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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1897, p. 7

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liter KUaIYo,~ IIEÂLTE AND 8TRENGTH. ruffered From Weak Heurt and Oould NOLt8suely Waik Any Ditance-How ttje ]puise of Life Wa adjnsted. Prom the Cornwail Freehelder, The rotmance of unwritten (acta of roui lhf. far exceedi the riob elaborations jof 4tioûp. à peep bebind the scenes would us witib udequate proof that there ~ore of care, trial and severe anxiety flnd many whoîe experience bas ai. eincessantly fluctuated between boul. hand sicknss; little if uny of this is obtruded upon the notice of the world, or Sreached juto limnan ear. You may su- Ouro the confidence of suins of theee sur- forera who wiil rehearse to yoîî dark cata. logue of pains and acheo that are of;en iii undqrstood by the friende aud inade- quately treated by the physician. 'ihauko be to the mighty gouine that dis. covered the now farmons panacea for the i11e to wbiciî buwanity is sujected when euffering from impoverisbed biood or a sbatteredl ner'e system. Thonaundi hâve, and tbougands are 8till using to the greateit advantage Dr Williamns Pink PiII8. Tbey bave pasaed the ordeal of eiperitueut again aud again with ever iu- creastng bonor. The tnliowinR statement is from n nowi:o ag ret;cued from soeet ing permanent enfeehiemprnt and distres- ing beart action. Mary Fiober, ot Lan- ,castor townsbîp. Glengarry connity is a maien lady. About oiglit yet'rg;520 Miâs YisBivr was seized witiî weakneasa #ailà a Ilstret;oiingsenration in the region eftuhe ert It was atîributed tu sever- ai l cpes.Il asil Sliv morn or lees trne, til vwpe overwork, expiosure etc. SIe wab celrtitiny weak and the action of the heîurt wn's abtiornially rapid. The doctor in attendance prouounced the ailment nervionq palpation of the heart and sbe recoived treatment accordinizly for two ytars. At this stage ;Ab took to ber bed sile wil5so low, For tweive mntths Site iay receiving only domeestie attentio. Siit, impruved somiewb&t, however, sud was ahle to be takemn to a friend of bers nüar Lftncaster vili-te, Mrs J Hancy. wlitre lite vag under medioai attendance ait' to<k medicine for about tbree years. At te end of this ime ahe couid not sale- 1 'v venture tu wa'k ont even a short dis- tance. Ail duis ime lihe camplained of bier liîart. About Lwo yearp algo abe be- gatn takînR Dr \Viilîams Pink Pis, from titis date ebe began what proved a eteadv, restoration of nervous euergy. Durin'g te summner orf 1896 the imuprovement wits narked, She vas able by the mid (lie of the summaer to do as mucb work and walkinR as muet ordinary women and ui ssatisfactory anti apparentiy per mariuent. sth de cure titat Misa Fisher bas gone to bier former home. Sucb are te uinvîîrnit;hed facis of a remarkabie case. The maiady vas4 persistent, tenacious and fard to fight. But Oise constant use ot 1)r Wiiliaa Pink Pis wrotgbt. a mnar vilious change, whicbi Mirs Fisbers fiiend sRIsii tîgbt be profitabiy known Lu miany Pr WiiiamFa Pink Pilla cuire by goinu P thte mut of the diseame. Tiîsy renew Rud bîiild ulp the blond sud s trengztben ùte nervea, thns drioiung disease fromn the CANNINGTON. A nud bereavemeut. Te news tit 'Ors Joshua Shier had 1) issed awav duruing the night came tu the villatge as a sbt>ck on Munday îniorning last On Wednesdav, Sept i)thl, wbtle peparing dinner. MmIs Shier Was su(ldeniy stnicken with a stroke of îî.ralysis, it is supposed as the resuit of tiec ntensc heat, since which ime tîit il site (lied she laid in a semi-con- SCIU tiSCOndition from which it vas bn1ucd slie would recuver bult in spite of nmost careful nursing she succumnbed. The blow that bas (allen upon tht lamtly lias evoked the widest symn- pathy andi regret, for Mrs Shier. witb ber liusband, enjoyed the esteemn of of the cîtizens oft tiis tovu and vicin ity generaily. She vas a daugbter of Mr- Jt)hn Francis ut the towushi poe Brock. and bias been a resident of Cannington for ipwards ut twenty eîght years, and of thîs district tomty-nine yeans. which was bier age at imne of deatb. Besides ber husband, three sons, Mr. jJ1 Shier ofthiis town, Mr A H Shier of Beaver- ton, and Mm H Shier of Newark, N. J., are icftiLu wourn the lois o! of a loving wife and devoted mother. Mrs. Shier wis a general favorite witb ail who carne in contact with ber. Tht funeral unI Wednesday vas largely attended atter divie service in tht Methodist church Buril took place in Cedarvale Cernetery.-Ecbo. Mme Dount is lowly iwproving. AI bert Reesor and vifs, of Ton - âin. Markbain, vers bore this wook tih bis' eittr, Mre Willis. John Datoe.vaîke wlt.h a hpii week, ho having his hue, jummxdbot- weeu tvo wagon hube- Th icimJT might bave been mueh mors e riUZa, Wil Matbeqs erse lwohe ou tt CUIS enclesure ou Jaris sirsu, îTobonto., sud strayed asy &und - f1.: .bOut #&nuothi absence vas fooud ut vivIu»., Mt Coltn ai sudfamil 4e oto front vsitlng friends lu _otri'ààW atter beîng saa, from t - be r, 5 a threo ntgths, e art pl.ussd $. » Sthat ho la Tory mucli Improid iabt is departre.- Mela .p lirt Co1tiui, who e moura> th$i.t4hiof bvm* r veeks ugo. While uttlan« bond-&m thréebluit s *other-d.a, tbfmrhi i ,ttLt-. fi *i;o~int t -Y k a 1~ factory mu da.n days luat wektIÏËÏùIU'* Caïvert. ' Mis. Huchin iÊs d s. cwa spem a da ast vek wvth M claly Gaer4rWho b4 Iis .,kiincnt semnetime ago, la ,itttng aIg ve weli althougb confined to 4&d Wili Robinszin, wbo hbu been siclk so long, has lmproved since last writing. We hope it rnay be for the besti. D. Hoover has taken possison of bis newly rented farmn. 1 thinic it la situated et the C P W Rosinn h 7th concession, Pickering' M r Wiilis. of Toronto, vraà the guest of Mrs P R Hoovér a le* dàag week. She addreased -the Unday school in a very able ruannerSunday morning, and vas hsgtened to vrih much interest bi oid and youug. The scitool is in a flourishing condition and a large number aiways attend. OHUIREYWOOD Miss M Ressor is vislting with Miss Main for a few days. Miss M j Burkbolder is visiting with her many relations around here. W Burkholder bas sold his goods and chattels to Mr Hood, of Wbitby. Mrs S Hollinger is visiting down east with her daugbter, Mrs Graham. Mrs j Henderson is on the sick liât. We hope to soon here of ber recovery. By a runaway accident on Saturday, D Collins had the misfortune to break one of bis legs. Miss Teria Lawson is spendiig a fort- nigbt with friends at Toronto and St Catharines. Some uf the chosen few had a plea- sant trip duwn to Biack's on Tuesday nigb' uf iast week and after reaching there decided to go to Rosebank. Getting tu that place there were no boats Lu be had su they returned mucb !atigued and secured a scow and pro- ceeded down the river. Sometimes Itiséeeite weary vomian tbat te nuât certainiy give up. The sîmpleet and essieot work Lacomes au alutoit Insufruount- able tank, Nervonsues, sieepiessessu and pain barass ber and lite somme bardiy wortih the living, Dr Piercea Favorite Prescription vas inade for ber. Dr Pierces Guides Medieul Disoovery wuasmde for ber. The fi riner for ills distinct. iv feuiinine, Lihe other ter her general systemn, Toget.ber they uuppiy a scisuntitic undsttccesa- f ui course of treai ment. Tbe "Favorite Pree criptinu" restores heaitby, iregular action te the organe diotinocty fea4inine. Tt torces out out &il impur ities, streustbens thei tiansm.saïl- laye irmfiamnrnt ion. Theé'*Golden- Med ical Die- oovery 'makes appetite, belpt digestion, pro - mote* assimilation, filseoot-tsebnilowi iu cheeka and neck with gced amoUd fiesh and bringa back the giadsoujs glow eft klihond. Send 81 cents in ouei- cent stuce te Worids Dispensary Modical Assoiation. 1BffaOO .V. end recai ve Dr PlOerces 1008 page CONNON SENSE NEmaiQAcL DviiseR, llitratod. Mr Robt Beith, M P. bao splendid success at the Toronto Industriel Fuir again this year, taking the tisuai nunt- ber of sweepstakes. first and second prizes. The awards are: In the cob class the grey mare Màrana wonfISrat prize and the sweepstakei for higb stepper in bariess. -Tht -ýbony-GCta won first in tbe pony class in hiariess. The brown mare receivd fi-at prize in the over 13.2 and undtrý 14.2 Clais, single drivers. Bianco, the yearling hackney vas an easy b t ~.Secon prizes vert awarded to C1Ilçtfil cob in barness, bacltitéy st41Il o 5 boni - ney mare and foal (Monas Quota), 2 yr old hackney filly. yeurlItig #aCknel colt Lorenzo and for badtinty fout.h This isa avery satifactOty recordfo one exbibitor. Mt BCitiba stables on the grounds vert thronged wlth via>- tors to scetbis fine horsts. Your, lu'it'i tw1ziluk The~ lois teo 'wnèrn eîeehnglà 8 wdhl irstaswhols train o4t 098 are UwortL ,Où S4trdmy nilbt 1ut DTO l0i th n try vr 'w, rmun *biY by town dos, lMr Ftunk Gihbs et 0p8 loaing elsv*uand lit. Tkaoanklns cf' iTuaday of las& week a earlosa of ogg inld u t the Toronto cm.îie market frein tasex oontiy. Up tillt Suaurday îhey re- lQ&ined unsold frein the fuot thut the biimais had baun ted on cern. The price bt pée fed boue durluR the week was $5.65 and every [sncb bog fonnd a rsady &ale ut the tmarket tant veek. The corn- fed hoga wouid net bring $5, altbougb they vere offered ut that fisture. The Principal dealers iu booa refuie te haudie cr-ted pork ut auy prie., as it in Unsuit.. ebie for the. Engliah export trade. Titisi Incident serves te estublisb the view that pea-fed perk aud corn-fed yl tank as tve di tgreut grades, huving disqtivct values, aud that one cannet b. substil. tuted for the other. Feediug corn Ie hogs dees bot promise te be sut isféotory toesither thé farmer or to the dE sier. Partridge are RoinR te b. a source luxury in thia secotion this (ail front ail accounta. Local sports report that the birds bave almost deserted tbeir former baute. So fur but fow of these daiuty gaine birds have put in aunuppearauce at Sturgeon Point, wbere in former years tbey vere very plentiful. Varions causes are assigued ' amon gtbem vwanton des tructien lest fall ang a eold, vêt spriog. Wood docks are aise fast disappeuring fOew this section, and are very scarce titis fal.-Watcbman. Columbus The Muple Leaf Farmers Mutuai Fîre Inenrance Comuparny puaod ovor 860000 of nov businesai the ila* meeting of the Dîrectors, wbieb looks like living and ut a proaperous rate. The attraction thia week je the Kioka- poo Indian show. Tbe representatives give concerts and isou remedies ; the for mer are gratis, and the latter for aU wbo like to buy. Mr Loui RichardRon is ut proeut in England witb a carload of horses, eBip. ped froni the Oshawa G.T.R. station. He is eicpected home again by the end of the month. R Hopkins, who broke bis leg smre ime ago, ia around the honpe aguin on crutches, and hopes soon to b. around again. Bobt Thoupipeondvs«for Ioblous bffl« 'lhmors uThars. v»an 'bini.*l Frauk- 4"i Mlu.usd b oolt t h e We yar. ut i . wa botm tara v =,àofde.osb*i&hiu at ou bie faé l>ady mdaaluoe layuag th'e bon. uit Fr.k WTuti s anovort bto*he 0 ddon l)Mo»zIMo ù . abe hmomib * Itbml vW"ti va-m t b0i,. j. belio*M beow DERBY C igarett.i 5 1. Cts. M. W. COLLIN S, Per Facokaý BS ~e. SOLE AGENT FOIR WHEITBY. Qeneral Transaoted. Banking Busein«e SAVINOS DICPABTIXENIT. luter.st ailowed st highest current rates. Noucilo. of witbdrawal roquir.d E. J. THORNTONt manae FAIRBANK'S, Real Estate Column. Smnall Prame House and Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Whitby. Will be aold very cheap. LOTrS-To be sold, lots 324 and 258, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, north ward, wili be sold cheap. Cheap., Â __fine îwo story brick bouse, ...~,. . Z. ~ m w w ~ w w w - - -w w w i tb brickt stables. Situated on Byron st.,I IWhltby, the finest residentisi street ln the I~~~~~~on wMvIchînerhs ithin three minutes waliE of thepost i nuu&a~,îueîauuuu. tA Greal -English Remdy.I office. There are three lots ef land with an la the rosuit cf over s5 years teatndboumadscases vl wtJi anlknown Ientraltce on tve dtreets. House -ln perfect druge, ut ltut we bave dlsoovemd tue Ume reuuedy an<i ti'e t-a j repair. Fer particuiers appiy te Wrry, LuWendee (lsof Opiums, Toêacco, or 4icaWok SIkuist, al ef wblch weouleud te Insauity, Consoption sud an early grae. Woedls _________Phoaphodine bs en u"aesuccestu4l by hundredi ef casestbutssemed almstubepies-csesbutudbeen trmeamdby the toet talentedpb>*Bi- clans-casestbat were on tbo verge ofc1espamrd lusaui ty-caaethat were, tctterlng cver the grave-but vithte ooutIuued sMd Psrfsveuin ueof W«eod s Phôhdie, Ibm..cassea utihad beau giveta up Iodle, vto restorsd te maulY viget' sud hcslth -Peaer you uoed wt dempablr-aoenat.r ter Who bau givon ySu up acos urbe-the reiaed la »ow vitha y=u rmeetby lia use jeu eau harestored toualIte ct us isu md Itpplnu Prle% eý apakag< SI; six puckages.,$3-; by matl freo« postage. Ot u ltj4ru, j mdgotw. PmpbW tfouyaddren. obîned front JOHN NOBLE, Dunh1as Thei " . p ypWItdfflrOnt ., . wa.Strftt, Whltby, opposIte Mri. A. C. Wtl W.dO4.osy 1 --- an'aresidsuce.* Wsete lut" DîIî1hs W4èî. Wbltby, April 4111, z894. O«. MUÉ rofIQs.Stc Io A . r 1 " ïn n r- epl, çtise sk*we g aI» sasl ,a inAuîr0Ut i.AIvU ruN'.ati> i ma of dumi in m~day M ic., A.. D., ici -aM N Poo*9 c t et ~ti*44 How mnuch _of your Shoe i is I«thr,-workmanhlp--and how mucli of it- h profit ? The Shot. IOM.«EDÇ1 you should buy and the Shoe Most dealers seil, differ as these propor- UL~-4tions differ. Your next pair wiii Shave more leather value, and leu Profii for the dealer, if you see that it's Goodyear WsVlted,' and st.ainPd On the soie, 83, 84, Or 85. eaaLcu "The SiaterShoe.»' tu sÏ mKW jf à s Secug odd eour est uuofw0 Ail wa voTpWnrgêie hTuiam>b4 Naoti Expresolai aapci M ai 5.60 as. èmo.1 ExopredstoMalck. y6:0 No S Ep eos d Il o9:61t am No: 184:dast8ngr 8:08 v No, 2, Express, Dail Maily. 5:10-0 pm mail ..... l,............... ..... 8ffOam ~N.irsMail ..,a........ . 5:60 P m No.e To Linre s, aiy,.......S*n... 8:04 am No.e Po Expre s y ..........@-87a m moa4,Puunerf< 8:08 p m DMILNIONDIISINK 5011, OSTH- $1p500 000IO Mail.................ar b 1 il

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