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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 7

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FIfty '1mrs Ago. %no eould Imagine that thla should be 05 place *Wbere, tue lghteen uinety-three sit white world-wonder of arch anid domo ýhc ould siiadow the nations, poyhrome... Xecre aI lb.IPair was the prime conferred On Ayers PilUs, by the world prelerred. ithlcago4Ilke, they a record show, $1uici tley started-50 om op0(. Ayer's Cathartic PMIS have, trom the time of their prepe.ration, been a oontinuous SucOosa with the pubio. And thiat means that Âyers Pille aooompllsh what is promised for them; they cure where Olihera f.Ul. It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wlde 'popularity of these pillas hould b. reoognized by the World's F'air modal of 1893 -a tact whièh empha.ales the reoord: .50 Vears of Cure. THRILLING RESCUE. A YOClNG LIFE SAVED IN A MARKABLE MANNER. Florence Sturdivant, of (riuxdatone Is- and, Saved Frem man Uuutumely Death -Her Parenits eaw Her Dangereus Predicamtut, but wemu Helpeas te Aud IlIem-ow bue as Bàescued. Atnong the Thousand Island@ is one calod Grindatono. 1<. in even miles long and titre. wide. The inhabmtainte of this ialand are a weilliuîlrmed cIs cof people who devote thout' unerguus Lu farmiaîg mand 4quarrying for a livlihood. In the home of ne of tbo.,o islanders reaidea Florence J Sturdivant, the tuur-yeam.old dîughter of Mm and Mrs William H Sturduvant. ln February, 1896, &ho waa taketi with scambot fever, mnd after the usual un of lever ie vas teft witîa a weak back and gmadtiaaly begar te mie ePtengtb, until tti#ly deapite the boat efforts of phy- eicuans hem life ~hung iii the balanîce. la was ah hias criais, when ail semed dark- ,est, tbat mn angel cf ieîlth appemrud on tho scene muid reloaàed little Florence fmomu pain sud sufforing and etomed her to strengti arnd btaIt h Thii. mmamkabîe occurrence ia beut hold in the. vindu of the fatier.. FLORENCE J. STURDIVANT. Mr Bturdivant sid : "Florenco wu tatou siot viti scarlet forer and vo un- ,nodimtoby oalled a physicien. He prit. acribod for ber and w. followed hls di- rodions closely, givieg our littie patient the. bost of care. Afior tve vookat.e forver .ubsidod, .bot Fioenc. vas bel t witi a rery veat back. Severe pains were oonstantîy iu the bat and stoumai. W. did ail that poasibly ooutd ho doue Lu relier. aur little suifer, but te ne avait. The diifioubty teemed to baffle the. efforts -of t4e physioian. 6-i.aly at the end o!ftour months of j treatanont, vo fuund ont patient cota- nl petoîy prostrated. At this ime ve cal- lod another physie -ian, -wbo agreed with tie diagneais cf eur ovu doctur. and aaid that tie trouble r.multed frena tho acarlot lever, Hee onibed a course o! trealmeut and we oltowed it faithftally foc threo menthe, but instead of atuptov- Ing, Floconc. falled. "èMca Sturdivaut and rnyself vescoin- pletely disoouraged. A brother cf iny vife, Who vas visiting ut. adv'isodus te use Dr WiliasePîink Pillé for Pate . People, and I purohas<d a box of te ý ile and begau to give Iheun Le Ftorenoe. v4awulinOctober, 1896. After uaing iýb PIla ashort <fuseWvscoutld sesan improvement. I4r stwsogth bogan <o lrehuru adi sie ould ait u lbed. Ber a-pJ ! eti a an toed viLth eIgrbb '.oange for the beaer thatva ai thimeï urinng theê day snd at ti,.. U,,,mâÏ éts bau aar VIuw.à nàllt bIwha tri or théi 1 t eff4 , 'eh lg.oeedi oglyo bave a, rgulir ceahi<>* .er# b* - ; oooid omnafUh*.1w thneu of bad weather. Neit eaturd.7 lgtlse paio the. organisation of a*btmnd 115w chiorî t.h nator argin t from the. taor'd ed4ak &I &-9Who b.ad been lavlîed toê' ois in Ibis outorprice ta pot lu theïr îppepr. arico tomorrow (Saturday) evaning in the evouing at 7.80. As Mr Ulare br.a a 1% good deal of trouble and autîeity over the product.ion of a choir, wo hope bis doucee may b. accomplialhed. Lest se> his difféences botween one and another that aeeningly is ullowed ta exist, our adylse would b ; cent thepe imaginations away and join band and heart ie doing Whmt lttle oie be doue in renderinst serde.cfý sang for the church and thé advanoement of ita best interesta. Owiue thLe contuned drtesather tuan are drawing creek water to do the usnal wasbing duties with. We woutd graciougly render our mmncer. thanks to the weather oterk sbould lhe se arrange inatters as te îorward us as soan as pot. sibIe a few geetle ahowers. Everything 9eeuns te be in dire need of a lîttie mois Lure but it is mure prudent ta wait and muurmur not again@t the power tht ho and a bountiful aupply will arrive in it-m own gocd ime. We learned with much regret that a lew boys went downto a neighbors melon pmtch with the intent ta net "aaek ani te cive,' but te res;eive without lhe aakiug. Thl a ptivilage the ewner was quit..une willing te grant and the boys departed houneward witb inoutha watering for the lusac'cus fruit. We since beard a little conversation that took place boîwcén these same parties on the great sin of et-joying at food of your neigb b ors; meloe@ witbout hie wisbes being cotasulted, and we regret very much that theaeider man of the. party said very hareh thinga te the boys, Llratening shootinu etc. Now liad thua gentlemau n kiwi the boys hall as well as we d.) lie wculi1 net have for. gotten to he mnore gentlemanly toward themi andi the resuit wonld bave been far mnore desirable Our boys are like mauy other boys, apt Le err a littho penbape once andi awhile, but on the wbole tbey are a thoughitiul lot of yourag men and wolild net Stoop to low mean acte but of course if men wmll chaise tbom pubiicly and accuse thIemi of theft, andthbreatens, etc., itscnietitues bas the opposite effeot to the one desired. We regret tus ie hle episode took place, but if w. hu.d a melon patch we wetîld willingly gir. <the boys a share andi w. would not b. afraid te basve the remnaining share wbere il grew. W~hen people are doubtfut of young mens honesty mand malte expressions toward themn of the most dispbeasinâ( nature they need scarcely he disaapoint.ed if nmre evening thebe samne boys malte a raid on the fmmned spots in the neiRbbora planta. tien. We do net upheld wrong acta com wîtted by any one, eitber do we amy Ibis action of the boys waaoe ata b. apprec- imted. But we bave yet te learu that ort boys are worse or nearty sa addictod ta habit.. cf thîs kind, as man> boys i other localities. W. trat that all con- oarned in this mater wili shoulder their share cf the biate anti b, botter friende tn the future If yen want ko do soyones Rood, firet gain thcir confidence and thon ditstrîbute voor advice. Mr Youm ans and wife fcom the North- wept Territories i visiting bis brother ;n Ia., M.rUiU I oray--ý.- je 7 year DR. CHAS eS, Catarrh Cure, r 1, t **% *1 * - . I i 4 ~gs Mra, Us? ft~ Un(W ~~... SIWOt~l~ kassa au. ssaFwmsa~ bas ai Puaaut~. PRiOR WITM LOW4~ I e 'mai ~ i 9b-tue 4aWO uawe<U Yl nbe Ivo1iddë '1h la in te indium ncouthibt uoccealiés.- .Th b- i s late t 4t gir. mnoreý 190 1- bns ntawhicb are -bogiuning 10 la> irat5uer thé impression, thaï ho w iiigot.,b.eter reulta in so dôliug. The. experienoedjoulîrym ell oItenthat ti aold oier feed iug latou. of the bard.- *'Omt tube, tooberve, it le the eause of mteh of te 111 ttat poultry suifer. More, itl'lu fatal irbon practised for afly lePgth of time. To further stimulai.. bonis that are doi'a their best in Lo thtasb the. hors. golng at bis tep spoed to make hitm go quieker. The twin ficher in ju- diclous féeding la exorcise. The tbre great facheré ie the wlnîoi, prodnction cf eggm are cut bons (or mat>, green stuiff and exorcise. ouit boue should b. feed in quautîty of one pound ho evory 16 houa, or ene ounce te eaoh hon. Fead tbcee times per week or once daiiy if hena are baylnq woll. Green atuff.-...abbagos eau ho hung from the oeiling to witbln 2j foot of the floot, Feed *mangelm,. cacrotu, turuips, etc raw or boul the latter and mix with greutid grains luto làoif mash. lovor hay shoutd b. cul into quarterinch. lengthe mnd steamed by pbacing in a pail and pouring boiling irater over it the night befere it ià waeîed fur use. Ocrer tb. paît ifter peuning in Lb. boiling vaLet. ga steamed il may ho fed atone or mixod iu vitla mauh . Lave olippitaga may b. simîbarly treatod. Exorcise, -Use aIt ingentuity te keep the layer. in oxercise froua mornlng titI tbey go te ceont. Throw &Il grain fed in- te liter, composad of chaig sIcav cut hay. oat hulae, dry leaves, etc., which shouid ha on tihefloor ho Lb. depth p1 4, ô orO6 inohos. DIZZINE88 la only on. of the danigrignale thst nature uses to,*tell us t sour ineya are not actilng rlghtieand that we are in danger of Bright'& Disemansd other kldney troubles. When the kid- neya are net deing, their duty the pois- on wblch should b. filtered out of the blood through the urine remains in the system, sud diaeaae remuit&. Thisaou- dition cun be CURED I triod your Sparagus Kidney Puila ad fond tbom te b. juat vhat yau slated, and I foot rory muola celieved by them. Beoeo takiug them the dizzincs in My iead wua semething terrible. 1 oonld cet meep day or niglh. Now I leop, and I thank you hhot I 1found something te retiere me. Mua CARIE r.M, SHeNIS, 88 Elea St,, Bangor, Me. HOBB$ Sparaus Kidoêy Pis go a S IIMÉDy W.. FomsvucumîcÂo. Dr. Hobbe piseFer Sale in WHITBY, ON r., b>' A.il. ALLIN, Chotulat and Drugg<sgt. Geo Fish bas returned to, Toronto medical college. Grin is flot turning out quite. se wetl as vas expected; potatoei are not raearly se good as last season, and in some tocalities are rouing consider- abty. We were muci effected Saturday te sec by the daiby papers that tie Rev. son w; Itno;Troua,, Fred. lîyiud; chap., Fnuk Iowain; Coq., Hamr Kei.y; A. Cao., WMeNâc L. NornaaT~yor;oS., Jas. jo ~ S.AYW., oY P.W .,Jo oue= 1WÀMu 5 cts, Fer' Package, C' Beau-ideal "'Shae CalaLsees Posa -makes the foot look siender. Straight sided sole-full box toe, ridged at top, ini latest mode. koorny but narrow looking. Laccd, Buttoned, Congress, or Oxford. Black, Tan, Seal Brown, Carmine, Wine color, 13 leathets 1 -13 halfsizes. -5 widths. -Gôodyear Welt.J -$3-01P $4.oo, $5.00- Starped on sole. "The Siater Shoe." M. W. COLLIN S, COUNTI SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. 0F ONTARIO. TREASURER'8 SALE 0F LAND FOR? TAXES. BYvirtua of a warrant under tbe band of the Warden end t SIi.sel t the corporation cf <tb. lans mntin luinthe following list foc armrersof taxes atid o. asborin sMforth' h-ety giv. notice <bat unies» aucb arturs aud colts are souer pt%îd, 1tubaicluoouapianS whL lisAt ament Act, ptoeed <ooeil by Publie Auction, thé ssd lande 'or so i<mach <bereofàasm-Aybe ceoSaary for <. aes, muthe.Court Honte, lu the Towe<of Whlitby. ýba WEDMESDAY, lb. g9tb day of DEC.. A..16., 1897, alth<le bouc Of s lck tu <ho alternoont TOWNSIiÎP 0FRAMA. Lo0t. Con. Acces. Taxes.' C;Ouma N Part..0.......... N E part .......... s pae.......... N Par....... TOi ... Ial............ a m k i l t b W 4 60 s0 5 81 A îo 7t 00 C 50 S 96 C goo 42 ls 10 zoo .44 AtilP '0? MA*tA. 14 3 .4 3* 19 t7 - 04 TUW «Pý r RE 13 -85 210 8-0 1 *66 0o6 t a58 Aat. Ptd- or Uoptd . $1791Pawaote 1 0.6 Nteated ouk 79 Pmçssaee 2,* mov.4 Iiito out neuf PreuUd, tre preVïtod to ,atend t ne tâotflf* Ail 'woYk pertWiig-to hWbrlaÎ.#uii11 a.nd sidd ie y n in eu w U eje àmth MI Ohôp $Md stock W, OA)l*VIBLEY, second door wegt of Cidshop Dundas Street, W:r- RKbilway Time Table GRAN~D TEUIE AND MIDLAINI) TRAXBINS O 0WSTWARIi No!8 Express Dally Mail... No 1, Local, except Snnday .. No. 18, Pasenger 8 d t. Nqo. 1, Express, Mail daily e .. 560 à im 8:50 a m U~8 Pms 8-.60 p m TRSAINIS eGie »ÀSAUWAm No. 6 Express, dally, excopt Sun .. 8,04 Na. 4 Express, Il 9:67 No 14, Passongêr " '< 8:08 No: 8. Local, ' " 817 No, 2, Express, Mail. daily.... 10-08 pala MIDLÂND DIVISION G01110 NORTEB-XII»LAIÇDSTITION mail .......... * 8-08Sa m 1161 .............4:20 p m Klxed To Llndosy ..... ..... 885 p r 00h10 StOUTEi Klzed Item Lindsay .......8-.87 a m M a il................. 12:4 p m mail ....... ........ 9.1 Pm DOMINION BANK$ Ompital Paid up, -$1pbOOOOO Surplus, a a $1,500 000 Wbitby -àg.ucye. General Bankicng Tra.nsaoted. Business BAVINGS DUP41»TU»ET. lum.:eml allowed &t' bigbest outent rate@. lqouotioeof WiI1Idrawal requtred E. J. THORNTOK, FAIRBANK'8 Real Est at e Column. SmalI IPrame HoUa! se ed Lot, comrTof John and Byrastreets, Whltby. Will b. sold very cheap. LOTS-To be sold, lots 324 anid :28, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE--On Aah street, nortb ward, wlll b. sold cheap. Cbeap A fine two Msory brick bouse. with brick stables. Sltuated on Byron et., Whitby, the finesttreideutial atreool heh town, witbln ltre. moinutes walk of th. post office. There are three lotso f landAwltbau entrance on two streets, 3lous» in perfe repaîr. For particulars apply tg L. FAIRBANKS# Real Estale Agent, Whitby, Ont. JNOO NO'BL.E c Taansd rnt4awtnog. Im AUl ordere or infor motton cet, be 4ained O HN0* NOBLE, Dutdat, xots Whi<by > 4opposite Mr. A. 'C Wi <l'o luldn WDtb, Ari t 5 4 j los, tvoi Cigarettes RE-

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