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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1897, p. 6

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etè,vrYeêt.T, à J Mâud9>son, fi -Burke'# AIZitdeo Young j 1611ry., w i RayQrait V OOMluC Young êbarl.y 2 rowedW Yosng, T à Fane~M - a4ro;do 6O rowedô« mdeW J vo -pýmn craf, VYoug; luepeee Js L Uk, -Young;- Plaid fiamncldp raK1carPot, ý ,Té i mande .on;w7aok ca., w warp. Young, Mis T eu-ey.1 T <b J blabdkron; , Coleraine. Carpet woollen warpMr; Rtayerait, T4 U ra;-vieYoung. ,Woolien 1blanketî, -H Mr câai,ü17 oiiiet T & J I(andirsen; Young, Burke. Horse blankets, Young. 1c tiwothy seod, Jas L.ask - flax seed, U7 Burke. Coverlet, H M. Mis B Burke# <d Young, Jas Loaak ; corn^ growed, U7 Mrs j B Burke. Woolen stockîngs. c YoungGoHerkr;cr12rwd You ng. Mru Jackson, Whitby. Woolen C 17 Young, Misa P Pearson; potatoes, 90>x, YOtIng, Kèra.yý CottOti stotkilig V rural $ew Yorker, Robt Alexander, Mrâ L -Siith, Oshawa. Woblen mits, N, Whitby; white star, Jas Leaek, Taun-' Smith, Thersey. 5 knots plain yarn, r ton; eariy puritant,, R Alexander, "nd; Young, Burk. 5 knots double twisted, 6, B3urpe., Geo Sterrioker, R Alxade' Mrs j t3 Btzrke, ,Mrs B Burke. Wooi- Iv syother, Misa Meen, Wib, Alexdene rug home made, ICersey. Rag rug, d anyWhiby, Abx-Mis Smith. Chidrens woolen, Mrs C ander; colection potateeG Sterrioker; Samueis, Young. Ladies dress, amat- C turnipa, James leaik, Taunton, U eur, Samuels. Gente shirts, machine R Yeung, Green River. Mangoids, red, made, undrcssed, Young, Smith. G U Young, Miss Meen ; mangolds, any Q uilt patchwork. cotton. Kersey, Mis E other, Young, Stericker. Carrots, Tl J Devcrell. Do, wooien, Kersey. D white, Young, Jas Lenton, Oshawa Devercîl. Counterpane, knitted, Miss M Any other, Young, Jas Borehanm, Giendinning. Do, crotched. Tweedie, G Whitby. Sugar beets, Younîg. Coi- Mrs Wm Elliott. Collction of under- M lectorified rnte Yorig Lesk.clothing, Mrs L C Smith. Do, 2 ar- W, eihtiNufierld rizes, Youngrrik. ticles, Smith, Kersey. Crotched table Gi Pelarr Nuser przeStericer. mats, twine, Miss Head, Pickering, yc DAIRY PROI)CCE. Miss Meen. Pudding dish cover, Miss b: 15Iabutter-MrsM Burke, Bow- Burn-s. Whitby, Mrs Marshall. Speci- ý, 15uile 0bs Prnl oeP men quilting by hand, Mis B Burke. er mauilb. 2 Ib Prngl & , s rie Do by machine, Mrs L C Smith. do -do. 20 11)8, Mathisofl lros prize- Childs jacket. Samnueis, Smith. FancY do do. 5 lba print, M C Lawlers prize- workedi slipper, C- F Stewart, Miss M Mrs D Orniieton, Whitl>y. 10 Iba, G Glendenning. Lamp mat-Mis Heard, Bt V Martins prize-Mrs Burke. 10 lbs Manchcster, Mrsjackson. Pin cushion, W crocc, ShorjiffPpxtons prize, Miss K Mrs Jackson, Maud Weeks, Oshawa. ýN Ms.ddaford, Au ,dley. 5 ibe in rls- Japanese or crazy patch wt-.rk, Miss pr- Mrs Ormiston. 1G Ibs do, Mrs Burke. Glendinning, Kersey. Darning socks r 'fYts pirints, Mri Burke. or stockings, Smith, Kerscy. Best laundered skirt, Smith, Maud Weeks. JIORTICULTURÂL. Knitting fine wool lace, Young, Gien- Dahlia-C W Smith, Whitby. dinning. Knitting cotten lace, Miss Pansiea-Mise Smith, Oshawa, C W O rmston, Whitby, C F Stewart. Smit. PloxMias Lic, ~ CrCnCet lace, coarse, Mis Burk, Miss Sinih. Plox-isg ickMiuB Campbell. Crochet lace, fine, Miss Meen. Carnations-Thoiais Hlawes, Glendinning. Mrs Kersey. Crochet i Whitby, Miss Lick. Dianthus-Mias tidycotion, Kersey, Jackson. Roman I Meen. Annuais-C W Smith. Giadi- embroidery, Mrs Heard, Miss Head. olos .- E Morris, Bownanville, W Embreldery on silk ci- cotton, Miss Francis, Oshawa. Asters - C W Glendenning, Mrs Kersey. Sik em- Smithp Miss Lick. Zenin.s - Miss breîdery on linen. Miss E A Smith, Mo.en. Verbenas-Thos }lawýea, Miss Whitby, Miss H F Ormniston, Whitby. Lick. Sweet Peas-Thos Rice, C W Embrodery on wool, Mrs T Kersey, Smith. Marigolds - Miss Morris Mrs H T <rmisten. Raised linen em- Nasturtinus-Miss Meen, C W Slnith. bredery, Ormiston, Kersey. Outline I Tuber rose-T Hawes. Other lily- figures or flowers, Mrs J, R Heard. John Batemnan, Whithy, Mrs T G Kersey. Mexican or drawn work, Mrs [everell. Begonias-Miss Stericker, H E Wrerishall, Kingston. Drawing GeraiumsMrs room screen painted, E Morris, Bow- Person Doublen do.-MIiss en manville, L Morris, do. I-on itou lac,,Vil] Nfisaearson. DoubentMeena Kersey, Mrs L C Smith. Print lace, ~lis Parsn.Sceîte geanums- Smith, Kersey. Slipper holder,Kersey, NEiss Pearson. Ivory do-Mrs Bate- Fancy blotter, Maud Wicks, Fiat eni- Jiej ia. Cact-Mies Meen. Specrnen hrodery on lirien, E Head Kersey. cen lat-Mjss Meen, Jne Bateman. 3 Sofa pillow, Heard, Long. Toilet set pecimens-Mias Meen. Collection linen, Mrs Bateman, Whitby. Toilet set Iowers-Miss Meen. Table bouquetL.. satin or silk, Heard. Morris;-, Carrnage E pies Meen, Miss C Adams. Hand or sofa afgan. Glendenning, 2nd. Tea ?f 01 3ouquet-Mies Lick, Mirs Wm Mar. cosey. Smith, Ormiston. Foot rest Im ih1. Bouquet hy amiateurs--Miss upholstered, Mis Hayes, Burke Key itl'l board, Head, Weeks. Wall pocket, N geen, Mis Marshall. Oieanda- Miss Kersey, Hayes. Photo fram'e, Smithof b 4een.E Morris. Panels painted, L Morris hav APPLES. Hayes. Panels worked, Heard, Ker- 15 varleties, F C Hoar. Bowman- sey. Piano dirape painted or wbrked, B ille. Jno Bell, Audley, R S Huggard E Morris. Table Scarf, E Morris, Prei SSon, Whitby. 4 vaieties-JI hu Hayes. Table cover, Ormiston, Ker- eves U-ce, Hoar. 6 varieties winter- iloar, sey. Sideboard scarf, Weeks, Kersey. cot Iiss K Maddaford. 4 vaicties fal-. Whisk holder, Head, Keisey. Knit- eue, ioar, Jas McGregar. Snows-Miss ting, Giendeuning, Weeks. Fancy M lenena, Har.OutrloHoa, ~tidy. Kersey, E Morris. Tiray cloth, sud teck. en, You ng.Aeaur-Hoar,orsinHae.EMrs.Pnin Fllui-W-HSauton J-o9ice. entra .iec, We12b K!scy.-raic- "1<- 1 i ai vi ci E GI rui Ai mg Dt su Mc Hi gai Ba se[ Srr Mr Du dos Bel Ble Ric dor sa do' Cas dot Vic EI B4u 'Del Colléctlon do Mliss-,Bunke Rd ur -% Ocll , Walker4 ,Mrs Jno Bati uan.Bia- uran.sdo, Mrs -Alex. ander, Mxi A Walker. Crab do, Mns Fno B3ateman, Miss Meen. Grape do, mrsx W Marshall, 'Mrs Walker. Pluni do, Mxi Walker, Mrs S Rice. Apple do, Miss Robinson, Miss Sterricker. Orange do, Miss Burns, Mrs Waiker, )rýgnge ruarmalade,' Miss Burns, Mme Walker,. RasPberry 'vinegar, Mrs Nlarshall. Pickles, cucumnber,' Miss )eveill, Mxi Howdeu, pickled cauli- lowcr, Mrs Burke, Mrs Howden. 4lixed pickles, Mrs Deverili, Mrs How- en. Collection of pickles, B Burke, :urrant wîue, Mn,, Devereil, B Burke, 'hen-y do, Mis B l3urke, Mts Rice. ýhubarb do, Mrs,,Devereli, Mxi Rice. Trape do, j B Burke. Mrs Ormaston. ,iderberry do, Mrs Alexander, Mrs leverill, 20 ibs hciney ini comb, jas [cGregor, Whitby, D Raymer, Cedar ,rove. ro Ibs straiued honey, Burns, [cGregor. 30 ibs-honey ini comb, M V Col lins pize, D Raymer, Jas Mc- regor. 2 boaves white bread, Mis U eung, Miss Maddalord, 2 boaves rown do, Miss Sterricker, Miss Robin- n. Hall dozerl piaitf buns, Mes Dev- relI, Mrs Burke. Haîf doxen currant o, Mrs Burke, Mrs Deverill. Hall ozen largest eggs, T H Wilsons prize. ise Sterricker, D Tweedie, Mes ýrke. Chocolate cake, 3 layer, J E 7illis prize. Mrs Barnes, Mrs Wni ewport - Chocolate cake, A H Allins ize, C F Stewart, Mrs Marshall. Pain-'Killer. ad everkind of BcwelOCm=,plltn l PainuKiller. M*hIa lua trU no mut enud Lt csu't b. mad. toc mtrong or toc emphau.c. It la aalmplo,»tansd qulck cure for Crampe, COUgh,, RheumatlUm, Cou, Celti, NeuralgÎIa Disrrhee. Croup, Toothaeha. TV/O SIZSS, 2e. end 80c Our mascot, R MeMullen, spest Son yunder the parental wing as Stouif le, Mlr Jne Monkbonse wasUBOmnewhat in- ýposed luat weAkJ but ià ncw convales. ut. M!r Bort Mandie cf Claremont - epent 1day witb bis brother, Mr A Mabtie. Brewna Hill is being treated te a ooat gravel, whioh wiIl ne dcubt greatly provo it, ao, in the spring of the jear l almoat impassable. Nfr. W. Fofsyth and Mise A. L. Irwin £ongolisand Mise À Stephena cf Bell. ven apent Saturdsy evening as Mr. BE isore. Rev. J. Hfainer cf Boston. Ma", mohed in the Uuion ohureh on Sunday inDg. Re delivered an excellent dis ire go a largo and appreciativo audi- M. [oeras B. Roer and C. Msadonald 1Miss Notti. B.eor @pout Tuesday siug as Mr J R Hoove,%, 9th cou. ir. J. Monkiiense, aoompaniod by oral Mimico ionda, wau out-nortib on àooting trip. They report a saroity Rame m goueral, ospeoîally ou-pari. rG. Walke'a houae la rapldly uesrng mPl~l'o'00 a wbon ftnlabod wili b. a our touiwn. anmnsu» os teVerbal agfo.m.ud, the elob -etoui Aoadomyi acoom'oo W- ".'"Wa quoýta 0f trooter., journ» . ho &ovaaL461. 'Townflin», pwrmd dmhtode0f. to'thi pcllo 'lb'o~ ~ the latter club did *ppéar,ubmhr-by e.fuIgg auvinof o nith, Gordon. FlemishBHort, Smith, Mcc i AonWalOur rs Delong. Howeil-Gordon, Smitn: Santud. ýDress« doit, do. Dai ned pma uchess--Sterricker, Gordon, Win:ecr sici or steckings, do. $ove ty do.,, elus-C F Stewart, Gordon. Shel- Meen. Paiting, original,4 u-Hatch, A Ellis. Buerre-Hatch, Bell Smith Trot<. «t. o Drdon. ClaPPO-Deham ,Gordon. COPY landscap, Mtp o esn Ile - -Huggard, Gordon. Lavis. E Morris., Corw Ma¶neF. Morria T )nne-Hatch, Smith. Cou, golden ris CePy animal, 4dooyo o if pluma-Gardon, Huggard. Imp. do. do., Co"y a , fi:u*ke. Jopes.1*roi ge--Gordon, Hug ard. I.,mbar- Original liowens WrenacL Oj te, Ferguson. *N singtog.-Gor. fruit, E Moris, Joue&, Stinlie L 4 ýn Ponds-Huggard, Burk. Brod.'ait- Smkli. Portrait. Iïc5ar,. Bell, mti, aw--.Gordon, SMU.h'Oai Gr CO18figUrts<9, bi8sti PbJcCtas(lI n. cLakhio--.Gordjon. ReineFrerwunaf:ktiî nde-Gardon. Germ.pPruse-4on. Smith. Wrensbal!. :14 o, Huggard. Peach plum-Goroeim. MC& >PY laradscape, <)09% *th CtOrIa do-'Gordon. Cuti>apples-.Copy matje riseFe, Wrec.bellï Q*.1);i bý Dchart, fBurke. Cuti>,, snall-D Ri do e rs .'Qr g mner, Youn , Grapes. Wodeun, oyfoé- nwr rke, GaMrdon, .futýHy& mq« Sle'rgtn o cx vm rke, Modnt B nrke, rdcm uliit, ellie Sm sils ocod-Mrs Eurlc, Burke, Por1tritWi> 4elue-Burke, £Sih. N g~drawinl**ag Iao4op. rà ýWalker,, Gurdln. Gbanrnimt,,. - lDo, Sauî. fJj îngmrelntgo -appauently nodin the distil. The detoctivo, who hba. reported 'the cii. 8 oumnatance to h adquarteis, ia aaid to ýb. in poasession of Inforiration Iiplicating7 a *b parties, and further doveoepmeuts, emay be expectied very shortly. Informa. tien hs bien givon Joading to th. suspic- ion that another stili existe iu .Harvey Township, -off th. Blaekburn road, snd investigation in heing nmade with a view of disooverng its location. Mr Wm Beèr hai sold eut bis hotel te smre gentleman frein Oshawa. Mr H T I'billips, Toronto, was visiting frienda hors Iast wuek. Mrs. Rose Allisîcu is viaiting ber mother bore. Mn sud Mrs Wm Oliver, Greenbank, are visiting Mrs 0 Oliver. It is reported here that Mn H Elliott, Jr., bas oeeu appointed olerk of the division court, Bowmanvjlle. Mr Theodore Balter, Greenbank, was renewing old acquaintances bere Sunday. Mr O Everett Browm will tesch Nu 10, Darlington, 1898. Mn F L Ellis is expected home froin England in about a week. Mr George Power,Maple Grove,preacb. ed here Sunday night. Mr John Crydemman was quite sick for a few days lant week. Our cheose factory nover donc se large a business at this sesac cf the year. Eigeteen cheese wore made on Monday. Fodd er corn bas becu au immeuce orop in ti section. Potatoes are badly effectcd witb rot in rnany places iu thia loeality. A great many dealers waut apples tû buy. The crop in peur, and prices are high. Saved Her Druxiketi Husband. She Fltnally Administered a Remedy, Without bis Knowledge. and Cured Him. A correspondent writes: I bad sncb a Ibappy home and a noble, big-hearted hrsband till ho teck te dnking, firai througb seciabiity, thon because the fiendish desiro wouid corne oeor him, craziug him for drink. 'II was heart-broken. My happy home was fast becoming oeeof mnisery till a friend tcld me te try a liquur cure ealled Ansi Booze. I was williniq to try any thiag, so I sent 81-00, as sheosuggested, Le the Oriental Chemical Co., 20 St Aloi je St., Moutreal, and by returu mail I re- coived lu a plain wrapper a littie box cf pilea. -Iput oneofcithese in his coffe every nigbî and morniug witbout hlm knowing it, (as they dissolve immediate. ly), and in less thau a week, to my do- light, ho stopped drinking ontirely. "Âuti-Booze bas chauged my drunken husband into a seben, industnicue, happy man, sud I feel it nîydnty t tell01 others about it, They wilI seud full informa- tien without charge to any wbo wilI write 'J. D. H. P -owing wUlltake p art: Miss Wiliameon, eloongonia, grduat. cf Toronto Conser. vOatory ýof Elpcutiqu ; blr. Rîr-bardeon,, -Wlitby, acloiet, Who posoemm. a deep, nihans ie lso MiÎ& SSl t, Oshawa, instum.ntiiet ewh bea- won unany favori WUtbehon laying sud -Mn Peach viclllnnt, who bas-on évery occasion pbous.dbis audience au-d v.on gréât ap James I n idaôi aputtkln a f il*. Ur eàt i~>kpp.4 *ar 4oald o p )4ea~( hé J )4Ir4I, .z Idv Frnk o oui apmuasle blood is suretO dlo havQc som"e- where. The oly kidneys, the Only Curte, kidney mec1- j4iaethe fllY IftIiflO isDodd's Kidney Pis,.,, la Your Strong? Or have yo<u palpitation, tbrobbing or irregular bcating, dizziness, short breath, smiothering or choking sensation, pain in the breast or beart. If no, your heart la affected and will in turn affect your nerves, causing nervousless, sleepless- ness, morbid anxs'ous feeling, debility. Cure ail these complaints by regulatlng the heart'a action and building up the. nervous and mnusculkr system te perfect health and strength. Price 6oc. per box or 6 boxes for ..5o. At ail druggisa. -FOR SALE BY- M.E. WI-jLIS, Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WH ITBY. MADE ME A MAN S A££LNeftoaa Dimaaa.-IslaMUa' an o tamnorr, opta.,,0 cxmatit"e meut~~~t sufefetss tR wha Mrau~ For Sale lu Whitby, Ont., by JE.WILLI8, -Drugglat. Juu*Ilote 200,Rol ofthoso very beautiIrui wilI b. soIôd oheaper than ever, this, year. AIso a lot-of whîoh wmfl e soiadlit cost aiidund0rt. ~W0kta. ht. D Phlygioai, Surgeon aBD4 ACCOUcer etc. Quffla, 54Roufdoflcie tito Al 9&int,; 2Ohnroh Dudas Streeti, Whf*by. 1q, B.-i ental urgery inlu ai ts branches promiti~ atdOd te. W. A DAMS, Gcý5DENTI ST. RooeuS ver John Ferguion"s clothng store. Residence-No. i, The Terrace, Byron St. Whitby. Jan. 2t, 1z&. D reHà.yWi9htman O-ver GrOuSà & Ganger-'Is. Whtby. Ke" Open every aturday vight. Sittinge 0f The Division Courts. OUNTY F ONTARIO 18S6. WnITY-D. C. Macdoneill Whiby Clerk Jan,8; Peb. 8; March 3; àpril 2; Ïday 2;- Juze 2. July 7 Sep. 2; Ot. 1; Nv. 8! Dec. 2.f OsÀW-D. 0. Madonel, Whtby, lerk; Jan. 4; Feb. 4;-M arch 4; à Pril 8; Idy 4 June 3; July b; Sep. 8; oct. 8; eoV. 4j Dec. 8, BRoUGHAN - M. Glesn, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jan 6; Maroh 6; May 5; _euly 9; Sep.4'. Nov. 5. PORT PERBv - J. W. Dnrnham, Port Perry, lerk-Jân. 29; Marcii 9; My 15 Juy 20; S3ep. 08; Nov. 18. UIBwG-JOaeph E.' Guld, 'Uxbrige, Clerk-Jan. 80; March 24; May lth; juy là; Oct 14 -Dec. 16. CÂNzwOre-George Smith, Canninglon, Jan. 81; Mardi 2b; May 2; jly lb; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BZAVxw:oN-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 26; May 21 >july 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. VPTxEaOovRE-Thos. P. Hart, tlptergrove Olerk,-Miaxch 27; May 22; iuIy 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. By order, w. H. WAR-NERiW J. B. FAREWELL DEALEIIIN GOAL, LATE, LU1EBE~, 8~fl~GLZU, OORDWOGI, BLABB, ITO~ AGENT For the PEOYLE'S COAL 00#j TORONTO.- Office.and Yarýd 'j-ust Eaàst ,of Uptown Station.. 48K. YOIJR 8 ýTA T/ONER: SPAÂTirQA XlW3 lZ WInn PÂt HEA.LTHÂAND ibitoied From Weak Not Safely Watk Au tb. Puise of Lille Wu !tcm the Cornwall Preeht The romance of unw fsfar exceodsi -te ri Ictioû. A peep bebid r é i s witb adequai ~ore cf care, trial ai le ftnd M any whose e« ~ost ;ceseantly flutu ~h and uicknesa ; littie obtruded upon the noti breathed into bumau e e the confidence of i ers wbo will reheara gue of pains and achi 'undqretoed by the fi attely treated by batiks b. te the inigb vered the now famoit a to wlnoh bumanityl ,nffering fromin Ipovi phattered nerve syei &a, and thoueands ai reateet advants.ge 1 ille. Thcy have pas Biperjimnt again and brcasing houer. The Il frem ene who ws ri g prmnet nMab z bert ctnfeebi oaâ4r towuahip, Glet maiden lady. About Misrà Fisher was seiz, a&,d a distressing sensi Oîtbe heurt. It was o ýî! causes, aIl possihly were everwork,e WM~ certaizly weak au ýherrt was; abncrmally lui1 attendance pronne ýnervous palpation cf 1 ýreceived treatmenut a sr  A this stage goaselow, ehbe layrrece' ing oly 8ho impreved somew ~was able, te b. taken t me .r Lancaster vil--qi -*vbere she was under > and teck Medicine foi At1h. end cf thia râu iyventure te, waIk ou 1itance. Ail this time obr hsarL - About t's ~gntaking Dr Williaï thsdate abh. began a goatratenof nervoi ~t he summer cf 1l9 2V5& marked, Sh. wi o1 f the summer te and walkiug as moi asnd se satiefactory a imne lsj the cure tl :fone t0 ber fermer hi nrwvarniéhed facia cf 'The malady was pen -bardto fight. But t ýDr- Willia.m@ Pink Pi --yellous change, wbicl 8514 might be profis 'Others Dr Williams Piuk 4-the reet cf the dfi ,-,acd beuip the, bi tho nervos, thus dnio .80.Aveid imi tbat every bex yeuj in&wrspper beanino TDr- Williama Piuk P. «d4 bereaVemol The news that1 îssed away duit te village -as a torn't1g-Iàt. 'IC2 th, while prepari ras sudden.ly «tr4 aralysis, it. i. su OUI she dîid shg :ioôus condition tut i e~ regi 10 ctober 7th 1895.

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