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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1897, p. 6

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-*long thé. Kenucky igofé W*nsid mountains Their bonis vers riddea out,ta Sd mtii, W.u'h&t mud a sitnong "I'l but tii. rugged ,tes tires inspired ittie coafdence. Rit eomupanion, ascould bc esn Olt s glana., ws snu ~gllahman. The.fair, ruddy complexioft the quaintly.shsped travelling cap, the long, yellow go- tnihes were not long from , oldt Eng- land. The men had met by accident atta crossingr of countjro rnds and being both bound for Glace City, in Virginia, they agreed to makte the jpairney tegether. The conversation, anything but lively at any time, had csased altogether. The New Yorker ails wered hie companions questions curtly, and Iapsed into silence before they had travelIed a mile tegether. "lThere is a boise at l&ist I ts as far as we cati go to-ay," suddenly ex- claimed the American. "«An old negro shanty, no doubt," pointing ai a littie ramshackle bouse, the roof of which peeped out of a cornbeld. "Hardly decent enough to give shelter to a horse, but there's nothing else to be donc!1" Thè two ridera turned their borses into the narrow lane that led toward the bouse When they were within 20 feet of it the door was suddenly thrown open and on the porch in front of it appeared the tall, gaunt form of an old man, with fiowing beard a.nd snow white hair. Ris, right hand clutched the stock of a Winchester riflA. "Gentlemuen,"' he cried-and there wau a threat in his voice-cilet me in- troduce you to my Winchester 1 The irst who makes a motion toward bis hip pocket will find himself with a hol. in bis rib. lai Re enough to give passage to a yoke of oxen!I The Englighman laughed heartily atethis reception. "What queer peo- pie you Amiericana are! Il he cried. "Weve no desire to enter into an un. friendly argument with you 1" "Aha, youre a Britisher 1 " "Ye8, niy good old friend, juat over froin old England." "Your mate there looks like a tax collector in diaguise." The Englishman ahrugged hie shoulders, while the New Yorker in- troduaed hiniseif to the owner of the Winchest.er. "My name is George Deadmore," h.A said, "lmn a ]and agent froin New York. Other peopies busi- ness doeestt concern me in the lut. I wouldnt kr.ov a moonahine stiU if you held it undar my vory fuse." The old man made an angry motion and was about to send the intruders away, wben Kentucky hospitality pie- vailed. "Weill, gentlemen, what can I do for you 1"1 "Show us the way te Glace City,1 thats ail we want."1 "'Glace City is 50 miles freinbohe. old man, "for I dont trust hum ; but I hope yeu will remain witb me for awhuie. My name i. Walker, Col) -Walkelr, and I havent alwtys lived in peverty. A beautiful oountry ,home stood on Lthe site of tht. old tumble. down cabin, snd hundrodt of negnoo worked in my filids But the van swept Swsy My bouse, my landis ad my slaves, and weedaare growinîg where tobaooo sud cotton ftoî"sh4. I was lUelier than mauy, for I h.d- ontq tii. l4nd, aud 4t bave good ressa for livinginWt"fr wlderness That 'Yankee yesterd6y vw» net jar ont of et the way. If IL. uitlau h amn doing, the, Yauhq.s tanto.bisais for iL. They mude me a beggl But yen stsy wlth me il"t & litti. villayouve no ides -boy ,louely it la for an old man to b. ont off rova ovorybody.e" Thé. Invitation vwu giva m h.srUly that the yoounf Eogisuh dol4 to 0OuntSrY ,t*eaudy the. w aad ii peole; sud' be. va sgoiid 1*aS.-to mephfwb o hf ui * ki The days Itr.to>um$i4o WêOkll w*.k. lite Mont ba. sud .th -Ê" aud, o soeu eso>4ti oau of twihoumnse. tâbg mbnl bsd -bienk otore.Tirsof thenilaZ dead In their blood ttii e tgof te oop flid. Losning sa'iut atres s84MY Lt. eýnglhshin m eognise<* is former travelling comni11Mon ,freinIrw YZrk*. olWalkere rifle -hââd don. eff"cth'é work. The tiderlesa herses ested on tb. tender ears of -Lhecern 1in the fide. Nothing wue te b. seen et the The utttanger, -sick vithi fear over the terrible tragedy, stumbled into the cabin. Thero, giiaatly white and witbý digheveled bai, lêy bis old fniond. Blood tnickled frein several wounds, and fonxned little puddles along the %deur. Who blue jean ebit rose 4 fell witll'Lthe labored bÇ.athing'of thé dying man. H. wau unconscious. The Englishman knelt beside him, moistening bis lips witb tb. burning liquid which vas respousible for the trngedy. On, bullet had grazed the left temple, another had sliattered the elbow and the third bad penetrated the abdomen.ý The wound wus deadfly; t.lere was no recovery frein it. The wounded mani regained consciensnes and immediately recognized bis young ftriend. "'These scoundrels have poured more lead into me than is good for my health. The New York chnp gave me away. He sent the Lax collectera after mne. Well, b. is dend, and Ill soon follw, but before ji go 1 want to exact a promise frein yen. Ail my old fiends are dead. They wene either killed in the war on died soon aftenwarda, and 1 amn sorely trou bled about rny little girl." "Your daughter'i" "lYes, my daugbter. I have neyer apoken about ber te any one. I sent ber away to a convent in Paris. This rougb inhospitable lite would net suit ber at ail. 1 intended to have ber corne home wben the place was built up again. For ber I stinted and aaved and made 'moonshine' wbiskey. I nover liked tb. business. Lt isntt fit for a gentleman- Now my daugh- ton ha. finisbed ber education and is coming te se. ber old father again. 8h. wil not find me alive; but she wiIl corne inte ber own. There are $50,000 in tb. batik. And new, for th. favor 1Illask et yuu. îLe a dying mans request, will you fulfil it 1 " '-Yes, as. fan as is ini my power." "'Then go te my daughter-and uiake ber your wite." The Englishman was dumubfounrted. 1etemary b.e<aughten of a mur- derer 1 Had ho forgotten that yonider ini the grass lay three men wiiom ho bad killedi1 "'Yen are going e deny my requeit, cried the colonel. III know whaL yen are tiuking. Have pity. In s few moments Ill be de"d.Corne, makre haste. 8h. is beautiful,» ho mosnod, wben tii. Englishman stiil hesitatod. 44PDre -- tJi. -e- --.àhigIily con "'atIii ith s»1aMy lient,» ~8edois Mt bém e* bs tthers nain e. Ti.aigma f et li.nsdia. "Andi attachste aime. Sie vas «Ântgod viet' va the' ia nW qu.sIon4 v.pmtlyLb.~ man.U "'Josesph Turn, ir t gfrt wla Pro- tusd té bewMy wifs.- o Lii. d a s*. mwd: th vsUCCO Xhav'e o yont sp acanaEl Pillé. for kidu>.y trouble sud bud gr.ýM tie t tbpse eanfferlng 'with kidniy- troubles. *mu. X., sTuLE, Thorald Dr. Bobbe Pila t610 u I WITBY, O ,b A. B. ALIN e Chemiet sud Druggist. Traiti, o! Hes Th. hors. la une uf the muet net-vous and sensitive et animale, and for thia reason alune iL îhould always b. used pently. À curioué tact about tiie horst la that it will leave inust> ha>' untouobed ln ia bin, nu matter bow hungr. EHe will net drink of wator objeotionable toe bis qnestioninK -.niffi or froun a bucket which Bsème other odur makes offensive, bowever thirst>'. Hi. intelligent noitrils will widen, quiver and quer>' over the daintieat bit ofered b>' tb, fairoat of hands. A mare is nover aatisfiod by eithar sight or whinny that lier colt le really ber own uiluah. bas cernfied the tact b'y meaniout er ypse. Blind bot-ses, s a rule, will gallup wildly about a pasture without striking the îurround- ing fonce. The sense et ameil inforyn& tbem of its roxim 'it>'. Others will, dieu loosened frein the stable, go dirotly tote b gate or bars opening to their scoustomed feeding grounds, anc1 when desiring to return, after bout-s ut caeroas wandoring, will distinguisi tbe oe outiet and patiently await its open- ing. The udor of that particular part cf the fonce is their guide. to it. For Ouring Hiccoiighs. "Wby dont yen stop tint hiocougb- ing ?"~ said on. business manti t anotber, as t)'.> met at the corner of Fourth aud Niue, aIt)h. noon boni. The man ad- dreaied vas ail but iu convulsions. "S8top nothing 1 saia ho. Ive been trying ever>' old remedy 1 ever beard cf and ever>' nov one tint ever> féoui friend was kind enough to suggest. Iv,- belil in>' ande over my baad for fifteet minu es and extended tbern like a sig~n board until tbey acbed. I have beld my bt-est)'outil I was almeet ready to drop frein apoplex>'. ive drnnk nia. evwal. lova of water nine tries over, I guoss. Ptnd two or tht-e. obumpe have-:tried t seat-e me, sud did lt, top, but toln good. Then anotber euatbuaistio amatèI1t h>'- sician bis me lu the. m'ddle cf the bacle when 1 va se looking andçescaped b. fore I eouid land ou hlm. 1,I would net bavq don. a tbirig te hum if I bad caught hlm. But tbe biocoughs are ber., andt t fs>'y, 1 feu." "48.1 iboi op, if 1 cure yen ?' r'Wl WII ? litIset thein np for a mont)' sud tiirov in a big cold "bot' besides if yeourem thora"1 Thon îiioy adjonrned te a meisteuing establishmient. aud the good saaraitaz, sald te Dan, "Dan, gie biesogntlemin a lump of wvile iugar.-" H. bob it andd iesolved il lu ýhla menti sud tb.eiiiccoughi vent as if by'mge probaly I>ouuhefrîirta>' vasevtr a#»I- boy, and Del on sceon t thé reruedy, but it ost the oold lotils juaîLt.etam. suodose.drinha heoMes. Stui, .otbink he g01 oitfof ItOhespoiegi. e... ece e.. e 'e o c uvin. sou laies wt cuc eUte> Tu.,esTh'fe S antainclsco Chren.*. Icle,I one otten ge for days without sight of c'ven 80, 'nuci as a ..ickel, And tlleti thé, yý ple eresort tc, al sors e q 'ét 4 vcS te màke'change. AncaesEcn an, who had occasionl to sp.nd rnany mnonths in Montanat telle of having seen a man buy a box of Miatches viith a watermelon and re- ce ive as change twe' muskrnelons. An- other paict for suspenders in turnips and got a carrot or two back with bis purchase. But of ail the queer financial tran- sactions that I have ever known, said Lie, the oddest came under the head of "paying the fiddler." It had been noised abroad that a dance was te be given a littIe way up the meuntain, ané agrreed te go along with one of the boys and see the fun, After go- ing through the elaborate preparations of blacking his boots ani putting on a collar, I saw my companion go to the potato bin and select a dozen potatoes and put them in his pocket. No soon- er had we arrived at the music hall than he gracefully surrendered his vegetables for an entrance ticket But what puzzled me the most was that upon comning eut alter dancing all night, he was given two onons as change. I have been trying to make up my mmid ever since what that dance real m.' Twenty Years:.... For moret tan twcnty years we have been telling hw excessive waste of the "ystem# pus on f lesh, nourishes and bufids up the body, maklng It the rcmedy for al wasting di- sease of aduits and children, but it lsn't possible for us to tell the story ln a mere stick- fui of newspaper type. We have had- prepared for us by a physician a little book, teling ln easy words how and why Scotts Emulsion benefits, and a postal card rcquest wMI In enough to--have ft t o you hec To-day would be a good tlffx to send for If. SCOTT & BOW? kiB..v ~Oft. Baved Xer Druûen ]Eusibad. Si. Finaîlly Administered a Remedy, Without bis Knowledge, and Curtd Him A sorretipondeni vrises - Ibad sncb a hsppyV botne sud a noble. blg-hearWe rbaiand, i î» ho b, ock to nibig, finit buhgb o*ibiii&y, sien bucause uhe fiendi.ih <esie voold come -over han, onaslrg hm for drink. Iw" bh.bs*btbkèn. 1lappyboa frlmutd .8 ieto tri àa U.urécare o.il.4 Genitlemen -Fer tL ast ton leuiIhd been toubl;àAwith kddiesboing no bad at ltervalSj that cuiud nüt l10 in bcd at nlght net-stoOP lu b th -g=d. 1 bad t-led anl the, reunedies 1 could find withont effeot, but heardou Dodd'5 .d De PIl and proonred'a box- 1 am noet hP My n'IL formMy 0" sake as vel ol e thers that 1 amn Pu% itotl curedale usinV; four boxes ioEnRuiLE cigaI. Jtkli E]. yIjtEWBL]L, Q-.?. Barrisiter, Oounty Crr-,wu Attorney, and COunty solicitor. 1Ofc-Solt ' Wing u1 court flunse, Whltb>'. JAMES ItUTLEDUE,' Bar4rster, etc. Ofice fermari>' ooonpied by Farewell & Rntledge, next Jioyal H0tl, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID OIIITON, 13. A-, Attorney-at-LaW, Sooltor in OhaflOer7, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - lu the. ffice Sont)' uf the Post 0 Ofce, in moifillaflB Block, Brook Street, Whitb>'. G. YOUNG SITH. LL. Bot larster, etc.,-Mcney te Loan. lotuer of Mat-nage Licenses. OfiRce - Smtith's Bilook, South'oai19at-ket, B- ock $t., Whitby. - DOW .& NcI6LIVRAY, Barriaters, Solicitors In Cbaneery, etc. Office In MatlMeon & Bgawkan'a nov bock Brook St., Whltby, sont)' cf Ontarilo bank. W. B. YARNOLD-, D. L.que County Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, £U-tb ical. Dr8. Warren à. Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D-9 P. Warren, M. D. Brooklin. Ofice heurs 9. a. Mn. Ofce ibon» sil iSm te i1 a.rn. te 2 p.m. pu Private Tetephone Com0musnicaliOf I D. Po BOGAET, ig.DoL*D.U. Ph imoa, Surgeoni end Accocher etc. 06 ice a id dence nez>te oAil daint's Obure)', Duades Street, Whttb>'. e.B.- Dental Burrnlaaui îlebranhes promry attended té. W. A DAMS, c3S>DENTIST. Renai over j9bn Fergsoi'8 dtblust ors Realdnco--NO.s, Tei. Teae, ByronS. Whltby. Jn.2«b. j80. Dr. H. thtan. ôt. ltiiW itby, lxk; ~âil ~ ~tch4 Ayfl 8; May 4; 4ue ; JIUjU î; Oti%.8 N .4 0tek.~ gg11.0h ; .M7ayÃ";juiy 9; Po5~PE~ J.'W~snnIbsîxi Port *July 2 e' 5 O.,18. Clek41 8; i)c24,; MyIt;Jl 14; ot j34; Dac. 16. 1 j ýý jge niltb, Caziningto'lz JAN. 81MrC)' 20;Ma>20; Jul3 15; Je~oI< e1F.Bruce, Beaverton, 01ergMîrz 28 M& 21; JUIY 16 ; Oct. 16; Up,e OVTireî P. Hart, tptirgrove OlerkLMaro 27My 2q; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec19BI ordot, J. B. FABEWELL, octobr 7t 189. %,Cerk ofthe Pece. ¶IYNTEDSE3FVEUAL FAITE FUL YYo Men oereù te travol for re- spohaible establlshed' bouse nOtao Salar>' 57go, payable $1,5 weekly and ex- petiss..position- PermanSfent. Reference. Enïclogs e1(addrffedeâ t9nied- envelope. The Natial, Star Buildinlg. Chlcago.- 17-9. a. :E: - RIGGS. IDENTIST.)7 (3or. ring & yoflge St; Toronte. For te neit three montbo 1 ara givlig apenlal attention to p atiants trom, a dis- tasnce. Arnm, li insmkizg plates in rubber, $8, ceilnlold #10. Gold and iliver milng veor> cro*n] ng by trot-clasi operatô6ra si the. moot reasoitibie rates lu thre city. When in thre oit>' callunsud lot me exam- ina ont- teeth.I1 make ne extracaatge.- 0. ÃŽ. BIGGS, Dentist, sont)' eut corner King and Tonge Sts., Toronto.. N ov. 8th, 1892. W.@ He WARNER. DICÂLER liq COAL, LATH, LUMBER, ooRflWOOD, BLAB0, ETC. AGENT For the FEOPLE'S COAL CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East. of U'ptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25ths 1894. ASK YOIJR 8TATIONER -s-FOR..- SPÂRTIOÂ, TU NEW W~II1~G PÂPZR, TÂKE 1iO~OTflER. Augua pst 2895. 4 - - . - President Polk 11, Il Whfle in L'owell W& Both ere busy fo One ta govern and .And as a Presidett .Bometimes depeds Mr. Polk took Aye For his liver, 5M j Ayer's Ct ,were des=et 'nodel purgti had 80 long a with gripmngn ecarefully prepu gredients edJu necessities of liverg their po etantaneous. l' arity hus e 'WeIl marked Awarded tho 'World'a Fair 50 Veau, BETTZR 18 THE RARE Tj FECT A Nova Sentis Lad Dr Williams Pi Roua to Suffering From the Amherst, Tho rugged and preciate to its f uit perfect bealth. Il bave passed througl feol that beathinlua more tban silver or wbu have experienc, Miss Sabra Rectoft. bert, NS. ThioltW -a trying sud weai 'bihîchbappy relie the mediumn of a brouglit bealth aud etfoahers, and vIx viii vork equali>' cases where it la giv Poo«tor ays :-',fl Trecommend Dr 1% tii.y bave donse Vo tvo years sgo 1b4 'complication uf disé wvfth indigestion, b 4uiting net-vous -d headache, loisecf, a heat sud c6ld. tI sîlthougli I had Lb.r "t. groïw woriê ehi liffle-1,and whgn lyî -é sehot and suifer *Mothering thal-& i te re. Tben . tb erne and 1 weul Turne vore ounand I muent 1in Myoen te do any v^ork ab4 -thre exertien etfiM cas eutIfi1attsil -t4neeor hurt-ed in- id.- acta neede a withu IL tu of the 1

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