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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1897, p. 1

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LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, OauoliIcLi CoaaasONDENOu, Wbltevvlo. Mu W S Ma jou wus wllh fiends la Scar- boro iset 9sec k. Mu H S Beasie ja again under the parent- ai roof fou a about lime.b Mesers Tibl and Lick of Oshawa, ser lieue on Thursdey ast. Mr Jas Tourence of Maukbam waboree aset week on buc;u1es5. Mr and Mrs Jonson of Scarboro, vere at Maple Avenue basl Sunday. Mu and 1frs Heron, of Scarioro, vas bers on Sundmy isat, rimiting (tienda. Mu Hugli Pugli and Miae Lauru Pugli weue ai Port Union on Sunday last. Mr. E. Hawkinsa of McMagteu Coliege, Je lieue wttbfrlenda and relatives fou a few days. Mine Hannah Whaiey off Touonto, ia st.ay. ing a sbout lime wlth ber sister, Mrs Geo. Hasting. Mrs A G White wilb beave tbis week for Buffalo, shere she wibi join ber buibanti sho bas a situation there. Theue la an article on "Doblar Wbeat" la the bast issue offFanuing shicl al tillera of the soil wouid do weil te reati. Ou town was practicalby deserteci on Fui- day [ast on accouai of the fait. This fair je beconuin; moue ou lese a great big skia Les Hagerunan, sho lefI bers about bar- vest turne, is il wilh typhold feven la Manitoba, but bis; came lanet considered seulotis. There seema te ho a great deal cf reti dlover ln tbc country this vear. Iltes J ust heen hau'ested here and t la expeeted te yiebd weib. Benj Wbite and Suummy Sikee are bateit- ia; itogtheu ai the parsonage these days and o d ubt burin; a glorlous limeofi together. Mu Cheas La ymin got hie bandi badIv eut la tbe shapeu dosa at thse factory aset sesi and as a consequence le tarin; su easy lime of il for a es tisys. br, juý ti% on Wedaesday luet Use englune )cal train met with an accident tep grade noulh of the station. roken heu connectiag-rod la Iso. aIt twenty minutes te get anothen ie te take its place from Toronto. ]KA N OHESTEL on te bavin; Il took locomo. John Munro bas relurnedt i t htbr;. Bf uîh. on ThursdeY 7th hast., tlie sife cf jas Linche, of. a daugliter. Mies Frankie Spence B. A., cf Peterboro, spent Sunday here witb ber parents, Council met on Moatiay. On account cf Reere Rei) be-fn; calied usuy Mu Camplin took the chair. Mu B Hagerinan returnedt t Unienrillie, on Saturdmy scek afteu a les seeka lieue as- sisia; bis brother ln the store., Tse rory large auctien sa i s be boit near licee nei week. That or the stock etc of the late John Grahiam on Montiay anti that of the laie Wm Pearson cn Wedneaday. Mu and Mue Wm Stepliens ieft thus week for Smiths Falls. William lias iecuued a goot i pmtion on tihe C P R st Sînîtta Falls. We wsal tht young couple every prospet'ity ha their new home. John WVauicn has gene to Chilcago te taie up ilie third year souk ai saniedic»l coliege ihere. And on Mcnday ssci Jes McClin- teck returned te Trliity Me.ihcai Coliego le taire up the second year. We se tem every succrss. -- 1 The pfe social in the tosn hall ou Tliuus- day evening of [ast week sas a grand suc- rs., There vers iso bideanti msseralrgm (rom Port Peut y. Thene sas a btl ime ta the olditown, thai niglit, aad ail enjoyeti hemmselres ves y mucli. Last ssci se wers bonoued wih a cal nons Mus I M 'Stickaey. cf NeiwYork, but foumerly of Ibig place. %W. mue piexîsetoi cean that Mus Stic-kasy lias aken suds biaisl standilng as nurse hn one cf tbe luopitais liste anti se wish lier very suceesaW rtise future. Uauuy Astritige visiteti frientis l useclty 0v5t humday. Nat Ouvis le soukia; for Mrs Hanison, of Salem Corners, Chas, Mackey purchaseti a fine drivi ng herse at Chapmaas sale. H W McBrien lias been buslly engageti fillin; bis aile tht. week. T. Richiardison bas made extensive lImpicve- meeau la bis premises. Mr and Mus Muaday, off Oshawa. speni Sab. bath wnhb frientis bers. Miss Carre Hanisea lias aimosi entluely recci- metid from ber receat ilîneas. Mu andi Mu Curtis, of Raglan, visiieti Mr Lewis and famlly lasi Satibaîli, Sevenal from liste attendedth ie special meesi lng at Mt Zi on no# In progres a nclisnng. Mu John Lewis is se are glad îo reportilm. Provin; nloely hein; abus te nos leave lier mcm. 1 H Saiton preacliet at Mi Zion on Sabbaib sveniag. lobas services seem te be la de- mand. An entfireiy new and scientific invention. Rev Clars Is coaductiig a senles off speclal meeting et MutZMon He la hein; amauteti by Rer Lyott, cf Claremoat anti Rer MoCamus, et Port Petu. Qoot mneetings mue sait to e en o- joyeti. AUlarm seloomne, Alfredi Holiday teck charge cf the league herp on Wedneaday veing anti bantiletithetoupit dmtrably. gMe Koliy Il a Y ouag men cf main ilian ordiaary abillt>vnd ne doabt iU ii ise te einn msionit#tellos mnen. Oas week rom asîxt Sabbatb Rer Dr Lambly. cf Broilia. wsuA deliver a mlssionae discoure ia eut churcli mud ask fou de uel unai -ssienary contribution, The Du lna £ erysa pepser cf the divine truili anti bis puesence shoalti com- manti a flli)boues. 1%his wssk classatht besi rin; antis mot Mt isfaciorj, muSoas lisenjoyeti ly its tmembers but vs u"dmtauti one liessi sasrejecteti uoa hein; qahte ap te th e a&, but ruo luteutno> mitnq ihump or gettlng the iest.4V4tbo ineg1ý ogiig a iglit voight lesSuspected& Peter Stephensona mliicontinues t ensgg u the hum ern busi nessd eaing m ostly la c l i i butter anti eg&. -41. domi ot daim to e on la; a frtune but lu maftng as ssIi as hé auticipl &Mdt se sisisPeler sooceu s. has e scasoff 1h mm asi itrirl bard w"ekhg mua se cmnpr duces antiIf e. 1ud moes= k Ilihini lessv« soulti le let undone. An a4tmpi to tain. Bîsksbee vite oly ay P O Mc(Quay bas besa under Iboleabesi Mnr McPhe Of leva, hum beub ln ut ue W E Gutbtle a sbight cbeek vith duetot ache cf laie. -Mus Molatb aissanviih;beu taugbter, Mus RFucknlu. FlrmoceCaas et fthse Toé» intl.is iug wUtb b« aut. Mr# )cQumy. ;àasseti Vd oW.mifDM usiomSevocd Un asuf oto b tuCoilue residese iem. -W. ame aaemyce lesta.the ln"o i..Thoa tisda*bd fsmdt ecse 0ab-euL . May uboy -1cmlitn fs ieI.I bu te istesuya *0 . tt Iauyfais-o e unMfldOt, o ot rmai., ebowu ,M'sg be *»nM rg R OuIlli. fbu*ussurnty 401us donty Ibse M Itirveek weo$Mu fv*Osme aM fia * aW&b ind a "wdouvl miewsia 4.. WCe daim the foiiowing advantagcs for this trusa: 1-.4t lahi lght, welghing (rom tour to five Iounces, uccordin te ire. 2,+It ie neat and cîsan, because the mater- ili useti ln Its constructioni cannot asiorti the perspiration. 3.-It la eamy te seau, because of the nordl say la shici the pad ta made te osciliate. 4-lt neveu leaves thiepoiton ln shîcli it la piacoti on the body, because the pada occupy solt places, .-lttidoom is sork peutcctly, because the propen positions cf pads con be se- cureti sith ercry iruas. 6-Tlie truseia matie te fit the seRrcu, net thé mant t fit the trua.. 7-ltias tbe laboreu's trume, tbecause bc can stijust il to astmrong pressure for extra liard souk, and can change it again te an easy pressure un a minute. A.H. ALLIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WmITBYD ONTARIO. W INDMILLS -AND- WIRE FENCE.1 Geo010A Selle the Genuine AER MOTOR, of Chicago, anc the Ketéleman Wire Fencu I B Intendîng purchasers ahoulti examine this mili belore placing their oucier. Douflot [et an agent put an Imitation on you shen you van gsitihe Genuins Aetnetor tîlououghiy glvîieti, anti sarranteti, fourlese meney. More ci these mills sold In Canada to-day than sny other makte. The Aeumotor Ce. dlaIm they sei rne hall the numbeu of slnd. mii) outfitsle ain the wouid, ai the pucsenu lime. Ail styles of Wood and Iron Pumpa fou sale. Any Information regarding ibese outfits sf11 be feely givesu by suit ing te Feb 7, 1897-6mG. GEO. ALLIN, \N* H I T B y. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADAs Whitby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cosa Esq Presiden ; Reuben Hamia; sqjVcePrs.WF Cowa Esq., Wý. F. Allen, Esq., J. A. (;i son, Eaq. Robt hIcinLuah, bd.D., Th, Patterson. Esq. T H McMilian ...... ...... .. ...Cashi S. n, ib- los- ier Gêneral Bankinu Bumuistransacwed. Drafts Iasued, payable in all parts of Cam. &do United States, and on London, Eng. uni13, payable lin.&H parts cf Europe. 3 % per cent. allowed on Savinu Banik Deposits and credlted haif y"~rly. Special attent ion to collection4 .Farmners' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manages of Whitby Branc Of V ANTED. Wolciors for -Canada, an En. rV cyciopedia 01 the Collotry," ta Five ÏWa Quarto Volumes. No delivern; Coin- inSepald weskly. A canvamsr r..porîs hi& st weok maklag over sevcnv dntlars profit. M1E LINSCOTT COMP'ANY, Toronto Whom it May Conaern: hrey forfd amy persea or psvsontte p ur. e due ladceniained in the souîb hall ti the h wet qffltef 01 lt 14 kfuithe 91h Mr,.off 4 Whltby, uniets.my a=*ment h» irbeen domeu. Wu. BOWLE& Daucd ai Spetog. 1th18 rytli day ocd Sept.. 189"-3 3 9»(»- »tIlS ss# Kiondike Gold Fields wWu. ' upeoead caavasse r- WU~ barveat of tuek r iil ; cw lte- gemaders. Nurty svrybody eh. se @TOURfoliwonW a m Kt $seA Àlg A idwIrtJ o *Mg SSa da. W y I.olnd$~té cmW ~êT4WOSRà à di cf fr tt C tr fc le SI ti ft This wsek se bu-g 10 acknowedge tht r* ceippioffa subscnpeîon for the Ca*o,4QCmL from Mfr John P&. r km, of St Thomias, Aulsuru Co.. N D. John, It wIu) be reeremnbWr., went ouitiere ibis (ail ese u le soyé, th CHRONICLIL la au cld frlend, lie vans ,to bave fit ith iihm. Ashli, aua Sgodob ob Ou there ho si Il likely reniain for mre tlius. P C GSAU. Credit Sale 01 homesi. qattw b ona end faim Ile The subscibers bave received le.5Utkt ssil by pubilic ameUc. ai Let t4, lai e) of Rpacli. the prop" A oftbe WlaI JM HAM, on MONDAY. OCI. " tb th Ing va"ltbe properyl y4:-4 marc. rityean ~d. supop4sd 1W lis10 1 Granite,- i Cy bouie. 8 yu M i; Irb4ad 8 y ri oI ; ssp int cot, slred ty lsi LauIe"-mi ch cosN appous e obe m stemr. comila;3flr% od; sa wr 4 Sprtn; CAlNes. Pig-S p ami u sos and 10 PR;S 3 seki id; m0 suppoard t et ic t. $3 beu&,11 - 8 basaey H anta Itond«I, rwys sey-Hams mowcr. 1Mss.auloll seed diti îlkium iplow. ?No 4. SI. 1 Champion pics. 8 p&t@w, Bér4àM i4 box, 1 ha y rus h « l ratte. 1 Ooangd i beu"avybaromn a ses t.sm harassa goe otlç bm d kira hano% s am bôbm*muIghxs, 'ma'g rouM aed bggwe, mto *Mr and puNle,.asgo 1t" PQWW drbg: bof. d%%«, a laruquuaati0tO U#14-1 - ab oitsiofre« bus myoms t about Iotascof boaa cilUOe bc mm hé: mmcrd <tuiuIps, e t*pbon*4 , *èm large botin. » Y4gêId u emIL- cir&am -, e#4l m- Tw.-Trms-P,, bWF* * e $#» Mmd a1 u es modr Ike; g sbao wmFm tgans. C*«'h NO@ 46 mý Vka c Uuutsr ' 4 lut Meudb*Mt $idlamms«bs : dio mo hsddls WHITBY, ONTAIIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER1,187 Ott- Wh»r Yi] Autons Misses White and Major, wers bers on Sun. lgâr. 1. Burkhler speut Sumday ai 1fr. E. Reesors. Mr D Siover of Cashel wus lise wlîb friende Dn Sunday. Miss Gladys Mowder was on the sick liai, boi Is no* betier. Quît. a sprIaklag off aur peopie sers dbwa 10 uiar4iao1 Fair on Prlday. Mr R Forsyths cid wos under medicai cars but, e nderuiand, in mucli beiter. Mfr, and Mm. N. Mestier and Miss Gladys. spsat Sanday with frisna inl Stoufivilie, As -the CHERONICLE had ih a few weeks ago-li Is a dlstressîgly old gag, but say 1i h looks lIfke Mua M FluanrnrfeIî cf Green River visiteti ai M&r Ë Bocîlibys durla; tbe latter pari of luti week. Mr Wm Gouile, teacher of 7tn Con., su here on Thursday niglt it tliMr, Chua. Mac- donaldi. T'ht fumerai of the laie Jonus Boyer sas helti bers bu Friday lust ai thie M C B burlal ground, andi *as lagely aîîended. bù C Mucdonald, oua teacher, aitendedtheu Teaqijils itiâis In Uxbrldgs on Saturday. e wu accompaaled as fer as Gootisooti hi MlnS.Nettie Reso,, wbo speut the day stl frienda samthere. laipector Moien visitedthei sAoademy on Tuesday aftercoon cf luti veek. He sas hlghly deilgbted *t the progresu cf the acholars and the ti#provemms tte eschociandtinlabits usa bappystyl gra t te .pupls a holiday on Frl4y c tat isteucber coulti attend the Ta chr IsItt el inlU Lxbridgs on Frday We are ai a lot te now what atroci oui crime e h*vs comlitted tht lthe pintero'devil isa. dereê us lest week by putrIng ceut mess under thie hwahllatlng titisof Laytom. Perhapas e saud (itvws gelé; te tain And ilium lncurred bis disls ure However vs havs deaertsd the ca ito f soather puophet aimce tienand bope te Igafb the aforesuld gentlems stgoti gram ss thaï y~e may hersafier beoaUsd Alton#. Mi6r tubs, pas ansd vaul basins, at Hol. lldatBros.1 117é Ã"re'yteVy f Whitby meets bers on Tue*ly of ext eek, for the firat time in twenq y ,'ar or more. Jeifflry, oisif btittonm andi limks, pins, collat,' buttons, -watck chbaîne andi guards. eroîs, eteeuqlargovarlety aud mew do- aigu at< Boflldày rs M fa O'Brien & Stediba of Osbawg nos ave a aem collection cf photographe on e*a1lti«n lu Messrs Rollldai Broe. store The v~ect great credit on titis enterpris. Mt*arlow, of Buirkes Falis, G T R re- ievitig agent, bas beeu lu charge of the statl , hors for a ssci. Mr Brandon ln nlos jett:'"d resumed bis dttes as sta- tien igeit on Wedueaday. 1I4ý Wuring b»as it town te veturmtu uafiry, -where be camee frein ess: yea4g to locate la Brookie. Ife bas se- cure t e o<01ci70etthe ,*peight Wagoc Ce of atkb'siù or that paut ofOnuro. Dr aêtrret Mcb%4llý1-St tire ils Hopl t 1 1uot*ý 1Xu4i,*ilII drss su1osfoer:' vsk <an4- 116 nt ?) am codialty lu?, to be preseut. Rt, john Chlshbo0W 0( Dubtu, *i ýattoded tbe C xconventio11at ,Ban Iran cinco ltu unier.ill, giveet aiddress a th4t, gret athering to asnion sieetu' o lte yo<stg peoples socletle of this vita cesi Tbnrsdy evenlng The meeting vil be held. lu tise preshyterian eburcir, Al wso ecanuattend, odtanmddyouang, silib made hemrtlly Iecome. Tht ec v -Wo starled-the cash mansetf$0 à=ruproduce bere dld-noltay it, Ult Ion~ Mfr Bonne -ti wu lhtetwks, 1frRlbr son camne for sevmi veeba'but lt i. coi more thansasuotis stucs lew sas l. ms -Mr. Rodd, l>rnborton4, osuSteU1la1, teck veel sud bas nov othe b.P sS C teote.Tht qstito f prodisehc~ An old «», repreoeatug bmsnsf't4 I deaf an *ddumit la eûngtotagla bthis. Ue4 b0rlrood: Wtcltg i41M.016 tfrAuC tir fuet slerasireea lolirhspi Lt le of 1 1 1 l 1 ýl - 1 a .. 1 i Il e 'Pus? 1ve 'Mayf out ycumg foîkea aiendeti Maukbie faIt anti expir essiisselves as sel) pisaseti siti the exhibit7, Rer Clans officiateti bere on Sabliall. Mus I Harbuon Puesided ti athe organ anti gobti singla;g wus rendersd. Mus R Rogers anti heu son Frad visitet frienta la the city on Satibaili. Fred still continues bis course at Whlîby C. 1. Our popular pedagogas attendedtheli teachers convention on Frlday luet boIt at Uxbidelt con- sequently the pupils enjoyed, a holiday. Apple peokers bars tiss aet souk ln Ibis rici- nlty anti many apples bave betu delivereti 51 BrookUan station. Splestiti pulcea bars been te- all inl most cases. Mu Wegener met wibh a severe accident last seei. A piece of sief got fate bis eye uecessit- ati; the tioctors adrice amtinîent. We are glat tereport bis su;hî almsut quhîs recovret. Fuank Lewis exhibiteti bis bicodt mare anti colt. Re tock rsi p is aitWhlthy fair anti second Pt Matkbam. Frank slowsd a colt anyboty mlgbt ssii lis prend cf andi se congratulais hlm on bis succebâ. Many rosa bers aitendeti Cbapasa Broiliss auctIon saie lust week exorbitant pulces sens pait for stock anti a general goot su)le sas the resaIt, Mr Faucher tht popular auctionser cf Brougham lied charge. 1 1 Port Perry TOWN LUXE. Mus E J Johinson, cf Whitby le a guest e We are reallîla; $2.5o a baruel for wînter Mrs H Parsons. apples. Mf Williams mand fumlly have returned f.um1 Mr Gimbiet la liavia; a sale on Tuesday, their American trip. z9tl iInat. 1fr T Courtlce ii laid- up fromn attendin; te Mum Loagliarst, Columbus, vîsiteti over business by a lame back. Sna ihM'n r et A goodiy number of eut townspeople ai-Sndywt radMsWe. tentied Blacksteck fuir fuel Fuliay. Mus Butler and heu mother, Mns Conway, A coloreti minister was ln tbsn Suntiny Oshawa, spent 1'hussday of lut wsek iait- and Monda>' andi called on severailIn îewn lIng Mrs West. fou subscriptions to some misalenery souk It sas scurlet lever anti net typholti thut lie sus engmgted la. . - Mu Leslie Austin was attackedti il. We Died i u Mount Albiert on tiitb Inst, are gladt t say tfat lie la improvlnjt.- Chaules Wesley Matiden. The body wlu5 We are pleasedti t report that the sick are hroughîte Prince Albert for Interment on lmprovlng. Mr Fred Davey lias se far re- Monduy, Having been a reitient of Port ce ereti as te ho able te be î(p and arouati Perry for many yeaus, muny elti friends pald Mr George Rotitile able te ait up. thelu lest tributs cf respect te the depanteti Rev Dr BUuWash off Victoria University, Mr West reports as havlng spent a most Tonotewii dehve eduatinalseronsîu rofitable tume ut the teucliers convention, TotrotoldlsehlinoîctSibnal sermornn;in Uxblige. Mus West asaI dusheFrlday anti evenia;. As the rev gentleman lias thae Stuta iiin ile nceM a reputation of befng one of the besi learneti Sharuarti, Uxbulâge township. men ln thât denomlnation, Ibose sho go wiii Eaggottsvuio beau fine addreases. Ti lieuvy maia on Monday aigit sau sel- Lest Sabbutli vas childuens day ln the come, by al, but thers sas net enougli te meîhodlst suntiay school. Pester McCamus make thes ploagli go yet.. deliverodt io excelllent and Instructive dis.. Membeus cf the Lynde fumlly stili continue courses ; the mornna sermon ses especial- te take the lever, Mus Lynde andtihe yeungest by for the school. The churcli vas appro._ girl nos baves h; the ethers are recoverin; prlatly decoruteti: the pulpit anti plat o ni slowiy. sers banketi by pretty fleserIn; plants, white the chantielers snd buuckets sers fes. Mu John Mayne rsceived a kick ia the bandi toonet i stl vaul.coloued mnaple leuves. the cilier day fuem a bouse, sblch caused ilis fracture of a smiii bons lu the curpa). [t ià Dioti ai Wlck on tb. xoth mast, Mary very painful anti Mu Mayne lias hadti o kesp bis AmelIa, only daugliten cf Mn and Mrs Gso A btandi bang lna asliag. Ros, aged i yeau anti 3 mos. Siacere sym-1 As our pedagogue sas geiglal",peet dosa pathy la gîven te Mu anti Mus Rose by their a blli the ailier moung bis boue saddeaiy large circle ci fient. ln tht bass of thein made a boit anti turae s iii hu1ishi about. tiaulgbîeu. No moue shail the fond parents I a o ubo akfrteatcmse herc h mo y rss a th.' esofitshosuulti mhls'; tnkeep on the back oeth<le baiky steeti, con- no mre bal the se li cherfu smle.soquenaly ho <sueilih terrifie force tote isesui. Wliat to thsm a fes timys ugo sas, a healthy eotutiei frsetmeaerech chitd, la to-duy confinsdti t lis lest nesin; ailisthegrouati and icrabbed tht dusi ati stenes place ln the csmoîsry awalilng the ussuruec. for some distane sth lisi hp andi bond. Hs tien menu. bis carrieti the latter la a parcel ever since. WeflWorthy. Nyrti. Station Humrhrey Robents, sho bas fii.d the Master Hamry. Harrison is nov sttendlmg ~pcetobgae et the. G. T. R. station tirs Whby Coloegiae sIc hlinessand ti e o f the lais J Chie- te holm, sîlli promptmese, la an applcant for The llarkness Bres sbipped s car loati cf thie position ; thteofficil# o f tht G. T. R. cou fakirly geeti bouses fnom ibis point to the net do betten that appoint Mr Roberts, au li est one day Ilut ssci. wiii do. bis best for thé Intereast the comn. Richard Bliglit anti ether relatives sent phny as soUl as b. ptempt and ebliging te te Lindsay Tuesday cf ibis eet t attend uho general publie. 1 amn safo ina asylg tbat lte funsual of MmrJJI Enyat the business mem of the tosa vouid ho Mise Emma Carmichasi. Mise L Hotiges pleas t t ses lila appointeti as baggags-ad Bessie Hotiges spent laut Saday and 8man, Montisy vib rebativs et aI esiarti. Dieti aI Toronteo = the z:th mest, Joe- Doctor Dalles, vifs andi son, cf Dutibarten .phine, relici cf the lât-kstv S R Auklsls, lui spent tb. eaxiy part of this vsek witit Dril lier 47th yoat. Tihe deceasodwuasfon mauy A Dalos anti family cf Ibis place. .years-a resîdtio f Prince,Àlhurt, andi vas Mr and Mrs M Briggs vent to Prinee Ai. ethon kiowse ajoap#hlm.ffougetXad. and sas bort on Menday cf Ibis ssci le attend tbe à specty yunsudo d u«edv as a fav. funenai services of 1Mr Wesley Msddeu. - oit l fir stve ilag. Touliousy ii Thers lau mre tli fNrtitsdSni o few w.ekstbsdeceaied, vas a grsat sguer- Ontario j oining forces in tem sunnual pics- ou ant i vanly rsleèved by deatb. ,Two i .matches Ibis fali sud If so e s eu mre c ilelodgom wiitid dotbedarelft-Ir Sdn ibis section wil hbc tht piase to Iny nsôun téloi-cfa ked ad dvOtetul« lbtheboys seuh. and' a lovin dsugbten. The body ',Wu _______ bmotught bers for, banal andtihie funerai'- on SWedéSeday-was attentietiby nsany fnlontisof WiltlaTe"w OAIL&as a t4 4easid lady, un )4al >Jobnson ln sisitins <ieni luPeut A~piooaciec hPPé-601t»A 1, lCaVrmsm are complainiug dat ga RighIocbI on W.dnes a aternoon.f B~~ orsia ~ egslgt 0 vit 4tbers ves playiu fot-bail sheusi' Ms ocs tBvuavho ats us l' oomsiannern ho eau M oesofhie feet luabs c, f Mime Thonpon. >f itotd'sud suppoei hoe tat umned <the foot Mu W W.ITotunMOvtibi amlly to f wheu41 the otberm iayicg ln tbe gaineIranu 3owMauvieon- Thnnday Msud ndayual. o againut hlm vitb theo resuit Ibat both bonte Theo-a tc oue metngor ottor Il verebroken lu one les beiveen tihe bsee' tunctlàon. ou onda v cigtise lb.veaiber ani sudaIe. Dr 1.ev wwau qulcil'ti lldd -tm bang ount auato hcimt.the tanti ~duced thé fracture andi he lu dolng sa t oft forplowig îf w t a a ietti -d èl Cotuleluth ohs a t, l'oner, equmts -Ibat vo r e1o fracture. -Yottusg aysm cbooleI$a*anonet ilitul ie unesla ait re$rctthe accident, mnron$0se as . llio a rcr iese mmfl.lhs -putNm uitisebenefto éi IIm sigfricusa aou1Td atatetheue*go,' toast culot ofbair andes«. Tiet in wvit thicse

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