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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1897, p. 2

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After.. TOumkig a course ai Ayer'a Pille the isystein le set ln good workiug order and a man begins to feel. that lite je worth living. Re who lias become the graduai' pxmy of constipation, doea flot realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted froin him. 'J.hen his inountains sink Into mole- his, his moroseness gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If lite does flot seem worth living ta you, you may take a very different viewv of it ater taking Ayeî's Cathadic Pisl.' OORRESPONDENOE OLARMO!ÇT Robert Baunry, of N w r, called on friends boe.recontly. Mns W J Grahbitas quit. reeovered from lier reosut ilineas. Peter McNab and famnily are holiday ing witb friende at Agincourt. J t8 Boule, of devern Bridgce, la visiting finonds hors a; prosent. Mni John Barry, of North Claremont, is on the sick lu8tt his week. Mn and Mr@ R P Ho per attended the exhibition on Thursday last David Hopper and wifs speut a few days ln the Qusen city this week. Miss Dune, wbo lias been visiting at Geo Cooper'@ bas returned home. Mn. Geo Borgesa, jr, of UxbridRe, with ber family aire viisiting relativsblie.. Rob Forsytli bas covored nearly tliree thousand miles on bis wheel tbis suin- mer, Mr aud Mrs Jas Leggot were visitiniz their relatives near Mount Albient on Sun- bday lai A Russuel in lu Seott township tbis week ge'ting a lcad of caIlle for the Ton- onto market. Miss Sarahi McFs.lane, of Toronto Junc tion, in the gueit of ber aiter, Mn Boenbon Rswson. Mr Quinn, of Bramept.on, oe of the leading light hoee n of Canada wua a Cairtibrogie tuis week. -lir Brown, Emmas and Ida, ha"ve r- ternod frein their trip te Wsknham and report s pleasant Lime.* The harveest Lroughout this section is about in and it us novw order toThear the. hum of the. thrêsher. Chu iaMddleton, whiq spent a fev dayo ,joseph »avia, a àyoutag insu «bout 20 7555 t ag, sn~geof- Pattlk Davis, a oel a ov bLuldet of P*rbori, aM4 aomelysrésidaet 0 liis tovo, omait* ted suiolde stai bborog hôonses u p.raaaos etq , 'roto l ites vsey #sklu a dose cf carbollo aold, na.ohbil ait Xon*ke et.*rn tyesu tagne&'for, Àphyeloied wu osimuloaed, butmot« i.wth omslet ewhbu ho Iitidto admtuiitefau bto for carboib pôâûù5euln a,ub. fors anether medicâ a nu could 1* >ro' cured th. patient expirsd. The. deoê§d baid retumn.d mou a vieil te Lils patnts st Pelerboreou Saturda>', sud t ae. sou for oommltting the. rash set la more than cau Ai. accoanted for b>'Ails fiendi. An Iuqueul vii tbeld. Lest ve.k two Oniha yeOe, men, Charles Hswklnusud John Gati*loift boe te sp.nd a 'week camping on thie Severn river. On Satut-day, eborly be fore noon, Lb.>' ver. paddllng about hall a mile beiev Severn Bridge, *bhen tii.> sav soma duoka. Hawkins vas raising bis gain te fine at the gaine, vben the tnlggsr muet have teuobed éther the cushion or bis claîhing, fer tLb. gun vas discbarged, loding the contents lu Lbe abouldr and aceofGatî.ie. Be 1.11 aven, upsotting thie canas. GaLlie svw te aboes, vblcbho.resoboti vitli diffi. cult'. EHavkins, Who coula net swim, elun o te .canooutil au Indien wbo beard their crise rsetchod tho spot sud teali hlm aubare. Gattie vs. bnought herne on Meuday afternoon, sud wyul be about &gain iu a week or so-Poat. Sente men are afraid Dlot. Meut cf un would rather net meel the grlm destroyer tq- day.- We wouid rallier put Il off until to-mer- r ov, or until nert * year. Met-e visites do net cousit for muc in l lte malter. A in ina>' netwanl le die. He mana>çit wanlta be sick. He may wish snd hope and pray Iliat lie viiinet be eue or do lte olter, but vlsbing snd lioping won't heip hlm. Il l atl le dees, sud net whtble wialies ltat serve lii. purpase. YIf an is losing fienh, sud 15 nervous, irritable, sleepieas sud debiitaled, li me y viali le vouid gel veil, but oue boWte of Dr. Pierce. Golden Medicat Diecovery viii do mare titan su ocean cf visites. If a inu is on lte vay le consumptîou, lie ihould iaike a stop as qulckly sapos- aible. Hie aiould put iDurbrkes.HÙe need't b alrsld lie liai cenaumption if lie viii do thte igli tlhmng-if lie viii Juet lake tle reiit medicine. Thte "Ged- en Mediad Dtscoves7" cures luciplemit aud veli develeped consumptloz. Con, smuption le a ?germ diaseu d a blood disease. Tite "Golden Medical Dls. covery" I dlis lte germéansd purifies te biood. Il lucreases lte aetIte, helpe matnes assimila on Sét aunobuilde up aiid, tuholesome fleuIt. Humidredu 'of gtefl people affilcted vlitconeannplion,brncli,thbrost sud kludred disesses, bvetesti amed tut bas actiudl»ysaved their lves. For-lte sast of dielInformation tlteycoutain, cmornf tht,. lette bave been Inclamded lu Dr. Pierce'& Comimon Benne Medics! Advlser, a lliosasnd psgeél illustmted bock, vhîcit v l b. smot f»eo ou i t et thinty-ie (31 ) eue-cents Lmpete r>y'« orcaslmasuid Millasg sI. abo*l bave a ~1vray- DurlË-ng thec Tear f 89t,, PVot MlU pwubn am . îadvsrtlsemeus, tq th LEMIR1am., Li, a.,80 et S., TOMO xff~l Aibsi Miss Nichai le visitiug villi the Misses Anderson. Mrs Battle, of Coboumrg, la spending a few daya riait at thie home of Mn and Mns Wm Terry. Miss Hunter, who bas been visitinF* friends bere for some time left for lier home in Indianapolis, Ind., Tuesday morning. Mr Jno A Ramsden, thie nev county cienk, spent Sunday at bis hotte bore. Miss Carr, formeriy of this place, but now cf Toronto, la renewing oid ac- quaintances among us. Mr Arthur Cut-rie, wbo bas leen in business bore for soe years past, bav- ing sold eut, left for Toronto last Thursda>' te accept a good position there. Mr j E Sawdon gave an interesting address te young people at the mete- dist churcb on « Friday evening. Mr Sawdon la a pleasant speaker. Mr H Ross contemplates enlarging bis brick block by attacbing a substan- tial dwcliing thereto; werk begins shorti>'. The Misses Wesley, af Newniarket, spent Saturday with their brother, Dr W j Wesley et this place. Mr W J Ross, of Baldwiu, spent Sunday with Dr and Mrs James For- rest. Mrs MèFadyen and Miss Coone are hoiidaying lu Muskoka with relatives. Anumber of the young ladies have taken te bicycle craze; fuily a dozen have iearued te manage the noiseless -machine recenîly. Dm'mo a a àbarue A very sad fataiîy occurred basa Tliursday ou the 9th concession ci Eaut Gwillimbnry, near here, when Mns Peter Murray found ber 16- months-old daugbîcr drowued inl a bar- tel wbicb had been'.placed in the ground te receive iiquid refuse, The chid apparentl>' had stumbied andi fallen, head fiist juta the barrel, andi viien faud 4b e mother only ber feet wert ta b. eun. Dr. Forrest was summoned aud did aUin luhis pever to resusKiate the cbild, Put without suc- cees. Th ii.Mss adiil, of Torontê, o htlb» wli n- ma Bu>' Wa are pleas.d le hei LtIOur yotungvith thLe insulu austbaM*555, 0~ B a, eek. W. Beypolds s& ud ey snu ,"*uOb li edt! Ibin deStIntion ale!>' d mn iJ ploy.. 1,ssM Te#&,a Clark. le-0 niuogîh$ » ù1II edteiolw er ,ê *IAJ~$ 'Oâ*»*anefrein Brookins'a as ablo t -4s t upt 0btable ibis MrsWsg<uir bs rturedfrein ber oit leth e I 4Orth muab lmproved lin Un' !)Uni!bas souiewhaî hinynerlu i bea][t but île net able te retura (rom tfie The iyrà'lko are beiug repaired but et bie.the>' amp>' demauded asnob rnClans iltaking up thé & S les- 9011 09 PrldaY evsnlug of each week iu the methodat chat-oh ho-ré. xrn Oh aunoey, of Markliatu, Mr sud M Is yne, of S Dakota, Mrs MoNeily ef Green IRiver, sud Mn O0 Beesior, c0f Z»ousî fliU, ver. gueauaoa T B Willis srid wif. Ibis veek, ST B Wiilla le getthl is lfst Irotlngr eallion Biliy T ID fdne shape for th@e faîl tains. No* douAi t ar paster wili se- cure a front plaesud- even attract saine of Stan Pointera uotonlety. Broyas Corner J Htidleas Sandayed undtih Ae parent- al roof. Miss Singe, of Uniouvills, le the guest of Mno Irwin st pressait. Niss McOlean. ef Toronto, la visitiug for a few days vlîh lh. Misses Monki. Harvesl la onoe more a thing of the .put hereabouts, sud there wiil be an abudanoe t sîraw tiisseaeon . The Mdarkbam bras baud ià pt-ogres- hiug rapitil>. Tbey are already eble te pis>' several aid selections. The fat-mors bore hbave talion Manitoba fashion lu thresibiag their peau right oui, iD tbe field, which Bavea a lot cffiavieh work. The foot bail boys vili atant practiainut on Weduosday evening cof Ibis woek, and will continue pt-soties oni Wednsay sud Salu-day everaing cf eaeh week fer a monîli. Every niembor la requested tii attend preoticeos n Sat-day eveniug of t1h. teek. -An>' club wiahing ta arrangeë a match dorng this Lime eau do se by addressing tbe secretar>', Browns Cor- ner. Emu Isuon. la Invaf«liae.If' Ye are Pull do aftl I food s WOlMa The D- & L. EmuIslon WiÎI bufld ycu np if Yonr ganaal beaihl imupaire&. Th . & L. ERMUtlIOn la ths boat andmoSt Palaahuaprepmrsîlen ef cite tfaCi The D.&L.muIo le Iireurt by' the l.Ulng PhYalslansaci SThe 9v1)a. LaEmuiion lia ananvellouaIesh prodffce and wifli&iva YOU an &peIs isoc, &mpar Bo04*16 MONTR0A& OOW0lait Thufa.' ' i Cidouhhheai 4.4I~eruJWhliiIbsd e erendtO #el-ve iquid ne- woe ' i oo r-*Oit 111aiiy er Oem. byl ' Yi$8 eta muijofty bt 'ablieli #yOtei0 îdof,-eýte*wotks Thie propo.4 0Cohemoi- i0:1oW't6a, the -large-0eptitagfion Oth .<>n, WbIo uob, îwOýo d,: àqup , 'bot .he0l t ietonb 1j~ reservoir ohre.àsd' bnin« tLb.< vaLet- by gy&attli leto t. ,Village. There is oil cf nearly twWrd flds est which is 2.looted tw gie planty of Power. Stonfr. vif bas made a vise decîsion sndimuid, cf iv yEtêv. reiet taI t e revenue sIens viii neari>' moet the debenlures. 1rh. @,$tel il ii b.Put in thia tll. rire bagaetaiW"'., -m midnight list. Fr14.'a Nster Wjl. fred Roive, son of T B Reive of tb. South End Stonu, W&# Iletorniug (rom aecoin. psbyilig W'~9li4s' buide frei a party and îu psfiùg Ms 6tb*rs tore beard a nloise down m'the 1aüe wbich divises it ly met night patrol Luntn et Lb. saine moment wha ase- heard the noise, sud the. twe sturtd- dinvestigate. They saw a Mania in- Ian. vilie Éoteck te bis beela et,, n», an4-thoiigii çbased Mans. aged téaoes-oapeu Sdteete.10 the dri nesi. Tbe nztmorning Mr Boives clark làn "Wrigbr >tl ouôpeeniug the promises faud a bundie of Pshavinga laid against the ceal il 1sé aJii~the back endi of the store anti a bole filled witb ceai il. be'Dé nodoubt bht litwaeaa cape of attemxPteil inendii,- sud but fer tie -tacét fbat ve have à nigit pat-el vs Phould have lied to record a disasteroue Orne Ibis week. The coutcl have given MLuaninstructions ta carefnuly look aller ~ bW aiingtb d uauspicicus situa. * lions and ilu setAie>'refuse Le bal; vWhe. caUed aUPOn Leuse bis-gunn.-Eou. omist. atist an&ispt m b~dfor beèrl t reoornmended to nme, 'but without relief0, uintil yonv aâdvrtlumiolt 4ý4yDpugave sway sample boxes of D'r Hobbs $par- agus Kidney PlUs' «As brotîght to my nlotice. I1got .a mmDple box and it help- ed me. OIuc. thbat time. I -have taJ,ýeRn four fu boxes, and amn entfrely ouited. I cannot sgy too mach w reor nfdB tion 0o1 yoi pille &àas asu're 'remedy for rheumatio îrouiblen.' Y. W. DUBiuM,- 1905 Fifth Sb. Bay CtMich. Mr Fry, of M ichigan, là visltlng at p R Hoover'@. Misa MeSealy, of Toronto, is vissting her uncle Joseph hers. -Frank and Charlie Burton, of Toronto, visaited old friende bere last week. Joat seraiS the townline a larire barn is being built On Squfre ]Buttons farni. Miss Annie Poster, of Hamilton, spent a few dAYB visiting lier brother, 0 Poster. ,Mre Burton and Mro Wilkinson, of Chicago, viSited Mrs H Hopkins lait week. Harvey Ferrier and Mise Barkey, of .Ringwood, visited friendi bore over Sun. day last. Miss Gortie Petch. who bas spent the surmer in our village bas lof t for a short time. The Misaine Clink. of ToTontô, vialted w1th Mrs Benson Wilson a few days asat week. We are ail very busJy as tbreshing is the order of the day. Mns Hirst and Master John of Hespeler are visiting the former.siâter, Mra H1Y Hopkins. Missi A Bannes hbas returned home aiter spending a few weeks in Sc Catharines and Hamilton. Mr snd Mrs Lawrence, 'of Colling wood, are poundiug a few days with Mdr and Mrs Eli Nighswander. Misses Petoh snd Wille, of TOronto, areout enjoying the balmy brosse of Greon River at P R Hoovers. SW. expeot te so. thinga look up ver sh ortly as grain ià Lurning eut fkivly well ithils localitY and a g<eod satple. Wîi Robinson, whbc,ýs been -sick for F long .Lime, ve are sorry t e a snet imIproving asgipedilyabified wootl . t 0seshlm. W.hope for the An accident vhleh m"Y Yet have a tit al L.rewlnation as the resuit ofa a nu Ioiffi bis beprw. deaiiug wlîb animali asthat wich hsppe 'd w !rT-oms' rituels qf rte aut o, M man tbursdayIsat. It *. rs -1 jranoi unbitched his etafra'b- aUvgon and as i. cUStOmAry, 'tied 1h tk sn ua loop. On. of, the borse4s s.omewh&s ?fmea- W k J lrthee! te tva>' on s boda Barri, snd vicinit. béen lu tte ca0 e. crept in will bave te' groonda. À N Ridley brougi Unfltum that meaut L)ei, Batiks camne il foot 8 luches.( year that the sale o to increase. Frnom the annuel, Jauod we flcLicU Lhiiî 608, woodland3 5U4 Reaoh bas 'th ovor 18,000 soni by bas the baiL Witt AÀ Russien, froni 8onday ini the villag self to the local doct à big hoart. H in b imos the naturel s cen le heerd by hi the t-o ni. Bouide. the musical heant, pi fluOrs vith whicli. di affected, He bau b Jsading medicai oi Iiled vith autogra -atàcf the prcfosso Stasesnaud Canada. Jiontroal ta le pt asociatLion. Ho ta He wua studyiug la y anscfe7 years ci h purohasod ba1<x wcrk sud lie vas Sîbenian mines et lied to trael ovorli sud work 17 bour wheu îhey t-esiche yoars e part>' of thl sud înercdod 20001 Hoe d Ive or t mat-ks uon him. mansged ta gelte ho was aroted b butlied terote e politica ndoa bas e vii e sud 0 could ropuat bis lihenali>' supplied "ilu the usine of i tho Ecly Czar oet ceivod somo aid h forilie oest. 9 lmx m3oka nomn e 3e on Mouds>,'w Ilireshers et 19-r' bridge, Mn W boue sud ae oeu lot theut drive entire disact@ Mile. Teck It Eaij. The ris. lu in I nOclli 5 aLtal &ai had s tbousnd Lb. luat rime in tPI t aratket beosu bit o e scs.", hb.primsOet *1 dollar mark sud- yoan, vo msy du the tarin ma>'f chance ta gel utatket. A ver>' old ni laid te net Tuso V.. .i blio l'ANO(ÂiU9S AtR »MyBn'Usd B Eliott of AudleIy, »m T!sdayvil 8p Bs ray -404uib 1 Dan Pofsyt&1ansd John Oowis. of Brougham, viii takt lia thé finwitb GrnahamnBros, and arm lok4,fag fr q t ou Monds> &(ter .pomdlu .s wwk lua bealjtia Dlcn*e mm>na <edPaià la ther Tout haclw iPain le tiseFacs euagl Xifnt4 ""m t-ttei ema imbouam w pls el.t mbasrer arleshtstt el.ef~qe u ls

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