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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1897, p. 7

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WM. CÂLYURLET, , vigfl' Ad luto u wàemsi e- are itýàd1he rangeéet busiüma and saddlery busineos will t done to tâila- Maotion, Gollau a a peowaty. COli and lu& =y shopand stock W. OALVEBLECyt Second dlôor west of old shop. Dunda S8treet, Whiftb Railway Time TbbWq i w t rlih4,Tino. So any teailatoL S6 aMI fleur là fleur. Enîgrdçs dIffer. nt b s go wlth sarsparila. Thero are grades. You *ait the bcst if yoi un uaruaparllla us weluyou do tea and fleur it would b.easuy te determine. But you don't How should yen? When you ame golng to buy à commodlty whose value yen donIt know,- you pick out an old establlahed bouse to trade wlîh, and trust their ex. perlence and reputation. Do so when buylng taraparilla. Aye#'a SarsaparWla has been on the imkrket soi years. Your grandiather used Ayer's. It is a repuible medicine. 2'here buit ony one Âyor'a. It cure&. A TKREBHEBR'S LIPE. 'OSE 0F EXPOSURE TO INCLE. MENT AND CHAiNGEABLE WEATHER. ffe Eaully Falla a Prey to Dipease- Rbeumatiïn one of the Natnral Re- sulte-One Whr, Suffered for Upwarda of Niue Ypare Gives Hia Expenience. Frorn the Intelligencer, Belleville, Ont. It ie doubtful if thi-re je any other oc- cupatioun more trying te the conistituiiton tban tbs.t of the tresber. Exposed Lo the raina and sturma of the -autuwn sea- son, and at cthe same timne cboked with thie dust consequent upon tliresihing, be easily fals a prey to disiease. J H Davis., a residont of thie townehip of liVîckiow, Hastings oounty, follows the threshiniz tnachine for eorne tuontimî every fal For eoight or nino yoars ho was subject to attacks of inlamamatory rheuw>. Lism The diseapé nsually made it. appearance in the fall, and CODtnUOd LbrOUgborat tAi winter, oausing not ouly mnuoh suffr riog but groat inoonvoniegloe. Mr Davis wogt serions attack occurred duriniz the wiuterofe 1898. Lt firet. made itiseif cani fest by the swelliug of the rigbî baud, and before twenty.tours had psssed the dîsease appeared to have iuone through tie whole eyi;tem, and the loge were ewollen to au abnormal aise, ito Lnuch 80 that the j'uints were flot visible through the s;wellitugs. For ten meonthe the trouble continued and during that period Mr Davis -was unable rto put on bis own clotes, and the pain he endnred alinet. passed compreheusmon. One doctor after anoter wus trled but witbout any bene ficial reoulte. Thon advertised medicineil were tried but witb no botter &nocese. 661 ean hardly Pay." said Mr Davis, "lbow w.uch money I @pot on doctore and mtedicine, but it amounted Le a con@ider. able anm. and yet 1 wonld Most willingly bave giçen my farm to b. md of the ter- ri ble pain I was-forced to endure. But ail tuv oxponditur'-s seewed bf ne avail, and I began tei despair of a cure. At this juneture, acting on the adrise of a friend, I began using Dr Williams' Pink Pille. The firet six boies 1 n..d aeemed frnim ontward appearanôes te have had ne effeot, and 1 feaiament 1kê giviag up in don p air. I thongbt, however, $bat rsib- ly that vau Det a fair trial for oeein my -condition and I proeuired a further sup. ment nRoticeablOMAThd rom tha eut saa tmrde mark. on*lb. wmupaor *oud tbe box, sud the puvb«oirnproteot i m- iélf fom imppe4ion by rêingq ail çters. 8o1& bty ÏRthaloa u o mt aa b or six boý-*4r-5O T4 f ollowlng le tibe ulsudlpg of lb. Po ~of t-icu ishool,$o,' AAu. L aM to profit by hi& efflUa*t<rn - lts Jno Lavis bas' bëiù ict , i D Kore'. earsfor cmame Ã" t fi~hcà 4OOa heur ef ber bains fou> r.sîtor.4to lit Barnard, eèf Wbitby, bail chbargo of of -çur lbagne bers onWensy vo ing. HMe efforts always gir.goaea. faction bore. There vas a good tnd unes proeut sud ail enjoye4 the d1sgocrou m vus both intoreeîlng atid Mr and Mise Alun, Oet lanipton, riait. ed am IMr John Lavis on Sunday. David Brown and -wi Fe vielted friende in Ibis loomlity Ilut weok. Mr Lawrence & Bon bave bae renovat ing Mr Royal Rogers home. It le now nevi> elap borded and prenants a nov outelde entirely. Tbe lavn social givon by oui lMt Zion friende on C Rogers grounds vau a decid. ad onces«. Rinsale wu.s eilirepreeented making-up about one third of tb. attend- once. No plaue dose more to belp on gatheringa of tbis kind than doe, our riiIugers. Snrely Our nerth frieida are ovrmfowiug wilb gratitude to ne us- à community for Our appreciation ef cheir offerte te entertain. The programme given by the Unieutille orchestra wuana excellent eue. Rev Mclare preaided and everything paseod off nioelly. Misses Molirieu are visiting ttbeir gâter Mi-. Baitley, ef Collingwood. Lt je now a oertainity that another rote will be taken on the local option by-law Dow in vogue iu oui- township. Lt seeme a little strange in ont humble opinions thai i is neoeseary te cause se groat an expeuse te this township, es any one knows the sentiment of this township je etraigbt temperauce. It looke to us as if our anti tempérance nmen feel 111<. de- mandînR an obnoxions mneaure like this or auy other probib¶î.ory oeeco e hoet asido sud give tbemn ba.ek their freedem. Surels' if contesta fought out aud -won tîme after rime will not convince themn timat tbey and their cnrsed bnsinesé bas got ta o.0'Wbat can they be looking for unlesto it is for a @mai] body of sevon hotel men to rmn the township according to thoir own fashion. Now it seema to uis that this faim- township of Pickering ie entim-ely sick of being dictated to by these people anmd we doubt net that when the vote is aset men that ne ver gave a tom- peranco vote in their life will csaI eue, not feeline the nècessity or yet the desir ability of beiig linm1inged any further witlm this sccused tm-sffic sud itafollovors. Let every mn that ha@ a vote weiqb tho mattor chorouizzhly sud if hé cau conacien. oiouely conolude it either right or wise to llcenso an evil, wby ofourse let bim vote for free liale of ail Iinds of liquore but on the other baud if ho conclude it je a cursed bus-iness at beasL let himn say e hi' mai-king his ballot aRain the business and beip tztamp eut of existarice the greoeet eorse that ever hold eway in any ohratin univorso. Glowinli reporte corne frorn unr Wubi geon friends. Oropa good. lots of vrk, sud good psy. Wo hope they yull reap a good barvest. J Miller, Mise Mîller and Mises Stop hension. of Brougham, sent Sabbath ai C j Stevenouacu T Red, an, ofBumgog, Sundayed with bis brother. Miss; A SAddler bas retnrned te the Citi. MmeEd Lawrence bas returned fromu rire I.uaee e« O«eapw. .OniWUhba atlut been rahseil tg dmas "o." A.ftr Yomrsefpatiant dIcie wftb the Undervriers 6.aoMo*a u Lb. expandtur. of! mmi> Io*=sudofl dollars iu flm.re eettion Lb. star oeiv-ý ttown m.cevd notice froua the ": ociation on Kouday that on October laI Orilhiawill b.re-rem *=oIsDtel.~ Thia means a reduosion et about 1% per~ cent lu intemrane rates oi t l uàluaa portion of tbe tovu ll thereuidats PXUD4 b*preseut raée vin b. tU"a. 0 w Fraserl, Lb.ee*" tgimer wbo bau be aimaagagdm o, River power semeas lice wa émniluskig if U&4 bovrà a Proposition te talc e ease te ma it *le" 1 lIht "d Ie s #o sfroua c oua, 0ç' -~w h~~ ansi saauu" Jiabpme uà lita liiti bupfithua1éa the t di he>IOthh e b cii or4e u fra ~'Of Onesen oflast veek. l Owei Sou heud. Po. le te neh.ira adeog.o Mimu PmÏ inthltszaset urise artheys us Lia ueu of Mi a M Kortn Jutno rtli ethrs . 0Oiri tpran ufr ar Pliely Limoe vuertepot thPetsa i ev eraeing e mtve.Amo AI ii og heplut ofgueeigbbnod pbabed lat efiay olasupredpaMiss lCbore is leagalabfMyel Luublisbtitb èday. AI ni FermnIVg wamnspon ;a Noma ra. W. Oolr 1 teapirwomeut ser- ie folrom IVac.tinlmato.W are pleed, b ofve.er t eort hat ah. Osawaon Ii.le etscasdtacndiat. publet dvlertiednt eayapvea re ois Ocrsay emenTaggurt, u yr teptron-bs ae Po.I ftFt Itnal epame intnma Nrian Cm- T(g , oui t ehr, who paned the pole ituresqet .ÂlngtonCe, etu Oshava, e won heda and Facures We Mite ef aderighed t .eanbore n b Tul, esdsyomteigl etunde the aton aget he ly a laTemprars ie. ne mu by peopbaesp0ecnablen.o. ray bmy bled. fbotermined not te be mEtiappoiuî ed, an extoemporam-y programme, *as ar- ranged, and the ovening was paosed vrmy Pleasantl-v. Thre e rmug men vent as Ashbu-ne contingénîte assiet in Manitohas bar vestiug. Thanlis te a woek ef fine weather, Lhe bsrv est is now under caver, and thregb ing is the ord1irfclh. daïy. As migbt ho expected, neither the saniple uer thé yield is up te the mark. *ASY VOAS CURE. DEAN SIRe,-! ceauhighly racm-j mnend Dr. Fowlerls Rxtract of Wil q Strawbem-ry. Tt cured niy baby cf q diamrboa fter ail other meana fatled, se I givetg-at praise. It la oxcel.- len oralwel complaitrt. MR.CHAS. BOTT, Harlow, Ont. +. THE MEAD MASTR SGEWrLENMN,-I have fetmd get satisfaction in the use of Dm. Fo*ler's Extmact of Wild Strawberry, andç=s. aider it, invaluable in ail cases ef dtam-mhoea and sumnmer complaint. I t ta a pleasure ta me te recommend It toate public. R. B. KASTERTON. Principal A tumber af persans in town are sufferin fromthe effecta of poison. vy iise Florence Skinner, 0 f' the nomtii ard. is under medical cure on th s accoutit. AN unfortunate affair bas rÉéent1yc transpircd in this town. Abottàa montb ago a girl of corne.sixten years ai age named Hcaulip gave bithl to an ille-gitirnate child. Tvo veeks later it wau bft at the doorstep ci its ai- legéd father, and snbsequenty irn over - tothe care-o et b olcthe young maninvolved in the, matter de-. nvingthe puteruity et the bube, daim- lag dia ere vera others.The u-i cortunate young mother-skipold the cotry te-, bide ber ýshame, The Iu- fant, vbich là muid tao baye bea dé-i formed -et t ti me aoi .blrtb,,.dlonià Sswdaj'laut. baV4iugbecs lu cbai e o ms9Berte. Au-,mIueft vas beld' '<onceroiug theumttr, but no verdict1 ba4 beau rqlcd a et e rof golugi te- pMM u befatier of thel4nullp4 rIwu beforo 1P M Ulintyt. on Tues. t ty caredwîth nfPpport, cndM IICJdinu S.=t*ÃŽ baIt1isuah..vâcgi DERBY Cigrettes, 5 Ots.8 A fibre bath, followed honest frictional brillla The ife and glory of leat] .SIATER 5 H( M. W. COLLIN S, I Per Package. mce. ther. JE ?OUS SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. Wydldn't you koep to ypur ovu aid.eofthe .road boas. Yo* .vwsaw 557. stdaus lh-vlblà la ui Hami Immt, L.D.S., Quebec, %wites: "Onaetofny chlldren sprsin.d her inkle, which, becamo much «ollen and discoloured. Soea'Qukcr' vau spead on linon, àz)d apll d ; the, pain csas.d at 1Once, the svelling vas gone lth ext day, and, on the fourth day Oah. wlkd- te achool as nusi. I have *150prov.d ILte b. R nderful remedy 4lor culs and bruises. -Agit" onla tht vend ofai seoe mmd tbe btnddelly aitm, bar dhaa e.rnayvIdc wUb. iImvIiO f hni èti. -*tàa" GRANDTEUNE AND MKIDLAND> TSAINS GOINO vsss-vaa. No 8, Express DaIly Mail------..5:50 a M No. 7, Local, ezeept Bunday ... . 8:50 a mn Ne. 18, Passenger "Il 44 -.... 2:88 p M No. 1, Express, Mail dallya40.....6:60 p rm TRAINs GOINO NA5TWARD) No. 6 Express, dally, exoopt Sun .. 8:04 a M lie. 4 Express, I 9:57 a la 'No. 14, Passenfer m 8:08 Pm No: 8, Los, " 4 6:17 plu No, 2, Express, Mail. daly.... 10:0 p m MIDLAND DIVISION Gorge NOSTZ-NIDLAND STATION Muzeil To Lindsay-----------....6:85 p ma CourNe BOUTS Mized Prom Lindsay ........87am DOMINION BANK@ Capital Pald up, Surpus, -$1AôOO ooe Whiitby Agceuoye General SAVINOB DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at hfgheuî entrent ratesn. No notice ef wtthdrawal required E. J. THORNTONO aganag6 FAI RBANK'8 fReal Estate Column. Small Frame House sud Lot, corner of John and Byron etreets, Whitby, Will be sold very cheap. LOTS-To b.e old, lots 324 snd 258, nomtI ward. ROUGH CAST HOt7SE-On Asb street, nor-t ward, yl be noldcheap. Cheap. A fine twoetsory brick honse. with brick stables. Situaied -on Blyron et., Whitbyv, the. fluest resîdential stmeét ln ithe town, wlîhin tliree minutes walk or ibe pest office. There are tire.lots of land wlth a enîrance on two streets., House ln perfett repair. Forpirticulare apply te Real a o"nt, Whltby, Ont Friday trips te Toronto LeX.ýus 8,4 s.m.- R«ulný, eàv irmno -a.5 P. m., it j»4 ouùd tblp otI> 50 cents Banking Business ono ravilDi on cns unof ~ xo 1rIue Te.NIHAIf, egtro loan rsgr sgfl.salnW4X ieo nd t; 1; --i 'r

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