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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1897, p. 8

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OBE~W, OO. 1,1897. R A J Little has ln a new stock cf pipes. Hierbert Hat ris spent Sunday ln Toronto. Miss Flb McPberson la visitlng fricada in B arri.. R A J Ltittie hais ln a cholce Une of new noveis. Mr John Branton returned '(rom Ottawa on Fiday last. Mendlng tis-su. ai Littles. Hot iror al ibat la necessary. Moke use of LItties lending library for the long wlnter evenhtîgs. Mr and Mrs Brosseil, New York, are the guitsits of Faiher Jeffcott. Frank Braithwaite spent a ew days this week with frlends at 1Lake Simcoe. Willlani Wright lias returned froni a tour ibirough New Y'ork and other Amerîcani citi es. Mr E S Edmnndqnn left for New York on Sittirdlay last and expects iii be absent ibis w e ek, \iV eek. wa.. successful exhihhtor or lancy wor k at the Orono and Whitbv exhi- btiies. ltrHlenry lbas rakeil Mrs Mitchelis bouse on King %t. eAst, and had it fitted with an elcci rcal planti. P' Crewtey, wbe hais been working ibis sil rum)r in thbe casterri part of the province, ima eturned iCi oiwn. Tbe Rev à4r Hotrne conducted service in the preshvterian church both morning and evetiing on Siînday lasi. Tuesday was doubly a holiday in Oshawa. The men went in the fair and tbe womnen werit shopping 10 see the new styles in hais. Mrs MI C Rose, of Sincoe street, and ber nricm, Misa Soper, of Windsor, wbo is bier gi-si ai present, are spending a few days aineng friends i Newcastle. TheiChcicken (ced in the Simcoe st. metho- dist ebrîrcli on Friday evening last was well atte,îdled. A long programme of songs, etc., w as etnjoyed hy aIl afier the supper. J os Allen, formcrly of the Queens hotel, ha.. gonc i ntî the electrical appliances busi- ne-ss wîitb is brother iciiToronto His many coieds ltce wîstih iiiail success nribis new Ventu ir e. John lhale, jr ,lefi lin Saturda), lasi b talce a i rip tlirouigh New \.rkand other eastern I ça il liha% a hîrîilier in New \'ork a nd it lie Iîz stucsesslulii Ii gettuîîg a situation iin Nu%% t'ark lie nîay net returri. Pat fthi e enigirie gel eout or repair in the M( 1, mîgblîi tactory on Nloîday, so the nmer air takiîîg a feus' dîîvaoft As the part bas Il e i'Senlt to t.li[ Ihi- er, îiaired it niay he a 10,Oohtw otn Wadaasd4ay > ad lait., the 'wifi of *redertck Ros.* cf a â«t.: la rtat Whltby, on thse ethbs, thé, wlfe ci2t Died--lu COuawa, on Prlday» Sept O4thil lacet, beloved dUhiïter of Pter Kyle. P. lT. of T1. Iodi 140- 47 Pàtui'e holdlng a granîd rady on the Brut regular meeting Inbt la November. Fu-ther particulars Wilibbe.publlshed ler. A numb& of ean- didites wili i ntted at the next meeting. T'he Vindicittor lands a case o! criminal defect on oui part because car announce- ment for the S. O. Conservative convention was dated wrong. We should bave date4 the meeting Tbursdy,, Oct grat. Thec board, of educatîort met' on Monday nlght, but dld iooîhing beyond orderlng a rnap ef North America, and learing a letter rend (rom Miss Henderson acceptlng tor the present the reducîlon miade la ber salary. Trustee James reslgned the cbalrmanshlp ef the property committee, as i takes up tee mucfh ai bistilme. Frank Coltman, who hâan carnted the dsblv mails from from Oshawa ta Columnbus. Raglan, Fotey and Taunton, for several years pat wili close bie duties to-morrow He bas been a sîeady. faiihfi carrier and by bis nany acta of courieay 10 larmersansd others, has their good opinion ta such an ex lent that tbey wbll regret te see him retire. Alderman McCiw bas finished the brick work af bis resurrected block, and the ciîatged front presentit a vastly improved appearance. The sbelves and counsters are yei to be adjusted and the other fixtures added. When î iese are complete the pre- mises witl be an os nament to the east aideeof Simicoe Street. Il Mr. Glidden waisîs no more lime aven the woodwork than Mr. Gall did wvitb the brickwork, it will soon bc çeady for occupancy. The Refermer reade the CHRoNIcLIL ever carefulty eacb week hn seat-ch oi quibblea. Last week it makes a paragîapb about our iîîconssency in sayhng week befone thai tiis dry weatber would stop the -potato roi w bilai ai the smre Urne we had a query bu anoiber columu as to bow the bil -ffaire would bc made up tbis winter without potatoea. Ih also notes witb strained but beautiful sarcasm that a message bas been1 rectived FrGom Andree, tb. babloon pelai voyager, wnich contained ne relerence ta the CHRONICLE as baving a big subacription1 liai ai the pole. I would be ungrateful oni our part and it is unnecessary te say that the Reformer ta hard up for a chance to give us a crack. Mr John Wilson the other day (eund an open grave in Henry Adams cor ufield east of th. town, where hi is possible sorte person intended to bury sorte other Mnis Orr who needs killin g. Chief Constable Hoover was noîified, and visiîed the place. He bnoughî his puwerful detective ability 10 bçýan uLoon the bole, but seeing there was no cold ciarmmy corpse in ih be very properly con- ciuded tbat the iragedy had not yet corne otù, so he reîurned to îuwn until the casef was trady for business. hn the meantime it is reported that Mr Wilson hears sirange noises ai nigbt, and dreams bioody dreanis. lie will neyer iagitin bave peace until he un- ravels tbe mysiery of ibat bote away down Youiîder bibe cornfiehd. fis ftrS c-t fclore it i-v Star t agaiti .- 1Last Yelr about ibis tîme Mn Wm Hainan h MI huike sliiuîîedl lii.. lî,dusetiuuîjdî enle-t.. ivas periorming the dunies ai chief constable, to lil-llIile, and 1tf h iie-.his liti.. iuit îî<k strtet commissioiier, and bealth inspectai îlNrlr-s I 5h tut] \Sus 1I ukîtîntr NIus, ai the nate Of about $1 40 per day, seven lUrde ae hitiii, tý' 11('r fi fs in the week.lie was subjecied tai the %liii.- e C I % rigîl'î-lRItUiul thfl)1t ell fi i-titi îîsî cruel critic-ism on cvery band, ihe vtrî- hi tii.-worsi of ushicb was generally showered lupon hilîîlita thetoiwn couticil, untîl the mans self. The -handic-apt K1'f ilitihies a-m-e ddiçtIf t- peci compelîed hitot resigo. Thea, and ei oun ¾irdwu e Cu.ît )iltira(i 'dî til miiirl, did the ignorantoailes set tbat prize, R tF, a o .îut .LSinittbthi 1rd, 1thticv- ad abused a irai ctass officer beyond andl (y 1,--k 1lit tir11ulis tixlieu ted t 'I b i ia i endurance, but Mr Hainan retused ReI-s c.c 1 15 i p i tI lItle i lo al ioil te agaiti 3uhject hirnself ta sucb ili-treat- S1tttVi 'îîcîîî. Today thetoiwn is paying tbrec mein $ 6 pen day for the sanie work that Wm thliian ptntormed fatrentetffcienbly. i t1% toi astounîdiîg îhing to bave ta siate ibat uu i i twa healtb officers in the pay of the ri'an lia a sinîgle bouse bas heen placarded iit%,-ca r. Do tht doctors report tbeir t a Ses it makes ia diflerence arbeiher Irlit-y do or net. The bealîh officers who are <aid to look aiter such ibinîgasbouid prose- ,u te ever v dîîcîor wha dae o ual coply witlî tfhe faw. If the dociors do report sucb cases idi the board ai health, wby dees no(thiat lti lra. It( -d k.-- ale ad ittbeoard do business ? Tht tact is the lova is t.> a.1 < u 1.1 t ttii, lî r r-l f te pa>-ng a borde oi bealtb officers, sireet r 1 ri. %N , lit i,- i,-t-, a ., bannes r nîaure. bosses, amd the ike wbo de ittie ornuoihing. Ut r1zI)i tît i.tltte.%s tnusk s alwai i tjdy. Tht first ont hears of a contagiaus disease v -I fluit 1lite (I1ride w 'rTit., ysatni of 1pîîînîîîîg s wheti a corpat la carried out ai a bouse, or pau aid.. mi I ldt itIes t<,cks wittu--RuýOm.ï îu whîen a cotivalescing plilieut cornes eut 1-t 1tritII pier st<î -- Ai.v -etc -warîtteni an vrapped up lIkIe a dead tbing. OPii f1 14dt Il , \ e ii <t abo<min iiabfle t rick (lie -pîîîîîîuîg dita hre tiîcket prîtîned ini -<r g-- figure-s it a liî,s a cket iii a crowd or ,nIi t t ir c-î Thbc auj v Laitnet but k nov litdt steiiethfuiig i14 aiira(tdng ilie attentiion oaf ail pissacrs by, aIt hîugih fe cantitot find oui us iat t ta Any h<uuy foutiî doîng such a t1fiilig , wfruu-h we are irrforited was don dur îîug the la.t week ini (shîawa, sbauld lie turi4e- wiuîuîed Wearc- pîcaseul to learo that Wm Bant, wfiu<se le-g was br<îkeîî ai (Jwen Sound on \Vedtncsdf .y ast is g4etttnîg aiong wetl. Tht bt i-.ks arn- ilt as %eiduts as a-as ai firat t-e- I ý)trCd, andtl u<ieinîg thet distance ie (cll ut s i t uit îer ifiat fie canete iroughi alîve. hit- andt NIr Wcf>ti of Toronto, were work- duug (itil;qsw itiginig scatlild auspendrd bl" itdIds rdîtitthe tiofaithe grain eievaîor that tl- fi er-îî p iiing ithe nictitlaid ing on.- % <cail lutwtI5t ildi oa staple driven inoaibe -tîte <if thte buitdiiig and as they were presas- t t g a piece oft mietal sidiig ia is place tht slahIe d 1mw uit. Tîte pressure agairibt the diail c.îu-ed itie scaflold to swing away tram t fit builuhig anîd bthea m en iclbetween tc acahfold anîdtitte huilditiîi, fallhoig ta tht tiard grotind, a distance aifteity-tvo feet. Mr Wc-fut<%vas badly stiaken up, but not scriddusly iîîjîîured. Mr liant was lirought homtîoît Fr (day, an Owen Sound man ac- coriipaiviiig hlm ta Toronto, and bis ftiet il nd rTetien (ram Pedlars office met hlm there iund brn>uglitî hlm home. He bad been us-l tIIaîenîded ta tin(Owen Sound, and sod bite jourriey blotte on lteatretcher very well. A Barn, Ralsing Reformer: On Tuesday last Mn jas Hy- lanîd, ai Easî Wiîby, had -. a raiaimîg." It wîll be remetnbertd ibat ire deprived hlm oif thie use ai bis outbuildinga sotie dîne ago. aind rew ailes wtt-e thet-etore lu absolue nîccesslty. To mcc ti lla ecesaluy b. ici the cortraci lot- the frarnewerl of a near bain 36 bY 74 le Mn W H Worden, of Utica, sud the1 muaenry abso. As everytîng vau lu readi- îî cs nemrly everybodv lu the locality vas in-1 vited to aive a belplng baud il the raisingi on1 Tuesda y. Iluis acediese 10say ubat ther. wns a very general and genierous rqeponse,1 siud an e ou as eboice vas made of mntheic respective- sides *euêt tovork,, and msooi beut mter beau ms Havo.ea lo"t*t1 place by the sîroug hue ansd vlbling bande i ofth. tmen surroundlng the**, t'Mid muéh merrlnebuand vithoat àa hltclat.mer ti icterat vbich *1li seemed te take lo th vork- The tuen at thie sotis sida b.d thairt riftiafro In ot, mn hmyng proclalme ithe .1 tcwiha chier, thy adeforspu b1 aibotba tM tLd t tuarm ofatise moa ode tf too b,@tssh Mnr. Dycras Farewchl. Tht menu bers et the eongregatiea sund the Reveral sacieti" s aaaclated wtii Medcalt Street methodist church, met in the base- tneni ai that edifice, on Tuesday evenîng week, ta stuy good byc tu ihelt- ieilow laborer, Mr W E Dyer, wbo teok hie departure on Wedtîesday merning tor his nea field et aperatiens In Mantreal. Iu the early part of the evening the boys brigade beld a busi- ness meeting, aven which their captsin, Mn Dyer, presided, ahen h. bade ail gcod bye a tien givilng îhem mauy kiud aud eucourag- ing words sndb aIse some good advIce. Thec hasement eft he cburch by tbis tisa. vas illed vith Mn Dyer's Iriendsansd Rev DKv Caîl eccupled the chair. A"er thc opetcieg exercises Mr and Mis Dyer acre presented wiîb au adcdrtss by), M MCol sund tac lavety ttaes of reuembcrance-.a hand. somne mantile cinck and a bcautiful (Muit tb. Mr D ver respoaded on bebalf ot himushf and- Mms Dver. Tht occasion vas a very trying one for bim, He expresed bis deep segret itud sorrewa a haviug te pstt ith nomcanay nean and dean trienda. Hâs duties cuild lîim te, another field o! labor, but h. boped, 10 b. able to kccp es-cv green theo strong Iove sud friendshlps hc had tornsed W t he membersocf is church. l'h.enmtinmts @ tbe addresa acre voiced la speeches frott Idessie jas Gregory, E jHlawkins. HClnm mon, jas Gros., Wm Becnetnd Norman Grose. Medcalf St methodlst ehurehb osoo ln the remeval *1 Mr Dyer. oe eof its moit ardent vorkera sud cra estudemvorers. He bas been counectedti aiîhsIta try seciety belongiug te tthe chumreW for sr, sud hae made the exsepce. cf ascii prosper- ousansd benefical by Mas nover cmslug u- deavore te premote the aetfmr cf d. mess- bers. He vas sapcrnauàa* cîtheeche for over ten years, brînglng 11% froaeuoncf the smaimsto the. presesu *ssdlug-dab larges: In the county, omduaooad on lb. mms systenaulc priacipleu sud bar»»elusy Mr. flyci viii b. graaly ikàO pmlal by the yourg am e,' aveal tg ais ba." schedte aaauhooql sder hlmul in o11 the sunday echoal fm atii. r*sg t h. bible cloas, sud vitRi abom be 'wu'"J -ddry mmocised. Ut* DySr buaaigu mni aun« ereast aets amkir su owibys àtip belpumats to Ur Dy*UIs is ework, sMd ah alés e wrry moâ cbM sw y bu~ friand. 34r. Dyar, » * cul*i SS ~ooo....ames vbo ely bl Iam.sa lu"bpAmi tti fflflIM'f a àà&.&Si W'Ima aM> a 9s'man 2w. w:» etc*. Large 'stoCk kept oofltanfly Cà h lad: Jobblag a spmslalty. imoos shoott forth. ti. K. iwoBA.-Bnter lIIi, l<otary Pubic, Oouvyaisoer, &o. Momey to lend. Office over Dominion Bank, bimooe street, Osfhava. INaxai!Bas - Watehmakeres ad beweler. Derners lu vatches. elooks, jewelery, silver- ware, spectacoles, etc. En rvtng, gold and sfiver platlng, snd old gold rings made ovr. Fine watoh, oluck, and Jewslery repairlnq s speolslty. Cedar IDale T'he open fire is a delight these autumna evenings. Wlld grapes are plenîi(ul and the boys gatiier tbem and caiti hetnigood. Miikweed la brlnR gai hered ln order to malte pillowb out ai the down of thatplaaî. John Sblpman who wenit t Idaho lasi sprng for bis heaith, writes aofcming back. vi, laVisl4ing w1kh brôthetri Ar- Mïss Addië Holmnes -and, Mother, of Manvers, was viiilng wth, her brother, Mr W J l{olmes. - Mr' Albert Holines. wife and daugb- ter, Manveraspcn: Sunday with Mr Jame's Hoirnes.f Rev Mr McDonal preached annîver- sary sermons at Burketoni, on Suuclay lait. Harvest Home service next Sunday, at the English clurcb, Miss J obnsten, Lindsay, le vîsiting at A B Crydermans. Rev Mr Phalen went te Omemee last Suntlay to Preach special services and the uinister of that place îoek Mr Phalens work here.% Geo Fish, who has been visiting ai hie brothers, Dr Fish for some time has returned to Toronto, to take his fourth year in medicine. Fai ploughfng Is not beiag doue around tht i ii vru_ LuiwaInltn lake shore. It is absolutely impossible ta pîow cheese factory his herses thought theyf until nain cames. would have a play, go when he came The lengih of trains on the G. T. R. at the present rate ai progression will sean be deter- rnined liv the distances betweeia stations. Two big mogul locomotives haLul 45 t0 58 cars, aven hait a mile long, and more cars ta be autacbed, for the limit is net yeî. Thos Sleep got a steam ibresher inta the field On Lot 7- Cou. 1, eue Of ithe fîrmsandmlPuî tbnee teama ta hauling buckwheat; (rom the field îa the machine. Just as fant as the three teams andi men could gathes il up and get it ta the spot the Üig cylinder drave it threugh and called for more, and 25a buabels of buckw heat ia about tht-ceheurs WBs the remui. The Sabbath quiet la very rudely broken many rmes every Suaday. Frelgbi trains comelumuber ing along with screecbing loconoiire, wbase drivers seem te be pleaied te malte ail the hoot- ing îhey can. It la dîne for oun Dominion Par. itament ta abat. the nuisance, If it iii abateable, aimer the grantisg of the Dominion Ry. Act. Ila probable thii Mra Thqs Guy will con. tinue an wiîh her farmning for the present. Trhere are very few tenants able te manage aucb large farms as biers or Thos Conants adjeinlng, latef> accupied by Jahn Lanmald. The imiter farm will be farmed on theaâh*re sysîenf, and a large lot ai stock kept by John Olanamon. PftOSPUCT On acoount ai personat illuess pastor Weaîber- eil wa.s not ibie ta take bis work on Sunday lasi and Mrs Kenner from Prince Albert ccupied the pulpit and preached an admirable sermon from these words, -Tby God wbam ibou servesi continually he will deliver tbee". At the Snnday achool bore lasi Sunday tht ioltowing pensons were appoinîed te atîended the Stîuday school convention Rit Port Penny on Tues. Jay of nexi week. Mia J - Hugbsan. Mr and .Mrs R Wilson, Mrs 1 Vernon, Miss Ethel Ralph and Miss Dollie McCtinîock. Quite an întenesîiag ceremany took place ai Mn Samuel Plaîtens on Wednesday et last week, when Mn Lewis Gîlnay and Miss Ida Platteni wpre uniied in martiafge liv tht Rev W J Weatb- ct-tII, ai Prince Altert. Tht happy pair iaok tht five ocloclt train for Onilia, Me joîn with ibe fnîtads io vîshing tbem a long and happy mar-. ied life. Tht services lu coanecîlon wiîh the Sunday school here next Sunday and the concernt an Monday nigbî promise ta b. a t-tait g us ber., bavingz Rev Mn McCamus ta deliven a song ser mon an Sunrlay nt 23oand Mn Kennen to preach Ai 7 P m and ai the concert Geo McTaggart, Miss Mary and Neitie McTaggart, Miss Lulu Scurrah, Master Harvey Hoat-, T W Breaks, Ahîce Pearson. Mary Davidson and Miss Stantoni are ta lit prsseni and talte prt. also aur fritnd Ueo Holiday bas promiscd ta assistiIf be dots nat go ta Missouri. Bowghauvlfe Miss Bessie Hicks, Toronto, spent Sunday in towu, Mr W B Bickell is îeamster now for MT Vanstone. Mr and Mrs M A James atteuded the epening ceremeuies of the aew arch G T R bridge at Niagara Falls last week. Miss May Small, Port Hope, who bas been spending the summer witb ber aunt, Mrs j C Weeks, returned home last Monday. Died, in Bewmauvilîe c Agnes Darling. eldest Samuel and Margpret Funeral, Saturday at 3 P mauville cemetary. on Sept. 29th, daughter of McConachie. m fer Bow- About 3 a m Tuesday morning bur- g lars broke into the residcnccetofMr Wm Bovinan near thececmetary and carricd et0 $11-85 cerns hich they go= fror» a stand drawçr in the. betiron.- He as accu by Mr'Bowman but made good his escape. aSelb Dulgo Rcv R D Fraser is making pastoral Mrs Penfoucd visitcd her mothier, Mrs L VanCarnp. SMrS S Burgess is viaiag her daugb. ter, Mrn Manningcof Clarke. The apple packcrsa=cbuy guuber- 1 ing up tht appica iin thia neighbonbood. iag oh aa nber ut pr=seson ca-l anrd dockcs et L&0:(air. Mr H WBuik. BWnvUje..' C Borland. Toroto suanti M sS fHug1it and datagbters of 1Lkdatye vatd at M L<vi VnCamps. to get his team they were quitely feed- ing at home. Whlîby Town Locale. Cannîngiens rate af taxation is 15 t-tula. Mr Win Drury bas returned front the nonîh West. Mr Thon McCann le of! on a visit ta De- troit. W H- Piper repaira chain and sucker pumps and sella the best windmnlla. Misa Lottie Cade, of Belleville, bas been the guesi of Misa A Martna Iis week. The citizens et the towtî enjeyed a musi- cal tresi this week, and ali banda are dearly ia love witb the Queens Owa band. Dr Pyne and Mn Thon Mitchell, of Toron- te, sons-in-law of Mrs. l-ugh Frasen, ta- gether wih ibeir wives, attended the fair bere tbis week. Mn L Fairbanks left at this office yester- day a muait melon meaauilng four feeî hn lengtb and bearhng a sirong resemblance to a snalce. Of course i ha afreak. jas McArdell and some other baya were pracîising high jumping ai the callegiate a few days aga, wben Jhm had the misiortune ta slip and break bis arm Just above the wnist. Postmasters are now instrucîed to hold letters îbirty days unIes. the prinîed notice on the cerner ofthie envelope alts for tbern ta be returned sooner to the person wbo sent them,. Mn Morris, lately ernployed me travellen by Mn C Smitb, marbie dealer. bas tormed a partnerslîip witb Mn T H King, ut Oak- Wood, and will sborthy open up a marbît shop hn Caunington. The Gazette nadv<rtises lteeli as tva papers a week. XItsbodld add "4with noîbing In eiuber." Our coiem las the sarne sire as wbeu il came oui once a week, being now issued haIt ai a lime. A report bas reached here ef the diecov- ery of an iran mine near Oshawa barbor. W P Siernicker la the lucky man. The iran la In the ad qnd la aeparaied froili by a magnet, wbfch galbera a load as it la hauhed ahong the sut-tac. ofthie beach. Al Deans Uncle Tom Cablu compauy drew argoed bouse ber. on Fnhday uighi. Tbe pe r mance was the best ofthIat drama givea in ibis tawn ior years. Little Evis, a daugbier of J. C. Conuors, jr., made a great bit and put haIt the crowd sobblug. Every (armet- sbould sec tliat bis bara and contents are wel Ilnsured. Nearly evcry day the dally papera centain accouaIs or fics la rmirab district«, barns and contents and out. buildings, and ln some Cases the wbole semions cropa goiag up la sinoke vitbout a cent of insurance, Ieavlng the untortunate (armer peqaîless. Fine- mad IliInsurance are two thInga t tshonid ineyer be neglect. cd. l'h. cost ls trifting êsojpared with tbe benefita in cane of accident. W. 'have becufan eu by Mi' Whlcoz'ýwiîl a vupy of a snagMsne Çaled '!Tbe Par Bast"t publlshied la jap>O'.""lIÏt bklngover the advertiscmenîta ol'baako v find one named the Mtn- Biabi vltb five billion capital (five tbottsaud millhous)one bliqon ibree hucdred million reserve. Another is callcd the One Hundredth National Bank, and iha cash in baud ls tare billiâo, lbans two and a quarter billions. dep its ive billions. lîs profite for thefirt 4lrf 897 ver.eîghty five mlli6ns. lu cheques It pald eut for the hait year $446.. 90640,450, depSita $86,691,413,871, lban g,: 67,o59,8U ,etc. A trsined curie giveon 1h. fotlovIigc metbed Of stoppiag nosebîeed :-Sviad tIR olt dean abichever yen likeèl, Let yo#r head go bac'< as far as yoisr neCk .vii 1 Jet it the. smreas thengh yen were ver y aieepy and ve.ncddlnt baekwardai<, Onty heId vout baud lu that position as log e ye c-ati sudboai1d the bletti contlîue, repeat the proces. icet6cthé biackOf Ibn«k s good *a1s, 'Or 1anthing coizi enrwhlcbever ,84 aid leeditil slip, pour tbunbs in the- <or- nXero ot ogr menu bOut au Inch -or _'More wihlb ofinger lOatslde, findthë i.pulse. b"elgtheO .anid ümp m u il it àOflp bleedlng. - O4n ed . 22ld. OSHAWA, :-: ONT.,ý -MAMJ FAC rURE- OLOVER MILLS, the Improved CHAMPION MOWIER, Eàtc. and supply parts, and repn.ir all tua- chines matde at the Joseph Hall M'fg Co, Massen Ce., and Dingle Estates, having bought ail their patterns, formei, etc. ICOop in Stock: ]Knives and sections for ineet any muake, mower or reaper, Iron Pipe, Stearn Fittings, (brase oriron.) Rubber Belting, Packing, (tubber, garlock or rope) Thrt-8her Teeth, meet ail kinde. Repair Bicycles, and supply parts; for saine. Engines and Boilere repaired, (any make.) Repair Machinery, any--descrip- tion. Machinery Steel, also Caat Steel of varjous sizes for tools. Pea Harveeters, R. Woon & Ce. Apiary Supplies, Beehives, Sec- tions, Comb Foundation, etc. Re. WOON & 0-00 W ANED-TUSTWRTHYAND ACT. IEgentiertkn or ladies te uravel for responsible, establisýed bouse ln Ontario, Monthly $65.oo and etipenses. Postion sfeady. Referenoe. Enclose.aei-addressed stampimd en- velape. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y OuI caga. 4K -8in. Es J. JO 'HNSON, LZADING UNDERTAKZR- BROOK aTREET, WHITaY. Bo&14 54 481 bave beug a greio suffeerf i g obd ansn iupossibl m e tO, asbt*hi ôicfdo n boiSeWOTkbut aitflo lg on# botiW ofS~hg India Toal, tolievery paéMcle cf %A71j It basnow been four ~C lem *0.Z ti medicine and the disease bas 00o retmrndyt, Price $ 1, 6 for $. Ail dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPA NY, 0F HAMILTON,-LIMITED 'VOL.X itI HMDD :l We depend on I ....Prices for iPure Druga ,Patent Hed and al DrD A H./ CHEMIST& WJNDI WI-RE GeouÂI Sella the the KetB ntendng porchsm Meil befre -placing tt an agent put mn loanhi caÏ et tbe Geuine golva0zze sdwae more or Cfese alle than: siny other mas claim they sli one h Miii outfits solti in th tise. Aul styles o! WOO sale. Any inforseatiosi wili b. frely-glven t Pcb 7, zg-m.s W. P, STERICKER, Oshawa Ry. 'Co's Office, OSHAWA. R.C. Carter, Agi. A GENTS. -T'h. Best Popultr Life cf Her ZLMajesiy 1 bave ever queo," writes Lordi Lorne, about "Queen. Vbcodl"Sales un p vo- oedenied. Easy te màlce'five dollars daily.1 Big commission. Outit free te canvassets.. Tii. BRADLEY - GARRETSON CO.# Liuîted, Toronto, Ont. FARM TO RENT' 200 acres, near Audley, in Pickering town- ship. Good land, suitable buildings, plenty ai water (rom wells and stream , good- or- chard, no mustard. Possession tO 'plow et once. Pull posession neit uprlnïz. Apply te Truso A MCGILLIVRAY, Whiîtby. Sept-' 22 189-tL. Farm for 8ae& OL Part Of Lot z.lu 7ub Orof Pick o. talinig 4o acres of good band, moitc4.< fréme bain, sheds aud stables, good house. ki t. chen and wood shed. , oro bardi i apples, pears, pluma, and grapes. eto ani abubndan«àe of' bard and sofi watere IAi o, cr"scf(t"ber. land ccmpcsedlof ses leeadbss.do lot ir, la 9tb cou. of ensa dioe* Wingi ïiùto. getber orfseprate. M8tbesoi Tortu easy. Apply te W u j 'C tLTI CE ixm o OMit, (0. T. GARbu 0'rBo zilumo5 Ont., or T. L. SALTZR, -Qenbuk, Ont., execuâtors of the itale 1Imes Cool"S The Jsoeph Hall Machine Works, FOR ALL___ Boat, Rail or Ocean, For the ShootigSeasons. WE HAVE A FULL UtfNE SheZlai GALL

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