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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1897, p. 8

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OS~WÂ,SEP.-7',l187, Oshawa barbo s to bc dredged coom, Miss Lisse Brodie le spending a foev vels in Toronto. Mr and Mli John Gould, Boston, are visit. Ing Iriends in town. Mr j G Chandler, of Norwood Wl' visiting G M Dafo. lent Sundity. Mr Mullin, of New York. spent a couple of -days In towe this veek. Miss Mabel Dolling la vistîng Mr and Mrs Wm Hunt and famlly, of Brockville. lira Floyd, who han been spendlng tvo monîlîs in Cobourg tbsaretumu hme. Mini lciUillan of Wheatley vas the ýgues of Mn Geo Wlcket, Bond et., over Suuday. Mr and Mrs S A Luke, Montreai, ver. lu town over Sunday the guestu of Mrs Gei> Podlar. Mr C H Ruprectit of Batavia, was In town for a ew days lest week, tbe guest of Mr 0 Guy. mit Hastings, 44th tofinlishbn h great s Tîme .o.c6. Bor.-Ou tbe i ttof Sept the wire of R. Wilson of ason. ln Oshawa, the v th lut., the vite of!earnest Scale. ota son. Misé G Smith, of Clintou, vho bus bemu apendlug a ev days wlîbb ber cousin, Mrs ES ldmotIlon bas returned to ber home. J Aubray Teeter bas resumed work lu the Pedlar office afler a weeks hoidays at Beamoviile and other tovus ln the Grimsby section. Misses Bertie Bennett and Viola Hooper bave been spending a few days witti Miss Mande Hill, Vouge St. Toronto, during ex. biblîlos. If your watcb needa repairing leave it vlth Hare the vatcb speiallst, wbere it yul bc vwelI donc, doue promptly and charge. the very bewest. Every oue admires the front Mr McCaw la putting ou bie new building. The building &-ftes approaching completton and ih l iot b. long t111 it wiil be reedy for business &gain. W A Hare formeriy witb T J Boyd but late of London, buas opened a jewelry store, 3 doors uortb of the Western Bank, wbore bo will give special attention to repairing. Give hum a caîl. L C Smitos 'Mabel Gray" and other poeins nua been publlsbed ln cheaper loru to be used by High School iapils as supple .ueniary readlug and lu for saue at R A j Littles for 2o cents. Mr Hylaud of East Wbitly, wbo lcet bis barn by ligbîning on Au&g zoîh, bas settled vi th e Perth Mutual. The compary pald thie (qil cdaim ail but a few dollars sud Mt. Hiyland expresses himself as sstisfied. Lieut Marshall of tbe Saivation Army bas been ordered to Brampton. Capt Brant bas also left the McIntyre bouse ini order to re- movç_to Brooklu to niake that place bis headquarters. Wbltby yull thus become a unere ouipost of the Salvation Army witb cottage meetings ovziy occasionly. The Ladies Aid of Slmc9o St. methodist churcb will &ive a barvest nome supper on Fridaï, Sept 34tb. Supper viii bc served from6 to 8 o'clc>ck. An excellent bill of (are wiii b. provided couslstiug of meats of ail klndsaud cbickem pie. 1 Admission tS cents, children zS. A programme *111 b. lurnisbed ai 1er the-supper. The Or e alarm Tuesday evecng vas te caîl tbe brigade to test the englue. The amen vetoeon baud pronptly aud for a time à single streani vas thnown. The record tbe englue made was the urne as former lon5 Aat ViCe Presdnt j Ioblan, sud Vice Preideot Xm issLtck, Pd VI=e Prl. deMissm Kinver,4th Vice Presidat Um Grase.Dingi. SA. R.otSecyCharis Belles cor Sfty Chas urVlms, Tii.. C Wilso, Piani"t Miss McGr., >o,¶nstMàss Li Wigg. Thi e sgug sMU ffl yesrnder inbot favorsblse siesTi ttn.e ,of the ymot gpople e t tii.Ckhonàlà lgoodrt and s. Iuter«,Ià la e* W s&dla us work that agr eifruesce !ii Ib. Flùs Udetrttem Aociatima la e d. M Rgérs~Le Nh as tamer Tii. Septtuber 'Wu* 91f iiiBoSllïr and Stationer printu a- -plendid photo- gravure of Prnciral L C $uulth cf the ýOawb avab bhi hboo, s pfeking of Ur Smithas Gray anid otiier peems.$$ Ur T M Luke, who bus butii. local agent for the Massy Harrit. Ce for thiepes elgt yeer as i.sccepwa teneral îrav*iiun aj.ncY vith Itson Bràs, 61 Xuneroti, toi rIlmoke bis beadiquaihens Mr Bellevili. Ur sud Mis Luk.lt'via ,vit" Believille huis veek te secure a homte sud expec t 10 ove tbere 1h15 mentit. Ur LVIte is au officiailu SMce St. Itehodlsit churti, an enthusias. tic curler sud bas represeuted Oýshawa on tho tankard toam man>' years, Ho bas elso taken a prominent part lu polltlcs lu the Conservative ceuse and yl b. mlssed (rom bis respective poste of duty but b. sud Mrs Luire have buste ol friends ber, vbo vîlI visi thein prosperlîy ln their nov location. Tbe Reformer observes ironically of course, that the edîtor of the CilmoNî CLyt is e ver>' important person aud knovs better thon dots the Oshava board of oducatlon boy tbat body sbould transct lis business. W. suppose that, b.lng su editor bîiself, Bren Muudy vili admit tbe proprlety of critlcislng a public body tbrough thi. press, aud that a habit bas growu upon wrlters of crltlcislug vîthout first seeking permission. As Brer Mundy ls a member of the board of education of cousrse It vonld b. lu b.d Uit. for hlm ho comment advenaely upon Its con- duet, non vould be 1ke te bave bis conduct as à trustee overhauled by the Vîndicator, lest prejudice might crop out, aud belng a nen-taxpayen ve muet net *Peak. W. merel>' mention the»e thîngs te show that If Bren Mundy bas bis wey aud chokes us off. the boards conduct vîli have te go unchai. lenged, wblcb la about hhe stand the Re- former la vont to upbold. Conisidenlnig the wabbling that bas gone ou at the board this vear, we do not doubh that as a member Bren Muudy would lîke public discussion shut oit; but the trouble la that vo bave a habit of meddllug lu aIl public matters, and must inait ou comblug the boand o! educa- tdons baïr wbeunoceauary. The people viii have to jud ge as to vblcb hse vie point ont thoîr interests or thos wbo ould smille discussion are their bout fieuda. W. bave abundant falth lu the intellgonce of the public, wbereas Bn or Mundy does not vaut tbe publie te become intelligent on some pointa. LUttle pensonai allusions to us as being brainless and unwortby of b.lug litened to only Illustrate vhat every asuvo- cae of nlgbt bas tb undergo at the hbsuds of those vbo faucy lbey gain b>' b.ing cham- pions of wroug. Deeth of Rnr. James Kines. Cobourg Post : On Woduesday the sad uevs vas recelved fnom Clfîon S prings NY. that Rov Jas Kines, the b.loved vastor of Division St. Mdethodlst church, badl pessed to a btter world. The Rov genteman buf Cobourg aeIfev veeku ago lu hope cf lmprnv- ing bis bealtb et the apninga, and 1h vas tbought thet bis condition vas mending un- tiI Mouds>' lait vbeu Mr@Kinet. necived s telegrani surnmoulng tien b the bedgide of ber iusdand. On the followlng morning, accomipauled hy the Rev Dr Revuan, she took t hoesrly train, sud arrived et Clîfion Springts prion to bis demise. The remalus were brougit to Cobourg* by the êt a. m. Thunada>' train sud couveyed ho the parson- .ge, snd Prlday moruing taken by thie train leaving Cobourg at the same bour te RKing- ston for Interment. Pilon te removal a me- monlol service vas couducted lu lhe ehurch, vblch was largely atteuded b>' thoeinemberu of the cougregptlon sud citisens gemensll>'. The deceesed gentleman was au cloquent preachen, mucb beloved by tie large cou- gregation of bis churci, eun bs eattil deepi>' rertted b. ail. Heo baves a widov te vbw the heartkit sa tby of lte entîre district la extemded du=14b v c f trouble. Tie late rev gentemen vas a pro- minent momber cf lb., Independant Orden of Oddfellovs, and strong vonker for tihe cWasof ProhibIti« on. olny lu bis lm- modiste charge, bot îhnougiioct the viiol Dominion. Te TeD 1er tic organ o( th&. Good Tempheua pubuised at Hamiltospays the fol"»wigtUte ho the d.easd : "Ah .a- ié- oyl euplt-Cap *>*là- to câ*V. whikh tokplae very auddeuly' *on héart- diseaselk T1Wr larull hâve- the,. symnpaîhy-U of -their neighbors and fnlends ln their sadb- Receut visitors: Mr. W. C. Goode. Goderich, at the hémestead; Mr$., D. **ouck, Orillia, andl Mrs. Williams, ýLhzdsay, at 14r T ?owers; Mri Perkins, O*vCn Sound, at Mr.J. WkherldgiÏ-; Miss Mabel Witberidge. Scarboro, at 'boné; Miss L Spencer. Toronto, ati Miss M McMillans; Miss Ada 'Allun, Providence, at Mr. S. Ailins; Mrs. J. Mollon, Hamilton, at Mn T Blythes. SUNiSKImtu Miss Maggie Stewart Stewart s visit- ing friends cf Moorfield. A capital papen was read by Mn.. R. Stephens «t last League meeting. Visitors: Mrs and Miss Rowe, Wing- ham. Mn and Mrs Taunton, Miss Ga- iagher, Oshawa, guests of Mn John Virtue sr. Miss Veal of Illinois accempanies Miss Maud Hayes home frem U.S. Both wili be warmly welcomed; Miss Pollock, Dowington, Mich., guest cf Mrs J T Pollack; Miss Bentham Ill., vlsiting frieuds here; Miss Eva Trewln, Bowmauville; Mn A Tamblyn, Orono; Capt. Trindie. Chattanooga, Tenu., guest cf Mr A Riggs. napi.ev Mn WAiI Rundie visited Port Hope fnîends. Miss Aunie Crumb bas retunned îe Toronto. Mr Wm Coxis out again alter his neceut accident. Theme was a genenal migration to Toronto from here lait week. Mn T H Kirkpatnick and Mn Charles McKinnion, Meadville, Pa., made a fly- ing visI here. Mr aud Mmi S Cole and Mr aud Mrs John Snowden sud famiiy visited Hampton frieuds. Mn Mark Muuday. jr.. has returned trom Chathamo and Mn ,WilM da bas gene there 10 eside. AlMna Master Glen Flintoif, Taunt.on, at his Graudma Crumbs; Mn Norman Tyler, BealAn, ai Mr Wm Foleys. Mi A W Foley bas reîurned trom Vermout and s uow doing business for Page Feuce Co. iu Western Ontario. Miss Loua Saunders, Meadville, Pa.; Mn Harold Reynolds, Rochester, N.Y, aud M vi Chas Haikili bave been guests aI Mn S. C. Rundie's; Mrs Richard Brimacombe, town, at ber daughters, Mns R D Snowdon. Bovxuanvllofair ta deryilday. Ut Chai Burdon of Buffàào, N Y, làh he.. Mn D B Simipson la lu ,Bston, on business. Mr and Un ,John Piqe are vIilng Mouds at Peterboro. 11ev W Combe, Wîllou, .spet lest .vweek viti bit pwrets bers. Mr S V.instoue sud Una Noticote, are visa. ieg relativluExeten. oiod.. lu Bovmuvavle on Sept 9th Mary lu- idor Mom', aged so yeani. Dioti san BowmaÎvgbceU e o MiSuoi Sept, Tbon Veal, qed 6s yewi 6 mot. meibodisiSS a niversam oitiSuomda>'Rer 1 R*e vii oaadm Uot lree servies. Miss HUlesBeau andi Muss esa>'Wilsof o Mr jolie W Kivei w.unnaad. la aboW t o bave wto nalce op bis s eluAn inîgstou. Mi Clark., tii. sou t a ppie eeoae moi. teber* 8gsttug ablgla fnwdlaessfothe pssai t uhvk iifueds ai Mytele, Lids.> Moatt laa«u lt Mtyiod toMi SMssigs J.us ion .OMt M oela Dked lt yivp M iiw fit, Roie À I awa, is 'j I her aunt. d~.apdr the'- èrec', visite! us Mîter & protracted illnese Mr. R. A. ?hilil fe asleep, on Monday evenlr.g lu the asseured hiOPe of a biessed im- mortalilty. Fnievnde and nçighbors witb one accord sorrow over the loss tô this neighbothood of an active, obliging friend; a loving hushand and father called away in the pride of bis young manhood. As Mms Jas Collacut and Miss Phoebe were returning from Tyrone ou Mon- day their hotte took frîght by the bridai coming unfastened, ran away, threw both ladies out of the covered catrnage thezeby causing Mrs Collacutt to break both anms and Miss Phoebe to receive a severe shaking up. With heroic fertitude the brave lady stanted for Enniskillen tu have ber fnactured limbe set but was unable te be driven any further than her daughters (Mrs J. Phare) wherc Dr Mitchell was prompt- ly caUed te her assistance. The sym- patby of t.he entire community is with Mvi Collacutt in her present well nigh belpless condition. The horse escaped witb g-bad fright but harness, carrnage, etc., were badly wrecked. Bolua Master Claude Law is attending High Scbool. Mn Albert Moore visited his wife at Toronto lospital1 and found her very low. Mr W L Law aud sons Claude and Ivan took in the Victorian Ena exhibi- tion, visiting relatives. Mr. J. VanNest, Jr., and Mr. John Reynolds had a htýge time at Toronto Fair and came homne delighted. Mn j B Fairburn, Postmasten, and the Misses Fairburn spent a very pleas- ant day at Mr Jas Heattie last week. Recent visitons aI Mr W L Laws;, Mn E. Hogarth, Hamil-on, Mn Geo Ho- garth. Park Head, Mn E G Law, Scar- boro, Mn McLaren. Columbus, Mn and Mrs Jos McLean, Bowmanville, Mr and Mns Locke, Oshawa, Miss Florence Newsom, Boston, Mn and Mms Thair and son, Courtice. Wbltby mlEawe Fal vhest nev 6oc 10 85c. old-8sc t10 90e; spring vbest nov 58C t0 83C Oid 86v ho 88c; goose wbest 70c; Oats nov s2c old 24c; ban.>' 25e to 30e ; peaso, msnrowfats 58e to 60c ; Mailpease 42c te 45e ; Rye 40Ce; Hay $7 10 $8 a ton. Pau rat»s. Folboviug la a iist of the Fali Fairs 10 b. held lu this vicinity durni R97 : Belleville . ....Sept. Bowmauville.....4.. Central, Ottava ...... Onollo -** ...... Central. Peterboro .... Central. Linday>....... Wbitby...#.........t. Sutton..-............... gaera ah Brechin. Eld " at Woodvilbo. sr kat Sunderjnd^ Thorai at Beaverton Oct. g, g, Oct. g' g, I. TIANTZD-TRUSTWORTEYAND ACT- Ivr VEenlenrlaIosu trav el for resonibe.esablsed bousela n taslo. Moeablir $6S.c>ud o -pssosPoiton eady. Refress.Encos sef ddres. e smped on. velope- Thbe DulaCompaa7. lep>t Y adi- 05<0. 41-4n HEARTAND NER VE T ROU~LS Msy pemon reaig lu, WHITBT w1* uy reqir a medicJue for HMu oç $ueve trouithi eswb as lpitation,. V!uùttsng or rglaBetgcii. 14eates DfltralteraflA.ZetiE ie nui*k. of those verybetfl Amsr'at PaprsWlth; Bordere to Matoh, Wbic will be sold oheaper than* over this year. Àloa lot of which wil be sold at Every Po oost anld under. Day is Bargain a/ i h us. Dayý Be WARAMI FA RU TO REN T North bal! lot 23 lni Stt con., Whitby. Specially adapted fer duirying. Living water sud rallvay station on <ai. Rent loy te good tenant. E. R. B. Haywerd', whltby. lune 3rd, t8W.-ti. Rheumatism & Oysposas ured 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. To thel Phrenotine Medicine Co., Ltd., Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman, - On the advice cf a friend 1 tried one botule of your famous rheumnatic remedy, Phrenoline, and te my surprise it cured me cf rheuma- tism, from which 1 have suffered for mauy years. It aise cured me cf dyspepsia. frein which 1 was sufferng at the time, so that 1 feel uow like a new man. I have tried neyerai remedies for nheumatisrn, some of which did me a certain amount cf good, but noîhing that I have taken has doue se much for me as your Phreuollne, and I have, much pleasure An recornmending it to other suffeners. *Yours very truly, (Signed) JAS. CARROLL, Foreman cf Werks, Rideau Canal. Manufactured on Honor aud sold on menit,, sold in Whltby only by A. JE. ALRI, DRUGGIST. E. J. JOHNSON, laEADNMUDETA BROOK 8TREET b OSHWA -OT. aud 6uPPlY Partsat earalia ohiiMs mode at thé Joseph IE1 M'f Go, 000sn 1Vo., a»ýd Dingl ~states, ha Iiibdught ail theh' Patterns, forma, etc. E~.p I~etoolk Knives end section& for Mosnt eny inake, mower or reaper, bron Pipe, Steam Fit.tings, (brai. or iron.) Rubber Beltingo Packing, (rubber, garlock or tope) Thresher Teeth, Most ail 'kinds. Repair Bicyclestnd s'upply parts for saMe. Engines 'and Boilerst repairedp (any make.) '- Ropair Macbinery, any descrip- dion. Mqaohinery S3tel, alsoCast Steel of varlous aimes tor, toolas. Pea Harvesters, R. Woot &'Co. Apiariy Sfupplies, Beebiveï,, Sec- tions, Comb Fotundatiàn, etc. W&NqTED-SEVERÂ,L FÂITBFT.L wMon or Wemen to traVOl for me- spensible esteblisbed bouse ln Ontario. SalanY $780, payable $5 5 eeklv and- ez- pess losition Permanent. joference. nCbseslf-eddressed stsnipeladveloPi. The National, Star Building, Ciiago.-t7.& FOR A LL Boat, Rail or Ocean CALL 0O*4- wu P. STERICKER, ni Oshawa Ry. C0s0i OSHAWA. UTS ce Carter, For tho Silooilhglei WE HAVE A,. 'ce, VOL* ID flan Jusf Receiv A Full Shipinent LAMP HIangi Bouquel Fancy PULL LINE .SEOUR W For DIapi FAIR WEEK A H. CHEMIS? WHITBY, WIND WIRE Geo. A sels ti MOTOU thezKe Intonding purchi miii bofone piac-ng, an agent put au 1ul can gel the Gent galvatixzed, -aud wu Mcoiéx itiesenl thaï iro >o"ehe-ni c!mliii i ii.ml oui nItl-Ouiteî soid liau MLStyles -Of WC wiii b. freeiy givex Feit 7, 189-6m0. WTER# ft BOA] I * 'I 31009' Ue Y, Uses*.e biment Imm rk,1 basa.mlin, u 04sw . a dranc vr n

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