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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1897, p. 4

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~o to t11é JUDILEZ 8 Sheets for M3 ots. FLY POISON PA PER in 5c. and ioc. pkgs. FINEST QUALITY INSECI POWDERt, 50 cents per lb. J. E. WIL LIS, CHEML8T & DRUGOIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, "BROOIKST., WHITBY, 'WHITBY.1 SEPT. 10, 1897.1 short Notes. Great Britain bas soldiorsiln active ser- vice ln elght diflerent parts et tht globe. Vet ve are told that she la ai peace wiii ail thie wonld. Thousanda of our Ontario farmiers aold their young cattie of aIl ages te American buycns last sprlng for very 1ev figners, and nov bitterly repent ht. The same cattie te- day vould sell for about 75 per cent more than they dld ibreet mentis ago. Tic Ameicans outwitted ua as usual, and tht Dlugley bill viii prove a blesslng ln diagulse if t viii ouly prevent us from having deaIs viti the people of the United States ln whlcb our people always gfit tht vorst cf It. Irht total shottage et tht vicat crop ef the wold bas bee stfmate.d ah 112 million bushels. France lius 248 milon bushels ; Austra.Htllgary 136 million bushels; Amer- ica 5"4 million bushels, as improvemeut of 88 millions- Russia ha" a shortuge cf 72 millions ana France a shontuge of froint 48 million te 8e million bushels. Sbould the demnd be as large as thîs tht stores cf old w-leut viii be cousumed sud asÏess prevent- ed by geserally good prospecta for the sprint 0f1180> a crisbs os preuh ieerfausuess fa Imminent, This hum becs a great ycar fon gold mining alilaven the. ccuntry, but dose anybody know a persnesw-ho even Sot asy of the. ycibot metal ? Hundreds around ber. sent away theln money ast vinter to Rossiand fakirs, w-ho vere selllig shanes lu mlslug tm pantes, but vo h4ve yet te bean cf any party w-ho gel atty ret*,rn. Tbfs vînte w-e -are to have a serles of Klondike uilning compall. floated, sud mauy more viii put ther luitl earuingsbInte LIt. RichI MuKlondike le sait ho be, w e predict tiLt noue of thusc w-ho ln. vest lu its rinllng cotipailts viii ever re. clve a ted cent lu retura. A feeling cf satisfuction v" uvînced cr Trueaday vies lu becimu knovu that hi siauder case behw-eu enlu. j q. Dryden aud Wm. Smith, ex.M.P., bad bees ctled eti of coitnh. [t voulci have becu a most utufot tunahu thlsg fr tieutwo umen th ahi dragged aIlt îiir frtende and supporters lai a long and bitter Bgit lnthie courts. suggestua tifs courue soute tinte ago,a are glua hie parties vert #q amicabty dl0 Polsd. Hvldeuhly Mr. Suthispkt ut more bluutly than w-s a ltou lte, as1 Polhlns are 1k. c-spper pubilahett the msitu u eyvetytilt tt cornest tbfi ln minA. Icsldt tliedssge ofthbelui dïaagmeeîtg, tlie aw-sathe. posectofid, ring up muti bitter feellng ièbwWt lait for e long titai. Peuple fousttis heu aven pohttttbdly euaugi' dciv ton wîibout bclng lailained ty btter la ocrapus Tiat etub Party 10 hie Camse* sattiauA ho pay île own gcashs, show-sbh wlllug bath vein ho vitbdtaw thie case V.ry ..nly thilt(al the. conty jail la £111 up wlth vagrntts, sah, cft ô( fura w-i shoalti cause uariotti rselou sont couaty coaccilos, The bous.e ofraef4 Ibis County sIobalemA for Many yuM ,Iw thaft hal( of tb.e mber tftihe «maoou cil aretsier oppaeit os tr for tb. poot' ?.2se tond pied re tie ustalishmnt,«of atut InulIlutim til a ovot fte ectos othéicoOsity o bave bouittaen te sction It.As., n than bafothemi piulet M tMiv j3 StnIth aid Iti sad ûtmiY o-« Ut- a*a, nr lto1*0 stDhg theit ,atâtoii. b1v pranh McKgy orIuiditali xtN,, se ln tovit. Mr MtKaY Asa hatrdwaremer- 'hant an udhSbeet ti lu lni part of-the ÎOUtryforelt'y.ats. tIpi.Septem ber lutmbýer of The Ciatfanl H~ome jourtial, 0be - ka lti haratetrlstlc ambers vrylf Or~mlte 0ti Canudian Home Joutâal Of ' the Pest twO ycars. It lo usider mu entirelY OsetuftnaIhe meut, aud notbilg 1wlllb. epah*d lun iakfiig it indispensable te evety 'Canadiaen wolbaun, lu every Caadigs oroe, sand of wblcb .erv Canadai ,ou i myfiel jilstly proud. Tii. cuirent number coutaltisot g tuaiy othel' thtngs, the. Brut of a merles of. articles on the. aid familles of Canada. The. fancy work depbartmeflt la another attractive féi tut.. Ail the latet and ptettlest désigus yull b. lllastrahed, the. patterns or matetlilàI (or whlcb eau bu obtailiti from the Catad. Ian Home journal. Fr.. leseons lu ailt the newest ewibroldery utîtches are aise beiug offened, Instruction te bu given by ou. tlioroughly competeut te îesch. Trip to Toono. Wbcu one sets out te ride a whecl frein Whitby te Toronto lie soan fluda that bie bas to face ose ef the worat roadéjfi this part of the ProsWiuce ofOtatia. Road over- seers have apaty tudied snd adopted. the beet methode of spoflfng tbf.s sclles of the Kinugston roati. Tru they do a goati deal of turucplklng but senoaUd Lfit te ride a bicycle ou 'which la paved wIth big atones, sud no ig rune well wbere a, bicycle wi Il uot. Mas y of the rocks whilb spoil this roadaRe floatfsg about ounf te surface, but about ulue-tenthas of theni bave bees pounded down by the tires of cosveyanccs and are aolid in tic road.bcd. There they wrench conveyances te piecea. As we have frequently remarkéd lu these columus this aumumer, It la so trouble te go along wlth a hasimer and break te flindersa ay atone wbich la held molid fa Uic roadbed. Thon ita atome would become a road-niakinq ina aîead of a road.destroyitig comniodity. Apart froni several big bille there le noth- ing wrong wlth the roada between Whltby and Toronto but the stones. The time re- cord betwees Whitby and Teronte la i heut 27 minutes, te wiich we on Saturday added exactiy twe heurs, makiug a new record of 3 hours 27 minutes with several stops along the way. We ùeld the watch on our- selvex, but the public w-ilne doubt accep tht record without questiou. Arrivedin 1the ci ty, we repaired te a weil ksows pub- lic bouse and filled up for a quarter. It may be mentioned lu parenthesia that by Meuday the sanie botel had doubled its .rates, whicb shows how they aeek te akir visitera wbo go te, the fair. Matiy people .whoecas hardly spart their money Block t e te city on cheap farce, and then get twice !as msuc ilfeeced eut of them by Uhc cit3 scaterers.> We struck whea Uic rates w-eu iup, and fousd quite as good meals at am .Utretentious eatfug housecar the corne of Quecu aud Venge streets* for au averagl fof rea's than a quarter. After diaser ast athe performance of a few erraudi w-e tedq e ut te Rosedale te secthe Toroutos an -'Tecumseh@ cross sticks, and it w-as certain -I l a sauguunary battlt. These tw-o Toront >f ubs bave net ouly a rlvalry bat a nancol '2eUs batred, w-bich the meet occasionail1q ete develop. Each club f. aupported >ybi ,large number who are wfllfsg to ec mtat da suan ad brokes boue, always prov4dedi tla thtescnmy that bears the saine, Thet tu lclubs feU on each other 'sic4ously. In ltown w-lire prise fightful ietoaflove these tva clubs andi their drawu battit woulti prove a bcos. Whenever the cit R ens feUs destre te ste 5Pein blood flow, wwoutt ony beutcessart tu=ar these tw wclubs b00e t u a field,, cUmb.a trte t safety, sud vahch, Uic proceeciig ri'f ýYfirt thisg they dit w-as, to brk lel Io bf ch thte say wu-asdoue JaccorAit ho tethetruiesoticgante, andi 4,000 ea1 tb oitAou obilst the %doctots baudaget pe pa, Te makc tlie ficted club f<l son o relef, tic perpettator of the de-ed wua la es off teu minutes ; but aftervards w-heu the Je w»as&ascrap sud u0odygot hors;thtecbeï D. gereits w-ertcetpelleed rm theganze. Tii, -tht gret offcunlctrsof tht. vworl eca ýe wlth, eonmendatï*n and admiration, =- the uaafmportauh epèratord le thc filA Dt visa sput ah Tfor LTheToactantbetv.f à --Ain oAI The, "et4ioed on u~i~0trou vtste7egusoo presMlhg. ýn hi&a opeio ti h marks ts on grtultd thé grood jury ont où- cutof , fhe là=iu of athuir W4- ltko n e cm- tat o poke1tp10h11%twould U btouo1t bu!r;tbat. %H. ade à ew eMarlis 01a gOna er&1 l0tactet, and, expmesed l thë'blilj. tat etch of them already)uiew ltéordet of pt<oeêd ute. He told;1e thet ubey weve ntOMYOr.iy court 6.1itsquiri andthuit ithegrand ijdrol sa o. ed tipoa as a b.0dY of genftlemn Who ttiditsadd the mture of'thê plvau esIn la oom.* Ir her 1* àY icdà t là hrit de te*w Putsuclittbeit praseotmll. le hm d lwarousti ce"- ot jurie botb and Petlt In Qutaro couaty, t ilwoulê d1hbethe caie4 1Thé. at e as au a ctiî m bt bi lames ffisso of Itmeh ugalsat W (=twof Pkwnrfg Tp. too .rtb.Ste smo sasola 'Wftbec. ussadosfor ais fllegftlmae cliditof*bis daugbter Mary of whlcb Gerow là the. faber. Au actiou wau taken algaluat the. defestiant lu 18es for se- ducton and the cms.wu Usttl.d for two bundeid dollars the. defeudaut clalming tbat a recelpt for ganse wus receivet wblch relieved hlm of future mantenance or tha. ahlld. The. dcfenoe clalmed tbat if th"y wcre hable at ail it wus but for a saui ameunt as It wa shsowu that Sisma bad a fmmily of sixIxlivin ha is bouse betides the. childreu of bis dangbter Mary and two of bis câuz7bîer Margaretad tua thée total Income of th amily was about $mee. If eletd to pa for maintenlanlce Souldcouly b. for a proportionate amount, Bis Lordsblp poiuteti out that'a ronas Income shoulti sot bhiousideted Ila a cseof tbis klud and if tiie Jury saw fit toaiward any. thiug it oould be Loy reasoableftmoutut; An endeavor wms mode toepove tbat a paper èxlnied thât relicved Oetow of al hlabllty after the set- tlementit 892. Thesolicitor via bad the case in bond for gluson i ttatînie avore tbat suci was nal tbe cmasend that he iad no authoriîy to seule ln any such manuer. The defeuce aIso tried te show that tie plaintiffs daughter vas a lewd cbaracter. The jury brought lu à verdict awardlng tbree dollars a moatb for the keep of the chlld. $1711 in Plil, areVell Q. L.., for plaintiff; Dow & MoGlllivray for delendant. The. cae agaînat Geo Organ tie alleged pick- pocket charged wti steahntg s purse front a Cleveland lad y at Oshawa amre îlme mgo was traversed te the court of the general sessions to be held In December. The Crown vas flot ready' 1te proceed owing te tie absence of one of the fprincipal wtnesses. Organ went bail in hlrnsell for $tooo, Barrou Q C, and Farewell Q C, represented thc crowu. Attorney Lobb of To- trocto for prisoner, Dryden vs Smilth. An action for lander. Seuled out of court, Mr hiih retraoîing the tstaternent about the sale of patronage. Mr Dry- den accepted the apology and dld flot press for cos or damages. Holrnan Q C, for plaintiff Nesbutt Q C. for defendant. outasto Laie Colloge, Wbltby BE3AUTIFUT/ POEM BY PRINCIPA SMITH 0F OSHAWA HIGH SCHOO] EULOGIZING 0. L. C. kL ýL e if Le, s dreani of stately beauty stands upes a genthe belght1 Where a gleam of azure waters neyer fades upon the ight. lu Ihbus eof moodlit spieudor echoes faint tht est yul reach As the fret of busy ieukers patter on the pebblcd beaci, Thesce thie early mrnrslg brettes fmn a fresinesa fro eiIr wlugs, And the shadow-matld cvcuiug suob a greatfui ScoolSusbrings Tbut -toe 0L0 t gves s lustre, and te Up a tuddy Whilg the checi of Beauty flashes viith teghov of rfcct healîli. Wbr tcrevas ithe plesutilltop, viiere its Pito theà«el oft rslug froua theln giow- lsg mansgionsly ; Os lus ample roofs allghig, thcy tbslr shaiug WbIlCZh.ydeck 1h as suaiter la the. richeat clotu o01guld. As theït jeweled handt are dvsping windows, parapet sud va&i, Fhynuginu aud gleam sof glory on ti. lava in ùazhes bau- ÎVeilsof qtdlt'It brads evoon,(fret ta 1Sblmoeriug aS tii. psuy crptvle-is f TIR a gold af MéClo, nadiance ml an nnce WjfiS ift ct e t b Weit 19oarlabua4lq.thenA a rM d div o A Stake "oui rClairn and 4Wl Selected Stock of New Blak Serges, in plain andl figiired.9 NOw Tweed Snîtin, esavy tail p Shirts ana Drawers. Ladies' UûidetvO8ts, bought 9,1mi riergllrpic 750 nd $1, noly selling at 50o ana 75o. ens oolBoksnnl tc ett ar Men'a extra value Oaehmere Socks only 250 per pr. HleavyTwldFIneet for the next two weeks 7ô per yd. isssisssms.isusssmsmiisssis.u Wmr As rteut scotch and Canadian Suitings, Overcoat.l, ,dTrweiflg s rmthle IageT wnd best in town, and we cean furnish the beet of testimfOnlî rmtoefrwo -.we have made olothing. We guarantee a fit, good trimîxdflgs, anad flrst-claBs workmanship. Mr Wm Sititoh has charge of this departmfent and we are pleased to say everybody ie satisfied with hie work since he tOok charge. Ul Goods Warranted ~ANIDRE M Fancy me Chi*na. Â Large Stock of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of- Fresh- Groceries. Always B: eliab le. AT GIBSON'S. GIGÂNTIC - oo NOWOeueA ROS se. Here is a Good Thing. Variety the Largesi I Qualily t/he Choicesi ! Prices thte Lowest. are the three points which lead the FURNITUBRE trade. Re-uphoistering done on ohôrtest notie. E. J. JOHNSON, Brock St., Whitby.- 1E Stick Pins, Meè Special designs f prizes for Athiet garnes and school j.a Si Bar] ï,lIl Q ' tion cf auj local pma LOCDAL LAE Mrs W B Prîngle is vil We give corrected m w-tek, The Ontario Ladies C Tuesday. Miss Saufhders, of1 guest of Mrs Tod. Mr S Burden, of D tovu on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs WW Ci are visiting friends lu ta Mr. and Mrs. Calcdu Zuests of Mra W K jobt Miss Lizzie Shephemd ef weeks viti relatives A number of Whitby ized by pickpockets wli Boys Haifax tweed -15 years only 50c per p Tomatoca grow sa, fai are aIl bursting open. loi catsup. Geo-Wite hasreturi where he has been vot P R -steamers. Todays trip ho Tarcn -on ~ ae advçrtized for tuas bably. vinA up that-l The lateet aud suee ut ahMlchlpecoten, AIg ceash aof Saulh Ste ame salA te be ful af 1 -Asather gtst sBale Prlday and Saturday- talf pvce.i Dont misa - - iot, and shoe stom.- I~rJRichardson ber band on -Frlda ri_ - in"twhlch she sthielnt Ut »d the ew" eangly m tath tbe wt« ain v« etMbited ý Tba'Im fidr là the «Me M. cé out lt,ýù" ès i in uinm:otrbr =* ýý y .,w iý nit= tlùmwâ4tb, me. etàtiiltm te 0 ft,ýtL th ami[ ctwiiw,4, ýçmrvtbo me -bit it fw i&nojdb«ýý *m tifs M the on Ourlag as Represented or Money R4îundede SALE T- aoi ý . t v ý i t (L ýronttlt*

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