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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 5

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MLI! Stick Pins, Brooches, Medals, Badges. 'Special designs for prizes for Athietie games and sehools. 9% -AT- J.S. Barnard's, «Om--WHITBYsi Omffcai County OrgaIL-Larget Circula tton of any looal paper in Canada FRIDÂY, OCT. 80 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. Mrs Walkey of Toronto ta in town visiîlng fr ie nde. Miss Gib"on of Nelw York la the guest ol Miss Lottie Gieenwood. Mr rennis McCrohan left for bis home in Dorchester, Mass., on Monday. Mn Coleman Crowity, Oshnawa, speut couple of days in town laet week. Mies Lizzle Rawson, of Claremont, we the gutat of Mise Lillie Smith last week. Mn and Mrs V B Woodrufl left on Satu dçÀy evenini 10 spend a week witb fnlend In Chicago. a as dle = ite. Diiq wRt mi tri (;l ira Mima B Ballantyne bas been 0onindt the bouse Ibis week wlth a s;praýinned ankl'e, tht reiult of a bicycle iashap. M r E R Blow, C. P. R. agent, linin Detroit attending the ticket agentis association whicb la held in that city tbis year. He ex pects to visit Chicago ie fore lie retures. In certain Indian tribea when a wife proves unfaithful the husband takes the law in bis own hands and cuis the point of ber nose off, wbich not nnly "splaer beauty, if she bas any, b)ut rernalns a mark of ber in- fidellty. The Bobcaygeon Independent wants this form of punishment applied to every municipal officer found steallng the municipal funds. The celebrated Guy Bron Minstrels elîl appear In the Music hall Wedneeday night Oct 13 witb an entire new show. Al newv people. The company la bigger and better ilhan ever. This ia tbe only minstrel com- pany that le booked in Canada. Corne and see themn, and you will say it la tbe best show you ever saw. Tbe Guy Bro-s bave épmred no expense in securing the very best talent for ibis season. Toronto Newe :-Robert Secker, hotel keeper, of Pickering, died leaving an estate valued et $20000 bo Sarah Secker, bis wldow. Since Seckers death a claimant for a share of the estate has corne to the fore. She saya her name la Harriet Secker And she daims to be the inst, original and only wife of the deceased hotel keeper. She lives ln Englanid and through her solicitorsi. McDonnell & Boland, bas issued a writ at Osgoode Hall for onethlrd.bher dower. The plaintif dcaims that Secker bad tbree or possibly four wives, but she la the first. and the only onie eratled to share tn hie estate. Married On Sept. aqîh, r1897, at the nesidence of the brides father, Mn Samuel J oues. Whitby, liv Rev. N A McDiarmld, S.T.tI-, Mn Lewis Franklin Richardson. Le Misa Bertha jane j one. .Cburch Annlveres.ry- Rt-v Dr Cade, a former peebor, yull prench lun th e Nehodiet Tabernacle, Whitbv, next Sunday Oct. iot., mernin aud eveuiug lu tht aftenoon at 2.3e a mass meeting of the parentesud childmen cf tht Sunday Schooi yUl be sddmessed by Rev j P Wilson chRirmau ef the Bovmavlle District, aund Rev Dr Cade. Special collections wilb be taktn up et ail tht services lu bebaîf cf the chuîrch funde. M arnls.gs. A ver>- prethy veddlng teek place at tht -residence of Mr Samuel jone, Centre St, when bis second daugbter Bertha vas unit- ed lu marlage ho Mr Louis F Richardson, son of F J Richardson, Esq cf thse basa. hue. Tht bride vas beccsnîngiy attlred la a green cloîh travelling dresesud carrled a bcquet of cneam res. Kt four oclock thse bride euîemed leaiin; on the tmneo!ber fatiser, sud tht Rev Dr McDlarmid perferrued thse cere- *mon>- amidet thse relatives of tise bride and *groom. Tht bride rectivsd man>- valuabît sud useful preseuts. Thse happy couple tock tht evenîn; train amîdat shovers et rice and gecd vishes and after vlslting Mon.- treal sud Iutervenlng points yull taise up their residouce ai "Mbaple Grove Faim," -base Une. Port Whiiby Ths ehocuer Fiera -Carvet irlved on Saturda>- laden vitb coai, for>j H Dpvuey & Co. Prior te Mr lNeKîme departure lieu sou- be rs of(he boys brigtadedWof lbe gItl au xîar>- of St john. churci umet et i un Watunns te epend a social eveiosuad bld Mm MKim good-bye. Thse peecefdul susi cf Port Wbltby vsw dlsturbed (rose ther'ir 4-a os «Sat. ürday- b>-tise report tisat- Ur 3W@rf@lUm stable w0 ons ire- -TwOre brigade vau ,.laitoSwd forand IbUse osana$ae &bu"s icharged Whitney and Bulîtymlent, thtemeralîpox tient&, who have apent tht last Couple cf ontha iii the isolation hospital, Toronto ere diî,charged, cured. on Tuesday, anc1 înurses who have waited upon them so tiently will take a holiday. Whitney ara tht marks of tht dîsjease, and Bulley. int ta also marked, but not so badiy. It inspires that tht amalîpox was omîgiuially ntracted ini a sailors boardlng bouse ln lasgo-w, mome thîrty cases ln different arts of the world having been traced to the me source. Strict wlth the Compa.nies. Last weeks Untario Gazette Contains an important notice that every company not incorporated which ta ckrrying on business n Ontario must before November 1, 1897. send returna giving particulars as to Its busi- ness to the Provincial Secretary. Failure to comply lays the c mpany open to a fine of twenty dollars per day levied flot only upon the companv iself, but also upon every dîreclor, mianager secretary, agent, travel- let or saleeniail wýio with knowledge of such de<ault transacta withitl Ontario any busI- ness whatever for su4çh cornpany, Smash up on G T R. Friday evening a frelght train of 63 carS, drawn by two engiues, divided a mie easet of Oshawa station. After runutng for a short distance tht brakes were applled te the cars in the head division of tht train sud the discouiîectedi cars, wbicb vert runuing at a rapîd rate, ran itto the near of thtelead ing part of the train. Six cane befI the traclr sud tumbled down the ravine. It oock sevenal hours to reiidjust tht tracks. Tht trainmen say that 63 cars cannol be man- aged by onue crew, aud that such accidents as this are hînund 10 occur if tbe comupany persista in despatchîng s0 many cars In ont train. The Montreal express vas detaiued about two hours. c hldren awaating homes- If any lady who bas a comrfotable homne wiahes to do somne good lu the wonid, Mnr Jj Kelso, of Toronto, wîll b. able Le assilst ber. Ht bas twu ver), attractive littie boysaaaIt- îng losier homes, and wishes 10 get them placed befone the winter sets lu. Que le ive vears of agze. genile, refiued sud good boots- lug. Tht other is tuet ont year obd, tht best age for adoption, as tht litîle feilow muay soon he tauglit to liqp Papa and Mamma. Mn Kelso, a%(;enenal Superindeut o! womk (or dependâtit children lu Ontario etten knoowsof vice childrtu in need of homes, and would like ta hear from those vho would have thrir horri-s brigbîentd by tht sunshine wlicb a little clitid bninge to thoSe vbo love sud cane for it. A H appy M arrlage. A tiost happy union waa effected isere ou Wedncsday afternoou lu tht marriage cf Mir. Thos. G. Jackson to Mime Bessie Harper, youngrest daugbter of Police Magie- trate snd hlira Major Harper. Tht cere- mony took place at the resldenct of tise brides parents, sud witnessed b> a large company of tne relatives sud pemtna f.-itnda of the hlgb coutracling arties. Tht cememony vas pexferaned by Roc Dr McDiarmid, president et tishe Bay c Q ulule conférence of the meîhodlet cburch, sod tht chief wituteses et the pleasing evetl vere Mr E D Warren, umager o!flise Western bank heme. sud Miss Margaret Harper o! Toronto, a cousin cf ti rIde. Tht Poplars, the Harper residence vws profusely sund beautifully decone &T td ~ b. occasion. Few present ever vlteussed suca au event witb mort charn uluturoundbnte. botb as 10 the cotnipan>- and the eleganece of beautîfyiu; effecte. Thse bride vas gowned lu whilte satin aud bore lu bser baud a large boquet of white roese. She lcokZed lvySU thse ezîreme. Thse brldesmuaid a attUt lu creanu ilk. Wisen al as reedj tie picture vas a mcmt engagtng co. R*V Dr McDiarmld perforined tise mafirri aer, the uuost apprcved mannes, and i «5 rg- mony veununp in a most joyfut eir Tben tht whele cesupan>- set dova 10 »P- per. When Ibip part cf tise poeds b ad beeu dispeated of, Mr WarrenU CIiO apousor o!fIthe groomi rose ta propffse the heabth, bappinees ati proeperlty of 1tu bride. Ht said he h"d looked for* var wU bbe meet pleasant anticipation to tb5it fil thi. very auspicions evenut. 1%e bride bce kue ew bit eue cf tht meut cbarfStg, able, isandeome aud sociable ou 150 of the loy., sud he could ver>- v1enil tise groom lu secaming emc Stllsi csep len. Worthy as lu tise bride, boi14=" te knev that aise vIl bave asm~5t verthy husbitnd. ont visoso Isai te1*M sud eteadfan sd wvise Wmoér1 sud business trsiilsg essais ff vitis the intricacles of boUs Soo = *.4ý nesilfe. Mr Warren, P&M blIOb l fa1 tise ezeellemit fimillbestiss a bla o e unlted, and bespoke for liais, elsl4M reoulta lu gessoral snd eau ail these Intev' rte& lau "Se oma idon befaifof bksbgl ta greaIextestoeq bis ov býeb7olf e1ý mou-, sud to ene.Li0elo*iog wfm > the choie ntîhtbtbernacIlIf botb tuéraint nd e eitàh *« Thqî. bearilg of the c4Isý ke a 9 =kr Miss Beatrice R. tDeciter, AJ .M home after a dellghtful tri p amotsg', theZle gbany mouritains with 'ber ftieiMd I#s~ Long, of Philipsbut;, Ps. Miss becker] wishem 10 intlmate that she wilnw ete ber classes in moder n fot, h. monv and theory of rnusic. New ptipilg te ctived. The non-jury sittîngs of tht bigh court of justice open here on Monday next. A sood demi of intereat in this town centres l11 the actions against the town by J T McGearv and Tboa Rice Ini cônnectioti wlth the accf <lent on Dundas street laat summer, cauiaed by a building belng leit on the street over night witbout signala 10 travelers. Mn W C Michell B.A., successfully organ. ized a lacroase club tht year be taught bore, and won the county championsblp banner. Next he went to Bishop Ridley College, St.. Catherines, and soon that institution was the talk of the whole country. Atnidsuin. mer he was appointed to a position in To. ronto as classical master of Jarvis St colleg. ate institute. There le an athelelic conhest held annlunlly betweeti the three Toronto, colieglate institutes, and In this Jatvis bas usually corne out third. Tkmis year Mr. Mi. chell has bad charge of tht athletice at jar. vis street and he won the yeams champion- ship. lies presence alone appeame 10 be suffîcient to carry the boys 10 auccees. The Pamily Hera.id and Weekly Star Of Montres i ccu piea a splendid position amongst the journal1s of the world. ts pub- lishera niever tire in the work of Improve- ment. No wonden thait the Family Herald and Weekly Star je such a prime first favor. Town Councl. Met Mondai nigbt. Tht mayor reported bhat tht Martin Manufacturing Company bad repaid Its SIo ooe boan bo thet own and that on behaîf ol the town tille deeds had been gîven the Martin Co of tbe lande occup led by them. Coun Blow mead the report of the .own property committee omderlng payment of 89.5o to, Grose & Granger for gasoline. The report paesed. Coun Smitb eported for the strects committee In favor of tht fol- lowing mceunts :-John McCaml work $zo.81, Wm Hopper do $io.8t, John Bravener team- ing $z. 8, Wm Ayema repaIre $-2.65, Gnoss & Granger 3,,om e t lcedar $374.81. Tht me- fort paesed. Coun Jackson read a report rom the ire sud water commîtte ln favor of paying tht followlng accounts :-Majior aarper for pumplu; water $pn, joa Bandel for cleanIng boit $4.37. E R Mlo* ceai used at Womfolka tire 8'1.37, J T McGesry for haul1- Ing tire engine 86.»o. There wss a hot dis- cussion on the McGeaTy item. Cours Jack- son ws determlned to psy McGeary $3 rmore for a trip wlth t engîne where it is ciaimed that McGearys men pushed Henry Sonitys team , ut of the wa y when the latter mtached the englue tiret and wae hitching on. Three out oflfive of the members of the comnmittee denounced the report as not being Iu accord. -wîîlvthelr vlews. whereupon Coun Jackson threatened to wlthdraw the report. Tht mayon objected, claiminir that tht report was lu the bauds of tht counicil sud couid net b. wlthdrawn except wlth île consent. Reeve Pringle and one or îwo othere were ln favor of diding the 83 betwetn Sonbey and McGearv. Tht mette said the $3 alow- ed for hauling the englues waeot for tht work mertly. us the hauling wae seidoni worth oe half tht price paid. The Ides in paying tht 83 ln every case waa te encourage promptuesesud connpttition lu hitchîng ou. if ont mani were allowed te take tht haulin; away (rom others who mlght volunheer there wrould be ne cosnpetition. Tht Item was btid oveir and tht report psed. Tht treas- tirer laid on tht table ail tht papere inluits possession relatîng to the pruperty gîven by tht town ho S W Lowell. It appearsthat tht conhract bas been vIolated by Mnr Lowell and that tb. contract could be volded by tht towu if it en dtsirtd. Ou. motien of Reeve Prigle thse commîttee on finance was fl- stlrncted tu oe steps to defend the cuits of McGeary and Rict agitinet the tova. The woocil thon sdjoumned. àMur Mastda d Tran Sspper Thse stralghtforaffl nianner ln wblch the Merda MUfg. Ce. repald thef ir :,oo b«orn Frlday 1ai va mc hkihly appreciaied by tise leaing mof thet ov a tis Meus BSmul Tatou and G. V Martine, tdm maln stocb(gdenf !tb. company, aode ntier to thse Royal bolet t Ievnlu;an ntr t&lIOM j«10e i ev«Wbg. MoyOr Rotbed sgt et tise iead cô(lise bout, havlssgMr. Tru. mubb rlgbl and Mt. XUrUs on it b*f. Tb* ,ul arM the isPereuame o ë( 6pps. Th.btws dIposd lm tise ~ ~ ! mao .J. otte* ieon-euse< tiebutbf i se gust. i UtiMfCo5sbWihig tisai lb. oumpau ly th&* sOiMabee e If tise tu teteaIs lvml#d b" 0oeport osmosf im ne Jsabo mcod Uatise ta ln£ me atisa &yT. Tb$ !«« b*$US.Pmi 'l&t ek' iritnerway arum one, wnnhwus stnîxvltue U1àt(f6t#of the tlptown ta. 9t4ttetfiwVïend woti taied onrollroad *îrèet. A brokLeti spdng, wsthe otily damae, 9bP E*a t to sonto Mis& Booth cf the SalvatîtnAmîy le con- 4ductùg a very apeclai cerets of meetings ln ?roOàto beginuing on Monday Oct I îth and cOuiuiltl tll uu(aYOct 17, There will be aout3w rmyoffcers preient. The Cheap-return tickets cau be procured for single tire and1? cents, bût persons com~ig te these gtherig cannot reîurn to their homes till Thtirsay the 141h oct. Those lutendingt take advitttage cf thee chea~ rates mnuet ask 1h ticket agent for a certiti nte. On Thursay there wyul be a mass ,iuscal prelude aua big meetings ail day Sunday in tht pavillon. TwsîY Dollars. On Thursday monîng, Se ph 30, Capt. Conney, of the. steamer Garden CitY, ap- peamedbefore P. M. Dumble, Cobourg, 10 anewer to the charge of beating a former emi- ployee of the boat on ber last trip from To' onte wlth a windlase bar. The charge waa proven salinet the Captain and the *M agi- strate levted a fine of twenty dollars. Tbe fine was paid and at once informations were laid agaînet everal in town for having incit- ed tbe mani who waa beaten 10 fight. Tii. affair was consldemed brutal by manY wbo weme tyewitntsaes, but at thet mre time the bystanders c'id wrong by urging the row on Tht afisir was noue 0f theira and if tht Miagl- sti Rte dont tel îhem so we will mis" unr guess.-Post. ELVery Sa Tonnit Bleepîi;Car Route Comr cn Ig next 5atuday nîght, sdTCo arnGr Grocory continuing every Satuàrday nîight bheteafter, Midland Route tourist cars ci totile to Col- orado, Utah 'aud Califonua wIll beufe the ...S THE- Chicago Union passenger station of the Chicago, Wilwsukee & St Paul alwsy et 10 oclock, unnin; over tht Chicago snd RgtPaet u is-ls Lincoln, Neb., Colorado S prings and Lead- 2 Groceries, Fruits, ville, Colo., Salt Lake City sud Ogden, Utah, Reno, Nevada, aud Sacramento, Cal., an~Id Provisions. arrîving ai San Francisco at 8.45 p.m. Wed- H me and Bàconsi Midand throngh Nortbern Illinois, Iowa, Freh B t ran Nebraska, Kanss, Colorado, (tbreugli thte Fresh Egge. beamt cf ithe Rocklee), Utah, Nîevada sud Califemnla, affording a perfect panomamie O'ur Teas are praised for their stmength view of prairie, mountaln sud cast scenery.an lvr These popular evtry Saturday Calilomnia nnivr excursions for boili iret sud second-.clams Vegetablea froM OUr Garden paseengers (not foreign emigrants) are Frésh Every Day. ,personaily cnuducttd" by intelligent, com- petent sud courteotie "ceuriera" who will The right place to get good value for attend ta tht vante of ail passengers en yu-oe sa route. This le an entîrely uew feature of Yurmoeinsa tout let car service snd will b. gr eatly appre- W . P I Cxic ciated by familles or parties cf riends ~ B '..~ i.I travelling together, or by ladies travelling abont. Partilar attention la paid to the COÇ~ came of chlldreu vine ueually gel weary on a long jcurney. Rernember that the Mîdlsnd __________________ route tourist cars are sleeping cars sud are supplîtd vîihail tht accessories necessary A UDTION SALE 10 muake the Journey conifortable snd pIes- suti, and tht sleeping bes'hh rate le but 86 Of Short-hem catbe. draft herses, etc., thse (for Ive persona) rom Chicago ho Californie. ott f h ae)NO CALDER,. eon FR1- Ask the nearest ticket agent for a tourlît by tC.aad 897. at Lot 23, Con. z2, car "*fler,'" glviug cemplete Informiation Reacis. Horas--z brovu herse, 9 Yeam old ; about tht Midland mule, or sddress "Est- z bsy bhei. heavy draft, 4 Yp i ek; z bey cru Manager Mldland Route,"lNe. 95 herse. htss'y draft, 4 yrs cld ; s brcud mare, Adsmesatreel, Chicago, lit, or A J Taylor, aged, snppased to be lun<cante Erskin Style ;1 Canadian Passeugor Agent, C., M. & St. P. z bay nmreS yrs 014;t.I chesînni colt, i yr Ry-. 2 Kin; mreet est, Toronto, Ont.cM, lst ld b>- Baron Gordon. Caile - Short- P. S.-Berth reservatlons are mande lu tht hom-z boll, xz p cld ; 71cis. suppcod tc b. order recelved up to tachs-Saturday moru- lu a itf; s biifers, a pi cld, dme 10 calme lu lu;. Firsi corne, iret eerved. Dç; 4hlftl, xyT old ;zUttS , oi ld; bull cai!, Me& 6 am .old ; iabolI rom, smuo x; lsaiSt réd, z to. aid;* heifer asrs re<kjmos 1.d; W«bll,'0198sas5 r SEE OR WRITE motop. ise n »Wa re OU Wils, 'JHDOWNEY&CO,,lugtt' 8nldwsoiuser Market Bolding, WhiMt, ws î'xP 'PL UDL OM.lW fl8IIg ed buffl, i ta brr i* *zen liv w. s BEFORE SEWIO 11110 aou, a îU I s f I S e r -r t, I I Hlgbcst Pice Pai< Specialprica for Carload lwoms ANTHRACITE -d SITUIXI4QPî 10 SI[ 15 10 BELIEVEI1 -a**- Oeil Onm.. WM.. TILL and be convlnced that au Blegant tint cf FURNITURE -AND-- UPHOL8TERED 000D8 le being sold at away dcv. paices te ketp lu touch vilth t hA"RXTIMMB. HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Upholstering and Repairiug before tht rush commences. Prices very cheap. JUST RECEIVED $5 ho $15., All other goode pro- portlonally cheap 1 Xverytblng etable, useful and <wninental, xePairis¶ lYpboltef. MORTGAGE- SALE Lands ln TOWn f k!b 5DdbVViTtUE * -1- your taijoo. H Dowiiey & 4 j Auumn4No v'elt y- Go od8- We have planned for à vexy big f4esson, planned to not only do m ore buiiness than heretofore, but to do it very much better. Stocks vastly larger, that's the first step ; prices even lower, that'o the second. First arrivai 80 cases of new Autumn Drees Goods, Mant1es, Capes, etc, from the leadi.ng manufacturors in Gerrnany, and Glasgow, Sootland. Doube-fold Drese Goods from 15o to $2 per yard. Ail Next Week. we will show an unrivalled display of very latest styles ini SLadieslaids and Chuidens.Mnis For every style of Jacket, Cape or Ulster you will flnd here the best for the least money and by far the largest collection to select~ from. You wilI find garments here to suit every purse and ail the latest pro- ductions. W.G., WALTERS, :-:Whitby. 1 1 1 That Setted IL. A &tory waa recently told of how a preach- er tested the eflect of bard timnes upon bis congregation. At the conclusion of ont of hie sermons, lie aaid : 'Let everybody In tht bouse who paye bis debts stand up.' Insbantly every man, womau and child, with one exception, arose to their feed. He seat- ed tht crowd sud then said: "Let every man who la not paylug bis debts stand up.i' Tht exception noted, a care-worn. bungry IndivikIual, clothed in hie last sumnmer suit, slowly asmed a perdendicular position, and leaned on the back of tht seat In front of him. -How le It, mny fritnd," inquired tht mlnitwr, "tiiet you are the only rman In Ibis large congregation who le unable to mneet bis obligations ?II 'I publieh a news- paper," h. meekly replied, "snd my bretb* ren here, who bave just stood up, maal mnysuhecribers, ahd-" "Let us pray exclaimed tht mînister. 1 1 Prices from

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