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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 4

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wILLiSa -THE. Leadingd Drug Store IN THE PROVINCE. W~We bave one of the best equipped L)rug Stores in the Province, and our stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemi- cals is the best that cari be produced. Prescriptions and Receipts A SPECIALTY. O~UR PICES ARE RIGIIT. ouR (;OODS T/ifE B EST. E. WIL LIS, CREMIST &DRI*(,(.IIST, MEDICAL HIALL, BROCK ST., W HI T BY, WHITBY. OCT. 8, 1897. Short Notes. C( rn NeaI I)ow, the famous prohibitionist of marnie, i.. <1,-art Ttheenactinient o! the Mairie law was tiaiiy owing to bis efforts, iiiil., r iougîrlire i ived ai most a century, lie h ait tir salisfact ion of seei ng it ini force ai iront aý4 long as lie iived, he State of Mlarile rm conîpoed of rough terrilory, such a-, uakr. nirard to eniforce iaw, but it can- iotlihe deîîieu thal I)ows law bas been a itirdert twrne factory and other works wr-ne ntr-.trrryeni hy ire in the central prison rîIl Morrday, andi thrîugh thousands of peo- tii wi lie giad of it. few wiil corne out squiaiy andi qay s0. The manufacturing o! Itîrrînlertirre ha. been entireiy relegated to aîrorn, rd in the courqe o! a few years tire liin g of thousands of families wili be tirut taketr away. It is not in tiost cases n rrtrtrftI prr.sen labor should côme in conrtact wrtil honest workrnen, but wher- ,vr-r tire fariner i.s upposed to gain by it an v outrage or skinrlint poiicy is allowed to gin Conviçtg cari certainly turri out cheap- etr iidrlr twirre than cati honest men; but I e t uaiiy true that every titre an honest Iiarîsfarrrriy is eut oui of iLs living by con- virn tabor thre lainier finide rime ess family tt., .rpply froin Iii. product, and the demand snd pricvs (if hrs produet will be tba. much lr.ts Marly' ariers are shortsighted in thisi rîatier, anidtIre poîrticiatîs ake away the toc-art of the honest artizan 10 seture the sui~port rof ruch stnall-souled and rarrow aurrn rriîurrsts 'Ne do not believe there i. a iîr lainîier.irr the- country who wouid wisrir garin a few dollars yearly by rob- bin ir loiesttrrectanics, even if doing so rlirrl îrît injurre the prospects of sellng bie irtodltw It is ir be boped that such an agitatronr wii br set up now as. yul prevent tire etectîruîr of tIhe hinrier twine at the cen- trai pirson, anti wrli aisèo cause a like estab- I i irt ti ire rerrroved from thle Kinîgston Whitby Town Locale. The- Misses 1-ftick have been viaiting friertiiIli trrwrrti is seeký Mi.s Lîtrec Stnîrk orfNMyrtle bas been the gur-st rtf Mir and Mr% Ciras Wilkinson. Nit j L .Fat:ewell, (_).C, haa premented thre (tIrierrI rtitire wîih a magnificent pic- li ft Ujueen Victoria. lenaches cerne in with a rush this year, fine intri rlriiîvanîd ow in priceAs the season i44lv,.rrcedL the quality arîd price uaualîy im- Iîrmbve, tut ibis >ear tire custoni vas re- vr-e timd the qurrhîty went bad anrd the rct, exirrnriely htgh. A Vork towtîslîlp lainier named Doliery, and irl.rother Vrrk tua m.ahîp farmer namcd Arririragtf each have a doit. These doge touglir Themi owners rushed tri the accu. t.. %elberrîtetrem. DllIeiv brougbt a ahovel le s.ruî k at the dogs wil t, but misaed the rings anrd titi Arnîtage on the head. Magis- trale Cruickstîarmk% adjudgied him guilty of a.s&iult and put the damages at $2 and c, rts. Capt Sharpe and Inr Bascom, of Uxbridge, are winrrltrrg Provincial fame at the Toronto tente stournâments. Uxbrîdgo Ià rot adapi- cri lu ami>lineofo!sports excelx tennis, hetnrg etîîong huisl. The town Itself tea ai- utaîed inr a ravine. A cyclst who recerrly î.assed through the country stayed a !ew days there and aftcrwards remarked that the. onîly way ho could see out or tovu va» lv lor.king upwxards. DurIng is sauurn ther. ire becâme sori ddicted to Iis habit o! gazing ireavenward that bis attitude vas for weeks a!terwards mistaken for rime of ient t)raIver and he ogrlt tobe regarded as ons o! the truly good. A Parrlly Gatheriug. A grthering o! thre !amily and frienda o! M rs S C Wilson tloIr place lest Fridsy ai Maple grove farm. Among thos.e present wore W J LuIre sud fsmily, the Missses (;ierdenning, thre Rev N K McDiarnuid and Miles bMbiarmld. Refreaburents vere mer- ved on thre lawu. The. DominIon Herd Bok Messrs Arthnr Johnson. o! Grecnvood, premldcnt of tic Dominion Shorthirira reeda ,Th pyal Tempk#ts of T Peti"cehâd V"ér-,gd tunou itthêitO4tiaVOtlWedftes- htr endg ir t I'w4 grand' re resh n Drdafe tbdbt or,~ R votled programn me was givet.Rv Mctflarmnid gave sai 4dre#s, iev Mr McAI. innaePlayeonihie ban"jo, M iss ner-- soit, bf OntatrOULadilsCohlig106 tser- mon on1 talt. Mny of the membére of the local touneil contribtited to the . Programme.. To the lames In a village prlntinx office the is:t part o! the obituary notice ot au Impecunlous citi- zen had been dumped ln the forme, and the next handful of type came (rom a galle), ln which wme a description of a fire. The readers were much startled when tbey came to a paragraph whtch read thue : "the pail bearers lowered the borly to the grave. It was consligd to the liames. There were few If any regrets, for the old wreck hoc! been an eyesore to the; town for years. o course there vas Individutl Iris., but that was fully covered by itiîurance.'l Massachustts Bensîit L.lfe. The affaire o! the Massachusetts Benefit Life Association are being wound up. The tempormry receivers, Alfred Lord and A S Wriodwor-th, were mode permanent by the court. The Rssets of the association It le said are about $5oo,ooo. The Boston Post sys that under the 1mw the policy-hoîders may be compelled 10 psy the recelver the amnount o! two asseesmentst after the assets have been realized upon. If the two meses- mente are not suficient tri maIre good ail debtà up to date of the liquidation, furtheî calîs may be muade. That is the law in New York Statm. Observatlins on a recent viuit wtth an Octagen- sitar in the vicinity of Clu-eont. Mr Evans life is an exaulpte o! patience to the sors and daughters oft affliction. He suifer. excTuclating pain at irtervals wtth chronic rheumatismn. Mr Evans is resttng on the romise that every moments suifer- ing int hs hife works out a more exceedirg and erternmi weight rit glory, for those who are exercised thereby. Hie borglevity ha. not dirntned his natural vision. He moade the bible by the hour and duly appreciates t.contents. Hitmd i. in perýetual com- miunion with Christ whivh i. an indubitable evidence that bis heart i. right with Grid. Hie pilîrrirnage will close in a golden sun- set. T. HuNT. His HonrrJudge Dartrieli is in Chicago ibis week. Mn Schiller, Mise Schiller and Miss M. Mussen are visiting fiende ln Torontoi and Detroit, WV. H. Ponton, the teIler of the Dominion Bank Branch at Npanee, Ont., which was robbed a few weeks ago o! nearly $30.000, was arrested on Tuesday on the charge o! comrnitting the robbery. Word reached bore yeeterday o! the death of Wm McKay, of Bowmarville, formerly rit Pickering, weet of this ova. H-e died of blood-poisoning resuiîing from a boul or car- buncie on hie neck. He was in good health on Monday lmt, and paid the mn in the1 Dominion Orgmn and Piano Co their vages.1 See FE Stephenson, Whlîby, for cheapi tickets for Englard, Scotland, [reiand, Brit- ish Columbia, Manitoba, California. ail Unit- ed States and Canadian pointe, mnywhere. evorvwhere, by boat, rail or oceau. Rates zuaranteed right. Through tickets fromn Pickering, Toronto, Mvrtie, Brooklin and Whitby. Write or see Stephenson, Whitby, before travelling. Cholce o! 11 ocean eteam ship lines, includtng Dominion. Atlar ard Beaver lines, and ail American lires. Murta&& REESroR - FoRRESTOR. At Brougham, Oct. 6th 1897, bv Rev J, H. Oakr, o! White- vole, Mr Fred E. Reesor, tu Mies LauraFor- rester, both o! Markham. On the vlng Mr E Stephenson, Whitby, bas îicketed the following this weekr . Mr Dennie Mc- Crohan, (Who has been spendlng tbree nionths witb his sons here and in Orillia) Whitbv tri Boston ; Nrs M J Everett to Mar- ion, Ohioi; Mr and Mrs van Woodruff, Whitby tri Chicagco snd return ; Judge Dort- noîl, Whitby tri Chicago and returu ; Mr E Warren (manager Western bank) Whitby tri Detroit and returr ; Mr S Crixworth Whttby 10 Napanee. Mr W Kirkland Sr, Whitby tri Elmira, N Y. Mrs j L Smith, Whitby tri Detroit and returr ; Mrs D Gale, Whitby to Clinton; Mn. E Stephenson, Wbitby tri Peterborriand rettrrn ; Mie H HowelI and Mis.. Howell, Whitby tri New York; Missg Addte Martin Wbitby tri New York,. Mr and Mrs SchillIer the Royal) sieter and niec., tVhithy tri Cookstown and return , Mrs Sherman Brown, Whitby tri Coboconk sud ret urn. did not climb-the feue. -»me ig u bring sway aIl the res of hi. fruit. The la, would allow us to pick viiet giew upon branches prolectlsg over -str property, cnd ve woald get as much tore titan the lav albows as posaible. Our coresp>oudut cIao wants ta ksow vho would b. thse proper euthotity ta eutorce sucb lava,s»d v. ne- ply to thus thut ve would prefer to bave thte entorclng of the lavaus Mves1asp icl the. case of tii.oveiimugi=8 bu t. W. be- by offer and sqre et xeauge fomvitis 'A uberbe',and hfpe ha may do bagl- am a etonce, asOur cisteru la dryad vm an lookIng for onte viater epples. W. macy add to aur legal opinion on the choet oi that ln Our opIil0àOneu. soold na~ 0s0W hii. neigibm o t e muatlanorhtm berq Il 1a $0 easy 0go I&et hemlttle Plans, ud Pr.. Ubrcry Ta&. Dir bM y vîmtaci the publie lihrevy hurMom Tuesda'- ed edve«Id the boaid aad ma tDemnbersofthtie tov otiaom * le vUMcNlkty -0ofmakiune lb bmfte« go tis puàblî Ic.le.»Wdù»eP.voS gjpi4gg0% bSo a yesr o a tee hb.si, auN.&t4, thewnvom »dhie vOtd et flý e AMd cahbrarlas, viticis u iool*~ bu"bisaV Riitti. * IMUiBW At ntÀ to the bW5Ui ffiatter wl i sèOh1 4Àtopcif for ebli»- brugtf jilit th**îv. $31.00 fobeaarsiPaldoff. On ?rday lat *3,600 of the debenitureg of titis towti feu due, aind were paid- off. This Indebtedness wa s Incurred ten years ago,iluthe folîowing mariner: tban of $o,- ooo to the Patterson foundry, 1oan Of $5,400 to the Atlas Woolien Mille, Joan of lio,ooo to the Martin Manufacturtng Co, glt of $6,200 to Matîn Mfg Co being cost of their land and buildings. 'rhe total of Joan. and bonuses at that tie was $31,600. Out of the Patterson loan ýthe town neyer recel ved but $,8oo. A lrlcky fire burned the Atlas Woollen MiII. and the town drew the Insur- ance amountling to about 4.000. The Mar- tin Company repaid their Joan the day It be- came due. The tax -payera of thé town have paid $5,ooo Interest "~ these loans, about $ oo expenses 0of one sort or another, and aMout $14,200 of the principal, making $îi,* 8oo or thereabouts that the town pal dfor Luie folly of hiring three firme to corne here and etart business experiments. Beside. this, townspeople took about f to,ooo stock in the Patterson foundry and loti t haIl. One out of the three only ran about a nîonth or two, another bas been sometimes alive and sorne- times dead durlng the whole ten years, whiie the third was a succese. At the time these loans were granted the CHRONtCLE opposed the move very strongly, and was threatened with an advertising boycott by several merchants. However, th ere i. agony enough to recount withotit going Into our personal troubles. The town bas learn- ed a bitter tesson of experience, and bas paid for it honorably. The bylaw undet which these Joan. were granted called for a sinking fund to be ralsed to meet the $6,20c ofa bonus given the Martin Co, which oui counicil of ten yeare mgo and for several vestrs thereafter neglected' to raie, thui. trifling with the towns honor In order tri keep down taxes and secure electione foi the councilors by acclamation. It also be- came apparent about elght years ago thai the Patterson and Atlas comparues would neyer repay their loans. Still no effort was made to raise a .inking fund. This journal pointed out that the towns honor wae ai atake, and that there would b. very littie money to psy the 8ýî,6oo debentures at me turity. An agitation was started whicli plactd a new set of men in councîl, and P plan wme at once arrmnged to collect a sink- ing fund. In the meantime the Ontarioi bank had refused further credit to the town, and to ward off a criais Ex-Mayor James Campbell etood for a time personal security for its finances at the Western batik. Meses Campbell, King, Rutledge and A M Ros. were at that time mainly instrumental foi adopting measures, which Mr Rutledge bas since takten the lead In carrvtng out, b)- wvhich the town was able on Friday imet to redeem tts mighty tolly, and psy off one- third of ita total îndebetedness. A part of the ndvantage of making this effort to psy it- ccore was made apparent imet year wChe It. debentrires for the mllway Joan were re- newed Rt a reduction In lnterest from 6 to 4 per cent, Now that the S31.6oo Joan. bave been wiped out we do not doubt but the town could selI at par debientures Bt 134 per cent. The town le to be congratulated upon the excellent management otite finances tIn gettlng out of this awful mess, the counicil te tri be likewiee commended for Its steadfast nese of purpose in laytng away money to psy the peoples debta honorably, the Martin MIg Co deserves special mention for tIhe(full measure of honor wttb which It handed back the money the hour It became due, Lastly. Mavor Rutledge by hie akilful -A.nd careful supervision of the whole matter place. the town under laetirrg obligations id hlm. Ad Mi- Samuel Trees remarked on Friday laet, Mr Rutledge was born to be mayoir. and the people would If wtse make hlm stick to hi. lob as long as lie lves. The Moon and the Weather. "<The moon and the weather May change together ; But change o! the moon Does not change the weather." How often one hears the prediction of a change in the weather "<when the moon changes." A (allacy almost as generally belleved as that the crossing by th* eartb ai o( the multlp4W drebectiom s b t hutet ioblm of 4postr.. Tmpr.scucot~ unusoal vouesf0<vpor lu th* ar, oeeusp cmoft ercvy, ikol"y to incite fhoVowa monr rItar luamdifonunoft ni or - trio« tmsperature.so-cafl lad<'atlssrpr4eipéO end other usucural pl amopers a fpulte r mwauy cui sdtbat me ofaucccp.dasu 1tiaenby siu*cts mou e*lu <o tat itla apmm of4s Il a ont aiadaMoas dntg't the ±o< dyk0, Stake your Claim and Well Selected me RO v. on ou r large' stock of New Black Serges, in plain and figured, New Tweed Suitings, Heavy Ail WI1 Shirts and Drawers. Ladies' Undervests, bought at miii prices> regular pri'e 75o and $1, now selling at 50o and 75c. Men's Woo, Men's extra value Cashmere Sooke on)Ily 25c per pr. for the next two weeks 7e per yd. d Sooka )nly 10o per pair. Heavy Twilled Flannelettç J! stick Piî YBrool 'Specîal desgr~ prîzes for At! games and sc *****~******555555555U555U5U Our Âssortment Of~Ž~. Scotch and Canadian Suitings, Overcoating, and Trowsering, je the Iargest and best in town, and we eau furnish the best of testimonlil from those for whonm we have made elothing. workmanship. We guarantee a fit, good trimmings, and first-cla8s Mr Wm Stitoh has charge of this depa.rtment and we are pleased to say everybody is satisfied with hie work since he took chiarge. Ail Goods Warranted ~MANDREW Fancy China, A Large Stock orf"%eW Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber -Setts, Full Line of Fresh Always Groceries. B: eliab le., AT GIBSONS. Friends Suudcyed viîb Miss Jeunle Bell. D MacDonald le atteadlrg the teachers con- vention at Uxbrldge. Wesley Gee sud E Chaprnsu cafledor friends in Oshawa on Sunday. Mfr aud Mrs R E Chapmu caUled on frierds at Pleasant Valley on Sundav, lTibn Colby is folo'wlug Chas Lyndesoemachioe. If you wmant mn6thne n. loba SllottV S af Uxbnidgs vas dowu at- teading thetueraIhlmgis admotlier ou Sm- day lest. Fait viret lagomig up but la a Mey unevmn state. The need oainin badly frli bY 90w» Wm Mafi hu au addition put $0 the ber te smm«e for stables etc, on his place hele tenaated hi1Ur Camect bitRuadle clIiikepsey la. Hsie tld venders ai tUsmmu, isa: ho aketmes (alla to te copaie btsettandau&i6 Mii Robt McEredy ,$ w aètbeft te, bey- W. mme arstublae Mtr young Md Mins 1 esdao4uapa n rw g ue 0plo ber Wue lfftet htbv. es Sanibrd us odTawosto aditsu stouoesee ~ *At (6 csairsUr dagtot Urend M Un L V MçBm. N4o da'*>Chospm=uesf ir e al lpmow <Sat Ieseat week (Mforonrcto isibw set vil iaat*. ýPUIky deodffi 'b«t te-u04041 ftbS l t theoCiy Kt pneu:.but It achea er tWtmè euMestaa i Gie ie dtr" '*bé a 1 brbaft p.à 4001 Ecat Whltbr oloul Council met Monday Qet 4. The followIng letter e e rrad ; (rom jas Gailagiier complatu ing of weeds or vacant loi near iris place. front ClerIr of Peace. statlng Euet Whltby would; re. quire t0 furnisir 174 Jurons for x8o8; front Dr. M CYEastwood, nud1felng the Corporationtiret he hmd e dîptiie pagient Isthe sovsship Mr Rose, sec. by MUr Henry, uived -tbtat' tbs bond gîven by R 0 Pover, colcer of Taxes for z8gýr, b. acoeped as usadfaoaory tao eOc'u. cil Carnied, Mi. Stocta moved. sen. by Mr. Henr, tiret the Collecmàr Roll.,Masncuified by the ClerIr, b. acceptnd for tse yeer z897. Car. Mr Stocks sec iiy;Mr Henry. moved tiiet tise Neverai iordor ou tise Treswentfor -tise followln amantss: W..Suguue digent, Canhy, Indigent, $ego *Mrs nDînga% for Jn Âbramm, , rMW Cndel, $3.oo; DU 19-on.Ra Il *3.0: G j otbami4 R & o u7'0; G-oeýr.uîr, R *1 PR 0.s, Genso PAsestes eete se. olmotat County O:i tion of any lois FRLDAY9 ( LJOCAL Mrs Walkey ofTg friends. Mise Gibson ot Mise Lottue Gieenw Mr Dennis McCrc Dorchester, Mass., Mr Coteman Cr4 couple of days lu te Miss Lizzie Rai the guest o! Mies L Mr and Mrs V B day evening triepg lu Chicago. Mies B Ballanty- the house this weel the rebuit of s bicyq Mr E R Blow, C attending the tii which ta held iu t]: pecte to visit Chic, In certain ladî proves unfaith!ul tl la hie ova bauds e nose off, whicb roi she bas auy, but ne lidelity. The B suants thîs fort aveny municipalc municipal funds. The celebrmted appear ln the Moi Oct 13 vl:h an e people. Th.-coui than even. This1 pany that la booke see theut, and P show you ever -i spared no expeti talent for this sec Toronto News keeper, of Pickerii valueci at 820,0C widow. Stucs Se a sliare of tie. stâ Shesamy. han nain t he clalias ta ha t1 vite of the de* il vusln Englund i McDonnel&E Osgoode Hall for plaintif daimus posslblyfour wvv ths only one e«tu on sept. sqtit the brides ftsher, byRev. NA Mcl arrau'klin Ricita Jes. Re. Dr Cade, ln th6e Methoiat -Sundcy Oct. îo *ln the afternoo thre patts mut - c U iviib.e M chaîrmau of the Rev DrC*e. AvYery pr-t s Here is a Good Thing. Vaeiety the Largest / Qua/i/y lthe Cizoicest ! Pt-ices lte Lowest. are the three points which lead the FURNITURE Re-upholstering done on shoi trade. )rtest notice. [E. J. JOHNSON, Brock St. - Whftby. NADIN Aiinual Western Cw.auvoInm BEf. 3, OT. 12. - From Toropto Whitby Detroit,Mtjcj..... Cleveland, Obloe......75.50 Saglnaw, Mç...,,..8o Bay City$,Midi.......7-00.... -8.00 Grand',RapideMi'. 8.0o.... 9.00 -Clici'nait, Obl..î.oo... ChicgII....î.o.-.10 -) 33.0Q...34.O )Mnna'o'lsPô,MU. t 34-50O....5r5 lickets g00d ho retitru wtit Oct. i& "Pro*ni4terates <ropi thor pounsl P« P ot he.sud <sl îi~atloraco E. R~ LOW, iW - AI~P ttaktc; _à dg' as Represented or Money Refunded. 1

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