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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1897, p. 4

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WILLÊS% . .THE.. Leading Drug Store! IN TCHE PROVINCE. jýWe have one of the best equtpped Drug Stores in the Province, and oun stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemi- cals is the best that cari be produced. Prescriptions and Receipts A SPECIALTY. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. OUR GOODS THIE BEST. J. E. WIL LIS, CHEMIST & DRUGOIST, MEDICAL :RHLL, BROX BT., WRITBY, - WHITEY. SEPT. 249 1897.1 morat Notes. Dog ta inl towna ta a great imposition. Sncb animal& are kept for pets, moatly by poor people who cînnot afford 10 bave use- ful animais, sud thc towna acidoni bave a mutton bill to pay. Wealthy people who keep horses and carniages are not taxed for theux, nor are tbey usually taxed for baif thein other riches, wbile the poor mens bouse la aiways aasesaed for a haif more than it la worth . There ta an old saying tuat a poor ftan makes a poor marniage. Two or tiree years ago tbe county pre sented the M4th battalion wlti new colons, or flag embiema, at an expeuse of over 82=o Now cornes an order froin bhc commander- in-chief of the Brilis arwy 10 the effect thiat no colons are 10 6e currled in future Il la no longer felt 10 b. necessary ta hoid out a brilant flac 10 Indicate tic head of tic negiment as a mark for tie enemy ta shoot at, or as siowing which way the soldiera arcenoving. Autumu leaves thii week. We do ual mean by ttht. uat autumn leaves, bul merely wish ta annoonce autumn leaves. Nol liaI aubonin leaves lie country. nor lihat leaves are coming out a&l over automu, but that aubina leaves have taken leave 10 appear. We nilgit further add as a malter ô f triking Information liaI wien autumu leaves leave tie trees they leave no otier leaves bebiad. And bere vè beg leave to leave this u:gîîy Important malter of leaves bo be furîber elucidated by those who willi nol leave until bicy bave -aatened the sub- ject of autumur leaves. Laut weeks Oshawa Reformer vuzes In- dignant because Uic CHRoNzcLK, lu com.- menting upon lie Dryden-Smith sMander case, pnaised boti thc principale for their willtngness 10 scetl te case, and tins pie- vent lhe bitter feelings wlzici thc public heariug of lie case vau ikely t ûrup. Ever since Mn Smith dclivered tic speech coplained of lut wInter thc Reformer iad ben ln hope tiat as au oulcome or tuat suit one of the proprietons of tie CHInOg- icin wouid gel beumlnehed, and It had pitdeverythiug il couid teudiug 10 fan the b2uimg embens of atnife imb aà lame. il w- aaio disgrantled at Mn Drydenu just then becanse tic editor ofthticReformer wue not apolute county reglatra*.It makes rno difference 10osew-it position Uthc Reformer takea lu reference Io Meusa Smith sud Dryden. As au ludependent pipçr tic SnC»tiLit sives to b. just to boti:; but If Mi Smith éasdercd Mnr Dryden inu-tuat speech ho (as tie evtdecccsiQws) also tutendcdtW plac e cof Uic publiets of tic Ciuaorncstu tic aime boL. Whc. Mr Sati w-thdrew- bis wodanad Mi Diy. dem sccepted the amend honorable, w-c <ilt that It would ho la thc Intercala of peàce * sud good fcilow-shlp la Ibisrildiug tonu sii kiud woids lu regard to bahb that the incident voold be so""fr(0 te. Nul s« lte Reformer. It w-asg= 17osl disap. : tdbecaume Mr n edcnauuad coua ughuphle.uished. sud buida ilsi Peisoual w1oug donetay usnecuse il btW sot aucceeded lu gettiug ammumton frou lt:e beanluf or tii.case tluemable It lu f«a tbM&I- 4H1euderso.. How Il Inri roeud, aflen praying for a sc.dalfori 0 " sd cautg assmestisat W b" rc«meM Qrydcuw-rUginalsacse w-hon.b Injut* bina would hole t lylWonue ou or the proprietois of tIc VR Ma&ETh lefonaser otu acemsd usof sycophauc ie uow pasauicheepfthet baolt. 4 »" os O Conatou fôr thei piet, -cmnuthtet eid a report- In favor of rytsg accosuta lrne repair .3, j cIEtyre repatl ta.S he report pasaed. EnV. Pnigi. read a report (rots the iantke *Miultte sfolilos;- Tht the te- tri Mf Nurphy cîrirot b. granted with- îut doithe Uicml neuuy lii. ciss- that roun Solicitor Farewell b. pald à Lui or Mit of 3.o.96 whici he ps.id lu z894; that a ebate U1f Bye per cent b. ailowecl tic Martin laufgCo. for paylog backIs ls lzoooo loin 6 mm hasud si daya before itortu of ten can w-s - that lu vicw of the pressing Dbigation of ic 10tw-n no grant bu made to the 341h baulsiilon for its rifle matches for 897. Thia report caused a long discussion. Some of the members tbought M Murphy ehould b. reileved of tic bacis taxes on the propcrty ln question because he la ln rcduc- id circomatonces, but l was polnted out by bh. Mayor aud reeve tbattuas would form a precedont for remîtta; slmnost aul the back axes lu towu, On tbe clause rcgarding the MartnMaent Co there w-a an bours diacus- ctou tnri ch on an average thrce members tatked ail the turne. Occasionally orily on. îad tbe loor, but it sometimes occurred that seveu or eight w-ouid Ib. îaling at once. Coun Jackson brougbt op the question as to wby uuy rebute sbould b. ailowed the Mur- tin Company, anidaskcd the mayor ho ex- ulain the transaction. Thc Mayor sald Ibat cri yearu ugo a bylsuw-ws paased to lan bhe Marlin Co *îoaoo. The money w-as b ue loaned on October ist', 1897, and th. de- bcutures bad tohob.isnued on that date tin onder to conform inwtî the bylaw. It tran- spired, however Ibat the deb.utures could not b. sold util Mancb ualt, 1888, w-btcb was 5 months and 21 days after the lime agreed upon. This w-ould have suied the Miartin company ail nîgbl euougb, (or lbey could keep the money util the 2381 of M<atch, 180- but as 1h.bylaw uccessltaled the issU of lte debentures on Oct isl, 1887. ar.d tbey muat (aIl due on Oct lat, z897, the towa w-ould be In a box 10 ruise the moaey La ry ythe dehentures 5 months and 21 days before the Manian Co woold bave t0 repuy the lonn a h l.eued of its ton ycira. To cave the 10w-n front getttug tb a fix of tht. sort tbe Martia Co agreed to piy thc money back 5 monîba and 21 da' before its ten years w-une op, but 1: W- agreed 10 sIlow the compiuy 5 per cent of the $zo,ooo for tbe 5 inonthsanad 21 daya, wbicb wua 10 bu coastdered as equlvalent ho leaving the mon. y in lts banda Con the balance of tbe pcniod. -This rebate to lb. Martin Co w-ould amount tb about $2e0.Thia explari ation did not soit Coun Jackson, neltber be non Coun Crosby belug able to gut it througli their beadu. C ounHy w-ar d tted to ex- plai n for tbein, sud next Cc'un Bew-ell trledi hiband et clucidatIag matten. Sîilllt us no go, their beada w-ene thîck on the point. Finally the neeve tried bis hand at makin~ It dlem but failed. Then 1w-o or îbree trie it ail together, tben five or six deîaied tbe bangain 10 Ihei ail at once. Tien every councilor felu at explintng t 10ever bodl cisc tn gerieral and to nobody tln panticularý and finally the audience took 10 arguing thb malter over lu w-hiapera, wblcb grew lntc loud mumbltug, and Rf one had hie eyet shut be could funcy be wasaai one of the old, fashioned conn-buaklng becs, w-ber. confu arin reignu supreme. Ail that could bg ald only seemed to muddlc Councilon Jackson and Crosby the more, so tbc mcW bçrs clamorcd for a vole and the itein wai pussed, leîving tbein ho con oven the aubjc unîll tbey bave mastered lit. The nepor w-as Ihen pascd. Nexi came the bicycle question. Coui Smitb nase and movcd (or icave 10 latroduc a by-law 10 probibit bicycles rom betng rui on certain sldewalks of the towu. beav, w-as grauted, and tbc b ylauw-was read a fin lime. Coma Smith agala rose wtth a moltloi to read the bylaw,a second lime and t0g inb commiblce of lhe w-bol. counctilto cor aider ita w-bote clauses. At ibis junctur Coun Noble, w-ho secoaded the motion, e: platncd Ibat h. had only donc so lu order t enable Coun Smnith 10 gel bis bylaw betor tbc council, but could not agre. w-t I ts pr visions and wiahed h t e b udcrstood tbi b.. (Noble) rcscrvcd thc ntght to vol a gainsi auy claose or su of lbtu commilti So f tbhc wboe. The reeve muid Uierc w-e two~ ~ ~~~ - .-e yaaw-ibbdh 6%. p&asae m but coîi nem Indiace Cous St.tls Io do eR. <Hayw-rd)' haci olereai lu seéuuCo eSmiîba nuotiIf lb. latter w-oiad à& »w-bat w-osd b. asomuable sand lu menter, Con. Smisthlis teuper aM - pat, s"udoclaseaitbfes..xc or du 4 war e m ubteugoad liait tbe Mt bonsucre trytnglu rSt im li.Tb* m mve tbtebat tbe byd ow bu to .9 I. »CusanmumebUdw-b.wn'lesoiC oSami e #d itIf 19. operwseuw é* oglo be w-%Md uer bd*& top o JU bevote vas lm taises »atbe ns a uaulous ut.Ulsi ls.eseeul Cous51k sdC«Mosii l. ie > mugt. . u ~*tb iewbiI 19â bd at.dO * luisis.Mo ofp lu id on tic and 6 &.m, ouuy, aito*bore, tle tufl2 pite la not paveê with baphailt or bt1ck., lit tay lutereat nýiny readers to know tilat a novel metbod bas bent discovered <ut p fe aervl.ng sg perfectly- freah for twelve monthus not only for éétITg b.ut for hatchitig purpo6e. It may appar-Incredîble ta many pou try keepeT5 that the gierm or an egg can b. kept alive for an long a period, as under ordinary clircumstancea, h ta well knowfl that @a are more or Io$sestile for eatlng, and Wtt1 s*eidorn hstch cbickens if more than three weeka ot4. The new method ta seasio- Iowa :--Wrap eacb egg the day It le laid tln a ammii uquare of newspaper, and pack these egga aIde b y aide lnas box, and layer upon layer unu I lt lu fou. After the box le est- ened down lit muet first be sîored ti a dry cool place, and secondly, tutned upside down at least two or three times a week. This 1m le procesif of turniig wlll preserve eggs aer(ectly fresh. for twelve or eigbteen mon ti. Ontarioansd Durham Ethibition Concert. The Queenis Own Band wtll supply the music. Music hall, Tuesday evenli ng Sept 28th. 25C admisston toail parts of thehal Whltby M arketa Fait wheat new go to 8sc, do aId 88 to goc, sprlng wheat new 85 ta 87c, do old 85 ta 87c, Poose wbeat 73 t0 75c, Cats 23 ta 24c, barley 25 to 30c, pease marrovrfats 6 o 65c, peast sinaîl 47 ta soc, rye 44 t0a45, hay $8, straw o, rtatoes 6oc per baq, appes $81.50 to $2,50per bbl, oions Soc per busbel. Ton Dollars a week for eight. It does flot seeîp possible that the table îfor elght people van be provided for ten dollars a week. But Mn. Rorer, the most remous cook tlu Ametîca, says It cari b. done. Sbe bas trted ht and knows. Sbe gives twenty one menus covering a weeks 1meals, and gives fuli, practîcal directions by 'which any woman cari make as attractive ,meuas eMn Rorer explaina, for this amai 1soin of ten dollars. e aangs of théi Rà~ways. e The earnînga of both the Canadian Pacific ) aud Grand Trunk for the week endlng Sept 114 continue ta show handsome increases Fover last year. The C P R retorne show an )Increase of $52000 sund those of th. G T R f 46,,5. The statementa are sfollows: G r r sysemSept 8 10 14, 1897-7.795." . For 1896, $521,58o; increase $36,u15. 1The !C P R Co froin Sept 7 10 14, 11897-$485,ooo; , i&»6, $43,ooo ; tncree $52,000. 1 On the Wlijg . Mr 13 Stephenaon, Woitby, bas ticketed ethe foiiowing: Mr Prank L McKay, of in 'dia Head N W T. Wbltby to Monftreal . Judge DartueIl,*tnp to lUxbnidge -Mise à Î C Austin <a visitor with Mr and Ikrs Sy1- 1venus Austin) Whitby to Buffalo, N. VY. . Mr Mathias Mfackey, Wbitby tao Graven- horst ; Mis Coffey, trip to 'Peterboro ; G BsileY, trip to Bowmanville ;,Mr Thomas em1tmett, Town Lineand Mr Hsrtrick. YW21tatoOttawa ana returu: -, 8 Pare- wel., aor Rutledge, Theo King and T A McGillivray, trip to Uxbnidge. eW CTOU Social 0' The lange reuldence of Mr Tamblyn wîs Icomfortabiy fi lied on Wednemday nlght the 1occasion belng the ftreweli social given by '*Mn Tamblyntiaid of thefund. of îbe W CT 'e U. An Interesting programme was render- 18 ed. A pleasing léaure or tbe .vening was "the presentation of an address 10 Mrs Tamnb* ks lyn from the ladies of the WC TU expressive :t of their high appreciation of ber services to rt the Union. Mr Tambl yn made as entable n reply on behalf ofiMn Tamblyn. Many ex. lepressions of regret at their reinoval were . tendered Mr and MmsTambly n. ýn teLatter from Lord Lister et Dr R J Guon wîi80 mucb pleaaed witb bn the aâdrese delivered at the necent meet- ta int of the British Science ,Asm" allta n. Toronto that he wrote Lord Lister a letter .e Of Congratulation, aiso enibracing the doc. xtors views sud experiences on the same p oints. YestcrdaYte ti. Dr nceived the ~ oUowlng reply : VANcOUVEKR, Sept î6th, ,a :897.MY DEÂR SIR,-.Pray forgive me fol at al, luthc fressure of recent engage- tevithout teiling you hou nioch gratification ee our kind letter of the 2e %l it. gave me. re Ibelefe me yours very troly, ISTKtL »- A NewSuindie. J Do't go to -the lKodk c / e s e a s s d- ue ' Pt Good geucrl s«rvnt. APPIy tIoh1d RICHARDSON. FARAU TO REèYT US~~~* «VLt~,1hCou. of Wbltby4 fulbm«iàà&tw# bums udd ,i-v« hom n. w Wa nda- t1es r Vowlu stNo*.* but piqsue cmbe do..la tisa umetho.A, H 3025,p$celsJ Stake your Clairn on Our and Well Selected New Black Shirts and Plarge- stock -of Serges, in plain and :figured, New Tweed Suitinge, Heavy Al W4. Drawers. Ladies' Underveste, bought at Mill prices, regular pri08 qOCKS -1--y --v, jJVLYAoirA 75.o and $1., now selling at 50o and 75c. Men'8 Wool Men's extra value Cashmere Sooks only 25o per pr.J for the next two weeks 7o por yd. [eavv Twjlled Flazinelette 1 Br Special de prîzes for games anc as... ssssm.s.ususussssoes mas s )ur Âssortment 0f- Scotch and Canadian Suitinge, Overcoating, and Trowserifg, is9 the Iargest and best in town, and we can furnish the best of testimonials froma those for whomn we have made clothing. We guarantee a fit, good trimmiflgýBan tsu u ctt§ workmanship. Mr Wm Slitch has charge of this department aànd W6 are pleased to say everybody is satisfied with his work since he took charge, MIl Goods Warranted as Represented or Money Refunded. ~ANDRW Fancy China. ALarge Stock of-%ý Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full bine of Fresh Always G rocenies. *:* Reliab le. AT GIBSON'S. GrIGANTIC 1Iow OINT SALE 11AYARDS sOLDo STANDe Eoos u<81" 6, go.ghen lde Itfrm afloatliOthse PUo9,8,ot*'Wbitby have 1usd such agle oppaum't, Ow-.b is sb picesau e rt % showing, Bememàber" vo bougist a M6e. en thse wholes rie Lu 10 0' s.4 bo', 'a 100. * - loilu.PIi=s, h ff me RO S se. Here lis a Good Thing. Variety the Largest I Quality the *Choicest ! Prices thze Lowest - are the three pointe which Iea4 Re-upholstering done on sho: )rtest notice. E. J. JOHNSON> Brock St., m Whitby. AnnUI lwsstofo Excrsions, OUPT. 8'L'T 1 D ctro l ,tM ich s,4 o.~ $5 #00 CkWvelmnd, Oho .. 750Q $ *i Ds4icb. 8'00, ~O ClnctonatiOio..:.. zo.oo....jî, ,Minneapolis, Mknn.. to t a =c o d i o g t o r o ut e . . 3 4 5 0 '3~ 5 5 0 -Ticke!ts gbod t t niQt & JlUsu FBIDfl LOO. Mn Jamnes M Friday last. Jno NotI, P. day on legai b MnJames 'Y ville and also Mr and Mnâ have been ape Mr McPhee, (our bundred .weck. Mr Henryl1 apples. He 1 8oo banreis. one of the t features ever the Queene body was Io sulting (rom I Monday ni, suddenly, ei wbicb are tun sickle. Ouri lng stones rel la great but i Evenybody the change go were four wc be another b At Ail Sain on'the Paral subject for k a cordial Invi vices aI AUl and bymn use of thosci To get yo varulsh alu street, WI The exet tanlo Cottaci Y - saturday Wa rangements soctatiolifo turuin ho ýaf tde Wa8g0 r 4»scid mosy sinA.4 W rrm %r. a Cô«ey eomplinng ttisilrlif rdeed*Wby o thecouncteianl psldto b« tbé b.oW litte.A petiton u t"ite <oi. t Ë a.p sud otbies"cug for bsh u sa 14 Cansailàn a*ludsvwr te aldeocabut«oite(c m sbodwe, .m"~ isop £1 Ire hluMou.belagabWotu **est ulo ane«gdel" *z -* Tbe M MOI 1, ý lý' 1 1 à-&V&u v j EL 1 E tradee

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