Stick Pins, Brooches, Medals, Badges@ Special designs for prizes for Athletic gamnes and schools. e -T- 1.S.Barnard's, VMWITBUI ~Iit nïcI~. ofnleLai Oounty Orgau.-Largest Circula- noen of aur looal paper tnuCanada.1 FRIDAY, SEPT. 10, 1897. LOCAL LAOONIOS. Mrs W B Pingle le with finonde lu Toron- 'Ne give corected market reports eacb week, The Outario Ladies Coliege re-apeued au Tue-day. miss Saunders, of Bowmnanvllle, le the guest of Mrs Ted.1 nirS Bunden, ai Bowmanviile, was i town ou Tuesday. nI and Mns W W Caldwell, ai Chicag( are visiting finonde lu îown. u. ln NMr. and Mn,. Caldwell of Chicago are gueqts of Mrs W K jobnstan. iss Lizzie Shepherd la spending a couple or weeks with relatives ln Toronto. A number of Whitby cititens were victim- ized by pickpockets w hile at the fair. Boys H-alifax tweed pants ta fit ages 5 ta 15 years only Soc per pair at W G Walters. Tomatoes grow sa fast thip. year that tbey are ail bursting open. There will ho oceans 01 catsup. Geo White lias returned frorm Owen Sound where he has been working on ane ai the C P R steamers. Todaye trip ta Toronto by hoat le the aset eute advertîzed for this season. and will pro. bably wind up that lineofa business. The latest and newest discovery ai gold le at Michipecoten, Algoma. about 75 Miles east of Sault Ste Marie. The rocks there are said to b. full ai i. Another great sale ai bootst and shoes for Fruday and Saturday Sept ioth and xîth, at hialf price. Dont miss this ctiauce, east side t>oot and shoe store. Md W Colline. ni, j Richardson broke asamaîl boue ln her hand on Friday last, the resuit ai a (al ini wvhch she attempted ta save berseif. Her hand le very painful aud swelied ta laige proportions. -- r d- Tr__ - -.. - - If bia 1 dd dd tin ne. The tawn counicil meets noît Monday uighî, sud those intenestod lu bicycles had botter ho preseut ta opprse Coun. Smiths by-iaw, as we hear It is to'be pressed te a vote. We understaud a large majority of the couniciliore yl l ayon dropping the1 mater fan the present yean. This la the beet plan as very few ride Inter lu the seamon, sud thase vho do yull not cause auv tiouble. E R Blow, agent C P Ry Ca, Whiîby, bas ticketee the iallowing via C P R sud G T R for past weik: Rev Mathew Goid, Whitby, to Liverpool, Engiand, via Dominion Line Royal Mail steamsblp '"Labrador." John Burns, Whitby, to Ottawa sud returu ;Mn and Mns R A Pattersan. Whithy, ta Pertht, Ont ;Mns John S Barnard, Whitby, ta OLtava and neturu ;Titas Wilson sud Walt Wilson, Ashburnn to Biuecarth, Man., sud jeturnu;Mn Bert McBrady, Wlitby, ta Chat- ham, Ont, fnom Chatham ta Victoria B. C.; Dr G A Carsan, Whitby; Ont, ta Owen Sound and returu Miss Lizzle D Blow, to Bufia N Y.; Mr Eugeue Blatter, Whit. by to New York. via C P R, sud N VC Rys. Mies Valentine, Whitby, ta Windsor, Ont. The Pott Faim. Thte post iarm vas agsiii put up at anction at the Rayai hotel ou Saturday. Tite bld. ding was uaL veny biet sud only went ne hlgh ase 8,î5a which was the offen af Mr Cowau, ai Pickerng. This sum bolng fat le@ blan bbc resenve bld the sale was withb dravn. Mr. J. H. Long afterwards bougbi the fanm by pivate sale aI the upaet pnice. 10W i iton ?'ildà ay nonn o i Thos Toddj et Bowmauviilet à sOf ldr and >rs Todd. odma f Port Perry, sat,t wtla the. tiebt cf UMsAtinest. reslùgly ohd gag te aay oa; but Dorsý Of a f.dgieg or 1w-o ln The aaonthojuly, î8ï ,iii b. kooon histôry aSe libtpr %lef bogrtot traiefaili. the gttetileatgandsco rthe b.grestott he-at vavo, as -oh as a great cropmuontit. The. attenîlotLcf opotmnla bcalied 101 he gaime lavai which protect kilidare sud otite1 kids of pboser netîl Sept. :sth. Meadow ISflS art kaise protected by tht esîetîvorous Bird.u ;jt aud cannot b. taten 51 aey lime vith t a l mipermit, lierons craties ted blîtemea are aiseo etdby tei. mre erevil o 0reuti-e t1acbilg Mr Thos Mooreexoress mwsangerjeof lidlaud, -was là tô WnIbis week. lir and, Mrp J W I*ohey, et Bu«ato, *ftlu tovu vlmltýdlui Vol*ys ,ptrentb.- Mr T G 'Wbitfield la about te incie Ilito ,the houe. lately vsattd by Mis Lswder. Mm rench, of loronto0, wasln lo*fton Labor day te guest 0f bis seter, i Mia U»A I Rose. t Mis N j Poster and Mir Walter G Richard. son, of Pletba, hýv. beon the gueté, « lit & A RIcharduon itis veek.t Mr Bort Dartueil, manager o e Itrnto ý Pinamcial Corporation branci t aI eiaeon< F'allu$ l% speadlag bis vacation le tôwn,, Stoufivilobas docided hy s majorit>0(" : to bav. vatervorits. A cpmniitte i«Zii lo into the difiereet systesanmd décide on wbicb le most feasibie. Mm J A McLaren. of te Peterboro Ex- aminer, va% 'l ovayesterdsy vlsiting bis cousin, Mis The A McGiliiuray, and calied at thte CHRONICLIB OPPICE. Westhrook won thee xc mile prfessonal chrtmpionship of Canada on Labor Day At Wsteriaa coverlng the distance lu 24 Cli 23 1-5s ec, beating eut McL.eod, McCartby, Dsvidsou, Gnettrlx and Carmen. A fakir gave Bowmauviile a seauce on Friday ulght, snd cleaned te pockets ofaili sorts aud conditions ai people. Altitougit Whltby la dead easy for fakirs, oui tovu bas been negiected by them for over a year. The field lsen5 wide that they cannot cover lb ai. There wili b. a few aleug about feir 't Imrprovlng the Servce. The Postal department of Lte Govotumont service appeans ta, be cornlng lu for s vast amaunt ai citange bath la thtelineocf econ- amny sud inipiovement of service. Thte latest nefarm le that cf the moue y eider do- panîment whicb le te h. remodelled on the English syetem whieb le said te b. les com- plicat.8 sudd aves much timo. A large amount aifte "red taLpeise"' vhlch fermer- Iy pertalued te the department le alec being svept avay. in the Police Court. Four boys of (rom 9 to ii versofI5 < B walked the carpet beforo P Md Harper ýon Friday night cbarged with dlstributing tecksI on the walks on the west side of Brock St. They sdmltted the corn and wer. let off wlth a warnini. The magistrate poInted out to them the magnitude of the oites, and states that ho could Inffict on them very severo punlshme'fl, that five yearst tu e re- tormertary could be the sentence for mSsAe of this kînd. W. belleve that it la the magi- strates Intention te deal severely vlItb the next case of this klsad that cqmsl belote hie'. Mi F C H tare met witn a ratnvi pinlul aka n tuffaot rnishap an Wednesday. He was lu 'the MrhmsdSofvlsot vard near the harn aud vas .changing one Tho C 1. A bas finall y disposed of the Pro- eiridie on the horse for another. The horse tests ln conîtection witb the recqnt cbam- took advantage af tbe moment when neithet Plonsbip lacrosse match for . h.elbmPi0'- bridie encased its head to make a break for Ship by expeliig botb «theti Markhà ~Dm ad liberty. Frank was bound ta bold the Stouffylile lscrosmo teama fromt b. C L A horse, and ln the strugg le was draxged e.s being dlsqualified by playlig poeuli@U- againat a bartbed wire, sud bis arm sand loz ais. Boti tetame are very ech-'rtiusatlmled- were so badly tain that lit took several sud vould have lieco cntent , i.4 th. ex'- etiche tomen th gas.cutive et te-C 1.A rderod lb. echampion~- stithes o mud te gae. hîp gamne lobe played aver. tis thÃ*féeb- Hot Weather tng tbat týmoy bavé boom deai lt Ih v «e 'uta This dry weather wiil stop the potato rot. J'usîly and ,uany of thesuiporlOin ecb -One ofteu hears fais. alarme about potato teas hint that .itb.r touffe*vtleo ia kht*b5 rotet hisseton.could wlui tho inttmiediat» chmepionhlp 0< rot t Ptht, seCanada sud titis 41,ey thioli accouants f«u the IL l cupulnry scqrdiflg Io îaw, that doision of tbe eofiltt. owners af stese' threshers should protect the sBsisfr* emake stick of their engin.. vitit screffsto, -mucy of the bicycle of88 vbIwli* e halu- prevent the fiying of @parks about lte, pre bo, sud h ila only a matter, oft ilie wtiw mnises. Auy man vito noglects Ibis pre. îhoy *wUI i o s». ,Wît the bitsl. -caution li.fiable 10 a beavy lOne sad lt.eheOnb$0WI*tiétcOaru b tau prisonment. Farmers are ahso waried Zmot he 4 g rwsltat iii toa show a traction engin. tobb ieiteOd te S lift. A bicimis tla tls mo xwwt .cleaner ln their barn, as It ie a violation of tlt.pailttlg sto0 iey f-ejt the conditions laid dove lualal lesursece Ment that bol o a 1£ gio d li".tê1. --« policies. daniKerpou s maïcbop 1gu%ê 'Ib te, m1 .nic~h costtion. hovveer - ti t> Thbose ont" wWisg vii ntsmd" b Put Uil u*b;b"*t -tu Mir 13Stqphensà on, Whitby, lbas ticketud ddy rubasiit W à awhute o " u sia4 Ibis week tbe folowingiy G T ma CP i:thenan» 01 deiteP wbow. Mr& M W Collies te Napance sudretiati; i bsat WO le M sW A4 0 1ae i Hamer Oreeuvood 10 Tam sud retmtera t .r a ro t Oio. f lntbe 1 Mrs amWySen., 10 Nevstrkot andle m e wilt d'et n ma oI tue -BaiE ý bY toZ=e byi, ud fttm ; ,jo4rpI tit*0. 1p. 1 < ar Misa1, Wlo l a toit '"d relue Miss B oilutour to Rochestei, end tetums u3ttgalstu SoIs RevJ1 a Cark 10 Peteboro sand rélurs - Mri o q «&ý t0f o~sevh Beld Erosiue oheo tr h. cethe eutbis ïe m* Blro 1 4'.b tortAti: i Roosore roil eu, b Branmdan, Han.;t Km.?touf K*OU.WIt John s HI 1mbumel Moet Wedn..dsy nigît. A etter wuvasdm <from miss Mitchell eallipg lteboards attmia- tion té thé trowded -stato <e beroouoTe.:,"en o ttl- lettervaSM* eferrd ItJIÇ*tikiittoOu gf scitoot mà sngemletit. ta 5!~boU~I s report <rou thefinae e. eotcock mn@diigpY e aumefollio" rlsPenil building s= kal$&7~3 blear- if « 1' 45rL P )WO4 it, #*Se6 _ _ September Weddlat. A pretty wedding taclt place on Wed- nesday aitemnoon at the residence ai Mme Neltefiehd 163 Monroe St Toronto, wben ber sister Miss R M Thompean was uulted in marriage ta Mr P H Rundle. Miss Canitie o f Kettleby actod as bridouinaid. Mt IRundie vas asisted by his brother A V IRundle of Oshawa. Rev E E Scott solemu- Iized the ceremony. Mr and Mme Rirndle ahrt lou in vinr ey yaldgo ta- ahrt lu bItbyPortlng y ile ao ter ac inean, North Dakota, where tbey lntend ta reside. Wh.u [s s dot taxable ? NaoDn will à amy that the aunual dog tax ieturns futnisb auy kind ai au accurate es timateo f the canine population ai any muni- cipality. Some people -*ay that this le ac- counted for becatase a dog le not taxable until s certain age. No une believes this and only thase sy so who bave two or titree doge that they are ready 1toto osoth are pups- The Municipal Worid discusees thte question "At what age le s dog taxable ?"I and gays "The statutes do not fi any mini- muni ae unless titore i9 a hy-4aw af the muuicipallity exemnptiug doge tandem a cer- tain age (romasesessmotit. St Jéhua Chnrcb. Worit on the alteratioii5 lu this oid church lnow under wiy and promisesvhen finisli- ed accordlng to the plans furnisbed by Mfr Io., the archtteat 10b. bWh modem and covolent. ThoepislpnUtisl ç stown sulli thon bave tvo places of wurshlp of which they eaà b. justly od. A com- miodique basment with Yhh;;Ilng vl supplI aaIon% féit nt for the accmmûoda- tion ', tb inda choobl whlehnotmt- stanidinigpast Inemoioeot# Waà t of a Ipuit&ble tomn'ble lu it ourishli sg on . ut eCIW -is te -bconglatuIddfer fore ilght ln t*il maiter.,*nd usilt be looint mrmrd ù hé diie when Mtbi a tIih hames sue tamren, 1udaIl csta Re ooice poid.un lsh nced assIanh ald lstae, or onezpai, thei reo asmuy o lntecsasylaors, oe paymeb throf ta e sd bc nces thfr eof, lu bbc of thebaxbes andbbcou ai Wboln ty e on uES- DbAYb, tEC. ownofLh,87 i tbyoum i i oco lu the larenoon. PEaBRY'B PLAN EAST OF nEOCK ST., NORTH wARD. 1 ou om st. S3i Pivryu Block 38 $112 81 $4 42 68 42 32 a 66 70 9 10 1 85 ~73 2 70 1 85 ~76 2 70 1 85 77 5 43 1 85 79 9 09 1 85 si 7506 3 48 94 56 67 30oz 164 3 99 1 85 î6S 3 98 1z85 172 5 84 1 85 173 2292 1î85 17~ 448 1x85 19 4 48 î85 177 4 47 z85 181 5 5L i8q 182 3 55 î85 184 3 99 î85 9 3 09 î8~ 205 3 99 z85 206' 4 58 :85 axa 3 9 10 95 4 55 4 55 7 28 10,94 78 ~84 S83 7 69 4 07 6 33 6 33 6 32 7 36. 5 40 's 4 49 3 76 S84 64 - 048 541X ty of very latest styles in or Ulster you will flnd here the best for argest collection to select from. mit every purse and ail the latest pro- . w o o lyspepsia Cuîod ATRICK ST., WA, JULY 31, 1896. Whitby. -NDA Mediine Co., Ltd.. HARVEST-..4* a Oteav. eo m, .surriseich haveafred for o Itn as ue. eo hiItwas uffermengfaI tesime, so that I feel nov ike a uew mati. iI have tried several -remedies for rheumatism. some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothiug that I have t.aken bas done 80 tiitch for me as your Phrenoline, sud 1 have much pleasure in- recommending it b other sufferers. '1 $ 3 s nai'8PLN9WEST OP BSOCK ST, NoSMx -WASD. 61 $482 $t96 *16 78 76- .481 96 16 77 82 44 85 6o 8R-P 1 84$os!. à 40 - -'l *6 ( ouSig eJA.Ry ROl L. For6man of Works, Rideau Canal. Mauufactured on Honor and sold oun omit, sold in Wiaitby ouly liv A. IL ALIM, DRUOGIST. 210001RoUes tlhe Police imagitrat.eof Belle-ville bas deCided' that tb. sale ci soft drilate on Sutn- day Io not ihiogal, sîthougit îaving morne we will show an unrivailed dispia- douts.Thelawprovides that a lceased botel teeper shall provide hie gueste vlth ~odfat*, bodging sud refros ment, aud ralrisrut Flnt ole that sot drinks are d refreshmeats sud muet be seved. The Uxhrldge Journal telle a istory aboutL a 8 3 R idan ai Reacit (armner vitici ail siouid profit hy just io novvile prices are hig b. Thte (armer _________________________ lu question lied a lot aifviteat a 1ev yeare ago vhen prices bappeued te ho bigh. - He wasasdvised ta sel, but sald ite couid net For vr style of Jacket, Cape hsul It out juet thon as ho had ta fix sorteeey fonces. Ho afterwards sold the wheat for X the least oe and by far the la about hall vitat lie cotild bave hsd. This ty year if the ane mon bas wtest ite will lite- Ê iy let te fonces go until te crop ta bsuled M You wiIl find garments here to si out sud sald. We adviee ail who have wbeat ta mciinov. IL le a goadopice, aud ductions. even If lb goes bigben the risk !ill going lover le Lac great. Iu ulue cases out of ten the best time ta market anythiug le as soon as It le harvested, A Narrow escape. G L E Mn Henderson the nov section foreman ut te Junction was proceeding eastward with hie men on a baud car ta work anc mnorning recently snd when nearîiig the overhead-. -.- bridge a train came uuerpectedly around fý2 M the curve. Iu takiug their baud car from the tract Mr Hendetson received a few siight bruîmes, lb vas as miraculous escape sud is a woder tlat every one ofthem w as T W F W IB not killed. I WN 0 W 11tY R enain&f Rifle Match. The aunual rifle matches af the th bat- talion ill bt heid-ou Sept. 23rd sud 24th at Trea8urer'8 Sale ofLand for Taxes 57 ST. PA Uxbnidgo. The prites aggregabo 8425. The commitîe ai management consiste ai Lt. - OTTAW Col. N. F. Paterson, Captalus A. G. Heu- Town of Whitby, By'viutue ai a warrantTateP enleJ denson, R. Dillon, S. S. Sharpe and James Caunty af Outantise yieMyrune otJePrnln Birchard. The Rhootiug wyul commence at TO wrr: theli seal ai the Corporation Ottawi i 9 a.m. eacit daonaute grounds ai A. T. But- aifte Town ai Whitby. La me directed& bearlng 1. ton Eeq., sud R. Bell, Esq. Special rates dnte te Thitty-firet day af Auguet, 1897, cern- Gentleman, - 0 s will likeiy ho procured an aIl railways lunte nanding me ta ievy tapon sud oeil the lande fiend 1 îried 0one b ýr couuty. mneuîxoued in the foliowlng liet of arrearsai ixii aicrmey r ba-es du teo.1 ----- re "M" *%a*ve nuueo, eus.edy line Tickru,, and C.. R. Telogrsph snd Domi 1ln n EpressCo. WmTBY, ONT. 10 SEE IS 10 9EtlEV~! I umn -,ovelt Guods Wèhwe 1aind o~avery big season, plenned to mot only do m-ore business than heoretofore, b.uit to do it very much better. Stocks valy larger, that'sthe flrat step;- prces even lower, tbat's the second. First arrivai 80 cases of new Autumn Drees Goods; Mantles, Capes, etc, from the l4ading manufacturera in Germany, and Glasgow, Bcotland. ,~=Doube-foId Drese Goode from 15o to $2 per yard* Ail Next WeeI I l J.1 t i- f I :)n thee of ufau bohleno ou, amu my surrise i ure me a ntema Ist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ý 1 - 1 . 1 . 1 4à ..EXCURSIONS -TO- M A N ITOB A -AND- Canadian Northwest. Good to go on Aug s3t5, returni untit Oct. 301h . G to go on Sept. l4th, retumu until Nov. 13. From al stations lu Ontario, Oaapiag, Sault Ste Marie, Windsor &Euat. For rates, maps, tinte tables, pamphlets anid ful Informnation. Apply ta E. R,. BLO'w , l il . 1 1 : l'ý 1 i