hoti be willing sud gladtt e e aud sud lier violin sud bundie in rnarry yen. Nov, Badtien's get money the other as she ahnost rau aloug the- euougb te take'us both in4' sud a gooti streets.' Going home, sho alippeti the1 hume for your poor old-" puoket through the partI>' opened wun- The dark eyey alowl>' raimedt te is dow and hourd it fati on the floor, thonj -great, glowiug eyes, bnrning witb -went on.E rage asom11. She had waîketi a long distancei "I'd starve beforo I would inarry when she enteroti a lodging-.bouae snd1 that Bill Brasldeu. Id rather starve, p&id ibe price et a beti. Thoestijoin- anyva>', than live eut thi-ths- ing room was vell filleti witb cols, sudg wbat lu calleti lite." Bal Garrick looked ca.utiously abouti "Webl see, my girl," vau the reply, at the leepera before takiug a paper1 Ispoken se quioki>' as te .oud omin- froin ber pooket. It was a pawntic- ioua. "Youbb marry Bill Braddeu, or ket. By the light of tthe candi b youll leave home." read:h "Hoe 1 su .h1 gil lughti ad : eaiea .oa fie pipe-hole, and heard ber father open wu as Crialmas aWa, Pm ld1& the doorte dmîte vtôr. field sut is £w14)-divutchlug*0 "lTbat, girl of yours is a rare ene. bigitt oe~arndithln'kD-91thinIg The minutaete messme eomiug site was ~thhakitg. Rau wss fhlbkh a ,g vans sud boîta tue dccv ut my face. Lt 1h. vistaI,, uwuut bf... cf 8ê ,of deesut look ve >' 9accragineh, Gar. rick; of th6 p.verty and rick V o oy. tb1ya o* "Just yoa have ptiocé, Brdon. RE w vu ùIg f",thow> The girls gui to bave sone ottitstub- u.1itur7t lIo ,.lrntha4af o borries kaoked out -flier', ltatsthe om> (* *t UY l-d feflo, abot t$ n otheas h .b _"d.sitýa bIsck ma tan,ý*?t t oa n w xanic as lnhIn'hter,, Unfikec-,t t. rp4Lcsphftes thatare-ln il d ln mcstio n d t the. Sauuth=etoum rthe - temb - uhose wlisc l ngsa affected, taa itake to leave it off li the, muner months. The dose may be duced If nec=sary. Wc reomnd the amall i te. , pecialy for summer use, and for ufrcd. It should ke kept in a cool ace after it Is once opcncdÎ. For sale Ùy ail druggista at 50C. and $*1.05 SCOTT & BOWNEi, Bellvllle, ont The Horse Vhy the Output Exceede the Demand in Recent Times. The trouble with the horse businegs ýSgays a writer in The Rural Worid. he science of breeding bau net kept «ce with the other sciences. The icycle and electric railways came on be stage of action jumit as the Amier- an farmer wus making a tremendoub leal in scrub horses, and hbas helped to each him that the future herse must )e bred for a special purpose, and that cross betweon a draft and a road iorme don't pay - crossing tends to .odify both types, and usually with iome il regul&rity. A colt with the dlean, ligbt limbs )f a road herse and the ewe neck and ;heepa face of a draft horme, or witb ho dean-cnt bead and neck ef a road homse, and the hoavy limnbs and shaggy bair of the draft herse, ib something wo are always sorry te see. We believe that the future wifl verify tbe fact that "1ail things d( vork together for good," etc. Doni breed because yen happen te owfl t mare, and dont breed te the nearesi hiome just because ho i8 the neares horse. Study the origin.alities of thi mares yen own, and '-breed on th,î same Une, a.nd, our advice wouldbe if you can't find a herse of the rigli type, dont breeci. Too many farmers are attracted- or, te use 06 modern phase-"stud ont)-aome splendid. herse, and aUi their admiratien te overrule thol judgment, and want te breed :mares t him tha.t would lie better adapted t the use of a jack. The future hors whether a draft or a driver, will ýfina a good rmarket, provided he ja a drat or a driver. it ;t to id LEt KnorulngHuminluthe sou, Âohrpoibt tbtoe ot auiénet. lyiWasitofpon tte- Avomg. tairot- tvaiý tom# iaa*a te ethe watuerýo stirlu uphumsla lb. soil. Thousa Th . #y hîdi4 b tén liù9 stores, u d4 ah. =0 froMlte iioitb hâdIlsaen. ate Lvlp *iiboint btra7~ n'tsit Weak aIn: util theY_ mati up their «, iu ththohi n r bsveîu bin9 sttbOrdi&1i'y th. whoeocourse 01 blilit Thn be, aiutdeni>' ipoke up. 'S*Beaking of oeld."-he began. Up to bhis tune thé veather had Dlot beon dis.' oumsset iail, but, oe cours, thaf la tbe isual.a w., etarting a real gooti atory il" sirme Parts ef the country., 91 E aêkin g of Colti, ho repoated aftor a '; pause te make sure bat ho bad met for. gotten the story, "whea I was rip among, 'the Eskimos 1 fo'utd that thînga frozo so tlgbî and smoUd that il was customar>' te huîld liroplacoa and atoves f mnow andi ice.à The man fromn Kanas brogthod bard. ' Do yen moan te aay," ho akod at laut, 'Lhbaty on actually tarvet fires in stovos andti ireplaces madof snow ?" "Cetainly," replied te mani fromn the Uorth. 6Now, do yon know, I nover wold bave believed that if yon badin tolti me?" said the mani from Kansas. 111 reati about that in a newmpaper a littie whie .qo, and I Bluid to mysol f tbs4 if 1 could only fid ont who wrote it Id hire hiru ses agent for a boom town, for 1 ai e up my mid ho was urely oneO of the meut artistio liars that ever got th( attention of a reporter, but if you &ansUE me that yon know of your own know- lotige that it is absolutely truc, why, that in difféent. The mani from the nortb winoed alittie whPn the Kansan spokie of badong seen the story in a newapaper, but that waç ail. He insisteti that tbore could be no doubt as te the truth of it. "Why, Vve actually soon tbemn do it myaotf," hoe saiti. "Yon see, the snow freezes rip so bard that the bottest kina of a fire wont begin te inoit itnder siz montbs. "lTbat setties it," returneti the mani Irom Kansas. "My lust donbt in removeti > nti 1 want toeny !that it ie the mont te- oearkable tbing I ever hourd of, with a single exception." i"Wbats the exception ?*" asked the marifrom -the nortb. "W hy, ont wbere 1 live in Kansas," ex plained the Kansas, it gote se bot dur- ing the mont h ef Augush, that wo aetual. 1ly use firo for refrigerating purposos." 1It wçis decided witbout debate that the mani from Kansa.s was stili entitled te bo known as champion. c laved Her Drunken Husband. She Filuy> Administered a Remedy, Without bis Knowledge, and Cured Him. hAporrehoneant i a noblebig.jheadI hray lhoeat oe , bdigkin, frsi traubaeooitility, to bo caknso the fiendis deai ld thncrnoe hem frazng eh dm fe or drink. vr i ,"raIn wae foar.drik. M apyhm w141faet becr-oo 0 fMy hapy home wfriat eogneo f me efr iquory te clleta friand Booz e I wras wlipeg te yaly thig, u sont 1.0,as il osu ted, Lthe , .0 orintl1C00mical 0e, 20 BkÂez ta theMOintal, anticb ature..20 Bilezr. iSt, Intaland wratuer a lltt1 e. pus.e ln pai ue eba la lbo ofe pe.ry put ane the initot bîo kewin g h, (an bdisoleimgwt tmedae Wya u in leu. 1h"0 a week, te mi de. lig h h. aoppd drlaking entirly. "ÂAùÙ-80ooi Ibm bsoegd mydrnuken> himbiad i jte a or, induatrluoVaPPY CoUanud 1 feel* tmy>dty eroi a about it. .Tb-y vilud-i faiX infor tien wtbuobar oga e y Who ww XO i , 4wod 0,4:ii. B , 0,Ï.uXe. MarUhb;May5; ly 9; ~IeV.~ . ~ Fort jtily2O.8 . . oudTjbidg. 1J1RE5<>jaxoh 24; May ith ;jnia' 14; Oct 1;~ 16. j~.81;Marh 2~;May 20; PI715; Oct. là e-17. F'Bruce, ]eRvertofl, 0~r~~May21; JuIy 18 ; Oct. 16; :0e, 18,. D% To.P 4at pegov Ciea ~b 27; May 22; Iuly 17;-Oct. 17 D)ec l.»yrdl e MaraetcL-oney o LOan.ce - SmTh Block, South of Markt, B? ocol St., Whitby. DOW & McGILLIVRÂY, Barriters, Solicitorsin hancery, etc. Office la Mathisoa & Bawhena snov block Brook St., 'Whitby, souîh of Ontario baak. W. B. Y ARN OL Dg D.L. S.. Port Fery, Ont. Drs, Warren cà Moore# . .Moore, M. D. P.Warren, M. D. Brookli'i. Whitbl. tef11 .MI. le LP.rn. SPrivaIe TeZePIit OiUCMMuniC0~Oi. . P. BOGAUT, J.LDB p47&10"t, Burgeot sd Accoucher, etc. Obnre), Duadoa 0treett, Wbltby. .B. Dntal SWMrlg&i7 1Its brnches prouiçîMI attended te. W. AIAMSY CSýDENTI ST- Rooms «rJh ertiD5cetlgsoe W )' tby. ja s. 29 1ii8 Dr. IL tgbth a k"FIfty Yearà ljhe coulad Imagine t1it place viiere. in edg :ý11 twhite worIld-won deme Shouihadew thenastte Eerc atlhe airvasthi ,on Ayeros PIS, by the, Chicago-tike. they a rec since tbey sta.ted-go9 Ayer's Ci ig y- er WB B.WARNýER. DEALEit IN CoRDWOO»,D AGENT For co'AL Co0 b the PEJOPLEBB TORtONTO* Office gnd Yard just East of U ptow n St ation. Whitby, Oct. 251h, 1894. A8K YOUR 8TATIONERf SPÂRTIÂ T!! o fl RTHERsPP2, j Augut 311ýl preparation, he 'SUCOea with thi thaýt mean th sooomplish wha f or tem; the, cthers faiL, It therefore, thatI b. reoognized Pair modal cif whioh emptual s- 5Vears BAVID 1 A rLAIN STATV. ROBTC. McLEC Blis Little Soju Wâ Side, and Do&i lm No GOedý Pilla Wero (hl 1'horougb Cure TFrom ttI-o QuitReporte Mr. Robt. McLec known ln the towu out the district. L -Inimber of the R< -ho eonsented te mA ceoncerning the dUi hoaltit ot hi. ittie "'Tes, I1hbby.e tor Dr. Williame' P would not ha"e Willie, who in tonj . -wxth an illnesa th -alysis o et t i medical ad vithin- lssemod te benefit -that spincouli bé -to the bnoeithý lesat. If he atteim, oen1>'getoerth lotf t foot behin tli -it whatevor. -One' proty ineabout, .was going te b. au 1I vlowod things lu' 'this particular nig with teitniz 'quiet, wâIk, but j, saw lying on.a aïq e t i p 1iatIessle Medicine Ce. 1. 'v-when the-convicti wassolmethinq tht fît my-boy. 'l at Mirrab'is-drug stM 12- C the pilla.- BY twe Itoxe the-o 'his -bdadai hid takelu heII J etnàa. sd ov otober 7th 19.~ ege u -A TDSVRÂL FAITEFUL YV MNT o mu etrael for re I 5phsiid ~tabIohed bouse Ii ontarie. saolsr $75, ay able $15 Weekly and ex- pne.position permanBrent. Rfrne penflflf.sdr statnped, envelope. JU~i~ E.FAREWi~L, ~* ~*, The National, Str ~itig hcg.' Barrister Oonty Crcwfl Attorney, and County àoiitor. Office--Soth bvýin5 ef ~ E. E I3 ( Court Bouse, hitbY. DENTI lST. JAMES IRUTLEDGt e, pe jg&yng t ootý Barrjster, etc. Office tornîorly ocai& o.0n1&YneSt oot by parowell & Rntledge, neit Itoyal IBotel,- Brook St., W hitby. POT the next throO nionth8 I aSMgiV114 QJWgON A, spocial attention te _,ptientsI trom a &d(is DAVID» llfT14 1.Aq tance. Lui sti1n ia n g plats ainrubbel Atterney-t-Lin-,laChancety., $8, eeluloîd #10. Gobd ma b ilver illixi -Law ,reWflflS by :flrat-43lB55 peratoras s AtorneoyaiO, etc. Oiffice - inthe OffIce litemeuresoliablo ates la the citY soutti of the Post office, ln McMlfléf's Whex' ia théeoIty c al In antilot Mnieloza Block, Brook Street, Wbltby. in Our tOelh. I Make ne extra charge G. YUNGsM1H.0. tl 1G81 _Dentiat, sont)' esot cerne IJ~~~~~~~ nrtst.,oI. Moo)'teL8n12iue 1 0 ()£ce ho=$ 11 4.m 1 1 ý olfice bours 9. si. M -

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