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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1897, p. 6

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:1»l~ft04 ~ 18#7, tel4a¶biooos bi asheexoduse etme MeIade s * Iiud.psdIs o 'hey theor. .iould noi reoommend the «ale of thé "mre. , Rev Ot* sud- Werner.3EWilson, Tho Carter atid John Kirton, wore board giv. ing roons why snother voté shodid net b. &àken on loosi option. Lawyer Fin. ayen, of Toronto, appared for the hotel keepers sand nrged Mbat a vot, bo taken at, once. In case the. concil me fused hie requeit, he wonld appemi tc the ..oourto for au order to compel the taklng or snob a vote. Mr ileare, cf chairman cf standing commitice on Indigents seoured the. pas. sage of th.e followlug report :-M Glooson onds anppl'ed te Phébe Johuston, froin laIW w Sept 18t.h, ab 60o per week, 49 75; Oco Philip, weod aupplied te Mrs Pohner durlng wintcr of 1897, 010-00. Mr Barnes as chsaroan, oecured the passage ofthie foîlowing accounts undor the bjead ci contingenctes; Jas Hubbard on acount, 08; W J Clark bal of print. ing voter. lista, dvt cnd other printing, $8880; Geo l>hilip, townshbip engineer. fees and charges re Weirng-Annau avard $5. MIr Richards, se. chairman oS th4 road andi bridge cemmittee, seourcd the pas- age cf the following report ;-Jobn B3rown for 45 yds of gravel se 89 cents and 45 yards of gravel se 7 cents, 820.80; Chao Dager repairlng bridfge and cuiveri, on townline between Soarboro and Pick. ering opposite con 8, 825, and Scarbere eoconii b. billed for baif thc amont; H U yeh 90 yds grave! as 8 cents, rigbî of way lnoluded, in div 69, 87.20, aise 22 7*d gravel on veet Sowalsoe, Pîcoericg te paaeiles mount, $1.760; J W Powell 45 yds grave!l i div 4 and 7 at 7 et. pet yard.688.15; Blas Réeor 85 yards cf grave! bot lot 28 and 29 cou 9, 088 U; T W Larnoreaux W0 yard. gravel at 7 cents, 84.20 ; 'WJ Dis, repairing culvert on Kinaton road. oppouse lot 12, 41; J a <onner, draw mat. and building atone cul on 4tb con, epp lot 17, 85 ; Chao. 8teven- son, draw grave! on Kinsale road between lote 2 mnd 8. spet contract, $15.00; G Coultice, drswing timberfromâ Olaremont and covericg bridge on 8th con, opp lot 2 82.25; Ohms Stevenson, drawing gravel on Kîngiston remd oppasite lots 7, 8 and 0, s per eontract., 827; Thos Sanderson, hal( day. work 6f min and teaw, *1.00; PoesrceBis, building culvert on Ring. eton road, weet of Doubarton, opposite lot 27, 8175-00. 'Your committee baving received notice by cugineers awsrd botween Mr@ D Au. man and Mrs Mary Waring, Pickeing, to build a cnew colvert mrcés Lie publie bighway between Lb. lands cf tbe suid partiets, would recocnxend tht the chair. Man ho inatîtncted te bave said culvert bulît sa pet englues award. Mr Underbîti sooued by Mr Bernes, MOVeu that tb. reeve grant bis order on the treamurer lu favor cf tbe parties te- cooemended li the report, cf the varions etsliding commnittees as presented this daer Utidenbill soeonded hy Mr Richards moyeu that thé second and id deputy nr e b ppoluted a committe. to n speot and report on the road allovauce, i the village cf Wbtevale complied of by Mu James Réa. On motion of Messre Bre and Rich. ards a by 1mw vas read a fN~t aud second time, lwpoalng mn addition te preoentage cObaged on taizes fDot oolleot.d belore cet- tafin dae. By1%_ 1- msp__ - b.% Mr Baue, noded by Mr 1U.b.âd.., e*m oyuLr l'Pte so titrodttot a by law 10 repeal by-law .lNe m8oftlte eorpmaio o! the townsip of Pierl ntttlÙ4 ,- by.lav b piobubit tbsai otaprlInous fermented ot othier unumfa. oe uajmou lu tbe.tovnalaîp of ?lekenlnq,"tat b. saMe be,no Ms rIhteudba 4b.' ooumd lgombloto mitts. of!lIte Wbole thoréon. Ooueoil vent io tomn. Alter »Me dwislon the ooramituer Ported poo a ~êaet i Kw Undehîli, sonded aies mv.li bpes 4 tb. by. w o! 1.. *ioaInane muly;eut Ofsfi.n L.I 1>miendntaur !Chre ThosCn, li.. . .. .....pofan@futé**#. loiFiruso ..x.. C Tool".... . . Ilaion liq= o. lt*-cetai . R,.obert Vansler .. . o "Sluuliquor afier heurs ..Jmumonrll .. obtiaulug lqor sit« houri et 1$ dmodao...îdwrd oNaly. .pet!Y fffespss . ....kenCoulter #. petuy trespia . lob Bot.*0 ti trespa .e Peter MeDougail.te sasui....... bote ct Cow et .aasmult md bitter>'. 'Ui es mu..EBdard K 0"oa .. ssult and bitter>' loba Cr WOOD...Michael Seeey 9.. as11uni........ AMr.arHoover.l.Bs ...... l"B . e..vorày...... ...... jo' S Murray ....Ra eCs t etif.0 (aise pretences E SEdmndon .. wuredtâvke ... ..ceft......... 4Harrv Gray et*,.. hf......... lac Nornile et . . beit......... Arthur Hove . Et PuDshon......rding bicycle on sidewalk . .William Couithard ... ing bicycle on sidewalk .Horbert Gregory . .riding bicycle on sidewaik .r F bL eu......rdiug bicycle en sidewalk 1 'dwx u- ..ks . trldig bicycle on sld:walk ....Austin Potier ........t riding bicycle ou sidewalk Lillian Wiggin.s...jchu Mâcîwan . . ....cfence Againsi sec-. 974 criminal code.. W H Ferd..........Richard Wllklnaon -.. .. lassauli and bat îery .. .0 Arthur Hoover . S..amuel quigley .. .......ssault.. ..... ........ R J Harwood ...Wm Daniels..t......breach of pret ...... Emnma Bayfieid ..P Nurse .. f.. et trespais on gardevi....... jW Amnsworth..........trepasson gardent.. ....mVlter MePherson . . trespass on Rairden.. ...... . ... Osborne Whbite.......respass on gardent...... Robert Overton........ .......... . SLapp ..... obertNowian .. .. ...assault............ S A Lctpp ..... Stewart Pherrili .......asaaulh........... Geo Veale, sr ...William Hedgbon et .e druuk and dlsorderiy D) M Snmh ........ Donald Camneron.. diaorderly.......... M Franklsh ........ Samuel Lohan.....vagvaucy.......... Allan Wright ...Stewart Hauy drunk and diorderi>y. Allan Wright ...Hiraix Hatght....drunk and diserderiy Chas Rico.........Wesley Umphrey et master snd servant& acte. C 1 Body .........P K Bryant ........abusive language..et .a.0 Allan Wrightî.J. ames Cameron..... .. drunk andi disorderiy .. Elmer Thomas ...arry Cai.. .. master and servants acti...... C J Brodie ......... Ira BOVOT .. ..teturoal> insnltiug IangRugge et t Âlijah Forsyth ...Price Pugh.........non-pmyment cf wages...... Robert &McKn bt ..kames Barker........vagrancv ............... o& eiah M Broad .. Wm King . . petty trespasa oha LUnion ...Mra 8 Brown .. .....removiug flowers trom graves in cemet'yj au Willis ......... William Bllinge......etshooting suipe oui f season .. 961 iiîliam Calverley et Cornelius MoAuifife... allowing cattle ai lre cOntrar>' te bylaw Thos Uiddie .....Henry BickeIte ....asaut................. John Fierguson ...Franki Falîcu........aaet rvry 4.egeLck.....damage to property eRstI :........ Rseldmmage te property Wilim ...... la: mes Gordon .... ...selling iquacr wtbut lîcense William Newport .... pry..........caelsa drivinir.. ......... Wilia Nepot::: ilmmSturges et ..-melicicas damage te prepertv John Patmetben J ornes McGeary .... ..assauli.............. WilimCavely ::Jatmes .&gnea.......vagrancv .. . .. . William Culverley et John Craw........vagrancy........... E S Edmoadaca .... Henry Abrams......damaging electrie arc lamp 1I 1 -I .. 89 -4 e. . .. .. .. .. JuDe 17. '97'M Harper, P. M.......... 01 and costs L une 17. '97 t l .. ...$S n cf June 19, 197 4.. . $1 and cos ZY24.'97 ordereci îe pay dam ae JuIY> 24, '97 4 o ý u13Y 24, '97 f o e 1111Y 28, 1897 ' * .$Sc and costa AUg 3, :897 ' .... uc and dO iuaRes$4.... Aug 3. 18Q7.- o . et of $ flne, damages $4co, Aug io, 1897 .Sa.. $2aund cos Aug ig, 1897 a6.. .. mos. lungaol ai h. lai Aug 31, 1897 4.0 ....: . mo. ln gpoI ai ard lai Jul>' 27, :897 G E Mowbray, A W Farewell S: fine. damagzes S JNO.E. ÂRZemLL-9 Naie of Couvictlng JustICe, ......ot............ 2-m". bote of C&;viction. lu1 7.ooe JUIY jr .$te@ Aug qo .t Aug 4.ose Iune 9. 1897 "Urie 9 î89 "une 9, 1897 "une 9, :897 rune 24, '97 8epl 4. 1897 JU- 9uÏ 4, '97 -June 24, '97 -June 24, '97 Muy 2, 1£8w "July 7, 1897 " U Y 1 3 % 1 8 9 7 " 3I 3,1:897 Uy 23,18W :uy -897 July 234-1897 JUlY 24- 1897 J ulY 23, 1897 uy 24, 2897 A ug 6, 1897 tiept 2, 1897 Sept 4, 1897 June 5, 1897 Sept io, x897 SePt 10, 18971 Sept 1o, ]:8"9 St t 10, 8971 Dec ', '96..1 D1)« 5. 196.. lAug 7- 18W 1 AU& 7t 18971 JulY 13t 1897 Aug 24, 16971 JuIY 12, 1897 JuI, 1O 897, 1ly1.1Y 897 Aug 1 7, 1897 Aug 28 .. Aug 28 .. Spt 4.. JU y 1 7, 897 sept 8.. Ag14, 1897 a 0 0&0. ... . .. . . . .B. . . . . . n chro . n ichro . n MIhm .&moucî cf penalty, ne or Damage 01 fine ......e..... $53fine.,,, Smo fine.. .. .... 59 fin.., S1 fine ......,,, 95 foinec.pis,, lb $Io fine..,.,.. ;mnslg n c gaol. h. lîbor .1. 50 cent... 25. cents .... ...... 250 cents .... ...... $5 acts.. ... $5 .. ......... Committed to c Raol, 6 mos $x and costs..... $2 andci oms pliffordered Io t me bicyclej deft. to pay 84 65 to piff. Si and cosLs...... $1.25 tincicosts..... cemmiited te- gaROI$ 3 m ..l 'lmeý wbec to be plid go uaid Justice. toetbwith té 64 1 lu one month.. torthwith forthwith .. (orlhwlth .. .é ... a9a # oue week forthwith 44 d, L K Muit si 6. ai si si 48 44 D B4 w DBS Brw i*xder bite 0LR~or Tiane whist Aug 3...' AUX 948..a Aug 9.. . Juge :0, :9 Jugie 9. 1897. ePt 4, 1897 - June 24- 1:S7Itown treasurer, Jane 24, 18971 poid ft.aa. 'IP.,Rah et pald flceau loOOOr, Âug pald lcecse npcecAg1 town treasurer, June 24o e, os si di 4 d 4te, .4 44f CUPr ne dsr Sidtet 4,u18ry town lreasrfiSet,4 19 Z8971 Jul>' 7, J uiy 13, j uiy 15. JUIY 14, 2uy:3. Jtzly24 July 23, 1111Y 24, Sept 2, :897-.Itown tre88uTCf, Sept, 4p 1897 x:897.. :1897.. 1897.. 1897..- 1897.. 1897.. row ieasureS ,Sept. .4, 1897 do 4 f 4, &46 de 40 lé si * Aug il.. Sept 10, '97..- Aug1 97'..... Aug 17- '97..... forîLwith..... .... . .0.. net yet paid one week . twc weeks.: as agreed Ou Oct xi. 1897 Aug 1, 1897-.. Sept 29, 18W7.. July 29, :9. torthwitb .. Aug3c, 1897.,. Aug 31, :89,7..i fortbwikh Aug 30t. bo0r ýbor .. forthwith 1897. net yet paid not yet paici 1 Iîly 29.îp. treas., Pickeriug, Sept 14 $ept 8. Abijah ForsYtb, Sept 14, 1897 IG JHoyle. G JHoyle# Sept 11P 1897 44 441, 18. 4 4 of couuty treasurer creas, corporation cf Beaverton Paid on case for- Imeriy rettued. treas., Brock îp., Sept 8, 18971 et It ad. de fi lefittriPt <erthwiîh Dont yet pald not yet paici net yet pald SePt 3, 7897.. not yet pici A ug 3e.. SePt 13, 1897.. July aslcing tinte until hi gel money cf country. wll probal' returi couniy trcaurter eut of work most oetlime since deft lives 7 miles away license luspector cannot colieci bis wages te psy ce, treas. S2, owuer of preper- county treasurer wilh tY 84 a27, :897.. Oswa Electric Ligbt Co,, 1UIY 27', 1897 1 hereby certify that the foregoing Sebedule contains a truc copy of ail returna of surnmary convictions mnade to me by Justices of the Peoace and fi l.d in my office between the Sth day o A n 1 R07 wJ I I 4& 11% A- - Q -à. A I,% 1orpp - Jut,, .Ji.., ml, ancLU i e'14M lay Oi bept., A. Me.,1897, inlusive. atoufvflhî City Constable Potier, Monday men lng calied on connty cterk.Rameiden, *ho i. also a justice of $ho pesce, sud sVure out informaations "etialWm lyton, the faim laiener, o! Mrkham township, and bis wifé, ohanging theut wiih men. slaugbr.er, in cauaiug tbe deati of t.heir intant obld. [tinluafieged by thoee whe vill ho osed as orovn vitiiesem lth Clay. ton anc.0is wife delîberaely negleoted tbe newly born Infant snd prevented the farmers wif. vho offered herseif as nurse from perfonoelng the. ueoesssy daties for the. preservalion of thutLe ones ife. Farier lUnderwood bas siated thot vien Cîsyten oalled hîm te lb. houée.ho fonaud &bas the body had slready hein placed iu tue rougibox sad h. helped te carryil &e the churci Yard, Who"e il as burled withous a osrifleate having bssn Ishen ent.. Undervood tboghttat ,hil insie MOV#9but b.lievititibltb. îSua. posisible 6e mad" no iuvustàationt even toilgth..oafteradfàs old his $tory. s. Msgiotrte 0ake.-Tribpuae: Pînias arteso plent*fl "itis lia won villagr re!usedbis biuy tue picklng, sud trtued vus-,lia" so se be expeW oledt. ava iii. ov ubefore lb. eamo ed soacel deer.dthefroit. ber are charged an extra Ivo per cent., if not on or before December 8last, four per cent , and if net on or b'f ore Jan'y lôth, Oive per cent. It is net lie domine of the. ocuncil to, make müney oni.of Ibis by-law but the intention is te have the taxes paid more pnomnptly. Wheu taxes are not paid prompily notes have to bé dis coenîed. Au tisse discounta are paid ont of the general funds of the townabip, tiose sie have been in the habit ef psy. ing promptly have to pmy for the tardi nées.! Othiers. Iluest Dot b. forgtten thal the collector bau lhe sainut ulhority to seize aud tell aîter foarteen doam h. bad before ti percenuage by.lav vas adopsd..-News. iJunN E. r .REW ELL .C., Barrister *Oonnty Orown &ttorneyMa Oounty ko1citcr. Ofice-Southi Wi&g cf OourtîBouse, Whltby. JAME5 £UTISDOIC Barrister, etc. Office former]y occupied by Farewell & Rutledge, nexi I1oya1 Hotel, Brook St., Wkdtby. DAVID URKISTON, 13. A., Attoeue'm-Isw, Solicitor i Ohaoer Oonveyaaoer, etc. 0Ofce - l theOfice south oft h. Pott OCalot, i uilIa's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. a. YOUNG SiTiff. LtO.9 . DO0W 49InKtia.LVIAY* Dr. H. Wightman DIENTIST. >ori. GzousJ% Gtang.r's. Whtby. 9ýr Open every 8atmnyday ngbt, TEACHERS Il yen, want "0mae8500urn uI mnd August, tua g acwreorit mequ 'k . H.. LINSCOTT, Tornüo, O t UIFE INSURANCE.- JNO. E. FAREWELL, Olerk of the Peace, Oounty of- Ontario. Sittlngs Of The Divîoion Vourti. OOUNTY 07 ONTAMIO 1896. Wm-irur-D. C. Maedoneil Wbh$byCheik Jan.aS- Fci.b3;0-Marcha; 4rit 2; My i; June i: Julyl7 Bey. 2;0e. 2; Nùv. 8 Dec. B. Osx.svÂ-D. O. Macdonehi, Wldtbyerk"-;, Jan. 4;PFeb. 4; Marb 4; ApilS.: ayd Jnne8; Juiy b; fjep, a; Octi aS; ýoy. 4 Dec. 8. Buouemm. - M. lun1 rewod Clerk-Jau ;Mri ;My5 uy9 BOP. i - xovt 6. PoPORT 1-. W.' uuis, Port Peiy Uk-a.9; >srh9,-s15;~ [July 2;Bêp 18o.l8 Uxams-.Jueh B..Gouldo Uxbidge, Cler~Jan 80; maro2t; May 191w . j U 14; . 0eIl.e~ ]Before Retiri take Ayer's Pilis, sleep better andw condition for the Ayer's Cathartjc ,equal as a pleasai 'Ual remedy for, 'biliousness, sick h ail liver troubles sugar-coated, and prepared, that thc out the annoyance iun the use of 50 pilla on the imark~ druggist for Aye: ' Pilla. When othi belp you, Ayer's THIE PILL TH~ KIDNEY TROU A WELL-KNOWN RELATES BISIE He Bufféed Orestii Trouble and Indigos For a Long Time W; Relief, From Lhe Stankdard, Ci Tie march cf the. <orced, protracted ai 40mpetition foi supre: maxi f business MI -would seure any Co succesa.The qwatch ansd-thought involvedi tendency prodacca a a physical aud mental btuine&4 men, snd stiàoks cf certain dis that mach depends sirut.ggle, it behoovest victoriow,, to guard ehroa f disae. outm nt cf dige atis oiders ioten fsg Added to tiisathe u wfIth health byexp Snaner cf vorthim tehnply invainable t *11w of a safe sud et si.s D)rWiliams Finit person, hote ep aster, Gtengar businesfor ainm tor tt arnag. 1I "dei Agffol.9, IS.&,.L, sud - lu u58lu..~I I. E. O.bbe#Itu 7~ =y sor uay nos b. s u*Wsal tn t. Our neitued pmi".Mmità igh it rat. Tit o , vte r huiu ! p smob d» ibe ùscornadaseby cm!hg W ~supw ft>vu,% of ber. m «isOP 14Dge4 vp 7ome but viilb. o fDtwihue 15, 1897-., pt 10, :897 fi **4 1 D> S Brown ......... P R Hoover ............. P R Hoover...... Geo F Bruce............. Geo Y Bruce. .... S A Flumerfeit l as, Wlker! William Hamilton........ S 1 Holden aud Gea Gerow.. Baeaiandi C Crandeli., Henry Glendinniug........ T.,-ý iNo,

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