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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 2

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OId Thate Ayer's. ?thÃŽoamre olt anapanllls as it vau madle sud m*Idi by Dr. J. C. Ayer s0fo re ago. lu ilet Slahortory IL je15 dIfferent. There mode= appil- ances lend. speeci te ekili anti expenleuce. But the sarmpa-. nu la thet mre oidsarsaparilla tt ia ae the record-80 veora of cures. Why donlt vobetter lU' Well, vere muchin uthe condition of thet Piehop mnd tht raspberry : IlDoubtes, elho said, ««God might have miade a better berry. But doubtites, aiso, Ile nover did. Wh My doe't wo botter the sarsaparilla? Wo cant. We are usieg the aame old plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards.. it bas nul be bettered. And sinco sca niake sarmapaxilla corn- pounid oui of sarsaparulla plant, we set no way cfi mproveniont. 0f course, if vo vert rnaking somne secret chomnical coinpound wo mgt..- . But we're not. We're making tiesanme aid sar- sapanilla ho cure tht samne aid diseases. Vau can tell it's tht same old earaapar<lla ho- cause it worke lhe eemo old cure@. It's the sovereigu blood Purifier, and-4t'sAvier. O)OR RESPONDENOE PICK EIINGO \\edncsdla),afternoon Rich. Moore reercian ugly wound on the face ar etihe eye. Ilicand bis assistant m'Cri turrnilnk sliocs, when the hammner .111it s1 dge met and resulted in the frire merVI reboundirng. i nflictin g the île: <sid wounid. Sever il stitches u'r.î er recessarv. but tire iniury is now iwf flot more of those feliows rIý bumr an arm iwith caustîc or somne 1'r hem drug that inflines the flesh, and tiin pseson 'innocent people as w tivobecets ()f charity, calle dupon, \r'iliaLgers oit Nionday, and strcceed- rsec ulring srrmcnoney froru our go tnitrei çrile. i>erha«ps it is b teterru thre risk of people being r r'rattrer thIan deny a person that t', rM euriri"nId it is rather an in1- ce)Il tire ( mrrunty to lhclp these t-I r i n rlui r lientii s (1eception. Tfie 'd mlbch arrested and dJetarnced n ruti icfir %vounds hecai and then sent t, î%(rk fir a few rnontlhs. Ver), often idfrmatters sf))il the chances of a ' vm i person getring assistance when r v1 r i e cil v (. \\*(c \weme nitstakecn in sayingthat W. A \id mew liait rcnted the Western hotel. Hii fîu dS si nce not ion if i t, but before tir gt Irle nccessarv lease drawn War- r ii r i rî l r i pleted arr' ngemients unît tri veuiinto it. lie wiii use ane rmira,; a rnuat mnarket where ail klnds fif rrea;t 'ay ire fourni.lHe will also 9"rec icafis. Those who drive ta the Sunkilîis with g-rain or for nid! feed- tîhe whipping into line of smre mem- bers that were unruiy, the persuader wa'rî not perceived by us. In aur opin- ion scrib)es should have smre idea as ta the correctness af statenrents before n1îkrng îhemn.-News. 39112utAi ibanS Th os. Brooks arrived home Fniday evening from tht Northvost. Mr Vaienstine Brooks is building a large brick house an smre property be iras ln Newmarket. MoIrs A Miller, Mrs H D) Ramsden and Miss Long vert in tiarrie Tuesday attend ing thc weddieg of their brother, Mr. Richard Long. ta Miss Hunter of tîrat place. Tht young people vili ne- sîde in Detr-oit. A painful accidènt occurred ta Mr. Johnr Spalding and friend on Standay hast betwenbts-e and Roseville. Owing ta, tht sudden approucb of tire.1 bicyclists f rom the rear, Mr Spaiding and hie compan ion vere lis-ove into a deep ditch and autalned nurncrous cuts and bruites from atones tiat *Itli beave marks for suint timne tu coua. Wiile threshhng aît the bai-n of Mr. John Cuyler. on thes 9th cou.,, lIt Fris day, Mr. E Ellîtswu s truckoc the~ iead and rendered unconsclou"' by a pulley wh1cf beSamo loose Is u aa -ofwîethe mnae wueVala s$»W=>, -Dr Jas Forteu wu 09W 4 lansd fo*n41 tthmowîtirbail fm!huued th&abâI..I lng nopo b., ws théui both rhlkn beboiioud.oo ettept'belpao. the charge of breaklng tLb. psa.*, jlàW. s l)soibud Gonitor, ti i s tyoung lie. fore the ëcotý judge. UlaVeDonnaiwwolteteYugld Who rellcued a lad namoed Begge formeriy of OrilUs, frotýi drownilug at Lindsay a fswwooeka ago. baushoe awarded the. modal of Lb. Royal HRmane Society for ber brave action.- Mi. Ooult.ar piungad fram tbe bead of Lindes wharf into the. waters of the. Sougog, ln which the Begg boy wuas snkiig and sivod bite. Afler Baufords seouritteS The County Couneil are soing the Giarantee Company and J L Burton te reeover 8 J Sanforde securities. Tii. cames viii corn p mi the Octobar Assizest or at the non jury sittinga la November. Tva repramentetives of the Guarautpe Co, interested in Sandfords disappoarance, were in on Friday. Thay aid very littia about the affair, and il je evident that Lhoy are inclined te fight the aounty ini the maLter. à frauduleut aigu paloter. Memsrs G H Whbite aud Drinkwater Bros would I sel obligad if D D Hewitt, an itinerant painter of business signe, would drap sround aed settie bis accoanuts with Lharn. About tirme weeke mgo Hlewitt made s purcb aie of smre inuber on wvilch 10paint signa frote Drinkwater Bras., le paywant for which ha agreed to give orders upon the firme for whotn the 4igeworm to be painted. 0On the smre terme, he Rot a quantity of paint ai W bites hardware store. On Saturday a wkpek mgo he left town. When Meseni. White and Driukwaten Bros presented their accounts for paint and lumbar ta the marchante upon whorn Hewitt bad iiven thern orders, tbey were iziforrned that the painter had collectad the rnoney proviousiy. The dofranded firme would like to keow Mr Hewitta addresu -New#; Latter. tic kits a th. the MaueWh-o foals villa hi& bealth arae on there in any distinction it le ie favor of the boy who imagines he la playxeg witha big cal and le eut old enough to realize bis danger. The man If lie don't know, ougbt te know that when ho neglecta hlm health he la tecupting fate sud tampering qwith death. Nine mec out of teen eglect their bealth. The resuit le that untold thousands fa!! victime every year to the insatiable tiger called conisumt ilon. 98 per cent. of aIl cases ur coneumptian are cured by Dr. Pieres Golden Medical Discovery. It acte directly on the lungs1 building new tissue in place of old, anâ driving out aIl inipurities and dîsease germs. It corrects ail diorders of the digestion, invigorates the liver and cestunes the jbel a ppe tite. It la the great blood.rnsker, fleah- builder and nerve tonte. Thousds have testifiel ta their recovery under its use mfter thet cames vert given n p by the doctors andl aIl hope was gone. Tht druggtaîWho claicia lu have somethleg that eu .,do jet as weUl la untrustworthy. 'i1 -as afflcted for (Our Yeffl vlth local veak- nes but would eut con4es. it for a Urne, wites Mma Beulah Woodalt. of flaleman, Patrick Co. Va. " My naolher told nue 5h. had rend oflDr. Perceýs medicines and advleed me tol try them. 1 tuaIt the -Pavorite Prescription fand 'Golden Itedical Dlacovecy,'amd thty cured me. 1 caunot pralse Dr. Pierre,@ mediclues toc mach." Nathing yull keep down the fortunes of an ambitions familly more than big doctor'e bille. Dr. Piences Commun SenseMedlcal b. shows a& Uzbnidge and Nwmorbet, neit week et Marbiain &ad Stouffville, wige ehe no d<ubt vilt bhoeas uoesfui. Not oniy ahould tho Zeophyrites tee) proud et sucb a farmer but the. townshx of Boott. The trust... of the Mothodist eorb bave deeided te Rooan vigîthelb.ddition othe lb nday Bobool ron, addm.g 20 foot to tLiesoigt.b of thé. pr...nt rocs, wbioi wili mak.saroom 2660. e Tii. propose to divide iL uplato e. rocs. viii foldicg dsor ;tton thborWin have oeo e Lb bt Stmday sobool rocs. 1» ti, oonoty. Iont ibmy ar Doct 4eL tlig 5117 t00 8000 #4 tiiprosout rom à ?s. mch erowded .v.ry Sunday ud Lb. at-' t*ondno. keep 1iflora»g, whhse veli for théIi. egmet.Sueien ont »nd tasoreu mlthrou ther wbolé seul loto the om madWcrk bsumop. = oi oeri hchoe b. e<t tbir mo bavlng sueL a .phud1 Sabbath SlShobL. BiOlYOLE8-- GIVEi4 AWAY e n d W A T C H E 8l ARE { FOR EVERY MONTH Youn Gracer will gîve yen panliculane, on drop a postoard la LEVER BROS., Limited, Toronto LINDSAY Desth of a Boldier. Edvard George Ponton, late adj nIant af the Midland battalion iu tic Nonti- vomI rabellion, dimd le Belleville lamî wmek. Fcom ibmh beginning of the caaw paige ta Ibm end be literally vorked day and eight, and il je ta thé exposure thon euffeced thati bis subsequent long con tieued ilinoas ie mainly oontnibuted to. By bis constant attention to lie wants of the mon, and by bis kind instructions tû the uon cowmissioned offloors et Ihm bat talion, ha endeaned birneelf toalal, and wbile maintainieg tia stricteet discipline hoe oontinually devieed means ta kcmp up Ibm spirite af the me len Ibmlong niarcb, le lie tbcem niphis bivouac befone Bm. tooha, and in the trip ou tie Saskatch- ewan, secucieg cotufort8 and cowposing sangs, anc of vhioh ospecîally, "Ciarg ing on the Rifle Pit,' often luslily sueg by the viol. brigade, yull be nernember ed by aIL. Hi. splmcdidly tnained hurse ted dou, which follawad hi t îroughout the campaign, verethte pets ofthte regi- mont. Mn. William Grahamn, of tha township of blanipoma, bad a narrow esoape frç,m beieg goced ta deati by a bull aI the fair on Fridmy lait. Ho paseed imb the imadj of Ibm stall vbmre Ibm animal vas fasten- ed vhen il made au attack upon hini and pined lmLa thé vaîl. His crier, for boip bcought assistance and ho was releaped froue bis peniioue position._- Warden, CANNINGTON From a report received bore in the eariy part of tht week il is supposed that what may prove ta be natural gas has been discovered on a farmn owned by Mn.. Wm. l.mphrey, an tht iî5th concession of thetotwnship of Mari- posa, and about twa miles east of thîs t.own. It vas discovered in this way: Tht weli, an aid one, bocamne dry Ibis summer, and iast week a weii-digger was engaged ta deepen tht same, but a n oxamining it he had discovenod sucb a strang smeli of gas that ho ce- f used to go down or attempt ta do work an ih. If gas sbouid be discover- td in sufficient quantity it can be con- ducted ia Cannington and Woodville and utilized for domestic purposes. A test is ta be made shortly.-Gioaner. iDo You Intend Maklng Your Rooma Look Erighter sud 1 Oleaner. Thoumauds of vomen aIl aven Canada will tbis s»msn ciese boume aed make ruoins look brigiter sud imare cheerf ul. It shouid ha remembened that Kal-r sommne eau ho heauîifully tinl.d villi the, Diaunond -Dyes a t a ve7-yt.r i fling ex- pense. One package cf Diamond Dy.e tinta ton to fifteen pounda handhnuno siades for vslls. The favorite celon are yeliov, orsnge, cardinal, esato, cris- son, bismark, violet,, green, ight bine, and pink. Tu erako good Kalsmine, disslve oti- fourtl u tndof good glue toeuoaciton Pouand&ef whiting. mi~ l b suf»Soient srater te gi vo tue rlght oondieoy. To tint il., dissolvo M oao--tdyelua quart cf vater, as- U i ucasms necusary te gir. thoecolor &deafr.. Wien yen bey dye for*Ijting,-b., sure yen aak yeur d«eloc ther D"ond Dy.., uslng any cf the. .badeostlmed abovo. imam8O Mrtcts,-rO4ihâm, Païd us- aS'r MM A~ .- Fuller apelit hux dy lut Miss Lîie Doteti aseut a day Att he edl nosory*fth -Misé! Hopkdl. , - Mn. P'ller, cf Bratobrldge, Is vilsuîing hor eon, W A Mter, hOl'se Mr and Mn; ôFtgorsetPlcorig Vis- ited the lattera parents, Mr n d hfie. O. Fostenrf d~ Mrs fl:irs and Master 3ainý of Hampe- fer left Tbursday rnortning for their hotu. after eedn meti iti ber siat.ers, M ns John A. White of .Brougham aed Mns Blopkins, of tueo place. BLAC1ESTOCE On the aflernoon of Sept 28,, fine vas diaoovmred ie tie ceiling of Mn Preste kitchan in lie rear cf tb. Posi Office, and notwitbstandiug tuat every effort vas put forth by the veny large orovd present ta defeat tie devourer the building wmm soan oonmumed, togelier witi the Me- Allister residence on the nanti and Mn Suggitts rosidenco on tie souti. A large portion of tie coeneîo f al lie build- ings was eaved. Mueh aympatiy la ex- pressed for tb. untortunata ane jethein severe las., there being only sasunaîl ie- sunance on lhe various prapenties. Mr. Jno. Birchali was visiting bis brother here last Sunday. T. Brooks, of Myrtle, bas moved ta Ashburn into tie bouse owned by Mrs Wilson. Ashbrn wiii lose a good citizen in Mr. ino. Harris, who îs leavîng tht Fisher f arm. We understand that he bas rented a farm in Pickering. The amount of ensilag . cn grown in this district this year is unusualiy large. Mn. John Davidsan has bnilt a silo ta store away bis 18 acres of corn. The Dangers of Oroup- We may expeot ta have croup vith us sbortly and ithe cidron as e uuat may be attacked. A plastor made by spreading 'Quiakoure" on a piece of canton flannel, linoin or calIce, vili give more prompt relief than a mustandllater, vitbaut caueing bureing eit irritation. Koep it ready for emergenoies. Aiso vaponize Bmre "Quiokoure" in the bednoom. The "Qicekoure' book (free." GOODWOOD Miss Maggie Robinson is visiting 'fiends in Oshawa. Miss Hawstrossle, Toronto, is visit- ing at Dr. baclings. Mrs. J W Eliiott was in Barrie last week attending ber brothers weddîng. Messrs Samuel and WrnWbittleton, who have been visiting frierrds je Rochester, N. Y., for a couple of weeks, returned home last Fciday. Mns Dickinson, of Thorn Hill, bas moved bere and wili occupy part of Mr, Robinsons bouse, BROUGEAUE Mn. Bateson vas ln tiecîty 1lat week. S. Stevansane corn hanveeten woXks veil. Miss Reeson, af Makianu, la bore viti ber sistor, Mns Willis, Ipen sstla, 7»&t% but laum7 TrouIr b.alttelust good. yye oa«l i ktov whal M, tba =utu, wi-tuIon. Uran hnmDaaàoa tSau . i -tlt.wdHue,1 , tb ri c dt0 0old.nt w~ anI~ la" ttIU * ,boh$elthe broughe homeo wltb mlany brulsec. À brokens whe 0l wae *be causé. Re la able te bo about once mure -but te stili a very go"o Young min. a" .54 zzng.1 It'ia aL id endinu of a bright young life W. baveé tobroniole ini the deadi of Misa Annie Logan, daugbter of our reipeoted citizen, Mr H Logan, whicb oooured on Monday lait, as the. remui of the accident ann:ounced lu cur sat. She becàme sud- denly worse an Saturday and a surgicai operation wao performed but without bringing the deaired reauit and ehe slow. iy sntik until Monday mornicg wlien she pamaed away. The niait profound mer. row at the unfortuntite. cirecorstance je general and on the arrivai of the moru- ing train on Tuesday, a large niimber of the citizen@ assembled at thei station to tender thoir evmpatby an& assistance to the sorrewing friends -Express. ONC NONES? MAN. wlitm o .-lea ntorm yioul 'nl 1edeitbaif cenldeUafy, *11-ml &na ealed let- te, uayeliaa 0 agenune, hee home Cnrs, b ehIcIi as rrmaentllPr eatorodto h.altb n gewIt vvriartrrmme-au Mi frem nervouo de -O eew aknessainigu ansd weak shrunkera utrla wearobbean wnled b'the. acha Un llnftrlyiosttaith l alklnd, but hn tc tuake Ibis certain ,mes" of care 0 a,, sUd l foera, b1y h- tln l ei nd wanl no mome buhein!. m eieeýrl teU vereal brotherhoo reman am uof helping the unforlunate te rnýe=anlbeirhealth aud eapisu. Aprmisie pe- Le ec ec7. Addreeu Wlth .111W .!,T. ilULE0WZ Ageut.g'suppie. P-0. B«DO: 5, . ni, lQue, DUSSAIRTON Wm Campbell is putting the finisbing coat of paint on hlmi new hanse and ex- pects to move ie ehortly. Dr. 'Dalem was with hie brother, Dr. Fred, at Myrtie on Sat urday. Ha speaks ie giowing termi ai Fredi prospects as to praotioe ont there. 16 Isaac Piter is bnay preparing to carry out bis contract of carying Her Majestys mails between Bouge Hill and Toronto. Ewart, tbe young son of Gao. Parker, fell f rom Ea chestnt Ire on Saturdîy and broka an arm near the shoulder -joint. Tbe fracture was il once redueed and the boy is doing s nicely as may ho expeet- ed under sncb circouistances. We nndermtand that only one of our teachere bas beau engaged for the next year, and a second one wili not be em- ployed untiltbe attandance cornes np tb the requfred limit. We hope onr board wiii flot be penny Wise and Pound féooisb in tbis matter, uo tbe education of the young iii bu important a matter ta ho trified wlth. rB ABY WAS cUftEO.- Srwberry. It cured my baby aof1 d lrboaafter &l o<tlser means falle41, -go1 iIve tt 9pral. . hla xce - . let- ral e omplait8. j MaS. CHIAS. DOTT!, Harlow, Ont. TI4WUHAD MASTER - QîWî'tt-I b ave found great 1' atisfactlon 1athous.e fDr.?evlerié T ExraeefWl4itavbrryAndcon- Taider Itllt"1uble lu sà Casesoe diarrhoe anad summer complaint. XIt tu a plum, te me te reaommen4 Ilteo the publie. 11.-B. ASTRTON, Pinipal, ~~Pq,. ~ River 4 h..44. 44 3&0&«I To restooo corohÃŽd linon take îwo Ob. tom polsnuto hm and eXtracî Lthé julce by - 0 eaMing or pÃ"unndng. Thon cu up -baifal uC f ht op adcl two ouneces of fuliero eartb ; mix witb them the Onion juie and balf a plut ai vinegar. Boil tis eompsito1 weli and êpremidl t when cool '>ver thé seorobed part of the linon, i5&ving it to dry thereon. Afterward wash. ont the linen. K PAIN -KILLEIL' TEGREAT Famlly Medicine of the Âkge. Token 1!ntrnallYo. Ut Cures Diarrhoea Orampoed Pain ln the Btornaoh oeTrat, 8udden Coldea, Cou ghs, etc., etc. Used Ext.rnally, It Cures Cuis, Brulaes, Burns, Boalde, Sptaîn,, Toothaohe, Painin the Face, Nleugj£ Rheumatiom, Frosted Feet. No artclea @er attaiflOd 1 such unbounded popgUa. lty.-Ralem Ob,,rver. We can bear testlmDnny to the effieacy fti Killer. We bave se-n ts Maniaeceffecta s ng severeM pain. antd ksow t tle 1 à agood rle.-nia. nwi D10>aieh. N,':hh th e bPai-Killer,whc It beai eal mai1u;a a nnof removlng pain. no medielne bua aqulred a replitatlon equal to Ferry'Davis' Falnd< lllnr.-Nelopntt Noi. P~oae cf Iilcallons Bu7on 0 hoennine -pcua Dia'doId eerywbere: larrgee25e. W ANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACT-. IVE gentlemen or ladies to traael for responsîble, established bouse in Ontario, Monthly $6500o and expenses. Position steady, Reference. Enclose self addressed etamped en. velope- The Domninion Company. Dept. Y Chi- cago. 4z-8in. Rheuinatisin & 0Dyspop sia Cuîed 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. To the Ph1reno/ine Medi»cine C'o., L/d., Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman, - On the advice of a friend I tried-one bottie of your famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to my surprise ît cured me of rheuma- tism, from which 1 have suffered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia. from which 1 was suffering at the time, sa that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, somne of which did me a certain amount of good, but notfinig that I have taken bas dont so much-- for me as your Phrenoline, andi I- bave much pleasure in recommending it ta other suflerers. Yours very truly, (Signed) JAS. CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. Manufactured on Hanor and aold on =eiet, sold in Whitby only by A. H. ÂLLIN, -DRUUGOIST. 3v a Elle I BLth Batt. Riflema l bidge Sept 24th and 1 ~ 1gare the remuit. NURSERY 2i mnes. Open La bM of the regiment ý aprimce t mny mi! rfuta prize silver cup ed b4 Capt R Dillon, fie previously narneé NCoflicere sand mei w- wbave nover won à a po ther meeiur Ctba won Ivica rt fany cc i] 0 ti p, N o 6 cOMM, - ndividual prizes, r~ ydo-t prize, Silvî TW WChapp le, Esq.,] -let Pte J Brown. 1»9; 2od, $5. Pte, Chle 85 ; Ord, #8,Pte Mr 4th $8, Corp Meobniar 82 ; 5tb 82, CorpEHar --89; 6tbh 82, Cn)rp bna, 29; 7tb 82, Pte Van 28 8;h $1 50, SurRec -27; Pib $1 50, Capt 25; lOîh $1. Corp Di 125 ; llth $ 1, Sergt Gr '124; l2th $1, Lt Ruth rDRYD N 89 etries. Nae Johà Dryden, MP lied terbera of th 400aed 500 yds. lii -,67; 2nd $6, Sorgt 28-58 3rd $4. Anal #28..-56 ; 4tb $3, Capt 758; ôtb $2, Serge Me 5h1; 6th $2, Sergt El 50; 7th $2, Corp Rai 49 ;8th 8150, PteJi - 47; M b$1.50, Ber 22 24-46; lOti 01, 41 20, 23-48 ; 111th fNo 4,19, 22-41; 12, fod, No 2, 19, 21- Dash, No 5, 24, 16. Birchard, 21, 14-85. lÏýow an WOFl 40 enînies. Nami citîzens of the tewu, e. t eame o! five previeî non cammiseionad i~aey company ofthe iQ~ prîze, a silver cep VI e d by tic citizen. of ta be shal for aeui 2nd prise, a slvar ci ed by Leonard Burià cash 85; Srd prise, pris., No 2, 175 ; 2a 174 ; Urd lea r ile cmarny ad but t 39 anes. Nan County Council of t Open lto aa fet; qaalifiad officers, eg cens and mon of1 negiment. lst Ici value $75, pres Caunoil for annual $20; 2nd teatu prir 3 D Edgar, $10;- 8; lot team prise, prsNo 6. $50;J 17.No 2 bailbul Individual pri4ses yds-lst prise, 84,ý 60 ; nd $3, Bergt - - 58 ; 8rd#2 50, 0 27-55; 4th $2-504 55; 51h $2, -SergtJl 58 ; 6tb12,Orp<f 52; 7th- $1,00, Mm; 52 ; M81-50. Pt., 61; th #$isiS 50; l30h11, ?iunl 42; lis ti,Èaà -48 ; iLti $1, Pte 1$ Pte j Brcw: Guto4 rd Coi * Sugeo-Oltk~20' 18; 8kPte Oie. the Drydeti-and Ti l1 M«~e-wlVor ou on 4ýù.Jobs Dr7 Cams Di ,bitvu

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