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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1897, p. 4

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$.THE.. Leading. Drug Store IN THE PROVINCE. W-We have one of the best equipped Drug Stores iu the Province and our stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemi-i cals is the best that can be produccd. Prescriptions and Recelpts A SPECIALTY. OUR PRICES ARE RIGUIT. OUR GOODS T'HE BEST. CEEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL :: HALL, f 4, wtn h ies la ,y« Il gOws ;Vetf And frush & mi -l isUtfIO'.III O «r0 mon W111 be Very ;re&t Anyperon bolooksoolêra it of the ont. & Dur* Witt admtthAt 1thore are, plenty of bis Prises for Ilies tock. No othori district fair cornuSOUTr i smark. -Vet the exhibit In stock ww m'uoqi1; though lirai clama. it woild bave bien no trouble for a breéder to bave corn. bere wtb ite or Max animai& end wi P5. 1 iteasthe smre ln regard te A£rctiltut5l ýproducts, and bore, *gain tho oxh bit vas ineagre. The proes.' *Ional eshiblitoYi ln fruit, (ancy <work, etc., appear te bu the only once wo are alwa$ps on band. They go from (air to fair wlth trunks liko commercial travelers, and will tnt shelve their goode tntil they have seon, what tbey have te compote wlth. Sosie of these avoid tht. show because its muies comn. pet thein te make ait their entries belore anybody places exhibitse n the shelves, and as entrli cosltlion cents each they do net cavre about payln~ the money sud running the risk tif lostngIt by betng heston. The dont itke te enter s îhing and thon lesv t in their boxes because they sau It hau ne chance of winntng the prise. Our (airs bave reaclied a professlonal baste. Very «few exhibitions of today car. for the glery they win. It la the money they want. Two prornînent (armera worm talk. ing. Said one:- IlI pald my dollar, and after I had made a few entries they demand. ed zo cents extra for each ontry. Thon wben I came after my prise money they heid ente $i for membershlp fee for the next year. 1 found there was tio mon. y ln It for me, se 1 quit exhitting." <I had theamre expert. ence," said the other, "I wRasPresident for ten years, and 1 q uit it sîtogether," These menappear te tht nk the directoru casi beep up a show,p rovide every exhibitor a good place te adverttee hie goods, brlng a big crowd to see the exhilbit, and then psy over te the exhibttor $5 or Ste for everyý dollar it cote him. If they find they connot secure tItis tresîment they cures the show and leste it. We would rather see mouey go te herse- racing than have It cobbled up by a gang of prefesstonal exhibîtors, who ave nothtng but eharks after the long green stufi, sud who work on a puroly gambling basis. BROOK ST., WHIITBYP -WHITBY.1 OCT. 1,) 1897.1 short Pot«5. Attorney-General Mckenna of the United States has decided that under tlhe new Ding. loy bill an extra charge of ten per cent duty cannot be levied on goods coming into the Un;ted States over Canadian railwaye or foreign ehipe. Sir Oliver Mowat will in a few weeke be- coinete eutena1it.G0ver et ofOntario, and by general choice ef ail ehades of politict. Hon David Mille bas been called te the post of Minlster of justice. This will niake a vacancy as prot(esor of international Iaw in Torouto University. The tatement of the buienees ef the Post Office Savinge Bank for the yestr ending 3th june, 1897, bas been prepared in the depart- ment. There was depoeited durtng the year $8,223.000, being arn increase Of $83,947 Over the previous year, and being the lergest ameunt et depesits n eny oeeyear ince Coufederation, with the exception Of 1887, when the deposits were $So,eoo in excesa The average amount te the credit of each accourit was $238.53, the largest eum in the history ef the bauk. There are 779 bauka, an increase of 24 over the preceding year. The total amounit wthdtawn during the year was $7,656,o86 64. The amnount et In terest ailowed to depositere durinx the year was 89,024,511.74. The total aniount on deposit ln the bank att he close of the year was $32,38o,000, as conîpared wlth $28,932,- 929.68 in the preceding year, but there was tranzsferred Irom the Dominion Government Savîniga Batik durtng 1897 accounts totelltig $î .856.474.31. The number ef accounts opened during the vestr was 30,236 and the number closed was 26,662. Fait Note&. Giorious weather, but duety roads. The weather clerk las making i rienda bore. Who sys it always raina for Whitbv fait? Soveral ladies hsd tlîeir pockesa picked, ase usual. The music and racing were worth the admission (ée. Atter al, what would a big fair tîke this ameunt te il there wero no herse racing or miusic? V B Woodrufla herse Méunshaw appears te b. a standing winner of ail the fast races at thts show. It le a long time @Ince there occtrred an equtiox wthout gales or rain, as bas been the case thie year. Some vendor of smniies bad smre bottled aie at the. grounds, and luapector Ferguson vainiy trlod te Cet ente (t. A good many attend a show of this sort for ne éther pumpose but to &et spitticated and make a show of thems.lves. j E Wilis was the onîy business manu lu towu Who made a display at the. fair. He. liad a beautiful cas of brushes, combe, and other toluet articles. The parade of the prise animal*swua (allure owlng te the. (st that tho few ce exhiIion"had been takon homne long be. fort thi. boum of the. preminsi cake walk._ Glorlensweather prevailed for the. Ont. à Dur. tItis week, and the atteudesco vwu good. The diruvtor were abIe to lsd oM how many reaily wanted te coine te the show. There were only two hors.. iu the stallloc race Tuosday but it vas on. of the best cou tested races ever hed et tisse Wai, Thîe herses wret srong sud fast sud wve dveS honesîly. It would b. more tien a gjood dea to pro- vide a blsckboerd for tho Judges op ralg Wbere clcose inishu ordîpuar eI4I the emv4 basu e a> my f e a4IZa aIia tie avard 14. ele. mut ight', W tiglit, ow manili 13Dto>tell, Whltby. Zuft Co. obns4 Haret i n si a.Partrtdge Coobins, xc1gbtt Nokes, & Dolline, Bownvtllle. Oocblu5a riy otborearlety, do. Osborne. Da&rkt e~t.ND1. -Gaomes, 'any other D) ainer, Cedar Orove, 3nighte lack litubutel, KuIglt, Rlliott, Oshawa. Ham burga,;golden *penclied, Osborne, Harv crat, <1U*UTI Polands, ICigbt. Lang- *haut, Oaborce. Plymoutht Rocks, barre, 141 Oos Haycraft. Plymoeuth Rocks. TRI«e i and 2. Soudans, Kntght, SU ntt.Black Spanlsb, Harm, z1 a2 White Lgorno, Riesx and 2, brown leg. morne, i an sd a. Wyatidottas iver, jas Lenton, Oshawa. Do ite, âbrue. 'Do golden Lentop. A Howden. Minorcas, Saycrsft, kice. Back snd redgmsbn tams, Nokes & Dilling, Howe5' bane bantame, any otber, Nokes & Dilling x and 2. Seabrlght bantains, Rice, N & D. Or. namentai bantains, Knight. T Hawse Bronze turkeys, Lenton i and 2. Gesse - White Bremer. Haycraft, Osborne. Geese. Toulouse, 'Hayeraft 1 and 2. Duce, Ayles- bury, Haycraft, Osborne. Ducks, Rouen, Haycraft i and 2. Do Pekin, Haycraft i and 2. Guinea fowls D Tweedie, Jokes & Dii. lig. ChiceaoI le, Brahamas dark, Os. borne. Do Il htâ arcraft 13Devertil. Bugf Cochins are i and 2. Partrldge Cochin, Kn<gbt. Cochin any other, os. borne. Gaines, any variety, Nokea & Dii. lin g i sud 2. Hamburge, silver spangled, Eli ott i and 2. Langshqns, Osborne, Ply. tmouth rock barred. 8 Gormley, Pickering, Lenton. Plymouth rocks, white, Rice, i and 2. Houdans, Knight i sud 2. Black Spani9h, Hare i and 2nd. White leghorne, Rie. P Carnahan. Brown leghorns, Rice, 1 andi 2. Silver Wyandotte, Knight, Len- ton. White W yandotts, Osborne, Gormmey. Golden Wyandotts, Lenton. Beet collec- tion of pigeons, Nokes & Dilling, Blake Henderson. Pen fancy rsbbits, lat Blake Henderson, Whitby. (Prise list concluded on Sixth Page.) SPIIED 1NOfM TH8 R I NG. Stalilon race-Purse $90 Keawick, Geo Curtis, 1 2 1 2 1 Vrouski, R CTeft 2 1 2 1 2 BilIy T, T B W iIlis, diat Time-2.269, 2 27%, 2.28. Ontario & Durham Fie Lias. TRORnOBRED MORSES. Stalliin-W5rd & Brooks, Utica. Mare i year old-Ward & Brooks. Brood mare- Waid & Brooks, C Lynde, Whitby. Foal i897-C Lynde, W & B. Best animai in class-C Lynde. ROAD AND CAURIAGE MORSES. Stallion-J W Curts, Lindsay 8 York Herse Breeders asso, B A Brown Seagrave Stallion 3 years, T Maddaforci, Audley. Do 2 years Wm Lavis, Whitby. Mare or gelding 2 years old-W P Sterrlcker, Osh awa, W P Wilson, Oshawa. Mare witb foal at aide, T Lewis, Kinsale, W & B. Colt of 1897, Lewis. Mare any age, W Mc- Elroy, Orone. Stallion any age, B Madda- ford. Driver x6 bande and over, 7 entries, T L Luke, Oshowa, Jue Gimblet, Whltby, Oshawa.. Carrnage teaRni W F McElroy, T Cowan, Orono, R S Willames, Oshawa. Single driver under 16 bauds, To, Cowau, Morrison, Bowmanville, W Mclntyre, Osh- awa. AGRIcULTURAL MORSES. Teant, Allun Brus. Newcastle, j I Baldsen, Baisais.c HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES. Stallion i year old, j I Baledon. Do auy age, do. Fi y 3 years old, do. Brood mare, Jno Bright, Myrtle. Colt of 1897, do. Fiily i year old, A Howden, Whitby. Marc any age, jas I Davidsen. CANADIAN DRAUGMT. Colt Of 1897', Wm Wilaon1 Oshawa i sud 3, jas Cook, Myrtle, 2nd. -Filly or geiding 2 yeara oid, J 1 Baldsou, Jas Cook, Myftle, J ne Bartley, Raglan. Filly or geiding r yr old, A Kerr, Ashbnrn, Jno Bartley. Mare and foal. W n Wilson, Alli Bros, jas Cook. Mare any age, Balcison. Saddle homse, 8 ILoscotube, BowinaviUe. CATME. DURR.S Bull, Jas Leask, Greeubsuk, Allin Bros, Oshawa. Bull calf, Allin Brous,ÀA owdeu, Wni Anderson. Bull any age, Loask. COu, Howdea Anderson, Alin Bros. HeIferr years olti, Howden. Do r year old. Ander- son. Do under s jear, Ldeask. *3 caltes Alun Bros. Herd, Allio Bros. POLLED ANGUS. Bull, Wm Stewart & Bons Luessilîle. Bull calf, do. Bull any ane, U3. Cow,' doý t and 2. Cow, do, i and 2. IHefferest old- do. Do i jour old, do. Do, cali, do. 3 calves, do. Bull, B B*ker Wbtb7. Do 1 jear, d6. Cew d od B*Utca hilr g* r ol a er',JlaoRie..Do z jr *ld = and 2 11efea «MU06W.er. 4Pr, 14 z,0aamd . Cow giving muk or la eWC I ceu1 :«n ld:?*l P*.o% iffeu s ye 0 s40sud Î=u'rudnt3ier jao14 Lm 8U1U1. me 2-35 eaw, Woruff90 Litte Hec, Aldras Pettlerackto,ASne Dee ac onr, $ Time--2.346, 2.35, 2.36. 1 1 2 2 Texan HRank, Crawforth 1 1 1 Little Fred, Benson 2 2 2 Forest King, Winman 3 3 3 Time-.54, 25.M, a.56. Runnlug race-Purse $W. Won by Prin. ceas May, owned by Jones of Peterboro, 2od Phlox owned by Mahan of Cobourg, 3rd Alez Furness, owued by Muir of Toron to. Green tro t, purse Se. Peter Tackson, Snow, Toronto i r i Little Fred, Benson 2 2 2 -Loscembe, Bowmanvillle 3 3 .3 - Beatty, Brougham 4 4 4 2.25 trot or pace, purse W9o Munshaw, Woodruff iI1 2 4 4 1 Ben Hur, Fleming 4 2 3 1 3 2 Maud Tliorne, Wetcott 2 3 4 3 1 4 Glorlana, Kenney 3 4 1 2 2 4 Running race Y4 mile~, haif broda, tt Nettie Wood owned by joues Peterboro; 2nd, Alex Furuis, owued by iLuir, Toron- te ;3rd, Phlox, owned by Mahan of Co- bourg ; 4th, Tom Poster, owned by Storses. Harnesuing rae-purse $.. R Chatterson, Oshawa. s'au lai»s.1 Following la a list of the Fail Faire to be held in this vicinity during 1997 : Belleville ........... etsept. 15,9'ç< 17 Bowinanvilie ...... .. 6i, 44 '17. Centrai, Ottawa.. .. 17, tg 25 Oreno..-. .d.. -.t 2 <Jfi a2. Centrai. Peterbero ....... 4 r, 2 Central. Lnday- a 2, *S. stittea.. .nn. . 21, 24. Eldou at Woodville...t..1" 21. «1 22. Brock at Sunderand- 1 «3o, Oct. 1. %larpos-Oakwood......" 3o, Il la Thorab at 8eaverton Oct. , 6. hefGorre hoinosted ca emnSfotabl houa. wltb nmoderm owm -lrae 4ardon, 1ate lotfine fruit, a*nple ,'ab' ik=8 u- .aa duirable bomne Wa<am- ily w*lP% ta ke advantago of WbtbVMa fice e4oca$oul equipotiVery rI5UO- ablt rent for violer. For -fürthor Informa- ion addreu or apply to F. HOWARD. ANNES, WhiIU7,s.OxP. ' S"pM Faro té,fient Stake your #and Well J:,' Clairýn Onur large Selected Stock -of New Blaok Serges, in plain and figured, New Tweed Suitiflgs, eavy Ail Wool Shirts and Drawers. Ladies' Undervests, bought at Mili prices, regula<r price 75o and $1, now selling at 50c and 75c. M y'sWo 0 S --8.xly 10e per pair. Men's extra value Cashmere Sooks only 25o per pr. Heavy Twilled Flaunelette for the next two weeks 7o per yd. I MIII MIII NU UUIIIII I lUI I 11111 Our Assortmeut0f-z- 0--à'-" -1 4.i.rvand Trnwserifla. Stick Pins, BrooehE Special designs f( vrîzes for Athieti game aT-of is the Iargà~t -and best in town, and we eau furnish the best of testimonials froxu those for whomn 'l . - l ..a tv.ilnaas je Sa Bar, workmanship. Mr Wm S3itoh has charge of this departmeflt and we are pleased to say everybody 1.8 satisfied with hie work since ho took charge.1 Ail Goods Warranted ~ANDRW Fancy ALarge Stock o~ Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full bine of Fresh Always G roce ries. B:. eliable. AT GIBSON)Sa GIGANIC SALE HA! WAD'S sOL» sSTAND t OiCia ounty Organ.-1 tios of Say local pap FBIDÂY, OCT. LOCAL LAC The CHROIlICLE bas them te b. foui d. miss M Harper left ye the winter in Iowa. Miss N Saundere, of B guest of frr Tod this wee Musbroome which are are scarce thie year owu ,dry weathor. Mrs WmnTill returue <romn a two menthe visil much lmnproved in bealît, The Rev. J. S. Brougha second et a series of serm, bice o the Sower" on SUD' Bicycle riders say that bore and Teroite were n present: Ii maliy places te 6 incfes deep. Mr Ti G Jackson bas north of the Royal Hott iresidence thereon. The cellar bas commenced., contract. A speclal offering will Sainte church on Sun Widowe and Orphans Fi os behaif of which fu preached lest Sunday Mi The CizIONIcLE i. <- week, but when kt come local newa than. any Otihe 'Ode 4e. not baveo*te g ivico s week snd get ne The Royal Templiers erranged for e Fruit S (over G Y Smitbs office eveslng, Oct 6tfi oo grammie to commenceéa onl tn cs.The Roy~ fuit sa4sfectloftfor youi. It habîe s ldecided. echool gsmoas on Fr14i p«rogTRttitii iii b. aij Ffre et UPwtatih LakeVÎew bote! and - G T R station wusbnu blost of thecotnts U, oilg atotal wrecl :Ima,. # The. orti RO Here /8 s s e aGood Thing. Varie/y lte Largesi QuaIily the Chioicesîl Prices thte Lowest. are the three points which lead the FURNITURE trade. Re-upholstering done on shortest notice. JE.J. ~ ISN Brock St., - Whitbye A.AN -?iAI C.1tF Eiourslns Detroia, id. 'a * w. the. li people of Wl ig tsniob prices sa ýughl st 56*c. on the -di 6 bo Ohio....60-.-.- 7.50 mtiche. -.7.00 4.à.800. pidà, ýMidi... ..... 9.00 QlUê. ~10.00. ..00 ro »o 100 Cùot Lola- Rm lamb.liix as Represented or Money Refunded. China. 1 t il flt. aood triramilagst fflu 11,LDu-vLcb'35 T"nAa nlÈ-ti».Ilinr? . wck , ti ï t e ri i c (t ronitItqb A.r.r

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