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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1897, p. 5

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PICRUY'8 PLAN# WEST Ol saCca ST,, PORTS WARD. 76 150 14,81 196 »67 154 53 S13 s~ 85,-ç3 Stick Pins, Brooches, Badges. s We M cewSiW4 a Rem L*tg eir hu su le .ffet- &.d" -o ieib tI~Collins giett bài' Mis lw $W*learwa ,te.* ~tvIe u. vend ami# Mtiss.e Martincf Býrookia, ar kugthein sisttef, MisJnoAid. The Prrn'lt ebIUflmce t the Ontario Durbm T ibiton hiéyesr wiltsuple snythini luithei. seedlbg Que ever seen t à coubity fait. Vr Geo Plaskett, for corne time emaploMe with lit E Stephenson fin the express bin. unes, hic been piaced on a special fruit train running between Toronto anti Montrent. W. bespeak for hlm a permanent position. The. salvation smmy hic left Whitby. Thu. what wac once a couricblns insctitution lu this towu in gene perhaps forever. Wbltby uow becomes an outpoit ô( tbe heatiquaiters at Brookli. Such an lndignity calls for blood. Mr Geo E Gibbard, Toronto, was ln towu on Tuesday sud (avoredtheii CHRONICLZ euth a cati. He la ln the pubtisbing busi- ness now, belng mausging director ef the Pharmacist a dru% publication printeti lu Toronto.1 The Ontario Provincial Christian Eu- deavor Convention will be heid lu St Thomas ou October 6, 7 aud 8. The bul- letting committee expect neariy a thousaud delegates. Que of the chiet speakers eutl be Amos R Welle of Boston. The programme is being arranged and ie. sud te be unusuatty stroug. Mr '<Sank" C mbell bas fiuished sallng for the summer, A e Garden City havîug completed the excursion season, He bas secured a situation at Niagara Falls, atong wlth smre other Whîtby boys, Ed May, H-erman Dilman, Dan Campbiell, John Cleniens sud Thos Tav lor, ail late emnployece ef the Martin Manu(g Ce. The celebrated Queens Owu Baud haïn been sectired et great expense for the Ou. tarie & Durharn Exhibition on Ttxesday and Wedniesday afterneona, aud (or coucertezi Tuesday evening. Dont miss this greal musical trent. Everybody was lu ecstaciel over this famous banda music lest year. Mr Thos MaddR(Ord, ut Audiey, succeed ed ini securiug first prize at Torento exhibi tien for his three year old standard brec trottii g statiion, Stanten Wilkes. Stentor Wilkes ia a flue bay herse with black points stands 16 hands high sud has pienty of ac tian. H is breeding la flrst-ctass being of thq grent l-ambleteuli auad Mambrino familles S Mr W H Gilman, Ottawa, Il., waa beni on Friday lest te escert his daugliter te thi Outario Ladies College where she la ta taki a fuil course lu everything. Mr Gilman wa very mucli pleased with the coilege and say tt it le weit situated for the purpose. He en joyrd hlm visit te the tewu sud made the et 1. quaintauce ef many people lier. lu a ver short time. Mr McPhee, et Ohio, bas nmade smre e2 *tensive purchases et sheep lu this sectio, iately. From Messrs Puckriu & Sons, c Audiey, lie bought i00 Iambe, 8 yearing aud a two-year-oid ramn. He ae bougr [rom such welt.known men as Messrs Morr sou ef Broektin, lMcBrady et Audley, an "Davidson, et Ashburu. Mr McPhee plcke 0up nearly ail oftlie stockera in this section short time cge. 6 0 A 100 C 5e C 25 C 1oo D eta D '50 D 10e E 100 E 50 F zoo K 100 K 1300 m zo TOWNSHIP C 20 57 71 00 38 89 33 40 38 os 15 44 14 35 61 52 35 15 >y MARA. 3 200 si 7 7;3 24 27 go 3 29 87 3 100 163523 TOWNSEZIP OF REACH. la Z3 00 9 2 23 3 48 2 10 278 2 68 2 54 2 66 a 10 2 06 3 24 2 1Ir e 38 I95 237 245 4 82 Ait. Ptd. or Usptd $17 91 Patenteti 92 794f aPOlented 74 Unpatetteti î8 o6 Piieteti di 79 Pated 45 63 Uopmmesîd 41 57 Uapaenteti 35 94 Uspated 40 87 Unpateuted 17 54 Pateuteti 1641 UtpnPtti 6416 Patenteti î31 Usptenteti 188 e Uspetetu 37 73 UOPaOe6ate 8 97 294 n6 47 32 32 170 03 35 99 3 0o8 s m'y 2 ç4 $ 3 9 2 9 9 s0 TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. 1 195 0960 'rOWNSHIP 0U' THORAH. OQWNSHIP 0? UXCBRDGE. ILLÂGE o? BÂAVERTON. 2~4 Upatte Patenteti Pauetetti Patentoti Petentetiý 2 44 82904 Pateutut à$ 69,aeus s 4" 295- <1~ TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA. ot. Coui. Acres. Taxes. cas. Spécial designs for prizes for Âthtetic games and schools. e -T- J.- Se Barnard's, Offotal Connty Orgau.-Largest Circula- tion of amy local paper La Canada FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, 1897é. LOCAL LAOONIOS. MIr T S Arnold, of Toronto, wac in town on Tuesday. Mr Bert RnbInson, of Toronto, was in town on Suilday. .Miss Mina Waterhouse, of Toronto, has been hoidaying in town. Miss Eva Edmunson, oi Bradford, speni Sunday at the methodist parsonage. Mrs Dr Platt, of Picton, was a guest at the methodist parsonage over Sunday. Mr H-arold Addison, Toronto, spent Sun- day ini town the guest of Mr Tbeo King. Mrs Burnham ls In Oshawa with (riends. She wli spend the winter at Toronto Junc- tti. Mr Will Arnold whee4ed down t em Tor. onto on Monday te rènew old acquaint. auces. Mra S Burden, and Mr F Burden, et Bow. mnilile, were the guest of Mr sud Mi-s Toi ou Suudsy. Se. M W Colline bargalu table et boot enuj shees ah yeîîr ewn prices, Fridiiy aud Saturday, Sept 17 sud t8. Rev R P McKay, Toronto, weut preach iu the Presbyterlau church lier. on Sunda) îîext, moruiug andi erening. Mr W H Greeneooti las been appointed by the public school boardi et Toronto, prit cipat etftthe Hamilton estrict igt't schiot. Mr C Gortzic, for se many yeers saniant facturer et piano* lu Wbltb7, lias scceptedi position witii the Heiutzman piano compati of Toronto. der the. baud of the Warden and the. seal of the, corporation ci tb. Wd the zetii day ot Sept.. z897, comrnanding me ta ievy ulpon thi ,g list for arrears of taw ansd cas, as berêts set forth 1 h.reby rreers sud caseore coser paiti, I shah, lu campiesce witi the As- by Public Auctian, the setid lande, or 30 iucb thereaf as may b. he Court Flouse, iti the Town ef Wbitby, on WED»NESDAY, tbe 19, at the heur of o ocieck lu the. etterneon n y ed t. i. 'y jubilee stamipe ore flot redeemaable, that is to say, the Department ili net purchate the stamps rom boîtiers under any circum- stances or authorize their exchange for other stemps. Stoufiville wiii proceed at once ta put iln a water works systern, whiclî wil bc Instituted on the graviation plan. The work wili bc done under the direction of John Gauît, of Toronto, and wili b. compieted by New Yeai s. Mr Rae, of Knox colIege, travelling secre- tary for the Canadian coilegeiV mission, poud a visit te tbe model achool on Tuesday and addressed the. students ln behaîf of the Cerean mission field. Wthb a vlew to the supporting of thie work the ci&** was orgen - lzed by the. election of Mr Fred >obtii u president snd Miss Purves uaseacretary- treasurer. After hariug speut a day or teo veepitig ou the nectis of his matiy frientis lu bititing îhem a fond adieu. Mr Chas F Smith left for Ottawa on Tueday mornlnit10 assume his dutie as prite hiton for cite of tie bMc- Lanen familles. Ciarley le a most amiable young maniesd c*ae ciihlm the heart- felt gooti wicbes ef ail Who knov hlm, We trust tiat fortunte may @mlie upon ble eorthy aspirations andt enbie hlm ho make that mark lu lite ehichbhit gooti moals aud meanly deportment shoulti entitle bi t o. Ridle Match. Ttîe annuel rile match«s of the,34ibh bat- talion wl e b eition Sept. 23r<1and 241h St Uxbridge. The prises aggmete $4,5. The cnmmitte.eof management consiste of Lt. Coi. N. F. Pattersoti, Captait. A. G. en- derson, R. Dillon, S. S. Sbarpe sud james Bircharti. The cbootintwvlcomence Lti 9 a-ni- eîch da y on the grounds cf A. T. But. ton Es1., sud R.Bell, RW >SpUÇWclamte. wilillke y b. procuetio»n ai railvays lu lb. -ceunty. -North Ontaio Risettes Tii. election poetilloizigeinet Mr DUCAi Grahatm, P., the Libend.-Pstroti Momer ,fon Norti Ontarlo, Came OP for bhean ta Canultot on Monday before justices F ak -conbrdie anti Street. MmA j 9*14, brrTW tom, of C.annIngron, actlng for th. potitioner. en r Augias *c.ec- - lefesateti candidat eatatedt îbt h. batino evideuce w 1e su vould consent to the pslim sbelug dbismc .ed. lM RA Grant, e fTormso, paW for Mm Grahamu. s", s'th. co w f -veto a mère trîSa- ,#.wo#ld- ao nufor couic andI would ceaset t o *a otd«ofdis- doue, Ftai telim e l Idgu ester 'lecourtvoutil tbey tuft was ual lu - Igi takiteb f t#m parties lntatéMO4. Toroato kmlasro A couple 0f vi ie ,e ie se Ls )n of t i- d d s Tii. agents et the Grand Truuk Railway Systeni bave received the fottowlng officiai notice :-'*You wlIt piesse notify the. parents of youug people, sud the lads thernselves, tiat they must remain aeay figorn the cern- penys pletiorme anti yards, andt refrain frein jumping ou sud off cars, eltiier stand- ing or lu motion. Take the narnes ofecc eue se netifleti anti if ater notifylug tbem they persist in lerisrgarding thie nstrmtions reter the. natter tethie preper official anti a detective euh b.e sent o%àt te prosecute themn for treepasq. Let the parents tboroughly underatauti ebat stepe eilbe taken." Grand Damce. Ou Wednesday evening Sept 29th a grand dance witl be hilt lu the. music hait, Whltby commencing st 8.30 p n. A firit ciscs or- chestra bas been engageti for thie ccasioti anti the management le doiug everythiug te matie the affair a succees. Ho 1 for Niagara Peaut. ExcursIons. Whitby te Niagara Fallu sud returu, Sept 23. 24 anti 25. got I l Sept 27 ta return, $1î.85. AIse Otawa exhibition Sept 2o. Whitby or Brootiuin ho Ottawa anti retumfl only $4.6o, gooti tilt September nth1. For abere tickets ant ilI information ofe Stephenson, opposite Hatch Broc, Wbitby. A Poater for Btcyctct. To reinove greace freom caddie antibop niake a solution of Indis rubber, by addiug bisu1phi.deof cabontceuvtaizdrlbr adflgtemixture sandaot~hui A quan .ty of ticphePm, vheu spiestiove. gemu spot on caddie leither, etc., andi ai- Lve tadry for tvo aor thise boums, cou emoly b. strIppeti off. iesving îbbe -therfree (m rommqes The. biulphide of earbon doms nat olotoulyaffect the color of tl eaiber. SuceeeeW m éktWht boy Mm bd 9 Wicoz bas ft b. e msen vhh cei w th e irmon f 0dodealaluî$d ansd iaber,lthe cl%~ of New York, l.oldest il,- laims idhm» Ii the dsr. Tne Pln dlRevie, of Ne« York. 111e fol iowing tasy cf Mr Wcox :, Messe Ce A GoÎdoitsu UduIt 8 WMCIx eooejMw the fitm of laIe yamc, but ah forme. ido la&la active ad md )«oehy Intoemid tus- chant, fuliy acquaiclte utheb Inde eut o( excellent eeuluatt.)I uw ledge of the trade md.bitaoqsalulpee* wlth _tie tading deiles Isof uwuzumse avmtas to hies la lite cooduel oft bis. qt- ' I-M sbouce, and titan le 011«Y, maes sêlzp;z rthat Its t"de yl pow sq-prsdSyW te. tadettof good lites." A lln vwbo bu s om un,*$Ogwçrt breaking MM Wn - nfor vdMO says, ltu "refoc 1 ta Mr eseffl~ Dm u okfiel@5e.maho rosâs. n le Iuteet cr mtoaUf eau take a bamu MWW"? 011ull 4m tas'lu thé roe4. m*'« ml w brme fo- teM tàat. ers(m *0 Ot toWl the« 40111 proseOutlîons, ' u1t '-tbroatnsd -confiscatijoe nd piosecuiitionthé roe*t tli e efinds ght breadiê The tô** by#-lîw hould ope evrtbiter b weth hic bitid a &Hai Cse ii i.preseni±e acf_ sCumtoiuier4 The. followlig Mte bac been sent ont 10 the banks and ithelr braniche. by the Domnin- 100 Banik: The numbers of out unsigned teâ dollar-notes, which ere stien from aur NapaneÇ Agencjt, mu front 'No 46001 te 47600-Series A-Dated antijannary, z888,"1 snd flot countersigneti by 8 A Saines ai pro ashie4.. If aftY of these bis are pie- sented MatYour office, you are kindly reqnest- edt trace tietn bacc as far ne possible and conbUnicte with thé heati office. Ontarioa &DurhaExblbitlon This show takes p lace on Manday, Tues- an d Wednesday, Sept 27, 28 andi 29. thbis year it should b. a good, one. The yleld of everytbing le good, aud qusntity al- ways guarautees quality. The prise list le the beet aflereti by any sucli show in Con- ada, sud tuis year tbe society bas by a unit- ed eflort been piscet Inl a very streng fluancil position. The purses offereti for sports are muchl arger than beretotore and a cracking agrîcuiturat herse trot wili corne ofi on eech et the I ast two deys. It le ibis exhibitions tutu te bave fine wetber tuis yeer, sud If so there will b. a big crowd. Markham reinstated by C. L. A. The officieis oft he C. L. A. have decided to reinstate the Markbam lacro9,ýe team and have awnrded theni the chamipionshlp of the York district. It appear that both Mark- hani and Stoufiville played professional men, but Markham dld I t unknowlngly, the Flaer who was charged with profesaoal- eam having piayed with them fur two years past. Before comlnç to Karkham lie liad received money (or bis services as a lacrosse player. Tbe Msrkham team now enters the senul-finals aud pays off with Peterboro. The Stouflville teani bas aise been reinstaied and have been ordered to play with Msrk- hemn t Rosedale on Saturday next. The twe players accused of professionalismi have been distmissed by the C. L. K Bicycle Tire Hints. by a postage stmmp npsd tire tape. Chewing gum, carefutly spread over a puncture sud beld fast by tire tape, lias saveti many a Town et M wesry step. A leaky valve is quit. beyond CoutiY ef ( the steutest andi 'stickiest" tire tape ever TO Wl matie. The best remedy for e sîde cnt et the Towc aleug the i is a walk te the neerest rail- date t he Th way station. Dont trv te mnd a No 10,maudiug n puncture wlth a No 2 plug. Its tume and mntieneti patience tbrowu awey. Instances are on taxes due il record whereiu a cyclist without any other km5 sucb ai avaiable remedy, filet his tire wltb ese, shahi procec andi thus rode borne. Neither broken teotti- thereof as n tie taxesi pic4 nour matches maie succeceful pluga. Cbmber. i Doi> believe the man who tolti you bne DAY, DE( meudeti a puncture lu that manuer. A tire in tie foren that lumps thei. ru can be kept lu place, even if the rider bas no cernent. by tyiug it PF.UÉYs PL tlgitty ant ilnfiating ît ater It la tied lu position. Wbeelmen whb e ie eere the o t pin. trees grew sud ebo do fot ches gun o o t or carry postage champs, scrape rosin from the hîces snd mendth te punctures witb that. Court plaster assisteti by tire tape, wiii tast for a tino over a puncture.* Some kinde et court plaster are quite poroua, aud, If useti.- elil requit. mîuy applications et a pump te the tire. Moral-Carry tire tape, cbewing gun, postage stamps andi plugs whenever i 0u are goint eut ef slght eu a me pair siap. ýYou can prôbably get water and santi on the way. AUCTON SALE of Houle anti Lot, Csrpeuher's Tools, Lumber, Implentents, etc., the propemty et GIEO COAKWEPLL, deceaseti. Tii. un- derslgued auctionéerbhicreceireti instruc- tions from Mrs Charlotte Coakeît the adi- minletratrix of the pro;pemty of the Iite Geo. Coak well, deceaseti, to oeil by- publc suc- tion, on SATURDAY, OCT. andt u n tie prenmises. ahLot »e 2ntiCou. Witby Tp., (Town Liie Kingeton roMd) tferqilow- lui prope.ty,»Moley~: Chatteli â- Bâve, -plnius, isuimetsa, tucbraces, bitta drie. stnivie chisels, angora, apIrit leverf, cota- paec, 1-Vice, Wp ai" sudbsea, ou. Do taiienouô, 1zbuggy, 1 WagonM t ltIer, (Oearly uea sets o igle barnesi Mach robot 1 wagon jack# -1 wagon rucha wagu on i, rossnti sw beelle anti wedges, i larde*tro* baile, zs et of deio- ors wgo wuhee1 zrqoansd tackle i of ) W tiuc hswood luniber, 86 st ýof o.k planklesAt o(oak msnilngx éjJo of ehit. o toberI, "0o et rà tbe son fest :dpinst ituber, a qlasnity opokes, rimab ute Sud gar stock, -£i vood lathe > ïs«. ofli to* tsiry mav, L ei grlu4e. î b« îsioeg4 a quity cfatlove 1pipee,8 ladde. poWs..,i Sci ttone, 1 bw*k. *iw and beau. u1tm thsapart ofLot No. sla tu .uidoo.ot >h " wnsluP e Whil'by owtte4 by t4 esait <Geo CosktWt ,deoeusu&*"admmrspeuu ts.ly, deuibed in a s regzburSd sayys tbeeuof beau J,J Pothergl tt. blu,. On the piessises a I zstorp 1#ࣻe dvetl l zp- <92Y -We av ptw~e fr vrybi ~s1%n planned to not oly do mre kjàsîuàà hsri eretfoie, but té do it vr Uoh bo tter. Stocks vatly lérger, thit's the firot stop ; pdce eeeni ower, that's the second. Firttarrivai 30 caues of*ne w Autuxnn Dress Goods, mantles, Capes,. etc, from the leading manufacturera iii Gerxnany, and Glasgow, Scotland.ý Doube-fold Dreasr Goode from Moc to $2 per yard. Al Next WeeR- we will show an unrivalled display of very latest styles in Ladies, laids and Chuidrens Manties. For every style of Jacket, Cape or Ulster you wil flnd here the best for the least xnoney and by far the largest collection. to select from. You will find garments here to suit -every purse and ail the latest pro- ductions. WALTERS, CQUNTY we aGo TOWN 0F WHITBY qer'a Sale ofLand for Taxes Wbltby, By vittue cf a warrant- Outarlo, issueti by the Mayor under iteo arn n T:; the sSlate cCorporation Q itec arn n ,n et Wbttby, te me directeti, bearing A1> Couuty of Ontario, detd xirîy-firet day et A unt 1897 Ceon-ltnds nientioued lu tii. folleel rit te levy upon sud s efilthe, landes give nadtivatt untee sucli ar iu tii. fotiowiug lBat cf arreers et sessment Act, p roeod te soul bereon, 1 hereby giv. notice, tuet un. necessairy for the taxes, at thi rears andmait ceets are c soues paîd, I a9th day of DEC., A. D., zB ed te seiI the sald landis, or so mue> nay be neoescary for the. payrnent of sud the. costs thereof, lu the Councit ln the Town ai Whitby, on TUES- ýC 7112, 1897, at the. bout cJ 13 ociockL tLAoN.ES FBO S. OT N part ................ . W AT o? n oc '. N E part .............. Lot Taxes Cete Total S part...............0.. 38 $112 81 $4 42 $117923 Npurt..................... 68 42 32 gi66 44.9' Nibai................. 70 9 10 , 's 1095 ~hi....... S 73 '2710 î85 45 2 706 z 85 4,3 7 5. I5 728 s................. 79 9c9 1 5 toi4 8i 7506 3 48 78534 94 5667 3 01 Sq 68 164 3 99 Il85 584 165 3 98 î85 b 83 172 5 84 1 83 769 173 2 22 85 4 07PatNbl 17 4 48 t 8 6 33 PartNi al............. 177 4 487 85 632U 177 4 47IL 85 7 partS5ialf............... 118- 3 55 :85 5 40N Dan 184 3 99 1 86 4.......... 19 3 09 Il85 4 94 96 3 99 î85 5 84 902 19gt1 185 376 N blf ............. 205 399q 1 85 8 t... .... 206 .458 IL85 4 Uand paut N alI 2is 3 99 18 58 loch E S 55 IV8 34 Il Part Saf...... TC SEqurM W#ae~~* e . 039 ci 140 840 wALUcg VAtuWELL * (roto' -f i w * e -Whitbye 0F ONTARIO. TREA SURER'S SA LE 0F LA ND FOR TA XES. 1 1 1 1 1 1 »- 1 ýl 1 - - -

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