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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1897, p. 5

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-one daY lut weeb and Sga, ýcxcma lame$son o oMcC&rdell bioke bi ar atCY"4W Iu per'I, L o e e y b d y s e ( o r g u e a t 4th e * - - week. W. wat ont Wbltby fitisn. U III fldTr favorable auspices. - belor. seelng aur stock. The Garden City wouncl up a Vary tue. ceseful season on Fnlday lait, wheu aL large aurnber touk in the lait trip of the. y*éïr. Mrs Hayes, Petosky. Mich., ne. Misa Mîc- Quay. af Pickering, A8 vlsitlng fiend la town and the sui rounding nelgbbonhood Capt T A McGltiVriay of NO 2 CO*y S4th o ches, Batt. bas taken out a ireI clisse course at School of Infsntry, Toranta, anc! passeti bis %Ar - examlnatlafls. ivieuuis, Badges. Special designs for prizes for Athletic games and schools. o T i f nmi AflA.U S ilAlet Col. Paterson was ln town Saturday, and ciiied at the CHRRONICLE office. He dId not have Urne 10 put us tbrougb a course ar sprouts on milltary matters. Mr% Hugh Wilson, wbo has been la po health for smre time, went ta Toronto on Wednesday to consult the surgeons or the lencrai hospital, and underwent a sueceas- uIoperatiofi. She at once begau toita prove and wili be borne ln a few aays. An Uncle Toms Cabin cornPUaubllled to appear ini the music hall this, Friday, evening. The prices are popular. Io ati go cents. As there has flot been a music hall troupe for a long lime this COMiPatiY sbouid draw a good crqwd ai the prices quoted. I ~ r~i'iii'is Sec thô4é elegat it ih grade boots antiu I PJ ~LIAU.J~t.J5 shoes at the niew shoe store. - ZquaI ta the fineet grades, and eclual to the greatest as- sorîrnent and lower ini price than any cisy1 store. Ladies black avergalters. 6 buttons,1 ' for 25c. Good sboe palisIs 5c Pet battie. Ladies fine k id boots sud shoes 5Sc and $,. Mens fine boots, gaiters or lace, $1. Menst b .- eavy plougb boots 95C. Came anti see..Ifc ~ L ~you can not psy this prIce we wtll give you a ~1.J C Q DtUTCC.~ 1oe Store. E~ast side. ILJ Colina. 1 OSince Saturday night last Wrn Harrison,1 a tarmer residing two miles veut ai thhs8 town on Wm Oîtes farmu, bas been mhslung. Offoisl CeuLty Organ-Lrgeat Ciu- Hc is an unmarried man, snd bas been ItU aiOfaf m ulpaper in Cauatia. worklng Okesfarn for two years. Previaus1 to that he had been woritig for fermers -__________ - -- - aiong the base line southeast ai Whitby, anti FRIAYSEP. 2, 1897. was weil recommended ta Mr 0ke by the FRIAYSET. 4,farmers aiong there. Mr Oke bac! every _______________________________confidence in Harrison, and ba! a naîlotced anythine to cause susiion The crap wau LOCAL LAOONIC8. good this vear. and things Ioaked prasper- ou§ On Saturday nighl Harrison drove ta Mr James McBrien, I. P. S., vlsited town Pickering and sold four cattle and bis horse Friday last. and buggy to Bryan the buteber there. Aller mno Not, J.P., Port Perry, vas here Mon- Harrison was gone investigation sbowed tut day on legal business. he bad sold bis wheat ancd the articles men- Mr James Walters made a trip to Belle- tioned above, but it turned out tbat hiesfiight ville and alo b Buffalo last week. çVas coused by another circucestance. Mn and Mrs M Farquharson, Port Hope, Rumor says that his connection with a wa- have been epending a week here. man had been t00 intimate, andi that when he visited one ol the towvn physicians An search Mr McPhee, an Ainerican buyer, shipped of remedici; ta work an abortian ho vas tour hundred sheep (roui thi. section this - romptly îoid that he would be prosecuted ,weck. for attempting 10 commitsuch a crime. This Mr Henry ickel, of Brooklin, Is buv'ng caused lis sulden exit. Mr Oke bas seized tipples. He ban already picked up about everythinit and wili probabiy realize bal af OEA> UIVr-S. what la due hiîm. One of the nmoat entertaining and pleasîng features ever introduced at Wbitby (air was the Queene Own band asat year. Every- body was loud in expressions of delîght re- suîlng rom thi. bands performance. Mlonday nights frosts ripened everything suddeilly. even tAhe vire fences, somne of which are turning rus<y as il rend y for the sicide. Our roada are also ladien with roll- lng stotnes ready f, r raking off. The harvest ia great but thie laborers are tev. Everybodv arounid here who could raise Heres a Snap. Chronicle and Globe 10 Jan ist u8 for Si 25. Crowded Out Pot Perr, Greenbank and Audley let- ters crowded out. Came to late. plenty of Hormes The big prizes offered for racingat the Ont- tarîo and l)urh.'m exhibition bave drawn twice as msiîy borses as even competed in tro>tting here before. There wihi bc somne terrific racing. "Stick Pi SBro the change a ot inarried on Wedî;e'da), WeAother thlrd ciasa certificats m-ean those not already doubled up. There were four weddlngs reported and there is t By a clericmI oversight the name ai Mr be atiother batch next Wednesday. Walter Shaw of the colegiate institut. vas At li ain& curc onSunay ottingomitted fiom tAhe published listofsucceesful next thie rector wili begin a course of sermons cadidathsfohisars vas afatsiedthr on the "Parabie of the Sower" continuiflg the Sawthher s a ben s itaklu bis subject for four Sunday Alil are exteîuded teenuthv ensm itk n i a cordial invitation to these or any of the ser cas.e tand so ha ou u ucct. W ogau vices at AIl Saints church. Prayer booksIgt l hwo i..ces and hymn books are kept on band for the Oh or G T R Annual Western Excursions use of thnse who may not have them, Sept 3oth, Oct it andi 2nd, goati tili cuti Nov la the time (Ictiguth bu returu. Whitby ta Detroit and To et ourfunacs ad sovs atenedPort Huron. $5 ; Cleveland, $7.5o0 Sagi- To etheour furae ndstos ia teednaw, BRy City, $8 ; Grand Rapids, $9 ;Chi- toes beoetod e tiersaett.o .-cago snd Cincinnati, $:î Sec Stephensoti, pips, lbwsdaperpipsand5tveP'Pe Wbitby, opposite Hstch Bras.)>for thase varnlsb alvayson baud. j McIntyre, lrock tickets and ail information. He aiso tic- street, Whltby. kets from Pickering. Tarant., BrookliII, Coaservative Convention -Oct snd. Myrtle, etc.. at proportionai rates. Sce or The executive cormlittee af the South On- write Stephen son before travelling.ne tario Conservative Association met bere on tickets auiywhere, everywhcee aulrates Saturday asat to name a day aud make ar. guaranteed night. Chaice ot szi ocean rangements for a special meeting of tbe a.s- teamship liues, includimgf Dominion, AI- sociation for the purpose of selecting a can- Ian sud Beaver lines, ant I al Aineicau didate t0 contest the ridlng ut the next local un1esl. eiectioii. It was cecided to announce the ontarto County Teachcrs Institut. convention for Saturday, Oct 2nd. The annual meeting ofibheQOtaria o =ty A L.ucky Bscsge Teachens Association willI b. held lu thse Us- Mr& Chai Clark, of Dunbanton, while re. bridge ilgh sebool, an Friday sud Satisrday, turning home from Wbitby, bac! a ver y Sh aud 9tb October. Thse negulaioust« nanrow escape from a serious misbap. etr the department make Il absolutcîy numisul 9 o Michelle team rat avay ac! overtook for every teacher lu the county t. attend ten Clarké it, crashiug mbintl from thc <his meeting. If fifty or mom. ingle fait rear. She vas tbrowu ont snd the wheeî nailway tickets are purchéued, tosehea vi of the wagon passeti over ber cheftt, but did b. given return tickets at oAa ihrd single flot cause. an y seniotas lnjury. The buggy are; but eveny teacher MUsst get: bis ril'way was consierably smasbed. It la a miracle c'ttificate filleci by the. ticket aMtni4aI tis boy shc escapeti&0 lucklly. tarting point. Be sure snd a*2 tbesgout A MîdnigIsI Raw or certificat.. Programme. Frtdyi OCt 8- On the arrIval of the Garden City aI Ca. 1.30 ta 2.o0 PMu, repMo <audlontM bourg on Tbursday nigIsI last, a nov oc enal business; 2.S0la j.30 w, ta curcd in which the cook andthUi officers oi addrcss, M L Nuttlug. ê tÏd*;23 the boastvere tise pincipal Participants, ta 3.15 P M, ve tical writls, E RUEdy, ee Frost what coulti be leauedthelb coak bac!Bnaoklin; 3.15 ta4.00 p auboje m been discisareti sud vas ordenedtot leave Botany, W A Dent, rEsq, W ; 8-00 Lit- the boat, wblch ho refusedti t do Thet erature and! Moral Educatbon.j AÀ M.LdU1 -crev ai tbe hast vas requested 10 put the M A, LL D. Saturday, O«ct ,. êe» te man off, bot this they refusedt ta o Final. 1a. a M. Pyschology o1 Number8, bU M jy the captain appemdetioa the scene, and a; limaD. ent 10t witb the assistance of a vintilasabar suc.Ibe ebn;iooaiou 1t.ar( v H G porsIA. eededIn ukno*k1lig the ccok Out. Duniu britige-, i î.3o ta K.oe a m. electibh8 M& the scrap thse coos li iota thse laite, anter;i I had it nat beeu fan thsepnomtpt action ai thse cns-3010O3 00 P MnDr KeLellnM I , captait, *ho jumpd lu afler hlm, thee Nutting, pros, A G àede serOS.- woulti have bocl A d~iMm 1ig accident ai a Suddsa D"si la .juI. m very Senoau nature 10 chrotliile IbIs mort- George Gordon, sulushu am d lit iug. Witb cousiderable dlfficuity tise tva lail ber. on Friday DW Uê unen ven. £1shed ont of *ie vater, the <»<o tdon, resulting frow la do,, 7-wf landing on tlisewharf sud tise captait an tnate mnubsd lived about or bu tIse boat. r'Tcesteamerlet at ance for Col. neyvas au or eaw4 oo borue sud tis eok spotit tise uigbtinluthe tm ath a enguu - :», celse. ystodaythcwevas taIs of prouecu. im u ebs etn S it tiu t e n ucSof the bost, but 5» the jo- brother Jobn. 'vils vioms beIsê ,jurcdminubad Ioabdtoo00freely ta 104. lirklin m. trae ¶wa e s Uiw wf a complainst, k là like1 thse mattcr vîl Im.Eu to. wu*m, drop.-eobotirg e coak, Rober osngudvylie*«twW Cieftnuri.UrtIl reautly, employed ti ho loldBne ado vid a * bi tue Royal bo el hem. h. atéonce mmed-i0at»0*- by oue al&Uoamtiebte 94-90- Il la freqo.uilv n.wsaed by people visu b. bocatue suaplloos 4, bb i -ride or dniiti lovtIsatt eI l Mita Of the Il becanomes do ftO* wo - <orporsîlcon eareslle dteoruminotiby the hlm, snd Johna hro.W bWtmW ý»tstse ofiie rode. Tissi theroadu are botter visai tise counatig "tm l .a teajoloing toW biShlîP 15 n t hecge n W , ýM@ asa umr.Whbold tilbe peaedtio <sçqU4 -18ce the ,nay expended on thse tova mac!. er ccSuderlng ait.pç*- o Is probt7 (non %11«M tnncb aIs Il C0414to couuldsred b.1u -ýMo ý-'kepup tb*salais aunt of mati lais e In the nmas tisse »M to"try v tis te wv o umUtîLdout by omblue tise pyb vhebo travel novtbasi pm *tion bse* 11vM ý *w sumle 1ut1d outaide of îhiug thse l 0ftoe. ot irsmvel te he op t *at ass been set "ese .ch e dimacilty sud 1, seffl o coiroade 1ai*heti viejo muoM kk de lpung râe eiaues, wN bsv4 AM :t =mWonto e bf o bt]îVvt3 eaue * ~Ifi ben p"t on l roa4 iia msedis * $ii5roudupbutbss et s h o 'g 'j h il t s f c t I c To Suhacribers ln Arrears We have made cas for msny subscribers ln arrears and have bac! to listea ta a deal of squeallng. We have ta coilect the money to pay aur debtsansd If we canneI secure aur dues without going ta law It is the fouit of subscribers. Those who have nal yet-been put toany cost w,1ll please remit at once anc! save trouble. W.e do nal wajlt trouble of our delinquent substribers dont, but every cent of(the money m uet corne at once. September Weddiug* A very pretty weddlng taalc place on Wed. oeuday afternoou at tbe resdence cf airOGS Fiegg, Port lipe, wheu his daughter Cadne was guarrled te W H Skitch cutter ln Mr A b Ro.aeUiloitagdepLtrtnt ber.. Tn.cue-> mny ae performed i>y Rev W R Yong la the. #reseuiceof fileaade sd relatives. Tii. presents wère both nunaerouesud beuifuil *ad betoken the ~plaityof the bride la ber uavetoWn. vr ,cbu made many Il .IeudalCeouinata towusd tue Cugox- 2CLhI>eqmks(forboha Uieof wedded bilas Âutunrn Novelty Goods We have planned for a very big f;eason, planned to not only do more business than beretoïore, but te do it very much better. Stocks vaetly larger, that's'the fireit step ; ptices even lower, that's the second. First arrival 80, cases of new Autumn Drese Goode, Mantles, Capes, etc, frozu the leading manufacturers in Germany, and Glasgow, Scotland. ~Double-fold Drese Goods from 15o to $2 per yard. lui o tic i tq an de tl Pr hli l le e' de il el w. LiI li ti mulali we vy .VV w aViWLD L*ue4n Inchb wldehuOullt.u.týs for, c per yard. 1_. Ob-rien .& Stdhamsa gallery willlbe opérn et du n eilo day of the OohtarI0 >1, Ino VIpond of ilrooklin anc! Mr WM itColumbus, were Jutges. of heavy, Wées et Bowmianvllle (air, Two loac!s of potaioes were an tb. marketl tTueaday Seventy Oive cents per bag sa asketi. Sixty cents was the price reai- bd. The. potatoes titat we have seen >ugh la appear ta be unnipe. The shin Many cases very readily cornes off. »ners of rotatoe should be careful ln buy- ý as unr ýp. ptatoe wlll not keep. Six murder trials wlll take place lu On- *Io ibis (ail. These are :-Old man Convey SWoodsîack, for murtiering a boy 'ou his 'e; -Mrs Steruman, eat Cayuga ou Nov. Lb; the boy James Allison for the murder Mndr Orr et Guît, on Nov 29th before Jus. ce Meredth ; Wm Hammond the alleged fe murtierer at Bracebric!ge ln November; Be Troy murder case at Napanee on Nov 22 Id Thocepson. the alleged Stanhope mur- 'rer, ai Lindsay An November. Sorne business men lu Ibis lowvn are con- mt ta advertlae wlîb a 1kag and sme words rbned on At. They nmust expect that peo- le wiîl corne into town expressly ta read lai ls an their Liags. If they would put an àv lu tbis journal lt would be like hangingK fag before the eyes ofman yi hausanc!s af aders. It rnay always b. taken for grant- i that a man ls a cbeapjack If he:pube out a ig ta catch the public eye, ana does not se the recognlzed means of advertlslng. Inspector Hodgson visited th. colleglate sotitute here lait week, and Inspector Lley cave the model school a call an ( ilesday of Ibis week. There are 18 teach- -sa in training at the model thiot ear, blich shows à falllug off, awing rnastly ta, te tact that wbat are knowu as third grade .rtificates draw sncb low salaries that most Udente aspire ta ce:e seconde or firets. bash been a tact for years that the normal < ýhoals, where training' for professional econtis ls secureti, bave been crowded by hplicauts, may ot wbom have beeD com- ýelled ta awalt their chance ta get lu, sud 1 1occurs thia y car that the school of peda- ogy, wbere t he blghest grade af teachers nre trained, is unable ta meet thse demnande uti Maury vill have ta vait. Rducatiou lu te Prav nce la mak1n¶g sncb rapld atrities bhat stucleuts are overtaking even the grand facilities that are pravided. "ta Trunk Sale. A large varlety of trunks sud valises will be solti ai wholesale prices fdr thse ut tva weeks ut the New Shoe Store. Rast aide. mL W Collins. The GtArden City took the lasI bac! of ex- :ursionists ta Toranto on Ftlday laut. Amnong theru was Higb Constable Calverley :lothec!wlth autbonlîy, by Inspector Fer- guson, ta summons Mr Chas Perry ta ap- pear belon. P M Harper to answer ta ai charge of. Illegal liquor selling on board the steamer. The case carne up (or beaning an Tuesday uigbt anti was adjourned, for a week. Settled. Mr Thos Jackson, traffic manager of the Str Garden City, tic! nt appear in Police Court this morning in connection with the charge brought against hlm ai faillng ta re- port the nature af a cargo and! neglecting ta pav landing toîl. A settlernent bas been arrived at ince the adjournment ai tbe case on Friday st t&hereby Jackson is ta psy 85 75 coate and settle bis harbor accaunt.- Port Hope Guide Sept 2o. Hou.. of Providence Thp aisters from the Houîse ai Providence, Toronto, are bere this weck on their snnuaI collecting visit. Between caring for aver 6oo old people aond 400 orphans tbeir calAs on the cbsrity of ail creeds can b. weil understaod. In lieu ai a county poorbouse w. dont know oi an Institution where poar aid folks and orpban chîldren couIc! b. taken so much cine ai. Wbitby peaple according ta the reoort ai the sisters, always treat tbem generously. W e ek -flc we will show an unrivalled display of very latest styles in Ladies, Maids and Chidrens lYanties. For every style of Jaciçet, Cape or Ulster you will flnd here the best for the least money a.nd by far the 1argest collection to select from. You wiII find garments here to suit every purse and ail the lateet pro- ductions. 4W.G. MRS. CROSBY'S MitIinery Opening, T14URSDAY and FR1 DAYI SEPT. 23îd and 24the AI are cordial/y invited. Eu CROSBY, DtNDÂS 93T. oie WHITBY.1 Laundrea8 Wanted. At Ontario Ladtes Coilege apply ta the Matron. ,Sept. :6th '97.-2Sm. AUCTION 8ALE of House and Lot, Carpenter's Tools, Lunber, Implemnts, etc., the property of GEO COAKWELL, deceased . The un. deralgned iuctiouteer has received instruc- tions (rom'UMn Charlotte Coakwell, the ad- ministratrix of the property of the latte Geo. Coakwell, decessed, to sell by public suc-* ion, on SATURDAY, OCT. snd, i g, On the-prernises. ai Lot, 35, end Cou. W ltby 'Tp., <Toivu Lin,,Kingston rac!) Ï oUw tlcg ýpropeftyl, nauuly:-Chauds a- Sawa, planes, bummra, a, bnace, bitta'draw. intube norgan, z ,bugy, x wagon, t cutter, (oestiy DOW), à setof singWbaromt.,1 black robot ,Mwgoja,'i ---twaon ra<k, w g@ g s x- s osmci éA*# 1£xbeettsu IWgs, aretO n k.tik &set of dmio- «ai~ ~ ~ ~~~n wao htlzre ate>l, x WALTEI 0 m e e e VV .LLJ.U~JJ . CQUNTY 0F ON-TARIO. TREASURER'3 SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES. BY virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Warden and! the seai af the corporation of the Counny of Ontario, dated the z5th day of Sept., zOW, commanding me ta levy u the<b lands meaîioncd in the foilowing list for arrears of taxes andf costs, as herein sel fanhIhee?M. give notice that unies. such arrears and costs are sooner pald, 1 shall, in compliance with Ibo As- sesument Act, proceed to seil by Public Auction, the saic!lands, or zo muob <bereof s may be nceSsary (or the taxes, at the Court Housc, la the Town of Whltby, on WEDNESDAY9 the 29tb day of DEC., A. D., 18979 at thc bour Of à oclock in the afiernooD TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA. Lot. Con. Actes. Taxes. Coos.. N part.....9 .....0 N E part.............. S part ................. N part ................. N hall ................. a bail ................. S hall.................. 50 50 25 100 50 50 100 1400 50 1o0 1oo 10o 100 30 57 71 00 15 96 '9 59 42 85 38 89 33 40 ,38 21 15 44 14 3S 61 ps l14 26 16 31 35 15 TOWNSHIP 0F MARA. Part N half ........... Par S baf........... Part S half ............ N part............... N balf............... N blkh -. *.se SpMrt ................. S bai ud part N hall.. Ipmar tua ... ...........te z stSqusto 75. Natis C. Losu Soin. peopie téhomstOvO 6ua1iSd great doictty lu uuderusutu byIllafit the. tovula »n o làsbv Y75 IuOfd0 On0,0 theu b Matin companys las.. As ti eplanatOo&wed t"by the mma sd éttoe saIt ise @u*aImectg on = ,s isiguat hledti 10 uab tise mster scav 10 soM of tietou fatizevudbq"s of bu- !:Ldtle t =*k é*:b".eel" der- *,& lo..ývbiis vm técou te EtÊnullý7, 1« m àbOt t»ov e. se 'IOnS Bout.... u~s Stress.... Dm.. ~ miii SImooaS#.. - Sauset.... 4 . 14 a 3 19 7 39 10 14 5 200 26 87 72 24327 3 29 87 zoo 166233 3 48 2 10 2 20 2 78 a 68 2 54 2 66 2 10 2 06 3 24 2 os 2 50 237 20S s45 Amt. Pic!. or Uapid 22 79 74 48 21 79 45 63 41 57 35 94 40 87 17 54 16 41 6476 16 3t 8 32 37 73 34 50 897 29234 06 647 32 30 1700.5 Uopaîcnted Llnpatented Paienied Pateuted Unpaien:ed Unpaîeuted Unpatented Unp.ueuted Patetd Umpatec Patented Unpateute Unmpatentsd Iapawted Unvatetd Paeted Unpatente.d Fateoteti Pateuled Patuaied TOWNSRIP OF REACHO no la 4 3 55 29 3 os8 8 392 ~i9350 Pateni.d Pawnted TOWNSHIP OF SROCK. 9 195 spd6o 244 8W 04 Patutt TOWNSHIP OF THORAH.é TOWNS91P OF UXBRIDGZ. 22-LA6 0F 23VE39 1 VI - zOF 5AVET8N - - '75* - - 495 g .5 - - 495 230 à% 69 Pwatied 907 îtby. !ýSep.1, Io'7 SEE 'zoo Oot~ iE Il All e e I Mr p *1 avr lI Next 9 ý i 9 la ego r 95 .. Io 93 pamam 1 :?.&q 'h i +.«hxr

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