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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1897, p. 7

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'fî PeletP" la1h. Wlte Rouse chair., tu tla ovait wwu Dctur Ayer;, IlOth vers buey for humai weaî GOU re ovein sad oe eto hal. And# te & prsîtd.t1t'*power of wtlI Som=et1mes dependu on a liver.pil, Mr. Polk took Ayer'a Pilla 1 trow Iter bis liver, 80 y.ars&go. Ayers Cathartlc PUIs were dealgne& to sUxply a inodel purgative te p'eople Who liad n0 long inJured themeelves «with rripina mediohnes. Being carefully prepared anid their in- gredients adjusted te the exact necessitieB Of the )bowela and liver, their popu:laity wa.ein- stantaiieous., T",b4.bjs popu- larity heasbeen tU&14tted la 'Well maked flu'thée=modal1 Awarded these plllj a t thIlo World's Pair 1898. 50 Years of Cures. BETTER THAN GOLD. IS THE RARE TREASURE OF l'ER- FECT IIEALTI. A Nova Scotis Lady Sayt; i Consider Dr WViliams Pink Pis a Priceles Boon to Suffe:riîg Humanity.< From the Amherst, N 8, Sentinel. The rugged and the strong do flot or proiate o t tfulll oxtent the blessing of perfect hoaith. It iisoui>' those who have pazsed through a trying illness, who foei that heirîti is a treaisure te b. prized ueore than-aver or gold. Amneng those who have experienced the truth cf this is Mliss Sabra Rector, cf West Rier Her bort, N S. This lady has passed through a trying mud wearisorne ilinesa, fhem which hippy relief was found through the mnediuin ef a medicine that ha. brouglit heaith and strongtbh to thouaids of otbht-5, and whose inedicinal virtues will work equaliy good resuitis in ail casies where it is given a fair triai. Miss Rector Bay@ :"1 eel it i. my duty te recomoeend Dr ilihms Pin P ii., as they have dou. wondars for rue. About twc yoars '&go i became ver.? ilI with a ,Complioation cf dîseases. I was suifering with indigestion, bilieustinand the re- sulting nervous disorders, such as sick headaelie, loss of appetite, and flashes of heat and cold. I began rloctoring, and ai though 1 had the beot of Cire I seemred to grow worse every day. I siopt but little and when )ying dowi weuld grow so hot aid sufer frtm a sensation et amnothoring that 1 would find it n«eeary to arise. Thon the other extrenie would coend I would shiver with cold. Tîrne wore on and thêrai vas ne iMprove- ment in my oondilde". I Wa" et able t,, do any work abouzt the bouse and eîen* the exeqrtion of Môving about would tire tue out. If 1 attempted te walk mny dis- tance or hurried in tlb.lat I would gas'p for breath aid oould toaueoly &Pebk-,, had a very poor appetite, and vhat food 1 atie did net seem tô e givt-h MeOOr f urnish needed neuritihment., and 1I6aise Dr Williams Plïk -Pillae a &sP.oO for the troubles vhich make thii. ave e no rnany voineu -Cabaidehi, and sed rostore the rich glow. ef beslth toe pal ,ond saflow chéeoka.- old &l ai les, or sent by matl poa La. t 6dea box.or six boxes ýfor $2.0,t Dr Williams a aciu Go, »rckillp ýOnt. Bevare of imitations and subéfÀl imtes allegoal tgbe ïouesod Mr W J Coplan frSuxI owa tà VIOl*lu -h brother, P Copiai eof,"isplace. Mrs (Dr) Darlh «d lmd MS prWe .are visfllngsi th. home. of the taiSeas M J 8Todi buom n. y.aî. and the mop i I"trl*Ï Mr Ibou afm&M rida uW ht utr WfvU " er. Èit éa4V tâiàUt bôà 4.ýillue bdle llT or rt*s* cqg compautons from 0rowing. .Thmrt mae ssierti people inlAndsayai Vleiaity vWho should ue regii.beedlké vase by the, sooiety. COspiCasoar, bile 'Donna Coulter and others by thuar cour mosdebde are entîtled to the buior. CaPt Causa, vo undolretand, vI ib. présented wxth the royal humnage society moedal at PFotlon Faits on Wsdaosday of noiS week. DoRMItte te t* shome.. The. manage meutteoftthe home for the. gd foot highly gratofui sw Mn e dwîrd MoeFeeIy, of Minneapolis. Minci., a former resîdent of this -town. Mrs MoFeely, *ho ha. been visitin gfriendo ii town reeontly, pn'rier aber departure for home donated 30 vory readable bookesut the in niates of the home. The books form inuit appropriate resding, and will supply a fund of profitable entortainiment for the old folks. The. donation is a kindiy ro. mombrance and a bandoome oe. Others abonld foilow Mrs MoFeelys worthy oxainple. A lamentable affair. Moagre particulars hava reaobod us of at moet uniortunato occurence at Mapie Lauoeiin Stanhope township. W H Baw yer, a youog man of tbat vioiflity go& ilo an itOrlation, cause unktiowti, and two brothers, Matt and Thoi Thompoon. The brothers beaàt Sawyer. This was on Wednesday and on Satnrday ho died, supposedly frow the injuries received in the flgbt. In~formation, %as laid against theniand thie Thomptcons are now in jail. Dr Gelpo, of Haliburton, is niow holding an inqueet on Sawyf-ri body The Matter bas Created mucli excitmIent in the jaortb, both partiel beiDg wide)y known. A talented Lindsayitô. Mr A W Roberts, who bas been êbjo3l. intz a very plIeao;nnt t1iree weeks v'acstion with bis pIarlntiA in town, retnrned Wed- ne@day Lto New York. Ho wili enter the choir of St Paueu, one of the most pro. minent tabernacle@ of the ity, as ban-. tone soloist. HP will also conneet hiru- sefwith the Maizical Jorirnal publiahed in New York. Many Lindsayîtos wiah their taieîîîed youniz friend every suoceas in the big metropolis. Lindsay boys al- waye do well.-Warder. HAMIPTON. -; truthers, Toronto, was calliflg on friends here Sunday week. MLNr Uraiik Sweetnian and wife, G3uelph, v'isied here recently. IMr Jatueg Burin ad fanxily visited Tyrone ifriends Sunday. NMr Edwa.rd Ilasting has been very sick with pieu riby. Miss Rickard, Newcastle, is vi8iting friends hure for a few days. Mr Edward (Iront hm been aiIing for a few days. Mr Matthew Rabbins bas had a large nutnher of chickens and other poultry destroyed thie sumnmer. For sorne timte he has kept a watch, and recently shot a large fox whieh ba been cornimitting the depredationis. Mr D) Williams has been in puer health for some tinte, and is stili quite indisposed. Mr and Mra Jesse Sater bas been Ira Lavrpnce, of Evansville, called on eut- pedazogue reently. . Rev Thomu, of Pickering, ireacbied a fine sermon at Zion on Sunday evenn laet. J H Madili bas; «et the school in rue- nicg urder nie, iy andalias st.arted a P 8 L Jae 1 Davidenentsrtained Borne prom tuent stock mn ofe Nova Seotia recenti>'. They bave aise a flne carlotad et animais it the. exhibitien for dhowing put-poses Mns Joue& bad a runavmy recontly, a dog beloiainlg te Abuseo Joues rai ont and frigbtenied the ohee, siu-owing Mrs Joues and hber sister, Miisa Madill eut. A sevore bruiathg was about the extent ef the daarweg. Mr A. Joues bas sincesdc a- patobed this dog. SU S e nwu. 3.~ Ev.r~ '- - Ci gro'ttes. 5 Cts. M. . COLLINS, Per Package, SOLU AGEN'T FORU-WIMBY& I (hii--I --- ill# tpli~ Tii. Croit odem R.me fbe Tooth Ache, Hus received more Ihonest, unso1i1- dCtedi test imninal fromni ptble. peo leïthan any erthe r rne Mr-David 'danofWObur4 Well and poul etY ktioin thweoughomtt the wheo:stYbrk ha. Iteutt n retend and Gr'eat Bitai for the past Stimuler i thi. ntereuts ef.thle UMaey Heris o.1was expected home Tues. dttyî His .nàny frIends #il gladlyî lurgiera attemUpted te obtain an en. trance 'to the -fesidence cf B Hoover aboUt mldnight Thutsday night. The brokt a elat off the shte c lt e r kitehen vlndôw, puebhed up the vin- dov, but wve. frlghtened away by Mrs Hoover, Who beard 'the noise and türned 'Up the -light to investigate. The visitors ln getting off the platform went through a rotten board. We witmh hLm inox On Saturday Mr Geo W Wilson vent to Campbellford to take a very responsible position in the large wool- len mils there and we jeu wth bis many friends in wishing hlmn ever$y success. In Iosing Mr Wilson this town loses a young mai who was de- servediy popular and a young mai of promise. He was one of oui best la- crosse players and wiii be greatly miss- ed by the club. By bis removai the ire brigade wiii have to elect another president as he has held that position up to date. Limont a faite The Toronto Industrial FÈxhibition is over and of course, it is a success financially, at any rate it ought to be because they almost charge one for the air one breathes while on the grôunds and at tht price Charged on the grand stand thev nlugt Include air when mak- ing an estimnate for reguiattig prices. For years the exhibition has been go- ing on the cîrcus line whîle this year the performance ln front of the grand stand is flot worth seelng gratis. To- rontos great industrial has sadly fallen. -Sun. $ 1,500 000 Whitby A gencys. General Banking Tra.nsaoted. Business S AVINOR D-BPABTKENT. Interemt allowed st higbem eourrent rat«s. Notiotto.o iwfthdrawal required E9. J. THROINTON, manage -FAI RBAN KS, Real E8tato Column. Small Prame Bouse ard Lot corner of John and Byron streets, Whltby. Wtt! be soid veryeaep. LOTS-To b. muid, lots 324 arnd 258, DortII ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On A*b street, eorth ward# will bu muid cbeap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bouse# with brick stablei,. Situatod on Byron mi0., Whitby, the fiiesi uealdentiai atreet lni the town, wihi~n tbreemntswl ttes office. There Ltre three lots--of lan4 wtt anf entrante on two stretet, Hou..hi rfect e pît orpttculersopP!Yto L. A BAn$ Real Estate ýAgent, Whitby, OnIt, Stri, Gardu C'.ity IT&Ltt Foi rWatob~ .....L Mi 1#, vi How te Âiio* "Reauluideal»$Shape 'makes the foot look siender. Straigh sided soie-fuit box tee, ridged at top, in iatest mode. Roomy but narrow looking, Laced, Buttoned, Congress, or Oxford. Black, Tan, Seat Brown, Carmine, Winecolor, 13 leathers -13 hafsizes.- wiidths-Goodyear Welt -$3.00> $4weOP,.00o. Stamnped on sole. Carae:g The Slater-Shoe." Ali pet 48Mg ,Wi ADIe aud Saddleay ninss ii b. ee-lest 147 #hop ana took. 3econfidéoo vest 6f Ûaulp Dundai 8iro.t, Whu*b Railway Time Table *EAED TItUXXE AND MXDLî*VD- NOS8 Express DaiIy Mail ....... 5:80 an No. Ï Local, oxcept SundBay .... 8:50 aim No. lé, Passenger "1-1 *Il .... 2.88 p nm No. 1, Express, Mail dslýy.a.e:*0e p nm RAINS 00116 ueAOTWALRD No. 6 Zirpteos, daily, except SUDn.. 8104 a m No. 4 Express, il9.-67 a mi No. 14, Passongfi r' 8:08 pilm Ne-. 8, Loocal 6~ :17 plu No2, Express, Maiu, daily.... iO:.oir pn MIDLÂND DIVISION .al.. .. .. ... ... .. ..8:08 a - .d i ...............4:20 Pme Xlzed To Lindsay- .............. 6:85 p mi Mized From Lindsay ..........S..87 &mn DOM INION( BANIÇ3ý Capital Paid UP, - $1,50OOê Surplus, ,£mi -we

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