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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1897, p. 3

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AND COMPII FOR Tau 2 STEARNS' BICYCLES 27 GOATÇH ES WOHGIVEN AWAY ERVERY MONTH Youn Gtoçer vili give yOu particu.lare, or ldrop a peetca ite LEVER BROS, Llmited, Toronto CA1NINGTON -the Public Lîbrary Board have made a la go purchase of new books for the LlÏbrààry wbieb vill ho appreciated by the niembhers. Now le the lime tu Join and have Lbe benefit of the new as weil as tbe cld books. There là; ne way a muan eau lay ont a more profitable dollar for tbe bonefit of himeoif and lits(.imiiy than b3 jjoiuing, as the. worka now ini and atil adding are of the hiigiie8t oharacter. M rs Joshua Shiier, on Wedne8day Sept 9, whiio preparing dinner for the family, was overcome by the heat. of that day and died ou SundRy Sept l9th at 8 e'clock. Skilled medicai attendance and careful nurses dlid ail in theîr power, but te nu avail. The blow that bas talion upoo the famnily lias evoked the widemî sympathy and regret, for Mr@ Shier, with her husband, enjoyed the esteoul of the oltinesof tbis îown and vicinity gener- aIly. Suie vas R danghter of Mr John Francis cf tLb. Towuship of Brock, and ha. been a reaident cf Canuington for vpwards cf 28 yEsari, and of thii district 49 years, which . was hur age at tihe ime of death. Bouideu ber scrrovi ig lbus band, three sono, Mr J J Shier cf this town, Mn A H Shier of Beaverton aud( Mr Hqnry Shier cf Newark, N J, are loft Lo mnýurn the los of a lovulig wîfe and de voted mother. ONE MON EST MAN. Deov Edtor.-Pleate Inform your readers, tiiat if vriten to coufld;nualiy, i yUI mail, ln a seaied l e ter pautculara or a gentilue, hnnou.t, home cure, by hchIwam pe fanc tr*tOr.dLuhultl, and malvisor, sUer y"aet . ufferlug frorn uervou debdi[e, .xuiW %rkuem ni ht longes and weak .hniunuprt.Iwam rubed and wwudied b y the Uakm un ti r earty toit talth Ilu ,,anlid. but tUank ecaven 1 amn novwslel. vienruoeand strong, sud wlath te maklt ;lm certain menus of cure ki.owu te ail sur. ferer,.1Ihave uothlug Lu oeil aud want nononev but bel gafirru belloveriq tIi..univergal brothevbo cf man Il arn daro,. of holig Lh. unfortunate 10 r"gain therhealth aud hap~pinu. 1 rowb.e 1 e fectmecrecy. Addre-tAihtampW& MbUuol .&gentm' supple£. 11.0. Box 59, St. ùcnrl, Que. To Write on Glass. The. esalept vay te write or paint on glaise s .t take a solutiaon of fisli glue and Iihribute iL with a soft brueb t.ver the surface of the. glass Of course thse solu- tion muot b. carefnily filtered, and wl.er it te applied to tbu glass pane the. gîss muet br4 h.ld over a steve or litmp in a slanting direction te allov théo urlp'us solution Ie flow off aud dry Lborougiily wlthout streaking. Whlie the pane bu~ bien prepared in this way. it i. ready to write or paint upon. Even wrîîuLg of micosecopie innuteneus oa b. applid to the> prepared glusi surface witbout the danger etthLe înk runaing. On thiâ sur. face colorm, india înk and avy kind oi pigment May b. empioyed. Ba.ved Ber Drunken f Husband,1 -She Finally Administereti a Rcmcdy, Without his Knowledge, and Cured Him. à correepondent vrites: 1 hati sncb a hmappv home aLnd a noble, big.htart.ed brsbaud tili ho took te drinkine, irst tbrengh soclability, thon becsuee the tlendish deire wGuld cerne oven hlm, *crating him ton drink. "II vu. hart-broken. My happy home was - fut becooaiig one 0f mittery tîi la -fîieuid told me to ry a liquor cure cmlled Anti Booze. I wus vliiing Le ry any thisig, sô 1 sent 81.00, ase tbssuugestod, te tb. Orientai Chemicai Ce.. 20 St Ali s .,Montreal, &cid by reLurmil) 1 re* cèîein l a plain wrapper a Ilttie box cf pille. I puton citee!these li hie cfes 0vOny aaght and momiDIC W41ltlîot hm ItuevilIR it, (as they dissolve immedîate- lyand lu less tuse a uesk. to my de- -lîght, ho stopped drinking enêlroiy. - "AntI-Booze lia changed my drun>ken hebasbaad mgoa soberludoUtouiL happy m'uan, sud I feel h wsydAuty to 4oLh-ns asboutîit. They s11*and fui)ll ira Mbion vlthout oeharge taany vii vil) write J1. D. H." APrMaiist Fuie. Si ait su1o006.oe rIu.& gelattue in *ý, iwi1frhru bour, %bon 4vpAî, off and k.. dessert, Ias ufido hlthe' fruitonly. served t. e~ ~ eomnng under tlhat head. ,lt is dessert which le ii.bsinal Oti childrens appeart0cC e lOW .talrg-.ê- treat that je nevek denled theu'. com. pany or no CouanY.T. an wlth their eiders êbout 15 mtiuftsand, except in ver strict houechols, get sîra$Y dainties roffithe feast *hies ie nearing its finish . Tht move to go ta the drliwing roorn for coffec le their moment to say good night and retire. LeathOr Worlc. Occupations by which a woman may make money at home are sought. Leather work offers an opcning for those who are accurate and neat. There is considerable demand for po.. ketbooks and cases, port.folios and other articles embossed or dont ln re- pousse. A bright woman will need but R few lessons in the art, the mater- ais may be- bought at wholesale, and the stitching and pasting requireonly a truc eye and deft hand. Bed a.nd Wall. It is important that a bed, evea il kcpt against the waLll during the day, should be moved out a few inches at night. A layer of air lies against the wails which is subject to littie move- ment even whcn there is strong circul- ation in the middle of the roomn. l'lace the hcad of the bed to be shield- ed [rom thc strongest draft, but let a good current of changing air play over . I REIMARKABLE CASES Chronic Invalids Rassd trou Thoir Siot Bed. Afler Givilg Up uope. London, Ont.-Ilenry R. Nieholla, 176 Rectory street, catarrh recovsred. Dr. Chas.'. catarrh cure. 254. Mark dale-Geo. Crowe'a child, Itthlng eczema , cured. Chase@u Ointmeut. Truro, H..1I -. Sutherla.nd, travel- ler, pilet-very bad case;, cuned ; Cbiam'a Olumlînt. 60C. Lucnn-W'm. lran*cî.i gardeer, pin worir, il IIgene. Ch#,se's Pilla. L'ALiabe-Peter Van Alian, eczemil, foIr thrpe yeurs. Cured. Glbaed Oustilleut. Go'ver Pont -.1obano Basrtard, dread- fui itchino .1..80 vears. Weil agttin; h'aaaeOunRuvt. 60C. Meyer@ [nirg -eso a SLmmens, iteliiult pli-s ,rur-d. CýÀas&s Oj(utrueut. Nilone -uteo. i:ic irdri, kiduey and liver tqifffrer ; better. oue box Cliease'S P:11s. 21-c. ('uesle-Il. Wsl' sPoil. eippied wlth rlhf.mrat[.m n uid sufft-riniz freuxdinbetes, t'ompletcly reco-e red. Cha.se'@ Pilla. Matcbard Towitèthip-Peter Taylor, Lkid- np.v trouble, 3o yearu ; cured. Chase,$ P;A à. 25r. Toero,:c(-M'm .lnt:e Delaney. 174 e'".r tr,et, igul)J 'et cd perplettIVI co~s Usre bv(S.~«eS'-rup cm Li- 'e(Nd andi Turp,,utaxe. 25 cents. Dr. Chase'o remred;es are seid bvttal dm1 .,EMnnusk'u, Bates & Ce.,. inau.I Fu.uy Things. --If I shoulci be ohiiged to go," said the Spanish general, --I wili do what I can to facilitate business for my suc- cesser. -And vou want me to give him some informîation?" asked t.he officer. -Yes. Tell him there are a fount- ain pen and a book of synonyma in the upper drawer of mny desk." Farmer Clovertop-Wot did that there boy o youra learn at coilege? Farmer Hayrick-Wcii. b. learncd Greck an Latin an football an fencmn an a lot o things. Farmer Clevrtop-Fencin, hey? Waal, 1 dont sec as how your f ences looks any better nor mine. --The loth, " said the witty d ean o! St Pauls. 'èmoves suspended, resses.. pended, sîceps suspended and#i,afact passes bis life lu suspense., like a young cergyman distantly relateti to a bishop." --The doctor put my huabrnmd on hi$ feet la a week," she exclaimed. ,,It was ne trouble at ail. Tht bill he Fe seuted fairiy iifted huai out aofbW. She--l am afraid, profemsrithat hId voice wyul change. Prolessor-Vel, I amn afraid vot. :1pnwa4nts tb be a u&W!tê>ttS.U" . on hiak we Iacqu«r velI on- Ough for that." lias Won the Gratitude aýid Confidence of ail Canada* NO MORE DOUBTINGI The Positive Evidenoe of Cure too.Conolueiveto Permit it. YOUR NEIGH8ORS TEST/F Y if Yen are Siok Aesk.Your Neareet Drugý, Rist for a 25.cent Vial 'cf Munyons» Rernedies and DOCTOR YOURSELF. Mns T Maloaey, No 2 Gildereleeve Ave, Toronto, Canada, saye :-' Both myseif and husband have ueed Munycue Giippe Curs wiîh splendid result.s. Mr Maloney vas euffering extrenie pains frein the disease, but m ter uising the remn- edy for only co night, awoke neit morning cornpletoly oured, and has not been troubled since. My experiance was similar We have alise usod Munyona Croup Cure for our littie one six menthe old, and again we had the boit of rosulta. The ohild was very bad, but af ten t.his treatmnt she complet.ely reoovered. W. have împlicit fith in Munyoas Remedies ard keep thein eonstantiy la the houses." Munyon's Rhaumatiom Cure eeldoin talle to relieve in oas te thnee heurs, and cure. in a few daye. Pnice 25o. Mnnyon'm Dysgpep@ia Cure poultlvely cures aiI forme o f Indigestion and stom aoh trouble.. Price, 25o. Mnnyon's Cold Cnrs prevente pneu. monia anud breaks up a cold in a few houri. Prios, 2bc. Munyon's Oonitb Ours stopscoeugbe, night sweate, allays surenese, and speed ily heals thb. mage. Price, 25c. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains ln Lb. back. loins or groins and all forme cf kidney diseuse. Price, 25c. Munyca s fleadache Ours stops head- ache lu tbr.e minutes. Pnice, 25c. Munyio,,ns Pile Ointment pesitivel3 cures ail forme of iiles. Prie@, 25c. Munyon's BIocà Curoereadicates all impurities et the blood. Price, 25c. Munyon'a Female Remedies are a boon te a&l women. Munyon's atthma Remedies relieve in 8 minutes and cure permanently. Prias, Munyou'a Catarnh Remedies neyer fmil. The Catarrb Cre-prie25o.-eradicatea the diseuse from the systein, and the Ce- tarrh Tablets-pnios, 25c.-leanse and beal Lb. parte. Munyona Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve teiol. Pniofi, 25c. Munyon'e Vitalizer reetores lest vigor Prioe, 81. Personal lettera to Prof. Muayon, Il and 18 Albert et., Toronto, answerei with free medical advice fer any disease s 3 Il i d I. Intereating to Farmers, SINOLAM IVa MINTHORNE. lu the sprng of *96 à L Minthorne ne- ceived peau freai Henry Sonîthorpe te plant on ijus land by theetaliagreement vwith Mn Scuithorpe bu wlth ail the farmens who igeL hie. pesa. Wii.nthe pos were delivered et Port Hope by Minthorne, and before the moaey was p aIld b y Soultlorpe to Mrnatbcre, Do-ugal iaeiaugrnisieed ithe money ln thé. bandie ni l9onltborpe. Mn 0 Il Hophinssud -marm 13Min. thorne, vifseoftheii.primary ",debtoir, clïalmed 'hi emouey ndra obaismrt gage hel b y eaéh sud a iad inortgag under the. ohattis montpass on socont cf their oo.rung SiU the peu ta lb grnwu on tii.lande ulitieur.y it the tmortge. Tb*. ee -a. trid AtPort Hope lsud againtutheii. laimants. A novtrial vmm gretedouappllttion, ss4 seu"a li judg.m.uývas gtîn ufavor of Silair and &e aaat thbe tW ntiby hF iso or Jude* x0dIum.I Kinthou aple vt ha# Dl icl4a ourtah Qeade ball. ?h. ssevasarguod o ueém.da, 14 mut, befo. ho utice Armonv.4au ai o" stret sud Fatcoul, M i tas9t&P ps&rhw n babalf of the tlMWoesutud Urebsif ofM fKSoweyn & Ander«O « aposal uboaId be'diaee<I*ith-oo" "lTh ît. f I teree at.theUm o igmo' pem.fer, 11v Soulhûorpi , Ilt tetêquemiou a. bt hedomï-e PM is o~ 0 I M Are You Thi-n? Lookt about you1 Sce for yrourseIf!1 Who suf fer Most slec pkasnetivomfSiCSS nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, désponcency, general wcak-' ma0?, Who aueon the cd« ci nervous prostration auli tîme? Thoso who ýare thia, ýOpium, chlori, bromides beaàdache powdirs, o=ly maké matters worse. 1roft md bit.' ters arc only stlimulants.- To. bc cured& and cured for od wuned afatmanfood blood; -and -a strong, nervl- SCOTVIS EM ION -d Coe4iver 0W1with e.Hl]=ho phteslo 92tbiS. It eçéi tisssesmkes lchbbIO and iak yugdznste tS0 - *-~. t' T '- - Pl A ~S5t~US @5~. an im ien t UI>ot là statiug IthU t th. ounoU oft-Port Perry d.olIct, octribut. e teml#a o in atsBark.r. Pro-'-the ,eorf. tulry o sohoolaction No 2, ap, rwulg b LoalBotide 6 Htalii b a- eopQnig of the iaaid sohool bail beau po.toned for oinq week owlng 10 the allgedprevalsnoe, et prhoopini< cougl in 8u a umber of the. fbmillesof et -he setion. Prom the OIerI of Brook gtatlng that ino beonbu 80seyet been téken in the. aatter ci Beach. datim on Brook for part oftheii coit cf the. sup. port of oe Pat Tboxnpson ; aise that Brooks boundary lino commlssion.rs have bean present st Seagrave on twe occasions to lntervlov< the comiiadôners for Beach, but on eacb occasion thé. Reaoh oommiessoners'failed wo put in an appearance. Fromn Mr. J. B. Waldon, lrk of Mari posa, etating that he wau porfectly sutizfied with the coet cf e qual. ization of the union school section. From W 2 Yurnold, E.q , township engineer, r. colvert incn 6 and 7. 81.25 wae ordered te bp paid te Mr T 0 Boynton for repaîring bridge opposite lot 15 con 4. 07to Mr Artbur Boynolds beinu amount of bonus due hlm for ereot. ing 26 rôde of wire fonce ini acoordance with the conditions provided for in th. Wire Fonce By.law. $2.60 te Mr. T. Grahama for lumber ssoured f rom Mr Geo Cairnh, said lumber being osoid for buildé ing orossinge in Manchester moadl di. vision. 89 was or'iejed w b. p aid te Mr# Fitchett for attendance on the late Jo e.dwards ; aise 81 tw Mr. Bobt. Wot- ton for couveying a message te Mr Perey Edwvarda cf hie fathers denises. #2.25 te Mr Hngh Gregg jr, for unperforoeed statute labor for tbe 'present year. 8 10 te Mr George Broderiok, being for repair. ing colvert croseing Brook road, con. 4. $8,50 to Mr. E. J. Wheelot, beîng for îtraveling opposite lot 18, con 5 in acoes of appropriationi. meusr Stephens. Oawplin, Lambe were appoiiited coomisuloners te ex- amine t he bridge on con 2, oppoilite lot 2 and inake snoh repaire as tbey may deemn neaessary., The Olenk was inetructed te, omowmi- cate with D. MocKay, Esq., Whuîby, re- gading a gravel pit on hie farm in jas H'Olman wu~ appointed collector iof taxes at a alary of WO0. O)n motion the Concîl adjourned. ors obpsd aia ntiobia'a rockb5OkSt a MOOPenuf»es oibussei 51, etOs «0 .tbu f ape s IaU CA~B~TLlPOStl~eiVcmISaul Lb.eU- i TOWN 0F WHITBY rreaaurer'e Sale ofLand for Taxes Town cf Whitby, By virtue cf a warrant Couaty of Outarlo, 1 lmued by the Mayor under vo wrr.: th ei i clof the Corporatic et the Town of Whitby, te nie dîrected, bsaçlng diète the Tblrty-first day of Augupi :897, coin- mandlng mue te, levy upon snd Bell the lands aiensioaed lu the followlng lât of arrears of taxes due thereo, 1 bereby givo notice, tbsi un. lame sncb rreurs and ail cornu are sooner pid, 1 shah proceed te ssiite said lands,, or so, much thetof as may b. ncccma r th e payment cf the -taxe and t -seu, heruf, ini the Counçil Chsber, lu the Town 0f Whby, on TIUES- DA.DEC. 7th, 1897. sit the ur ri x3 oclock li the ficienoon. PRUY'S PLAN LAS? OF 13100K ST., NORTH con or st Lot rare 70 s,' s,' 77 79 94 164 173 177 toi: to4 $11281 *4 42 32 2 9 10 18 R-70 i:83 270 1 85 S543 11 967 3 01 3 1 85 se 85 4 48 1z85 4 48 "i e 4 47',:85 3991 :as 351'A e .9185 8,51 99a Lca ?. ST op. W= - NT - w THE.u.uus.aORIumUETAeSUe T: RATNT-BOOZa Ew a I *o a aiau.I a eamns l* ge wîwhtfo nddî i.. jc Tare Nuew, Dafeand uhr Qore -ocof tor cDarwUke .a Il TRATMET yti..nveon- 5 dseu omuiecess"ta& etirepeat oý , saTanjii.i b oxes a.. Iudminim.. iedovith hire food a dik. ie. j l9 'eg c*r.d ,n ti b age tt.hej Chaia foc-cfthfrw0v. 3M à a,àU$ia,ýt-tlionrea NEW BUSýg -1 i* Mc VARICOCELE, EMlSSIONS, NER VOUS DEB1LITY, SYPHLIS, ST-RIOTURE, OGLEET, SEMINAL WEAK- NESSv,> -PIMPL ES, LOST MANHOOD9, UNNATURAL DiSoilARGPE8, KIDNEY AND'BLIAODER DISEASE&. b* o . peineZ r I~looee; toe tbroat; ia15o d t *,o1 d1Birt! weât d confidence; Iwk of WAZ P OU okASK NO POAY. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY--ONFIDENTIAL AWarnlgf o teLvins."At Li EA 'Z lilarabuda"t. Tted tour ont q T,5 efflmum'a-aidfrl'eL"IcO5 etjJ -E LVtL-11 byo.& nCdys~ au ou.preck.àAfriendwhohd Mt db Du e CeFUhn -ileme te ry thom. 1I di t50 sudin two montbswsepodeve tmeuoa. 1 amn now msnried and bave two h...lhy VADIfAOCI PlI EIl Vericocole made Ilits mlerable. 1 wsuwemk snd VARunken bashtal lu a t.hair thin, 0 op s es. hNew e tnn Md KrgMussm i a few weskg.-L L PUTERSONIonia, ftJ. P. EMERSON reates Lià experienoe. 0I1 Ived on IOSMYEU %r.Atschooli iearned as early habt whieh ~of0)Fxan il.1.Fmlyom d1w vn fate doin o han a lnnti eTUT ndte AhI él.s «!! 7 V 1 ooktheNewMothod Treatmeut and wus cursd. Ml 7faLsodp wm4edtonfnpilo K h ave ment themn maay patieuts ail of Iwhom, oe ured. Thelr New i~th dTreaimoni supplies vigr, vit a n ud "'This tWI ble blood diease wu lui my system for eighi sy 76Madtaken mernry for two ocre, ue disem WM L CMU - nd loth.. on the skin, uabers ?r1n the m tmsd ou tence bue eiu.faU ~ out of bair veaknems, etc. My brother, who b ec ordfGlS trietui by Dra. Lennedy and leucuicomnddtem, LThey eured me a fmw ss.ad hnk Gd1c(i I ddmLNortrno h disem in ÙsIx mmu"-W. P. M., Jaoksoui. 17 VEARS M DETROIT, 200.000 CURHD. NO RISK. BEADB àm&yteua viRotm? Hae .yon 'cet hop-e? Amepou oontem etin2 READINU ? limayour blood hean dlmmsd? oBave v 'a Our 6 lle cd ndoo IS fi = What t bu s virl=t fo lmu COOI LAINFRSB. N'o mtr ho bhs tremted j ou. Write tUr1m1bo0ma reofOhr Charge reaisonabie. BOOKS FREIL-"h odMntr d'NM USO ITH UtW,#R NON SENT. PR~ i VA~0-- loin seint CO.D. Nonameson boxes or envoi orohi lId ntlal. Qtuestion llst and oost of DISIKENEOT KERe No.148SHELBY ST. ORS..- tuy ERG N R OTM 101. auxv-qgk Com Par

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