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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1897, p. 1

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~fly, ONTÂ~O, VIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 18970 NOe 43 -_________________________________________ - I ___ RUmeJui Received à. ?uIl Shipruent of LAMP GOODS. Harsging Lamps, Bouquet Lamps, Fancy land Lanmps. r FYLL LINE 0FP Chinineys, H3urers, W 1ck, ahd al Laiinp Siup)plî. SEOUR WINDOW rS EFor Dlsplay of these Goods FAIR W E EK.. 'A« H. ALLI N, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBYO ONTARIO. WINDMILLS -ANDt- WIRE FENCE.1 ---oxo-- Belle the Genuine AER- MOTOR, of Ohicago. a.nd the Keteleman Wire Fonce lntunding purchasers shouid exanmne this niiii heture llacing theit ortiet . I)on ot let an agent put a n iitation on vou viien vouu cati gel the Genuine Aes-îoiur, hbotoughIN, gaivanileed, and varrauited, fut less monar. Mure os ihese millesuld in Canada lu da), thon any other mate. The Aermoiot Co. dlaim thîey seli one hall the numbet uof wîid- milI outfiis sotd li lte vunid, at the proeet tlIne. Al styles of Wood and Irun Pumpa for sale. Any information regarding tharse uutflîs wiii bc fieliy givtn by vritîng t0 Feb 7, z897-6mo. \N IlTB N.1 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS-18I OHEOxicLa coaeoureweaswu, Mme j Skinner and famlly moveil ce Whîe- by laitwveut. Miss Kate Parkla of Totanto le vlsiîing here vith ber parents. Mrs Harmer of Toronto le vlsitiag hure with lier daughter lire R S Parks:, The Rev J '.ickemy and wlfe of Scarbero are visiting relatives hure Ibis wuek. Mr. and Mme. Wrn. Clayson of Burketon were recenl vialtors at Mm Thomas Grabame. Mr. joseph Doolitîle of Allîson, prince Eriward counîy, paid your scribe a vL&lt on sau uda v eek. D)r (;en Roh,3on has been on the slck list ant conined tu bed. We are pleased te gay t liaI lie la inproving now. Mrs John G.raham, Quaker St, bas renled hem (atm tuo Mr Braiden of Sonya. Mr Braid. enu wiii move on this vinler. Mr and Mrs M ilton Hagerman and daugh- ter Els .of Utitnvilie, vote visiting heme last week nt Mr D F Hagemmans. Mr [)ove Anderson of Uncle Sam@e doRinn paid us a iving viai on Friday week. ýHIe mari) friends huere vote pleaseci ta sec hlm. Mr Dornald Christie bas muid outbis mîlii. i g tbusiaiesS at Raglan, andi le realding lit-e with hi. motiier. Fie speaka af guing lu the Klondike nexi apring. Mr and Mrq Thos Grahamnvire ln VIc- toria Road last yack officiatlng ase jucigeat the tait fait there. This veclt Mm Graham goes lu the Lindsay Centrai as judge. Mr John Mitchel of Fuviervilie, N.Y., was visitîtîg here iast watt. He purcbaeed une htauîdred and fifty of Our Canadian Jambe and toouthtin hack with hlm Ibis véee. The niem ibers of Prospect Sabbaîh Seboolr initeard holding a concert in their chutch on Monday evening 4th prux. It la hoe çcd that a large number niay attend. Furîher par. ticulars nexI veek. l)urlng the summrrer monîba the Sons of Terriperance iudge bas net nmet, but nov, ince the busy timie la over, an attempt vilI ba mode to gelInr running order again. Let there be a gçx)d turnout Friday evenhng ef this yack anud let everything boom. P. C. Gaam. KINSALB C Roirers ia buildng a silto for hie enormous corn crup. C: J Siýevonsmn le puîiing icicernent fluors ina his pg Pe-n. Miss C.arre Hanison bas qriiemrecvered again we are pleAsed ici report. Mtr and Mir C Rozers have beun viim inq it thrir son Robertitri the Niagara district. Ed Jackson led the lbague here last watt, bis discourra was boih intemesting and instructive. E A Mcllryan soid a valuable herse a ev days ago and ior the saine receivud a snug aura. Mr and Miss Roacb. of Cheryvootl. veto the, Ituestm of ihaîr auri, Mrs lignali, on Sabbatb icst. Matrk Biilznai took in the Howmanille faim and repurttrd c good exhibit cnd c general goed lie. Mçs Gibson le mach better nf lathIenbms'ie was sorne imne ego, We hope for hem entire ne overy. îaI'TrfU DMV r faltfli Our iarm.re Rehllstini? in the comn Brids viST R HÀNCKI~DAI OF bRIIAUR. I hrse dayN îî,e appeara.ir- otfr(uit caèuse <ba o get s mue un. Whitby, Ont. BOA RD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Esq, President ;Rruben S. Hamlilo- Esq , Vîce-Pres.; W F Cowana, Esq., *. F. Alleu. Esq., J. A. (rb- son, Esq , Rnbt McIntos h, MD., T"u Pablersen, Esq. T H McMillan .......... ........Cashier GonersI Banktng, Busicesetrauisaoted. Drafts lssed, payable in &Il parla of Can. ada United State, and on London, Eng- îand, payable lna ait iauts of Europe. 3 M per cent. ailowed on Satvings Bank Deposils and cruuIliud baîf yearly. Speciai attention to collection of r Farmer' sale note8. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Brandi. Betablished 1849. hitby Steam Mable and amite Woîks, Dundas St., IÀ ITB8Y. lorrY WolfeuideuWorles.> Importer tud Us!liMARBLE AMDi>GRANITSE MONUMENTS, Eàc., cf the ltais me. MW Mu mud bIgneAIR Mhils of Cumeîey Woskê Ot s ok guarateed. SUDi woi Dxsioss A» i Pt4 8N*4sajtutam ils9« wbut *tus f« o7ubba" jus ha"e smc kir Ma, (i vc melilmVl gaýIl GLMF o Sundav achr.oi vas coîducted hem. lasi Stb. bath ai 2 30 instead or the urruai boum, uvang tu. the mnoanaug sctt ce. Apple p..ckers arm en the go hin hl ie miorty, Crod pries sa- bring tcaliz--n Ibis &Seso 0%bng ne douabta tht scamiy of ire. t. Thse trustee-s or our charch lotid a meýeting on Tuecday evenintg aid dccid-d ta do sornu mu- pairtnIouthe vaik ai the church. John Sahion wa s on duvy un the M % Me ci.- cuti hast Sabbat h. Rr-v Banner tIse paster ts-lag away ; John vas caited in te emnoe. Beti DelonR, of Brookli, bas beeo cuîulcg for the iarmersamîtuad hure. wt bihuanecoe harvester. it h said te give excelent mistlaci. Mm, John Lew qs lesîtilcoafine Io le er r'osui baving buen aact f 'r cuvera1 vrtki, et.nov Ci berme-f in a vcry wc.ek conditioon. e trust *oca te hearsofth«erpeaiuy recovury. Service wam conuctad by Ru, Mr Clame a: ta o e inateaci et a 3o the reuiaa hur. 4es. Sabbatb et tie seumâlheur. ihs 'ervlee vili b. conducied by R"v Dr Hase1 of the Oeuuu Ladies Coliege. Wbithy. An extensive ehipmueni of meep loftErcUil an Mppdar, Puckterulrs. of.Aulleycontihgî cd bossU7 tovrrd tihe elipîseut tN) lso 414Artb jabniaon, ci Geenvood ;go CdpOw*re bahmg -Petes Ste phenson bu a cm osUp h xaie bu. iets He buasnov madis mi edU4ip Io Toronto and mter .quanimg p , motuuAbdlou c gocil bal»nce onabaud &U hoixPe 'rr aiy meei viîh aucoessilubis lacesi bMeehof hua Fred Rrrîqere has caIo eture*4 te Wbitbr Colletuitelîuaiiîute. red la asape studese, u thai pusbs h ole et ugiota bisvum sd ne- body boda a»y fesa of a Yosmgw ai l whe doehi& bruI best at ail chaos. W. Ndltp naisà Our Iguets il cmr triendI VaIcèlo ff s 00 oui e= tugbis abare of tw Iffl 1oeme OMr. ly a ii 11c'. Twa of ceas Vouet Mmesq«W e t 141* oUm the fore part cf luit veut sMd z WWS"tom US tl thb utm of te eel,. ITISq *I*'ta Sad& sesor vaSse: bosuff maDlm m m andl remsusd poittus eeptb*iyi ,ha c O lom %hese y0ff< tu Sb" bou 'S 'S US theoemuymmd ceise womt& am meus have g004 bo" a mai shsaml4'S îhey yul e«gt ge iheprnaul d» efosvbut mU I,usaef aud ceadumet £bses s.Iea l a Som lÏe, iou bt e.bau mis t . 'Slae. dml ."19gt»' ment weacattedkad afier etllg ihe viitors ont of %he Way mm« u sape t onn i gain ru- s'Med buiness ud enteNd lit ec onciave, 401d one c, two MUld 10bé contraty ones, wre Whlpped liste unie la dualng wiîh ihis prohbiu. torY meaghre. If moa do âtct tel bitedoln¶ business openly 1<let h igh Urne a Dew sestoe townshipsfathers had chage of cf the reigne et f ôvermmneotl This matter seems to bu just a Itle bard te deat witb for men who are lookdng afier next Januarys vote and re-lction ; noth- 109 wlll suuoeed lui the end lik. fair, upright deatings and If ve do not receive sncb f(m1 9 ibis counoil wu vili mark our ballots for a brand new sel of officiais the very firet opper-1 buuiy vuget, There will bu no football game ibis week. Mir$ A Roberts bas gone te Rochester for a few davs. Gapi Brants photo appeared in the last Issue of the War Cry.1 Mre Wbeetock of Orangeville, la vliîing ai Mr John Michael.. Mies Brandon of Snnderland ha& been visiting with ber brother Mr 8 E Brandon. Tesevere frost 0f Monday night came jusi four days earlier than the first (eze up of tact Pasior Bovintton of Oshawa, will occupy the puipi in the Bapîlst church Sunday momning and evening. Mr John t)eiong bas been off work for two weeks on acecount of sackness but hopes to etamt again on Monday. Mr John Morrison has commenced the build. Ing of hie barn and stables whîch were destroy. cd by fire in Juiy. Mr j N DeHart le having a tate barn butît on hlm fartu a balfmile norîb oofhbore. Ih le 10 bu compieted ibis fal. Delegates (rom the mithodist and prembyter - terian C E socleties are in atiendance at, the county con tention ai Uxbridge. Thp court of revislon for the towniship of Whitby wilt be hcld tua the counicil room here on Thursday nexi, 3oth Imet, be«tnning ai 9 a m. Mrs John Bond sufféred from an ailack of apoplexy lasi Frlday. Sbe was in a critical con- dilion for a trne buf we are piemerd te know ia now sortie betier. Many (armers are baviag their corn cut and bound by machine. fi appears to do the work quie satisfactority. Mr A M Deiong la operai- lng the machine. MrBIabcoc-k bas renîed the Raglian mlii and te movirng there with hie farniy ibis weelc. Mr W 0 Mediand wl eturn to the bouse Mr Babcock lasvacating, Mr John Barneit was thrown oui of hie buggy fast Thursday throughbhis homme running away H-e was hurt enouph bt eep hlm in the bouse for a tew days, bui la abie to bu around'again nov Mr Chas Morrison wili not retumn te complete bis course ai the A.gricuiîural Cotiege, Guelph, and Mr Blair Ketchen has cecured bis place as counitry atudest, He leave,9 for Guelph te take up his mindies on Oct i. %#e regret to announce that 11fr. Chas. Allema who had a paralytic stroke corne weeks ago, bas been graduaîiy growtng weaker and hic condition la now criaical. The paralyas whieh mffeced only one aide of hic body at firsttas nov more general. Shippers ut fruit have had same very disât peunîing returna lcîely. One instance h vi-i Rive as a 4mople. Fîve baskets ai peurs wete shlpped ta a commission merchant Bt Ottawa In returu five îhmee centta mps vere-teceived and tbhe ti bal el" d-or NIr, Gen Gordon, a brother af Mr jIna Gardon, who bas becs îrcubled with sofîening cf the brain for several monthe, and vha bcd 10 bc con veyrd to Whitby jail for sale keeping. died there un Friday *asîx. The funeral vas heid on Sun. day tc St PuIs banial groîand, near Columbus. Mm joseph Barneti bae been spendlng a few deys with bas parents ee, on bis vay euta from tie L.ondon tain. Hoebas mcently returned Item a trip te South America. About thmee mnenib ago hie employer started hie off for Buenos Avres, irn charge of a chipeent oci cttle and shecp. He spent ivo weuks lui <bu Argus- tino Reput.iic and mcturned via Liverpeol wber ha alte re-mauned about ivo veut,, fila vist te the southeru continent sias a very nterustlng experience te hie. L.amt veek a vnig lady retidlng bere was the victlle of a plece cf sharp practice on the partof the agent of the Garden City, i Torouito fl aldai the office omthie wharf on Thura. dity toe erqulru.if the boas would rusi 10 Wbiiby on Satumday afieooon. On belig assured tbsi ht wouid chu pamchased a tilcket thon. VWheu se came dowm comiSaiumday, 11W boat vas int.ë dry dlock ai Port Dathousle. (an easgyement ohat mou tbave been kugwo 10 thoe gem twle bu solà teeticket) muid the cilce was lcked Up Shehaba mtpurchaae a tiet bring ber bomn by rail, A verv iteinnuweetlsqot ontkpiacas ii eul desce cf Mr and Ifs, lobes Merlon, h being ebe marriace cf heu datcghter. Wilsbotb Ellen, te Mr AI.: P Leask pf LeaskdaleThie cure. ssea7*waertfte*ýbY7Rev iB MoLezus- i thse couréanc uffi Ili O ie m 0dreasof cem us.bstre *d aid for hbe brdeuaaalblir ms. ter U1ss4Je1=4MeMorion, Md Mass14»sk, wilu th *r40vssupcse bY taisbrotherand -Mr. Mre MeeandcUn Lessit 0hfwm Myrtle fWra trip - io Niahsl aiIe, lualo Newl evYorkm. after vhtch#»yviii ishe op tsai seiden. et LoasMal. Wo dl cM osa pmatuim »ds milCoud vihe#. o~e4 ppo5*. à liaesI mEssm, L 'SU Ofh" O blý , 9 homas Harris le very Ilit. O r attendauce aI ucheol bas reached 44. b«and Mrs Chas Iuctkey, Kinsale, visit- ed Ms W S Golds on Priday tast. Dýnot forget thai Mr Barnard ha expected te address eut Sabbath schol oui Sundlay 26 lite Walter McGreger le on the eick l ihlsmweek. We hope for ber epeedy re- On Thursday cf lait week lira. Fothergili adlas Lieuie Fothergili left for BelleVille, tdr*obit frlends ln tbat city. M*e Jushua Shier, Cannington, after a very short Illnesa, died on Suaday. Mr. Sbkielea*brother lu lire Weet. à(,Î J J Fothergill took ne fewer than six pfli n t Toronto Industrial. This ihould eneourage othère te malte exhibits at this gteLt faim. VIaitors'.-Mis Caruthers, Markham, nt Mrs.Caruthers St., and Mimses F. Courtice ândýA Everson, and Mr W. Courîlce at lits. R C4truthers. Mf James XcBrien, P. S. I., vlsited our aschdt o n Fiday iast and granîed the puplis a hRlf-holiday. He spoke very hig bly of lte .sandiag of the achool, and of the vont doue by buacher wesî. à&,, Maîbles Mackey, who bas been ln very dellière healtb for a long timei lefI en Mon- day, )norningt for Muakoka. Should the chaike benefit hlm, he will romain there for somit ime. We hope he rnay fully recuper. aie.. NSIson Fraser la ecovering from bis long lîlnëis very sluvly. Mis Huekin and isls Leulsa Runcile are visiingfriends ln Whiîby. ?4t Hovsamhbo a totn a trip lu the aortb tu bey sorne caIlle for feeding. DO Ge AsIing (rom ithe veal speal a cou- pli1 4days last wvekth iîbhesîster, lira Aftem a long and painful Itînees of i eke duratien Henry McDermot passeci away aon Tbumsday mornlng cf lasi week; hie tmalns vere interred inlathe cemeberv bernepn Saburday aflernoon, Mm McDermot resîdeci ln Ibis neighbothond for a few years auid-*on fer tituseif mariy frienda. Ho vas a tntnber of Court Sunderland 1O F, and swerjnl of the bretbren vere present te psy the1ý lai deceased brother. J C BOTrT. jack Frost bas made hIe oppearance. Miss L Linlon "pnt Standay veek at Auci- ley. James Allbrighî le moving into E E Pughs bouse. WVilliam Vaddell s i Western Ontario on business. Mie C Florence reîurned home after apenci- Ing a veeu t i ler sister in Sutton. Mbi.s Maud Haiden bas returned after *pendung a short lime wiîh friends ia Mark. ham, Mi"s Josephmne. Cochrane bas bail cere Bratiford fiends vliîltng ber. She accam-' panled tbcmn as far au the cipy on their vay home. Mr G Jones cf Flods township wibh four of bic boys, are antlire T Saddlers. He In- tends 10 move down, we understanil, bu- iveen nov and nexi sprlng. Bicycliste conaplain of tho bille on tbe ç)tb Une, but the vheelmen say thaît the King- iton rona i vese oie ta vbeel on than the gîh. If ibis oud la elightly bllly le le bard, whicb ladt la of great consequeuce te viseelmen. Thuelablig scason boacerne and gene, A great many treut have boesn caugbi ail great f ah stoules bae.boe tolil. The nofta-r Ver for oe outlcg rangtei frem i te 76. The lait number was caugbt by a etranges a few daye mïgo. TO $ ' 25. r mor'e About aine Matches. EDITOR CHRONIcLS: SIR,-On M y re- tutn (tom a trip bu Manitoba and points wetit my attention was dlrected lu au article la your issue of Augtaet 27th wlierein appears many staternenta seriously reflecting upon me an captain of the Uxtbmldge cempany of volunteeme 1 regret eou saw fit tu refuse publication te Col Patursous repiy tu your over auirnated attacks, for were hie letter wanting la courtusy as you ailege fur your refusai tu pubiah the samre then you wouid bave at leaut earned the nuiputallun of being fair te thoae attacks by yourself and la your own colunins; white the Colonels ietter, if cotached la discourteous latiguage wouîd have reflected onty upon bîmelf. In the ar- ticle 1 take exception to yuu speak of the other officers wlt§hing to corupte wlth No 5 Company in an honourable cumnipetiiion wîîth bonafide vulunteere ; aIse of mue Uxbridge company being loadled up vila cracks who veto nul volunteema, and of the Uxbmidge gangs; other equailly objaictionable referencea are mrade to the compatny undetrnmy corn- maaad. Had yuu known ativtblng about thie regulationt§ governing the rifle matches last year, yuu, I amn sure, would flot have penned yuur attache agaîrast thei battahiou ni genemal and myseli ina particular; for if tbeme voe any irregulirities in conmîectioîî vîh any of nay men abuoting antIl est e rmatch, I as captaîn of the company mst alone assume (ail responsibiity therufur. The Uxbridge comîrany had no ': logera' shootlng fur ihemn. Every man who cornpeted ini lant years matches strlctiy confurmed in letter and in spirit lu the regulations governing the eligi- biliîy of competitors. Each of the alleged ringers dld everythlng possible tu becorne bona fide inembers of my cornpany, mast the carne as aaîy other member vho bas nul beeti anîd vas flot objected te, that le te say eacb took ut bad taken the oaib of alieglance, signed the Nervice roll, dotined a anlform and presented hlrnseif.aî the matches. Hav- ing thon quaiified tbemseives accotding tu thei then exlsling regultbons, to compete in the matches who vas te gainsay the r right tu do au? Who arnong the uflicers pueseas- ed sufficlent power of divination te tell vhether six menthe bence lhey intended or net te go eut to campr te drill? I admit my in- abiilit y tu mmcd mens Innermost tboughts. At the Lime cf the matches protestae were lodgaid againet Messrs Mustard, Raines, MeGraîtan and Etiott on tbe gtound that they neyer lntunded goig to camp. Tbe eiptaînant fciled te aubstantiate hie absurd charge and the protesta feul through. Mustard, Raines and MeGrattan did nul, go mbt camp with the rumpcoy lest spring, andl bunce your at- tacks. You neyer think that of nme twenty of my old cornpsny wbo compeiud la the matches oniy eight or tex (wltb the new me- cruit) could liard hitcenvenient. te gel off for the two veek etaINiagara. Dr Elliott bew. ever vbomn the wiseacres vho are lnspiring the presents attache oi the CliRONICLE as- semîed woutd neyer go to camp did go as one of my sergeants and auccuedinh carry. lng off tbe tiret prie for the bighest indlvld. ual score ail my company made the bghesu aggregaie score la the whole Babtallon. Why le net Dr Eltiottis nome found among the liait of tisese so uanfairly nialigned by you muid clammfeil as riagers? Simply because he foun it canniunt te go to camp white bthe other tliroee it some elghis or ton other members of my company fuud ibat the e xi rgencles of privat. affaire preventeil huai . ermise doing. I hopq .1 may enlie: more cf »such su caîled rnagera, ai good sbooiing used tube regarded as a psome ruquisfte lu a sol. dier, but an offices la abused by eniigbîenedt critîca nowadaye for ondeavoring te gel the best matterlal ha bis tanks. MeGrabtan vao barred (rom golng toi camp by the recent mlltary order fliig the maxium âge oi voltunteerasnt 45. AM for Raines muid Mus. tard I coutld have cotpellord thons as 1 couic bave compelleil ouhers Iscludling Suioct and 1Halkott vbo panicipttedIn uitihe matches bir edîdut go- te camp to accompacy te batit eallon Io Niagara bail 1 bern so disposei vBut 1 nover bave nesteil tomuflsalot andl hop.Iever îÏii all to 1111 te.tanks o my coaspany as crce.I lao service am&Ui make vfa tca mneults mcd - wbve only-à deulcse Mto 0the cIau .'C adla fut CM' Mn Vsd" gifé a thorbô üofiootisa î Thse Probloe solivei. People ore fanding ouit isai veWC ulda ftiutet ail maere li$$ t0 a nonu-eieh oter, mvMz foaçi.cect a fineica fket. wuio te t IS e-t sutd Jeseop js XLIO w * * » r f.» -~ . r. order to ring himselfIf m the matches, but we notice that this years ruies exelude ail wbo have not; been t0 "the front"' this year. HavIng eaid tbis mucb, we may add tha't Capt S harpe lutter ha& flot changed our views in the sllghtest, and we leave the mat- ter to the public 10 Judge.-Ein. CH.) Whitby Town Looais The new uniforme whlch ore gradually re- piacing the oki uniforms of Grand Trutk train hande present a very neat appearance. Tbe uniforme are of blue cloth with white metal buttons. On each lapel of the coitts, which are ail the same shave, "Grand Trunk" i. plainiy visible. The hata are trlmmed with ailviir braid. .It les aid that the workmansnip on the New Dominion Bitl l ot better than the old If ao good. Both bille are green and the faces of the bills are considerably harder than the old bille, glvlng the Impression that when they have been In circulation some lime andh ave becorue worn the figurea wiil flot be eaaiiy distlnguishable. A Brantford cititizen lound a novel way tu stop the boys of the vicinity from robbing hie orchard. He sprinkled the fruit wlîh a drug which bas al rapid and certain effeci when taken Into the human systen, but which is hormiess enough unless administercd In very large quantities. Hall-a-dozen youtha fell victima and were pretty aicc for a time. They have flot been anen near the ochard, since. Glrdling Trous Sotue miacreant hau girdled the wbole row of maples In front of Mr jerry Licks farm on the road, and three trees otside the fence along Mr H W Willcoxa place. The crime appeara to have been perpetrat- ed by ueing a drawing knife or brush book. The trees are about ten yeara trans- planted, and the bark le hacked clear round in every instance. Fifteen trees were- killed in ail. Mesars. Lick and 'Wllcox are, we underatand, offerinir a reward of So for any evidence that wlll convict the perpetrotors of this dastardiy act. Not onI7 these men but the whole cotnmunity la interested In baving the destroyer of 1these trees imprisoned They were ail rgrowing on the public higbway, and the .townsh ip of Wh itby ahouid at once offer ta reward for the apprehension of the party. 1The penalty for such. a crime la many 1years in prison. an d we hope ever-y true rmani in the community will make It his tbusineass b try and dîscover who girdled these trees, and report hlm to the author- iWomens Mlif lonary Concert. A good crowd attended the enterbainment ïgiven by the Womens Misalonary eociety on cMonday nighî, and were favored wlth a .splendid programme. Mies Clark, of Hamil- rton, gave a number of fine recitations, choos- lng ail aorte of subjecte la order to malte 9sufficient variety for everybodys taste. Site là a trained and talented eiocutlonlat. - The aMisses Tamblyn sang a number of fine duels. Mr. W. J. H. Richardson gave three vocal solos, and Mise Richardson gave a tpiaio solo. Rev j S Clarkce gave an address showing that the Mleeionary societies con. 9tribute $4o,ooo te the lundi et the methodist Lcbarch of Canada. ht was contended ai th. eorgintsatlon of ibis brancb of missionary e work, twelve years ego, that the general *r mlsonary funid would be decreased by 1, reason cf the womens collections, but the nI gencrai-Tund had doubied during that perlud. )l Mr Clarke wotund Up by a mcii kindlyiy rd d feeling reference to the removal ,cf hMr. and *Mrs Tamblyn and their family froms Whltby. iHe had known Mr Tamblyn for many Yuare mc ad had learned te love hlm as a man cf dg high character glfted anid succe«sful as an it Anstrucier, anà the woriby huadof a âine )f femailylère Tamblyn and (anuily are se b- Wel lnowun bore as beligfully ldoaîiffle d witb evory good obIett that ho need not ro. d fer to iboîr usefuinese ai any great lengih. Et He wus requested on behalf-of thse Womenu 1- Misusi yoc y ive pu.blic express bu t* te aIrdk»In osng ibis 1amly <f wcsseusiileloary Society. Lii CIIQNCL8:$19,-Wh1tbY le be'she Of pIcomïet ibli -y.ar ethIegcuîivo SOf'tbs Wonmse MlstclonrYScliyf h

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