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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1897, p. 5

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Stick Pins, Brooches, Medals, 1 Badges. f;pecial desigIhs for prîzes for Athietie games and sehools. G -AT- JI Sa Barnard's, <finlas!County Orgau.-L&550t Circula tion of any local pap.r ta Canada FRIDAY, OCT. 1, 1897. LOCAL LAOONIOS. The CHROI»CLE lias the best clubbing list () te fou, id. Miss M Harper left yesterday to spetid lhe winier in Iowa. Mliss N Situnders, of Bowmanville, is the gliest of Mrs Tod this week. NMuslircams which are usualiv pientiful ,re scarce titis >ear owtng nu doubt to the dry weaiher. Nirs Wn Till returned on Saturday last fron a twu muths vinit in St Catherlnes inucili inipruved iin heaith. The Rev. J. S. Broughail will preach the secondîlouta sertes ut sermons on the "Para- bie oi the Suwer' on Sunday evening itexi. Bicvcle riders si'v ihat the ruads between bie aid Turontou were neyer worse than ai pteseiit. In nmany places the duat îs from 4 lu 6 inchies deep. Mîr T G Jackson lias purchasedti he lot nortli uf the Royal Ilote1 and wiii ereci a ri--idetnce thereun. Thte excavation for the reliar lias cummenced. Perry Brus îhave the ton tract. Aý special offering wiil be taken up at Ali s kiIIts chu rc h un suiicay ne xt for the Wwsand Orphans Fund of the Diocese, tit t)ehalf of whch fund the lincunbeti 1renched last Sutiday uorfling. The CiuuoNIicis ooly issued once a week, but when ni cornes outi t pints more liaia news thani any other paper nr Canada. 0[ie Ooes nul have tu go tu the post-office twice a week acid gel nothing when he goes. The Royal Tempflars of Teruperance have arrangcd for a Fruit Social a(tiheir roomns Y)ver G Y Smiths office) next Wednesday evt-ning, Oct 6h. l)ours open ai 7.30. Pro- gr-trnme 10 commence ai S ýcloçCk.Ticktts only ten cts. The Royals art boutnd lu give full satisfaction for vour money and yuu may reckpnon a rare treat both as tu the fruit andprogramme. Dont miss it. Annual School Gamiet It has heen decided to hold the anu schocal games on Frîda',, Oct î5th. TI programme will be atinounced later. uaI he Fire at Boweanvilhe. Lake View hotel and ocuthuildings at 1h. C, T R stllat was burned on Mo)nday nighî. Miosi caf the contents wene saved but the building is a total wreck partly covered by insurance. Th. otigin of the fine is a rnyslery. The G T R ireight sheds had a narrcaw eacape from being burnt, being ait. utated close to the hotel. Mie Gernie Hamestead In anotîter column of th. CH RONICLE this weIi known residence is ativertizedti l rent by Mn. F. Howand Amnes. Thr chance ta ecure a comiortable bouse wîth ail the neeti- cd surroundiugs caf lawn, ganden, fruit, etc., tîtus offereti, is a fine cne and shoulti b. taken ativantage cf by some iamuly desiring ta mate use af the towu achools anti Ontaolo Ladies Coîlege. Col Cubitt, o! Bowmacvllle, citai! At BowmRnvllle eanly Monday mornnng Col Fredrick Cubîit iîed in his 7th year. He wasg an olti citizen having resiàdt in the îown 65 yeana sud been assoclated mare or lees wrtbIthe public afiains cf the corpor- atuon. H. coutesteti the riding against Hon Edwarti Blake wheu the latter wae in bIs early puliticai career. Mn Cubit belti corn. manti ai ihe 45th batialion (rom 1866 ta i84 H. served Inluthe rebeliion ai 1837-38 and during the Fenian raid oai 866. H. leaves a wîdow, twa sons and 1 daughier, Coming. Dr jebs,. (formerly o! New Yorý), Eye Speclalist, eud luventor of the famofls Rech- erche Oplonteter, use latest anti cont ic- proveti luatrurnulkuowu io miodern science for polntlng ouI every ticicel aud disease of th. eye ant i sgbt. Cures granulation sud iuflammnation of tise litis' beadache, anti etraîghtcns croas-eye. &c.. witbout mediclue or opermîhon. A cure guarantecti lu every case or cane>' refundect. Conutlation aud exarnlnallon free. Seo scailibille. WiII Se ai Allias Drug Store, Oct. tb., afternoon Ouly. Capt. Sharp. Troubles Laut week we g ave Capt Sharp. af Ux- bridge awbole caluisitilID wblch ta Iay bis explanations bcfore tb. publIc, la regard la ou r charges tiatIboiserife-matches of tise 3>p battallon Mes year veré largel>' a farce, a o-isunllng gaPme, luavlcls seat solouteers 6à no show, snd visete public wasygtven ta encourage rille prattice amngtuta e- çiult#ws aug@od as amd ebsrtged %ht a nomUberdofEcraks *were ov'tu en- lit lun the IJbrite compaft? subi>shot fr tise volobtem monfV t ba :lnlttl Of erýVo2@tQlbisthe 0t. We oseae thse oai.r,.ta-it OUff PPtd of lbe. bai- Allati Torai atteuà Nia.i Mr out i weel Dr( throu finei fret moti c u rat churt be he Conv foyer Foatr, 0 of. ' -yllpa <, Migb bor ounMou'ay wlîh a bqrd <las mImera psircbatedO bt rpt i. Bank of uln a rao oi on ln the finantal "rld b> 'Ouîins lu iiftb of Its reserve jj allver, Thisegô. muent lis enleis b St ook out for tise date of tisé Amuaât £x- son of the laldles Aid -af st FinIs Pr"s. rch Bowinanvlle, ta Tàottto, whicb w111. ela durlng the week of tise W. C. . iventlon la that city. Mr E E Starr snd Mis Stan bhave beau lu town the vueste of Mr J B Powell. Mr Stanr goes east on business wblle Mr& Stars *Ili remaFn here white the tesidence tis> are ta occupy ln Montreal undergoes repairm- Miss Herrcla Klugt left yestelday for1 Chicago where sbe wlll enter the bichael Reese hospîtal and recelve training for a prolesslonal nurse. Mis Els Bur"s enters a Ilke institution iu New York sud Miss Tamblyn goes ta the Jewlsh bospîtalIin Clu. cinnati. Mr Frank DeHart bas reiurned from Indian Head, N W T. He la much pleased with the couistry snd says tbat his l the place for young men wltb capital enougb 10 take up land and commence farmlng. He wIll selI hl& farm stock ber. and willj retura ta the North West lunlte spring. The Grand Trunk bas Isued a circular ta qhîppers on their lUne. announclng the stop- page of the prîvîlege of cornpletlng the load. ng of a throuuth car at morne way point. H ereafier a train wlll be sioppecl for lucher, grain and live stock only, and an additional charge will be made for the smre. The October number of Tbe Canadian Homne journal more than realizes tbe expectations o!fits readers, wbo from tbe phenomenal Imiprovernent noîlceable ta the few rnonths Ih bas been under Itm present management, have learued to look wîth genuine Intereai for each issue. Itin. by far the best and cost prettîly lllustrated nunt. ber The Canadian Homne journal bas yet given us, and ln every wa holda its own among the publications 9lthe day. The Canadian Homne journal, McKlnnon BuildI- ing, Toronto. The Rice-McGeary suit against the town and Mr Thos Deverell cornes off at the non- jury sittings which open ai Whîtby on Mon- day, Oct i8th. Mr Rîce la sulng for $z5oo damages for injuries sustained by a runaway early this sumrner, It will be receînbered that Mr Devenul was moving a building te his property near the falrgrounds and beft it standing on the road over nlgbî. Mr Rîce was one of a load coming home from a de- monsi ration ai Bowmnanvlle. The horsea were frighterued by the building and upset the rig injrijng Mr Rice. bir McGeary la suing for $125 to caver darnages ta the rlg. Two fellows froc Oshawa narned Wrn Lindsay and Ed Wade got Into a fight on Tuesday night near the corner of Brock andi Dundas streets. They canagred ta Iýreak unie of Inspector F'ergusaus store wIndows and Wa'ýe was arrested by Constable Mc- Carrol. Lindsay aucceedeti Ingettiniraway. John Thompacan a blackscith froc Oshawa, inter(ered to libt-rate Wade. Chil Con- stable Calverley wau sent for ta the police court and ai once tooc Tbocp'on Into cus- îody. The latter sîrîîggled bard ta gaiawgY and struck aitht chie! twice but 'S O Mc- Crohan touk a band ln and he was Iodged iln the cooler. They gave their niames and put up nioney ta psy for the window andtilI bc summoned in due course. About three oclock on Tuesday morunn Mn andi Mn Bowcan, an ageti but wealtby couple who live close by tise Bowmauville cemetery, wene awakencd by a man ln Ibeli bedroom. He decaudeti rney, wbeu the 01(1 ladv handed im Ic so.He iben deý mandeti more froc the ol i gentleman, and while he was q uestlonlug hlmn Mrs Bowman, unobserved, slippeti oui of the bous. ta à neighbons, catrvlng wîtis ber a large suir whicit they hati lu tbe bouse. Thse burglar iot gettitg any more f-ont Mr. Bownan ?uietiy ransacked the premîses lu bis searci ,Uon more, sud Iben took bhis deperture,nu offeiing to itolesi au>' (urtiser. ,At premen ihene is no clue ta tise mn, altiough Uni Bowcan ayas&he w@qid reognîse bis again. Sendlng cilk ta Toronto bas ben lu th past of pecuulary benefit 10 tbe faims, around Whltby. DhahouesI nsllt, dealer have alcost auuibllaWte tisetrde -46dMi but anc man shios milk (irons Wbitby ta thi city. itla a difficult malter 16 fmd a ma who bandlesinillu Tiorantoipti hareablt Large acounts af moue>' aie âoig b>'des ers ta cen wha bave kept sendint tise milk witb the hope of at lust 04lI<p andti ailasi bave q uit cb.ated-' out af tCs honest nlght. If thb. armera lu otier l tricts arounti Toronto, sue swlid dtoo in this section baveé beau, It Wittb. Coty> matier of tice wbea there *01 be a 'il famine lu ToroitQo1tises problt>' i I council will lake soieus s l esedy 41 evil as it uaw existe. ,ya esm.sudies at W'ycIret cul. WOare pl.ased ta seMr .jos Peanscoi about xgatu aImoat-recovered tram bIsecment Tise duck abootIîjgas been paon this (ail, Tîrisô punot t orne bere or 1> abat be- fore eb sonu1commences. Mia Howelsud daugisten whll &pend thse inhter wihbber daugbîer la New York, 5he 'bas reuted ber bouse ta tMr T G Jackson. Sînce thé waten Is deepened the schooner P P Cole wll b. ahle ta tie up at ber oId dock. Sh. hau toiched ber. but once this summen, The schooner Flora Carvetb clenred on fouday laden wlth 7000 tushels of barley orOwego. "This grain ie for export 10 Eugland.' The Tîncombe club wlll bave uew quartera tIs winier. The premîses occupleti by thîs institution Iast wlnter la ta be fitteti up by Chau Wlltmuson for a istaughter bouse, T'he dretige Nlplsslng la stilI talng up the bottant af the bay. Wheu tbraugb the water wli be tieventeen fest deep and wll Perint tbe eptrance of sny hat on the lake. The Grand Trunk are beut on ecoitomiz- lng. Geo Saunders waa laid off on Satur- day nlg ht. The tralamen now bave to do the swl tcblng. Mr Saunders bas bought the bouse occupled by Mir Goldrlng. Hîs.famliy ti m it st re a m. ro mi t- set Bowmanvllle News :'MO,*Wf1 local blacklrnlths, wb0o dVes rtt* horse, hlred a livery d l'iddau *0WtO by ta enter hliebsse for tefait. opened on the morrf@w. H put1P1 t of the hotils, but afier bis9.rdvàl tI was moved to anothe t atble. SOCU frlends then coucelved the ld« Of W4 a joke on hlm, sud toig tbe bull thelr confidence, procdtadd *M I Our friend wu Ilnfogd ibat:WbbOt broken lbase and jmebo0»4 .»d searcblng lnut-in homte b>'train. ÂM Ibis IÏCM the borse ira* o te, d* who stated tIbM h. a iu. * awa. and desid forplé t This the blaclisslt l 41e e not find out until smq9M bad been stad g t*I a 1 bal! a dollar.,44w, abIPt bc and squlrt Koun t* v o,': rougb tîme o( tate. The public .bould bê , etainu a fakir aud .uid»W ent travellung ov«eBlt town sud takes out belts lu publie. îfs afreato give Ihi*'i thet is mo*lof aIl tbe bulis Tiser. bas net been a clrcus ia towu tîtul year. but au Frida>' hast the citizeus were trealedt t a performance thee lke af whlcb bas ual been seen In Ibis town for man>' s day. Mr james Harkoue, thse harse buyer, bas long suffered under a cbronlc ambition zô ride a bicycle sud on ta date sent down ta, Gxrfs & Grangers aid enmsed tbeir Daywon for a trip round town. H. sald he vas felng-flsst rte sud vas suxiaus ta en. Joyltes*port. Wben tise wheeî arrlved lie' waiked out -vtb bis overcoat on amd-vs a«b= omo«t iaIwhea mmntepersan snget- .4h btisab se thse outer garment. Oh. be aid, wbe4lqnW- as too cas>'and ho hated to ride ;Mt a chili an=.eitiH.carslesl> stralgbtoted aise, wbeel around snd tirew I«muedteIV -curbed Itê ueck asa -d bceda If ih voe a b.rouboa .pfinbut byea desterous8Wi5 ldysHi kusladed on litast. ,eled lise baies vIftsa îig trrai a~Irakmade 1« tbeflb . u = -- -, ý vo-sld b. bo lis au heur. Tlstinelhe v«iMsel sned sqss.y tg thedt gs ad wbea Itadgousabont tWre t tweedis tise ee.trt Mte rasd Il svuug in~ " ".i. a"& took a header udit lb LuxmN oVeity, ~ods~ W. 'have planned -for aveéry.big Reason, planned> to not only do more business than beretotore, but to de it very muoli better. Stocks VastlY larger htstefrs tp rcseen lower, that's the second. Firet arrivai 80 cases of new Autumn Drese Goode, Manties, Capes, etc, from the leading manufacturera ini Germany, and Glasgow, Scotland. ~Double -fold Dress Goods from 15o to $2 per yard. All Next Week-~ we will show an unrivalled displa.y of very latest styles in m"-Ladies, Maids and Chidrons Mantios. For every style of Jacket, Cape or Ulster you will find here the best for the least money and by far the largest collection te select from. Yeu wiII find garments here to suit every purse and ail the latest pro- duc tions. W.Go MORTGAGE SALE 1 01?' Lands in Town of Whltby. Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale con - tained in a mortgage ibat wUll be produced ai the sale tbere will b. offered for sale by public eue. tion by Mr Levi Fairbanks, auctioneer, at Wood . ruifs batellin the town of Wbltby on SATU R- DAY, the 23rd dey of OCTOBER, z897, at the hour of 2 o.ciock win te afternoun the :oilowlng real estate comrislng about four acre more or les. being composed of ail that part of the nortb half of lot number aa lan the first concession in the town of Whitby described as tollows-Coni- MenCing on the westerly lîiu of the said lot at the distance on a course south 16 degrees es of 2 chains 5o links from the nortb west angle af the said lot-thence south z6 degrees east along said westerly limit 14 chitins Sa links more or lesu to the point af Intersection wîth the produc. tion westerly in a straight line of the soutberly lima of lancs lately owned by Jane 'rayîo- thence northb74 degrees easi 2 chains 64 links mare or less tu the south weil angle of the said jane Ta> ;ars landa-thence norib 16 degrees wesi 12 chans-tbence south 74 degrees west z chain-thence north 16 degrees west a cbsins 50 links-thence south 74 degrees we*t i chain 64 liksmare or less ta the. place of begînnlng. On tiIs property la a frame bouse and a stable-also a number of chaice apple trees. 1 is utuate in clo proxlmity ta the Kingstoni Rond and offers a desirable opportunity ta those destring a eaui bozestead.T ettins zo per cent of the purcb"ase eoney down at urne cof sale, and the balance at the expiration of 30o<ay-oru part ai the pur- cbase eoney ma>' reiuain an morigage. Partie- ularu anud conditions on sale eay b. bad of the auciionee or of the undersigned vendors Poli- chaor at Oshawa, Ont. Dated tith Sept, 1897. C. A. JONES, VendorsSolicitor. go ta, Toronto, where hie bas secured a situa- on.1 On Sundsy afiernoon Capi Lawler o! the Curiew took aboard H Wolfenden, W Cor- ( reil, A Fraser and Frank Richardson A bowling narwester was pping down the bay curling the choppy waters nto foac. The mainsaîl hatuiet up Capt Lawler ordered the eau belote the casi b casi ofi froc the buoy. Immediateiy the yacht took a Ieap through the water andi before ht coulti be put about went c1Fsh Int the bc>w aithe Mary Ann. Gettlng clear they bowled cerrlly down the bay the spray fling over the crew drenching thec to the skin. Up and cdown tltr bay they daslied cuch to the terror af %ocne of the crew wbo were young i the business. Ail went merrily untîl comlîng about near the souib shore the jlb sheet gotj foui. Fresher blew the breeze and the craft gradualîy lîsteti and commenced ta fili ; the main boom dnagged ln the mater sud thei weight ai wet cativas surely but gradualiv caused the water to pour la. Ail hope of rlghtlng the boat wauà past;- consternation prevaîleti; thse captain annaunceti that he would stick tu the ship ta the last, andi ai once ciacbered auto the upturned boat. The reut falhowed suit but the fail craft wouid not hold their cotubineti weight andi sbowlv sank ta the botoc. When up to their necks lu water the boat atruck hoiiom anti a thriii of joy ment îbrough the ahip- wrecked yachtsmen. Fred Hnwlett andi Byron Huggard put oui îo the rescue and in bis burry to be saved Fraser made a leap for the approaching boat only to be again buriet Inl the seethiug water. He hati jump- ed short, Richardison walled for home andi moiher. The whole party were safély res- cued and are nom noue the warse for their afteruooua outîng. Charge of liegai Sefllafg. Chas Perry appeareti belote P. M. Harper on Tuesday nighit oa aswer a charge ai seil- ing lntoxicatiug liquoi on the Garden City. The only witness calet waa Thos G Jackson wbo awore tbat as fat as he hati any know- ledge, no liquar bad been solti on the Gar- dien City durlng tbe petiod stated iu the in- formation. [aspector Ferguson wanted to put Perry lu the box, but the case was adi- * ourned at thIIs stage for a week. t Oh for G T R Ana Western Hicursons e Sept 3oth, Oct ist and 3nd, good tilt end Oct îtlth ta return. Whitby to Detroit and 9port Huron, $5; Cleveland, 87.,50; Sagi- ynaw, 8sa yCiy, $8; Grand Rapide, $9; Chti- e cao nîcinlnati. Sili. See Stephenson, r Whlby, (opoiteHatch Bras.) for those e tiket andaitInfomaton.He also tickets froc, Pickering, T ronia, Brooklu, Myrtle, Setc., ait prportional rates. Ses or write Stephenson before travellng. He tickets aanywbere. everywhere andi rattes guarasiteeti n right. Cholce o! izi ocean steamsbip Uînes, Iuciuding- Dominion, Allen sud Beaver Unes, .1and i al Amnerican Ues. * e Tho Coror Irscor7 -IS THE,- Whitbye 10 si[ 15 10 OEtIEVE 1 -000- Rlght Place to Buy Flrst-Olass1 Ca» On... 'i Ee Groceries, Fruits, and Provisions. Hama and Bacons Freeh Butter and Fresh Eggs. and fiavor. Vegetables from our Gardon Fresh Every Day. The right place to get good value for your money is at W. B. PIRINGLE & CO. FA RM TO iEN T. 150 acres. near Kînsale. Good bouse and barn, wel watered and feruces ln good te- pair. Seil well cultlvated. Apply 10 W S GOLD, Wblthy, Sept 2, 1897-1. Ext sn8ive Clearing 8810 Ut. -- notA A L mngI-6 -Ae cw.4- poULTRy1 feeding teeZItgs, mpiemeota, etc. Tbesub- .TIES. LIAM BRIGEIT. ta seIlb>' publIa ancheta bis premisis, tot No 15, luabshe ft concesson Of d.EautWhiîbywlabout ruervegon OT8Eý >rornpthy Made. z897, tise fowins valuable proposa>', vis; rywhem .Carres- MORSMS ted. zBro'vn ors.,aged. Co. LlOww., zChesnutIHars, *o&i zUeldan, 4 yra old slned - TannabIL 111>'. 4 yes WoltIaIetI b, TannabUl - Mar, 5 15 odsled-by Ur Wsberc8M.. CTTL.E tain hapeine t gTubeeti CUsw.l emt dg. .WM. TILL anti be convincedthtiau anlegautl 1-le af FURNITURE -AND- UPHOL8TEREO 8000OO8 la betug solti aI away do'wn prices ta haep iu toucit wlth lte HARD TIMLES. HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Upholstering and Repairiug before tise rush commences. Prices very cbeap. JtJST RECEl VED $5 10 $15. Ail alter goode pro- portiquny cheap 1 Everytlslug sultable, useful aud ornamentai. Rept1iz1itUpholaoter. WMe T-LLe A UCTION, B ALE 01 lMom *bd à ýt rpemerle1o~s Lumber..Im;Iéitd0W pec. te y c ,~ COA WELL, eud 'dmerumd 3*Uctloew b tEcMa WALTERS, q 1 i OUR 8PEOIAL Highcst PricCs Obtaine Returos P Refeeuce, oushuppers cv pondeuoelavd PAUR, BLAOKWELL ,44-12iû. TORONTO 8AILIFF'8 8AE Of bwermesawebs1 vrin1 oo4 etc. MONDAY, lOCT. q40S 8,. at CcooSin Wbkb*, abs fOlwisg 'adu ieci ud : iW ». «W0<ii ad.yld: boitaSuil MýOW. ÎA oelf * 4 pricu from (Dit (t ronicle.

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