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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 3

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uile11fmae hela st Ux- 7ýiMélSept Itth and 25ih. Thre fotlow- ÀIURSERY MATC3. Sentrite, Open tea&Il qualfled msm- ot f, th* regimeat who have nover yen 1>*$se ut sny militery rifle match. 'tiaprie et ver Cup value s$.U.preoent- C&%~Upt R Dillon, open ta tearus of 1l; 0 fl' re;iously namned qu'tîifled efficers, N Ofiler a nd mon et sny company w6aeneyer von a prire af ary batt- Af; gt~jor 6thor senior asio>uatioü imatch. Ota te ho on twiee before bocoming the t5rtv of sny eompany. Teani prime il dpNo 6 oampany, 145. tlibapotrtton, Value>i st 125, pregeuteil by VW Ohapp le, Esq., M P P aind ctash $7 lo.1t 1Pte J Brown. No 6. 28, 16, total 8; 2nd, $5. Pte. Clisse. No 6, 1.5. 20- 85B Bd, 48,Pto Morris, No 18, '20 18-38, 401 8, orp McBirien, No 6C, 1.5 and 17- 82; th $'2, Corp HRrvey, N (jbý2(), I1<> ai) 6th 82, Co)r1> liriford, Na '2, 111. 13 - 29; 7th 82, Pte Vani t Ne a.1,12, 1 G '28 ;8h 1150, Surueoiin ascmn'1, 14, 13 - MUNYON,>4 The Learned Prôfessor GJreat. ing a Sensation.- REMARKABLE CUflEFS.1 lu ail Parts of Canada' Convince the Most Confirmed InvalidB That They muay yet Enjoy llealth and llappiness. THE CURED TELL The Glad Story of Their Relief t'romu Suffering. Mra D Davis, Toronto, Ontario, Oaa. ada. says -Miehas beeri a tarvolous cure of ecztnîa by Munycas Remodies. WVhen 1 begauî usig theae roinedles I wars covered froni head te foot with scabs. i ,uffered the iîîost intense agony (r, im t he irritation snd pain. 1i bit go bad thtbvri h.î,ved it impo8sible toeerr ~25; 10t1 $81. Cori)1 )$tm. ~,No 0 5. 15 1i--ýt weil agaili. 1 had used a number of 25;è l1th 0i, Srgt Griiham. No 5. 15. Il)- reriiodie8 to efTect a cure, but iustead I 24;-# 2tl 81 , Lt Ruthierford, 16,7 -23. wsRs gettînt! wors-. I was in Grace Hoa- DRIN k MATC11piai for îhree ruentha but they could flot 89 Strio. N inoliii onorcf iohelp ) e. i thîaily decided to trr Mun- 89 etrie. NanediLi iono 'f 'onyon and afior uý;ig Munyous an sd Jobl Irydeu, M P 1. opetn te all h11 11 1 ther rtoniedîca 1 re.zeived immediate te 16d eniibArm ofthtle regizent, r>tnges î ,, . Thie' ndicîîîo seemned te heip sud 400 aud t>00 ýiR- IStL 'Iî1jti lilon), 3, -ý4coi 0the irritation. 1 arn happy te say --67 ; 2nuI $6, Serin Nlillweil, No '2, 32. lia that 1 have not a mnark on tuy body 20-58 Brd $4, Atint Snrgeon Clark, .1i, and feel ît ts ny duty te teli others cf e 56; 4th $3, Capt irg~ron. 25'. '2s the' wouidi'ful cure wliich bas beon ~58; Sdi $2, Sergs MeNvuli, No 4, 29,.22- eîiteted ilnîiy case. 1 have unbounded 61- 6t1 $2, Sergt EiPiott. No 5, 2s, 2-2- lauîh îin Munyons8 Treatrîment and heartily 150~ 7th $2, Corp H qrvêv, No 6, 2(0, 29 --r,'conirnd bit; Remedies§. 49; 8th 8 1 50, l'te .1 I ro W D, 'No 6, qW, 17 -47; Oth S1.6, Sorgt Camipbell, No4, Mil n 'v)o's Rheuxatism Cure soldant 22, '24-46. 1001 91, Pt0 M)rrimori, Nq.)fiiiis f0 rellere in one te tlîree heurs, and 4. 20, 28-481;,Il th $1, Pte Walinnly, cures in a few days. Prîce 25o. No 4, 19, 22-41 ; 12tb 51, Cori) lBra(i- Mnvn yppî uepetv ford, No 2, 19, 21-401 l3tli $1, Cr1 oe i om fInieto n tn Daah, No 5, 24, 16 -40; 14mb $1, Capit c trorihie. Price, '20c. Birchrd, 2, 14-.5. Munvon sCo1d OCure prevebta pneu. I3ircard, 1, 1485. monisanard brpelks up a cold in a few TOWN OF NNIllTi)V MAT) O heurs. Prîoe, 25c. 40 etrie Nae<imn uono oftue Munyonas Counih Cure stops congha, citîeneet he ewnof Wo'iy. Ipe teniglir pweat8, allays suirenesa, and speed taeaf f ire previomialy iianlied q)1)ifiil)h) v lial ie ae nz. Pnice, 250. non cantuiaioned ufficrers ad mn o Minyonus Kteiney Cure apeedfly cures any comnpany of the battalion. lIst, taw pain@ in the bock, tlus ot igroins and ml prize, aob iver cup valued at &50, re'et forma ef kidne-y disease. Price, 25e. ed hy the cîtizens of' the town of WVlmtbv Mnnyon't Heade.obe Cure stops hesd- to b abt fo anuall, ad cah $5 ;ache lan three mibutes. Price, 25c. 2ad prize, a ilivor cup. value 8025 presenti- fn'a a i om Piles. Pre, 25ste. y ed by Leonard Bmrnett, Esq , M P, sbd cuiq&aI om fplg rc,2c cash $6 ; Brd irise, cashb8$6;lat teamo . MlunyorîeL blood Cure eradicates al prize, No 2, 175 ; 2ud team pi-170, NO impurmîmeg ofthie blood. Price, 25o 174 ; Brd teant prize, No 6, 173 ;No 2 Mai onaFrso smdeaeaben campmny bai but four men. t i oîe mn.vorVs Amtbrna Remedies reliove ln COUNTY MATCH 3 minutes and cure perwanently. Price, 89 entrios. Named in houer of the County Council of t.hé Cotnnîv of O)taro. Openi te teama of eilzht previonàaly narned qualifled effleers, non cotumit3tionedl offi- cors sud mon ot any eampany in the regime'ît. Ibattihan prise. iver cap, vaine $75, pre8erited hy the Courit Council for annual compotion ani cash $20 , Qad teain prize, prepented hy Hon J D Edgar, $10) 3rd team prize, cash $6 ; lat teain prize, No 4, 286 ; 2iid tcam prise, No 6. 250 ; Brd toam prize. No '2, 174. Na 2 liad but 5 on tbeir îeamn. Indiridual prises, ranuies 400 and 500 yds-listp ri e, $4, Capt Dillor, 812, 2m- 60 ; 2nd $2,zSet gt Maxweil. Neo2 82, 126 -58 ; Brd #12 50, Carp Parker. Nn2, 2-8. 27-55 ; 4th $2 50, Lt P.athford. 82, '4- 55; ôth $2, SerRt Euliott, No 5,, ) 23- 53; ftb t2. Corp Grier, No 6, '28. *)1- 62; 7th 81 50, Major Pattermor, ýî9, 23 - 52; 8th $1.50, Pte Brown. No 6, 88, 18- 651; th il, Asst Snrgacon Cliork, '25, 25- 50; )Otb 81, Cerp Dash, Na 5, 'fl, 25- 42; ls iltb9,Tte Mornou,No 4, '2, 18 -48 ; 12th $1, Pte McNab, No 4, 21, 21 -42. EXTRA SERTIES MATCH,-RANOiE 5(0 ves let Pt. J Brown, No 6, 22 ; 2nd T \le Grattan,21 8rd Carp Parke'r, 21 ; 4tb Aost Surgeon Clark. 20 ; Sth, Sergt bMsxweil, 18; Oth Sergt Elliitt 18; 7th Capt Dillon 18; Bth Pte Chas., 13. AGOUEGOATE PELIZES. For the higbest ndividnul scores in thre Dryden and Tuwrm of Whirby Match, lot prise. murer cu p.vlua 950 presenteci by HonJohn Dryd en, M P P sud 88, Css.t Dillon, having nov won tho Dryden cup for the third tinte in succession, ha becoee theo o«ner. 2nd $5. Sergt Mai well, No 2, 114; Brd $4, ASSI SUrR00n Claérk, 101 ; 4tb 88, Capt Griersca, 100; Otir 02.50, Berg& Ellioit, No 5. 96. Individual pnize, rangea 200 aud 500 vds-let prise, 85, Cîmpt Dillo'n, 80, 27- 67 ; 2nd $4. t3ergt Maxwell, No 2, 27, 29 --56; Brd, $8, Cerp Orier, No 0, 81, 19 -50 -%4tb 82, Pte Pierce, No 6, 25. 28- "0 4; 5fr 02, Col Patterson, 81, 17-48; 69hr 82, Capi Griersen, 28, 19-47 ; 7tb $1,50, Cerp Parker, No 2, 28, 23S-46; 8th $1 50. Surgi Elliott, No 5. 24, 22-46; Otir $1, Aust Surgeen Clark, 25, 2f>-45; 1Oth il, Lt Rthford, 28, 20-48; 1Itbi $1, Corp Bradford. No 2. 24. 19 -48;- Ilth il, Pte J B3rwn, No 6, 29, 18-47, MU»ufactured by Tire Cook Co, Windsor, Ont. ad Detroit, mich- ta thre o1811~~n L fe reliable de id ti mA hur 4ame 4~apo vti ursdresfo Mruvon'@ Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrlî Cure-price 25c.--erdioates tiie diseage frorn the systemu, sud the Ca- tarrb Tablet - pmuoe 25e.-oleaae and hoal the pirtei. Munyon's Nerre Cuire ijeia vonderful nerve terne. Prie, 25c. Munyon'à Vîtalizer restores lest rigor. Price, $1. Pereonal letteo La Prof Munyon, il %n" 18 Albert et., Toronto, answered with froc medieal adrios fer any disesse. Prosty lape and lover. Now that white (rests are occurring it is weil that precaution be taken flot to bave s.tock injured by feediag upon succulent vegetation early la the marr- ing. Wben animais are altowed te mun contInuousi aon even a tape field there le comparatively littIe danger, but it i0s sdden changes that trouble is Ilkely to occur. Nexite frested rape there is ne mare d ngerous food than fresty v ung ciover. The writer bas on several occasions gene eut in the ferenoon aind faurid with its tees inr the air one or movre eft he best sbeep in the flock. \'0e learned at last net te leave shecp over rigbt on cither rape or ciover at this seasori, except they had becomi.- mhoroumghly accustoin- ed ta such food and thc-i had access te a grass pasture. It ie not uncommof for hors-es subjcct ta colîc te tur u p their tees throui-h feedîng upon frosty green claver. WVe have found it wcll ta commence ferdiag a limeîtbrnan md oats ta the sheep in the t-noimnigs Lat t h is season i f f eed in g aunrap, or claver, as it -erves ta prevent an), bowel dc-,! rangement. Free access to sait h li aiea a beneficiai eflect upon thre healtir ot animaIs.. Ouar, m d., <ukk CmurftW Ifoin t ftIhm an an a eptata eump Twe l- grew sud Wobe anYtin ing« M Obe on .i Imf pl =ni , ouret o *ben ha 1 i 2;1- 1, trouble with hi ieras 1.tsly on amornt of t1hfréw a1o, hi Ù9,uOPbs~a!e,~ê bolvïd t'ô killtithm off fl-ddCca si tbok #IW0O worth of Mmmli goid get tom their orops. ug8 Stth. ont Who porohaaed a package of odcrpet tacite at the hardware store !:nàMendýay night and aprinkbed thora où the walk opposite our office ia eider te, Puuoture Our tire, le known, aud if ho re. Peate the offonce vo viii make hlm a tar- gàte ru ordor te try ont nov gold huleots. "Thre late hoavy raina ha"e airnost je- stroyéd the pea crop by vaahing maiL cf it into the ground. Dusty Dick pulled anid threshed hi. ltit veek, sud when taken to imsrket ho wss dockod 30 ibe on evory buahel for dirt. On hi. protosting, it vas put through the miii and yielded 28 ]bu of p oe te 32 Iis of dirt. TÉhe dirt vas mostly gold. "à Mean Trick.-Old Horseflesh Sari'., Who lires about 20 miles up Golden Guîoh, tramped to tevu Ssturday for smre fleur. On bis return from the miii he ]offt hie bag eontaiuing about 20 iba of fleur outaide the. hotel while ho vent in- side te transact a littUe business. While engaged in thia. nmre oril-di@posed per- sions atolo the fleur sud replaceci it with goid durit, Samn did net discorer the mean t.rick which liad been played on himu until ho reaohod home. "A Distinvîuished Viitor. -Prof essor Aridree%- on hie way te the north polo by balcon, dropped in eut aanctum the other night. Ho had run short of sand âud g"e, and had ta sïtop at aur town for supplie';. On beiug tldwvo oauid flot furuish him with saud, ho aaid ho sufp- pos.d he-wauld have te taire geld dust in- @tead. He vas furnished with 26 baga af it gratis. "Lt le with a feeling cf sadneea vo chrouicle the death cf eut esteemed con- tompoary, the editor of the Klondike Lyre. Having La get up in tho middle of the night La lot tho cat eut of the back *dont, ho neglected te put on his bearakia dressing goand sud a frezen te, death." Bot Water a Sovereign Eemedy. The ether day a waman iu a country tawn was distnayed hy the appearance of ber young sen, borne into the bouse by friendly hands, and suffering tram eue of the commen accidents of child- ren. In coasticg he had managed te fail lu such a way that oee eg was caught between tva swiftly ruuning bicycles and vas, lu consequencý., dreadfuhly bruised and new becomiug ranidly dis- celered. H is mother remembered that ont et the boarders had toid ber te use hot water fer sucir dit-asters. Here ,ýas an oppertunity te try thre remedy. She immedlately piurtged the wounded mrenber iute a foot-tub cf vater as bot as the cbild could bear, and added more freni time te time, as it cooled. pis1 treatmnent wus faitbfutly tollowed outr, with sncb rapid effeets that by the acext day thre tittle felow was waiking about the bouse, and able te use bis injured teg, nut freety, but emough fer Purposes cf locomotion. Its cenire cure wua a tuatter of a vcry short time, and if. la net te be vonder- cd at thit tirai famiy now "svear by b hot water as a liniment It yul be found. used lu the sanie way, cqually eftlcaious for inflammation. or apralos. aud sbouald be eaiied upon ln any sucb- emergency. and if thc swellung ilavery bad# add vinegar. tiu a wakOmo. lme COlONS, q Sarsaparillia Thé GreatAt of ail Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SpaEOimiO FOIR Rheunuatisoe, Gout and Chronlc Complants. They Cleanse an<' Purif'y the Blood. &Il Drugglsts and General Dealers. The Flour that Makes the Best Bread. The soft, fine white fleur wilt net givo as large an amouint ef muscle, bone or norve ntaking food as tie whele wheat fleur, whîei constitues in itseif a complote life utainer. lui aeiecting fleur choose that viric isl dsrk'iu caler and free from bran. Tihe hast bread flours in thre market are o i ayellowish wite tingerather granulated, sud do net "aiy pack. They urake s streng and eastie dougi. Thouagh muai viole virast fours they ama decid"dy tira hast of the white brandâ. Âfter selacting tha loir 9the next important thing 18 ta have a good, Streiig, avStand u pure "Uat. The. cauaprested cakes ama good and cou>- vaniet ansd vildo thée vork muchý moequiokly tirai>totan te saucnt of homemada or baknr yeot Whou settlng hre.d'- torise.Mutad y«ur bread ipan Inanaother ef wa*e vuter. -Oover 9h we m o ntb*t 1h.v dougi at an #aven tup~tr t7 Uf y=ou id b poay traitaittroublaS lb, the bsd. teet or kq*a oom ofaasutAy Susew aiad .saaI$ era* TOWN 0F WHITBY Tpea8urer'a Sale ofLand for Taxes Town of Whtby, By vrune cf, a warrant Counmy of Ontaio,> ssued luy tbe Mayor under TO WIT: ithe seat of tbe Corporation cf the Town off Whiiby, mo me directed, bearlng date the Tblrty-flrst day of August, 1897, cern- manding mue te Ievy upon andi seli be lands mentoned la the following list cf arreara of taxes dus tbereon, 1 hereby gir. notice, tha: un- toms sncb arrears and alceai. are seoner paf d, 1 shalh proSmed te ssIl the sait! landia, or se, anch miereef as maey ha neoessary for tire peymea: ef the taxes and tbe cams ibtersof, ini the Councli Chumber, lu mthe Town of Wbhtby, on TUES- DAY, DEC. 7th, x897, at tbhe rmc-i za oclock la the forenoomi. PKEIY'5 PLAN BAST OF BIOCE ST, NORTH yARD. cmn or st. Lot rame Cams i Total î:nSus81 $4 42-1817 70 9510 185 309% Sj)É 2 70 1i8S 455 a ~ 6 70 1i8S 77 S43 I'ls5 79 909 1S 1094 81 7o6 3 4878 4 e4 567 301 96 6* 3 Z z85 5 81 165 3 a 85 b,83 172 534 s85 7 69 173 a2a 185 407 448 as- 33 1 4 48 8É 33 177 44-7 z85 63»- 11S 5 1 îOs 73 188 s55 s 1 s 184 399 1 83 29U 309 :85 4,94 1 99 185- 584 me a 91 1i85 3 76 458 1 - 4 m'uitY' LAn, wssv or sM=a 5?,,MOI" 69,$488 96 $36 il 76 3401 t3:1510 SS t 44 *50 8 a 371 46 -5431 - vawaarsPLAN, uno=s. *~4 5%e 14 39 p s5 #4 2-: :-= t9 a40* iïX04,5 4 ta d 7,'x&Ât k i s LU.sAN...m.ms.ms..ssmusu.a. ÎTRANTI-NTBOOZe Ew i ta aaiaim I a ea mis *in ar ae ihu hi nw foc ofteeo i ATHE OOIE n ptALpin s Narew, Sreae s and ureQa &Morunt nennas. aï Coe - - - - - - - ~uusssmsssumssemsssssasuwsmuusm~sssussss NEW'BU$ LNIE. W'ME~LTS At~L TRAtNSW Pirat clama .oeooemod~dom.. Ordais pv.mptl~ s~ss4s4~ to~ O ~otala,*wiwotat' o#4su I K~w~1uatb o~*êO>~p Ow1 et he% li.Prnaialo c Oflb. 'ý ow" lnrathe pütato <lip t Iis s or. in matîy 4"tilOD* the woa'k .ofIiar"tiiag le likly b lie 1ayod 1 Moithan Ulguâlî his ai mnatter of eosdarable ineportuee hâ*o togatheraud sort the orop to' thé' but advantage, The potato igEor la US0d -la omre parts of the oountryo eupecially where potatees are grown eetYiv. This izupleinont ha, givon good satisfao. 'tion, and ie inoreseang in popularlty, au it reduces the labor of harveosting to a minimum. Tboe ystomn of turning the pôts Loos ont with a plow, thuugh more laboriotto, le stili ini vogue whers the dîg. gors have flot been introdued. By this moane it in neoessary to aearoh for the potatoes aithor by band or viith a oulti. nator. If the potatoos, are ail pioked off tho top tbe onftivâtor Coin bensed to good advantago aftorwards, by going 0,cr the ground a few times and gathorin gth e potatoos aftor saab cultivation. If the potatoes are to ho drawn off the field instead cf being plaood la pite on the ground, a wagon with a tesrn hitohed to it ahould be kept close te tho pickors to, avoid carrying any ditance. They eau thon ho drawn to pics ot cellar. This season it wil not ho sdvieable te put the potatoos in the oellar at once. They should ho placed in emal pite, bot mare chan teu buahela in each, aud cor. ered with s liber-al supply of etraw, with juat aufficient mail ta keop ont the %et. A few boards may form the top covering ta allow of ventilatian. The potatoos may require Borting once or twice before tboy are taken ta the cellar, in order to, ktep the diaeaee frotm spreadiug. By taking Pains in keeping diseeaed potatoos front Raing ta the cellar with the good cnes they wiII give tees trouble durinq the winter. This le a aoaaon of aoarcity in the patate erop iD W&Dy parts cf the globe, and chose who are able toeumpply the market with good potatoos will te- ceive a good compensation. - Farmera Adracate. 11 DWISEÂSED MiEN CUREU cf yoang mniddl.edWmon and nid mon cosnlook beh et IIPJISAtIS tii,',bOiil dfay.or serly manhond with a sg h of remorse. VARIOCEE9.EMISSIONSu NERVOUS DEBILUTY, SYPHILIS, STRIOTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK- NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL DISOHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASEL iUEftVgU an dO§ dasont; wealk or debilltated; tired morningm'. Do EYO ambition- iees eoyPoor; easili tatignad; excitable and kir koysa ed nd a=d;Puimpla onfacet dresme and nightloss; test- we Vak bbk, bons pains aoi t lacs.; abers sr hot aio cala dspslt a urne mi d ui tstool'd utmnsttuiý vet oconfidence; lac of suegly rid utrgthWg a N YOU À ABK NO PA Y. A CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL dcetotà amnueurvoe bye score wtont eoi;omissions and feisncrssaed. 1 bmmea nm"umeeck -A. friand vho had bom aured by Dra. Kennedy & Kergan of asimilar d=ses. Mvcme totry thn. ldld oand in tvo imontha wVsmstv. lyçr u as.9eMlit1 amrs marrlsd amd have two bhudty~l. Il DIIIlhIEI*Vrarloocelo made life mierbie. I wus wsak anid VA% ý !1k rin&pntr p n y eyea. haNe w MetbodlTreatmenî : Dru 1Keraneurderrns, e es ken baL.shlnlidlu oel,hart J. P. ]EMERISON riateshie sxperience. "I 11"d o EMI'SSIONS CURED, a farta. At ochool 1 learedaerl habit. which *vksdme bWesloaly. aemuaj.y snd mentali y. Family dotor adiva an ,$0o deliine' (eonnnption.) FlnrJIy lbe Golden Monitor,' edited by Dra. Kennedy &llLrRah, fauluto MnY bauds. 1 leaned the TRUTE and the CAUSE. Self-abose bad esgue y vitallty. 1 toci tbte New Method Treatuient and wns oura. Mr trienda tbln wui asored of oonstim pîticn. 1 bave sent them ,man, patients@a&U of wbom veeocnred. Their New lethod Treutment supplies vigar. vt an d flhIIIInhInrfThis terrible blood disses. va in nuy syteun for sight RnýLIs CuncU yamR.Had taken znercury for rwo eara. but thsiae str edEssred,plmleand blotcbes on the. skin, ulersin the moutb ad(à tonga onOens a uot t haIit eakuoe, etc. MY brother, who bdbs onrd o (iasnd trctnre by Dra. kennedy and .Kergan recommeniiddth Tbsy oued me in a avvek, and 1 thank Godi 1oonsulted tiiei. 1NO rraetti d 12 le=asx~sr.-W91 . P ., Jackson. 17 YEAR IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. READER! Anion lm Ha"e yeu lest hope? Are yen contmMta» Ou Nov Method Tratuient viliur o.What it bsdoefor eters it vi» d for yoçn. CONSULTATION FIlM Nio mtter ho bstatshmn wiefr shna oin ion Frse of (1harge chaoresuonabie. BOOKSFiteKl"Teé>l (ftistrstod), on Disasamof menl"eosepsae2cn Ield oio ~NO AMESRNSOCONSENT. PRy

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