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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1897, p. 8

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PAGR If misesScberer, Bertin, bas returued tri towu end taken chai g. of the Arcade Mlliluery parl.r for the second season. The ReV J H Madill, presbyterlen clergy- mnn oBisltops Mille la thý guest of John Icenueey4qi"$ f¶ daye Mis MUc ~e up breitutation lu iLittîci briok stot *and accepteti on. as clcrk wlth F E Eh â& Cri. In Oshawa. onthe t1te ii.vie cf W' Alliai, ot dao> ter. Iu Oshawa, on the. 'th nit.,tb, viî ofroderlck Bratom, of à MgiÀvisâlWe'#'W d'rwd wlfGrand R Ïdlcb., artbesueétcf MW E.' L VlIÇBPÇ!y. They are omakitng a t4r # n à tadedi ,iid Mr McDowelle of Oeill'. listhe ucceesr cfMessie JE 8 Morgîn &*e la heir ,go. ery business sud cornes tutown veli recomt monded ,nd w. ah u aer ucoesa la hle enteibrise. The Ceaaty convention otf îeWomen» CheostiadrTeaperance Union wii l be b.ld In Os ôv n Tburuday, Se t I&th Mrse Ruqb- eorfeToronto, Pres~idet tii. Dein- lrum W CTUt, leexpected tW b. #i«me.nd an ateustugtivue rnay b. bookedt fr. W A Mare opened bis jewle msore Tume. -diy'moli, ne:t door to Butiema gmoc.rym 4pecla attention tor iresring simd wouid Itkce 19 Besil bitold frieude asnivel as any nei cimes taunlgbt fivor blt» vlth a a,,C à* hfse socIlunder the . t . I-T. of T., ubat * 1obae 'S' h o« SePt. 4th, hms beaâpoatpounedtilt rl 44y, z7, ,owlag to tii. comittçes mot ha £galté secure snieme of. th* out oftov* làI tbrt14th Ag890d timelsIR ect« a ceidsdsoey euat ted Imêl cas. Oea, edlsn' Guntter. Tb* m eatus menve. erà guiîîOtt am4 Roy Mr a" n m Uta H tait of etChICaMo. ax Mr an -M " uu> S.P rk- -, Dr and'Uiel C ha", r$tuiçl *001s thoir w*ddlpg tr çtat Iýouh ]Buffalo andiË of tiChristian Ch eth bere, an rç tlyf St. 1Louisi , mqbe Md.moved 'te mtreal WJiore h.WlU preitàlde ovr a -fine . ouarega. areorro ~ loîe Chés oDes Iromc lu st~. He bas alwaystkn Wl u %eràt1b the welfare 0( te tennsclub ýwbo wil 'b. aâta grÃŽat lueswlthOut hlm. -He bis "Torqato to take a position as 4ru ">ëiwayoToMno Pprs Cotitailied a ÏïÏagiphanouitothedeatb oit 'Wed- nesda~ f Rev4me Kinea, of Ckolog rent y ofSimiooe t Methodilst cbiarchimbre, nt ClIfton' Springs, N Y. Th n ews cl Mr Kines death wilil cause sorro: la the bearts, of many people here. Divisio Court. Ucearn & Soper, Munderlaw &t Co and Eversoti &, Hawkins each brougbt suit elca1nst E S Edmuop, but judgemnt was given by consent llu ekch suit. Iu E. M. Henry vs.john McMllan, judgmcnt was iven for tbe plaintiff for $U.32. Fowke vs. J Mtchell wU settled out of court. )as Gal vs. Thos Galloway, Judiment for $16 and cosite. Royal Electrlc Co. vs. the Oshawa Electrlc Llgbt Co, judgment for $165.65 and cote, wlth a counsel te. of $5. The work of remodelllug the Music Hall ls proîtesslng at sucli a rate that one cen gel anTe fwhat it willI b,0 wbn the work la completed. The stage bas ben wldened by nin. (cet snd wilI b. otherwlse lmproved. A doorway bas beenceut through the. brick wall tht vau between the musie hall and Mr Borsburys block to the west. Tus gives access toià vide hallway vlttb a good fIlght of staîrs and vil1 b. used by the. eutertainèri as it leade to the dressing roonis. There will b. large dresstng roonis on elther sie of thc stage. Those large pillais that have obstructed the vice of the stage are to be re. moved and a gallery, wlll bu hulit at the rear to cxtend out as faas uthe firut pIllors. The flour yl li ralsa and modern opera chairs wiii take the places of the benvbés. Taken ln aIl details the hall wben completed wfll Pe as complete and deuirable a place of culer. I ainùcut s can b. frind lu Boy o tbe towns of the provnce.-Vin. Misa QBlow) of Whltby, bas been vlatlu laFqVîie. VmkGarrowt Of Toronto, la spendini le* dayé luntown. î ltruhk p Rue Is rellevlng at the Western Solik ln Port Perry. Mms James Lamon Duudalk lu vlsltlug lhcr sister, Mis Wpi Gleuuey. Mman d Mis F Burdett, Pelerboro, are vlslting Mms JSCralg, sr, WIII Wnlght le speuding hie holîdmys wltb isi brother Walter lu Buffalo. Mises Mabel Hoyt, wbo bas betu visltlug Mrs Provan, han returned borne. Mme Armtage, of Port Perry, was the. gucut of M rs JO Heu: y lat week. Mms F L. Walton, Parry Sound, la vleting .her parents. Mr and Mrs R Motherailli. C A Mallory bas clo.-ed his prqmiees at Oshawu-ou-thc-lake and mioved up towu. Miss Eva Lorhîngtoli and Mises Maggle Turner. Port Hope, were lu town on Mou. day. Mr and Mie D McLeau left ou Monday for Cote Si Paul wbene they wlll resîde lu future. Mises Crslg rturned bonm. lest Saturda% after e pluesnt vieit wth ber brother ln Mid land. Mr John Mulhollaudb -of Blenhelmn, la ependlng e few deye wltb Mr and Mis R W C hembers. Thos Morris, Jr., hue 1.11 for Alexander, Man., wher. b. takes the position of clerk lu a large store. D Chambers, of Mlbrook. spent Tueeda aud Wedneeday with Mr and Mre R. W Chambers. MisChamben., of Millbrook. le vlsltiug wlth Mr and Mrs R W Chambers et Oshawa- on-the laii.. Chas Joues has left the employ of jury & Gregory sud gone to Toronto to accept a simlar position thene. Mr Klrkpatrlck, of Woodutock, vas lu town over Sunday end Monday, vlsiting bis 3nother on William et. -lomsule Armstrong sud Flosele Gnose qMet a fev day. ln the clty last wcek attend- Io *.the exhibition. iS4rg"J T Gould bas returned homue sme- ývbtlImpraved lu bealth (rom ber sîay at Glen Island and Its vlcnity. E RL Gould,M A PhD bas returnnd ta New York, ater a hmsy vldit to bia parents, lir and M rs John T Gouid. aud VîndicatOt as elng wrOUg and 1uwgwIai, but dries not sy la'wbit *ay. Weltave the Via. te explia iItselt mad lu thse mean- tiue baU uttopt tri ekir thei. formers, lita'n t b te apaeunua an ior ni the DOMmînoitesr .Xltêtri with public -buildings. kwulItelgt .4 tr uaud fuit nov stnd svallow It. s e li, lu e th oI eaie> dinxb do cating both a nutv$1,006opostofficet at gev. emumeat expme nad tii. superunuatlia .1o Mmr CarmiciEel, but the. priv#ate Interestuof IsWfansd snother have conquered ts voiee, and the-resuît la ubat if Shl loa i6si hla foucd tri b. coaitit. -As a Mtter of set ont oteni. le go SormyIt meanot tara round ,and ad*mct. ,eveWyting It forineyco- damood,sudi et l»somaxous tw bave mine nmhlto ate sltt1lk ewY« ddo o tua t.pnulc IIthat4tu-CaaoeuL= uamd twi",b 1meae st antu dt bis ameVea. Il GCeo Moore, btotiier of' Brookln, -ha; leêdTX near hie reBldence. iýt .'0c<J John Landmàîid, .I Sbould thé G.TJR ,ý,C<;Itiué, prove in whistles oit thetr1o4 in the future as thëýey h 'v litI we shah,. within a radiué f s froro the track, qir.ê4 stantaneous, el-atngtar 4 The waters cf the".pndil .ç ed offljAst wek tor epait e, çIft Sunday,,bbya.ïan 1,young È,tbo fun catching base ad suii$ low water wlth their handVtý, three dg asand three nglt pond toe fifup again. ~Samuel Sewall. and thpew" lived in,," le the -latebt volurno 4i T Couants llbrary., Thil." -; Sewall *as Mr C'A .Jon$s q4t father and we.s a'ç'e land beforeàthe War et Ifi4j and assiB4tbI on the *itêlýtj ed by At- the coming asuizes Y4.' Char- lotte Sanders, a widow réétd4ng nean Blackstock, will be tried 6ste charge of infanticide. She 18 low kdwith* governor' SnelgrovP' awa&"tum trial. County Crown Att=orne'e is pro- paing the evideuce, anid 1Uesrs. Kerr and KCerr are defendting: Bell, the man whÃ". stoîIjVehôrse fom a Darlington farsiwf wýsletoff. last week atCoog pn isedd sentence, but lias e c'f, Warrestodl again, uinformatI- n rtcçivedithroughý CetJarvris.,,for stclin hnc r herst, iii june, *î896',at.Emee;i1ham Soun4 district.. Ha a. 'nf ly, idenilfied and ile now ih'Pàhty Sundý jail, twaiting his trial. f On Thursday evenling last, 4e of th'c slickesý tongued sharpers th*ewe have heard, for a long time, hol&-ýfort o ýtitpima4et 'square, selling .rn carO xskl eçtric belts. Neither Iiewa o! biadienc# eut - fet gndi Aogthe biten ofes wem~ 1 c indf aboing L tiiaking s g4od hil ihe astlbuni the ýerformüucle wuld- cl"ei, statetithat If it ,vas net, that 1 aliglt <olti h. woulId si _g-t ltnown ditty, "'Just teli'thein saw Me," and drove off ieavin *lmo gaing at ene ancther.1 cure wua sawmli botule of celert anti the électric boîta wrwori e 4$c. a dïy& Many of tthe pi borrowcd Uc i to, nvest 1 that.at, Napùee he was met had te o n for t.-News. Mer. %Ih os.DocasterrceI, coitt'for building the unk thi~bI uek,»~Uicoû; , on I Ian tii h :&Cllaunoo. ,Hetr re- r oýV'ed'to her 0fS esday. oui villagero were ýýll4hefr dinher býý,be écry of à aiin t thesaccu. k wwu - r dence was ou4liI'e. No lo.sýday, Sept- !Bt an inebri-' gùàl wboshould have known hbt heÃŽwuuld serenade the :bhen tired cf the amuse mped to drive'his horse into Irnhp;btthe horsçbeing it,àl hmessometirnes ae to ý âpice tre md.- *ent, south, leaving the Atearn Wasserved at the SÇ0 T ~~ ni~ ht last iu excellent ye tÛe & ving a.. debate, subject, .4<~ttepres has done 211ýo ,for the *elfare cf mati, than the aW0ft'ý their next meeting. t * he f6ve.yeaio1old daughter of --er **ryFAdanison,. cfSprnugville, ifi~~m, the efiecte of a gunshot jou4ret.ehred on' Saturday, Auguet '4tlu.. 'Sh waittig at lier fatb.mrs ý4tîVentwo .foung men who had blénîbotWtiý ied at a bird froni their bgyas t.hey wei'ediving by. The tmuck the'Ïk1tî1e girl, and the tn tdoê,ont nw th 4 ad#èe tilIl o !61the îlUtts- aaw the report In the papers. I~,.fanlyacknowlcdged to shoctinga l îeal action will b. taken. -.A post- in, st howed that the bullet-,*entered. ýIe ch ilds groin and lodged lin the ,bcick 4 ,.the abdominal cavity. ýý*rÊ Fred tPike le on the sick list. ýýf--obt Hopkins, who brokc his arm a %4omt time ago, is gettidg.,ialong nicely. 'f14rmers who have'thrhêcw. emomt a 4PC*ýyleld generally, but wheat, varies âe seaon bas been a go onee for Geneva cheese factoryY Te, u >f ruilk lias kept'up aud'the cheese ,èm, Alfred Hall, ., as so fat, made tig but the bet grade o! geods. patrons- wilbe. ie11iaid,thýs sa-ý vèU TQron:O exht1hliwWSC Ç$ JCaiks'youst dughtr f~ dlt, ~ îý fUbeilght14onMad~~ Au g t3oth. Cyntha, se,$nlCaid v maa, Bowm t ,viàited frién Srias theî.Vi1age nlSpdy Jr 14H Ctydermafl and fàmilyt Bow- manville, $re ,Lawrîe and, Mtre Mr- shall, Hatito, celcbIteýd 1ao a t M&r HJllt ej' Acouple cf VýoufI entCifefifIR Toronto were very 4lèasâitty enrut1 o! te ~uitgpeolle f te vifte I Labor day. . R H iltof DamlliÎÏtOfl. was ln tof oin Modaylast. MiseVeunor, of Orillia, levitlg he* mother here. M~r John Hlall has nàtrly côwnpletg1d hie fine residence on Nrl t Mms Homor, of Gxavçnbfliet0 is visit-_ý Inug at hem mothes, Miât Slxnmnini Labor day pessed. ~výÜy quietly, home, onlyone *mIl" o#thC tet Mr Çav, oft MinneapolftU,$0rur' ! this place, 15 'ýieiting ptmr Fred ?P,080, Rev Mr Mooreand farnily, wh hwel .tûmued te Toronte. TheGarden City teck on 6o paseni-^, geme on Monday and over x oo on Wd nesday, te the Toronto faim.' Mm Hiiemyo f the Traders batik, re. turned on Tuesday,* alter epenùdîng s-Ù pleasant holiday at lke Sircoeý 1. i_ Mm J'»B' $mith. Bums&r ,'af the Upper' Canada Clege, pald th*' town a sbori, visit and cAIied on Mt Flid-43c ï, Mms, Lan% and fambily, ,.oôf tratford-, lately of thb ap"an, ar# ependlng somie days with 14r Ths Douglas, hem father. Fred Bennuett .o f Geomgetown,' formn emly bartçnder,%at the Oriental, has re- tumtiod akain and on duty as smilint as ever' M,'its Issa Wilson left for ber school in'Oonwall lap ii*eëk, and IMise Edith'1 1Sçàtt ~thé ,place-o! her siter at -~~~~~~iiù rtîhoc nhadad tpy bnet-7d te e fc in hnd sedf'td stcptas bto dspsçof the feed. P bîcydle. IA IG ç {CwanW heeled te Bobcaygen oil e > M? iPot lias engaged WM Wlfni. BOO 8TUE ,cots.livery rlg for the ia dIvf r mThomas Heatlierlv, .cur populir it blscksM ïitli.reports ad bd 's, Mi -BB ,PickeU is camping, on I>:ne n Peoint.,,W lsh -yeu a goo d tim e B dy. A s8 th ' L a t d r,,Moomeout tacher, bas been sick duri'ig theesWU eek, themre belug oscol . l ' ~So H a»' am &W0tebI.t. Bhne iade êt the Jcoséphi-, M'f C.,Magoi.O.,and luge ~staes, ~a.in~ ot~gt al th~i nua~, xloer r rear. Iron Pipe, 81'~0w tg~ rafl oriron.) Subf eltingo e Packng,(tuberiarl6k r tope). Thremier Tetpost ail kii4a Repir ipyesand aupply Parts for aré Engln'es and'Bolers repaired, J~epir M.ohierymnydesrip- XfAôhinory stolj alse Caut SteéI cfvarlots sdime for teD.:o Pp sretêsR.Woob &P6~.. ties, io~b onnIaion, etc. VOL. Xi Wi1gon's Fly Poi Smith's Poison - Tanglefoot Stie sheets, fd P-ruft Jar E CHEMIST& mXTBYR VINDI FOR ALL VIRE fi * 'f -u f ~ Se»a tho MOTON~ tho ~ TUT" '~OSEi atlid f ~, r8~-6mo. e~ur Rath'r le Pe Hurt HiffI P 'f I i1- The preebyterian congrcgstion- gaVee v S H Eastman a epleûdld gond-ofi on Mou- lay evenlug, previous to bis rernoval tri ileaford. The meeting vas held ln the chunch, and Rev j .B McLaren came from Columbus tri preside. The clergymen and ruembens of othen denominatIons of the town wcne presneut to bear testimony s triMr Eastuiane worth, and sddresses wiere de livered by Principal Smith, Police Magis- traite Murton, E T Siemon and Revde Mc- Colt and Talbot. W H Scott resd a lodg and feeingly worded addmess, wbicb;vie suppleuiented witb a puise containlng $z2e~ The address madie many rcferenesto is Eastman, sund ex preseeds i ' tut ahe migbt char. equally lu.the mnon j. Rèv Mr Eastmac cýealoly. l"eï-eslà-eat rt o every chrîstian mniaiMd vmaun uOshawu ateigofbvi ba ath Mservant of the Mester, spid 0f regret'lu bis departumê. .jeu il. s d N CI c n ti

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