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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1897, p. 1

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s - ~-~1 ALLII UGGIU19 Iafi Just Received À Pull Shipment of LAMP GOODS. Hanging Lanips, Bouquet Laînps, Fancy li-and Lampa. F(TLL LINE 0F Chiwneys, Burners, Wick, and ail Lanmp Supplies. SEE OUR WINDOW For DI8pIay of these Goods FAIR WEEK.-.. A. H. ALLI Ni CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBI, ONTARIO. WINDMILLS -AND) WIRE FENCE. Selethe (GénuiîneAER- WHITBY, PONTABIO,ý" lFRIDAY, OCTOBER -'.1 - I. M M LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, COoxCL]g Conass'CXBUo., Townaiet@ Mu-s Walter McGregnir is able to hé oui agaîn. We tk-tîeve Mm Gimblet intéatis haviag a sale aho)ut the middle ci Octobér. The teaichers antipils vére grantéti a holi- day on Tuesday, 10 citable tbern to attend Whis. b, e-xhibition. visitor.-Mr and Mrn G W West, Little Bn:-. ain, et Mr and Mr- A H Wésîs -, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Toronto, a: Mr. anti Mn Walter Mc- G regors Uur npnize vinners ai Whitby Pair are:-Mi. Jarres McGregor for fruit anti honey. Mn. Eti. lilu,thret- brtan sd ivo méconda for Colavoiti sheép, and Mn John Gîmblet, second prizé for single driver. We hope Mn lames Rove anti famity vili dé. aite tci remnain in our nélghborhood. We coulti ili afford te lose mach a highly roapéctod famlly. Wie hase not heard if Mmr Rowe has rentoti thé tarini présent occupiéd hy Mr Gimnblet. The <Jke and Harrison Affair. l'here is a doubt if theré viii hé énouglu lefit t psy Mn Oklies dlaim fer reat. &fier othér expenses are piid. Thé chatiles, &c., vill havé te reralize more than oe thousanti dollars te )et Mn. Oke eut ail righî Mr Oke bas not fully decideti wbat te do with bis faim autil mter thé salé. Baggottefflel. Mr Wm Gordon anti family. former résidents cf this place wbo hase for semne yeara béen liv- ing in Toronto, havé returne i:c také up theit abode v.ith us. Three of M r Thos Lyndea famrily, including Mr Lynde bîmseil, aie very aick wi:h thé féser. Thai dreaded disease takés litaowa time, censé- quently their recovery ias ery slow. Ir b. no eêty oAient wé regret t1 amy, that vé hase thé equisité pleasure et repen:ing a vedding n our vicinity. But orangé blossoms and véti- ding chîmes made out hearta glati on Wednes- day of lest week. Ii vas thé occasion of thé mant-tage cf Misa M. Scnley to Mr. F. Haacock The ceremony was pérformned a: 4 20 p. m, on thé lava of thé brides faîhér. A féw spatrkling drops from a passing shover thneatened te kits the mu-rrtîhreng as the solén n oya wére givon but îhey tutneti anether vay te giatiden hearts lu-ss blimhe. lnking viîb hém rnthé good wishes of a larRe number cf guéais, thé merrv couple starîed on a tour notthvard. Afier ibheir relut-n. thev iniend taking up ihoir abodé la the western townships. We extenri te them out beantv con- gratulations and beB( vishes. Wbltevalî "W"W%,"Wýý- Pot-k and wheat is thé stuif te possess these MOTOR, of Chicago, and dams the Ketslema.n Wire Fonce Potatoes at-e about as dean in thé ciîy as pt-aches. lntendlng purchasers sliould examine this miii brlore placing thoît- ordet-. Duoflot let an: agent put an imitatmon on you when vota can get thé Genuitie Aeirnotor, îhurîîugly galvaiîzed, and wat-tanîed, fon léss nonry - More ot thèse mîlis sold n Canada to-day Ifian any other nmîke. Thé Aérmiotor L'o. dlaim thry hell ()e hait thé numbet- of wind- miii eut its soid trithé venld, at the pfreseLnt limé. AIl styles of Wood and Iron Pumips for salé. Any information t-égat-ding thèse outf'lts viii be freely givtri by wrt¶nîg te G(E0. ALLIN, Feb 7, t897-6me. V% Ii iTay.1 WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA Whitby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Esq., Prestient Reuhen S. 1-amln;Es Vic.e-Pres.; W F Cowart, Eisq., W. F.-Allen, qs .A. Gib- soin, Esq., Robt Mclntosh, MD., Thos Patterson. Eaq. T H McMlllan.......... Cair Gênerai Banking Business transacted. Drafts Issued, payable ini ail parts of Can- ada United Statcs, and on London, Eng- lanci, payable In ail parts of Europe. 3% per cent. allowed on Savinga Bank Deposita and credlted haîf yearly. Special attention to collection o Farmer:s' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manaigçr of Whitby Branch. Establiahed 1849. Whitby Steam Maîble and Iîaoite - Woîks,, Dundas St., W HITBY. Lin.L IL Ha Sinitlk, rnuywowmnendm S.l) Impmie tuls i.MA RSI.LA"DGRAuIrm tu bd NTS. te,, ofib» lateatmm SasOti . tieig. Al ista t ats Our 9=»M&a~Ss Mn Judeon Pugb vas vitb frieods ta the city lusi week. ýýuiie a numnbet- attended tbe Whitby exhibi- tion ibis week. The Minses Major enfertalned a numibér cf frienis on Mcnday last. Mr Wm H Major ha. bée back nortb buy- ing up feeders andi lamba. Mr andi Mrs E W Annis et Oshawa, vêt-e a: Mr 1 H Puigbs en Suntiy as ba. Mmrs J Turner, cf Stouffsille. vas hère with ber fniends lait week for a sher:time. Mm and Mt-a McIntyre cf Pcu-oit, bave lately bée vuiinR frirntis and relations bei-e. Qutte a numhs-r ef f rieals and relatives wheried rut te èiApie Avenue on Sundty lust. Sius Ç>01iia progreîing very nîcély a thonrb tb- bullet b.ý&noct yét béen éxtractét i oni is knee. Mr Jacob Turner brs soniewhati mpro%,Pd since hé wl-nt o the hù .piîal anti intéada et m inR home tbî. week. We notice bv the Toronto rtapers that M s Hattie Dav a smsen cf oui former school tract --ro Ro: a sévere hr'u'tng in an 'cvhtor wevlié it- iag (niends ta Cleselanti. Mr Adciph Thonpson bats purchamset a waron (rom the Stato-t wîuth steél whééls, anti bas takén ou: an agency fer thé samé. Hé la i-x- hbining it at su eéof the fo!l fatis Orea"baak Mr Norman Cragg, vho bas been tench- lag at Aehbumn -ince thé summer holidays, vas home oser Suad.ay. Hie tpeaka véry higbiy cf thé Aisbburn people. There vas a large aîteiudance at the methediust church on Sunday evrnlig te hear the annual S cf T eroon. vhich wva preachédti bis limé by tise Rés D Ms-Camus of Port Peu-ry. Hé book for bie léat thé verds, -"Be net drunis wiS.h vine vhéreln i. éxcea, but bé filet with the a it." Il is hardI y necéssary te say that the subject vat handled in a matt onvintbg mntr, anti many gooti points vero atté. lHe aptly describeti moderat.e drinkers as décoy ducks for théeslon keepers. The folowlag are thé $o(Toef-érsfor thé curmeat quarter: W *?, George W iter;-, W A, is Mawe Blair ; R 5,,Ars-ime- Arthur ; A R S. litgasu a; ,JPhoé- nix ;Treas, Aléa Even .- fa> WPhoenix; Cen. Jobhn Love ; A C %icti;Taméon -1S. l4eui Dobson; , &MissiJ TinMé:ýP W P. R M lcn le- a cncst l reây to c statbe neait meeting led b7 Nias L Odtle anti Mliss Wafd aone ae ."deanti ertiobeoaiaMt G Ml111crou théothéer. AI*arje seboom te expecteti bferoetheé quaite 5dolcé, A speélalmeétlai of tbis tmbemS Mdt supporters cf thse prab$tian a y lait for thé purpose ofeioWsa ueli tendenit te te seplace et IIr» 'A Miller, vise à leasIngte tue" bi 0to- lega liî psnfo Atbe mslmlty, Tiser was a aud esMd tleé aperlssaud- eut le us délteleolaFi» Mes nsus. pate boiai e tiébe et - pW Mr kth eat- asts ieu vuth ura" to 9rX eî ivh bb* o themanS 1fr Ufra.' re, r i 't sae!. Dei ~o Rgla. Mss ttaHoitt gees wiîh him to lco aferthéboue ork, Mr Derby andi Etta ýIllI ho missed -at the iower village. SThe Division cf S of T bore are le havé an ôpen session Saîurday night of Ibis week vbén the newly appointer! officers are tc, hé installeti. Riobard Blight shippéd bis tims car loati cf lie pîga anti lambs :c Tcrentc a fév day. ago and hé intends dolng someîhfag la ibat Ue ia l'1timene corne. A B China, of Toeoaso, vws home oser Sup. day. S Béai) bas bad the exterlor of bis residottoe ronovateti, Mu Qeo Roberts, of Toronto, wus wltb fria bore over Sunday. W Tomllinson, of Toronto, lo here un a Vieil, and wyl retaa for thiee weeks. Misa H Ailets au borne iront London dur. ing the last week of ber faîbera flînesa. Mr E R Eddy wili have charge of a discussion on -Vertical writing' a: the teachers convention tu Uxbridge next weok. S E Brardor, G T R agent, bas been off duty1 this wéek through llîims. Mr Bateman of Port Perty, la ln charge cf thé station.4 Wm Mathewson left for Detroit on Monday. where hé wtt! spend the vinter. Mrs Tomlin.9 son. his houýe-keeper, went wub hlm.1 Thé spécial childrens service of the presby. terian church wili bc held in thé achool rom 1 of the church bere tbf, (Frlday) evenlng. Frank BovIn b is been hère for R few days being on the sick iist. He hopes 10 be able to return to bis duts in the Union station at Scotia Junctioan. Thé W F M S cf the préabyterian church have bee-n fortunate -enough to secure Rés Mungo Frprér, of Hamilton, to gise his leeture 'Prom Egypit t Jerusalem and around 10" in coanecîlon with their annual Thanksglvlng day James Chishoînt, cf Port Perry, a brother cf Mrs James, Routley died quite suddenly lait 1 uesday. Thé announoemeut of bis deatb was % gréa: shock to Mrs Routley who had heard thé day héforé that hé wus getting on alright. He w vs ack wttbtyphaid fèer. Our sharp shootera did good work ai thé rifle matches in Uxbridge last week. Né- 6 Co broughî home the Chapple and Dillon cups and several of the members won upwards of oight or ten dollars inecah. Messrs 0 Crummer, James Harvey, W MoBrien and F Pierce made up 14ie1 Brooklta contingent. Thé Court of revision of thé townshilotUs met on Thursdoy, J udsre Dartuell presiding. Lawyer T E MeGillivray répresenteti thé Con- aervrnî se party and Lawyer F Grieraon thé Libéral party. tJ'e libérais enteréd 49 appe i cf which 35 vere sustained. Thé Conservativés11 entered 54 # ppeals, ot wbicb 28 veré sustained.1 and 2 held oser, The apparent résulta are as folows : Libériîs gained x ,lest 15, Consér. votives gained 5, 1bai 17- Net gain for Libérais 14, T'he other alternations do not change the former standing of the parties. For sote time ve bave harbored bard feelings aRainat T H Wilson. We hase noticed when drlving about thé oountry, whether north, south east or weat much cf his artistic peunmanship de- cora:ing large stones, fences andi thé dead wails of buildings but neyer did hé do anything tn this line ln bis native :ewn. But the rildicine man condone-d for pas: offences in thia respect and now we have séveral samples cf bis petiman- ship that vé vili show te visitors with Orde and tell ibem théy are thé vork ci one of oui citisens. C A Allemas who vas strlcken with paralysis séseral weéks ago, passed away to hlm révard on Tuesday morniag. He vas a maàn universally respected and ésteéméd and bis cherry countena- aace an.d hearty feilowahip wl hé muchplsé mn this communitv. Thé deceased vas biora ln the couty of Suffolk, England, ixty séven years ago, Thé famiiy camée te Canada wben hé vas two years otd and aettled in Nova Scotia. He Mr Al'ems learaed thé miiling business and continued ln it te thé end cf bis days. In 1840 hé camé voit and took charge of thé Pat ley niils and ia î85o he caine to Brookîf n as mniller in charge oi thé brick milI vhich vas then juçt ivo years bult. After oser tliirty yéars had been %cent hère hé vent te Colum- bus milI where ho remaineti for sevén yéars aîiterwarcis returng boe. Ho vas a charter member of Mouni Zon Lodge, A F and A M and bis remains were Interréti viîb Masontie honora. For many vsh, bu beaue a con siasient andi use4ol member of the mthoi' cburcb andi took an active part in connée' on wvith the.building of théepréeédificeln t867. Twô yéars ago hé vmi -ent=d presldoen of thé local hranch of thé Upper Canada Bible Society and vas stitI occupylngib is position a: thé tinte of bis deaîhi la polluecs ho vas a staucb conservative andi always toole a ken intest in surh mattera thongh not ta as active a vay as acmé do. The f unetal te Grove %ide oemetmr on Thursday ufteoou was largely attendeti. W. A. R 19 1897. Wbitbyp Town Loouis. A Toli Threat Thé Couuîy cf York bas notifled thé Counity of Ontario that unlése thé latter body assumes conîrol cf the Rouge bridge, as well mu that portion of thé Kinugston road lying in thé tovnship cf Plck ering, on or befère Ortobér :et, a bridge toll vould be col- lected. Thé County of Ontario net havlng thenght proper te ansver that conmunîca- tien, it ls presuméed that thé Vork commis- sioners will carry eut théir Ibreat, If they can do se iegally. The Demand for Good Hrers just new thème le a dt-înand for good horse,hoth in Conitda and thé Unîited States. Néver béfore, so, we are told acrs the line, bave se many horse exportera been on the mnarket at Ibis limne of the ) car. Thé sanié Ihiuîg te told on this %ide. But. uinfor- tunaîely, thèse huvens want only the best ; anti the country le fuli, nnt of thé veil-bred sto-c, but of the otlspring cf thé low-pnicd scrub. Had a law bééîî in force forbi ddlcng thé-use cf unlicenséd at illicite, our stock cf good bermes woutd have been largér, and our horsé breeders In much botter spirits. Baptlst Chut-ch Services. On Sitiday, Oct. 171h, anlvérsary ser- vices cf thé baptisi church will bh hlt, cern- mermorating thé oiganizatioti of Ibat church twenty-oné yeare agro. Paaînr J J Ross of Uxbritige vili preach ia thé mernlng tt:i anti In thé even ing at 7. Durlng thé eeék Mr Ross vili contiuct a sériés cf evangellstic meeting s, ?réaching eacb evenlng at 8. Thèse meetings arc for thé strengthening cf the chrlstians anti for thé nwakening cf thé unconverîtd. A song-sérvlce vilI précédé éach meeting at 7:45, led hy ;be paster cf thé church. Ail are vélcome te attend thèse services. A 'vbeel came off. On Saîurday night Jimmy Garrett anti tva chuma drove Imb îown In a Ilitht cart. Tboy had net beéta Itré long whén they sud- detîly romoinhéreti thaltbey hati a date on In Oshawa. jimmie drives a fast herse andi vas proceedinst enatstad at a 2.3* clip. By thé timé thé y hti reacheti the uptva sta- tion the mx lé bad become beatec te almeut melting. Thé axle twfsted off ati tho oc, cupants vero quickly turnlng somersaults anti peforming othér acrobatlc féats. Whén the performance vas over ne one vas hurt. Thé vboél vas tiét on ; Jlmmy gel mb othé rig anti bis companions mounteti thé boise. Jintmy remarketi as they slacbed off Ibat hé badte legel te Oshawa If it coul a log. 341h BaIl. Matches. Thé 34th Boit Rifle Matches were héid tia Uxbniigé last veék. Tho matches vére botter hantiiot than last yoar, thé résult no doubt cf thée epérience gainéti la thé fermer match anti thèeevere net so mansy ceînpeti- tors but thé marking vas poor. Oshava vas ropresented by CapI EDillon, Capt Gnier- son, Serg't bMajor Lavrence anti P't's N Morris anti A Vannéat, cf NO 3 CO'y Cap-' Dillon led thé score, in thé Drytien, Ceunty, anti Town of Whitbýy matches anti cf course vas thé top cf lb. list In thé grand ag< te- gate. Hé thus von thé Dryden cap anf as ho bas von itthIrée yearm Ia successien It la nov bis prerty. Capt Griersn vas tourth la thé Drytien match ant i sxth in the tova of Whitby match. N Morris vas third lanîthe nursery match anti A Vannest vas a prise vinnér la thé Dryden match. la the teant match Capt Wnt Smith cf No 5 Coy Celant. bus von thé Nursery cap gîven by Captain Dillon anti the lova of . Wbitby cap. This la the irat year that the Dillon cap bas been atrophy anti il bas te hé von îhree yeors In ncsinby the sarni téan te hé belti by thint. Boaverton von thé County cup wltb Cal t Smitbs teant a gooti second. On tbeWine Mc E Stephenson, Whitby, bas ticketeti thé folîovlng, this véék : Miss ésle Tans- blyn, daughterof et e-principal Tamblyn. Whibv te Cino.Iaa ObIo,, antird ea Mis Kingdaaghter oe Ré.,IuWh- h ae ecacoant'ibéuï ; Miss arper cf Mistramt. MavrWhltbytoi Chf-. cage -andreturin;'Misa foif P ot an sd îngte i M#cn anti tetum M Pmev r lud MM B o Oen. ittý e Cisei N~ ~ ~~t Y;t stiM,$1<;an1 Crile NO. 44 hoart cf the Rockiesý, Utah, Nevada anzd California, affording o perfect panoriamic slow cf prai rie, mouintoin anti coast S<etiéy. These popular osory Saturday Coîffernia excursions for beth firet and second-clama ~assengers (net forélga emi ronts) are pensonal yconductéti" by Intefigent, cein- petent and ceurtecus 1"couriérs'" vho vil! attend te the vanta cfraIl passengers on route. This le an éntlrély néw foature of ton: lut car service and yull hé greatly appre- clated bv familles or parties of fr onda travelling togéther, or by ladies travelling aloe. Partîcular attention is pald te, thé care cf chlldren wîto usually gét weary on a long journéy. Rémémber that thé Midiatît routé tourlat cars are sleeping cars anti are supplfed viîh atl thé accessories necossary to maké thé journey romfenîablo andi plea- sant, and thé sleeping berth rate lu but 86 (for twe peirsons) from Chicago to California. Ask thé nearest ticket agent for a touriet car "(eider," giving complété Information about thé Midianti routé, or addréss "East- ern Manager 'Midlanti Route," No. 9,5 Adamas treot, Chicago, Ill., or A j Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agont, C., M. & St. P. Ry., n King street east, Toronto, Ont. P. S.-Berth réservations are mode ln thé ordér récéivéd up' 10 each Saturday morn- ing. Firat conte, fr51sé rveti. Trip te Niagara. Thé mon vho first concefved thé idea of bridging thé Niagara gorgé very probably képt bis own counsel about it, lest hé might bé iaughéd ai, and probmbly mlght bé ex- amî neg to see if bis mental mmcblnery hati not gel derangeti. In timoe, howevor, thé idea bécamo generaI ameng ongîneérs that Ibère muet be sonte achemo arragéti for gel- ting acroas vith trains cf cors, and ti w as accomplishéti. A sving bridgé vas thé sug- gestion. Tradition says that &Il thé en- gineéra vere still stuck for a plan te strétch thé firaI viré across unti - a boy canue along with bis kite and telti thom ho veulti send a string acrosa, whicb voalti take a- rope, vhich vould bau! a viro, etc. Thén the bridge vas constructeti and ti bolongédti t the Grand Truank. It vas a wontier of course. A féwvevoms more and anothor railvav sîrétchoti a canîllever bridge acroas thé gorge near by, ant Ibre vas a neÇw von- der vbfch lefî thé swing bridgé la thé shade. Nov thé Grand Trunk bas buiît an arch steel bridgé vhére leswing bridge vas, and thé cantilever ia 10 it vbat the bicycle cf fise years mgo ls te, that cf te-day. The o ved meves, anti thé G. T. R. béing anious that our Illustrlotîs anti scientiflc oye shoulti sec thé név movéntent, vend vas ment te us to cerne on oser te Niagara, brlng along our béttér haîf and spenti a fév timys celobrat- ing this triumph of engineering. Theocent- pati yvs spondlng $2o,ooe te "open" the bridge, anti ofloreti ver y le v tares (reom ail points te those diaposedtot take ln thé show. As a resait thé rai lvoy conipony took in pro- bably fi 5o,ooo or Saoo,oo; but that -vas a pérféctly légirnmaté oulcoe of Its enter- priso, for thé show at thé bridge vas aIl that had beén mdvertlzéd. St vas 1 aturday mornlng befere ve coult g o, anti on âanav- Ing at the union station, Termiteoï bafud the 7.25 tfri for thé bridge alcuâdy hi ýbar- nots. A yoting tian viv ua Üinak oer thé train ativisoti usnet to, anti trietilna- valin te convince us that Il wv o*al waiS. for -the 9 o'ciock train ve wculd reaéhi the' brtige mach seoner. Ho vas rzght. Hî iR vauWt- ed mn heur anti a hai( ve voulti bave, reach- éd the faits half an bour epener. -Thé. 7.35 train la tablédti te acb thef1,11, aSi. o.,,,-but- ut g et theré at :40, asud îissaniit la »aIci te accompllsh , very .da'y." The - ast train rans tony itesanur f' neltadlng sitops anti vetaesth sbw 013:<nulles befo-re it reachés th ii. Aî.Mit -erégiular trains anti na;nyýrspoclalaer. janseeti ith excurslonisîs, and the saine was the case on - thé Ulnited Statéss.'Id# oet thé in~e. As: aré. malt thore ver. 6o,ooo people nat the. (alse on Satutia. Wrd 1usd g on. otit %bat the 1ire vorkb ver. grabnd, and- people are kosas te mse.b mah ngi. **Thebridge iptin t4 river Ja one great arch or «eei, upcow wbih lite nippc étrucro reste. 1* as tetspartivèilY MSS "Yte haet tihacI frein the à oÏt1 vht #Me *Problcm a sué' women and SÂUFt".s ou t il , .t. DOUBLa WIÎDnH us. GOoe>s 36.504 3$Md'. *$, %&~ aa~., W OL. XLI. PORT PERRY Mis D Campbell la vislting friends ati $tayner.4 Laat weeks budget from Port Perry can be found on another page. Word hau been received that A Soper is at Dyea ia théeIKlondike région.1 Mr Henry Foy, wbo sometlme agr) disie- cated hie right shouider, expecta te hé ableé te resume- work agaf n in a ?ew days. 1 Mr John Adamsos f Amibléside, Scugog, bas been dangerously fil for smre days. At lent reports hé vas slowly improvîng. Sandy Stuart returnéti last Saturday from thé Nortb-wést, havlng been on a husiness trip for Courtlce & Jeflrey. Hé reporta busi- ness boomlng. Hé îook a large numbér of4 ordérs and f r good amounts.1 Lait Saturday two little ions cf Mr. Wm. McGiII were playlng with a vheelbarrow andi an oid cuti.ing-box without any kni ses, i sme way using a bell cr leather sirop connected with the whéel cf thé vheelbar- ccv. Robert, the yonngér cf thé boys, gel one cf bie fingers in thé yoga cf thé box and bruire ifIin two placés. Dled, in Pcrt Pérry on Tuésday, 28th Sept, James Chisholm I n bis 48 year. Dé- céaseti for many yéars vas baggage- man aI thé G.T. R. station and vas favor. ably known by îîîany. Ho was of a kindly hearî, an obllging nelghbor, and to any one in troublé hé renderoti alt assistance In bis power. Sincère sympaîhy le extended to thé bereaved famlly in théir Ioas. Belong- ing te thé Oddfellows, théefbinerai was takén in chargé by that society, INet hIttebusiness Semt daya ago I receivedtiei letter from Inspector Pérguson : "To W j NoTr-: ,Si,-In last veeki CHRONICLE 1 obsérveti a statement by ycu in regard te thé furn'ish. lng cf tiquer te soe parties in thé kitchen of a hotel on a Sun day. Iy ou wili hé kinti enough to furnish tue w 11h thé name of the holél, thé names cf thé parties said te have been there anti thé daté of the Borne, I will sée to it that thé matter lu sifted te, thé bottem. Yours truly, JOHN FER- ôusoN, Inspector. Whitby, Sept 7th, 1897." ,1 fmy say ln reply that I amn not ln thé bueiness as a whiskéy informer. I simpiy 'as a correspondent of thé CHROICLE cal your attention te the faet that theré are violations, yes, fréquent viciations, in sel- iing liquor after andi durlng prohibiîed hours, especiaiiy on thé Sabbath, and also to beys under agé. In thé last ten véekq 1 have heard scores of citizéns of this town asking vhy sach violations are aiiowéd. Furthér thé inspecter is p aïd soe $6oo per year to de this duty. Thén vhy shouiti -rivate citizen& be cald upon or take It asrpe theenseives te bé a whiskey in former? Hid 1 beén se disposed, tbère are Ivo hotels In this town that 1 couiti have given such information about as woulti havé caus- eti thrir licenses te hé revokéti, and the pr. ipriéters wouid havé beén punisheti hé. aidés. Instead of dcing se I toid the parties interestéd what bird béén going an. but warnings are of ne avail. A véék ago laut Sabbath men vere seen thé verse cf tiquer on our streets, both in daylight andi afier night. As thé 'tritilt cf my warnings both ln this columnafa prlvatély, I havé beén threatened. as I vas ovér two years ago. 1 have been told by several that if I appeair on thé strééts aftér daèrk 1 shall hé waylaid. I go eut whén ncéasaury, tbréat or ne tbreat. Soeéof thé gang have esdthey yull willingly pay a fine if they coulti ouly get one chance at my peso I bave this week given thé names of séveral, of tbosé persons te thé proper authorities, andi 1: omot net h any tisys before 1 hsilluaké o, andi soeéof theminmay hégladt t escape by thé l:ght of thé mecs, It. la a queston whéther vhiskey a»d mob law shaUiulein' ortPerry, or viiethér thé. Sabbath dayshali hé duly osreti. W. J or $n% à m

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